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1) A student carries out an experiment to investigate the relationship between the diameter,d, of a metal cylinder

and its mass, m. Diagram 1.1 shows the five cylinders that were prepared.

Diagram 1.1
A micrometer screw gauge is used to measure the diameter of the cylinder. Diagrams 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6
show the reading, d, of the micrometer screw gauge when the diameter of each cylinder is measured.

Diagrams 1.2

Diagrams 1.3

Diagrams 1.4

Diagrams 1.5
Diagrams 1.6
(a) For the experiment described on page 1 identify:
(i) The manipulated variable:

... [1 mark]

(ii) The responding variable:

... [1 mark]

(iii) The constant variable:

... [1 mark]

(b) (i) Based on Diagrams 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6 on pages 1 and 2, determine and record the diameter of
the cylinder, d.
(ii) For each value of d in 1(b)(i), calculate d2. Tabulate your data for all values of m, d, and d2 in the
space below.

[7 marks]
(c) On the graph paper on page 3, draw a graph of d2 against m. [5 marks]
(d) Based on the graph in 1(c), state the relationship between d2 and m.

... [1 mark]

(a) For the experiment described above, identify:
(i) The manipulated variable

........................................................................................................................................................................[1 mark]
(ii) The responding variable

........................................................................................................................................................................[1 mark]
(iii) The constant variable

........................................................................................................................................................................[1 mark]
(c) On the graph paper , plot a graph of a against F. [5 marks]
(d) Based on your graph in (c), state the relationship between a and F.

.....................................................................................................................................................................................[1 mark]
a) For the experiment described above, identify:
(i) The manipulated variable

........................................................................................................................................................................[1 mark]
(ii) The responding variable

........................................................................................................................................................................[1 mark]
(iii) The constant variable

........................................................................................................................................................................[1 mark]

[5 marks]
(d) On the graph paper , plot a graph of against t. [5 marks]
(e) Based on your graph in (d), state the relationship between against t.

.....................................................................................................................................................................................[1 mark]
5) A student carries out an experiment to investigate the relationship between the wavelength of light, and the distance, x
between two consecutive bright fringes of an interference pattern which is formed on a white screen. The separation between
the double slits is fixed at 0.3 mm. The arrangement of the apparatus for this experiment is
shown in Diagram 1.1.

Diagram 1.1
The student starts the experiment using a white light source and a red filter. The red light has a wavelength of 750 nm. The
interference pattern formed on the screen is shown in Diagram 1.2. The distance, d, for ten consecutive bright fringes is
measured and recorded. Then, the distance, x, between two consecutive bright fringes is determined by
using the following formula: x = d

The experiment is repeated with different coloured filters to produce light with wavelengths of 625 nm, 542 nm, 417 nm and
317 nm. The corresponding distances for ten consecutive bright fringes are shown in Diagrams 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6.
Diagram 1.3

Diagram 1.4

Diagram 1.5

Diagram 1.6

(a) For the experiment described on pages 2, 3, 4, and 5, identify:

(i) The manipulated variable

........................................................................................................................................................................[1 mark]
(ii) The responding variable

........................................................................................................................................................................[1 mark]
(iii) The constant variable
........................................................................................................................................................................[1 mark]

(b) For this part of the question, write your answers in the spaces provided in the corresponding diagrams.
Based on Diagrams 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6 on pages 3, 4 and 5 :
(i) Record the distance, d, for ten consecutive bright fringes.
(ii) Calculate and record the distance, x, for two consecutive bright fringes.

(c) Tabulate your results for all values of , d and x in the space below.

[3 marks]
(d) On the graph paper , plot a graph of x against . [5 marks]
(e) Based on your graph in (d), state the relationship between x and .

.............................................................................................................................................................................[1 mark]

6 A student carries out an experiment to investigate the relationship between the resistance, R, of a wire and the
length, L, of the wire. Diagram 1.1 shows the circuit used in the experiment.

Sliding contact / Sesentuh

Wire / Dawai

The position of the sliding contact is adjusted until the length of the wire in the circuit, L = 20.0 cm. The
rheostat is adjusted to obtain a suitable current. The current, I and the potential difference, V, across the wire
are measured by an ammeter and voltmeter respectively. Diagram 1.2 shows the readings of the ammeter and
voltmeter. The procedure is repeated for lengths of the wire, L = 30.0 cm, 40.0 cm, 50.0 cm and 60.0 cm.
The corresponding readings of the ammeter and voltmeter are shown in Diagrams 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6.


L = 20.0 cm DIAGRAM 1.2


L = 30.0 cm DIAGRAM 1.3


L = 40.0 cm DIAGRAM 1.4


L = 50.0 cm DIAGRAM 1.5


L = 60.0 cm DIAGRAM 1.6

(a) For the experiment described on page 3, identify:
(i) the manipulated variable,

. [1 mark]
(ii) the responding variable,

. [1 mark]
(iii) a fixed variable.

. [1 mark]
(b) What is the use of the strip of mirror next to the scale of the voltmeter?

... [1 mark]

(c) Based on Diagrams 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6 on pages 4 and 5, determine the current, I and potential
difference, V for the corresponding lengths of wire, L. For each value of L, calculate the resistance, R
of the wire. The resistance, R, is calculated using the formula, R Tabulate your results for L, I, V
and R in the space below.

[5 marks]
(d) On the graph paper on Page 7, plot a graph of R against L. [5 marks]
(e) Based on your graph, state the relationship between R and L.

.. [1 mark]
(f) State one precaution that should be taken to obtain accurate readings of V.

....[1 mark]

7. A student carries out an experiment to investigate the relationship between pressure, P and cross-sectional area of an
aluminium block, A.The results of this experiment are shown in graph P against 1 in Diagram 2.1.
(a) Based on the graph in Diagram 2.1 :
(i) State the relationship between P and A.

.............................................................................................................................................................................[1 mark]

(ii) Determine the pressure, P, when the area of aluminium block is 0.25 m2.Show on the graph how you determine the

P = ........ N m-2 [3 marks]

(b) (i) Calculate the gradient of the graph, k.Show on the graph how you determine, k.

[3 marks]
(ii)The mass of the aluminium block, m is given by the formula
m = k , where g = 10 m s-2. Calculate the mass of the aluminium block, m.

[ 2 marks ]
(iii) What happens to the gradient of the graph, k if the experiment is repeated by using an iron block with the same size?
Give your reason.

...[ 2 marks ]

(c) State one precaution that can be taken to increase the accuracy of the measurements.

.....[ 1 mark ]
8. An experiment to investigate the time taken, t by a metal sphere falling from a height, h was conducted. The graph of h
against t2.
(a) Based on the graph h against t2
(i) state the relationship between h and t

....... .................................................................................................................................................................... [1 mark]

(ii) determine the time taken, t by the sphere when dropped from a height, h = 44.0 cm. Show on the graph how you
determine the value of t

t = [3 marks]

(b) Calculate the gradient of the graph..Show on the graph, how you calculate the gradient.

[3 marks]
(c) The motion equation of a falling object with an initial velocity, u is given as h = ut + 1 g t
where g is the gravitational acceleration.
(i) State the initial velocity, u of the sphere

................................................................................................................................................................................ [1 mark]

(ii) By using the gradient of the graph in (b) and equation in (c), calculate the gravitational acceleration, g .

[3 marks]
(d) State one precaution that should be taken in this experiment to improve the accuracy of the readings in the experiment.

... [1 mark]
9) A student carries out an experiment by using a mercury barometer to determine the relationship beween the atmospheric
pressure, P and the altitude ( height above sea level), h.

. (a) Based on the graph in Diagram 2:

(i) State the relationship between P and h.

.............................................................................................................................................................................[1 mark]
(b) The atmospheric pressure above sea level, Po can be determined from the interception of the graph on the P axis. Show
on the graph how you determine Po, and write the value below.

Po= [2 marks]
(c) Calculate the gradient of the graph, m.Show on the graph how you determine, m.

[3 marks]
(d) The atmospheric pressure can be measured by using a barometer. Given the formula of atmospheric pressureP, is
P=hpg, where h is height of mercury in barometer p, is density of mercury and g is gravitational acceleration .
(i) Calculate the atmospheric pressure on top of a mountain if the height of the mercury in the barometer is 45 cm.
(Given density of mercury is 13600kgm -3 and g = 9.8m s-2)

[2 marks]
(ii) Based on the graph and question d(i), determine tbe height of the mountain where the mercury barometer is being
placed. Show on the graph how you determine the height of the mountain.

[2 marks]

(iii) Name a more suitable instrument to measure the atmospheric pcressure at the top of a mountain

............................................................................................................................................................................[1 marks]

(e) State one precaution that can be taken to increase the accuracy of the measurements.

.....[ 1 mark ]

10.A student carries out an experiment to investigate the relationship between the temperature, , of a fixed mass of liquid
and the time, t, it has been heated. This experiment is carried out using the same immersion heater to heat up o.4kg g of the
liquid. The results of this experiment are shown in the graph of against t in Diagram 2.1.
(a) Based on the graph in Diagram 2.1:
(i) what happens to as t increases?


(ii) Determine the value of when t = 0 s.Show on the graph, how you determine the value of .

q = . [2 marks]

(iii)Calculate the gradient, k, of the graph. Show on the graph how you determine k.

k = [3 marks]

(b) (i) Specific heat capacity, c, of the liquid is given by the equation: c = 50 where m = mass of the liquid used in this
experiment, k = gradient of the graph. Calculate the value of the specific heat capacity, c, of the liquid.

c = .. [3marks]

(ii) What happen to the value of c if 0.8k g of the liquid is used in the experiment? Give your reason.


(c) State one precaution that should be taken to improve the results of this experiment.

0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 time / s

11) A student carries out an experiment to investigate the relationship between the object distance, u, and linear
magnification, M, of the image formed by a convex lens. The results of this experiment are shown in a graph of u against
1 in Diagram 15 on page . The results are used to determine the focal length of the convex lens.
(a) Based on the graph in Diagram 2:
(i) State the relationship between u and 1.
.... [1 mark]

(ii) Determine the value of u when M = 2.5. Show on the graph, how you determine the value of u.

u = .. [3 marks]

(b) The relationship between u and 1 is given by the formula where f is the focal length of the
lens. M

(i) Determine the value of f from the u-intercept and the gradient. Show on the graph how you determine the
value of f using the u - intercept .

f = [2 marks]

(ii) Calculate the gradient of the graph.

[3 marks]
(iii) From your answers in 2(b)(i) and 2(b)(ii), calculate the average value of the focal length, f, of the lens.

[2 marks]
(c) State one precaution that should be taken to improve the accuracy of the readings in this experiment.

...[1 mark]
Graph u against 1

(d) State one precaution that can be taken to increase the accuracy of the measurements.

.....[1 mark ]
13) A student carries out an experiment to determine the electromotive force, E and the internal resistance, r of a dry cell. The
student used four resistors with different values of resistance, R and fixed the e.m.f, E of the cell.

(a) Based on the graph,

(i) state the relationship between I and R.

........................................................................................................................................................................ [1 mark]
(ii) determine the value of I when R = 0

[3 marks]
(iii) The value of 1 when the R = 0 is given by the formula 1 = 0.4r, where r is the internal resistance of the cell.
Calculate r.

[2 marks]
(b) The electromotive force, E, of the cell is given by the formula m = 1 where m is the gradient of the graph.
(i) Calculate the gradient, m, of the graph. Show on the graph how you calculate m.

m = .. [3 marks]
(ii) Determine the value of E.

[2 marks]
(c) State one precaution to be taken in this experiment.

...[1 mark]

14) A student carries out an experiment to investigate the relationship between resistance, R, and length of a constantan wire,
l. The results of this experiment is shown in the graph of R against l in Diagram 2.1.

a) Based on the graph in Diagram 2.1, state the relationship between R and l.

....................................................................................................................................................................................[ 1 mark ]
(b) The resistivity, , is given by the formula = mA , where m is the gradient of the graph and A is the cross-sectional area
of the wire.
(i) Calculate the gradient, m, of the graph. Show on the graph how you calculate m.

m = ....................................................... [ 3 marks ]

(ii) Determine the value of , if A = 1.5 x 10-5 cm2.

[ 2 marks ]
(c) (i) Based on the graph in Diagram 2.1, determine the value of R when l = 16.0 cm. Show on the graph, how you
determine the value of R.

[ 2 marks ]
(ii) Another identical constantan wire with the same resistance as 2 (c) (i) is connected in parallel to the wire.
The effective resistance, R, of two constantan wire in parallel is given by the formula
1 = 1 + 1 . Calculate R.

[ 3 marks ]
(d) State one precaution to be taken in this experiment.

.[1 mark]

15) A student carries out an experiment to investigate the relationship between the collector current, IC, and the base current,
IB, for a transistor. The result of this experiment is shown in the graph of IC against IB in Diagram 2.
(a) Based on the graph in Diagram 2,
(i) State the relationship between IC and IB .

.........................................................................................................................................................................[1 mark]

(ii) Determine the value of IB when IC = 100 mA.Show on the graph, how you determine the value of IB.

.......................................................................................................................................................................[3 marks]

(b) (i) Calculate the gradient, m, of the graph. Show on the graph how you determine the gradient m.

m = [3

(ii) The gradient of the graph represents amplification factor of the transistor.What is meant by amplification factor?

.........................................................................................................................................................................[1 mark]

(c) The emitter current, IE, is related to the base current, IB, and collector current, IC through the formula; IE = IB + IC
Determine the emitter current, IE, ,when the base current, IB = 350 A.Show on the graph, how you determine the value
of collector current, IC.

[3 marks]
(d) State one precaution that should be taken during the experiment.
.....................................................................................................................................................................................[1 mark]

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