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Global Warming, is the general increase in the surface of the Earth air

and ocean temperatures,

The cause of global warming is the increasing quantity of greenhouse
gases in our atmosphere produced by human activities, like the burning
of fossil fuels or deforestation. These activities produce large amounts of
greenhouse gas emissions which is causing global warming.
Deforestation has become a massive undertaking by humans and
transforming forests into farms has a significant number of impacts as
far as greenhouse gas emissions are concerned. For centuries, people
have burned and cut down forests to clear land for agriculture. This has
a double effect on the atmosphere both emitting carbon dioxide into the
atmosphere and simultaneously reducing the number of trees that can
remove carbon dioxide from the air.
Global warming is damaging the Earth's climate as well as the physical
environment. One of the most visible effects of global warming can be
seen in the Arctic as glaciers, permafrost and sea ice are melting rapidly.
Global warming is harming the environment in several ways including:
Desertification: Increasing temperatures around the world are making
arid and semi-arid areas even drier than before.
Increased melting of snow and ice: Around the world, snow and ice
is melting at a much faster pace than in the past.
Sea level rise: The Earth's sea level has risen by 21 cm (8 inches) since
Stronger hurricanes and cyclones: Tropical cyclone activity has seen
an obvious upswing trend since the early 1970s.Interestingly, these
matches directly with an observed rise in the oceans' temperature over
the same period of time.
Wildlife Habits/Adaptations
Another effect of global warming is changes in wildlife adaptations and
cycles, an alteration of the natural balance of the earth.
Another example of changing wildlife adaptations involves the polar
bear. The polar bear is now listed as a threatened species under the
Endangered Species Act. Global warming has significantly reduced its
sea ice habitat; as the ice melts, polar bears are unable to leave its place
and often drown. With the continuous melting of ice, there will be less
habitat opportunities and a risk in extinction of the species.

Spread of Diseases Due to Global Warming

Global warming will also enhance the spread of diseases. As northern
countries warm, disease-carrying insects migrate north, carrying viruses
Floods and Droughts and Global Warming floods not only will our safety
be affected, but also the economy.
What can we do to help?
Increased forest cover will help plants remove CO2 from the atmosphere
and help alleviate global warming. Although having a small impact, this
would help reduce one of the most significant greenhouse gases
contributing to global warming.
Personal Action
There are small actions that we can all take in order to help reduce
greenhouse gas emissions. First, we can reduce electricity use
around the house.
The average home contributes more to global warming than the
average car.
If we switch to energy-efficient lighting, or reduce energy needed
for heating or cooling, we will make a change in emissions.
Driving less than needed

Recycling whenever possible greatly reduces the energy needed to

create new products.

If it is aluminum cans, magazines, cardboard, or glass, finding the

nearest recycling center will aid in the fight against global


Muertes accidentales o incidentes de miembros de la

Quien posee un arma de fuego es legalmente responsable
de su uso
Violencia domstica
Depresin, alcoholismo y medicamentos.
There are nine categories of persons prohibited from possessing firearms
under the Gun Control Act:
Persons under indictment for, or convicted of, anyfelony
crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year;
Fugitives from justice;
Persons who are unlawful users of, or addicted to, any controlled
Persons who have been declared by a court as mental defectives
or have been committed to a mental institution;
Illegal aliens or aliens who were admitted to the United States
under a nonimmigrant visa;
Persons who have been dishonorably discharged from the Armed
Persons who have renounced their United States citizenship;
Persons subject to certain types of restraining orders; and
Persons who have been convicted of a misdemeanor crime
of domestic violence.

A 15-year-old boy shot and killed his younger brother during a game of
cops and robbers using what they thought was an unloaded handgun.
The boy called police to their home in Eagan, Minnesota, and told them
he had shot his brother, who was pronounced dead at the scene. Though
police said the facts would be presented to the Dakota County Attorneys
Office for review, but no one is in custody and no charges are expected.
Investigators say the boys found their fathers 9mm handgun, which had
been hidden unloaded, with a magazine holding cartridges nearby. At
some point, the handgun was loaded by one of the boys, and assuming
it had been unloaded, the brothers began to chase each other in a game
of cops and robbers. police said. The 15-year-old unintentionally
fired, striking his brother in the chest.
The father should be arrested and charged with negligent
Any parent who keeps a gun in a house with children has an obligation to
1) make absolutely certain that the gun is secure and cannot be loaded,
found, or used by the kids, 2) teach the children that if for any reason
they come across that gun orany gun, they are not to touch it, much less
pick it up or play with it, and 3) make certain that they understand that
real guns are not toys.
If a parent does not do these things, and a tragedy results, the parent
must be held accountable under the law.everywhere, no matter what
happens. Never mind hes suffered enough. There is no substantive
difference between carrying a loaded handgun in a purse where a two-
year-old can grab it, and keeping a gun near ammunition in a house with
teenage boys who dont properly respect firearms. Both situations are
criminally reckless and irresponsible; both are deadly accidents waiting
to happen.
Gun ownership may be a right, but society should insist that the right is
accompanied by vigilant and unwavering responsibility, and that there
are serious legal consequences when that responsibility is breached.


Every woman is different. So are her experiences of pregnancy. Not

every woman has the same symptoms or even the same symptoms from
one pregnancy to the next. Also, because the early symptoms of
pregnancy are often like what happens right before and during
menstruation, those symptoms aren't always recognized.
Spotting and Cramping
A few days after conception, the fertilized egg attaches itself to wall of
the uterus. This can cause one of the earliest signs of pregnancy --
spotting and, sometimes, cramping That's called implantation bleeding.
It occurs anywhere from six to 12 days after the egg is fertilized.
Breast Changes
Breast changes are another very early sign of pregnancy. A woman's
hormone levels rapidly change after conception. Because of the changes,
her breasts may become swollen, sore, or tingly a week or two later. Or
they may feel heavier or fuller or feel tender to the touch. The area around
the nipples, called the areola, may also darken.

Feeling very tired is normal in pregnancy, starting early on. A woman can
start feeling unusually fatigued as soon as one week after conceiving.
Nausea (Morning Sickness)
Morning sickness is a famous symptom of pregnancy. But not every
pregnant woman gets it. The exact cause of morning sickness is not
known but pregnancy hormones likely contribute to this symptom.
Nausea during pregnancy may occur at any time of the day but most
commonly in the morning.
Your body, your emotional self and risks to your baby with a pregnancy
at 20, 30 and after 40. Most experts would say there's no one right time
to start a family. But there are both advantages and disadvantages to
giving birth at different ages: In your 20s, for instance, you'll have more
energy to run after and care for your child but fewer financial resources
and less personal life experience on which to draw; in your late 30s and
40s you may be more established financially but have a tougher time
getting and staying pregnant and, afterward, keeping up with an active
baby and toddler.
Some of the more common conditions that may be affected by age
include miscarriage, high blood pressure, preeclampsia, diabetes,
placenta previa (in which the placenta covers all or part of the cervix),
having a baby in the breech position (meaning the baby is feet-first
instead of head-first when it's time to deliver), and possibly preterm
labor. In addition, babies born to women over 35 also have a higher
incidence of birth defects, having a low birth weight, and macrosomia
(meaning the baby grows very large).


Every day, people are executed by the state as punishment for a variety
of crimes sometimes for acts that should not be criminalized. In some
countries it can be for who you sleep with, in others it is reserved for
acts of terror and murder.

Some countries execute people who were under 18 years old when the
crime was committed, others use the death penalty against people who
suffer mental problems. Before people die they are often imprisoned for
years on death row. Not knowing when their time is up, or whether
they will see their families one last time.

Why the Death Penalty is wrong

Denial of human rights. Sentencing someone to death denies them the
right to life enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Irreversible and mistakes happen. Execution is the ultimate, irrevocable

punishment: the risk of executing an innocent person can never be
eliminated. Since 1973, for example, 150 US prisoners sent to death row
have later been exonerated. Others have been executed despite serious
doubts about their guilt.

Does not deter crime. Countries who execute commonly cite the death
penalty as a way to deter people from committing crime. This claim has
been repeatedly discredited, and there is no evidence that the death
penalty is any more effective in reducing crime than imprisonment.

Discriminatory. You are more likely to be sentenced to death if you are poor
or belong to a racial, ethnic or religious minority because of discrimination
in the justice system. Also, poor and marginalized groups have less access
to the legal resources needed to defend themselves.

Used as a political tool. The authorities in some countries, for example Iran
and Sudan, use the death penalty to punish political opponents.

Execution methods

There are many and varied types of execution used around the world
today, including:

1. Beheading
2. Electrocution
3. Hanging Lethal injection
4. Shooting in the back of the head and by firing squad

Proponents of the death penalty say it is an important tool for preserving

law and order, deters crime, and costs less than life imprisonment. They
argue that retribution or "an eye for an eye" honors the victim, helps
console grieving families, and ensures that the perpetrators of heinous
crimes never have an opportunity to cause future tragedy.

Opponents of capital punishment say it has no deterrent effect on crime,

wrongly gives governments the power to take human life, and perpetuates
social injustices by disproportionately targeting people of color (racist) and
people who cannot afford good attorneys (classist). They say lifetime jail
sentences are a more severe and less expensive punishment than death.

Trafficking in human beings for forced labor has become a growing
concern around the world. Trafficking of men, women and children
occurs in almost every country for almost every type of labor
imaginable. Girls and women are trafficked into forced prostitution,
domestic servitude, or sweat- shops; trafficked children are forced to
beg; men are trafficked for construction work, beg- ging and agricultural
labor. Some trafficked persons enter a country legally on worker visas for
domestic, entertainment, computer, and agricultural work, and others
enter illegally.

Trafficking of children

involves the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring, or receipt

of children for the purpose of exploitation. The commercial sexual
exploitation of children can take many forms, including forcing a child
intoprostitution or other forms of sexual activity or child pornography.

Traffickers in children may take advantage of the parents' extreme

poverty. Parents may sell children to traffickers in order to pay off debts
or gain income, or they may be deceived concerning the prospects of
training and a better life for their children. They may sell their children
into labor, sex trafficking, or illegal adoptions.

Sex trafficking

Most victims find themselves in coercive or abusive situations from

which escape is both difficult and dangerous. The United States
Government opposes prostitution and any related activities, including
pimping, pandering, or maintaining brothels as contributing to the
phenomenon of trafficking in persons, and maintains that these activities
should not be regulated as a legitimate form of work for any human
being. Those who patronize the commercial sex industry form a demand
which traffickers seek to satisfy.

Child Soldiers

Child soldiering is a unique and severe manifestation of trafficking in

persons that involves the unlawful recruitment of children through force,
fraud, or coercion to be exploited for their labor or to be abused as sex
slaves in conflict areas.
Many children are abducted to be used as combatants. Others are made
unlawfully to serve as porters, cooks, guards, servants, messengers, or
spies. Many young girls are forced to marry or have sex with male
combatants and are at high risk of unwanted pregnancies. Male and
female child soldiers are often sexually abused and are at high risk of
contracting sexually transmitted diseases.

Involuntary Domestic Servitude Domestic workers may be trapped in

servitude through the use of force or coercion, such as physical
(including sexual) or emotional abuse. Children are particularly
vulnerable. Domestic servitude is particularly difficult to detect because
it occurs in private homes, which are often unregulated by public
authorities. For example, there is great demand in some wealthier
countries of Asia and the Middle East for domestic servants who
sometimes fall victim to conditions of involuntary servitude.


Is the process of eliminating or reducing drug prohibition laws. The

legalizing of drugs have been an issue in the forefront since the 20's and
the 30' with the probation of alcohol. People who are in favor of the
legalization of drugs claim that drugs would increase our economy
making drugs legal will reduce the great amounts of money spent on law
enforcement, and legalization of drugs would benefit the federal budget.
Legalizing drugs would increase our economy's revenue. Many say drugs
should not be legalized for that reason.It is obvious that the legislation of
narcotics would have it pros and cons.

Some reasons given for liberalizing drugs include claim that:

war on drugs policies have resulted in a failure

the quality of the drugs can not be screened, resulting in fatalities

due to added compounds

There is a huge loss of income from not taxing the drug trade.

adults have the right to live their lives without interference from
the most vulnerable group of our society

A reduction in crime will be the result of this drug liberalization.

The prohibition in effect creates and funds drug cartels around the

Drug legalization calls for a return to the pre-20th century situation in

which almost all drugs were legal. This would require ending
government-enforced prohibition on the distribution or sale and personal
use of specified (or all) currently banned drugs. Proposed ideas range
from full legalization which would completely remove all forms of
government control, to various forms of regulated legalization, where
drugs would be legally available, but under a system of government
control which might mean for instance:[6]

Mandated labels with dosage and medical warnings,

Restrictions on advertising.

Age limitations.

Provide effective medicine

For many seriously ill people, medical marijuana is the only medicine that
relieves their pain and suffering, or treats symptoms of their medical
condition, without debilitating side effects.

Marijuana has been shown to alleviate symptoms of a huge variety of

serious medical conditions including cancer, AIDS, and glaucoma, and is
often an effective alternative to synthetic painkillers.

Marijuana prohibition has thwarted research within the United States to

uncover the best and most effective uses for marijuana as a medicine.
Legalization would allow research into marijuanas medical benefits to
move forward.

Three states will consider initiatives that allow access to cannabis for those
with qualifying medical conditions and establish state regulatory systems
for the cultivation and distribution of cannabis to qualified patients. Read
more about the initiatives:

Arkansas Florida North Dakota

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