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La semana del seis de febrero (week of 2-6)

Plans may change a little day to day. If there is a major change or

an assignment change, I will post it on my website.

Remember to practice Spanish at home at least 15

minutes a night, whether or not you have homework.

This is a reminder that as stated in my syllabus, I do

not give credit for late work. Homework not turned in
at the beginning of class when it is due, will receive
49%. However, homework that was turned in on time
(and complete) may be redone for a better grade.

Tarea means homework. Examencito means


lunes (Monday)

Yo puedo repasar para el examen.

Y puedo terminar la cancin de
Shakira. https://safeshare.tv/x/ss589366ac89b11

No hables! Escucha!
You need 4 things on your desk:
-la tarea (p.326 Act 3)
- tu guia de estudia para el examen
de capitulo 9
-tu Shakira word bank and song
sheet from Friday
I will check that you have your homework while
you are filling in the lyrics to Shakira.

No hables!
Escucha a Shakira y escribe!
Vamos a
-terminar la cancin de Shakira
with lyrics to check: https://safeshare.tv/x/ha__rLp4mOM
-arreglar nuestros papeles (random)
-hacer pgina 337 actividad 4
-jugar oracciones corriendo
Tarea: Estudia! Your only homework
is to study for tomorrows test. Make
sure you

martes (Tuesday)

Yo puedo tomar el examen.

Pon tus carpetas arriba!

Saca tu lpiz!
No busques respuestas!
No hables!
Cubre tu examen!

Vamos a
-tomar el examen
-hacer la tarea
Tarea: Reading comprehension
worksheet that you will get with the test.

mircoles (Wednesday)

Yo puedo tomar notas del

vocabulario nuevo.
-Entrega la tarea (Rdg comp paper)
-Toma el papel: Look at the
vocabulary on pages 348-349

Vamos a
-repasar el papel (arriba)
-mirar el video de vocabulario
-practicar con vocabulario, incluyendo
las preguntas de expresate y tomar

Y vamos a.-empezar la tarea juntos

porque hay 10 preguntas

Tarea: p. 350 Act 2, 1-10 just fill in the

blanks and know what it all means.
You need to know that the
Peruvian currency is called the

Our vocabulary quiz will be on Monday,

2-13-17. Like last time it will have 5
Spanish sentences using the vocabulary
that you will have to conjugate. Make
sure you study the Exprsate boxes as
well pages 348-351.
jueves (Thursday)

Yo puedo escuchar en espaol.

Repasar el preterito con el
vocabulario nuevo.
-Entrega la tarea (p. 350 Act 2, 1-10)
-Abre el libro a pgina 350, Actividad
3, y hazla con un vecino, usando las
fotos de actividad 1 y vocabulario de
p.348-349, incluyendo las cajas de

Vamos a
-repasar p. 350 Act 3 y las respuestas
de la tarea de ayer
-escuchar p. 350 Act 1
Y vamos a.
-mirar el video repasar del preterito
-empezar la tarea juntos

Tarea: p. 353 Act 8, 1-6 full sentences

Our vocabulary quiz will be on Monday,

2-13-17. Like last time it will have 5
Spanish sentences using the vocabulary
that you will have to conjugate. Make
sure you study the Expresate boxes as
well pages 348-351.
viernes (Friday)

Yo puedo escuchar en espaol y

repasar el preterito con el
vocabulario nuevo.
-Entrega la tarea (p. 353 Act 8, 1-6)
-Saca tu marcador de pizarra
-Abre el libro a pgina 352, Actividad
Talk with your neighbor and make
sure you know what all the sentences
and choices mean.
Then conjugate the verbs for
different people, like yo, t, or
nosotros to practice. We will do the
listening soon.
Vamos a
-repasar las respuestas de la tarea de
-escuchar p. 352 Act 7
-mirar el video car gar zar
-jugar oraciones de grupos
Tarea: STUDY for your vocabulary
quiz on Monday

Our vocabulary quiz will be on Monday,

2-13-17. Like last time it will have 5
Spanish sentences using the vocabulary
that you will have to conjugate. Make
sure you study the Expresate boxes as
well pages 348-351.

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