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Saige Buffington

January 27, 2017

Hunt A

Douglass grew up on plantations since he was boy, his mother living on an opposing

farm, so he saw her rarely. Throughout the years of hard labour and malicious punishments he

eventually finds himself in Baltimore- where he is sent to a family that at first is kind, then turns

out to be just as cruel as some other masters. From his life on plantations to his life as a free

man Frederick Douglass is a national symbol for free slaves, his life on, and outside the

plantations sparks a fire in him that is yearning for his freedom- physically and educationally.

Douglass life on the plantation he grew up with had harsh conditions, and an even

harsher master. In his younger years Douglass wasnt allowed to work in the fields- as he was

too young, so he helped his master gather birds he had shot while hunting, to Douglass this was

much better than working in the fields- and he rarely got punished at that point so he had it

lucky. As the years go by he begins working in the fields like everyone else. Among his work he

begins to experience the harsh reality of being a slave. During his work he experiences his aunt

getting whipped, and another slave getting shot for disobeying the orders he was given.

Douglass life after he left the plantation brought him to Baltimore. Upon his arrival he

was sent to a family who were overall against slavery- at least the wife as. As his stay at the

home extended the once kind and almost loving family to Douglass turned crueler. They

previously had decided to teach him to read and write, but they ultimately decided to end his

education when they started to treat him like what he actually is, a slave. After his education

ended he took it upon himself to further his ability to read and write by paying the poorer kids

with stale bread to teach him to read and write- starting with his own name. That progressed

until he was able to read and write fluently, which began to sink in at age twelve. After a few
years passed he was sent back down to the original plantation where he grew up, where he was

greeted by his now deceased masters daughter- who now ran the plantation. Upon his arrival

he was given permission to go back to Baltimore to continue his life up North.

By the time Douglass turned twenty he became a free man. After moving away with his

new wife he became writing his narrative about his life. Throughout the years of writing about

what he went through, from his life without his mother to his life with a new beginning as a free

man. During his free life Douglass and his wife changed their last name from Bailey (Douglass

original last name) to Douglass so they would have a more peaceful life and so if they were ever

hunted for they'd not be found easily.

Frederick Douglass is a world wide icon for those who had gone through, and survived

slavery. His name lives forever in the air and his works and accomplishments have sparked a

revolution to help try to abolish slavery, which is still in effect today.. From facing the most

gruesome of punishments- most not even being put onto him- to finally making his name North

to become a free man with his new wife, Frederick Douglass has become a name everyone

knows, and everyone will know.

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