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Resume and Automatic Termination

In Mac OS X Lion

Session 119
Peter Ammon David Smith
Cocoa Frameworks Engineer Cocoa Frameworks Engineer

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Resume and Automatic Termination

On iOS, users love how apps

pick up where they left off
The app may or may not Resume
have terminated
Simpler application model
than Snow Leopard Automatic
Mac OS X Lion is moving Termination
in the same direction

Resume and Automatic Termination

Why Resume?
API overview

Recreating open windows

Restoring state within windows

Advanced topics and best practices

Automatic Termination
What is Automatic Termination?

Benefits of Automatic Termination

API overview

Future directions

In Mac OS X Lion

Peter Ammon
Cocoa Frameworks Engineer

Apps simply

where they left off
after quit, log out, or crash


Resume and Automatic Termination

Why Resume?
API overview

Recreating open windows

Restoring state within windows

Advanced topics and best practices

Automatic Termination
What is Automatic Termination?

Benefits of Automatic Termination

API overview

Future directions

Why Resume?
Why do I want to do this?
Simplifying the application model
Users will expect that the application state is not lost
Macs will be able to silently restart without the user noticing

Why Resume?
Why should I use the Cocoa APIs for this?
There is a lot to restore
A window has a frame, on a display, on a space,
or maybe its minimized, or full screen
It integrates with the rest of the system
Inter-application Z-order
Shift key

Its really easy

Incremental adoption

Complements existing persistence mechanisms

You dont have to throw anything away

Resume and Automatic Termination

Why Resume?
API overview

Recreating open windows

Restoring state within windows

Advanced topics and best practices

Automatic Termination
What is Automatic Termination?

Benefits of Automatic Termination

API overview

Future directions

Overview of Resume

Mac OS X has special challenges not found on iOS

Multiple windows
Documents in many locations

There is a lot more states that an app can get into

Additional state contributions from frameworks and plug-ins
Here is how we meet those challenges

Overview of Resume

Cocoa asks the

A restorable window window to encode its The user quits, logs out, or crashes
is open restorable state

Cocoa notices it had a

Cocoa passes the The component restorable window and
window its saved provides the window asks the right component The app is relaunched
state for restoration (possibly creating it) to provide it again

Overview of Resume

Resume API is centered around windows

But support for global state, too
Each component can take responsibility for its own windows
Two phases
Recreating the windows that were previously open
Restoring view state within each window

Resume and Automatic Termination

Why Resume?
API overview

Recreating open windows

Restoring state within windows

Advanced topics and best practices

Automatic Termination
What is Automatic Termination?

Benefits of Automatic Termination

API overview

Future directions

Recreating Open Windows
API summary
Mark a window as restorable
[window setRestorable:YES]

Set the restoration class

[window setRestorationClass:[SomeClass class]]

Implement the restore method

+ (void)restoreWindowWithIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier
! ! state:(NSCoder *)state
! ! completionHandler:(void (^)(NSWindow *, NSError *)handler

Recreating Open Windows
API summary
+ (void)restoreWindowWithIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier
! ! state:(NSCoder *)state
! ! completionHandler:(void (^)(NSWindow *, NSError *)handler

Invoke the completion handler with the corresponding window

The identifier is an easy way to distinguish between different windows
restored by the same class
Settable in IB
The state parameter can be used to track even more information
necessary for recreating the window
More on that later

Restoring Windows
NSFontPanel example
[fontPanel setRestorable:YES];
[fontPanel setRestorationClass:[fontPanel class]];

+ (void)restoreWindowWithIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier
! ! ! state:(NSCoder *)state
! ! ! completionHandler:(void (^)(NSWindow *, NSError *)handler {
! ! ! ! handler([self sharedFontPanel], NULL);
! ! ! }

This window may

already exist!

Restoring Windows
NSDocument integration
NSDocument sets its windows restoration class to the
NSDocumentController reopens windows by reopening
their documents
Customizable hooks
@implementation MyDocument
- (void)restoreDocumentWindowWithIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier
(void)restoreWindowWithIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier
state:(NSCoder *)state
completionHandler:(void (^)(NSWindow *, NSError *))handler


Restoring Windows
Which windows should be restorable?
Most windows should be restorable, with some exceptions
Transient windows
Tooltips, shielding windows
Windows the user does not want to restore
Private browsing in Safari
Windows whose job is done
Install Complete window

Windows that the app cannot restore (yet)

Resume and Automatic Termination

Why Resume?
API overview

Recreating open windows

Restoring state within windows

Advanced topics and best practices

Automatic Termination
What is Automatic Termination?

Benefits of Automatic Termination

API overview

Future directions

Restoring State Within Windows

Each component within the window has its own private state
NSView, NSWindow, NSWindowController, NSDocument
NSApplication, too

The component invalidates its state whenever that state changes

[self invalidateRestorableState] Fast and inexpensive

At some point later, the component will be asked to encode its state
- (void)encodeRestorableStateWithCoder:(NSCoder *)coder

Upon relaunch, the component will be given its state to restore

- (void)restoreStateWithCoder:(NSCoder *)coder

Restoring State Within Windows

Two useful NSWindow delegate methods

- (void)window:(NSWindow *)window willEncodeRestorableState:(NSCoder *)coder
- (void)window:(NSWindow *)window didDecodeRestorableState:(NSCoder *)coder

Easy way to do state restoration without subclassing

Useful NSResponder class method

+ (NSArray *)restorableStateKeyPaths;

Automatic state restoration of KVO-compliant properties

Restoring State Within Windows
What state should be restored via this mechanism?
Restore view and controller state
Not model state

Selected range

Scroll position

Beware that model and view state may be out of sync!


Restoring Windows
Complex cases
My window needs to know its state before I can even create it!
Multiple types of windows or documents

+ (void)restoreWindowWithIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier
! ! ! state:(NSCoder *)state
! ! ! completionHandler:(void (^)(NSWindow *, NSError *)handler;

Combined restorable state of the window, its window controller,

and document
If you can not restore the window, invoke the completion
handler with nil
But always invoke it

Resume and Automatic Termination

Why Resume?
API overview

Recreating open windows

Restoring state within windows

Advanced topics and best practices

Automatic Termination
What is Automatic Termination?

Benefits of Automatic Termination

API overview

Future directions

Advanced Topics
Inter-view references
How NSWindow records its first responder:
[coder encodeObject:firstResponder forKey:@"NSFirstResponder"]

Encoding an NSResponder archives a reference to it

Decoding it returns an existing NSResponder, never a new one
References can cross windows
Example: Color and Font panels encode their targets

Advanced Topics
Sandboxed apps
Encode URLs to files in any restorable state NSCoder
You automatically get permission to reopen them
Even if they have been moved or renamed
URL encoding uses bookmarks

Or use NSDocument

Advanced Topics
Case study: Mail
Mail already restored its state via state from NSUserDefaults
Integrating with Resume was ~ 60 LOC
Gave each window a unique ID
Recorded it in both the user default record and the restorable state

Restored windows via the existing NSUserDefaults mechanism

In the Resume callback

Decode the unique ID from the restorable state

Find an existing window with that unique ID

Invoke the completion handler with that window (or nil)

Best Practices

Do not assume that if your app is being launched, the user intends
to use it immediately
Running applications get relaunched at login

Your app can be relaunched in the background

Splash screens, demanding dialogs, etc. will be perceived as annoying

Best Practices

Do not create default windows in applicationDidFinishLaunching:

Your app may already have restored windows
N+1 effect
Prefer applicationOpenUntitledFile:
One exception: One-window apps like iPhoto

Best Practices

Be prepared for unexpected changes

Screen size, preferences, etc. may change
File contents too (remember iCloud)

Validate that all saved state still makes sense

Do not forget versioning

Best Practices

Partial state restoration is OK

(Though higher fidelity is obviously better)
The more you use Cocoa, the less work it will take
Example: full screen

But if you already restore state, its easy to integrate with Resume

Resume Summary

Resume is about state restoration

Cocoa tracks the open restorable windows, and asks their
restoration classes to recreate them on relaunch
Each component can recreate the windows it is responsible for
Each NSResponder can encode and restore its own private state

Automatic Termination
In Mac OS X Lion

David Smith
Cocoa Frameworks Engineer

Resume and Automatic Termination

Why Resume?
API overview

Recreating open windows

Restoring state within windows

Advanced topics and best practices

Automatic Termination
What is Automatic Termination?

Benefits of Automatic Termination

API overview

Future directions

What Is Automatic Termination?

Decouples apps from processes

Open apps might have a process
Closed apps might not have a process

What Is Automatic Termination?

Decouples apps from processes

Open apps might have a process
Closed apps might not have a process

A new user model

Lets users focus on using apps instead of managing them

The Application Life Cycle
circa 3000BC (Snow Leopard)


Launch Quit

The Application Life Cycle
circa 2011 (Lion)


Launch Quit

What Is Automatic Termination?

Decouples apps from processes

Open apps might have a process
Closed apps might not have a process

A new user model

Lets users focus on using apps instead of managing them
iOS-style memory reclamation on the Mac
Instant relaunch

Resume and Automatic Termination

Why Resume?
API overview

Recreating open windows

Restoring state within windows

Advanced topics and best practices

Automatic Termination
What is Automatic Termination?

Benefits of Automatic Termination

API overview

Future directions

Benefits of Automatic Termination

Play well with others

Meet user expectations for new apps
Relaunch instantly
Get ready for the future

Resume and Automatic Termination

Why Resume?
API overview

Recreating open windows

Restoring state within windows

Advanced topics and best practices

Automatic Termination
What is Automatic Termination?

Benefits of Automatic Termination

API overview

Future directions

API Overview

Simple API following the same pattern as

Sudden Termination from Snow Leopard

An Important Aside

Automatic Termination is not Sudden Termination!

An application can participate in one, both, or neither
Participating in both gets you nice benefits

API Overview

Simple API following the same pattern as Sudden Termination

from Snow Leopard
Master on switch API
Set the key NSSupportsAutomaticTermination in your Info.plist

OR use NSProcessInfo
[[NSProcessInfo processInfo] setAutomaticTerminationSupportEnabled: YES];

API Overview

Simple API following the same pattern as Sudden Termination

from Snow Leopard
Temporarily opt out when your app is working
[[NSProcessInfo processInfo] disableAutomaticTermination:@Reason];

and return control to the system when youre done

[[NSProcessInfo processInfo] enableAutomaticTermination:@Reason];

Running Applications with No Process

When these criteria are met:

No visible windows
All open windows are restorable

Not the active app

No outstanding -disableAutomaticTermination: calls

The system is out of available memory

The kernel may terminate the apps process

The app will appear to still be running, and will relaunch
transparently if needed

Processes with No Running Application

When these criteria are met:

No open windows
Not the active app

At least one window has ever been open

No outstanding -disableAutomaticTermination: calls

The app will appear to quit, but its process will remain running
This lets it relaunch instantly
It will terminate if the system needs to reclaim its resources


Testing Automatic Termination in Your App

Simulate system memory pressure to verify expected behavior

Use /System/Library/CoreServices/talagent -memory_pressure
Only use this for testing! It is not guaranteed to exist

Recap: Adopting Automatic Termination

Turn it on Info.plist key or API

[[NSProcessInfo processInfo] setAutomaticTerminationSupportEnabled: YES];

Wrap activity in paired -disable/-enable calls

[[NSProcessInfo processInfo] disableAutomaticTermination:@Reason];
[[NSProcessInfo processInfo] enableAutomaticTermination:@Reason];

Test with simulated memory pressure

/System/Library/CoreServices/talagent -memory_pressure

Resume and Automatic Termination

Why Resume?
API overview

Recreating open windows

Restoring state within windows

Advanced topics and best practices

Automatic Termination
What is Automatic Termination?

Benefits of Automatic Termination

API overview

Future directions

Imagine a World

that has no Quit menu item

with no need to know if an app is running
in which your parents never call and say, My computer is slow

More Information

Bill Dudney
Application Frameworks Evangelist

Mac OS X Dev Center

Apple Developer Forums


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