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Annotated Bibliography

Primary Sources

1. Greenberg, Freddi L. "Redlining-The fight against discrimination in mortgage

lending ." Loyola University Chicago Law School , Winter 1975, 6, no. 1 (1975):
1-20. Accessed December 18, 2016.
http://lawecommons.luc.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=2349&context=luclj. This
law journal from Loyola University was used to understand Illinois legislation for
redlining. This source was used to get a better understanding on the redlining
and was used of the redlining page.
2. Reidy, Daniel F. "1976 Urban Housing Finance and Redlining Controversy."
Cleveland State Law review : 1-29. Accessed December 18, 2016.
article=2292&context=clevstlrev. This law journal from a Cleveland University
was used to understand the policies which dictated redlining.This source was
used to get a better understanding what redlining was like in the 1970s. This was
used for the redlining page.
3) Westgate, Michael, and Ann Vick-Westgate. Gale force: Gale Cincotta, the battles for
disclosure and community investment. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Book Store, 2011.
This source was used to get understanding on what Gale Cincottas life was like and her
accomplishments. This was used for the Gale Cincotta page.
Secondary Sources

1. Administrator. "A Brief Description of CRA." A Brief Description of CRA. Accessed

December 18, 2016. http://www.ncrc.org/programs-a-services-mainmenu109/policy-and-legislation-mainmenu-110/the-community-reinvestment-actmainmenu-80/a-brief-description-of-cra-mainmenu-136.
This source was used to get a better understand of what the CRA was and the
definition of the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977. This was used for the CRA
2. "America's Black Holocaust Museum." America's Black Holocaust Museum
Turning the Tables on Civil Rights The 1970s and 1980s Comments. Accessed
December 18, 2016. http://abhmuseum.org/turning-the-tables-on-civil-rights-the1970s-and-1980s/.
This source was used to get a better understand of what the civil right movements in
the 1970s and 1980s and what America was like during that time for African Americans.
This was used for the redlining page.
3. "Justice On Trial." The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights.
Accessed December 18, 2016. http://www.civilrights.org/publications/justice-ontrial/. The way in which overtime the evolution of the housing movement.
This source was used to help us understand the other acts and laws that were passed
regarding civil rights, fair housing and others that had to do with racial issues.

This was used for the redlining page.

4. "RACE - History - Post-War Economic Boom and Racial Discrimination." RACE History - Post-War Economic Boom and Racial Discrimination. Accessed
December 18, 2016.
. This source is used to identify the way in which African Americans lives are like.
This source was used to understand what the US economy was like and racial
discrimination after the Vietnam War. This was used for the impact page.
5. "Redlining." Redlining. Accessed December 18, 2016.
This source was used to get a better understand of what redlining was in the 1960s and
1970s. This was used for the redlining page.
6. "The U.S.A., from the 1970s to the Present." The U.S.A., from the 1970s to the
Present. Accessed December 18, 2016.
This source was used to compare what the US was like during the 1970s and the
present. This was used for the redlining page.
7. "What Is Housing Discrimination?" The Leadership Conference on Civil and
Human Rights. Accessed December 18, 2016.
This source was used as to define exactly was redlining and house discrimination was
and why it was a problem. This was used on the redlining page.
8) "About Us." National People's Action. Accessed January 26, 2017. http://npaus.org/about-us.
This source was used to describe the what the NPA and for a picture of their symbol.
This was used in the solution part of the website.
9) "The voice of community development." Shel Trapp, Organizer, NPA Founder, Dies at
75 -- Shelterforce -- National Housing Institute. Accessed January 26, 2017.
This source was used describe who Shel Trapp was and a photo of him.And was used
in the solution part of the website.
10) "When Black homeowners fought back." SocialistWorker.org. January 29, 1970.
Accessed January 27, 2017. https://socialistworker.org/2010/03/24/black-homeownersfought-back.
This source was used to show the effects of redlining from real estate companies in the
1970s. We used this photo on the home page.

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