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Department of Mechanical Engineering

School of Engineering & Technology
Manipal University-Jaipur

To calibrate the rectangular notch.


Notch is a structure which is used to measure the rate of flow in canal,

streams and channels. The flow of water in the canals is obstructed by notch
structure. This will cause rise of water on upstream side of notch and head
builds above sill level of notch. This causes the flow over notch. By principle,
the kinematic head is converted into static head and again it converts kinetic


The experimental set-up consists of supply tank with perforated sheets

placed near inlet valve to reduce the velocity of incoming water and to
reduce the velocity of approach. Thus the perforated sheet can reduce
eddies and steady flow can be obtained in the channel.

The notches are fitted in interchangeable groove at the front end of the
channel. A collecting tank is provided to measure the actual discharge.


1. Note the geometrical; features of the notch.

2. Open valve and allow the water to fill the weir tank till it first touches
the apex of the notch.
3. Stop the inflow of water and adjust the pointer of the hook gauge so
that it just breaks through the water surface. Note down the initial
reading on the hook gauge say H1.
4. Open the valve and allow the water to pass over the notch for some
time when the head over the notch becomes constant. Note down the
reading on the hook gauge say H2.
5. Repeat steps for at least three different inlet valve openings.


Angle of V-notch (): 90o

Length of rectangular notch (L):

Cross section area of collecting tank (A): 0.3 x 0.3 m2

Time taken for collection of water (T):

Rise of water in the tank (R):

Initial reading of hook gauge (H1):

Sl. H2 H = H2 - R T in sec Qact= A.R/T Type of notch

No. H1


Theoretical Discharge (Qth) for Rectangular Notch: (2/3) L H1.52g

Coefficient of discharge (Cd): Qact/Qth



1. Pointer gauge readings should be taken only after steady state

condition is reached.
2. While taking pointer gauge readings ensure that the tip of the gauge
just touches the water surface
3. The readings should be taken at a section sufficiently upstream of the
notch where the water surface is horizontal
4. For the measurement of current discharge there must not be any
leakage near the notch and take care that notch is not running in
overflow conditions.

To study the pressure distribution at the upstream of curved weir and to

calibrate the same.


A weir is a concrete or masonary structure, placed in an open channel over

which the flow occurs. It is generally in the form of vertical wall, with a sharp
edge at the top, running all the way across the open channel.

Weirs are classified as:

a) According to the shape of opening

Rectangular weir
Triangular weir
Trapezoidal weir
b) According to the shape
Sharp-crested weir
Broad crested weir
Narrow crested weir
Ogee shaped weir
c) According to the effect of sides on the emerging nappe
Weir with end contraction
Weir without end contraction


The experimental setup consists of supply tank with perforated sheets

placed near inlet valve to reduce the velocity of incoming water and to
reduce the velocity of approach. Thus the perforated sheet can reduce
eddies and steady flow can be obtained in the channel.


1. Fix the weir in the groove and measure the sill length of the weir.
2. Open the inlet valve and allow the water into the channel to raise upto
sill of the weir in the channel.
3. Measure the water surface level with the help of depth gauge (initial
water level) H1.
4. Allow the water to enter into channel and flows over the sill of the weir
at steady state condition.
5. Measure the water surface level with the help of depth gauge (Final
water level) H2.
6. The difference between initial water level and final water level gives
the head causing flow over the weir.
7. Collect the known volume of water (V) in collecting tank in specified
time (t).
8. Determine the actual discharge Qact.
9. Determine the theoretical discharge Qth.
10. Repeat the step for various heads of water above the sill level of
weir in the channel.


Length of the weir parallel to the width of curved weir (L):

Cross section area of collecting tank (A): 0.3 x 0.3 m2

Time taken for collecting of water (t):

Rise of water in the tank (R):

Sl H1 H2 H1-H2 t in sec Qact = V/t Type of

No. notch


Volume of water collected (V): AxR

Actual discharge (Qact): V/t

Theoretical Discharge (Qth) for curved weir: (2/3) L H1.52g

Cd = Qact / Qth


1. Pointer gauge readings should be taken only after steady state
condition is reached.
2. While taking pointer gauge readings ensure that the tip of the gauge
just touches the water surface
3. The readings should be taken at a section sufficiently upstream of the
weir where the water surface is horizontal
4. For the measurement of current discharge there must not be any
leakage near the weir and take care that weir is not running in overflow



To calibrate the orifice meter and to determine the coefficient of discharge.


An orifice meter is another simple device used for measuring the discharge
through pipes, orifice meter also works on the same principle as that of
venturimeter i.e. by reducing the cross-sectional area of the flow passage, a
pressure difference between the two sectiona before and after orifice is
developed and the measurement of the pressure difference enables the
determination of the discharge through the pipes. However, an orifice meter
is a cheaper arrangement for discharge measurement through pipes and its
installation requires a smaller length as compared with venturimeter. As such
where the space is limited, the orifice meter may be used for the
measurement of discharge through pipes.


1. Measuring tank to measure the flow rate

2. A pipe line with an orifice meter.
3. Tappings with Ball Valves are provided at inlet & outlet of orifice meter
and these are connected to manometer
4. A constant steady supply of water with a means of varying the flow
rate using Monoblock pump.
5. Separate valves are provided for orifice meter to conduct experiments


1. Note down the relevant dimension as diameter of pipe, diameter of

2. Regulating valve of pipeline is kept open.
3. Pressure tappings of orifice meter are kept open.
4. Open the inlet flow control valve and regulate the valve to allow a
steady flow through the pipe.
5. The flow rate was adjusted to its maximum value. By maintaining
suitable amount of steady flow or nearby steady flow in the pipe
circuit, there establishes a non-uniform flow in the circuit. Time is
allowed to stabilize the levels in the manometer tube.
6. Note down the water levels in left and right limbs of manometer tube.
7. The flow rate is reduced in stages by means of flow control valve and
the readings of manometer are recorded for every stage.


Area of the measuring tank (A): 0.3 x 0.3 m2

Diameter of orifice meter (D1): 0.0254 m

Diameter of throat section of orifice meter (D2): 0.0125 m

Rise in water level in collecting tank (R):

Sl. Manometer H = 12.6 T in sec R in Qa = A.R/T

No. difference h in h in cm cm


1. Theoretical discharge
Qth = a1 a2 2gH/(a12 a22)

a1 = area of inlet section of orifice

a2 = area of throat section of orifice
2. Actual discharge
Qa = A.R/T
3. Coefficient of discharge
Cd = Qa / Qth



1. Ensure that there is no air bubbles in the manometer.

2. After each change in the valve opening wait for some time for the flow
to stabilize before taking readings.
3. Take a number of readings to obtain accurate result.



To calibrate the venturimeter and to determine the coefficient of discharge.


A venturimeter is a device which is used for measuring the rate of flow of

fluid through pipe line. The basic principle on which a venturimeter works is
that by reducing the cross-sectional area of the flow passage, a pressure
difference is created between the inlet and throat and the measurement of
the pressure difference enables the determination of the discharge through
the pipe.

A venturimeter consists of:

1. An inlet section followed by a convergent cone.

2. A cylindrical throat.
3. A gradually divergent cone.

The inlet section of the venturimeter is of the same diameter as that of the
pipe which is followed by a convergent cone. The convergent cone is a short
pipe which tapers from the original size of the pipe to that of the
venturimeter. The throat of the venturimeter is a short parallel side tube
having its cross-sectional area smaller than that of the pipe. The divergent
cone of the venturimeter is gradually diverging pipe with its cross-sectional
area increasing from that of the throat to the original size of the pipe. At the
inlet section and the throat of the venturimeter, pressure tappings are
provided through pressure rings.


1. Measuring tank to measure the flow rate

2. A pipe line with an venturimeter.
3. Tappings with Ball Valves are provided at inlet and throat of
venturimeter and these are connected to manometer
4. A constant steady supply of water with a means of varying the flow
rate using Monoblock pump.
5. Separate valves are provided for venturimeter to conduct experiments


1. Note down the relevant dimension as diameter of pipe, diameter of

2. Regulating valve of pipeline is kept open.
3. Pressure tappings of venturimeter are kept open.
4. Open the inlet flow control valve and regulate the valve to allow a
steady flow through the pipe.
5. The flow rate was adjusted to its maximum value. By maintaining
suitable amount of steady flow or nearby steady flow in the pipe
circuit, there establishes a non-uniform flow in the circuit. Time is
allowed to stabilize the levels in the manometer tube.
6. Note down the water levels in left and right limbs of manometer tube.
7. The flow rate is reduced in stages by means of flow control valve and
the readings of manometer are recorded for every stage.


Area of the measuring tank (A): 0.3 x 0.3 m2

Diameter of venturimeter (D1): 0.0254 m

Diameter of throat section of venturimeter (D2):0.0125 m

Rise in water level in collecting tank (R):

Sl. Manometer H = 12.6 T in sec R in Qa = A.R/T
No. difference h in h in cm cm


1. Theoretical discharge
Qth = a1 a2 2gH/(a12 a22)

a1 = area of inlet section of venturi

a2 = area of throat section of venturi
2. Actual discharge
Qa = A.R/T
3. Coefficient of discharge
Cd = Qa / Qth



1. Ensure that there is no air bubbles in the manometer.

2. After each change in the valve opening wait for some time for the flow
to stabilize before taking readings.
3. Take a number of readings to obtain accurate result.

To determine the head loss of given length of pipe.


When liquid flows through a pipe under pressure, some head is lost in
overcoming the friction between the pipe walls and flowing fluid. The
frictional resistance offered to flow depends on the type of flow. Mostly the
flow of fluids in pipes lies in turbulent zone. On the basis of the experimental
observations the laws of fluid friction for turbulent flow are as under:

The frictional resistance in the case of turbulent flow is

Proportional to (velocity)n, where n varies from 1.72 to 2.0

Independent of pressure.
Proportional to density of the flowing fluid
Slightly affected by variation of temperature of the fluid.
Proportional to area of surface in contact
Dependent on the nature of the surface in contact
The formula for turbulent flow in pipes may be written in the form of darcy-
weisbach equation for head loss due to friction:

hf = fLV2/2gD

where, f = friction factor

L = Length of pipe

V = Mean velocity of flow in pipe

Q = Discharge through pipe

D = Diameter of pipe

1. Pipes of different sizes with regulating valves fed by mainline through a
common inlet valve at one end and outflow valve at the other end.
2. Each pipe provided with two pressure tappings at certain distance
3. U-tube differential manometer is provided to find the difference of
head between two pressure tappings.


1. Note down the relevant dimensions a diameter of the pipe, length of

each pipe between pressure tappings, area of collecting tank etc.
2. Pressure tappings of one pipe are kept open while for other pipe it is
3. Keeping the outlet valves closed; open the main inlet valve fully.
4. Open the outlet valve of this pipe partially; wait for few seconds so that
the flow becomes steady.
5. Note the manometer readings in both the limbs of the manometer h 1
and h2.
6. Make discharge measurements by measuring the level rise (h) in the
discharge measurement tank for a particular interval of time T. This is
actual discharge Qa.
7. Repeat the process for at least three different openings of the outlet
8. This procedure is repeated by closing the pressure tappings of this pipe
and for opening of another pipe.


Diameter of pipe (d):

Length of pipe (L):

Area of collecting tank (A): 0.3 x 0.3 m2

Rise in collecting tank water level (R):

Time taken for collection of water (T):

Differential head (h):

Sl. Pipe Manometer T in sec R in cm Qa =

No. Size Difference (h in A.R/T


Qa = A.R/T

Velocity (V) = Qa/a

Friction factor (f) = (hf 2g d)/ (LV2)

Where, a = area of given pipe



1. There should not be any air bubble in manometer.

2. Discharge must be varied very gradually from higher to smaller values.
3. Ensure that there is no leakage from any pipe fittings.

To study the relation between the force produce and the change of
momentum when a jet strikes a vane.
Compare between force exerted by a jet on a flat plate and on a
hemispherical surface.

When jet of water is directed to hit the vane of particular shape, the force is
exerted on it by fluid in the opposite direction. The amount of force exerted
depends on the diameter of jet, shape of vane, fluid density and flow rate of
water; it also depends on whether the vane is moving or stationary (here, we
are concern about the force exerted on stationary vanes).

One way of producing mechanical work from fluid under pressure is to use
the pressure to accelerate the fluid to a high velocity in a jet; the jet is
directed on the vanes of a turbine wheel which is rotated by the force
generated on the place as the jet strikes the vanes.
If a flow Q m3/s with a velocity Uo m/s strikes a vane perpendicular to it, the
flow is deflected by angle so that the fluid leaves the vanes with velocity U 1
inclined at angle to the original axis of flow. The force acting on the fluid
being equal to the rate of change of momentum that is:

F = Q (U1 cos - Uo)

=density in Kg/m3

The force R on the vane is equal & opposite of F so that:

R = Q (Uo - U1 cos )

In the case of flat plate = 90o and the force acting on the plate:
R = Q (Uo)
In the case of a hemispheric cup we may assume that = 180o hence:
R = Q (Uo + U1)

Since the changes in peizometric pressure and elevation are neglected the
maximum value of U1 will be Uo thus max. force on the hemispheric cup is (2
Q Uo) i.e. twice the force on the flat plate .


It is a closed circuit water re-circulating system consisting of sump tank,

mono block pump set, jet/vane chamber, pressure gauge for pressure
measurement. The water is drawn from sump to mono block pump and
delivers it vertically to the nozzle. The flow control valve is also provided for
controlling the water into the nozzle. The water issued out of nozzle as jet.
The jet is made to strike the vane, the force of which is transferred directly to
the force. The provision is made to change the size of nozzle/jet and vane of
different shapes.

Fix the flat plate in position.
Keep the delivery valve closed & switch ON the pump.
Close the front transparent cover tightly.
Open the delivery valve and adjust the flow rate of water.
Note down the diameter of jet, flow rate & force
Tabulate the results.
A series of reading for the similar procedures was taken for Flat
plate with reducing the rate of flow in each reading by using the
8. The same steps were then repeated by using the hemispherical cup
instead of the flat plate.
Vane shapes: Flat, Hemispherical

Jet diameter: 5 mm

Hemisphere diameter (dh): 43 mm

Flate plate diameter (df): 50 mm

Pump: single phase, 230 volt with starter

Type: Recirculating with sump & jet chamber made of

stainless steel

Sump tank size: 800 x 300 x 350 mm

Collecting tank size: 300 x 300 x 400 mm

Overhead chamber size: 300 x 300 x 300 mm

Jet chamber: Fixed with toughened glass windows with leak

proof rubber gaskets


Area of collecting tank (A) = 0.3 x 0.3 m2

Height of water collected in meter (R) =

Time taken in sec for collecting tank (T) =

Area of the jet (a) =

Sl. No. Type of Weighing Height of Time Flow rate

Vane of water water taken in Q = AR/T
collected collected sec (T)
(Fa) (R)


Calculations for Flat Plate:

Q = (volume of used water) / (the time for this volume)
Ujet = The velocity at exit from the nozzle = (Q / Area of jet)
Uo2 = Ujet2 (2 g S), where S = the distance between the jet and the plates
R1 = Q (Uo) = theoretical value (predicted value)
R2 = Reading on weighing machine = actual value
Calculations for Hemispheric cup:
Similar with flat plate but
R1 = 2 Q (Uo) = theoretical value (predicted value)



1. Apparatus should be in leveled condition.

2. Readings must be taken in steady condition.
3. Vane should be tightly fitted.



1. OBJECTIVE: To verify Bernoullis equation experimentally.

2. INTRODUCTION: Bernoullis theorem states that when there is a

continuous connection between particles of flowing mass of liquid, the
total energy at any section of flow will remain the same provided there
is no reduction or addition of energy at any point. This is the energy
equation and is based on the law of conservation of energy. This
equation states that at two section of flow field the total energy
remains the same. Provided that there is no loss or gain of energy
between the two sections. This equation is valid only for steady flow.
This equation is expressed as:

p1 v 12 P2 V2
E= pg + 2g + Z1 = Pg + 2g Z2

If Z 1 = Z2
p1 v 12 P2 V2
E = pg + 2g = Pg + 2g

3. DESCRIPTION: The present experimental set-up for Bernoulli`s

Theorem is self-contained recirculating unit. The set-up accompanies
the Sump Tank. Constant Head Tank. Centrifugal Pump for water
circulation. Measuring Tank etc. Control Valve and By-Pass Valve is
provided to regulate the flow of water in Constant Head Tank. A conduit
made of Perspex of varying cross section is provided which is having
converging and diverging section. Piczometer tubes are fitted on this
test section at specified points. The inlet of the conduit is connected to
constant head tank. At the outlet of conduit a valve is provided to
regulate the flow of water through the test section. After achieving the
steady state discharge through test section can be measured with the
help of measuring Tank and Stop Watch.

(a) Electric supply: Single Phase. 220 Volts. 50 Hz 5 Amp.
(b)Water Supply (Initial Fill)
(c) Drain Required.
(d)Floor Area required : 2 m x 0.5 m

Starting Procedure
(a) Ensure that all On/Off Switches given on the Panel are at OFF
(b)Close all the drain valves provided.
(c) Fill Sump tank with clean water and ensure that no foreign
particles are there.
(d)Close all Flow Control Valves given at the end of Test Section.
(e) Clean the apparatus and make all Tanks free from Dust.
(f) Open by-pass valve given on the water Supply.
(g)Switch on the Pump.
(h)Partially close By-Pass Valve to allow water to fill in Overhead Tank.
(i) Wait until overflow occurs from Overhead Tank.
(j) Regulate flow of water through test section with the help of valve
provided at the end of test section.
(k) Ensure that overflow still occurs; if not partially close the By-Pass
Valve to do so.
(l) Measure Pressure head by Piezometer tubes.
(m) Measure flow rate of water using Measuring Tank and Stop
(n)Repeat step (j) to (m) for different flow rate of water.

Closing Procedure:

(a) When experiment is over, Switch off Pump.

(b) Switch off Power Supply to Panel.
(c) Drain water from all tanks with the help of given drain valves.


Test Section : Material Acrylic.

Piezometer Tubes : Material P.U. Tubes (7 Nos.)

Water circulation : FHP Pump.

Flow Measurement : Using Measuring Tank & Stop
Sump Tank : Material SS. Capacity
70 Ltrs.
Overhead Tank : Material SS. Capacity
20 Ltrs.
The whole set-up is well designed and arranged in a good quality
painted structure.

(a) Total energy (E) :

p p
E= pg pg

(b) Velocity of Fluid:

V= A m/s

(c) Discharge (Q):

Q= t100 m3

R 1R 2
R= 100 m


g = 9.81 m/sec2

A = 0.1 m2

S.no. of test Points Cross-Section Area Distance

from Reference points

1. 4.91 x 10-4 0.04

2. 3.14 x 10-4 0.0785
3. 1.77 x 10-4 0.092
4. 7.85 x 10-5 0.1105
5. 1.77 x 10-4 0.13585
6. 3.14 x 10-4 0.1562
7. 4.91 x 10-4 0.19155
Tube No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
V (m/s)
P/pg = h/100
No. cm cm sec At Piezometerric tube No.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7



S R1 R2 t
h (cm)


Run No. =

Discharge = m3/s

p=Density of fluid, kg/m3

A= Area of measuring tank, m3
a= Cross-section area at test point, m2
E=Total energy.
g= Acceleration due to gravity, m/s2
h=Presser Head m of water.
P=Pressure of fluid.
Q= Discharge through test section, m3/s
R= Rise of water level in measuring Tank. m.
R1=Final height of water in Measuring Tank after time t. cm.
R2=Initial height of water in Measuring Tank. Cm.
t= Time taken for R (sec)
V= Velocity of fluid, m/s
Z=Potentional energy per unit weight of potentional head.


(a) Do not run the pump if voltage is less than 180 Volts and above 230
(b)Never fully close the Delivery Valve and By-Pass Valve at a time.
(c) To prevent clogging of moving parts, Run Pump at least once in a
(d)Always use clean water.


(a) If pump gets jam, open the back cover of pump and rotate the shaft
(b)If pump gets heat up. Switch off main power for 15 minutes and
avoid closing the Flow Control Valve and By Pass valve at a time
during operation.



OBJECTIVE: To calculate the overall efficiency of the reciprocating pump

INTRODUCTION: Reciprocating pump is a positive displacement plunger

pump. It is often used where relatively small quantity of water is to be

handled and delivery pressure is quite large. Reciprocating pump is widely

used as Automobile Service Stations, Chemical Industries, or as metering

and dosing pumps. The UNICOOL apparatus consists of a single cylinder,

double acting reciprocating pump mounted over the sump tank. The pump is

driven by Dimmer Control DC motor with stepped cone pulley. An energy

meter measure electrical input to motor. Measuring tank is provided to

measure discharge of the pump. The pressure and vacuum gauges provided

to measure the delivery pressure and suction vacuum respectively.


Reciprocating pump 37.5mm bore, stroke length 49mm, double

acting with air vessel on discharge side, suction 28mm, discharge


D.C motor, Dimmer Control Type.

Measuring tank ___mm x ___mm x ___mm height.

Sump tank 600mm x 900mm x 600mm height.


a) Pressure gauge 0-4 Kg/cm2 for discharge pressure.

b) 1 Ph. Energy meter for motor input measurement.


Fill up sufficient water in sump tank.

Fill up the air vessel for about 2/3rd capacity.

Open the gate valve in the discharge pipe of the pump fully.

Close the Ball valve and drain valve of the measuring tank.

Check nut bolts & the driving belt for proper tightening.

Driven the outlet pipe into funnel and slowly increase the pump speed,

slightly close the discharge valve. Note down the various reading in the

observations table. Repeat the procedure for different gate valve

openings. Take care that discharge pressure does not rise above 4


Change the speed and tank readings for different Ball valve openings.

Repeat the procedure for different speeds and complete the

observation table.

Sr No. Discharge Discharge Time for 10 Time for 10

Head Cm. Ind. of
(meters) In measuring Energy meter
te (sec)
t (sec)

1) Suction head

Hs = suction vacuum of Hp x (pHg - pw)


pHg = Sp gravity of mercury 13.6

pw = Sp gravity of water 1

Hs = 12.6 x suction vacuum mtrs.

Take Suction Head = 0 ( Because level of water is more than

level of suction of pump)

2) Delivery head

Ha = Discharge pressure, Kg / cm2 x 10

(as 10m of water = 1 Kg / cm2)

3) Total head

Hq = Hs + Hp + 3mtr


Loss of head in piping and fittings is assumed to be 3 mtrs.

4) Discharge
L x B x .01

Actual discharge, Qa = --------- m3 / sec

5) Out put power of pump

W. Qa. Hp

Pw = -------------------- Kw



W = Specific weight of water = 9810 N/m3

Qa = Discharge m3/sec

Hp = total head. Mtr.

6) Input power to pump

Let time required for 10 Ind. of energy meter is to sec.


10 3600

IP = --------- x -------------- Kw

te 3200


Energy meter constant is 3200 Rev/ Kwh.

Taking motor efficiency 60% and transmission efficiency as

60 %,
we have input shaft power

S.P = I.P. x 0.6 x o.6

7) Over all efficiency of pump


o = -------- x 100%



Operate all the controls gently.

Sever allow to rise the discharge the pressure above 4 Kg/cm 2.

Always use clean water for experiment.

Before starting the pump ensure that discharge valve is opened fully.


Sr Discharge Suction Times for Time for 10 rev of

10 lit rise Energy meter te

No. Pressure Vacuum
in Sec
(Kg/cm2) mm of Hg


t sec

1 0.5 0 16.12 354.1

2 1 0 16.75 317.6

3 2 0 17.16 269.6

4 3 0 17.37 225.0

Suction head

Hs = 0 mtrs

Delivery head

Ha = 0.5 x 10

= 5 mtrs

Total head

Hq = 0 + 5 + 3 mtr

= 8 mtrs.

0.01 x 0.1

Actual discharge, Qa = ---------------- m3/sec


= 6.20 x 10-4 m3/sec

Output power of pump

9810 x 6.20 x 10-4 x 8

Pw = ----------------------------------------- kw


= 0.048 kw

Input power to pump

Let time required for 10 rev. of energy meter be to sec.

Then, 10 3600
IP = ------------ x ---------------- kw

354.1 3200

= 0.42 kw

Where, energy meter constant 3200 rev/kwh

Taking motor efficiency and transmission efficiency as 60% each , we have

input shaft power

Sp = 0.42 x 0.6 x 0.6

= 0.1512 kw

Overall efficiency of pump


O = ------------= 0.31


OBJECTIVE: Study of Gear Pump Characteristics

INTRODUCTION: In general, a pump may be defined as a Mechanical

Device which when imposed in a Pipe Line, converts Mechanical Energy

supplied to it from external source into Hydraulic Energy thus resulting in the

flow of liquid from a lower to a higher potential head.

THEORY: The pumps are of major concern to most Engineers and

Technicians. The types of Pump vary in principal and design. The selection of

pump for any particular application is to be done by understanding their

characteristics. The most commonly used pumps are classified under major

headings, namely: Roto-Dynamic, Positive Displacement and Air Operated


While the operations of other pumps discussed elsewhere in standard books,

the Gear Pump falling under the category of Positive Displacement Pumps,

which is of our present concern, has a pair of accurately Ground Meshed

Gears housed in a casing. As the gears rotate, the fluid is trapped between

the gears teeth and the casing thus transferring the liquid from inlet end of
one gear to the outlet end of the other gear. During each revolution a certain

volume of liquid is transferred. The Discharge rate depends upon speed, size

of gear teeth.

DESCRIPTION: The present Gear Pump Test Rig is a self-contained unit

operated on close circuit (re-circulation) basis. The main components are

Gear Pump, collecting & sump tank, and all these are mounted on rigid

framework. The Test Rig has the following provisions:

1. To measure the overall input horsepower to the motor using energy


2. To measure the delivery and suction heads using pressure and vacuum

gauges separately.

3. To change the head and flow rate-using control valves.

4. To measure the discharge using collection tank fitted with tank level

indicator/ gauge glass.


1. Power Supply : Single Phase, 220 Volts , 50 Hz with Earth

2. Oil Used : SAE 50 Ltr

3. Space Required : 1.6 x 0.6 m


1. Clean the apparatus and make all Tanks free from Dust.

2. Close the drain valves provided.

3. Fill Sump tank with oil ( SAE 40 ) and ensure that no foreign particles

are there.

4. Open Flow Control Valve given on the discharge line and Control Valve

given on the suction line.

5. Set the revolution of motor / pump with the help of pulley.

6. Ensure that all on/off Switches given on the Panel are at OFF position.

7. Now switch on main power supply (220 V AC , 50 Hz ) and switch on

the pump.

8. Operate the Flow Control Valve to regulate the discharged

9. Record discharge pressure by means of Pressure Gauge, provided on

discharge line.

10. Record the power consumption in terms of Energy Meter,

provided in panel with the help of stop watch.

11. Measure the discharged by using measuring tank and Stop


12. Repeat the same procedure for direct speeds of pump and


Closing Procedure :
1. When experiment is over, Ball valve is proper open provided on

discharge line.

2. Switch Off the pump first.

3. Switch Off Power supply to Panel.


Pump : Speed 1500 RPM (max) Capacity 1 HP working

Pressure 5 kg/cm2 (max..) , 20 LPM

Pressure Gauges : Bourdon type.


Area of Measuring Tank (A) = 0.1M2

Energy Meter Constant (EMC) = 3200 Pulses/ kW hr

Density of Oil, () = 8890 Kg/m3

Motor Efficiency = 0.70


A = Area of measuring tank, m2

EMC = Energy Meter Constant

H = Total Head, m

P = Pulse of Energy Meter

Q = Discharge, m3/s

R = Rise of height of fluid in measuring tank, m

t = Time taken by R, sec

t = Time taken by P, sec

= Density of fluid, Kg/m3


1. Always keep apparatus free from dust.

2. Use clean oil.

3. It apparatus will not in use for more than half month, collect oil in any



rev. of
NO. PRESSURE Water level rise
Energy meter
(Kg/cm2) Pd (Sec) tw
(Sec) te


Discharge pressure Pd = __________Kg/cm2

For water, 10 m height corresponds to 1 Kg/ cm2

Discharge head, hd = Pd x 10 m of water.

Suction Head-

Suction vacuum, Ps = 0 mm of Hg

Because Level of Gear Oil is more than suction level of Pump.

Total Head, ht = hd + hs + hr

Where, hr = 3 mtr. Is the head loss due to friction.

Discharge: -

Let time for 10 Cms.. Level rise be tw sec.

0.01x 0.1

Then, discharge, Q = --------------- m3 / sec


Output power (or water power)

W.Q. ht

WP = --------------- kw



W = Specific weight of Oil= 9.8 x 8910 N / m3

Q = Discharge m3 / sec.

ht = Total head, mtrs.

Electrical Input: -

Let time required for 10 rev. of energy meter disc be te sec.

10 3600
Electrical input power, Ip = ------- x -----------

te 3200

Where, Energy Meter constant = 3200 rev / kw / hr.

Taking motor efficiency as 70% we have input shaft power

SP = Elect. I.P x 0.70

Overall efficiency of the pump: -


o = -------- x 100%


Objective:- To study the performance of a hydraulic ram

Introduction: Hydraulic Ram is a simple device working on the water hammer

principle, which enables the dynamic pressure of a large quantity of water

flowing under a low head to lift a small portion of water to a higher head. It

consists of a supply pipe connected as its upper end to the reservoir and at

its lower end to the ram inlet. At the ram outlet, the waste water flows out in

the large opening and a small quantity of water at high pressure flows

through he smaller deliver valve.

The Test Rig consists of a Hydraulic Ram placed over a sump tank. As the

ram vibrates heavily while it is working (due to the water hammer), the ram

is placed on an independent stand and this stand should be firmly bolted to

the ground to avoid the vibrations. A Centrifugal Pump supplies water from

the sump tank to a supply tank kept on top of a stand. A long and straight

M.S. pipe connects the supply tank to the hydraulic ram. Once the ram starts

working, the high-pressure water (useful water) flows into a collecting tank.

This tank is provided with a gauge glass and valve to measure the useful

water flow rate. A gate valve is provided in the useful water line to vary he
delivery pressure. The waste water from the ram flows back directly into the

sump tank. To measure the waste water flow rate (or the total flow rate =

waste water + useful water), the gauge glass provided in the supply tank is

used. The inlet valve to the supply tank can be closed and time taken for a

certain drop in water level in the supply tank is measured to determine the

flow rate.

To operate the Ram in uniform conditions, the water level in the supply tank

should be maintained at a constant head. This is done by controlling the

valve in the inlet pipe to the supply tank.


The Ram will require some back pressure to begin working Priming Process.

1. Admit water in the supply tank by switching on the pump.

2. Open the valve in the long inlet pipe to ram after water has reached a

certain level in the supply tank.

3. Open the ram outlet valve slightly to allow water and any air in the

system to flow out.

4. Initially the ram will have to be manually started several times to

remove all the air. When the water from the supply tank flows out

through the waste water valve, the swing check inside the valve shuts.

Manually push it open again use a rod to push this as the swing check
is inside the valve. This process of pushing the swing check may have

to be repeated several times until all the air is purged from the system

and pressure builds up in the ram.

5. Adjust the ram outlet valve to obtain the required water outlet pressure

delivery pressure gauge reads about 1Kg/sq. cm about 10 m of


6. Keep the supply head constant by controlling suitably the inflow into

the supply reservoir say 60-70 cm in the tank gauge glass scale.

7. Measure the total discharge W in passing through ram by closing the

inlet valve to the supply tank and the time taken for the water level in

the tank to fall a few cms (5cm or 10 cm).

8. Note the useful water pumped per minute from the collecting tank at

the high pressure. This discharge is useful water Wu.


Q = Discharge through supply pipe (m3/sec.)

Wu = Discharge of delivery Pipe (m3/sec.)

Ww = Waste water from delivery Pipe (m3/sec.)

Hs = Suction Head = Height of Water in supply tank

above the chamber.(m)

Hd = Delivery Head = Height of Water raised from the chamber.

Choosing supply water surface as datum i.e. Choosing the datum plane as

that passing through waste valve.

DAbuissons Efficiency = Wu x Hd / (Q x Hs)

Rankines Efficiency = Wu x ( Hd Hs )/ ( Q- Wu) x Hs




Objective: To calculate the overall efficiency of the pump.

Introduction: The Hydraulic Machines which converts the Mechanical

energy into Hydraulic energy are called Pumps. The Hydraulic energy is in

the form of Pressure energy. If the mechanical energy is converted into

Pressure energy by means of centrifugal force acting on the Fluid, the

Hydraulic machines is called Centrifugal Pumps. The centrifugal fan with

consists of a blower driven by FHP Motor with a series of curved redial vanes.

Air is drawn near the hub, called the blower eye, and is whirled round at high

speed by the vanes on the blower as the blower rotates at high rotational

speed. The static pressure of the air increases from the eye of the blower to

the tip of the blower in order to provide the centrifugal force on the air. As

the air leaves the blower tip it is passed through diffuser passage which

converted most of the kinetic energy of the air into an increase in enthalpy

and hence the pressure of the air is further increased. The blower may be

double sided, having an eye either side of the unit, so that air is drown in

both side. The advantages of this type are that the blower is subjected to

approximately equal forces in an axial direction. In practice nearly half the

total practice is achieved in blower and the remaining half the diffuser. A

pressure ratio of around 4: 1 can be achieved with the centrifugal fan. The

Centrifugal pump acts as a reversed of an inward radial flow reaction turbine.

This means that the flow in centrifugal pumps is in the radial outward

directions. The centrifugal pump works on the principle of forced vortex flow

which means that when a certain mass of liquid is rotated by an external

torque, the rise in pressure head of the rotating liquid takes place. The rise in

pressure head at any point of the rotating liquid is proportional to the square

of tangential velocity of the liquid at that point. Thus at the outlet of the

impeller, whose radius is more, the rise in pressure head will be more and
the liquid will be discharged at the outlet with a high pressure head. Due to

this high pressure head, the liquid can be lifted to a high level.

Main Parts of Centrifugal Pump:-

1. Impeller

2. Casing

1. Impeller: - The Rotating Part of centrifugal Pump is called Impeller.

It consists of a series of backward curved vanes. The Impeller is

mounted on a shaft which is connected to the shaft of an an electric


2. Casing: - The Casing of a Centrifugal Pump is similar to the casing of a

reaction turbine. It is an airtight Passage surrounding the impeller and

is designed in such a way that the kinetic energy of the water

discharged at the outlet of the Impeller is converted into pressure

Energy before the Water Leaves the Casing and enters the delivery


Centrifugal pump is a rotodynamic machine, which develop dynamic

pressure of liquid by virtue of rotation for pumping of liquid to a higher

height. In centrifugal pump, liquid in the impeller of a pump is made to rotate

by external force, so that it is through away from the center of rotation. As

constant supply of liquid is made available at the center liquid can be

pumped to higher level.

The UNICOOL unit consists of a centrifugal pump driven by a Dimmer

Control motor. Input to motor is measured on energy meter. A measuring

tank is provided to measure the discharge. Suction vacuum and discharge

pressure is measure by gauges. A Ball valve on discharge pipe varies the

head. Thus, performance of pump can be estimated at various speed and



Centrifugal pump 25 x 25 mm. size, base mounted= 2 Nos.

connected in series,

Motor: - 1 H.P.

Measuring tank ---- x ---- x -----mm. height, fitted with drain valve.

Sump tank 600 x 900 x 600 mm heights.

Ball valve to control the head.

Pressure gauge to measure discharge pressure.

Energy meter to measure input the motor.


Fill up sufficient water in the sump tank.

Open the priming nipple plug (At the top of pump) and fill up water up

to the nipple and then tight the plug.

Shut off the discharge valve.

Start the pump. As discharge valve is closed, no discharge will be

observed, but discharge pressure will be indicated. This is called Shut

off head of the pump.

Slowly open the discharge valve, so that small discharge is observed.

Note down discharge head, suction vacuum and time required for 10

ltrs. Of water level rise in measuring tank and 10 revolutions of energy

meter disc.

Note down the observations at different valve openings.

Repeat the procedure for any different speed.



Cm Ind. of
Water level Energy meter
rise (Sec)
Pd (P1 + P2)
(Sec) tw

Discharge pressure Pd = __________Kg/cm2

For water, 10 m height corresponds to 1 Kg/ cm2

Discharge head, hd = Pd x 10 m of water.

Total Head, ht = hd + hr
Where, hr = 3 mtr. Is the head loss due to Friction.

Discharge: -

Let time for 10 Cm. Level rise be tw sec.

.15 m2 x .10
Then, discharge, Q = ------------------------- m3 / sec

Output power (or water power)

W.Q. ht
WP = --------------- kw

W = Specific weight of water = 9810 N / m3

Q = Discharge m3 / sec.

ht = Total head, mtrs.

Electrical Input: -

Let time required for 10 blinking of energy meter indication be te sec.

10 3600
Electrical input power, Ip = ------- x -----------
te 3200

Where, Energy Meter constant = 3200 Imp / kw / hr.

Taking motor efficiency as 60% and Transmission efficiency as 60 %we

have input shaft power

SP = Elect. I.P x 0.60 x 0.60

Overall efficiency of the pump: -

o = -------- x 100%

1. Priming is must before starting the pump. Pump should never be

run empty.

2. Use clean water in the sump tank.

3. Operate all the Controls Gently.


Objective: - To determine the efficiency of the Francis Turbine.

Introduction: - Francis Turbine is a reaction type hydraulic turbine, used in

dams and reservoirs of medium height to convert hydraulic energy into

mechanical and electrical energy. Francis Turbine is a radial inward flow

reaction turbine. This has the advantage of Centrifugal forces acting against

the flow, thus reducing the tendency of the turbine to over speed. Francis

Turbines are best suited for medium heads. The specific speed ranges from

25 to 300.

The turbine test rig consists of a 5.0 HP turbine supplied with water from a

suitable 15 HP Centrifugal Pump through suitable pipelines, a Gate valve,

and a flow measuring Orificemeter. The turbine consists of a cast iron body

with a volute casing and a gunmetal runner consisting of two shrouds with

aerofoil shaped curved vanes in between. The runner is surrounded by a set

of brass guide vanes. At the outlet, a draft tube is provided to increase the

net head across the turbine. The runner is attached to the output shaft with a

brake drum to absorb the energy produced.

Water under pressure from pump enters through the guide vanes into the

runner. While passing through the spiral casing and guide vanes, a portion of

the pressure energy is converted into velocity energy. Water thus enters the

runner at a high velocity and as it

passes through the runner vanes, the remaining pressure energy is

converted into kinetic energy. Due to the curvature of the vanes, the kinetic

energy is transformed into the mechanical energy i.e., the water head is

converted into mechanical energy and hence the runner rotates. The water

from the runner is then discharged into the tailrace.

The flow through the pipe line into the turbine is measured with the Orifice

meter fitted in the pipe line. The Orifice meter is provided with a set of

pressure gauges. The net pressure difference across the turbine inlet and

outlet is measured with a pressure gauge and a vacuum gauge. The turbine

output torque is determined with a rope brake dynamometer. A tachometer

is used to measure the rpm.

DESCRIPTION:- The actual experimental facility supplied consists of

Centrifugal Pump Set, Turbine Unit, Sump tank, arranged in such a way that

whole unit works as re-circulating water system.

The Centrifugal Pump Set supplies the water from Sump Tank to the Turbine

through Control Valves. The loading of the Turbine is achieved by rope rake

drum connected to spring balance.


1. Water Supply.
2. 3 Phase Supply, 440 Volt A.C.15 Hp Capacity
3. Drain
4. Space Required: 2.5 m x 1.5 m x 3.0 m


Pump Type Centrifugal high speed, single suction


Power Required A.C. 5 HP, 3 Phase 440 Volts.

Speed 2880 RPM

Spring Balance 20 kg & 20 Kg.(Set of 2)

Runner diameter 0.226 m

Rated Speed 1500 RPM

Power Output 5.0 HP

Flow Measurement. OrificeMeter.


1. Clean the apparatus and make Tank free from Dust.
2. Close the Drain Valve Provided.
3. Fill Sump Tank with Clean Water and ensure that no foreign particles
are there.
4. Tighten all the clamps of Rubber Pipe of Gauges.
5. Now switch on the Main Power supply (440 V AC, 50 Hz).
6. Open the Gate Valve before staring the pump.
7. Switch on the Pump with the help of Starter.
8. Open the Valve provided on the OrificeMeter, slowly.
9. Now Turbine is in operation.
10. Regulate the discharge by regulating the spear position.
11. Load the Turbine with the help of hand wheel attached to the
spring balance.
12. Note Pressure Gauge Reading.
13. Note the RPM of the Turbine.
14. Note the Spring Balance Reading.
15. Repeat the same experiment for different Load and different

1. When the Experiment is over, first remove load on Dynamometer.
2. Close the Ball Valves provided on Orifice meter.
3. Switch OFF Pump with the help of Starter.
4. Switch OFF main power supply.

S.NO. RPM Pr. Gauge Differential Dead Weight Spring

N Reading Pressure Balance
P (Kg/cm2) P1-P2 W1 (Kg) W2 (Kg)


S.No. RPM Total head Discharge Output Input Watt Turbine

(H) Q(m3/Sec.) Watt Efficiency
M of Water

P = Pressure Gauge Reading. (Kg/cm2)

D = Diameter of Pipe. (m2)

A = Area of Pipe. (m2)

w = Density of Water. (kg/m3)

m = Density of Manometer fluid i.e. Hg (Kg/m3)

P1 = Inlet Pressure to OrificeMeter (Kg/cm2)

P2 = Outlet Pressure to OrificeMeter (Kg/cm2)

W1 = Dead Weight (Kg)

W2 = Spring Balance Reading. (Kg)

N = RPM of Runner Shaft.

Db = Dia. of Brake Drum. (m)

DR = Dia. of Rope. (m)

W = W1 W2. (Kg)

g = Acceleration due to Gravity. (m/sec2)

Rc = Effective Radius. (m) =

Q = Discharge. (m3/sec)
H = Total Head. m of water

Total Head H = 10 x P m of Water.

Discharge Q = A x V m3/sec

The Discharge from the tube can be obtained by calculating the volume flow
rate through tube

OrificeMeter line pressure gauge reading = P1 kg/cm2

OrificeMeter outlet pressure gauge reading = P2 Kg/ cm2

Pressure difference dH = (P1 P2) x 10 m of water

Note: Discharge Q = CdxAx (2x9.81xdH).5

Turbine Output = 2 x 9.8 x x N x (W1-W2) x Rc Watt.


Turbine Input = w x Q x H x 9.81 Watt

Where ,

H = 10 x P m of Water.

w = Density of water = 1000Kg/m3

g = 9.8 m/sec2

Turbine %= Output x 100



1 Do not run the Pump at Low Voltage i.e. less than 390 Volts.
2 Always keep apparatus free from Dust.
3 To Prevent Clogging of Moving Parts, Run Pump at least once in a
4 Frequent Grease/Oil the rotating parts, once in three months.
5 Always use clean water.
6 If apparatus will not in use for more than half month, drain the
apparatus completely, and fill pump with cutting oil.


1 If the Pump does not lift the water, the revolution of the motor may be
reverse. Change the electric connections of Motor to change the
2 If Panel is not showing input, check the main supply.
Pelton Wheel


To conduct a test on Pelton Wheel Turbine at a Constant Head


1. Pelton Wheel Turbine

2. Nozzle & Spear Arrangement

3. Pressure Gauges


Pelton Wheel Turbine is an IMPULSE type of turbine which is used to utilize

high head for generation of electricity. All the energy is transferred by means
of Nozzle & Spear arrangement. The water leaves the nozzle in a jet
formation. The jet of water then strikes on the buckets of Pelton Wheel
Runner. The buckets are in the shape of double cups joined together at the
middle portion. The jet strikes the knife edge of the bucket with least
resistance and shock. Then the jet glides along the path of the cup & jet is
deflected through more than 160 170 degrees. While passing through along
the buckets, the velocity of water is reduced & hence impulse force is applied
to the cups which are moved & hence shaft is rotated. The Specific Speed of
Pelton wheel varies at constant head.


1. Keep the nozzle opening at the required position.

2. Do the priming & start the pump.

3. Allow the water in the turbine to rotate it.

4. Note down the speed of the turbine.

5. Take the respective readings in the respective pressure gauges.

6. Load the turbine by putting the weights.

7. Note down the dead weights.

8. Also note down the Head level.

9. Repeat the same procedure for different loading conditions.


1. Diameter of Drum = 40 cms = 0.4 m

2. Diameter of Rope = 15 mm = 0.015 m

3. Total diameter (D) = 415 mm = 0.415 m JNEC CIVIL/FM-II/AUG 2012 Page



Constant speed test

Sr. Spear Speed Rope Tension Manometer Pressure gauge

No. openi N W (Kg) S difference (Kg/cm2)
ng (rpm) (Kg)

Constant head test

Sr. No. Rope Tension Turbine Speed (rpm)
W (Kg) S (Kg)


Head over the turbine

H = pressure gauge x 10 mtr

Water flow rate

Q = (Cd x a1 x a2)/(a12 a22)0.5 x (2gh)0.5 m3/sec

Power supplied

Pin = w QH x 9.81 watts

Overall efficiency

Efficiency = (BP/Pin) x 100 %


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