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World History Mr. MeGarry/Mr, MeNamara China Unit ~ The Dynasties Outline Introduction: As you have learned, the Muslim world expanded and flourished after Muhammad. China's history also is a story of expansion and advancement. Why did China grow and advance as a civilization? Part of the ‘answer has to do with the dynasties and the individual rulers who governed China over the centuries. This outline, which you will complete, is based on Chapter 7. It is not a complete outline of the chapter, but rather it is an outline of the portions of the chapter that are about the Chinese rulers and what they did that helped China to grow into an empire, Your completed outline will help you to organize the information on this topic. China Builds an Empire I. The Sui Dynasty A, 581-618 A.D. B. Wendi reunifies China. 1. He allowed people to 2. He began public works projects. a. He ordered the rebuilding of. b. He began 3. He raised II. The Tang Dynasty A. 618-900 A.D. (approx) B. The rulers extended China's Gu @heyialsoiexpanded hel ssc tsetse TO. bring the country together. D. The government was arranged like a 1. The emporer was at the 3 2. The government was divided into departments and each had special responsibilities like: III, IV. 3. Local governments had to. E. Acode_ Ss waass set up and it was followed throughout the country. F. And persons wanting a job in the government had to Kublai Kahn A, Descendant of nomadic warriors who invaded China from the northwest B. 1279-1294 A.D. C. Under his leadership: 1. He restored and the Grand 2. He built a paved 3. Both helped to improve, The Ming Dynasty A. 1368-1644 A.D. © B. Rulers chose to do several things: 1. To rebuild and 2. To rebuild and extend 3. To lower and provide 4. To Beijing, China's capital 5. To authorize a series of a. Maritime means b, These were to c. A great fleet of ships was built, as many as ships and sailors d. The fleet reached India, e. China's grew i Qin - 221 BCE - 206 BCE © Dynasty also known as Chin + Emperor Chin Shih Huang Ti ~ first to unite China Han - 206 BCE - 220 CE WARRING STATES PERIOD Sui - 580 CE - 618 CE Tang - 618 CE - 907 CE WARRING STATES PERIOD Sang - 960 CE - 1279 CE + Dynasty also known as Song Yuan - 1279 CE -1368 CE + Dynasty also known as Khans, Mongols, or Mongol Ascendancy + Emperor Kublai Khan Ming - 1368 CE - 1644 CE * Admiral Zheng He * Built Forbidden City Qing (Manchu) -1644 CE - 1912 CE

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