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# META NAME PdExternalsSearch

# META DESCRIPTION Search for externals zipfiles on puredata.info

# META AUTHOR <Chris McCormick> chris@mccormick.cx
# META AUTHOR <IOhannes m zmlnig> zmoelnig@iem.at
# ex: set setl sw=2 sts=2 et
# Search URL:
# http://deken.puredata.info/search?name=foobar
# The minimum version of TCL that allows the plugin to run
package require Tcl 8.4
# If Tk or Ttk is needed
#package require Ttk
# Any elements of the Pd GUI that are required
# + require everything and all your script needs.
# If a requirement is missing,
# Pd will load, but the script will not.
package require http 2
package require pdwindow 0.1
package require pd_menucommands 0.1
namespace eval ::deken:: {
variable version
## only register this plugin if there isn't any newer version already registered
## (if ::deken::version is defined and is higher than our own version)
proc ::deken::versioncheck {version} {
if { [info exists ::deken::version ] } {
set v0 [split $::deken::version "."]
set v1 [split $version "."]
foreach x $v0 y $v1 {
if { $x > $y } {
::pdwindow::debug "\[deken\]: installed version \[$::deken::vers
ion\] > $version...skipping!\n"
return 0
if { $x < $y } {
::pdwindow::debug "\[deken\]: installed version \[$::deken::vers
ion\] < $version...overwriting!\n"
set ::deken::version $version
return 1
::pdwindow::debug "\[deken\]: installed version \[$::deken::version\] ==
return 0
set ::deken::version $version
return 1
## put the current version of this package here:
if { [::deken::versioncheck 0.2.2] } {
namespace eval ::deken:: {
namespace export open_searchui
variable mytoplevelref
variable platform
variable architecture_substitutes
variable installpath
variable statustext
variable statustimer
variable backends
variable progressvar
namespace export register
namespace eval ::deken::search:: { }
set ::deken::statustimer ""
set ::deken::backends [list]
proc ::deken::register {fun} {
set ::deken::backends [linsert $::deken::backends 0 $fun]
proc ::deken::gettmpdir {} {
proc _iswdir {d} { expr [file isdirectory $d] * [file writable $d] }
set tmpdir ""
catch {set tmpdir $::env(TRASH_FOLDER)} ;# very old Macintosh. Mac OS X does
n't have this.
if {[_iswdir $tmpdir]} {return $tmpdir}
catch {set tmpdir $::env(TMP)}
if {[_iswdir $tmpdir]} {return $tmpdir}
catch {set tmpdir $::env(TEMP)}
if {[_iswdir $tmpdir]} {return $tmpdir}
set tmpdir "/tmp"
set tmpdir [pwd]
if {[_iswdir $tmpdir]} {return $tmpdir}
proc ::deken::vbs_unzipper {zipfile {path .}} {
## this is w32 only
if { "Windows" eq "$::deken::platform(os)" } { } { return 0 }
if { "" eq $::deken::_vbsunzip } {
set ::deken::_vbsunzip [ file join [::deken::gettmpdir] unzip.vbs ]
if {[file exists $::deken::_vbsunzip]} {} {
## no script yet, create one
set script {
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'The location of the zip file.
ZipFile = fso.GetAbsolutePathName(WScript.Arguments.Item(0))
'The folder the contents should be extracted to.
ExtractTo = fso.GetAbsolutePathName(WScript.Arguments.Item(1))
'If the extraction location does not exist create it.
If NOT fso.FolderExists(ExtractTo) Then
End If
'Extract the contants of the zip file.
set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
set FilesInZip=objShell.NameSpace(ZipFile).items
Set fso = Nothing
Set objShell = Nothing
if {![catch {set fileId [open $::deken::_vbsunzip "w"]}]} {
puts $fileId $script
close $fileId
if {[file exists $::deken::_vbsunzip]} {} {
## still no script, give up
return 0
## try to call the script
if { [ catch { exec cscript $::deken::_vbsunzip $zipfile .} stdout ] } {
::pdwindow::debug "\[deken\] VBS-unzip: $::deken::_vbsunzip\n$stdout\n"
return 0
return 1
set ::deken::_vbsunzip ""
proc ::deken::get_writable_dir {paths} {
set fs [file separator]
set access [list RDWR CREAT EXCL TRUNC]
foreach p $paths {
#if { [ catch { file mkdir $p } ] } {}
for {set i 0} {True} {incr i} {
set tmpfile "${p}${fs}dekentmp.${i}"
if {![file exists $tmpfile]} {
# try creating tmpfile
if {![catch {open $tmpfile $access} channel]} {
close $channel
file delete $tmpfile
return $p
# list-reverter (compat for tcl<8.5)
if {[info command lreverse] == ""} {
proc lreverse list {
set res {}
set i [llength $list]
while {$i} {
lappend res [lindex $list [incr i -1]]
set res
} ;# RS

## where to look for the config-files:

## - near the deken-plugin.tcl file
## + at some user-specific place (e.g. ~/pd-externals/deken-plugin/)
## it's probably easiest to iterate through curdir and ::sys_staticpath (in reve
rse order)
## and read all (existing) configurations
## the configfile's format is simple:
# the first element of a line is the variable name, the rest the value. e.g.
# foo bar baz
# will create a variable '::deken::foo' with value [list bar baz]
## LATER: this is rather insecure, as it allows people to overwrite
## virtually everything... (e.g. ::deken::search_for)
proc ::deken::readconfig {paths filename} {
proc doreadconfig {fname} {
if {[file exists $fname]} {
set fp [open $fname r]
while {![eof $fp]} {
set data [gets $fp]
if { [string is list $data ] } {
if { [llength $data ] > 1 } {
set ::deken::[lindex $data 0] [lrange $data 1 end]
return True
return False
set fs [file separator]
doreadconfig "$::current_plugin_loadpath${fs}${filename}"
foreach p0 [lreverse $paths] {
foreach p1 [ list "" "${fs}deken-plugin" ] {
doreadconfig "${p0}${p1}${fs}${filename}"

::deken::readconfig $::sys_staticpath deken-plugin.conf

set ::deken::platform(os) $::tcl_platform(os)
set ::deken::platform(machine) $::tcl_platform(machine)
set ::deken::platform(bits) [ expr [ string length [ format %X -1 ] ] * 4 ]
# normalize W32 OSs
if { [ string match "Windows *" "$::deken::platform(os)" ] > 0 } {
# we are not interested in the w32 flavour, so we just use 'Windows' for all
of them
set ::deken::platform(os) "Windows"
# normalize W32 CPUs
if { "Windows" eq "$::deken::platform(os)" } {
# in redmond, intel only produces 32bit CPUs,...
if { "intel" eq "$::deken::platform(machine)" } { set ::deken::platform(mach
ine) "i686" }
# ... and all 64bit CPUs are manufactured by amd
#if { "amd64" eq "$::deken::platform(machine)" } { set ::deken::platform(mac
hine) "x86_64" }
# console message to let them know we're loaded
## but only if we are being called as a plugin (not as built-in)
if { "" != "$::current_plugin_loadpath" } {
::pdwindow::post "deken-plugin.tcl (Pd externals search) in $::current_plugi
n_loadpath loaded.\n"
::pdwindow::post "Platform detected: $::deken::platform(os)-$::deken::platfo
# architectures that can be substituted for eachother
array set ::deken::architecture_substitutes {}
set ::deken::architecture_substitutes(x86_64) [list "amd64" "i386" "i586" "i686"
set ::deken::architecture_substitutes(amd64) [list "x86_64" "i386" "i586" "i686"
set ::deken::architecture_substitutes(i686) [list "i586" "i386"]
set ::deken::architecture_substitutes(i586) [list "i386"]
set ::deken::architecture_substitutes(armv6l) [list "armv6" "arm"]
set ::deken::architecture_substitutes(armv7l) [list "armv7" "armv6l" "armv6" "ar
set ::deken::architecture_substitutes(PowerPC) [list "ppc"]
set ::deken::architecture_substitutes(ppc) [list "PowerPC"]
proc ::deken::status {msg} {
#variable mytoplevelref
#$mytoplevelref.results insert end "$msg\n"
#$mytoplevelref.status.label -text "$msg"
after cancel $::deken::statustimer
if {"" ne $msg} {
set ::deken::statustext "STATUS: $msg"
set ::deken::statustimer [after 5000 [list set ::deken::statustext ""]]
} {
set ::deken::statustext ""
proc ::deken::scrollup {} {
variable mytoplevelref
$mytoplevelref.results see 0.0
proc ::deken::post {msg {tag ""}} {
variable mytoplevelref
$mytoplevelref.results insert end "$msg\n" $tag
$mytoplevelref.results see end
proc ::deken::clearpost {} {
variable mytoplevelref
$mytoplevelref.results delete 1.0 end
proc ::deken::bind_posttag {tag key cmd} {
variable mytoplevelref
$mytoplevelref.results tag bind $tag $key $cmd
proc ::deken::highlightable_posttag {tag} {
variable mytoplevelref
::deken::bind_posttag $tag <Enter> \
"$mytoplevelref.results tag add highlight [ $mytoplevelref.results tag r
anges $tag ]"
::deken::bind_posttag $tag <Leave> \
"$mytoplevelref.results tag remove highlight [ $mytoplevelref.results ta
g ranges $tag ]"
# make sure that the 'highlight' tag is topmost
$mytoplevelref.results tag raise highlight
proc ::deken::prompt_installdir {} {
set installdir [tk_chooseDirectory -title "Install libraries to directory:"]
if { "$installdir" != "" } {
set ::deken::installpath $installdir
return 1
return 0

proc ::deken::update_searchbutton {mytoplevel} {

if { [$mytoplevel.searchbit.entry get] == "" } {
$mytoplevel.searchbit.button configure -text [_ "Show all" ]
} {
$mytoplevel.searchbit.button configure -text [_ "Search" ]
proc ::deken::progress {x} {
::deken::post "= ${x}%"
# this function gets called when the menu is clicked
proc ::deken::open_searchui {mytoplevel} {
if {[winfo exists $mytoplevel]} {
wm deiconify $mytoplevel
raise $mytoplevel
} else {
::deken::create_dialog $mytoplevel
$mytoplevel.results tag configure error -foreground red
$mytoplevel.results tag configure warn -foreground orange
$mytoplevel.results tag configure info -foreground grey
$mytoplevel.results tag configure highlight -foreground blue
$mytoplevel.results tag configure archmatch
$mytoplevel.results tag configure noarchmatch -foreground grey
::deken::post "To get a list of all available externals, try an empty search
." info
# build the externals search dialog window
proc ::deken::create_dialog {mytoplevel} {
toplevel $mytoplevel -class DialogWindow
variable mytoplevelref $mytoplevel
wm title $mytoplevel [_ "Find externals"]
wm geometry $mytoplevel 670x550
wm minsize $mytoplevel 230 360
wm transient $mytoplevel
$mytoplevel configure -padx 10 -pady 5
if {$::windowingsystem eq "aqua"} {
$mytoplevel configure -menu $::dialog_menubar
frame $mytoplevel.searchbit
pack $mytoplevel.searchbit -side top -fill x
entry $mytoplevel.searchbit.entry -font 18 -relief sunken -highlightthicknes
s 1 -highlightcolor blue
pack $mytoplevel.searchbit.entry -side left -padx 6 -fill x -expand true
bind $mytoplevel.searchbit.entry <Key-Return> "::deken::initiate_search $myt
bind $mytoplevel.searchbit.entry <KeyRelease> "::deken::update_searchbutton
focus $mytoplevel.searchbit.entry
button $mytoplevel.searchbit.button -text [_ "Show all"] -default active -wi
dth 9 -command "::deken::initiate_search $mytoplevel"
pack $mytoplevel.searchbit.button -side right -padx 6 -pady 3
frame $mytoplevel.warning
pack $mytoplevel.warning -side top -fill x
label $mytoplevel.warning.label -text "Only install externals uploaded by pe
ople you trust."
pack $mytoplevel.warning.label -side left -padx 6
frame $mytoplevel.status
pack $mytoplevel.status -side bottom -fill x
label $mytoplevel.status.label -textvariable ::deken::statustext
pack $mytoplevel.status.label -side left -padx 6
text $mytoplevel.results -takefocus 0 -cursor hand2 -height 100 -yscrollcomm
and "$mytoplevel.results.ys set"
scrollbar $mytoplevel.results.ys -orient vertical -command "$mytoplevel.resu
lts yview"
pack $mytoplevel.results.ys -side right -fill y
pack $mytoplevel.results -side top -padx 6 -pady 3 -fill both -expand true
if { [ catch {
ttk::progressbar $mytoplevel.progress -orient horizontal -length 640 -ma
ximum 100 -mode determinate -variable ::deken::progressvar } stdout ] } {
} {
pack $mytoplevel.progress -side bottom
proc ::deken::progress {x} {
set ::deken::progressvar $x
proc ::deken::initiate_search {mytoplevel} {
# let the user know what we're doing
::deken::post "Searching for externals..."
set ::deken::progressvar 0
# make the ajax call
if { [ catch {
set results [::deken::search_for [$mytoplevel.searchbit.entry get]]
} stdout ] } {
::pdwindow::debug "\[deken\]: online? $stdout\n"
::deken::status "Unable to perform search. Are you online?"
} else {
# delete all text in the results
if {[llength $results] != 0} {
set counter 0
# build the list UI of results
foreach r $results {
::deken::show_result $mytoplevel $counter $r 1
incr counter
foreach r $results {
::deken::show_result $mytoplevel $counter $r 0
incr counter
} else {
::deken::post "No matching externals found. Try using the full name e.g.
# display a single found entry
proc ::deken::show_result {mytoplevel counter result showmatches} {
foreach {title cmd match comment status} $result {break}
set tag ch$counter
#if { [ ($match) ] } { set matchtag archmatch } { set matchtag noarchmatch }
set matchtag [expr $match?"archmatch":"noarchmatch" ]
if {($match == $showmatches)} {
set comment [string map {"\n" "\n\t"} $comment]
::deken::post "$title\n\t$comment\n" [list $tag $matchtag]
::deken::highlightable_posttag $tag
::deken::bind_posttag $tag <Enter> "+::deken::status $status"
::deken::bind_posttag $tag <1> "$cmd"
# handle a clicked link
proc ::deken::clicked_link {URL filename} {
## make sure that the destination path exists
### if ::deken::installpath is set, use the first writable item
### if not, get a writable item from one of the searchpaths
### if this still doesn't help, ask the user
set installdir ""
if { [ info exists ::deken::installpath ] } {
## any previous choice?
set installdir [ ::deken::get_writable_dir [list $::deken::installpath ]
if { "$installdir" == "" } {
## search the default paths
set installdir [ ::deken::get_writable_dir $::sys_staticpath ]
if { "$installdir" == "" } {
## ask the user (and remember the decision)
set installdir [ ::deken::get_writable_dir [list $::deken::installpath ]
if { "$installdir" == "" } {
::deken::post "No writeable directory found in:" warn
foreach p $::sys_staticpath { ::deken::post "\t- $p" warn }
::deken::post "Cannot download/install libraries!" warn
switch -- [tk_messageBox -message \
"Install to directory $installdir?" \
-type yesnocancel -default "yes" \
-icon question] {
no {set installdir ""
if {[::deken::prompt_installdir]} {
set installdir [ ::deken::get_writable_dir [list
$::deken::installpath ] ] }
if { "$installdir" eq "" } return}
cancel return}
set fullpkgfile "$installdir/$filename"
::deken::post "Commencing downloading of:\n$URL\nInto $installdir..."
::deken::download_file $URL $fullpkgfile
set PWD [ pwd ]
cd $installdir
set success 1
if { [ string match *.zip $fullpkgfile ] } then {
if { [ ::deken::vbs_unzipper $fullpkgfile $installdir ] } { } {
if { [ catch { exec unzip -uo $fullpkgfile } stdout ] } {
::pdwindow::debug "$stdout\n"
set success 0
} elseif { [ string match *.tar.gz $fullpkgfile ]
|| [ string match *.tgz $fullpkgfile ]
} then {
if { [ catch { exec tar xzf $fullpkgfile } stdout ] } {
::pdwindow::debug "$stdout\n"
set success 0
cd $PWD
if { $success > 0 } {
::deken::post "Successfully unzipped $filename into $installdir.\n"
catch { exec rm $fullpkgfile }
} else {
# Open both the fullpkgfile folder and the zipfile itself
# NOTE: in tcl 8.6 it should be possible to use the zlib interface to ac
tually do the unzip
::deken::post "Unable to extract package automatically." warn
::deken::post "Please perform the following steps manually:"
::deken::post "1. Unzip $fullpkgfile."
pd_menucommands::menu_openfile $fullpkgfile
::deken::post "2. Copy the contents into $installdir.\n"
pd_menucommands::menu_openfile $installdir
# download a file to a location
# http://wiki.tcl.tk/15303
proc ::deken::download_file {URL outputfilename} {
set f [open $outputfilename w]
set status ""
set errorstatus ""
fconfigure $f -translation binary
set httpresult [http::geturl $URL -binary true -progress "::deken::download_
progress" -channel $f]
set status [::http::status $httpresult]
set errorstatus [::http::error $httpresult]
flush $f
close $f
http::cleanup $httpresult
return [list $status $errorstatus ]
# print the download progress to the results window
proc ::deken::download_progress {token total current} {
if { $total > 0 } {
::deken::progress [expr {round(100 * (1.0 * $current / $total))}]
# parse a deken-packagefilename into it's components: <pkgname>[-v<version>-]?{(
# return: list <pkgname> <version> [list <arch> ...]
proc ::deken::parse_filename {filename} {
set pkgname $filename
set archs [list]
set version ""
if { [ regexp {(.*)-externals\..*} $filename _ basename] } {
set pkgname $basename
# basename <pkgname>[-v<version>-]?{(<arch>)}
## strip off the archs
set baselist [split $basename () ]
# get pkgname + version
set pkgver [lindex $baselist 0]
if { ! [ regexp "(.*)-(.*)-" $pkgver _ pkgname version ] } {
set pkgname $pkgver
set $version ""
# get archs
foreach {a _} [lreplace $baselist 0 0] { lappend archs $a }
return [list $pkgname $version $archs]
# test for platform match with our current platform
proc ::deken::architecture_match {archs} {
# if there are no architecture sections this must be arch-independent
if { ! [llength $archs] } { return 1}
# check each architecture in our list against the current one
foreach arch $archs {
if { [ regexp -- {(.*)-(.*)-(.*)} $arch _ os machine bits ] } {
if { "${os}" eq "$::deken::platform(os)" &&
"${bits}" eq "$::deken::platform(bits)"
} {
## so OS and word size match
## check whether the CPU matches as well
if { "${machine}" eq "$::deken::platform(machine)" } {return 1}
## not exactly; see whether it is in the list of compat CPUs
if {[llength [array names ::deken::architecture_substitutes -exa
ct $::deken::platform(machine)]]} {
foreach cpu $::deken::architecture_substitutes($::deken::pla
tform(machine)) {
if { "${machine}" eq "${cpu}" } {return 1}
return 0
proc ::deken::search_for {term} {
::deken::status "searching for '$term'"
set result [list]
foreach searcher $::deken::backends {
set result [concat $result [ $searcher $term ] ]
return $result
# create an entry for our search in the "help" menu (or re-use an existing one)
set mymenu .menubar.help
if { [catch {
$mymenu entryconfigure [_ "Find externals"] -command {::deken::open_searchui
} _ ] } {
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Find externals"] -command {::deken::open_sear
chui .externals_searchui}
# bind all <$::modifier-Key-s> {::deken::open_helpbrowser .helpbrowser2}
# http://rosettacode.org/wiki/URL_decoding#Tcl
proc urldecode {str} {
set specialMap {"[" "%5B" "]" "%5D"}
set seqRE {%([0-9a-fA-F]{2})}
set replacement {[format "%c" [scan "\1" "%2x"]]}
set modStr [regsub -all $seqRE [string map $specialMap $str] $replacement]
return [encoding convertfrom utf-8 [subst -nobackslash -novariable $modStr]]

# ####################################################################
# search backends
# ####################################################################
## API draft
# each backend is implemented via a single proc
## that takes a single argument "term", the term to search fo
## an empty term indicates "search for all"
# the backend then returns a list of results
## each result is a list of the following elements:
## <title> <cmd> <match> <comment> <status>
## title: the primary name to display
## (the user will select the element by this name)
## e.g. "frobscottle-1.10 (Linux/amd64)"
## cmd : a command that will install the selected library
## e.g. "[list ::deken::clicked_link http://bfg.org/frobscottle-1.10.zip
## match: an integer indicating whether this entry is actually usable
## on this host (1) or not (0)
## comment: secondary line to display
## e.g. "uploaded by the BFG in 1982"
## status: line to display in the status-line
## e.g. "http://bfg.org/frobscottle-1.10.zip"
# note on sorting:
## the results ought to be sorted with most up-to-date first
## (filtering based on architecture-matches should be ignored when sorting!)
# note on helper-functions:
## you can put whatever you like into <cmd>, even your own proc

# registration
## to register a new search function, call `::deken::register $myfun`
# namespace
## you are welcome to use the ::deken::search:: namespace

## ####################################################################
## searching puredata.info
proc ::deken::search::puredata.info {term} {
set searchresults [list]
set term [ join $term "&name=" ]
set token [http::geturl "http://deken.puredata.info/search?name=$term"]
set contents [http::data $token]
set splitCont [split $contents "\n"]
# loop through the resulting tab-delimited table
foreach ele $splitCont {
set ele [ string trim $ele ]
if { "" ne $ele } {
set sele [ split $ele "\t" ]
set name [ string trim [ lindex $sele 0 ]]
set URL [ string trim [ lindex $sele 1 ]]
set creator [ string trim [ lindex $sele 2 ]]
set date [regsub -all {[TZ]} [ string trim [ lindex $sele 3 ] ] {
set decURL [urldecode $URL]
set filename [ file tail $URL ]
set cmd [list ::deken::clicked_link $decURL $filename]
set pkgverarch [ ::deken::parse_filename $filename ]
set archs [lindex $pkgverarch 2]
set match [::deken::architecture_match "$archs" ]
set comment "Uploaded by $creator @ $date"
set status $URL
set sortname [lindex $pkgverarch 0]--[lindex $pkgverarch 1]--$date
set res [list $name $cmd $match $comment $status $filename]
lappend searchresults $res
http::cleanup $token
return [lsort -dictionary -decreasing -index 5 $searchresults ]
::deken::register ::deken::search::puredata.info

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