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Fluffy guide to becoming less noob

This guide to the psychology of Red Alert is meant to illustrate the importance of
the multitude of psychological components that effect gameplay of our beloved Red
Alert Command and Conquer. Things like attitude and psychological warfare can
have just as significant of an impact on winning or losing games as strategic
mechanical game play strategies.
I could have wrote Fluffys pro guide, however I did not, because fluffy is not a pro
yet, and would not dare lecture others on how to be one. Fluffy has however, over a
relatively short period of time, became less noobish. Follow these simple
instructions and you too can become less of a noob too!

Fluffys Easy guide to Hotkeys and Bookmarks

Too much hassle and work to try and start using hotkeys and bookmark? Think youll
never get it. It will take too long? Fluffy has the answer. This is by far, the easiest,
simplest, quickest, and most effective method of using your hotkeys and
bookmarks, and best part is, you dont have to be a genius or have 8 fingers on
each hand (like _dany does ;P). But lets get one thing straight before we begin.
might even become a pro! :D
But it is true that the more you play the game on your keyboard and less with your
mouse, the better youll be. The easy answer is because it is quicker, and in this
game, time = advantage. The sooner you start doing this, the sooner your game will
improve. Dont wait or put it off to learn, you should really start implementing these
changes as soon as you finish reading this, otherwise you will kick yourself when
you eventually learn that I was right and you wasted all this time still playing the old
way. As Lao-Tzu says in the Tao Te Ching, the journey of a thousand miles begins
with 1 step.

The ability to produce, group, and call, and send tanks (or infantry) is a crucial
component of the game. This requires the following formula: W, E, R, Cntrl 1, Shift1,
and then Q. This is the sequence needed to master the Gold medal challenge and
become a pro tanker. However! For most of us, it is just too hard to get your pinky
finger to go all over the place and hit 1, you will know what Im talking about if you
have tried to do this. So fluffy had to find another way. Follow these mods exactly,
and you will have no problem in no time!
1. You must download the Sharpkeys program
(https://sharpkeys.codeplex.com/). Dont worry, its not a cheat program or
anything like that. All it does is allow you to change the configuration of your
keyboard. In this case, we are going to change your number 2 to Control, and
your number 4 to shift. Please be advised: you will not be able to type the
number 2 or 4 from now on, you will have to spell them out (like two and
four) because your keys will be changed. DONT WORRY, you can always
change them back to normal if you like. Nothing is permanent.

2. Once you do this, the sequence will look like this: W, E, R, 2, 3, 4, 3, and then
Q. Place your fingers here and what do you notice?!? Ill tell you what you
should notice: 2,3,4 is right above W,E,R. Which makes it the most efficient,
ergonomical method to do shift stacking. After a week of playing like this, it
will be like playing the piano. Beautiful sounds of your fingers gliding along
the keyboard will signal the bitter defeat of your enemies which you
previously could not beat.
In this case, you will be grouping your tanks into group 3, instead of 1. My
recommendation is to practice the gold medal challenge at least twice per
gaming session (whenever you log on to CNCNET). Eventually you will find it
easier to incorporate it into your regular games.
Later on, if you require a second group for things like MCV formation, I like to
use group 5.

You only really need two bookmarks. W and R. One for your base, the
other for the front line/battle line.
If you start on the left side of the map, on RASTA for example, you will
scroll over your base and press 4, W (which is actually Shift W). This
will set your bookmark so that whenever you press W, it will take you back to your
base. Similarly the battle line would be R, so you would go to the battle line and
press 4 R (which is actually Shift R). This will set your bookmark so that whenever
you press W, it will take you to the battle line. That way, when you
press WER, this is actually what is happening: pressing W gets you
back to your home base (where your war factory is), E will select all
units (tanks) on the screen (make sure you set your bookmark so that
only your tanks are being selected, and not your ore trucks for example),
and R returns you to the battle line. And then of course the next part is pressing
2,3,4,3. This groups all your tanks into group #3.

Zig when they Zag

This refers to a concept known as oppositional perceptual salience. Basically its
knowing what your opponent knows, or is looking at, and then doing damage where
he IS NOT looking at.
So for example if you are engaged in a tesla V2 battle with your opponent and you
see that he is constantly putting up teslas by the second, you know he is viewing
that part of the map only (unless is resolution is so high he can see the whole map
but most people dont play with such a high resolution, and even if they do they can
still miss things). This allows you to go to work on a different part of the map where
he is not looking to do some damage. Here is where the bookmarks come in handy.
Use either W for your main battle front, and R for your secondary front where you
are surprising the living shit outta him. The speed that bookmarks gives you here is
invaluable. It will allow you to very quickly work on two different battles at once. You
can tell very quickly if your opponent uses bookmarks because if he cant, he will
not be able to keep up with both battle fronts at the same time like you do. An
example of this can be see the following famous and glorious video of [fluffy-DP] VS
[Saul-DP] at around 13:35 mins.
13:35 mins https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=imf3Eo23rwI
Notice how fluffy slowly demolishes his forces by switching levels (top to bottom).
Most opponents cannot handle the continual moving north to south of their forces.
Its essentially a divide & conquer strategy. It wears down their forces over time.

Ore Refinery Spam

The ore refinery spam method works well if you even
find yourself in a situation of facing a wall of V2s that
you just cant penetrate. Note, this method only works
well if you have full or close to full cy build speed,
because ore refs take a while to build (but not if youre
at full speed ;). It works well for the following reasons:
- They set up a base point. Which allow you to build
additional structures nearby, like teslas or flames. In
other words they get you closer to the action/your
- They buy you time. Ore refineries have a relatively good building security,
meaning that it takes a lot of hits to destroy them. While your enemys firepower is
concentrated on trying to destroy them, that also means that their firepower is not
spent on your units or structures. This can buy you precious time if you need to
pump out tanks or V2s or start CYing.
- Ore truck as a kamikaze missle. You can send the ore truck into your
opponents wall of V2s, thus killing, or at the very least creating splash damage to
his V2s because V2s as you know fire automatically (same with teslas).
The following videos show this perfectly:
12:52 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AALHAhS0Ds8
24:48 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oi2EMzQ6WXQ

Social Facilitation and Social Inhibition

Within the domain of social psychology exists two phenomenons which have been
extensively studied and contain cross situational consistency in terms of
replicability. Social facilitation and social inhibition are the processes by which
someone either plays (anything, basketball, football, video games, chess) better or
worse depending on whether there is an audience or not.
Social facilitation occurs when someone plays better due to the presence of others
watching. However this only occurs if the person has a solid skillset of the game he
is playing. If he is a noob, or not confident in his abilities, social inhibition will occur
and the person will play worse due to the presence of others.
Why is this important? Just something to consider and keep in mind if your about to
embark on a game with a room full of specs. Further, the number of specs, and their
status within the RA community are also influencing factors on your gameplay,
whether you know it or not.

My Social Psychology prof used to tell us 3 things effect performance when you
have spectators:
1. The proximity (i.e. How close they are to you. So if you are giving a
presentation in a close knit setting like a class, or in a lecture hall, or perhaps
a farther away situation like a stadium or better yet on skype - how close the
audience is can have an impact).
2. The status of the audience (i.e. You will probably be more stressed/nervous if
you have to give a presentation in front of the president than if you were to
give one in front of your mom).
3. The amount of people spectating (i.e. You will probably be more nervous
giving a presentation in front of 100 people rather than 5).


This includes things like how you deal with things like losing, or better yet, winning.
The noob will be tempted to gloat at their winnings, and hide their loses. They may
even get angry when they lose, rage quit, and/or act inappropriately to those whom
they lost to. This is maladaptive to the long term wellbeing of the player for the
following reasons:
- A wise player recognizes that he can learn and improve from every loss (see later
section on recording games). They realize they can not only learn from their own
mistakes, but also vicariously through others successes/wins.
- A foolish player feeds their ego when they win, thus making it even more
important to win games in the future, so as to not damage their now fragile ego that
is in need of constant defending (perpetual cycle).
Pros refer to themselves as noobs for many reasons:
1. They recognize they still have lots more to learn about the game, and can always
2. If they lose, no worries, because they admit they are a noob. If they win, how
much worse is that for their opponent who got beat by a "noob". Its a win win
situation, you can never lose if you refer to yourself as a noob.
-Finally, on the topic of trolls: Noobs feed trolls, pros rise above them by ignoring
them, or alternatively laying the occasional smack down in the main lobby when it is
necessary to teach the noobs in a tactful way.

Psyching your opponent out before a game even begins can be an effective way to
tip the scales in your favour. This is known as the art of shit talking.
Especially effective if you can identify insecurities within your
opponents demeanour which you can exploit.
For example, if you notice your opponent
always making excuses for losing by saying
things like "Sorry I was on the phone", "my mouse
stopped working" or "you cheated", you can safely
assume their loss effected them. You may take
advantage of this knowledge by pointing this out to
them by saying something like "U mad bro?" or "you really dont like losing do
Of course the list of possible things to say to get under your opponents skin pre
game is endless. Some common topics include their laggyness/inferior internet
connection, shitty country in which they live (be careful not to cross the line into
racism here), their name, their clan, their mother, or calling them out in the main
room which forces those with ego to defend it
(Note: This last one will not work with those who have a pro mentality, as they have
no ego to defend, as they realize winning and losing are part of the same coin, and
occur just as spontaneously as the tides coming in and out, now becoming then,
day becoming night, here becoming there - see first section).
Conversely, there is another type of psychological manipulation that can utilized
here that plays on the opposite end of the spectrum. You can downplay your
abilities and skills, thus bringing down your opponents guard (and therefor won't try
as hard because he thinks you are a noob). This is the best strategy. Some things
you can say to signal that you are a noob include: you will win, Im a noob, or
"how do you talk in game??" "How do people build so many tanks". As the Taoist
masters say "What you want to destroy, you must first allow it to flourish. What you
want to take from, you must first truly give". The soft overcomes the hard, the weak
overcomes the strong. This is the way of the ancients.


There is no good reason to join a clan. Joining a clan is a natural tendency for those
who are interested in promoting ego and propping up identity politics. Social
hominid species such as Homo sapiens have evolved to be a "coalitional species"
and form in-group/out-group factions. So it is natural to want to join a group and
identify with them, especially if they are high in status among the RA community.
However, the wise man will jettison any clan identifications for the following
1. You show your hands before the game even begins. When you are in a
room about to play, other players look at your name and automatically know you
are of above average skill level
(Depending on the clan, lol). This is valuable information, as they may then decide
to jointly attack and destroy you first, as you are the greatest threat. The element of
surprise in terms of what your skill level has been lost.
2. You should be able to make alliances and coalitions with other players
naturally, without sticking an abbreviation in front of your name. This is sometimes
referred to as "making friends", something which can be foreign to many online
players. Use your friend list so you can see when they are online, and invite them to
play with you. Easy. Align yourself with those who are willing to teach you and help
you learn on your journey as a RA player.
3. Being part of a clan adds extra, unneeded, pressure to your games, as
you are representing your clan, and (hopefully) dont want to embarrass your clans
reputation. Again, if you have no ego or name to defend, losing no longer matters,
and you are free to engage in your winnings and loses without taking a
psychological hit. If you doubt this, just look at all the bickering that goes on (even
on this blog) about whose clan is the best. There are a number of pages solely
dedicated to "clan rankings". If that is not about ego, I dont know what is. Think
deeply about this one before spewing out a counter argument why you justify
joining a clan.
4. There is, of course, one exception to all of the above, and that is the Dark Pumas
(DP) clan. We all know that they are the best clan, with the best leader, and the best
members, so naturally they are exempt from all above criticisms of clan life.

Of course the end goal is to be a well-rounded RA player that can play on any map,
with allies or soviets. However, starting off by mastering a map that you like and
learning to play it well can give you confidence in the beginning stages of your
development and allow you progress at a steady pace. Learn all the strategies that
can be played on that map, where the blind spots are, how to use natural elements
of the map to block opponent etc. It has often been said that it is preferential to "be
a master of one, rather than average at all".

It is advisable to record every game
you play, and review them at the end
of your evening of playing. You don't
have to watch them all through, but
the games you lost, make sure to see
where the tipping point was, where the
tides shifted to where you started
losing the game. Think of ideas you
might try next time in a similar
situation. Ask pros what they would do
in that situation. Recording games is
important because if you dont know
what your mistakes are, you cant
improve or fix them.
A good program is Bandicam. Their
trail download will let you record the
first 10 minutes of your games. $40
will get you unlimited recording. Highly
worth it. There are other programs out
there, some for free. Contact the ever
so frugal Andrew Ford for
recommendations, I know he uses a free program :P
It is recommended that you move
your scroll rate to the third bar from
the left. It is essential to have a fast
scroll rate so you can scout and get
to different parts of the map quickly.
It has been said to go 1 scroll ahead
of where you are comfortable at, so
that you will get used to it and
automatically adjust.

Fluffys custom hotkeys

Here you will find the best hotkey
setup to accompany your W, E, R, 2,
3, 4, 3, Q method. All the keys are
close by your home row of WER.
Space bar is purposely set as Q
because in the heat of battle u need to be able to rely on gross motor skills, thus the
space bar is big and hard to miss if you desperately need to Q someone/something.
Thanks for checking out my guide, dont forget to subscribe to fluffy tube for all the
latest and greatest Red Alert matches!

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