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The 2013 Year of Snake

Chinese Zodiac, is a scheme, a systematic plan of future action, that

relates each year to an animal and its reputed attributes, according to a
12-year mathematical cycle. The Chinese zodiac is calculated according to
Chinese lunar calendar.

Signs of Chinese Zodiac

The zodiac traditionally begins with the sign of the Rat. The following are
the twelve zodiac signs (each with its associated Earthly branch) in order
and their characteristics.

Rat: (Yang, Fixed Element Water). You are imaginative, charming,

hardworking and truly generous to the person you love. However, you
have a tendency to be quick-tempered and overly critical. You are also
inclined to be somewhat of an opportunist. You are clever and shrewd.

2013 for Rat: This year could have some setbacks because 2013 is the
year of Snake. The snake could cause a lot of trouble for the rat. But due
to your clever and shrewdness, you can overcome any setbacks in this
year. Like the rat, the person born in the Year of the Rat, can be selfish
and manipulative.

The Year of the Rat person will not lose their shrewdness and cleverness,
and hard work ethic in 2013.

Being the Year of the Snake, 2013 could present setbacks in health and
wealth. The snake is quite dangerous for the rat and there may be
dangers in 2013. The Year of the Rat person should be very aware of the
dangers, and with their cleverness, they can avoid them. They should pay
special attention their health. Health could suffer and money could be

For Rats - 2013 is not the time to chase a fortune. Make sensible
conservative financial decisions and avoid risky ventures. They will do
quite well in 2013 provided they use their intelligence and hard work to a
good cause. Anything else could be asking for trouble!

Advise: Your health will suffer if you are selfish (i.e. mistreat your body),
reckless (bad food, cigarettes, alcohol) and misuse your intelligence to do
things that are not good for you.
Ox: (Yin, Fixed Element Water). You are hard working, diligent, reliable,
loyal, honest, good natured and realistic, a born leader; you inspire
confidence from all around you. You are conservative methodical, and
good with your hands. Guard against being chauvinistic and always
demanding your own way.

2013 for OX: For people born in the Year of the Ox, 2013 should not
present any challenges that cannot be managed. This should be a
successful year for the Ox person. But nothing should be taken for
granted and the Year of the Ox person has to work at being successful. In
the year 2013, the Ox person should watch out for their health.

The very good traits of the Year of the Ox person could work against
them. Long hours of work, reliability and loyalty to others may mean the
Ox person forgets about looking after their health. Insufficient food and
sleep and excess work could lead to stress related illnesses.

The Year of the Ox person should use their diligent, honest good nature to
make the most their opportunities in 2013. But remember, the Year of the
Ox person should not become so absorbed in their work in this year that
they neglect their health.

Advice: Don't worry too much about the "simple" tag! And beware of
negative traits - stubborness and misplaced loyalty.

Tiger: (Yang, Fixed Element Wood). You are sensitive, emotional, and
capable of great love. However, you have a tendency to get carried away
and be stubborn about what you think is right; often seen as a "Hothead"
or rebel.

2013for Tiger: The person born in the Year of the Tiger could suffer
setbacks in 2013 because of their rashness but they are also skilled and
intelligent enough to overcome these setbacks. Imagine a tiger running
impulsively into battle without thinking of the dangers first. Suddenly a
snake attacks them from the long grass. Certainly a setback but the tiger
shrugs it off and continues into battle! But it would have been better if the
tiger had thought about it!

You will have setbacks if you act without thinking. You will be successful if
you stop and think before rushing headlong into a challenge.

Advice: If there are setbacks, should not give up. Recognise the causes
of the setbacks (e.g. bad decision making, recklessness) and do better
next time.
Rabbit: (Yin, Fixed Element Wood). You are the kind of person that
people like to be around affectionate, obliging, pleasant, cautious and
conservative. You have a tendency, though, to get too sentimental and
seem superficial.

2013 for Rabbit: Patience will be required in 2013 by Rabbit people in

forming any relationship but when this is done, this year should result in
good new relationships formed and existing ones consolidated.

Despite the rabbit being lively and energetic, it prefers quiet and
tranquillity. So the Year of the Rabbit person will be seeking out peace and
tranquillity in 2013!

As far as money and career matters are concerned in 2013, the Rabbit
person should consider employment opportunities and business ventures
in detail.

Advice: This year is the best time to recognise stubborn destructive

tendencies and overcoming them. The Rabbit person should try to
overcome their stubborness and be more flexible.

Remember not to bottle up your emotions. Stress related illnesses will

happen if the Year of the Rabbit person continues to suppress their
emotions. Bottling up emotions leads to mental stress, anxiety and lack of

Dragon: (Yang, Fixed Element Wood) You are full of vitality and
enthusiasm, the Dragon is a popular individual even with the reputation of
being foolhardy and a "big mouth" at times. You are intelligent, gifted,
powerful, vigorous, and a perfectionist but these qualities make you
unduly demanding on others.

2013 for Dragon: 2013 the Year of the Snake should be a lucky year for
people born in the Chinese Year of the Dragon. However, things do not
always go as they should, and the Dragons could have some setbacks in

The snake is a creature capable of inflicting wounds. Therefore the

Dragons could suffer injury or health problems. However, this can be
avoided by being extra cautious.

Advice: Use your persona and talents to get maximum benefit of this
year and not let arrogance get in the way.

Snake: (Yin, Fixed Element Fire). Rich in wisdom and charm, you are
romantic and deep thinking and your intuition guides you strongly
2013 for Snake: The Snakes will continue with their Snake
characteristics - clever, calculating and planning to achieve goals. But,
because 2013 is the Year of the Snake, they could become complacent.
They might just drift along thinking it will happen - from business
ventures to relationships.

Not having their finger on the pulse means problems could arise and blow
up in their face. However, this can be avoided if the Year of the Snake
person makes an extra effort to be on top of things and not expect it all to
happen without effort.

So 2013 should be a year in which successes occur for the Year of the
Snake person provided they can overcome complacency that could creep

Advice: Avoid procrastination and your stingy attitude towards money.

Keep your sense of humor about life.

Horse: (Yang, Fixed Element Fire). Your capacity for hard work is
amazing. You are your own person-very independent. While intelligent
and friendly, you have a strong streak of selfishness and sharp cunning
and should guard against being egotistical.

2013 for Horse: The Year of the Horse person will still have that
energetic behaviour which is loved by many people. But also that
stubborness and impulsiveness is there - particularly in younger Horse
people. There are opportunities and dangers in 2013 - the Year of the
Snake. The opportunities come from their energy and the dangers from
their impulsiveness - the tendency to "leap before they look".

2013 has a certain feel of success and good luck. If only the person born
in the Year of the Horse can tap into it! The big danger for a person born
in the Year of the Horse is their health.

Advice: The trick is for the Year of the Horse person to maximise their
energy but try very hard to control their impulsive behaviour.

Goat: (Yin, Fixed Element Fire). Except for the knack of always getting off
on the wrong foot with people, the Goat can be charming company.

2013 for Goat: The goats are modest but possess great concentration
skills and the ability to solve problems. The year 2013 will be a
remarkable time for those of you born under the sign of the Sheep. Your
accomplishments will help you stay ahead of others. You are determined
to create a niche for yourself and believe in perfecting your skills. Your
positive attitude will help you achieve greater heights. Someone at work
may create trouble for you towards the middle of the year. Be careful
about what information you share with your work associates.

Advice: Your are elegant and artistic but the first to complain about
things. Put aside your pessimism and worry and try to be less dependent
on material comforts.

Monkey: (Yang, Fixed Element Metal). You are a very intelligent,

energetic and a very clever wit. Because of your extraordinary nature and
magnetic personality, you are always well-liked. Your sign promises
success in any field you try.

2013 for Monkey: This year provides lots of opportunities to Monkeys to

use their boundless energy to good effect. Together with their cleverness,
the Monkey person has the right characteristics to do well in 2013.

But the Monkey person can behave in a way that works against success.
Their mischievious playful nature could lead to trouble if not controlled. To
get the best of 2013, they should learn how to control their frivolous

Advice: The Monkey, however, must guard against being an opportunist

and distrustful of other people. Its a high time to take a serious attitude
towards life.

Rooster: (Yin, Fixed Element Metal). The Rooster is a hard worker;

shrewd and definite in decision making often speaking his mind. Because
of this, you tend to seem boastful to others. You are a dreamer, flashy
dresser, and extravagant to an extreme.

2013 for Rooster: A Rooster person has attributes of confidence and

competence. The Rooster person should use these characteristics to their

For a Rooster, 2013, should be a successful year. But this is not automatic
- the Year of the Rooster person has to work at it. They could have
failures if their renowned confidence turns to arrogance and they offend
people. But the Rooster person is clever enough to recognise this and use
their leadership skills in the best possible way. People will look up to the
Rooster person so they should treat people with dignity and respect, listen
to their opinions and make the best decisions in everybody's interest. Do
this and people will follow.
Advice: Well placed confidence taken too far can turn into arrogance.
Arrogance can turn people off - not what a leader wants. Take advantage
of your confidence but don't let it turn into arrogance.

Dog: (Yang, Fixed Element Metal). The Dog will never let you down. Born
under this sign you are honest, and faithful to those you love.

2013 for Dog: Its a happy and lucky year, provided the Dog person
chooses friends who appreciate their loyalty, good nature and friendliness.

For the Dog person, 2013 could pose problems if they are lead astray by
unscrupulous people and mistreated. To avoid anything which is not
suited to a Dog persons best interest, they need to be extra careful and
think things through.

Advice: You are plagued by constant worry, a sharp tongue, and a

tendency to be a fault finder, however.

Pig: (Yin, Fixed Element Water). You are a splendid companion, an

intellectual with a very strong need to set difficult goals and carry them
out. You are sincere, tolerant, and honest but by expecting the same from
others, you are incredibly naive. They are a gentle, kind hearted soul
unless they have been badly wronged by someone else.

2013 for Pig: You will have to make good use of your natural good
fortune in 2013 - the Year of the Snake - as well as hard work,
determination and clear thinking to have a successful year.

The Pig person is lucky if they make the right choices. And there will be
chances in 2013 to make good choices. Their natural good luck combined
with determination and tolerance will help bring about positive changes in
2013. Good things will happen in 2013 if the Year of the Pig person has a
healthy scepticism of others who may be trying to take advantage.

Take benefit from the positive attributes and watch out for the negative!

The Pig person should listen to the advice of others but then analyse and
think about it before deciding anything. The advice could be good or bad -
determine which it is, and if good, act on it. Just don't be deceived by

Advice: Your quest for material goods could be your downfall. No rash

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