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Pap Gabor, Ki volt Magyar Ilona?, http://docplayer.hu/6877355-Ki-volt-magyar-ilona.

De most mr igazn ideje rtrnnk a Magyar jelz rtelmezsre. Kezdjk a legegyszerbb
esettel, amely radsul ismers is mr szmunkra. A magyar madr hangalaki kapcsolatrl
van sz.
Magyar Ilona ilyenformn MaDR-LNy-nak is r-telmezhet lenne. Ennek a sajtsgos
sszettel LNytpusnak a kpjelvel pedig kfaragvny formjban is tallkozhatunk, a
kalotaszegi Gyer monostor reformtus templomnak homlokzatn. (Sisa Blnak jelent meg
rla 2007-ben egy tanulsgokban bvelked knyve, a Romanika kiad gondozsban.)
De hiszen reklamlhatnnk akkor megint vissza jutottunk a Hal-lenyhoz! A Halak llatvi
egysgnek ugyanis Keleten ppen a Madr (ltalban prosval), illetve a Kakas felel meg.
Akkor ht Magyar Ilona mgiscsak azonos lenne az grg mitolgia Helnjval? Sz sincs
rla! Ne felejtsk el: a Halak az egyni let keretl szolgl kis Nap-vben jelli az utols
tli hnapnak megfelel idegysget, illetve a vele egynev csillagkpet. A Keleti Zodikus
Madara viszont a nemzet lett keretbe foglal nagy Nap-vben teszi a dolgt. Micsoda
klnbsg! Nem vletlenl viseli ez utbbi ilonasg egy nemzet, a magyarsg nevt a maga
csald-, illetve nemzetsg-neveknt! ... De ezzel mg mindig csak az els lpst tettk meg
Magyar Ilona fel.
Lpjnk ht eggyel tovbb. Ehhez azonban jbl idznem kell brmilyen knos, megint egy
korbbi sajt rsombl. (l fldrajz beszl trtnelem; a Mag h alatt tlutn c. ktetben.)
Az idzend rsz-ben a morva rgi magyar nevn mart npnvrl lesz sz.
Ez utbbi npnv kln is rdekes lehet szmunkra, hiszen a vltozatai rvn finnl Maeaeri
(az ae helyn umlautos e-vel), nmetl Maehren (ugyangy) stb. egyrszrl egy mahari,
msrszrl egy mri (=cseremisz) maradvnynp fel vezet tovbb bennnket, s ezen a
nyomon mg messzebb, az egyre tgul hj-szerkezetekben a mr (alakvltozata mor), a
maori, illetve a magar, mahgar stb. npekig juthatunk el. Nos, a magyar npnv Gy-je
amint az tudomnyos s laikus krkben egyarnt kzismertnek mondhat a
legvltozatosabb ejtsmdokkal jelenik meg a nem-magyar npek beszlt nyelvben. Ilyen
ejtsvltozatok lehetnek pldul: magar, mahar, makr, madzsar, madaj, mozsar, mescser, mizser
stb., stb. Bennnket most elssorban a mahar vltozat rdekel, hiszen ennek az sszevont
alakja jelenhet meg az idzett mri, maeaeri alakokban. s akkor mris ott vagyunk
Mrinl. Igen, a szentivni szertarts Mrijnl.
Emlkezznk csak vissza:
Lassan csendtsetek, tiapr dikok, hadd aludjon Mria napfelkttig. Vagy: Mikor a nap
nyugszik, Szz Mria alszik levl alatt. Vagy a legszebb s egyben legtalnyosabb vltozat:
Elmk, anym, elmk Mrijt szolglni. Mrijt szolglni, Szent Fit dajklni. (MNT 218.)
Mria nevt pedig bizony sokszor nekeljk, klnbz npi, flnpi, illetve nagy-egyhzi
nekekben hosszan elnyjtva-hajltgatva, gy, hogy Mhria. Ami azt jelenti, hogy a Magyar
s a M(h)ria megjells vgs soron ugyanarra a szakrlis (szentsgi tartalm) minsgre
Ez a felismers persze sokak szmra nem hat mr az jdonsg varzsval. Hiszen egy
nyelvszeti trgy debreceni szakkollgium keretben nhny vvel ezeltt megismerkedhettnk

olyan szvegfejtsi pldkkal, amelyekben ez a kt nv egyms vltprjaknt szerepelt. A

legismertebb idevg adat: Csontvry Kosztka Tivadar az egyik utols kpnek azt a cmet
adta, hogy Mria ktja Nzretben. Nos, ha komolyan vesszk a mvsz biztatst, hogy a
nyelvpergs tjn szabad, st ajnlatos jrnunk, akkor ez a kpcm ilyen vltozatban is
pergethet: Mahariak tjn az Aratban (rtsd: az Arat Szzben), de gy is: Magyariak tjn az radatban (a Vzntben), esetleg ppen a Szeretetben. (Nota bene: Csontvry
nemcsak ennek a festmnynek a cmben rejtett el mgttes tartalmakat ugyanezzel a
nyelvperget mdszerrel!) A magyar npnvnek azonban, mint lttuk, nemcsak Mria lehet
tanulsgokat knl hangalaki vltozata, hanem ms npek (mri, maori stb.) nevei is. De lehet
llatnv is. Az kori mezopotmiai mahgar nv magur vltozata pldul oroszlnt jelent,
ennek szablyos hangalaki prja, a nahar pedig Indiban tigrist. Szchenyi Zsigmond egyik,
vadszatairl szl knyve ppen ezt a cmet viselte. (A magura nvvltozat jelentse viszont
forrsbarlang, s ezzel a szemkzti Vzntt idzi meg.) Mrmost Mrit a magyar
npnven t oroszlnnal, illetve tigrissel prostani nem tlzs ez? Netn blaszfmia? Nono!
Gondol-kozzunk csak egy kicsit: hova is esik Nagyboldo-gasszony nnepe az vkrben?
Augusztus 15. ez bizony az Oroszln, precesszis nagysgrendben fogal-mazva a Tigris hava!
M(h)ria, me, benyjtotta a nvjegyt.
Magyar Ilona neve teht els olvasatban Madr-lnynak addott, s mint ilyen, a Halak-Szz
tengely, pontostva: a Hall-znban megnyilatkoz tulajdon-sg-rendszer megidzje volt
precesszis nagysg-rendben. Tigris-Nylknt viszont az Oroszln-Szz szomszdsgot idzi
meg ugyanezzel a nvvel. Ez a szomszdsg a Vznt-paradoxon ismeretben vlik igazn
jelentss szmunkra, hiszen a Jzus szlet-svel indul vilgkorszakba ember fiaknt csakis
ennek a kettsnek a kzs testi adottsgait vllalva rkezhetnk meg. Mirt? A magyarzatot mr
ismerjk: mert szellemi sajtossgainkat ugyanekkor a velk szemben lv jegy-szomszdsg, a
Halak s a rajta tml Vznt (ez utbbi skhullm formjban) ugyancsak kzsen hatrozza meg. (Csak zrjelben jegyzem meg: mind a Hal-leny, mind a
Madr-lny, ez utbbi az Oroszln-jelenlt burkba abroncsolva, megtallhat egy-egy
kazettn a csengeri reformtus templom 1745-ben kszlt mennyezetn.) Nem bcszhatunk el
addig Magyar Ilontl s a szentivni szertarts tbbi szerepljtl, amg vlaszt nem adtunk egy
jelenleg utolsnak sznt krdsre.
Ez pedig gy szl: mit keres az alma a szertartsban, s mirt dobljk az g fel? A
vlaszadshoz a tuds-elixir a birtokunkban van, csak hasznlnunk kell. Az alma a magyar
mveltsg valamennyi gazatban: Bikajelkp. A fldhz ktttsg jele. A szentivni szertartsban ezt a slyos teherttelt fl kell emelni a fldszintrl, hiszen a fny szempontjbl most
ppen nem fldkzelben, hanem a lehet legmagasabb szinten, g-kzelben, st, mint lttuk,
teremts-kzelben jrunk. A jsg, a szeretet s az ingyen kegyelem cscsra jratdsnak
pillanata ez az vkrben. Az nz Bika-tulajdonsgoktl itt meg kell szabadulni. Hogyan?
gy, hogy a szeretet vezrelte nfelldozs, az emberileg elrhet legmagasabb rend erny
szintjre juttatjuk. Mert az seinktl rklt szkta erklcs s a Jzus tantsa szerinti j
trvny egykppen ezt diktlja.
Ez trtnik ht a Rk-ponton. (Ne felejtsk el: a Rk /Bak jelzet nekben tnt fel elszr
Magyar Ilona neve az nekfzrben!) Lssuk most mr, mi trtnik a Rk-Bak tengely tls
vgn, a tli napfordul tjn. Ms szval: vgezzk el az alma-hajts ellenprbjt.

Karcsonykor a Paradicsom mezejiben... kezdet nekben a testet lttt Istenfi az gbl a

fldre dobja le az almt. (Egy msik nekben rla magrl is megtudjuk: A kis Jzus
aranyalma...) Azzal, hogy Ember Fiaknt kznk, fldlakk kz szletett, vllalnia kellett a testi-rzki termszet alma-vonzat ksrtseket is. Amint hogy vllalta is, mi tbb,
annak rendje s mdja szerint fel is emelte ket. Alighanem ppen ide, az dvtrtnetnek ehhez a
pontjhoz kapcsolja t a szentivni szertartst a fentebb mr idzett nekszveg: Elmk, anym,
elmk, Mrit szolglni.... De arra is visszaemlkezhetnk, hogy Mria neve a bevezetben
idzett nekek kzl kizrlag a Bak /Rk jelzet vltozatokban emltdik! Az kori Helnapldzat almjt annak idejn Erisz, a viszly istennje dobta le az istenek asztalra, boszszbl,
mert nem hvtk meg t a lakomjukra. Ennek az almnak a hozadka: civakods az istennk
kztt, hzassgtrs, vgl Trja vrosnak pusztulsa. Ez mg a trvny kora. Ezzel szemben
a mi szentivni szertartsunk minden egyes mozzanatval a kegyelem kort hirdeti s nnepli.

But now it's really time to move on to the "Magyar"

interpretation of the indicator. Let's start with the simplest casete, one that is already familiar to
us. THE "Hungary - bird" is a phonetic relationship.
Hungary Ilona "bird girl" for would-worth-interpreted in this way. This peculiar composition
Leny type of image signal with the form of stone carvings the liver can meet the Kalotaszeg
Gyer-Protestant church of the monastery facade. (Bla Sisa appeared about 2007, an instructive
tries rich book, the publisher Romanika gon-dozsban).
But - we can complain - then back again. Fish got the maid! The unity of the zodiac Pisces
East precisely because the birds (usually in pairs) and meet the Rooster. Then Ilona of Hungary
after all it would be the same as the ancient Greek mythology Helnj with? Far from it! Do not
forget: the individual Pisces "Small Solar-years" of life under which indicates the last
corresponding month in the winter time unit or with single constellation names.
The Oriental Zodiac, however, the Madara which integrate the nation's life makes "big Dayyears," the job. What a difference! It bears no accident recent "ilonasg" one nation, the

Hungarian name of the private ga family- or clan-as the name! But this ... We still only the first
step in Hungary to Helena.
Go back one step further. To do so, however, again I need not cite - any embarrassment, a former
private again rsombl. (Live geography - speaking of history, and the seed snow Under tlutn c. volume). The part was quoting the "morphine va "- old Hungarian name" cutter
"popular name basis will be discussed." The latter name also special people can be interesting
szmunk- It was, since due to the variations - in Finnish "Maeaeri" (the "ae" this place with
umlauts), German "Maehren" (the same way) etc - On the one hand a "Maharal", on the other
hand, a "Mario" (= Mari) leads to more residues people bennn-them, and follow this even
further, expanding the Shell structures in the "Moorish" (variant Moor), the
"Maori" and "Magar"
"Mahgar" and so on. npekig get hold
we have to, "Well, the" Hungarian "people name Gy-je. - once the tumor
and lay-scientific circles, both well known
can be - it displayed the most diverse ejtsmdokkal
the non-Hungarian peoples spoke the language. Such
ejtsvltozatok include: Magar, Mahar, private
damage Madzsar, madaj, mortar, mescser, Mizser etc,
We now focus on the 'Mahar' version
I care, since this aggregate figure may
He cited the "Mario," "maeaeri" forms. And then
We're already there - Mria. Yes, the ordinances Szentivni
ing Mrijnl.
"Slowly csendtsetek, tiapride students, let me sleep with Mary napfelkttig". Or:
"When the sun sets,
Mary sleeping under the letter ".
Or - one of the most beautiful and most puzzling version:
"Minds, my mother, my mind Marijan serve. Marijan service
Gln, dajklni Holy Son ". (MNT 218) Name of Mary
and certainly we sing many different folk, halffolk and high-church songs long elnyjtva-hajltgatva so that "Mhria".
Which means,
the "Hungarian" and "today (HA) ria" designation - final
turn to the same sacred (sacramental content) quality
accountable relate.
This recognition is of course not many people may have been
the charm of novelty. After a linguistic subjects
College of Debrecen framework is then a few years
Examples of filling a text before getting acquainted
by which these two different gearbox as a counterpart to a name
featured. The most relevant data: Csontvary
Kosztka Theodore is one of the last image in the address

stated that "Mary's Well in Nazareth." Well, if you're serious

We take the artist's encouragement to "the road nyelvpergs
John "free and even advisable to walk, then it is by KEPCO
Such version is "pergethet '' by the Mahariak
Aratban (read: Harvesting of Virgo), but still: "Explain
by prevalent: the wave of interest (in Aquarius), or just
"Love to." (Nota bene: Csontvary not only enIt has hidden the painting of the title to the underlying contalmakat - same "nyelvperget" method)!
The "Hungarian" popular name, however,
As we have seen, nonMary can only phonetic variants offering lessons
ta, but (Marin, Maori etc) the names of other people. But
It is - pet name as well. Ancient Mesopotamia "mahgar"
such as name "maguro" version means lion, as a
regular phonetic counterpart, the "Nahar" and India
tiger. Zsigmond Szchenyi on one hunts
Book're wearing this title. (The "Magura" nvvlvariant is, however, "the source cave" and thus evokes the opposite Aquarius) Now, Mary. - to
"USA" as people - lion, tiger or pairing
It is - it's not an exaggeration? Neta blasphemy? Nono! Thinkpublished just a bit: it falls to Nagyboldogasszony celebration of the year round? August 15 - this is certainly the Lion, the order of
precession concept
Tiger mazva the snow! Today (HA) ria, here are the names submitted
Hungary Ilona name ie "first reading" Bird
girl was found, and as such, the Pisces-Virgo axis
specifying: manifested in the death zone properties
sgsystem was megidzje - precession of magnitude
okay. Tiger, Rabbit, however, as the Lady Lions
neighborhood evokes the same name. This
neighborhood becomes aware of the paradox of Aquarius
really significant for us, since the birth of Jesus
tion start vilgkorszakba "son of man" can only be enthe duo has shared the physical endowments of vascular undertaking
We may be formed. Why? The explanation we already know:
because intellectual particularities of them at the same time
Ticket-neighborliness, Pisces and on the opposite transition
flowing of Aquarius (the latter in the form of plane wave) the same
only be decided jointly. (Only in parentheses ticket
Zem it: both the "Fish Girl"
and the "Bird Girl", this
Lion in the presence of the latter encapsulate tire pieces, megWe found a tape of the Reformed churches Csengeri

Lom 1745 made the ceiling.)

Not long bcszhatunk in Hungary and Ilona
Szentivni from the rest of the ceremony, as long as you choose
We were not one - at present - for the last question.
And this says you are looking at the apple on the ordinance, and
Why toss into the sky? The reply of knowledge
elixir in our possession, we must use only. The subToday the Hungarian culture in all sectors of: bulls
symbol. The land is bound to sign. Midsummer ordinances
You notice this item up serious burden to raise the land
because it is not just in terms of light
close to the ground, but at the highest possible level,
sky-close, in fact, as we have seen, close-creation contribuaspire for. Goodness, love and free grace peak
jratdsnak to this moment of the year round. The "selfish"
Bika properties to get rid here. How?
that love is driven by self-sacrifice, the humanity
most accessible level of allowances for the supreme virtue
the stern. Because our ancestors inherited "Scythian morality" and
"New law," according to the teachings of Jesus in a way that dictator
This is what happens in the back-stage cancer. (Remember: Cancer
/ Capricorn sign appeared in the Hungarian constitution, first, Ilona
nekfzrben the name!) Let's see now what happens
at the other end of the Cancer-Capricorn axis, around the winter solstice.
In other words, do the apple-throwing against the trial.
At Christmas, the
"Paradise mezejiben ..."
starting with
subjects the incarnate Son of God from heaven to earth throw
down the apples. (Another is singing about herself is megwe know:
"The baby Jesus gold apple ..."
) The fact that 'Man
Son of 'us, earthlings born in Hungary, take kelhave a physical and sensual nature - "apple" -vonzat - experiment
tions, as well. As it has undertaken, what is more, the system
je and manner of raising them up as well. Probably curpen here, the history of salvation to toggle this point
ja Midsummer ceremony at the above-cited
The text:
"Minds, my mother, my mind, Mary services
ni ... "
. But he also visszaemlkezhetnk that the name of Mary

Songs are exclusively quoted in the introduction of Capricorn

/ Cancer sign constitution versions emltdik!
The ancient parable Helena Eris apple at that time,
the goddess of discord tossed off the table of the gods, revenge
szbl because he was not invited to the lakomjukra. for this
the concept of "legacy" bickering goddesses
between adultery and finally the destruction of the city of Troy
Set. It's still early in the Act. In contrast to our sanctity
Ivana ceremonies every moment of our To acoversees and celebrates the age proclaims.

But now it's really time to move on the interpretation of the "Hungarian" indicator. Let's start
with the simplest case, one that is already familiar to us. The "Hungarian - bird" is a phonetic
Hungary Ilona "bird girl" for would-worth-interpreted in this way. This peculiar creature's type
composition of the image signal is encountered, the Kalotaszeg Children's Protestant church of
the monastery facade of stone carvings as well. (Bla Sisa appeared in 2007, it is a lesson in rich
book, Romanika Records.)
But - we can complain - again, we are back to Fish maid! The unity of the zodiac Pisces because
the East was responsible for the bird (usually in pairs) and Rooster. Then Ilona Hungary still had
the same ancient Greek mythology Helnjval? Far from it! Do not forget: Pisces represents
"small solar-years" under which the last individual life corresponding month in the winter time
unit and with it a more constellations. The Oriental Zodiac Madara, however, the nation's life
frame the "big Day-year" does the job. What a difference! It does not happen to be borne by the
latter "ilonasg" one nation, the Hungarian name of his family and tribe, as the name! ... But this
is still only the first step towards Hungary, Ilona.
Go back one step further. However, this should not be cited again - any embarrassment, again
from a previous rsombl own. (Live geography - speaking of history;.. - Tlutn Essays under
the Nuclear month) for quoting the part in the "Moravia" - old Hungarian name "cutter" - popular
name basis will be discussed.
"The latter name also special people can be interesting for us, since due to the variations Finnish Maeaeri "(the" e "e-umlaut in place with), German" Maehren "(the same way), etc. - On
the one hand lead to further us toward a "Maharal", on the other hand, a "Mario" (= Mari)
remains popular, and this track even further in the expanding shell structures of the "Moorish"
(variant Moor), the

"Maori" and "Magar" "Mahgar" and so on. npekig to get to, "Well, the" Hungarian "people
name Gy-je. - as is well known in both the scientific and lay circles can be - the most diverse
ejtsmdokkal appear in the non-Hungarian peoples spoke the language. Such ejtsvltozatok
include: Magar, Mahar, Makar, Madzsar, madaj, mortar, mescser, Mizser etc, etc.
We now focus on the 'Mahar' version care, as in the consolidated figures appear in "Mario,"
"maeaeri 'shapes caused. And then we are already there - Mria. Yes, Midsummer ceremony

Recall: "Slowly csendtsetek, tiapride students, let me sleep with Mary napfelkttig". Or, "When
the sun sets, Mary sleeping under the letter ". Or - one of the most beautiful and most puzzling
version: "Minds, my mother, my mind Marijan serve. Marijan serve dajklni Holy Son ". (MNT

Mary's name is certainly often sing various folk and semi-folk and church singing in a highstretched long-hajltgatva, so that "Mhria". Which means, the "Hungarian" and "today (HA)
ria" sign - and ultimately to the same sacred (sacramental content) relate to quality.

This realization can certainly not have been the novelty of many people. As part of a linguistic
College of Law in Debrecen few years ago we got to know a text decryption examples which is
the name of two alternating each other as the pair appeared. The most relevant data: Tivadar
Csontvry Kosztka one of the last image in the address stated that "Mary's Well in Nazareth."
Well, if we take seriously the artist's encouragement to free "by the nyelvpergs" and even
advisable to walk, this is such a version by KEPCO "pergethet": "Mahariak by the Aratban
(read: Harvesting of Virgo), but still:" Explain by prevalent: the wave of interest (in Aquarius), or
just "the Love".
(Nota bene: Csontvary not only this painting by the title of hidden underlying content - the same
"nyelvperget" method) The "Hungarian" popular name, however, as we have seen, not only
Mary can phonetic version offers lessons, but also to other peoples (Marion, Maori, etc. .) names
as well. But it may be - pet name as well.
For example, the ancient Mesopotamian "mahgar" name "maguro" version means lion, as a
regular phonetic counterpart, the "Nahar" the tiger in India. One book on the hunt for Zsigmond
Szchenyi just wore that title. (The "Magura" name version in turn is "spring cave" and it evokes
the opposite Aquarius.)
Now Mary - to "USA" as people - lion or tiger pair - it's not an exaggeration? Neta blasphemy?
Nono! Think, published just a bit: it falls to Nagyboldo gasszony-round celebration of the year?
August 15 - this is certainly the Lion, the order of the concept of precession of the Tigris-mazva
snow! Today (HA) ria, here, presented his card.

Hungary Ilona name ie "first reading" Bird-girl was found, and as such, the Pisces-Virgo axis,
specifying: manifested in the death-zone system-ness property was megidzje - precession-size
order. Tiger, Rabbit, however, quoted as the Lion of the Virgin neighborhood by the same name.
This neighborhood is the VzntKnowing paradox becomes really significant for us, because Jesus is born start-tion
vilgkorszakba "son of man" only for this duo a joint undertaking physical endowments can
arrive at. Why? The explanation is already known: for spiritual particularities same time with the
opposite sign, neighborhood,
Pisces and Aquarius flowing through it (the latter in the form of plane wave) the same
only be decided jointly. (Just note in brackets: both "Fish Girl" and "Bird Girl", the latter
being in the presence of Lion encapsulate tire pieces, you can find a tape of Csenger
Protestant church in 1745 made the ceiling.) Not long bcszhatunk by Ilona of Hungary and
Midsummer ceremony from the other players until a response was not - at present - for the last
And this says you are looking at the apple on the ordinance, and why toss into the sky? The reply
elixir of knowledge in our possession, we must use only.
The apple in all sectors of Hungarian culture: Taurus Symbol. The land is bound to sign.
Midsummer ordinances notices this heavy burden item to be raised up from the ground floor,
because the light is not in terms of just being close to the ground, but at the highest possible
level, sky-close, in fact, close-creation as we have seen. Goodness, free love and grace
jratdsnak pinnacle moment this is the year round. The "selfish" bull-in properties to get rid.
It is that love is delivered driven by self-sacrifice, virtue is humanly highest level available.
Because our ancestors inherited a "new law" by teaching "Scythian morality" and Jesus certainly
dictates this.

This is what happens in the back-stage cancer. (Remember: appeared in Cancer / Capricorn
signal constitution was first Hungarian Ilona name of nekfzrben) Let's see now, what is
happening at the other end of the Cancer-Capricorn axis, around the winter solstice.
In other words, do the apple-throwing against the trial.
At Christmas, the "Paradise mezejiben to ..." individuals incarnate Son of God from heaven drop
the apples on the ground. (Another is singing about herself also learn: "The golden apple baby
Jesus ...") The fact that "Son of Man" among us earthlings born in Hungary, take kelHe became the somaticsensual nature - "apple" -vonzat - tempting as well. As it has undertaken, what is more, its duly
lifted them up too. Probably just here to switch to the history of salvation to this point

Midsummer ceremony of the above-quoted text: "Minds, my mother, my mind, Mary serve ...".
But we also visszaemlkezhetnk,
that the name of Mary brought about the introduction of the songs are only emltdik Capricorn /
Cancer sign constitution versions! The ancient parable Helena apple at the time Eris, goddess of
discord tossed off the table of the gods, boszszbl because he was not invited to the
lakomjukra. This concept of "legacy" bickering goddesses between adultery
Finally, Troy's destruction. It's still early in the Act. In contrast to our Szentivni ceremonies
every moment of our age of grace proclaims and celebrates.

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