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Lesson 1 of 3

45 minutes
Curriculum expectations: A1.1, A3.1, B1.3, B1.4,
B2.3, 1.4
Obstacle Ultimate Golf Topics: Movement Competence, Active Living

Grade 8 | Target Games with Tactical Solutions

Learning Goals

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

demonstrate an understanding of the three phases of movement of aim and accuracy when attempting to
successfully send objects overhand to a target using various tactical solutions
demonstrative effective relationship and social skills with team mates in small-group tasks
demonstrate an understanding of fair play while participating in target games.


Field, Open space

Safety Requirements

Refer to the Ontario Physical Education Safety Guidelines at safety.ophea.net.

Equipment List

9 hula hoops

9 signs to label hula hoops

10 15 discs

40 60 pylons (2 3 per student)

20 30 beanbags (1 per student)

Grade 8 | Target Games with Tactical Solutions | Obstacle Ultimate Golf | Page 1 of 5
Lesson 1 of 3
45 minutes
Curriculum expectations: A1.1, A3.1, B1.3, B1.4,
B2.3, 1.4
Obstacle Ultimate Golf Topics: Movement Competence, Active Living

Grade 8 | Target Games with Tactical Solutions

20 30 dome cones (1 per student)

Teacher Resource 1: Active Living and Living Skills Anecdotal Recording Chart


Students will gradually increase their heart rate by participating in the following activity.

Rotating Obstacle Pylons

Outline the boundaries of the designated activity area.
Spread enough domes for everyone in the class over the activity area. Place two to three pins or pylons around
each dome, protecting the dome.
Give each student a beanbag.
Prior to throwing their beanbag, students are to check to make sure there is no one between them and the
Students begin by weaving their way around all the pylons/domes using various locomotor movements (e.g.,
running, jogging, skipping, hopping, galloping)
On the stop signal, they must attempt to throw their beanbag at the dome, trying to avoid the obstacle
(pylons). Reset pylons and domes.
On the go signal, students begin to move again.

Minds On

Share and clarify the lesson Learning Goals with the students. Using the Think Pair Share Strategy (see
Appendix), instruct students to identify the Success Criteria for Throwing Objects Overhand Accurately to
a Target and share with class.

Using Modelling (see Appendix), demonstrate the Success Criteria for Overhand Throwing.

Preparation Phase

Focus on the target.

Grade 8 | Target Games with Tactical Solutions | Obstacle Ultimate Golf | Page 2 of 5
Lesson 1 of 3
45 minutes
Curriculum expectations: A1.1, A3.1, B1.3, B1.4,
B2.3, 1.4
Obstacle Ultimate Golf Topics: Movement Competence, Active Living

Grade 8 | Target Games with Tactical Solutions

Keep eyes in the direction that the ball is to travel.

Execution Phase

Step with foot opposite the throwing arm so that its in line with intended target.
Release ball in front of head.

Follow-Through Phase

Follow through point hand toward target.

Follow through hand to opposite knee.

Use large group discussion to identify the strategies students used to successfully hit the dome:

hitting the target in such a way so that it either moves straight forward or off to the side at an angle
varying their proximity in relation to the target
experimenting with force when sending objects while adjusting for speed and distance.

Briefly play Rotating Obstacle Pylons again so students can incorporate Success Criteria identified during
the Minds On.

A&E - Minds On

Teacher observation with feedback of students ability to demonstrate the Success Criteria to successfully
hit their target


Obstacle Ultimate Disc

Distribute nine hula hoops around the activity area.
Label the hoops one to nine.
Place several obstacles (e.g., pylons, domes) in the throwing path of each target.
Students form groups of four.
In each group of four, two students have discs and two students have soft skin balls.

Grade 8 | Target Games with Tactical Solutions | Obstacle Ultimate Golf | Page 3 of 5
Lesson 1 of 3
45 minutes
Curriculum expectations: A1.1, A3.1, B1.3, B1.4,
B2.3, 1.4
Obstacle Ultimate Golf Topics: Movement Competence, Active Living

Grade 8 | Target Games with Tactical Solutions

The students with the soft skin balls attempt to knock the pylons out of the way of the hula hoops, so that the
students with the discs can have a clear shot to throw the disc into the hula hoop.
In each team, alternate throwing, beginning with the students with the soft skin balls.
Each disc thrown counts as one stroke. Soft skin balls throws do not count as points.
Try to complete the course in as few attempts as possible.
Modify the size of the target.
Use a variety of objects to throw (e.g., beanbags, soccer ball) to change the level of difficulty.
Substitute throwing with kicking if playing with a ball.
Shorten the distance to the hoop.
Place markings at the centre of the hoop for participants to aim for.

A&E - Action

Teacher observation with anecdotal writing of students demonstration of active participation, social skills
and safety in large group play using Teacher Resource 1: Active Living and Living Skills Anecdotal
Recording Chart


Students gradually decrease their heart rate to a resting rate by participating in the activity below.
Students should also stretch the body parts that have been active throughout the lesson. See Appendix for

Four Way Mirror

Students face the front of the room and follow the leader in a series of stretches.
The leader turns to face another wall and calls out the name of another student who is now standing at the
new front of the group.
That student leads the group in a series of stretches.
Students continue to stretch and turn, selecting a new leader each time that they face a different direction.

Grade 8 | Target Games with Tactical Solutions | Obstacle Ultimate Golf | Page 4 of 5
Lesson 1 of 3
45 minutes
Curriculum expectations: A1.1, A3.1, B1.3, B1.4,
B2.3, 1.4
Obstacle Ultimate Golf Topics: Movement Competence, Active Living

Grade 8 | Target Games with Tactical Solutions


Gather students in and ask them what types of strategies were used during the activity in order for them
to hit their target. Ask them to describe why the students with the soft skin balls hit the pylons they did.
Encourage discussion around the strategies that were used to be successful while avoiding obstacles.
Students continue to play.

Students self-assess their ability to demonstrate the strategies they used to help them hit their target and
how they could avoid the obstacles in their path using the Thumbs-Up Self-Assessment Strategy (see

A&E - Consolidation

Teacher observation with verbal feedback of students self-assessment

Next Steps

Students continue to refine sending skills, adjusting for force to be within scoring range when sending an
object while avoiding obstacles and blocking opponents.

Grade 8 | Target Games with Tactical Solutions | Obstacle Ultimate Golf | Page 5 of 5

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