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Date Location: Media Studies Task being assessed: Students filming/taking photos in Student Name: Charlotte Wilby
17/01/2017 college

General Risk assessment

Hazard Persons Worst Probability Risk Existing control measures What further control measures are
Regardless of control at risk outcome Rating taken against the risk required when and by whom
measures *1 *2 *3 A-E
Lighting could fall down Sf,st Min Pr D I will make sure that the I will ask a member of staff who
on someone or trip lighting is out of the way and works in and out of the studio often
someone up that everyone is aware of for permission to use it and the
where. equipment and only use it when
theyre in the studio.
I will also make sure there is a first
aid kit close by in case there are any

The blue and white screens St, sf Min Ps C I will make sure the blue and I will make sure there is a member of
could fall on someone white screens are secure from staff close by to help out if needed.
the back and advise the model Also make sure they check it is secure
and students not to learn on the before I start taking photos.
screen or stand too close.

May fall off of the chair St Min Ps C I will make sure that I am I will also make sure a member of
while taking photos careful while stood up on the staff is close by in case I fall on and
chair so that I dont fall off. hurt myself but also that there is a
first aid kit around just in case.

*1 *2 This is without control measures *3 This is with control measures in place

Sf = staff D = people with disabilities F = fatal Fr = frequent/likely/could occur repeatedly/expected
St = students X = young/inexperienced Maj = major injury or permanent disability Pr = probable/not surprised/might occur often
Cr = contractors L = lone workers Min = minor injury Ps = possible/could occur sometime
Cl = cleaners W = women of child-bearing NR = non-reportable R = remote/unlikely but conceivable
V = visitors age U = unlikely/improbable such that likelihood is almost zero

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