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182 CONDENSATION IN BOSON GAS 299 ‘The potential described by these matrix elements 4s nonlocal in configuration space, It is for this reason that the system does not obey the f-sum rule. This nonlocal behavior of the potential is ‘analogous to that occurring with the BCS reduced Hamiltonian, 'p.c, Hohenborg, Phy®. Rev. 158, 365 (1967); N.N. ogetisior, Phys. Abani. Sowjetinion 8, 115, 229 (3962), H. Wagner, 2. Phyete 195, 279 (1566). ror example, D-A. Krueger, Phys. Rev. Letters 19, 563 (967, R. Ferrel, dd, 14, 920 961); sod D. A. Xuoger, Phys. Rev. 172, 211 (968); G. Lasher, tid 312, 204 (1860; J. W Kane and L, Kadeott, tid. 188, a9 007) 3p, W, Anderton, Phys. Rev. 110, 827 1958). {, Pines, The Many~tody Problem (W. A. Bnjemi, In., New York, 1961) "ile model has boon staod previowsly in three d= sensions) in the two papers: M. Laban and W. D. Grob= tan, Phys, Rev. Letters 17, 162 (196); W. D, Grobman PHYSICAL REVIEW ACKNOWLEDGMENT Iwish to acknowledge many fruitful discussions with Professor M, Luban in which the background ‘material for this paper was developed. A. Bar- dasis and D. Krueger have also offered helpful suggestions and M. Luban, Phys. Rev. 147, 166 (1966). Some of the discussion inthe present paper uses notations and re sults contained in these two papers, especially the first *D.C. Mattia, The Theory of Magnetism (Harper and ‘Row Publishers, Ine-, New York, 1965) ", Huang, Statistical Mechanies (John Wiley & Sons, [New York, 1969) 'M. Laban, private communication. ‘Thetr results are conteinedin'S. Miller, M. Se, thesis (in Hebrew), Har= Tan University, Israel, 1968 (anpublished). 'p, pines and P. Nosieses, ‘The Theory of Quantum Liquids (W. A. Benjamin, Ine, New York, 1968) Vol. 1 1 VOLUME 182, NUMBER 1 5 JUNE 1969 Quantum Liquids. I. Microscopic Theory of Liquid He?-He* Mixtures W, L, MeMillan Bell Telephone Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey 01914 (Received 20 December 1968) ‘We calculate tho equim and transport properties of the mixtures using the overeomplete basis functions ofYg dlcuased in I. The theory Snclides the enlarged correlation hole of single He! and the Backflow of He! atoms around it.The two quasiparticle scattering amplitule {the sum of two terms GD} (wromertn) maa "ms ¥ mt the first from the interaction ofthe excess correlation holes andthe second from the Inter Action ofthe backflows, Both terms were derived previously from macroscopic considerations by Rardees, Baym, and Pines. INTRODUCTION ‘The work of Edwards ef al.* on the phase-sepa- ration curve of the mixtures indicated that the In this paper we calculate the low-temperature equilibrium and transport properties of the liquid He'-He' mixtures from first principles using the formalism developed in 1." ‘mixtures would be thermodynamically stable down to T=0°K for He* concentrations less than 6%. Wheatley and co-workers® have measured the heat ‘capacity, susceptibility, spin diffusion, and ther- 300 Ww. L, McMILLAN 82 mal conductivity of 1.3 and 5% solutions down to T~0,005°K, where the He* quasiparticles behave as a weakly interacting, degenerate Fermi gas. ‘On the theoretical side Bardeen, Baym, and Pines* (BBP) have assumed a phenomenological, local potential to describe the scattering of two He" quasiparticles and have determined a two parameter potential by fitting the low-temperature spin diffusion for two concentrations. Their phenomenological potential is ¥, = V9 costa, me a Vq=-0.075 m,s*/n, B=3.16 A, where my, s, and are the mass, sound velocity, and particle density of liquid Het,” Baym? has argued that the potential for small q is Vie atm.s'/n , @ where @~0.28 can be found from the molar volume of the mixtures B40 rex), @) Here x is the concentration of He’, The physical argument leading to this interaction is as follows: ‘The He* atom has a smaller mass than a He* and it occupies a slightly larger volume, proportional to 1+a, thana Het atom. A second He atom distinguishes the first He® from the Het background by the extra hole, proportional to @, From the {interaction of the holes one finds a potential pro- portional to a* times the characteristic energy of the liquid m,s*, ‘The momentum dependence of the interaction is stronger than one expects on di- ‘mensional grounds. The phenomenological poten- tial goos through zero at g=0.5 A~', whereas the characteristic wave number of the liquid is ge m,s/=1.5 A, According to the microscopic theory, which we present below, the scattering amplitude for two He quasiparticles with momenta k and k’ seatter- ing to states with momenta #—q and k’+g is ap- proximately V=~atm,s/n where the first term 1s due to the change of zero- point energy of one He* in the decreased particle density near a second He? and the second term is the backflow-backflow interaction due to the change in the kinetic energy associated with the ove lapping backflow patterns. For scattering on the Fermi surface the second term simplifies and wwe find V=(mgs*/n)l- a? +$(a/a,)] « 6) ‘This result justifies the use of a local potential in BBP and explains the strong momentum de- pendence of the potential. BBP discussed the backflow-backflow interaction and derived the second term of (4) from macroscopic considera- tions for q Tp and found an empirical (local) potential which fits the measured spin-diffusion coefficient. For 7'=1°K the im- portant momentum transfers are of order 1,0 A"? and We ean compare our theoretical scattering ampli- fude with Ebner’s empirical potential, If we make the local approximation (Re @=~R’=@=¢*/2)in (40) and Snelude the form factor 1 5,? we find VX Um gst/NI- a +4 (0/4, H0/4,)) (ss) which is about 80% larger than Ebner’s empirical potential at q=1A™!, However, for these large momenta. the scattering has become so strong that multiple scattering corrections are important, We believe that the neglect of multiple scattering corrections is responsible for this discrepancy. Multiple scattering correc~ tions will introduce an explicit velocity dependence into the scattering probability on the Fermi surface (48) ‘0 that the local potential will no longer be correct for that ease, TABLE I. A comparison of the dimensionl 1 transport coeifictents with experiment, 1.3% sotution 5% solution ‘Theory Experiment Theory Experiment tapers (0.0015) 0.0015 0.00053 0.00061 (ager! 0.0022 0.0023 0.0020 0.0036 Vi. CONCLUSIONS scattering amplitudes for small momentum trans fer are reliable and provide reasonably good agree We have applied the strong interactions formalism ment with the low-temperature transport coef~ presented earlier to calculating the equilibrium ficients. The physical picture of a He* quasi- ‘and transport properties of dilute solutions of He? _particle is clear: ‘The He® carves out a correla- in He® at low temperature. The chemical poten- _tion hole in the liquid a little larger than the He* tial difference and effective mass cannot be calcu- correlation hole, and the moving He? is surrounded lated accurately. However the two-quasiparticle by a backflow of Het atoms, ‘There are corre- 306 W. L, MeMILLAN 182 sspondingly two contributions to the scattering ampli- tude, one arising from the interactions of the ex- cess holes and another from the interaction of the backflows, BBP derived both these terms for ‘small q from macroscopic considerations. There {is no residual (screened) He'-He" interaction in this picture. We have justified the use in BBP of a local po- tential at low temperatures. However, one should be able to distinguish between the local and non- local forms of the scattering amplitude by compar- ing with spin-diffusion measurements at higher temperature. It turns out that the interesting re- gion of temperature is 7~0.2°K which is of the order of the Fermi temperature, a difficult regime for calculation, However, such calculations are in progress and will be reported separately. 4. L, Menilan, Phys. Rev. 175, 266 (1968); paper L °p, 0, Béwands, D. P, Brewer, P. Seligman, M. Skortic, and M. Yaga, Phys. Rev, Letters 15, 779 (060); D. Liss, D, 0. Edwards, and J. R. Gaines, Phys Totiers 21,28 1988), “a,c. Ateraon, D_O. Edwards, W. Roach, R. E Serwintki, and J. C. Wheatley, Phys. Rev. Letters 17, 67 1960); W. R. Abel, R. T. Johnson, J. C. Wheatley, and W. Zimmermann, Je., tid. 18, 797 (967. “s, mardoon, G. Baym, and D. Pines, Pays. Rev. Letters 17, 872 (1958); and 166, 207 960, Sc. Baym, Phya. Rov, Leiters 1, 962 (166). fa. p. eyaman, Phys. Rev. 94, 262 (054) ‘I Jastrow, Phys. Rov. 98, 1479 0955), WL, Medlin, Pays. Rev. 138, A442 1968); D, Shit and L. Verlet, sid. 169, 208 1867) 1. Reatto and G. V. Chester, Phys. Rov. 155, 68 aasen, "a. P, Feynman and M. Cohen, Phys. Rev. 102, 1189 980) ‘ip, ¢. Kerr, Low-Temperature Paytos and Chemisty, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ‘This work was begun while the author was visiting the Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge England, He would like to express his gratitude to Professor Anderson, Professor Mott, and Professor Pippard for their warm hospitality. Several years ago M. Cohen'® invoked the back~ flow interaction to explain roton-roton interac~ tions in liquid He’, The author would like to thank Professor Cohen for a discussion of multi- ple scattering corrections in that calculation, ‘The author overlooked an earlier letter by ‘Massey and Woo? which used similar technique to those reported here. Recently Woo, Tan, and Massey" have developed the method further. The author would like to thank Professor Woo for a reprint of Ref, 21. cited by J. R. Dillinger (University of Wisconsin Pres Madison, Wisconsin, 1958), p. 160 xR. Atkins, Liguid Helium (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England, 1959); C. Ebner, Phys. Rey. 156, 222 (967. ‘3p, Pines and P. Nozleres, Theory of Quantum Liguide (W. A. Benjamin, To., New York, 1968), Vol, 1 HAA, Abrtkosov and I. M. Khalatntkov, Reporta on Brogress in Physics (The Phyateal Society, London, England, 1959), Vol. 2% p. 329, ", Hone, Pays. Rev. 126, 1404 (162) 'G. A. Brooker and J. Sykes, Phys. Rov. Letters 21, 279 (1968); H. M. Jensen, H. Smith, and J. W. Wilkins, Phys. Letters 278, 592 (1968) 46, naym aod C. Ever, Pays. Rev. 170, $46 (1968) Nc. ener, Phys. Rev. 156, 222 (1967 M. Cohen, to be published MW, B, Massey and C.=W. Woo, Phys. Rev, Letters 19, 501 4967, Hc. W. Woo, H.=T. Tan, and W. B, Massey, Phys Rev. Letters 22, 278 (1969),

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