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More and more people are moving into cities around the worldand

those cities are getting bigger and bigger. The urbanization shift
could wreck the environment. Living in a city also tends to offer
greater opportunity for employment, entertainment, and even
access to physicians and dentists. Scientists have also found that
getting away from the city for just a short while works wonders for
your mental health and stress levels. With a little travel, perhaps it
is possible to enjoy the best of both worlds.

In line 47, Reader claims that cities had a well-earned reputation for
being unhealthy places. Studies on the effect of urban life on the
human mind have revealed that city dwellers tend to experience far
greater incidence of mood disorders like depression, anxiety, and
even schizophrenia. The incidence of schizophrenia is twice as
common in people born and raised in cities than people living in
rural areas. The World Health Organisation (WHO) branded air
pollution the worlds largest single environmental health risk
causing far greater harm than previously thought. Air pollution is
also linked cancer, heart disease and stroke deaths, showing that
cities do not only cause harm to the environment, they are also bad
for humans health.

In lines 9-13, in passage B, the writer claims that it would be better

to live close to facilities due to various reasons such as global
warming and the fact that land is finite. Urban development is
significantly more efficient with resources, because higher
population density yields lower waste. A Berkeley study revealed
that the average footprint for households in major urban areas is
less than half the national average, while it can be twice the
average in suburbs. New York, the largest U.S. city, is also the
greenest by far for per-capita consumption. Its carbon emissions are
less than a third the national average, and electricity use is 75
percent lower than Dallas. Denser land use also preserves more
area for natural development. According to estimates, a single acre
of forest absorbs enough carbon and produces enough oxygen to
meet the annual needs of 18 people. Reforesting the land of a single
Big Box retail site can nullify the environmental footprint of over 300

In lines 25, in passage B, the writer claims that cities as natural

homes for the creative class. Samantha Lo was sentenced to
perform 240 hours of community service as punishment for her
street art on several public properties in 2012, capturing Singlish-
influenced phrases in spray-paint and stickers, which earned her the
nickname Sticker Lady. This shows that not all cities are able to
accommodate art and view art the same. Therefore I do not agree
with his claim that cities are natural homes for the creative class.

In conclusion, I am more pessimistic about living in cities.

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