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Natural Birth Control - Options & Suggestions

Now that Michael and I have two lovely children, were thinking our family is complete.

There was definitely some grief in making this decision because I love pregnancy, giving
birth, baby kisses, breastfeeding and everything that surrounds it. I know that a part of me will
grieve indefinitely as childbearing is a tremendous honor and gift.

But in my heart, I know that two is my number. Thankfully, Michael and I agreed on

So whats a mama to do about natural birth control?

Many people have asked me what Im doing for natural birth control. To be honest, Michael and
I were convinced of one approach, until we did the research. More on that below.

In this post youll find an overview of whats available for couples both conventional and
natural options. I know many families who choose not to use any control and let God be in
charge. I think thats beautiful. Ultimately, whatever you chose to do is between you and your

5. Diaphragms: These must be fitted by a doctor and are about 88 to 94 percent effective at
preventing pregnancy. (5) They are thin, soft rubber rings that are inserted into the upper part of
the vagina to cover the cervix and act as a barrier to sperm. They last for about 2 years unused,
and cost about $70.

6. Cervical cap: This is a heavy rubber cap that fits tightly over the cervix. It must be put into
place by a doctor and can be left in place for 48 hours. These have a 85 to 91 percent
effectiveness rate depending on how carefully its used. (6)

7 Lady Comp: Lady Comp is a type of fertility monitor thats been used in Europe for nearly 30
years. According to the official Lady Comp website, this monitor is an intelligent, non-invasive,
natural method of contraception its a next-generation fertility monitor that learns, analyses
and indicates ovulation, fertile and non-fertile days with 99.3 percent premium accuracy, which
is free of invasive hormones and side effects. There are several monitors available depending on
your budget and needs. Most tell you whether youre fertile by displaying a red light on your
fertile days and a green light during your infertile phase, allowing you to predict your peak-
ovulation days.
8. Mucus method: This involves tracking changes in the amount and texture of vaginal
discharge, which reflect rising levels of estrogen in the body. For the first few days after your
period, there is often no discharge, but there will be a cloudy, tacky mucus as estrogen starts to
rise. When the discharge starts to increase in volume and becomes clear and stringy, ovulation is
near. A return to the tacky, cloudy mucus or no discharge means that ovulation has passed. This
method can work very well (about 90 percent effectively) when used by women with regular
cycles, however its not a good match for those who have irregular periods, frequent vaginal
infections or irregular mucus, who have recently given birth, or who have taken emergency
contraceptives recently (like Plan B). (7)

9. Calendar method: This is a term for practicing abstention from sex during the week the
woman is ovulating. This technique works best when a womans menstrual cycle is very regular.
The calendar method doesnt work very well for couples who use it by itself (about a 75 percent
success rate), but it can be effective when combined with the temperature and mucus methods
(more on this type of rhythm method is described below).

How Natural Birth Control Methods Work: Tracking Fertility Days

Most women have an average cycle of about 28 days. Hormones in a womans body cause an
egg to be released from the ovary, which is known as ovulation. The egg travels through the
fallopian tube towards the uterus and is only available to be fertilized for 12 to 24 hours during
the fertile window. If sperm penetrates the egg, the fertilized egg will attach to the lining of the
uterus, and that is the start of pregnancy.

The Your Fertility website states that: The likelihood of actually becoming pregnant is
dramatically increased if you have intercourse in the three days leading up to and including
ovulation. If a woman has sex on any of these three days, she has a 27 to 33 percent chance of
becoming pregnant.

Other days surrounding the peak fertility days, the chance of conception drops to about 10 to 16
percent. The number of days in a womans cycle before ovulation will typically range from 13
to 20 days (starting from the first day of per period).
There are about six days in a womans fertile window. (Refresher: Fertile window refers to
the days during a womans cycle when she can get pregnant.) This window reflects the lifespan
of sperm (5 days) and the lifespan of the ovum (24 hours). The natural birth control methods
above help pinpoint these days. Sometimes, these methods use an extended fertility window to
err on the safe side when it comes to preventing pregnancy, such as making the window 8 to 9
days instead of 6. (8)

In order to use many of these natural birth control methods, such as the calendar method,
here are directions and guidelines to get you started:

1. Start by keeping track of your cycles for about 3-6 months. The more time you give
yourself to record data for your cycles, the more accurate these methods will be (many experts
recommend preparing for 6 to 12 months of your cycle).

Using a calendar, write down the number of days in each menstrual cycle counting from the
first day of your period to the first day of your next period. Ovulation happens about two weeks
before the next expected period starts. If your cycle is on average 28 days long, and day one is
when you first start bleeding, day 14 is around your most fertile day. If ovulation typically
happens on day 14, your most fertile days are days 12, 13, and 14.

2. Once you have an idea of your regular cycle, take note of your shortest menstrual cycle on
record. Subtract 18 from the total number of days in your shortest cycle. This number should be
the first fertile day in your cycle. If your cycle is about 28 days long, subtract 18 from 28 to get
10. This means the 10th day after you begin bleeding (when your cycle starts) is potentially the
most fertile day of the month, and the days surrounding this day are also potentially fertile. To be
very careful about not getting pregnant, you may have to avoid sex for a longer period of time if
your cycles vary in length (no sex for about 7 to 9 days per month).

3. Now do the same for your longest menstrual cycle. Subtract 11 from the total number of
days in your longest cycle. If the longest cycle was 30 days, it would look like this: 30-11= 19.
This means 19 days after you start bleeding should be the last fertile day of your cycle. If youre
hoping to get pregnant, you should plan to have sex during nearly all of your most fertile days.
If youre hoping to avoid pregnancy, avoid sex during your entire extended fertile window for
best protection. For best results, try to keep tracking your cycle and updating your data every
month to help you pinpoint your fertile window.

Natural Ways to Prevent Pregnancy that Are NOT Reliable

The fertility awareness method (FAM) and natural family planning (NFP) are two popular and
effective forms of natural contraception that are often misunderstood and said to be unreliable.
The misconceptions surrounding their effectiveness mostly stem from people associating FAM or
NFP with the sometimes-inaccurate rhythm method.

What is the rhythm method?

The rhythm method is also called the calendar method or the calendar rhythm method. This is
basically the method described above for tracking fertility days. Like other natural birth control
methods, the rhythm method relies on avoiding conception by limiting sexual intercourse to the
times of a womans menstrual cycle when ovulation is least likely to occur.

The rhythm method was used by couples for many years prior to the development of FAM and
NFP to help couples try and track fertility cycles in order to prevent pregnancy but it didnt
utilize the same scientific principles or measurements that newer and improved fertility methods
use (like temperature changes, mucus and so on). Therefore, many feel it does not do justice to
the nature and practice of FAM or NFP (also called by other names like the Sympto-Thermal
Method, the Ovulation Method, and the Billings Method. (9) FAM and NFP combine the
calendar/rhythm method, the basal body temperature method and the cervical mucus method, so
they do more than simply rely on one type of measurement.

Overall, evidence suggests that calendar/rhythm methods work about 75 to 87 percent of the
time, but thats not a risk some couples are willing to take. (10) In other words, in the first year
of typical use, an estimated 13 out of 100 women practicing the rhythm method alone for birth
control will get pregnant.

Other concerns with natural birth control being reliable (stress,

irregular periods and inconsistency) :
Some couples, and doctors, also feel that FAM or NFP are difficult, time-
consuming techniques that most women are not willing to learn and
practice properly. This has contributed to their mixed (sometimes
negative) reputation for not always working well.

The key to using these natural birth control methods is to learn how
to accurately and diligently track fertility. If a womans cycle is irregular,
this may be more difficult to do. Overall, these methods take preparation
and willingness to wait and learn. They are both based on a woman
learning her signs of fertility. The main difference between them is that
NFP practitioners choose, often due to religious reasons, to abstain from
having sex during the womans fertile days. On the other hand, its
common for FAM practitioner to use barrier methods of contraception
(such as condoms) during fertile days.

Its important to note that certain factors can impact hormone levels and
make it harder to determine your ovulation cycle naturally. For example,
your normal basal body temperature can be thrown off due to being sick,
fatigued and/or suffering from an ongoing lack of sleep. Because these
can change your body temperature, they make methods such as the
temperature method unreliable when used alone. To prevent accidents,
its a better idea to combine several natural birth control methods
together for best results, such as the mucus method and temperature
method. Programs including Lady Comp help do this for you by giving
you temperature information and questions/prompts to look for.

Precautions Regarding Natural Birth Control

Keep in mind that natural birth control methods dont usually work 100
percent of the time, so remember theres always a risk for conception if
you choose to have sex. If you want to use natural methods for birth
control, consult your healthcare provider first if any of the following
situations apply to you, since these can affect your cycle and fertility:

You recently had your very first period.

You gave birth within the past several months.
You recently stopped taking birth control pills or other hormonal
Youre currently breastfeeding (this usually means you cannot get
You have irregular menstrual cycles, or sometimes miss periods for
extended periods of time (called amenorrhea).
Youre approaching menopause or in peri-menopause.

Final Thoughts on Natural Birth Control

More than 100 million women worldwide use birth control pills,
however, there are dangers associated with birth control pills due to
unnaturally altering a womans estrogen levels. Levels are often
raised far too high, causing symptoms of estrogen dominance.
Risks associated with birth control pills may include: moodiness or
depression, breast tenderness, nutrient deficiencies and possibly a
higher risk for certain types of cancers.
I recommend utilizing safer, natural birth control methods that can
also effectively help prevent pregnancy. These include Natural
Family Planning (NFP, also called FAM), condoms or diaphragms, the
temperature method or the mucus method.

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Further reading[edit]
Speroff, Leon; Darney, Philip D. (November 22, 2010). A clinical guide for contraception (5th
ed.). Philadelphia, Pa.: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. ISBN 978-1-60831-610-6.

Stubblefield, Phillip G.; Roncari, Danielle M. (December 12, 2011). "Family Planning",
pp. 211 269, in Berek, Jonathan S. (ed.) Berek & Novak's Gynecology, 15th ed. Philadelphia:
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, ISBN 978-1-4511-1433-1.

Jensen, Jeffrey T.; Mishell, Daniel R. Jr. (March 19, 2012). "Family Planning: Contraception,
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Bulk procurement of birth control by the World Health Organization

Example of hormonal contraceptives as risk factor for blood clots: DASH Score for VTE

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