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Volume X Issue 2

S O N S O F C O N FE D E RAT E V E T E RAN S CAM P # 2 6 5




February 2017



COMMANDERS QUOTE: If its important to you, youll find a way. If not- youll find an excuse.

The year started out with bad road conditions and temperatures in the teens. I completely understand those
that did not drive on the icy roads but, I did want to send out a special thank you to those that attended the
January 7th meeting and to Penn's for opening up at 4pm just for us! Penn's is one of our best sponsors! I
will be traveling to Dalton, Ga on February 4th to the second largest Civil War Relics Show in the world. I
will not be with you but, we will have an excellent speaker and informative meeting. Tal Floyd and the other
officers in the Camp will be running the meeting in my absence. Please support them by coming early,
bringing someone with you, and as sure as we are going to make America great again, I will not see you at
the February 4, 2017 meeting at Penn's in Brandon at 7pm.

-Tim Cupit
The OCR Report
The ladies of the MAF OCR will have a planning meeting Feb 25th at 4:00 at Penn's in Brandon.
We will be discussing upcoming events and working together to plan for 2017. We hope to get some
events together to include the RR&R Camp 265 that will spotlight the work we do in preserving our
Confederate Heritage.


Agenda for January 7, 2017
- Open with prayer at 7pm sharp
- Pledge of Allegiance to the US flag and salutes
- Trivia
- Guest speaker; Brandon Beck topic Three great
moments in Confederate history Q & A
Unfinished Business
- Camp T-Shirts are $20 proceeds go to fund the
Relic Show
- www.scv265.com & Stats from Chris Merck
- First Thursday Coin Club meeting at Brandon library
- OCR Report by Brandi Gray
- Kroger card program report by Chris Merck
- Grant secured for 2017 Relic Show $6,000 Report by
Charles Lewis
- Dixie National parade on February 11th
- Blair E. Batson OCR/SCV adopt a floor campaign
report by Charla Lewis

- Lee/Jackson banquet in Forest, MS report by Ian

New Business
- 4th Brigade picnic in Forest, MS March 25, 2017 1030 W. 3rd St., ( Hwy 80 ) potluck lunch, voting for
a new 4th Brigade Commander and 4th Brigade
councilman, MC business
- Introduce new officers
- New members
- 4th Brigade Commander campaign speech
- Did everyone receive their membership card?
- Did everyone sign in?
- Does everyone have a door prize ticket?
- Please leave $1.00 for the girls to clean up behind
- Door prizes
- Open floor
- Close meeting with prayer at approximately 8:25pm

by Tom Fortenberry
Southern by the Grace of God
"One law shall be to the native born and to those
who sojourn with you. Exodus 12:49".
These words convey a message of unity. The
unity of a people with one cause and direction of
Today is not unlike the generations before us nor
will it be different for those who come after us.
God who was, is, and shall ever be, is
unchanging. It is a wonderful message and fact
that by the grace of God that we are changed.
New Year has begun and with it a renewed desire
to put away the old and take hold of the new. It
would be my prayer with the arrival of this new
year that each of us by our witness of faith and of
faith in our Southern Cause lift up the standard
and not be moved except forward.
May God bless each of you.
Thomas Fortenberry, Chaplain Camp 265


Some call it a "Flag Of Hate
Blue X across the red.
The flag I fly, in Southern sky
Is a flag of truth instead.
A truth about the heros
Whose hearts fought for this land.
A truth about a way of life
That some won't understand.
A way of life, that's not for sale!
A cannons "Thunder" and "Rebel Yell
A glass of tea, Wisteria's bloom
My heart's in DIXIE, She has the room!
The flag I fly is not of "Hate
For all are welcome within my gate's
Excepting they who tell the lie,
It's a flag of hate that's in the sky.
The flag explains my way of life.
Not wearing sheets or Carrying knives.
Not burning a cross in someone's yard.
But living "free" and working hard.
It tells of hospitality,
and love of a family true!
The flag I fly, is a different kind.
I pray you fly yours too.
- David Tatum, Jr

I cannot trust a man to

control others who cannot
control himself.
- Confederate General, Robert E. Lee

by Charles Lewis

I hope everyone had a Happy New Year. With the new year let us continue honoring our Confederate
ancestors and promoting our cause, be it through education, community service, or SCV events, but
never compromising our stand.
The new year came in with quite a chill. A big thank you to the members who braved the ice to attend
the Jan. meeting. Completely understand why many members were unable to attend, but you missed a
great speaker. Ross Aldridge spoke on the flags and the politics surrounding them. If his passion didn't
make you stand up and fight for our flags then I don't know what will.
Officers for 2017-2018 were sworn in at the Jan. meeting. They are as follows:
- Commander-Tim Cupit
- 1st Lt.-Tal Floyd
- 2nd Lt.-Tom Lilly
- 3rd Lt.-Ian Powell
- Adjutant -Charles Lewis
- Genealogist-Robert Myers
- Parliamentarian-Ralph Smitherman
- Sergeant at Arms-Butch Kuriger
- Color Guard-Craig Haden
- Chaplain -Tom Fortenberry
- Chaplain-James L. Cook
Welcome new member, Richard Evans to the Rankin Rough and Ready's, camp 265.
A shout out to Bruce Warren and the East Mississippi Grays for hosting the Lee Jackson banquet. Good
food, good fellowship and an inspiring talk from Lt. Commander in Chief, Paul C. Gramling Jr. on
defending the flags of the Confederacy was the order of the evening. Lt. Commander in Chief Gramling
also swore the camp officers for 2017-2018.
The 4th Brigade picnic will be March 25th,10 A. M. at the American Legion Post, Forest MS. Brigade
officers will be elected, so plan to attend, cast your votes, and have a good ole time.
Remember - Dixie National Parade Feb. 11th 10:30 A.M. Be there early for line up.
Fascinating Facts:
1) Gen. Stonewall Jackson was one of three people whose portrait appeared on Confederate postage
stamps. President Jefferson Davis and Sen. John C. Calhoun were the other two.
- Stephen T. Foster - MCMXIII Atlas Editions USA
2) During the height of the war, Lee traveled with a pet hen who laid an egg under his cot every
- Stephen T. Foster -MCMXIII Atlas Editions USA
Charles Lewis, Adjutant


The tallest man in the Union Army was Capt. David Van Buskirk of the 27th
Indiana Regiment who stood 6 feet 11 inches and weighed 380 pounds. He
was captured in 1862 and was sent to a Richmond Prison where a Confederate
entrepreneur put him on exhibit & they split the proceeds. Even Confederate
President Jeff Davis came to see this giant & was astounded when Van
Buskirk claimed, straight faced, that back home in Bloomington Indiana,
"when I was at the train station with my company , my six sisters came to say
goodbye. As I was standing there, with my company, they all came up to me,
leaned down and kissed me on top of the head."

Soldiers were foraging despite orders & one evening an Officer smelled a
pig his soldiers were cooking. He found the pig roasting over a camp fire
and asked who the soldiers were that stole it. A Corporal came to
attention and confessed, "sir, I was on picket duty and when I heard a
noise and I called out for the pass word. All I heard was oink and that not
being the countersign I shot him. We were just going to bring him to your
tent for a proper court martial and have you pass judgment. The Officer,
suppressing a laugh, said " bring only a part of him and I will pass a
partial sentence."
At the battle of Wilsons Creek (10 August 1861), Confederate Brig. Gen. Sterling Price was grazed by
a musket ball fired by one of Union Brig. Gen. Nathaniel Lyons men, whereupon the corpulent Rebel
That isnt fair; if I were as slim as Lyon that fellow would have missed me entirely.
When the 3rd Wisconsin broke at the battle of Winchester (25 May 1862) Maj. Gen. Nathaniel Banks
called out Stop men! Dont you love your country? whereupon one of the fleeing men replied,
Yes, by God, and Im going back to it just as fast as I can.
When questioned by some Indiana troops as to whether she was "Secesh" or Union," an old mountain
woman replied, "A Baptist, an' always have been."
A rebel soldier, after burying a Federal who had been killed during one of
those sanguinary engagements which terminated in the retreat of the Union
army from before Richmond, fixed a shingle over the grave, bearing this
The Yankee hosts with blood-stained hands
Came southward to divide our lands
This narrow and contracted spot
Is all that this poor Yankee got!"
The above stories were copied from the American Civil War Forum at:


Our next meeting is February 4th

at Penns in Brandon at 7:00pm.
Come early!

Camp #265

The Sons of Confederate Veterans

317 Lake Heather Road
Brandon, MS 39047


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