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Chi Mo

IS 3500
Assignment 3

Question 1:

Decision table is a way to decision making that involves different condition of business role and
the relationships of their outcomes. Both conditions and action is list as row of the table, the
table shows the possible outcome of when a action is taken within certain circumstance. For
example, Willard's VIP program offers variety choices of voucher for their VIP members. If a
gold VIP member spent over $2,000 per purchase, he will earn $100 Voucher. So as you can see
on the table. Gold Member and Spent Over $2,000 is "YES", the result of these two conditions
are satisfied is $100 Voucher. Decision table is a effective way to show those kinds of business
rule with a very easy understandable table. Decision table represents and discovers business
logic, which ultimately lead to better business.
Question 2:

Question 3:
Actors: Student, Professor
Use Cases:
Student 1: View assignment
Student 2: Submit assignments
Students 3: View course material (if available)
Student 4: Take quizzes and exams
Student 5: View grades

Professor 1: Add course materials

Professor 2: Add/Drop class
Professor 3: Edit students grades
Professor 4: Add new assignments
Professor 5: View assignments submissions

Use Case UML:

Use Case narrative:
Use Case Identifier: Student 2 Use Case Name: Submit Assignments
Purpose/Goal: Submit Assignments
Actors: Student
Author: Chi Mo Version: 1.0 Status: In Progress
Perspective: Business As-Is
Level: Detailed Frequency: Daily Duration: Minutes
Description: The student wants to submit some content of his own onto Blackboard.
The student enters the course page that he is going to submit an
assignment to and try to submit with his work via uploading his work to
Blackboard. Note that a student is able to submit a same assignment
multiple times. A student may also be able to upload picture or contain
hyperlink for submissions.

Pre Conditions: Passenger has photo ID

Passenger has ticket

Basic Path:
1. The use case can be starting when a student enters Blackboard
homepage, Blackboard can be accessed through
2. Alternative way to access Blackboard see {V1}
3. The Student logs into Blackboard with valid login name and
password {V2,V3,V4}
4. The system shows Blackboard homepage
5. The student click a course link that he wish to submit an
assignment to
6. The system enters the course page
7. The student clicks Assignment link on the left side of the page
8. The system enters next page with selection of assignments
9. The student selects an assignment link that he wish to submit a
work to {V5}
10. The system enters to next page with a editable content box with
simple work process tools
11. The student edit his works in the content box {V6}
12. The student click submit button
13. The system enters next page shows the content that the student has
just inputted, and confirm with the student by clicking ok{V7}
14. The system enters next page with the content if the submission is
Variations: V1: Access Blackboard through MyNEU
The student goes to http://myneu.neu.edu through any web
The student types username and password and hit log in (same
username and password for logging in Blackboard)
The system shows MyNEU homepage
The student click on tab Self-Service on the top of the page
The system shows Self-Service page with links below
The student click Blackboard on the center top of the page
The use case continues at Basic Path Step 4.
V2: username/password pair not found through Blackboard.neu.edu
The system shows an error message with content The username or
password you entered is incorrect. Please try again.
The use case continues at Basic Path Step 3.
V3: username/password pair not found through myneu.neu.edu
The system directs the student to another page with message
Failed Login ERROR: username/password pair not found Click
Here to re-enter your username and password.
The student click Click Here button or wait for few second to
The system shows an error message states that system is under
maintenance or the website cannot be connected
The student has to wait for the system restores and continues at
Basic Path Step 1.
continue at Basic Path Step 2.

V4: System is down for maintenance or other factors

V5: Assignment link will not be clickable or shows no appearance
Submission link is maybe not opened by an instructor or TA, or it
pasts its deadline
Submission link restore, use case continues as Basic Path Step 9
Submission link closed, use case ends.
V6: Students can also upload pictures or contain hyperlink in content box
The student can click on little tool on the top of the box to perform
these features.
The system will transform a sentence into a hyperlink if a student
clicks hyperlink and perform configuration.
The system will upload picture if a student clicks upload picture
and perform configuration.
Use case continues as Basic Path Step 13

Post Conditions: Students can view their submission through basic path until
New submission will overwrite an old submission, but a step 9 to see their
submission cannot be deleted

Open Issues/Notes:

value-based ranking matrix: 1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89

Important to Architectural Frequency Score Rank

Users Impact of Use
Student 1: 2 1 1 4 1
Student 2: 1 3 2 6 2
Students 3: 34 55 13 102 9
View course
material (if
Student 4: 8 21 55 84 7
Take quizzes
and exams
Student 5: 55 8 34 97 8
View grades
Professor 1: 21 2 3 26 4
Add course
Professor 2: 89 89 89 267 10
Professor 3: 5 5 21 31 5
Edit students
Professor 4: 13 34 8 55 6
Add new
Professor 5: 3 13 5 21 3

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