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Review article

Mechanisms of Disease

Intravenous Immune Globulin

in Autoimmune and Inflammatory Diseases
Erwin W. Gelfand, M.D.

n an era in which new biologics are being introduced to target From the Division of Cell Biology, De-
inflammation and autoimmunity, some older treatments persist. Immune glob- partment of Pediatrics, National Jewish
Health, Denver. Address reprint requests
ulinreplacement therapy has been a lifesaving treatment for patients with an- to Dr. Gelfand at the Division of Cell Biol-
tibody deficiency. When immune globulin replacement was introduced in the 1950s ogy, Department of Pediatrics, National
for the treatment of primary immunodeficiency diseases, it was administered sub- Jewish Health, 1400 Jackson St., Denver,
CO 80206, or at gelfande@njhealth.org.
cutaneously or by intramuscular injection; subsequently, preparations suitable for
intravenous use were developed, and these have undergone progressive changes in N Engl J Med 2012;367:2015-25.
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMra1009433
composition, particularly the elimination of sugars and normalization of the salt Copyright 2012 Massachusetts Medical Society.
content and osmolarity. As a result, reactions have become much less frequent. Intra-
venous immune globulin is prepared from plasma pooled from thousands of healthy
donors. This pooling provides a diversity of antibody repertoires and antibody spec-
ificities. More than a dozen preparations suitable for intravenous administration
have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment
of primary immunodeficiency diseases.
The importance of regular immune globulin replacement in patients with anti-
body deficiencies was initially attributed to its ability to provide specific antibodies
that could not be produced by these patients in particular, antibodies to encap-
sulated organisms such as Streptococcus pneumoniae or Haemophilus influenzae. Since the
introduction of immune globulinreplacement therapy administered on a regular
basis, the incidence of severe infections such as meningitis, osteomyelitis, and
lobar pneumonia has been substantially reduced. However, the therapeutic bene-
fits may not be limited to antibody replacement; intravenous immune globulin may
also play an active role in primary immunodeficiency diseases. Supporting this
notion is the observation that the benefits do not necessarily correlate with actual
antibody titers.1 Indeed, in patients with X-linked agammaglobulinemia who were
infected with mycoplasma species, intravenous immune globulin was found to
have considerable benefits, especially a reduction in isolates, even though antibody
titers were virtually undetectable.2 This potential for benefits beyond those
achieved by means of antibody replacement was first revealed when immune
globulin was used to treat a patient with antibody deficiency in whom autoim-
mune thrombocytopenia developed. In the landmark description of this case by
Imbach and colleagues, immune globulin replacement successfully restored plate-
let counts to the normal range.3 Since these initial observations were reported, the
use of immune globulin in the treatment of inflammatory and autoimmune dis-
eases (especially when it is administered intravenously) has expanded enormously.
These diverse disorders now range from blistering skin diseases to transplant rejec-
tion, neurologic diseases, and a host of other inflammatory and autoimmune
conditions. Given these apparent benefits in patients with disorders that often have
no recognizable common cause, it is clear that immune globulin treatment has gone
far beyond antibody replacement for the treatment of immunodeficiency states.

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

indications for use of intr avenous syndrome, but its effectiveness in these condi-
Immune Globulin in autoimmune tions is unsubstantiated.
and infl a mm atory conditions As an alternative to other therapies, the overall
use of intravenous immune globulin continues to
Currently, immune globulin is used in the treat- expand as novel insights are gained into the un-
ment of a wide variety of diseases, with more derlying pathophysiological characteristics of cer-
than 75% of the intravenous immune globulin in tain diseases and the need for immunomodula-
the United States administered to patients with tion. One area of growing interest is the potential
autoimmune or inflammatory conditions. At pres- use of intravenous immune globulin in patients
ent, the FDA-approved indications for immune with Alzheimers disease. Passive immunotherapy
globulin therapy are limited (Table 1). A few years with the use of antibeta amyloid (A) antibodies
ago, chronic inflammatory demyelinating poly- was attempted (e.g., monoclonal antibodies such
neuropathy was added to the list of indications,4 as bapineuzumab), but this approach had limited
and the use of intravenous immune globulin is also success. Recently, intravenous immune globulin,
now accepted for patients undergoing kidney trans- which contains naturally occurring antibodies,
plantation when the recipient has a high antibody was shown to contain antibodies to A peptides,
titer or when the donors blood is ABO-incom- and in both in vitro neuronal-cell cultures and an
patible.5 Most recently, the FDA approved the use in vivo mouse model, intravenous human im-
of immune globulin to treat patients with multi- mune globulin had beneficial effects.9 Intrave-
focal motor neuropathy. For each of these indica- nous immune globulin promoted the recognition
tions, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials have and removal of natively formed A deposits by
been conducted to establish the efficacy of intra- microglia. A recent 18-month, open-label, follow-
venous immune globulin. The efficacy of all the up study of 24 patients with Alzheimers disease
brands of intravenous immune globulin available receiving intravenous immune globulin showed a
in the United States has been established for the reduction in ventricular enlargement on magnetic
treatment of primary immunodeficiency diseases, resonance imaging and an improvement in cogni-
whereas for other indications, a limited number tion scores.10 Larger controlled studies are needed
of controlled studies (often with a single product) to address the efficacy of intravenous immune
have been performed. At present, there is a lack of globulin in Alzheimers disease.
comparative data to suggest that one brand is more
effective than other brands. However, the various
preparations of intravenous immune globulin may Mech a nisms of Ac t ion
of In t r av enous Im mune
differ from one another in ways that may be im- Gl obul in
portant in a particular patient.
In the United States, intravenous immune glob- The doses used in the treatment of autoimmune
ulin has often been used for off-label indications. and inflammatory conditions are generally four
A large number of diseases have shown poten- to five times higher than those used for replace-
tially beneficial responses to intravenous immune ment therapy in patients with immunodeficiency
globulin,6-8 and for many of these diseases, Medi- disease. A total dose of 2 g per kilogram of body
care or a commercial insurer has approved reim- weight, administered over a period of 2 to 5 days
bursement for such therapy, often conditionally, on a monthly basis, is most often used and re-
requiring documentation of contraindications to sults in serum IgG levels of 2500 to 3500 mg per
or a lack of response to conventional therapies deciliter. The ways in which intravenous immune
(Table 1). For most of these indications, evidence globulin exerts its immunomodulatory and anti-
is available from only small, controlled trials or inflammatory effects remain unclear, with many
from clinical experience with limited numbers of pathways in the innate and adaptive immune sys-
patients. According to these lines of evidence, tems being potentially targeted (Fig. 1). Since many
there are a number of conditions for which intra- of the diseases that respond to intravenous im-
venous immune globulin has not been consid- mune globulin therapy appear to have pathologic
ered medically necessary and would not be cov- profiles that differ from one another, it has been
ered. For example, intravenous immune globulin difficult to develop a common mechanistic under-
has been used to treat autism and chronic fatigue standing of its mode of action.

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Copyright 2012 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
Mechanisms of Disease

Many distinct but nonmutually exclusive

Table 1. Diseases for Which Intravenous Immune Globulin Has Been Shown
mechanisms have been suggested, as can be seen to Be Beneficial.
from studies of intravenous immune globulin as
treatment for Kawasakis disease, a disease for FDA-approved indications
which the effects of this intervention are dra- Primary immunodeficiency disease
matic. Although the underlying pathophysiolog- Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
ical characteristics of the disease remain to be Pediatric HIV infection
clearly defined, the antiinflammatory potential
Kawasakis disease
of intravenous immune globulin in patients with
Allogeneic bone marrow transplantation
Kawasakis disease has been well described.11
After a single intravenous infusion of immune Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy
globulin, fever often abates, with concomitant Kidney transplantation involving a recipient with a high antibody titer
reductions in several inflammatory markers.12 or an ABO-incompatible donor
Among the many explanations for these effects Multifocal motor neuropathy
are decreases in the production of proinflam- Additional approved indications with criteria
matory cytokines (e.g., tumor necrosis factor Neuromuscular disorders
[TNF-], interleukin-1, and interleukin-6), the
GuillainBarr syndrome
down-regulation of adhesion molecule and che-
mokine and chemokine-receptor expression, and Relapsingremitting multiple sclerosis
the neutralization of superantigens.13,14 Indeed, Myasthenia gravis
antibodies to many of these proinflammatory Refractory polymyositis
cytokines and chemokines have been detected in Polyradiculoneuropathy
intravenous immune globulin, and increases in LambertEaton myasthenic syndrome
serum antiinflammatory cytokines (e.g., interleu- Opsoclonusmyoclonus
kin-10) and receptors and antagonists (e.g., sol-
Birdshot retinopathy
uble TNF- receptor and interleukin-1receptor
antagonist) have been observed after infusion of Refractory dermatomyositis
intravenous immune globulin.15-20 It is impor- Hematologic disorders
tant to note that most of the studies of the Autoimmune hemolytic anemia
mechanisms of action of intravenous immune Severe anemia associated with parvovirus B19
globulin were carried out in vitro or in animal Autoimmune neutropenia
Neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia
One general mechanism of action potentially
HIV-associated thrombocytopenia
links the benefits of intravenous immune globu-
lin to the response to glucocorticoids. In the ma- Graft-versus-host disease
jority of chronic inflammatory diseases in which Cytomegalovirus infection or interstitial pneumonia in patients
intravenous immune globulin has been used, glu- undergoing bone marrow transplantation
cocorticoid therapy is generally considered to be Dermatologic disorders
the first-line treatment. The antiinflammatory ef- Pemphigus vulgaris
fects of glucocorticoids are mediated through in- Pemphigus foliaceus
tracellular receptors that modulate (enhance or Bullous pemphigoid
inhibit) gene expression.21 As a result, glucocor-
Mucous-membrane (cicatricial) pemphigoid
ticoids can reduce inflammation at several levels,
Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita
including modulation of cytokine and chemokine
production, of adhesion-molecule expression, and Toxic epidermal necrolysis or StevensJohnson syndrome
of inflammatory-cell accumulation. The major Necrotizing fasciitis
glucocorticoid receptor, the alpha isoform of the
* This is an abbreviated list of conditions approved under Medicare Part D or
glucocorticoid receptor (GR), functions primar- Aetna Clinical Policy Bulletin (2012). Criteria include medical certainty of diag-
ily as a ligand-activated transcription factor. Al- nosis, medical necessity owing to the failure of usual treatments, contraindica-
ternative splicing of the glucocorticoid-receptor tions to usual treatments, rapid progression or relapse, documentation of prog-
ress, and attempts to adjust drug dosages without improvement. FDA denotes
gene results in the expression of a GR isoform Food and Drug Administration, and HIV human immunodeficiency virus.
that does not bind ligand and may exhibit domi-

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Antibodies to immunomodulatory proteins
(cytokines, chemokines, receptors, adhesion molecules)
Antibodies to superantigens and pathogens
Natural antibodies

ComplementFc binding
Inhibition of deposition of activated
complement component on target tissues

Inhibition of phagocytosis Sialylated Fc
Blockade of immune-complex access to FcR Binds to C-type lectin receptor (DC-SIGN) on
Binding to activating and inhibitory FcR DCs, leading to secretion of a mediator that
Alterations in GR binding affinity activates effector macrophages to increase
expression of the inhibitory FcRIIB receptor
Regulation of DC maturation and function
Inhibition of antibody-dependent cellular toxicity
Modulation of antibody half-life through FcRn

Other soluble proteins contained in IVIG

Soluble cytokine receptors and receptor antagonists

Figure 1. Structure of IgG Molecule in Relation to Various Antiinflammatory and Immunomodulatory Activities.
Intravenous immune globulin (IVIG) also contains numerous soluble proteins with biologic activity. DC denotes dendritic cells, FcR
receptor for the Fc portion of IgG, FcRn neonatal Fc receptor, and GR glucocorticoid receptor.

nant negative activity.22 Patients vary in their re- T-cell sensitivity but also in vivo with the nor-
sponse to glucocorticoids, and their degree of malization of glucocorticoid-receptor binding in
sensitivity may vary with the stage of the disease. association with improved clinical responses to
A reduced response to glucocorticoids or the need glucocorticoid therapy after 3 to 6 months of
to increase the dose has been associated with in- treatment.25 Thus, intravenous immune globulin
creased GR expression, decreased glucocorticoid- may play a major role in many of these disease
receptor binding, or a decreased affinity for glu- states by improving glucocorticoid-receptor bind-
cocorticoids. States of glucocorticoid resistance ing through mechanisms that remain to be de-
or insensitivity have been described in many au- fined but that may include suppression of pro
toimmune and inflammatory conditions, includ- inflammatory cytokine production.26
ing asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus Nonetheless, despite the identification of im-
erythematosus, ulcerative colitis, and transplant munomodulatory and antiinflammatory activities
rejection.22,23 Development of a resistant state in various diseases, the benefits of immune globu-
may be induced by proinflammatory cytokines.24 lin are not easily explained and probably cannot
In studies involving patients with severe, gluco- be explained by a uniform mechanism. The pleio-
corticoid-resistant asthma, treatment with intra- tropic effects of intravenous immune globulin may
venous immune globulin improved the response provide advantages in treating the various inflam-
to glucocorticoids, as shown in vitro in assays of matory and autoimmune conditions. Several ac-

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Mechanisms of Disease

tivities appear to be clearer than others. Some of thrombocytopenic purpura, nephrotoxic nephri-
the beneficial effects of administered immune tis, and rheumatoid arthritis, have indicated that
globulin extend beyond its half-life, implying that the Fc portion and intact IgG were essential to
the results are not due simply to enhanced pas- the activities in autoimmune diseases.34-36 The
sive clearance or interference with pathogenic au- potential mechanisms for the Fc-mediated activ-
toantibodies. Administered immune globulin can ity, in large part, reflect the various effector path-
exert both antiinflammatory and proinflamma- ways, receptors, and ligands that can interact with
tory effects, depending on the interacting part- the Fc portion of IgG. The most prominent among
ner (Fig. 2). Antiinflammatory activities are seen them include the complement pathway, the neo-
more generally when intravenous immune globu- natal Fc receptor (FcRn), and activating and in-
lin is administered at relatively high doses, where- hibitory Fc receptors for IgG (FcRs) (Fig. 2).
as proinflammatory activities involving comple-
ment activation or binding of IgG through the Reduction of Complement Uptake
receptor (R) for the crystallizable fragment (Fc) The binding of IgG to potentially harmful com-
portion of IgG (FcR), particularly on innate im- plement fragments (C3a, C3b, C4b, and C5a)
mune effector cells, are seen at low doses. The blocks deposition of these fragments on target tis-
relative expression levels and affinities of activat- sues, thus preventing subsequent immune damage
ing and inhibitory FcRs that trigger counteract- that arises from cell destruction or aggravated in-
ing signaling pathways may establish a balance or flammation.37 Increased uptake of complement
threshold for activation of immune effector cells. has been shown in diseases such as active der-
In turn, different cytokines and other proinflam- matomyositis, Kawasakis disease, autoimmune
matory or antiinflammatory stimuli can alter this hemolytic anemia, the GuillainBarr syndrome,
balance and affect FcR-mediated effector-cell and myasthenia gravis. After treatment with in-
functions such as phagocytosis, degranulation, travenous immune globulin, complement uptake
release of proinflammatory cytokines, antibody- was reduced.38 However, the importance of this
dependent cell cytotoxicity, and antigen presen- mechanism of action has been questioned by
tation.27-29 studies showing that complement inactivation by
Other mechanisms appear to be dependent on cobra-venom factor has no effect on the activity
either the IgG antigen-binding fragment (Fab) or of intravenous immune globulin.39
Fc (Fig. 1 and Table 2), and both fragments have
been linked to the antiinflammatory or immu- Saturation of FcRn
nomodulatory activities of IgG.29,30 Since intra- FcRn is a critical regulator of the half-life of IgG.
venous immune globulin contains many antibod- Normally, IgG binds to FcRn, which is found on
ies with distinct specificities, it has been suggested many tissues, including skin and muscle, and
that its therapeutic benefits may be the result of which is highly expressed on vascular endothelial
antibody Fab binding to a variety of proteins or cells. FcRn is a protective receptor that attenuates
cell-surface receptors. These include binding to the catabolism of IgG, preventing its degradation
specific cytokines, cytokine receptors, Fas, sialic by lysosomes and returning intact IgG to the cir-
acidbinding Ig-like lectin-9 (Siglec-9), and CD5, culation.40 One approach to blocking the activity
among others.15-20,29,31,32 Other Fab-dependent of autoantibodies would be to intercept their in-
mechanisms that have been reported involve the teraction with this receptor. This would then short-
reestablishment of the idiotypicanti-idiotypic net- en the half-life of the autoantibody, more rapidly
work.33 Intravenous immune globulin contains an eliminating it from the circulation, thereby re-
array of anti-idiotypic antibodies that can target ducing target-cell damage. Although the role of
B lymphocytes expressing these idiotypes and intravenous immune globulinmediated FcRn sat-
down-regulate or eliminate autoreactive clones. uration is an appealing concept,41,42 it has been dif-
Although these activities may support the im- ficult to validate in various experimental models.30
portance of the Fab fragment in the benefits of
intravenous immune globulin, the evidence that Blockade of Activating Fc Receptors
implicates the Fc fragment as playing a central In light of the importance of FcRs in many an-
role is greater. Data from humans and from mouse tibody-directed effector functions, it is logical to
models of several diseases, including immune assume that blocking activating FcRs can limit

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e


Terminal sialic
acid residues

Proinflammatory Antiinflammatory
pathways pathways


Activating FcR FcRn Inhibitory SIGN-R1


Figure 2. Biologic Activity of IgGFc Interacting Partners.

IgGFc binds to a variety of proteins that can initiate both proinflammatory pathways (e.g., C1q and activating FcRs)
and antiinflammatory pathways (e.g., inhibitory FcRIIB and SIGN-R1). These pathways, at least in part, require the
presence of terminal sialic acid residues on Fc (-2,6-sialylated Fc). The neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) interacts with a
distal site on Fc, independent of the sugar side chain. SIGN-R1 denotes surface receptorspecific intercellular adhe-
sion molecule 3grabbing nonintegrin-related 1.

these pathologic events. This mechanism poses tory activities of anti-D immune globulin44 or
certain challenges, since the FcRs in humans hyperimmune serum.45
FcRIIA/B/C and FcRIIIA (and their mouse
counterparts, FcRIIB, FcRIII, and FcRIV) Up-Regulation of FCRIIB
tend to be low- or medium-affinity receptors, and More closely linked to the antiinflammatory ac-
this limits their ability to interact with monomeric tivity of intravenous immune globulin is the low-
IgG. Monomeric IgG constitutes more than 95% affinity inhibitory receptor FcRIIB. Among ge-
of intravenous immune globulin. By extension, netically manipulated animals that did not
preparations of intravenous immune globulin that express this receptor, those with immune throm-
contain dimeric or multimeric IgG could be more bocytopenic purpura, rheumatoid arthritis, or
antiinflammatory.43 In the presence of their re- nephrotoxic nephritis were no longer protected by
spective antigens, the IgG antibodies in the prep- intravenous immune globulin.35,36,46-49 An impor-
aration of immune globulin could create high tant attribute of intravenous immune globulin may
levels of immune complexes and outcompete the be its ability to induce an increase in the expres-
autoantibodyantigen complex or block its access sion of FcRIIB on effector macrophages.35,36,46
to activating FcRs mechanisms that have been This induction may explain the benefits seen with
suggested with respect to the immunomodula- intravenous immune globulin in a study involving

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Copyright 2012 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
Mechanisms of Disease

patients with chronic inflammatory demyelinat-

Table 2. Potential Antiinflammatory
ing polyneuropathy; in these patients, as compared and Immunomodulatory Activities of IgG.*
with a control group, inhibitory FcRIIB expres-
Fab-mediated activities
sion was reduced on memory B cells.50 As with the
Suppression or neutralization of autoantibodies
low-affinity activating receptors, a direct interac-
tion between intravenous immune globulin and Suppression or neutralization of cytokines
the low-affinity, inhibitory FcRIIB is unlikely, Neutralization of activated complement components
but modulation of effector macrophages through Restoration of idiotypicanti-idiotypic networks
the up-regulation of inhibitory FcRIIB may be Blockade of leukocyte-adhesion-molecule binding
important in reducing proinflammatory re- Targeting of specific immune cellsurface receptors
sponses (Fig. 3). Modulation of maturation and function of dendritic cells
Fc-dependent activities
Immunomodulation by Sialylated IgG
Blockade of the FcRn
Despite the many effects on various effector-cell
Blockade of activating FcR
types, cytokines, chemokines, and other media-
Up-regulation of inhibitory FcRIIB
tors that have been ascribed to intravenous im-
Immunomodulation by sialylated IgG
mune globulin and the potential for imbalance in
activating and inhibitory FcR expression levels, * Fab denotes antigen-binding fragment, Fc crystallizable
it remains unclear whether a single mechanism fragment, FcR receptor for the Fc portion of IgG, and
underlies the varied effects of this therapy in dis- FcRn neonatal Fc receptor.
parate diseases and why high doses of intravenous
immune globulin are required for the antiinflam- intravenous immune globulin preparations, ac-
matory or immunomodulatory activities. Since the counting for the equal effects seen with the in-
pathophysiological characteristics of many of the fusion of low doses of sialylated Fc fragments
autoimmune and inflammatory diseases are only and the doses of native intravenous immune
now being unraveled, it is also unclear whether the globulin that were higher by a factor of 10.47 The
antiinflammatory activities of intravenous immune need for glycosylation eliminates the possibility
globulin seen in many of the mouse models of in- of a simple FcRn competition model, since FcRn,
flammatory disease may be replicated in humans. unlike other FcRs, retains its affinity for degly-
Some insights can be gained from the obser- cosylated Fc fragments. The loss of FcR binding
vation that different patterns of IgG glycosylation with deglycosylated IgG links the two effector
can be detected in animal models of inflamma- molecules, IgG and FcR.
tion and in patients with rheumatoid arthritis or However, a direct relationship between IgG and
various forms of autoimmune vasculitis,51-55 sup- FcR is doubtful, since there is evidence that si-
porting the concept that unique IgG glycoforms alic acidrich IgG has a decreased affinity for clas-
participate in the modulation of antibody effec- sical FcRs in humans and mice,47,56,57 which
tor function in vivo. This led to the discovery that excludes the possibility that sialic acidrich in-
a small, sialylated fraction of IgG was responsible travenous immune globulin blocks the access of
for the antiinflammatory activities in a mouse autoantibody immune complexes to activating
model of arthritis.47 The glycan moiety is an FcRs. Together, the data are more likely to sup-
integral part of the scaffold for FcR binding. port the notion of a novel receptor on regulatory
To define the role of the glycan structure on the macrophages that specifically recognizes sialic
Fc fragment of IgG in mediating the antiinflam- acidrich IgG and promotes an antiinflammatory
matory activity, these carbohydrates were deleted. environment (Fig. 3). In acute disease, in which
Deglycosylated intravenous immune globulin significant reductions in terminal sialic acid
appeared to be unable to provide antiinflamma- residues in serum and autoantibodies have been
tory protection in this model of rheumatoid ar- observed,51 the administration of intravenous
thritis. The antiinflammatory activity resided in a immune globulin could restore levels of sialic
minor population of pooled IgG that contained acidrich IgG and thereby dampen inflammatory
terminal -2,6 sialic acid linkages on their Fc- activity by increasing inhibitory FcRIIB expres-
linked glycans. Notably, this fully processed gly- sion and suppressing the effector function of
can was found in only 1 to 3% of IgG in the autoantibodies. To be effective, sialylated Fc

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Copyright 2012 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e




Activating Reduced
effector molecules inflammation



Figure 3. Potential Model for Antiinflammatory Activity of Sialylated Fc.

Sialylated Fc, present in low quantities in intravenous immune globulin, binds to SIGN-R1 on macrophages, result-
ing in the release of soluble mediators. These mediators bind to effector macrophages and increase expression of
the inhibitory FcRIIB receptors, which compete with antigenantibody complex binding to activating FcRs. The
net result is an increase in the concentration of the complexes required to initiate an inflammatory response.

fragments appeared to require SIGN-R1 (specific penic purpura, in which the importance of Fc
intercellular adhesion molecule 3 [ICAM-3] sialylation for the activity of intravenous im-
grabbing nonintegrin-related 1), a specific C-type mune globulin was clearly shown.47,59 However,
lectin expressed on macrophages.58 SIGN-R1 binds when such therapy was tested in another model
preferentially to -2,6-sialylated Fc, suggesting that of immune thrombocytopenic purpura, its effects
a specific binding site is created by the sialylation appeared to be independent of sialylation of the
of Fc. In an animal model of immune thrombo- Fc regions of intravenous immune globulin.60
cytopenic purpura, amelioration of platelet phago- Furthermore, although the human orthologue of
cytosis mediated by intravenous immune globu- SIGN-R1, dendritic-cellspecific ICAM 3grabbing
lin could be blocked with a SIGN-R1specific nonintegrin (DC-SIGN), exhibits binding specific-
antibody.59 ity for sialylated Fc that is similar to that in ani-
The studies in animals have provided impor- mals, it differs in cellular distribution a factor
tant insights, but for many of the proposed ac- that may result in important species differences
tivities, the mechanisms must be validated in in the antiinflammatory protection provided by
humans. The models used may offer only limit- intravenous immune globulin.61
ed insight into human disease, and the mecha-
nism of action of intravenous immune globulin in L o ok ing A he a d
the various models may not be consistent. This
is perhaps best illustrated in some models of The use of intravenous immune globulin has been
experimental arthritis or immune thrombocyto- firmly established for the treatment of a wide va-

2022 n engl j med 367;21 nejm.org november 22, 2012

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Downloaded from nejm.org at Hinari Phase 2 sites on October 20, 2014. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.
Copyright 2012 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
Mechanisms of Disease

riety of autoimmune and inflammatory diseases, cially at doses of 2 g per kilogram per month, is
either as adjunctive therapy or as first-line therapy expensive, and with expanding use there are con-
in some conditions, such as Kawasakis disease. Its cerns about present and future supplies, especially
use has generated novel and important insights if the donor pool decreases or is limited by safety
into the complexities of the immune system and issues and increased pathogen screening of do-
has highlighted the importance of a native mole- nors of the source plasma. Attempts to bioengi-
cule, IgG, as a key regulator of both innate and neer a protein with immunomodulatory activi-
adaptive immunity. These informative studies have ties similar to those of native IgG should be a
not been without challenges. Results in animal priority if we are to sustain this approach to
models have not been entirely consistent and easy disease modification. Delineation of the poten-
to translate to human disease. Double-blind, pla- tial role of sialylated Fc in some of the immuno-
cebo-controlled trials remain essential to estab- modulatory activities may be one important step
lish the efficacy of this intervention in a variety if results similar to those shown in animals can
of disease states. As with many interventions, there be found in humans. If only a portion of the
may be specific subgroups of patients with cer- total intravenous immune globulin is effective,
tain diseases who are more likely to benefit from that would explain why the doses currently re-
treatment with intravenous immune globulin. quired are so high. The successes with intravenous
Some of the variability in the development and clin- immune globulin witnessed over the past few
ical manifestations of a disease, and ultimately decades are just the beginning. Now the real
the response to intravenous immune globulin, work needs to begin.
may relate to differential antibody Fc glycosylation Dr. Gelfand reports receiving consulting fees from CSL Behring
patterns52,53,55 or may be explained by genetic and and Biotest. No other potential conflict of interest relevant to
this article was reported.
functional variations in FcR expression.62-66 Disclosure forms provided by the author are available with the
Intravenous immune globulin therapy, espe- full text of this article at NEJM.org.

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