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Neonatal monitoring project:

Neonatal monitoring refers to the monitoring of vital physiological parameters of

premature, full term infants that are critically ill, and a combination thereof. Babies
that are born after a pregnancy lasting 37 weeks or less are typically considered
premature. Critically ill neonates are a special group of patients that consist of
premature infants who may suffer from diseases that are mainly caused by immaturity
of their organs, and full term infants, who become severely ill during or immediately
after birth. In particular, these premature infants can weigh as little as 500g with a size
of a palm and are highly vulnerable to external disturbances. Critically ill newborn
infants are normally admitted to a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) for treatment
by neonatologists and specialized nurses.

Continuous health monitoring for the neonates provides crucial parameters for early
detection of in adverted events (such as cessation of breathing, heart rhythm
disturbances and drop in blood oxygen saturation), and possible complications (such
as seizures). Immediate action based on this detection increases survival rates and
positively supports further development of the neonates. Survival and long-term
health prospects strongly depend on medical care and reliable and comfortable
health-status monitoring systems. In addition, the unobtrusive health monitoring
systems/techniques are also of importance for healthy infants, providing indicative
estimation of baby development and potential risk of diseases.

This project aims to develop novel unobtrusive neonatal monitoring system and, in
particular focuses on signal processing techniques to improve the quality of monitored
signals, classification of physiological and behavioral parameters to different health
status of neonates, and provide clinical decision support. The innovative unobtrusive
multi-parameter sensors will be embedded to baby friendly daily objects, such as
clothing, snuggles, baby bed, etc. for the comfort experience during monitoring. Other
aspects of the project include feedback system to improve the development of babies
and comparison of monitoring system and model between preterm and term babies.

The project will be a collaboration between Fudan University, Eindhoven University

of Technology, and Philips Research. The PhD student will spend 2-3 years in Shanghai
and the other one year at TU/e or Philips. The student will only receive a PhD degree
from Fudan University.

PhD Admission and Scholarship:

The PhD applicant should be a non-Chinese citizen. Scholarships, such as Chinese and
Shanghai Government Special Scholarship for International Students of Fudan
University can be applied, offering tuition fee, free on-campus accommodation and
medical insurance, and living stipend of 3,500 RMB/month. The application deadline
will be February 19, 2017.
More details can be found in:

Prof. dr. Wei Chen
Director Center for Intelligent Medical Electronics (CIME)
Department of Electronic Engineering
School of Information Science and Technology
Fudan University, Shanghai, China
Handan Road 220, 200433
Tel: +86-21-65643781
Email: w_chen@fudan.edu.cn

Center for Intelligent Medical Electronics (CIME) at Fudan University

Shanghai, China

Fudan University was established in 1905 and is among the top 3 in China. It covers
interdisciplinary areas in science, medicine, technology, arts and human sciences. The
School of Information Science and Technology has strong expertise in patient
monitoring, sensor technologies, healthcare device design, medical signal processing,
IC and embedded systems.

Prof. dr. Wei Chen is the Director of Center for Intelligent Medical Electronics (CIME).
Prof. Chens group has carried out successful research in the multidisciplinary areas of
wireless sensor systems, unobtrusive patient monitoring, and ambient intelligent
system design. For example, they have proposed, developed and clinically tested
many innovative unobtrusive wireless sensor based health monitoring systems, such
as a smart sensor rehabilitation garment, physiological signal processing for emotion
detection, home monitoring of cardiovascular patients, an interactive audio and visual
feedback system for medical training, and context-aware sensing.

The group of prof. Wei Chen has access to Fudan Universitys 9 research hospitals with
personal contacts in several of them. The hospitals and medical institute will provide
clinical knowledge and facilities for user study and clinical tests. Furthermore, they
have experience with and contacts in product design and several of their prototypes
have matured into devices that are ready to be marketed and/or actively used in the
clinical environment.
CIME has been and will host international researchers in early 2017 from Netherlands,
KU Leuven, Serbia, Paris, UK, India and USA for short time visits and long term research,
working as international PhDs, postdocs and faculty staff.

Signal Processing Systems (SPS) group at Eindhoven University of Technology

Eindhoven, the Netherlands

Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e, www.tue.nl), founded in 1956, is a world-

leading research university specializing in engineering science & technology. The
Department of Electrical Engineering is responsible for research and education in
Electrical Engineering. The TU/e is the world's best-performing research university in
terms of research cooperation with industry. Eindhoven is also the world's most
innovative city with the highest number of patents per resident. The TU/e has an
excellent reputation in collaboration with industry (such as Philips, ASML, and NXP)
proven by the fact that it is the number one university in the world with respect to
joint scientific publications with industrial partners.

The Signal Processing Systems (SPS) group of the Department of Electrical Engineering
at the TU/e has a strong expertise in signal processing theories, algorithms,
architectures and systems with an application emphasis on the biomedical field. In this
field the group has long-standing collaborations with Philips and with semi-academic
hospitals in the Eindhoven region. The group consistently achieves top ratings in
national research reviews, and has 5 IEEE Fellows and 1 Fellow of the Acoustical
Engineering Society.

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