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Handouts: Creating a Unit Plan

Handout: Unit Plan Template

Name: Aly Sherry Date: Feb. 13, 2017-March10,



**Cut and paste this information from the applicable unit within your Long Term Plan**

Grade/Subject: 6th Grade Social Studies

Unit Name: Mesoamerica

Length of Unit: 4 weeks (20 Days)


**Cut and paste this information from the applicable unit within your Long Term Plan**

S1C2PO5 Describe the Mayan, Aztec, and Incan civilizations:

a. Location, agriculture, housing, and trade networks

Learning Goals b. Achievements

c. How these cultures adapted to and altered their environment

S2C2PO6 Analyze the impact of cultural and scientific contributions of ancient

civilizations on later civilizations
Handouts: Creating a Unit Plan

Remedial standards:

1. N, L, L, E, N, A

N- Autistic, Advanced graphic organizers, getting verbal response

L- ADHD, kinesthetic, hands on activities

L- SLD, group work, highlighted important details in text

E- ELL, Advanced graphic organizers, visuals

N- SLD, highlighted important details in text

A- Add hands on, artistic activities

2. J(1), J(2), C, A

Remedial (R) J- Anxiety, Visual and auditory support, Praise

J- Anxiety, Visual and auditory support, Praise

Enrichment (E)
C- Kinesthetic, hands-on activities
(to be completed
after receiving A- SLD, visuals, providing examples
assessment results) 3. S, D

S- ADHD, consistent check-ins,

D- Hands-on activities, incentives for finishing work

4. D, J, S

D- Grouped appropriately, consistent check ins

J-IPT, Advanced graphic organizers, highlighted important information in

text, consistent check ins.

S- Grouped appropriately,

5. A, E, H,

A- ADHD, Intermittent Explosive Disorder, provide choices

E- Grouped appropriately, consistent check ins

H- visual and auditory support

Handouts: Creating a Unit Plan

Enrichment standards:

1. R, J

R- Provide fast finisher work, Provide extension questions (brain


J- Provide fast finisher work, Provide extension questions (brain


2. T.V.- Provide fast finisher work, Provide extension questions (brain


3. L, B.L., K, S, N, B. H., M.J, E, E.K., M, D, B

L- Provide extension questions (brain teasers?)

B.L.- Provide extension questions (brain teasers?)

K- Provide creative choices as extension, Provide extension questions

Remedial (R) (brain teasers?)

S- Provide creative choices as extension, Provide extension questions

Enrichment (E)
(brain teasers?)
(to be completed
after receiving B. H.- Provide fast finisher work, Provide extension questions (brain
diagnostic teasers?)
assessment results)
M.J.- Provide extension questions (brain teasers?)

E- Provide extension questions (brain teasers?)

E.K.- Provide extension questions (brain teasers?)

M- Provide extension questions (brain teasers?)

D- Provide extension questions (brain teasers?)

B- Provide fast finisher work, Provide extension questions (brain


4. J - Provide fast finisher work,

5. T, K

T- Provide fast finisher work, Provide extension questions (brain


K- Provide creative choices as extension,

Handouts: Creating a Unit Plan

Document Based Questions (DBQ)

Discovery Streaming

Curricular BrainPop
Resources Padlet



Step 1: Creating Vision and Planning for Assessment

1st Unit Plan - GOAL
100% of students will achieve at least 80% mastery of standards of the ancient
civilizations in Mesoamerica.

1st Unit Plan Planning For Assessment

How will I measure my 1st Unit Goal?

At the conclusion of the unit, students should be able to describe and explain important social,
political, religious, intellectual, technological, and economic components of the ancient
Mesoamerican civilizations by taking a unit exam as well as creating an online magazine article
detailing the SPRITE categories.

How will I measure progress toward the 1st Unit Goal?

Formative assessments:

Clipboard Cruise: Keeping track of student participation throughout discussions.

Students will get credit for that day if they are able to verbally give me the information I
am looking for according to that lessons objective.

Exit tickets: On a sticky note, give a simple answer to a question that will gauge the
students understanding of the lessons topic and objective.

Journal Entries: Notes and thinking maps will be entered into student interactive
journals as a form of formative assessment.

1ST Unit Plan Big Ideas

Big ideas, with a brief explanation, that students will be expected to master during the unit of
Handouts: Creating a Unit Plan

SPRITE Categories:

Social- How did the people in a civilization act? Speak? Interact? Live?

Poliical- What a civilizations political structure and what it looked like (Laws? Rulers?

Religious- What a culture believes (theism)

Intellectual- New advances intellectual understanding (typically math and science)

Technological- What a civilization has created or built

Economic- Finances and employment

Other Terms and Ideas:




Geography- Features of the natural landscape and climate.

Conquistadors- Spaniards that conquered many civilizations in the middle Americas.




Standard # Aligned Grade

Standard Item Points Correct
Possible (%)
#s 1, 2, This will be 1 point This will be
3 filled in after the each filled in after
S1C2PO5 Describe the Mayan, Aztec, and
assessment the
Incan civilizations:
has been assessment
d. Location, agriculture, has been
Handouts: Creating a Unit Plan
housing, and trade

e. Achievements

f. How these cultures

adapted to and altered
their environment administered. administered.

Analyze the impact of cultural

and scientific contributions of
ancient civilizations on later

TOTAL: Tally points and percentages from each category.

Summative Assessment (Project Based) #2

Final Project

Your task: You are a historian writing a magazine article on the civilizations of
ancient Mesoamerica. You have been assigned the task of researching one of the
SPRITE categories for one of the three ancient civilizations we have studies in
Mesoamerica. YOUR GROUP will be the local experts for your civilization and
category! You will use https://www.canva.com to complete this task.

Your article must include:

Three pages, each page focusing on a

different detail of this category.
o For example: You were assigned
the Maya and Religion. Your
Handouts: Creating a Unit Plan
three pages could include gods, sacrifice, and how beliefs affect
every day social activities.
Evidence that shows you did sufficient research. Remember, you are
giving the class facts that we didnt already learn together! You will
need to use outside resources from a book or the internet to find this
information! Dont forget citations!
Graphics and images related to your writing. You do need to cite your
sources for these images as well!

HEADS UP: You will be graded on your group participation and collaboration as


Further instructions are included on


o Included on this site are websites for

research, a screencast detailing how
to use Canva.com, and an example
magazine article.
Handouts: Creating a Unit Plan
1 2 3 4

Student includes
Student includes Student includ
minimal content. Student includes
some content variety of con
Content may not sufficient content
related to their related to the
be related to related to their
assisned SPRITE assigned SPR
Content assigned SPRITE assigned SPRITE
category and category and
catogory or category and
civilization. Content civilization. C
civilization. civilization. Content
includes little includes amp
Content may not includes evidence.
evidence. evidence.
include evidence.

Article contains Article contains Article contain

minimal graphics or graphics that multiple inter
Article contains no
contains some enhance student graphics that
images or contains
graphics unrelated writing and are enhance stud
images unrelated
to the area of study. related to the area writing and ar
to the area of
Graphics The magazine of study. The related to the
study. The
platform graphics magazine platform study. The ma
magazine platform
are used minimally graphics are used platform grap
graphics are not
or make the article responsibly and used respons
messy or enhance the overall enhance the o
distracting. quality of the article. quality of the

Student contr
Student occasionally equally to the
Student contributed
offered information and was an
equally to the group.
Student made or helped create the exceptional te
Student played
minimal digital project, player. Studen
Collaboration equal roles in
contributions to however, group offered help a
discussion, research,
group work. members completed played equal
and creation of the
a majority of the discussion, re
final project.
work. and creation o
final project.
Handouts: Creating a Unit Plan

Step 2: Lesson Objectives

# of days
Standard Daily Lesson Objective(s)
Lesson Plan Notes
1 day = xx min.

S1C2PO5 Describe the Mayan, Aztec, SWBAT become familiar with the Each lesson will be Gallery walk, discussion, and
and Incan civilizations: vocabulary related to taught for 1 day vocabulary activity
Mesoamerica and 60 min. each
a. Location, agriculture, housing, BrainPop and BrainPop activity
and trade networks SWBAT define important sheet.
components of the Mayas
b. Achievements civilization by filling out a 5W Accomplishments and
and H chart after watching a geography choice menu
c. How these cultures adapted to A total of 20 days
BrainPop introducing the Mayas.
and altered their environment will be used to
DBQ Hook Mayas
SWBAT demonstrate their teach the daily
S2C2PO6 Analyze the impact of lesson objectives.
understanding of Mayas DBQ Close Read and
cultural and scientific contributions of
civilization by completing a Discussion
ancient civilizations on later
menu of choices.
DBQ Question research and
SWBAT create a definition for Padlet creation
S2C2PO1 Describe how farming
what makes an achievement
methods and domestication of animals
remarkable DS Angry Aztecs
led to the development of cultures and
civilizations from hunting and gathering SWBAT decide what the Mayas Aztec DBQ Hook
most remarkable achievement is
and support their thesis using Aztec DBQ close read and
evidence from DBQ documents community Padlet discussion
and notes by creating a
GoogleTrek: Hiking Macchu
community padlet discussion Picchu
Handouts: Creating a Unit Plan
post. Incas BrainPop

SWBAT categorize components Incas learning menu

of the Aztec Civilization into
SPRITE categories after Mesoamerica SPRITE graffiti
watching DS: HH Angry Aztecs walk OR posters

Mesoamerica Review jeopardy

SWBAT analyze what is
and quiz OR Scavenger Hunt
important to remember in
history by completing Aztec Final Cumulative Project: Digital
DBQ hook. Magazine Article

SWBAT analyze a document

about Aztec sacrifice rituals and
Aztec agriculture and write a
short response answering the
question, Sacrifice or
Agriculture: What Should We

SWBAT explain the motivation

for and effects of the Spanish
Inquisition that affected the
Aztec civilization.

SWBAT make inferences about

the geography of Macchu Picchu
and how the geography and
technology present in this
location impacted Incan

SWBAT identify important

political and social components
of Incan society after watching
Incas BrainPop
Handouts: Creating a Unit Plan
Unit Review and Assessment Students will have two days to review 2 days to prepare
for the unit exam. 120 minutes to
1 class period for unit exam
1 day for exam

3 days/ 180
Students will have three days to minutes to
complete a final cumulative project for prepare
the unit.
2 days for
2 half days will be spent presenting presentations

TOTAL Unit total = 20

Handouts: Creating a Unit Plan

STEP 3: Calendar

Feb-March 2017

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

13 14 15 16 17

Standard: (PS)Describethe Standard: (PS)Describe Standard: Analyze the Standard: Analyze the Standard: Analyze the
impact of cultural and impact of cultural and impact of cultural and
Mayan,Aztec,andIncan theMayan,Aztec,andIncan
scientific contributions of scientific contributions of scientific contributions of
civilizations: civilizations: ancient civilizations on later ancient civilizations on later ancient civilizations on later
civilizations civilizations civilizations
a.location,agriculture, a.location,agriculture,
housing,andtradenetworks housing,andtradenetworks
Daily Objective: Daily Objective: Daily Objective:
b.achievements(e.g., b.achievements(e.g.,
mathematics,astronomy, mathematics,astronomy, SWBAT create a SWBAT decide SWBAT decide
definition for what what the Mayas what the Mayas
architecture,government, architecture,government,
makes an most remarkable most remarkable
socialstructure,artsand socialstructure,artsand achievement
achievement is achievement is and
crafts) crafts) remarkable
and support their support their thesis
Formative Assessment: thesis using using evidence
c.howtheseculturesadapted c.howtheseculturesadapted evidence from from DBQ
toandalteredtheir toandalteredtheir DBQ documents. documents and
environment environment notes by creating a
padlet about their
Formative Assessment: most remarkable
achievement and
Daily Objective: Daily Objective: Interactive Journal do a Stay and
SWBAT become Entry Stray share
SWBAT define
Handouts: Creating a Unit Plan
familiar with the important Vocabulary Quiz
vocabulary related components of the
to Mesoamerica Mayas civilization Formative Assessment:
by filling out a 5W
Formative Assessment: and H chart after Padlet
watching a
Interactive journal entry BrainPop
introducing the

Formative Assessment:
5W and H chart
20 21 22 23 24

No School

Standard: (PS)Describe Standard: (PS)Describethe Standard: (PS)Describe Standard: (PS)Describethe

theMayan,Aztec,andIncan Mayan,Aztec,andIncan theMayan,Aztec,andIncan Mayan,Aztec,andIncan
civilizations: civilizations: civilizations: civilizations:

a.location,agriculture, a.location,agriculture, a.location,agriculture, a.location,agriculture,

housing,andtradenetworks housing,andtradenetworks housing,andtradenetworks housing,andtradenetworks

b.achievements(e.g., b.achievements(e.g., b.achievements(e.g., b.achievements(e.g.,

mathematics,astronomy, mathematics,astronomy, mathematics,astronomy, mathematics,astronomy,
architecture,government, architecture,government, architecture,government, architecture,government,
socialstructure,artsand socialstructure,artsand socialstructure,artsand socialstructure,artsand
crafts) crafts) crafts) crafts)

c.howtheseculturesadapted c.howtheseculturesadapted c.howthesecultures c.howtheseculturesadapted

toandalteredtheir toandalteredtheir adaptedtoandalteredtheir toandalteredtheir
environment environment environment environment

Daily Objective: Daily Objective: Daily Objective: Daily Objective:

Handouts: Creating a Unit Plan
SWBAT categorize SWBAT analyze SWBAT analyze a SWBAT explain the
components of the multiple DBQ document about motivation for and
Aztec Civilization documents that Aztec sacrifice effects of the
answer the
into SPRITE rituals and Aztec Spanish Inquisition
question, what is
categories after important to agriculture and that affected the
watching DS: HH remember in write a short Aztec civilization.
Angry Aztecs with history? response
a graffiti walk. answering the Quiz
Formative Assessment: question,
Sacrifice or
DBQ Document Notes
Agriculture: What Formative Assessment:
Formative Assessment:
Should We
SPRITE posters Remember? via Interactive Journal Entry-
Padlet Flow Chart

Formative Assessment:

Sticky Note Vote

27 28 1 2 3

Standard: (PS)Describethe Standard: (PS)Describe Standard: (PS)Describethe Standard: (PS)Describe Unit Exam
Mayan,Aztec,andIncan theMayan,Aztec,andIncan Mayan,Aztec,andIncan theMayan,Aztec,andIncan
civilizations: civilizations:
civilizations: civilizations:
a.location,agriculture, a.location,agriculture,
a.location,agriculture, b.achievements(e.g.,
housing,andtradenetworks housing,andtradenetworks
housing,andtradenetworks mathematics,astronomy,
architecture,government, b.achievements(e.g., b.achievements(e.g.,
b.achievements(e.g., socialstructure,artsand mathematics,astronomy, mathematics,astronomy,
mathematics,astronomy, crafts) architecture,government, architecture,government,
socialstructure,artsand socialstructure,artsand
Handouts: Creating a Unit Plan
crafts) Daily Objective: c.howtheseculturesadapted crafts)
SWBAT identify toandalteredtheir
c.howtheseculturesadapted environment c.howthesecultures
important political
toandalteredtheir adaptedtoandalteredtheir
and social
environment components of environment
Incan society after Review for Test:
watching Incas
Daily Objective: BrainPop. SWBAT use Review for Test:
multiple game-like
SWBAT make Formative Assessment: structures to review SWBAT
inferences about for the test demonstrate
Interactive Journal Entry-
the geography of Venn Diagram understanding of
Machu Picchu and Mesoamerican
how the geography civilizations by
and technology completing
present in this Mesoamerica
location impacted scavenger hunt
Incan success.

Formative Assessment:

6 7 8 9 10

Standard: (PS)Describethe Standard: (PS)Describe Standard: (PS)Describethe Final Project Final Project
Mayan,Aztec,andIncan theMayan,Aztec,andIncan Mayan,Aztec,andIncan Presentations Presentations
civilizations: civilizations: civilizations:

Daily Objective: Daily Objective: Daily Objective:


demonstrate demonstrate demonstrate
Handouts: Creating a Unit Plan
understanding of understanding of understanding of
Mesoamerican Mesoamerican Mesoamerican
civilizations by civilizations by civilizations by
creating an online creating an online creating an online
magazine article magazine article magazine article
about the social, about the social, about the social,
political, religious, political, religious, political, religious,
intellectual, intellectual, intellectual,
technological, or technological, or technological, or
economic elements economic economic elements
of a Mesoamerican elements of a of a Mesoamerican
civilization. Mesoamerican civilization.
Formative Assessment: Formative Assessment:
Formative Assessment:
Clipboard Cruise Clipboard Cruise
Clipboard Cruise

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