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The Benefits of Having a College Degree

Earning a college degree is an important step, both personally and professionally.
When you consider the financial, social and cultural benefits of higher education, it is
easy to see how a degree can make a big difference in your life and career. For
example, according to the College Boards Education Pays report, workers who hold a
bachelors degree are likely to be very satisfied with their work 9 percent more
satisfied than those with less education. In addition, completing a college education
increases the chances that adults will move up the socioeconomic ladder. And there
are even more benefits of having a college degree the following are just a few.
Higher Earning Potential -For many individuals who go back to school, the chance to
earn more money is a major incentive. Postsecondary degrees of all types (associate,
bachelors, masters or doctoral) increase your chances of earning higher pay.
According to a report by the State Higher Education Executive Officers Association,
high school graduates earn an average of $30,000 per year. This number increases
dramatically when you consider bachelors degree holders: They earn more than
$50,000 per year, on average. Finally, those with advanced degrees could earn almost
$70,000 a year. This is a wide wage gap that is dramatically affected by level of
education. Of course, your earning potential varies by field and specific career, but
these numbers represent averages.
Better Career Opportunities -You know that earning a college degree is a smart way
to increase career success. Employment opportunities are narrowing for those who
only hold high school diplomas. Conversely, college graduates have skills that
qualify them for a wide range of careers with upward mobility. Though all career paths
are different and generalizations are not true for all jobs, the act of earning any degree
gives you skills you need for career success. College courses teach you to think
analytically, communicate effectively and solve problems efficiently. As a student, you
will also gain experience in time management, organization and self-discipline, all of
which are skills employers seek.
Job Security -Another benefit of earning a college degree is that you will likely have
better job security. And for some employers, the value of an educated workforce means
that they will pay for employees tuition. This says a lot about how higher education is
viewed in the workplace: It has substantial benefits for both you and your employer. In
addition, data shows that college graduates are less likely to lose their jobs during an
economic downturn.
Job Satisfaction

It is also true that college graduates often report higher job satisfaction, as the College
Board reports. Because you have studied a topic and degree of interest to you,
chances are you will enjoy what you do. And because of some of the benefits
described above, such as higher income and opportunities for advancement, your job
will also improve your quality of life. In fact, the same College Board report states that,
of those who exercised regularly, almost 70 percent were college graduates, while the
number for high school graduates was much lower at 40 percent. Furthermore, 31
percent of adults from the mid-range family income quintile who earned college
degrees moved up to the top income quintile between 2000 and 2008.
Employment Benefits
Most jobs that require postsecondary education also provide more benefits and perks.
From health care and retirement investment to travel and community discounts, these
benefits can make a vital difference in your life outside the office. These kinds of
benefits are not usually offered for high school-level jobs. Perks like these are
important for your family because they offer long-term stability. Especially when it
comes to health insurance, these benefits are an economic advantage that goes
beyond salary. According to Education Corner, families of college graduates are usually
more economically and socially well-off. And because its also much more likely that
the next generation will attend college, earning your degree is an investment both in
your future and the future of your family.
Why is a college education so important?
A college education is important for many students because it opens the doors to
opportunities they would not have otherwise; it helps young people grow into adulthood
and it raises the college graduates' income throughout the rest of their lives. In
addition, college teaches students to learn to think creatively and analytically, as well
as learn skills that are useful in the job market. A study by the Organization for
Economic Cooperation and Development shows that the economic return on a college
education is an average of 12.3 percent for men, far higher than a typical return for
stock market investments. College graduates earn, on average, 50 percent more than
College provides a venue for making connections and building networks that graduates
could not build any other way, increasing their access and opportunities once they
enter the job market. Many employers require or desire a college degree in their new
hires, particularly during tough economic times. This effectively closes the door to
certain jobs for those who have not graduated from college.

In addition, college exposes students to learning, projects and extracurricular activities

they would probably never get in another environment. Students also make friends
through their common bonding experiences, some of whom are likely to stay friends for
the rest of their lives. College is also important because students learn to deal with
competition, develop lifelong interests and develop confidence through their college

Why is education the key to success?
Education is the key to success because it opens doors for people of all backgrounds,
and it expands the human mind with knowledge. The vast amount of knowledge gained
through education prepares individuals to solve problems, teach others, function at a
higher level and implement transformational ideas. Without education, ones chances
for securing a good job and ascending to a higher economic and social status are often
limited. Furthering one's education grants the opportunity for a higher income and a job
that leads to an enjoyable career. With a degree or special training in a specific field, a
person can secure any type of job. A good education gives individuals the practical
knowledge to succeed in their profession of choice after landing a job. It also allows
individuals to expand upon their natural skill and talents and turn them into something
greater. When a solid education is combined with experience, individuals can truly
show their potential.
Many nations in the world choose to invest in the higher education of their citizens
because each government understands the significant growth and positive impact
education has on an entire country. In a highly competitive and globalized economy,
higher education prepares members of each society to accomplish great feats and
meet the challenges of the future.


The Disadvantages of not Getting a College Degree

The disadvantages are endless. You will not be taken seriously as a job candidate for
anything more than service industry jobs which means your job prospects will include not
much more than minimum wage unless you work your as off in one specific industry for a
LONG time and gain what is known as "equivalent experience." Even then, people will
look down on you for being "uneducated." This is not my opinion, this is an observation of
classism and education.
You will not be eligible for further education like Masters and other continuing degrees
which are starting to be more and more essential for high paying jobs.
You will miss out on a lot of important social, political and global knowledge that comes
from being part of a student body on a college campus. The disadvantages are endless. You
will not be taken seriously as a job candidate for anything more than service industry jobs
which means your job prospects will include not much more than minimum wage unless
you work your as off in one specific industry for a LONG time and gain what is known as
"equivalent experience." Even then, people will look down on you for being "uneducated."
This is not my opinion, this is an observation of classism and education.
You will not be eligible for further education like Masters and other continuing degrees
which are starting to be more and more essential for high paying jobs.
You will miss out on a lot of important social, political and global knowledge that comes
from being part of a student body on a college campus.

What are some effects caused by a lack of education?

Lack of education can have serious effects on children and adults and can affect
health, living conditions and social situations. Many issues arise in a community due to
a lack of education. Situations like teen pregnancy, gang violence, theft, drug use, and
other crimes happen more frequently in noneducated settings. This is also partly due to
the fact that these areas are poverty stricken because a lack of education decreases
the jobs that people can get. Just having basic skills such as reading and math can
help a person with employment.
Other effects that happen because of a lack of education is a decline in health.
According to the National Longitudinal Mortality Study, a year of education increases
life expectancy by 0.18 years. People are more apt to not take care of themselves

because they are less educated about topics such as family planning and proper



-Less income or less regular income
- Rejection to jobs because of lack of qualification or expertise
- less job opportunities or less GOOD opportunities
- possible unstable job that might not last until retirement

Why is Education so Important in Philippine Society Today?

In my previous posts, I always talked about the importance of education. I truly
believe this is the only way our country Philippines will prosper if children are getting a
good education. This is the only way things will bring a change for the better to our lives
and the better of our Philippine society today.
At least 1.4 Filipino children have become out of school youth in the last nine years, hiking
the number of unschooled youth at 6.2 million, a lawmaker said. The NSO (National
Statistics Office) said that 28.9 percent of the out-of-school youth did not pursue their
studies because of the high cost of education while 27.5 percent stopped for lack of
interest. It was published Aug. 25, 2012 by the Manila Times.
Right now in my opinion, I dont really see our country will overcome its crisis in the next
10 to 20 years. Our country Philippines has fallen behind in in key areas of education. I

hope everyone can agrees why our education today is wrong on so many levels, so
together we can work jointly and help our students and our country succeed.
Having an education is one of the best things you, as a young person, can do for yourself
to make certain you lead a better, more rewarding, fulfilling and prosperous life. An
educated person is someone who perceives accurately, thinks clearly, and acts effectively
on self-selected goals.
Education is essentials when it comes to preparing for our futures, and our lives.
Education teaches us to learn from experience and confidence and arms us with an
insight to look at our lives and learning across all sections of the society. It empowers
people, strengthens nations.


Education very important to Filipinos

PUBLISHED : Friday, 09 February, 1996, 12:00am
UPDATED : Friday, 09 February, 1996, 12:00am
I WILL excuse Joanna Tung for her beliefs about Filipino maids in Hong Kong, given
that she is Chinese and a 10th grader (letter headlined, 'Most Filipino maids fresh from
the 'barrio' ', South China Morning Post, February 3). She still has a lot to learn about
Filipinos. What does she know anyway about the Philippine literacy rate, or about the
hundreds of thousands of university graduates who every year are left jobless if not
underemployed, not only in Manila but also in the remotest areas of the country? The
Philippines may be an impoverished country, but where education is concerned it
cannot be found wanting. Parents would risk going without shoes, nice clothes and
good food just to be able to send their children to school.

Education in the Philippines is prioritised. Parents believe that education is

indispensable, a national legacy which should be passed from one generation to the
next. It's no wonder that Filipinos speak good English, read English books and
newspapers and send letters to these columns to voice their views, whereas maids of

other nationalities do not. Even maids fresh from the barrio have a good education.
There are a lot of schools in the Philippines. Government elementary and high schools
are free.

Every town has a high school and every barrio has elementary schools.

Employment agencies require applicants to have high school diplomas if they want to
go overseas. Most maids are high school graduates, college or university graduates, or
undergraduates, but none has gone without any schooling. Of course a college
diploma is not a requirement. I wouldn't apply to be a maid in Hong Kong and tell the
agency that I'm a board pass teacher with some units in law or I would be laughed at.
There are chartered accountants, journalists, mass communications graduates,
teachers, nurses, midwives, engineers etc, all working as domestic helpers.

They're the smart Filipinos who risked going abroad because they were either
unemployed or underemployed at home.

What human being wants to live like a slave in an alien land full of heartless people if it
could be avoided? Nobody welcomes poverty. Ms Tung is lucky to live in Hong Kong
under a British Government. If she did not, she would envy the freedom that Filipinos
enjoy. Maybe what's wrong with the Philippines is that there is too much freedom, lax
laws and lenient government officials who are also corrupt.

Ms Tung should be grateful that the Philippine Government allows Chinese to live in
affluence in the Philippines. Some rich Chinese families in Manila evade tax and
tamper with electricity and water meters to reduce their bills.

Ms Tung says Hong Kong people are bored with Filipinos' complaints. Well, I am sick
and tired of the way Filipinos are treated by Hong Kong people. Why can't people be
positive about Filipinos? They are good at what they do. If they were not, why would
Hong Kong people hire them in great numbers? Aren't Hong Kong families thankful that
they are earning twice as much by having a Filipino amah who does a good job as a
domestic and helps them with their English? I am lucky to have found a kind Chinese

employer, but if I suffered the fate of many other maids, I too would be complaining. My
employer says most employers prefer Filipinos maids because they are good.

Ms Tung talked about maids who are abused by households in the Philippines. Abuses
and underpayment are found in all countries in the world. Even some parents abuse
their own children.

Chinese people in the Philippines are treated with respect, so why can't Filipinos living
in a Chinese community, also be given just treatment and accorded respect and
consideration? Joanna Tung may have lived in the Philippines, but she needs to do a
lot more research on the barrios, before she will be qualified to write about them. Why
can she not have a little sympathy for those people who are not as lucky as she is?

Save the Children helps thousands of Filipino children go to school because we

know how much an education can change a childs life
Although the Philippines has a good school attendance rate, it is still estimated that 6.2
million primary-school aged children are not in school. Sometimes its because they
live in an area affected by disaster, there arent enough teachers, they cant afford
books or uniforms, or they have to work to support their family. Others drop out or even
graduate from poor quality schools without learning basic literacy and numeracy skills.
For children with disabilities, schools are often physically inaccessible to them or
unable to cater for special learning needs - less than 3% of disabled children in the
Philippines has access to education.
Educating children in the Philippines

Education is a path out of poverty for many children and their families. It gives them a
chance to gain valuable knowledge and skills, and improve their lives. Save the
Children works to improve access to quality education for all children girls and boys
no matter where they live. We're helping children realise their full potential by
implementing programs ranging from early childhood development, to basic education
through to adolescent learning.
We know early learning gives young children the chance to learn, grow and prepare for
school - and yet only a third of young children in the Philippines has access to
quality early childhood development classes. In 2013, we reached over 50,360 parents
and children aged between 0-3 with First Read, a program designed to build on
parents' knowledge, skills and resources to encourage their children's early reading
skills. We've also helped publish and distribute books for young children in three
minority indigenous languages as well as documented indigenous songs, stories and
games. By supporting community play and story groups, we're ensuring that even
more young children transition successfully into primary school.
As children reach school-age and start primary school, some find it harder to enrol in
school, stay in school or participate fully in lessons. This is a particular issue for
children from minority ethnic communities, children from families affected by HIV/AIDS
and children with disabilities. Both Charlene and Kit-kit are prime examples of children
who face daily challenges in just attending school - Kit-kit with his disability, distance to
school and the poverty his family faces. In addition to poverty, Charlene also battles the
lack of importance placed on education in her community. We're tackling these issues
and improving access to quality education by supporting primary schools with teacher
training, building classrooms with better facilities, as well as providing dual language
learning materials.
Our Adolescent Learning programs provide young people whove become disengaged
from education with support to develop the skills and resilience to turn their lives
around. By helping to develop the vocational and entrepreneurial skills of young
people, we are providing them with opportunities for a more productive future.

Education in emergencies
Emergencies cause serious disruptions to a childs education. It is crucial for their
development, safety, and recovery for children to return to school as soon as possible.
In emergency situations where the education system is unable to function as normal,
Save the Children establishes temporary learning centres and provides safe
environments for children to learn and play. Were currently providing access to
education and support to children affected by Typhoon Yolanda.
Why Education is Important to One's Success in Life?- Christopher Harris
If a person is unable to reason and think for himself then that person will have problem in finding
and keeping a job. They will not be successful in life until they improve their educational
background. Having a good education is important to one's success in life. Education is the key to
success, without a good education you will find it hard to achieve success in one's life. A good
education is important because you will be able to think for yourself and communicate intelligently
to other people. Persons who don`t have a good education background will have a difficult time
finding jobs and also will earn less money. If a person is unable to reason and think for himself
then that person will have problem in finding and keeping a job. They will not be very successful
in life until they improve their educational background. Jobs are hard to get, and the employers
will seek the most qualified and intelligent person to fill the vacancy because of the competition
out there.
It is never too late to get an education, once you gained a good education background it stays
with you for life. So if you need to improve or get a good education now. Most jobs are not
employing people with the basic education from high school anymore or unless you want very low
paying job that can't meet your needs. To achieve success in one's life you need to start by
attending college or university to achieve a degree or diploma. Remember the focus here is how
you can achieve success in one's life. Well you can start by achieving a certificate,diploma and
degree. So, you can start from the bottom to the top. Having a good education is an investment
like owning a house or a car. Once you invest your time and money in your education you will
reap the huge reward what it will give you in life.
Why is education so significant?

The thing that strikes me about education is knowledge acquired. Education gives us the
perspective of the things around us. Education help us to look at our lives and learn from every
experiences. The future of a country is safe in the hands of educated peoples. Education is
important for the economic growth of our countries. It fosters principles of socialism and equality.
A person can't be a complete man without a good education. Education also builds your self
esteem and how you view yourself. A person with a good education background will have more
confident when approaching a new job and also when interacting with people.

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