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1. What were the main causes of the Rwandan genocide?

Answer: The main causes of this genocide were the

tension between Hutus and Tutsi. Most of people who
dead were Hutus and the group who make the violence
were Tutsi. The dead of Rwanda president which is hutus
was the cause of this event because hutus blamed that
its tutsis fault.
2. What were its main effects/outcomes?
Answer: The effects and outcome of Rwanda genocide
were absolutely terrible more than half of the people
which were more than million of Tutsi died because of
Hutus. It also ruined the agriculture and farms. So they
will have just the rest of labor remain to recover from the
damage. Also a new president of Rwanda came in form of
3. Why did it happen? (Causes, motivations, etc)
Answer: The main cause of the story was the racism. The
thin and tall Tutsis was the superior, the short and strong
Hutus and the othe Tutsis are the power.
4. Why was the UN unwilling or unable to help in Rwanda, in
your opinion?
Answer: In my opinion, we think in this country is quite
not developing yet. And also the transportation is very
hard to come in and we think UN will think that it's very
difficult to help them and including with this country isn't
important to them. Like this country is just a small
country and it doesn't affect anything to them such as
economic or politic.
5. How do the issues in the class relate to your classs
global issue #1?
Answer: People havent equality in the movie that racism
between black skin and western. According to our
classroom that boy and girl havent equal right
sometime. Also, the competition of the clever student
that not helping other students who dont understand the
lesson can connect to the issue in the movie.
6. Who are the Hutu and Tutsi?
Answer: Hutu also has another name which is Bahutu or
Wahutu. Hutu's population is about 9,500,000 peoples in
20th century. Almost of them are in Rwanda. Tutsi is the
enemy of Hutu because Hutu think that Tutsi murdered
the presedent
7. How might the genocide have been averted if any of the
goals of the UN Millennium Goals and the UN Declaration
of Human Rights, or Sustainable Development Goals of
UNESCO been respected?
Answer : If these campaign is become successful. There
will be an advantage for many group of people addition
to the movie when the UN comes to help them people
have more happiness and good live being. Other side the
genocide is the bad group of people who want to
eliminate other people. Lastly, if this campaign success
so the genocide will disappear and people will live in

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