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by Adam Sicinski (http://blog.iqmatrix.com/author/adam)

Becoming limitless involves mental agility; the ability to quickly grasp and incorporate new ideas and concepts with condence.


Is it Possible to Live a Limitless Life?

In the 2011 lm, Limitless (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1219289/), Eddie Morra (played by Bradley Cooper) is facing unemployment and
struggling to get a grip on his life. He has poor self-esteem, is lacking in condence, and just doesnt have the self-belief needed to
get his life in order. To put it simply, his future looks very bleak and he doesnt seem capable of turning his life around. That is until, an
old friend oers him something that changes his life forever.

What Eddies friend oers him is an NZT drug. But this is no ordinary drug. Its a drug that supposedly enhances mental acuity.

Eddie is initially of course somewhat skeptical, and who wouldnt be, right? A drug that improves his ability to think, to concentrate, to
focus, and to better understand the world around him, seems kind of bizarre. But he is at a point in his life where he has absolutely
nothing to lose and everything to gain. And so he takes the pill.

With the help of this pill Eddie suddenly acquires unimaginable and enhanced mental abilities that instantly give him more
clarity of mind. Moreover, he develops superior memory and recall, and seems to have an unlimited supply of energyto expend any-
which-way he chooses. And whats more, he now has this supreme condence and self-assurance that he needed to be successful. Its
as if his beliefs have suddenly ipped in reverse and anything he sets his mind to, he believes he can achieve.

This mental, psychological and physical state that Eddie Morra unleashes onto the worldgives him the experience of being
LIMITLESS. And thats of course the title of the movie.

Eddie uses these new found abilities to turn his life around. No longer is he on struggle-street. Anything he sets his mind to he has
the energy, intelligence and ability to achieve it. And he uses these abilities to grow his wealth and reputation over the course of the

Upcoming spoiler alert Dont read on if you havent seen the movie
Eddie Morra is of course onlylimitless for as long as he keeps taking these pills. The moment he stops taking them, he goes back to
being his normal average and depressed self. He of course cant imagine himself living without these pills. Not having these pills seems
to take away everything that he believes makes him who he is. As a result, an obsession begins, and that is when things begin to slide

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As with any drug, there are side-eects. And Eddie experiences these side-eects as gaps in his memory. One moment he is in one
place, and all of a sudden in another moment, he nds himself somewhere else. And of course he just cant remember how he got

As the movie progresses, Eddie tries ghting through these struggles and other problems that come in the form of people trying to hunt
him down. Does he come out on top in the end? Well, youve got to watch the movie to nd out.

In 2015, a television show titled Limitless (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4422836/)came out. The series is based on the original movie and
follows the life of Brian Finch who also begins taking the NZT drug.

This is all of course wonderful. We all probably enjoy watching an inspiring movie or television show where a character on struggle-
street turns his life around in remarkable ways. The important question here is, whether or not being limitless is actually
possible?Well, it just might be, but maybe not in the way you think.

First of all I just want to make it clear that what Im about to discuss within this article requires no miraculous pill. It instead requires
that you work on mastering ve key areas of your life. These areas include:

Mastery over your mindset.

Mastery over your actions.
Mastery over your growth and development.
Mastery over the inuence you have over others.
Mastery over your physical body.

Within the movie, Eddie Morra achieved instant mastery in each of these ves areas and became limitless. He of course used a
pill to help him do that. However, we wont need a pill. All we will need is the right attitude (http://blog.iqmatrix.com/negative-mental-
attitude) and the resilient willpower (http://blog.iqmatrix.com/develop-resilient-willpower) to see things through till the end.

For Eddie the transformation was almost instantaneous. For us however, it will be a much more drawn out process. It will require
diligence, patience (http://blog.iqmatrix.com/developing-patience), self-disciplined eort (http://blog.iqmatrix.com/self-discipline), and
consistency in action (http://blog.iqmatrix.com/consistency-in-action). Moreover, it will require an attitude that is open and willing to
learn and grow throughout this process.

With persistent eort, its possible to attain a level of mastery in all ve areas. Doing so will allow you to live a somewhat limitless
life, as Eddie Morra did within the movie. Maybe not to the extent that Eddie lived his life, but certainly at a much higher level than
probably what youre used to at the moment.

Each of these ve areas of mastery provide you with a platform for living up to your full potential as a human being. And as you
read through this article I hope to help you get started alongthat journey.

Its important to note that this article wont go into a great deal of depth about each topic. However, what you will nd arelinks to other
articles that explore certain topics in much more detail. Progressively working through each of these articles will provide you with the
knowledge you need to help you get started along the path toward living a limitless life.

Mastery Over Your Mindset

The rst step to living a limitless life is mastery over your mindset. Our mindset of course has everything to do with how we think
about ourselves, about life, about other people, and about the circumstances we nd ourselves in.

Circumnavigating Debilitating Weaknesses

You are only as strong as your weakest link. For many of us, our weakest links come in the form of unhelpful thinking styles
(http://blog.iqmatrix.com/unhelpful-thoughts), limiting beliefs (http://blog.iqmatrix.com/limiting-beliefs), crippling fears
(http://blog.iqmatrix.com/conquer-fear), and debilitating habits (http://blog.iqmatrix.com/unhelpful-habits) that prevent us from moving
forward in the way we had hoped and imagined.

Over a lifetime, you have conditioned yourself (or been conditioned by others) to be a certain way. All these thoughts, beliefs, emotions,
fears and habits that are currently not serving you, will hold you back from living a limitless life.

Unless you take the time to work through them, nothing else you do will ever bring you the long-term success you desire.

Emotional Intelligence

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We often hear about the value of having a high IQ and how this can lead to better opportunities for career advancement and
highernancial rewards. However,studies have shown that having a high EQ is just as valuable as having a high IQ. In fact, in
some respects it could even be more valuable as it can often lead to a far happier, more fullling and healthier life.

Mastery over your emotional intelligence means that you are always in full control of your emotional states
(http://blog.iqmatrix.com/master-your-emotions) and experiences. Moreover, it means that you have a degree of empathy and can
therefore understand and interpret other peoples emotional states and experiences, thereby helping you gather deeper insights into
their state-of-mind. BACK TO TOP

Becoming a Possibility Thinker

To live a limitless life you must become a possibility thinker. A possibility thinker faces lifes problems
(http://blog.iqmatrix.com/solving-life-problems) and adversity (http://blog.iqmatrix.com/facing-adversity) with excitement and
anticipation. They dont see problems as problems, but rather as opportunities that can help them move forward in a better
way. As such, they always think in terms of whats possible and what else can be done or accomplished in each particular situation.

Acting AS IF Youre Con dent

To live a limitless life we must instill a sense of self-condence that radiates into every part of our being and is evident within every
action we take. However, due to our limiting beliefs and various unhelpful thoughts this can be a challenge.

One way to overcome a lack of self-condence (http://blog.iqmatrix.com/self-condence) quickly is to Act As If. Act as if youre already
feeling condent, act as if youre already successful, or act as if you can handle any problem that life throws your way. In other
words, Fake it to Make it (http://blog.iqmatrix.com/faking-condence)!

Acting As If, wont provide you with all the answers you need to move forward, but what it will do is put you in the right frame-of-
mind that will help you to nd the solutions you need to move forward in a better way.

Enhanced Methods of Thinking

Within the movie Limitless, Eddie Morra had a remarkableway of thinkingthrough his life, problems and circumstances. He would for
instance see patterns that others werent aware of. These patterns then helped him gather unique and seemingly ingenious
insights that brought to light ideas that helped him move forward.

Recognizing patterns of course isnt easy. It takes time and practice. However, you can progressively become more aware of patterns
within the problems you face by getting a little curious and asking a few key questions:

What happened?

What caused this?

What are the eects?

What patterns are evident?

Whats the opportunity here?

How can I take advantage?

Pattern recognition is tied to the questions we consistently ask ourselves. Ask the right kinds of questions, and it will help you to
focus on things in a very specic way. As a result you will beable to gather key insights that can potentially unlock opportunities
(http://blog.iqmatrix.com/unlock-opportunities) and solutions to help you move forward in a better way.

Another aspect of Enhanced Methods of Thinking comes in the form of reframing.

Reframing (http://blog.iqmatrix.com/reframing-thoughts) is a linguistic tool used to consciously change your limiting frames to help
support your desired goals (http://blog.iqmatrix.com/set-smart-goals), beliefs and behaviors. Reframing does this by interrupting
your old unhelpful thought patterns with new interpretations and perspectives that are more helpful and supportive of your
desired objectives. In other words, reframing helps you put events and circumstances into a dierent context that is more favorable.

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Its as if youre changing the meaning of an event or experience in order to put yourself into a more positive and resourceful state-of-
mind (http://blog.iqmatrix.com/resourcefulness). Therefore instead of sabotaging yourself (http://blog.iqmatrix.com/overcome-self-
sabotage), you are adopting more useful ways of thinking and doing things that will help you to potentially overcome your personal
limitations, boundaries, phobias, fears and even trauma.

Reframing is something that will help you view your life and circumstances in more optimal ways, and therefore allow you to
work through your problems far more eectively.
Mindfulness and Meditation
Both mindfulness and meditation are techniques that can help you to grasp better control over your thoughts and everyday

Meditation for instance can be used to help you clear your mind, improve your mental focus (http://blog.iqmatrix.com/mental-focus),
and can also assist with reducing fear (http://blog.iqmatrix.com/eliminate-fear) and anxiety (http://blog.iqmatrix.com/control-anxiety).

Mindfulness (http://blog.iqmatrix.com/living-mindfully) on the other hand can help to enhance self-understanding, situational
awareness and perceptual ability. In other words, mindfulness can help you to become more aware of the patterns around you.

Within the Limitless movie, its quite evident that Eddie Morra has incredible perceptiveability. This is where mindfulness comes into
play. However, in order to become more mindful of your surroundings it is helpful to regularly practice meditation.

The two practices of mindfulness and meditation are abilities you can develop over time. The more you practice, the better you will
develop these key skills that can help you live a limitless life.

Operating Within Flow States

The nal aspect of mastery over mindset comes in the form of ow states. A ow state is a mental state where time seems to
disintegrate and you eectively become one with what you are doing inthe moment. In sports, getting into a ow state is often referred
to as being in the zone. However, getting into ow isnt only for athletes. Its actually for anyone who desires to work at optimal
levelsfor extended periods at a time.

Within the movie, Eddie Morra often nds himself in ow states where he develops this incredible vision and clarity of whats going on
around him. Within this state he loses all sense of time and just gets lost in the moment. This is what it feels like to experience a
ow state, and it is something you can work on developing with focused discipline and practice. [ow state mind map


Mastery Over Your Actions

The second step to living a limitless life is mastery over your actions. This is all about taking the right kinds of actions in the most
optimal way possible to help you get the results you are after. In other words, its all about doing the right things, the right way, at
the right time in order to accomplish your goals and objectives.

Living Life Proactively

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To live a limitless life means living proactively. It means living life intentionally and with purpose (http://blog.iqmatrix.com/life-purpose).
It requires that:

I know what I want

I understand what it takes to get what I want

I am fully committed to this cause BACK TO TOP

Throughout the movie, Eddie Morra knew exactly what he wanted; he gured out a way to get what he wanted, and he committed
himself (http://blog.iqmatrix.com/unwavering-commitment) fully to doing whatever necessary to see things through till the very end.

Ithowever ainteasy to live life in this way. In fact, it can be quite dicult. It therefore helps to treat every goalyou set as game
(http://blog.iqmatrix.com/game-of-life), and to work through it in an experimental way (http://blog.iqmatrix.com/life-experiment). These
two approaches will help you to feel more relaxed about the goals you are pursuing. Moreover, they will instill within you the motivation
(http://blog.iqmatrix.com/motivation) you need to keep moving forward despite the various obstacles
(http://blog.iqmatrix.com/overcome-obstacles) you may face along your journey.

Living a Systematized Lifestyle

To live a limitless life requires high levels of productivity (http://blog.iqmatrix.com/boost-productivity). It requires gettingthe most from
every moment or situation you nd yourself in. This of course meansgetting yourself organized and making sure that your time is spent
on the right things. Moreover, you need to get the job done in the most optimal way possible.

There must be a place for everything and everything must be put in its place. This will help you to clear the clutter from your head and
allow you to stay focused on whats most important for longer periods at a time.

Living with with a Sense of Urgency

Within the movie Eddie Morra accomplished astonishing things within very short time frames. Yes, it certainly helped that he had
an almost unlimited supply of energy (http://blog.iqmatrix.com/gain-more-energy) and passion (http://blog.iqmatrix.com/living-with-
passion) for what he was doing. However, this energy was essentially a result of working withurgency
(http://blog.iqmatrix.com/sense-of-urgency) and with a purpose. He had a vision, and he knew exactly what he had to do to
accomplish that vision.

He worked meticulously through every task and pushed harder than most people could ever imagine. Moreover, he worked with
a very specic objective and priorities that kept him focused on the most important tasks at hand.

Building Supportive Habits and Routines

In order to signicantly increase your output and boost your levels of productivity, you need to have eective habits
(http://blog.iqmatrix.com/unhelpful-habits),rituals (http://blog.iqmatrix.com/empowering-rituals)and routinesin place that help you to
stay focused and on track.

Spend time developing routines throughout the day that support the accomplishment of your tasks and projects. It of course
takes self-discipline (http://blog.iqmatrix.com/self-discipline) to maintain these routines consistently over the long-run. However, over
time, these routines will turn into deeply ingrained habits that will build the momentum you need to help you accomplish your
goals and objectives.

Willingness to Challenge Yourself

Living a limitless life means stretching the boundaries of whats possible. It means extending yourself and pushing beyond your
comfort zone (http://blog.iqmatrix.com/comfort-zone) in an attempt to explore new frontiers that can potentially help you grow and
develop yourself in an exciting direction.

With this in mind, its important to continuously challenge yourself in new ways. By challenging yourself you are keeping yourself
interested, focused and motivated on the tasks at hand.

In order to put yourself into a more competitivestate-of-mind, ask yourselftwo key questions:

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How can I do better in this situation?

How can I be better in this situation?

These questions will keep you focused on consistently raising your standards (http://blog.iqmatrix.com/raising-standards) of
performance beyond what you thought was previously possible. Thats what it takes to live a limitless life.


Mastery Over Your Growth and Development

The third step to living a limitless life is mastery over your growth and development.You must be like a sponge that absorb as
much as possible to help youmove forward in a better way.

Within the movie, Eddie Morra was obsessed with learning all that he could in order to better understand the workings of the world
around him. Once he had that understanding, the sky was the limit, and he felt as though anything was possible.

To live life in limitless ways, we must also nd that obsession to want to know and learn more about everything that matters
most to us. The more we know, the greater insights we will gather from this information, which will allow us to be and do more with the
resources (http://blog.iqmatrix.com/life-resource-list) we have at our disposal.

A Commitment to Lifelong Learning

To live a limitless life you must commit yourself fully behind lifelong learning (http://blog.iqmatrix.com/lifelong-learner), growth and

A person living a limitless life is always in the process of expanding their skills, knowledge, awareness and understanding of
themselves, others and their surroundings. They are constantly consuming information through booksand podcastson diverse
topics that help bring them new insights and understandings.

In particular, these people focus on key areas of development that can help them accomplish their goals and objectives. They
aim to be the very best, and therefore spend a lifetime learning new skills and acquiring relevant knowledge that can help them reach
their full potential.

A Commitment to Excellence
To live a limitless life means committing yourself to excellence (http://blog.iqmatrix.com/pursuit-of-excellence). Everything you do must
be up to the highest of standards (http://blog.iqmatrix.com/raising-standards) better than any one else could ever model
(http://blog.iqmatrix.com/model-successful-people) or produce. But do keep in mind that in the end, results are what matters.

Dont allow perfectionism (http://blog.iqmatrix.com/defying-perfectionism) to bog you down. Its great to have things perfected, but
what you want most is to achieve that end goal you are pursuing.

With this in mind, commit yourself to excellence and deliver excellent results in everything you do, but be exible with your standards
to allow roomto adjust your course of action if needed.

Development of Thinking Skills

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Development of Thinking Skills

To live a limitless life requires exceptional thinking skills. It requires developing your ability to solve lifes problems
(http://blog.iqmatrix.com/solving-life-problems), to think critically (http://blog.iqmatrix.com/critical-thinker), and to nurtureyour ability
to think exibly and creatively (http://blog.iqmatrix.com/better-creative-thinker) in various situations.

One of the key drivers for the development of these essential thinking skills comes in the form of curiosity
(http://blog.iqmatrix.com/curious-nature). When we are curious we open doors to new ways of thinking about ourselves, about
life, about others, and about our circumstances.

Improving Cognitive Ability

Within the Limitless movie, Eddie Morra developed what I would call a super memory that allowed him to remember, recall and make
sense of everything. This was a key ability that helped him to accomplish his goals and objectives throughout the lm.

With this in mind, living a limitless life requires that we spend time improving our cognitive ability. This involves spending time working
on developing our accelerated learning skills (http://blog.iqmatrix.com/multi-sensory-study-skills) and seven intelligences
(http://blog.iqmatrix.com/seven-intelligences);on enhancing our rapid reading skills (http://blog.iqmatrix.com/increase-reading-speed),
and on improving our memory (http://blog.iqmatrix.com/improve-your-memory) and recall of the information we are learning.

All this of course sounds like quite a lot of work, however people the world over have developed some incredible cognitive abilities that
have helped them improve their memory, recall and ability to learn information at a rapid pace.


Mastery Over the In uence You Have Over Others

The forth step to living a limitless life is mastery over the inuence you have over others.

Within the movie, Eddie Morra displayed an incredibleunderstanding of human behavior. He clearly understood how to persuade
(http://blog.iqmatrix.com/psychology-of-persuasion) and inuence people (http://blog.iqmatrix.com/a-person-of-inuence). More
specically, he understood the psychological triggers that motivated people to take action.

Developing this type of inuence isnt an easy nor a quick process, but its certainly something you can work on developing over time.

Exemplary Communication Skills

One of the keys to persuasion and inuence comes in the form of havinggood communication skills. Good communication skills help
you to connect with people, to negotiate, to sell yourself and your ideas.

Great communicators typically use their voice in captivating ways. They for instance vary the pace and tonality of their voice to make
themselves sound more interesting. Or they may for instance use carefully crafted pauses that create a little suspense and draw people
into the conversation.

Great communicators are also fantastic storytellers. They use stories and metaphors
(http://www.visualthinkingmagic.com/metaphors-analogies) to get their ideas across in persuasive ways that helps them win
people over to their cause.

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Great communicators are also often exceptional negotiators. They know what to say and how to say things in order to get people on
their side. And this is precisely how Eddie Morra came across within the lm. He always knew what to say and how to say things
that helped him win people over in just about every situation.

An Ability to Build Rapport

Verbal communication skills can help us to get our message across in a persuasive way, however its our body language that is often
the inuential force behind what we say.
To live a limitless life you must understand how to build instant rapport with those around you. You can for instance use
techniques such as mirroring and matching a persons body language. Or you can mirror and match some of the words andphrases
that peopleuse even their vocal tonality.

Two people with a high level of rapportnaturally mirror and match one another. That is when you know they are in-sync and feel
comfortable within that social situation, and in particular with that other person.

Within the movie, Eddie Morra used these above mentioned techniques to help him build rapport with others and to inuence them to
his way of thinking.

An Ability to Cold Read People

One of Eddies key abilities that stands out within the movie is his understanding of people. In particular, his ability to cold read people.

Just by looking at a person he instantly knew their story. He would for instance observe how they walked or sat, how they dressed, what
they carried with them, their facial expressions, body language, etc. From his observations he would then deduce this persons state-of-
mind, motives, and even what they might have doneearlierthatday, etc.

This ability to cold read people of course takes years of practice and requires a deep understanding of human nature
(http://blog.iqmatrix.com/unlock-personality) and the patterns of how we live our lives. However, it is certainly something that we can all
develop with some eort, patience and practice.

An Understanding of NLP
NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neuro-linguistic_programming). It encompasses neurology,
language and programming. These are of course the three most inuential components involved in producing human experience.

The neurological system is designed to regulate how your body functions. Language of course determines how we communicate with
others, and your programming eects the kind of models of the world you create.

NLP essentially comes down to understanding the fundamental dynamics between the mind and language
(http://blog.iqmatrix.com/language-patterns), and how their interplay aects our body and behavior.

Learning about NLP will help you to not only better understand yourself, but also to better understanding and inuence other

Within the movie, Eddie uses embedded commands (http://www.the-secret-of-mindpower-and-nlp.com/embedded-commands.html) to

inuence people. This is an NLP language pattern that is designed to bypass the conscious mind and inuence another person at an
unconscious level of awareness.

Learning NLP and how to use embedded commands is a process that can take many years. However, if you desire to live a limitless life,
then this is certainly an area of study that you mustnt forgo.

The Use of Topic Depth Escalation

Topic depth escalation is the process of progressively leading a conversation into a more meaningful place that draws the
person you are talking to deeper into the conversation.

In order to develop a deep level of rapport with a person you must move away from talking about other people, the weather or events.
In other words, move away from the chitchat. You must instead progress toward talking about stimulating ideas that can help
drive the conversation forward.

However, starting a conversation at such a deep level is more than enough to scare most people away. You must therefore
progressively build up to talking about ideas using a series of three steps:

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1. Begin by making small talk using humorous banter to break the tension. For instance you could ask the other person how their day
has been.
2. Next, ask people for their opinion about something that you have on your mind. However, make sure that what you are asking
them isnt too private or personal thatcould scarethem away from the conversation.
3. The nal step is to discuss ideas surrounding peoples opinions. This might of course involve several layers of opinions that you
progressively uncover as the conversation moves forward.
Topic depth escalation is an eective means of subtly drawing people into their conversation with you. Then once you draw them in at a
deep enough level, you will have more rapport and a better ability to inuence their opinion and behavior. BACK TO TOP


Mastery Over Your Physical Body

The fth step to living a limitless life is mastery over your physical body.

Within the movie, Eddie Morra experiences incredible surges of energy that allow him to work beyond what we see as being humanly
possibly. He essentially felt unstoppable because of the state of his body and mind. In other words, his health and vitality were at
optimal levels that allowed him to get the most from his abilities.

When our bodies are strong and we are physically and mentally healthy, we feel more alive, passionate and motivated. This
subsequently provides us with the energy we need to work longer hours and to keep pursuing our goals beyond our normal
perceived limits.

Having a Health Eating and Living Plan

Your body is a vessel that provides you with the energy you need to get stu done. When we are sick, injured or simply in a poor state,
we cant be productive and certainly wont be able to live a limitless life.

Taking care of your body is of paramount importance. For instance, a healthy eating and living plan that includes regular exercise,
adequate rest and a balanced diet will provide you with the energy you need to work more productively for longer periods at a time.

Within the movie, Eddie Morra got all the energy he needed from taking the NZT pill. In real life, there is no such pill. We therefore
need to spend extra time taking care of ourselves in order to acquire the energy we need to get stu done.

One way to raise your energy levels (http://blog.iqmatrix.com/gain-more-energy) and to improve your overall health and vitality is to
move through periods of intermittent fasting.

Intermittent fasting involves scheduling your daily meals within one short time-frame throughout the day. You might for instance eat
your rst meal at midday, and then your dinner at 6pm. You then wouldnt eat any food between 6pm and midday the followingday.

For more information about Intermittent Fasting, please read: What the Science Says About Intermittent Fasting

Maximizing Daily Energy and Sleep Cycles

Throughout the day we experience energy peaks and valleys. For some people their energy peaks come in the morning, while for others
its after lunch or maybe right before bed time.
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In order to maintain peak levels of productivity throughout the day you must be very conscious and aware of your daily energy
cycles. Understanding these energy cycles will allow you to schedule tasks and activities more responsibly throughout the day.

For instance, lets say that your high energy period is in the morning. You would therefore schedule tasks and activities that involve a lot
of mental energy during these early hours. With this in mind, you would then schedule tasks and activities that dont require a lot of
thought during low energy periods throughout the day.

The same principles also apply to your sleep cycles (http://blog.iqmatrix.com/better-nights-sleep). You need to gure out when is the
most optimal time for you to go to bed, and when is the most optimal time to get goingthe next day.

Keep in mind that your sleep cycles will be tied to your energy cycles. If you go to bed late or sleep in too long, then your energy cycles
may change for that day. Its therefore worthwhile establishing a regular routine and pattern of when togo to bed and wake up the next
morning. In this way you will develop good productive habits that can help you get more done throughout the day.

Moving Your Body with Purpose

At times we feel tired and drained not because there is something wrong, but rather because of habitual patterns of movement that
make us feel sluggish.

How you use your body inuences how you feel, and how you feel aects your energy levels.

Within the movie, Eddie Morra moves his body with purpose. He walks with condence, talks with condence and even sits with a self-
assurance that tells us that he is in a good place. And this is how we must all be in order to live a limitless life.

With all this in mind, moving your body with more purpose and developing a physiology of excellence
(http://blog.iqmatrix.com/physiology-of-excellence) can help you to optimize how you work throughout the day. It seems like such a
small thing, but it makes a world of dierence.


Final Thoughts on Living a Limitless Life

So there you have it. You now have all the components you need to help you live a limitless life. This journey of course wont be easy.
There is in fact a hell of a lot of work to do. However, if youre committed (http://blog.iqmatrix.com/unwavering-commitment) to getting
more out of yourself then you ever felt was possible, then these are the steps you need to take.

In many respects, all of us have this incredible untapped potential within ourselves. Eddie Morra was of course no dierent. The movie
simply enhanced what was within Eddie all along. He had all these abilities and the self-belief he needed to become limitless.
Unfortunately he couldnt tap into those abilities at the start of the movie. His mental state-of-mind kept him living an ordinary
existence, when in reality he had so much more to give.

To one extent or another, we are all where Eddie was, or have certainly been there before. We limit ourselves and our own abilities with
how we think about ourselves, about our lives, and about our circumstances. This has a tendency to put a ceiling on our growth and
development. Its a boundary that we are simply unable to cross. That is until we begin to view ourselves as being limitless.

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The lesson here is not to box yourself into thinking that you have a limited amount of potential. Instead, adopt a growth mindset
(http://blog.iqmatrix.com/xed-growth-mindset), and begin working step-by-step on becoming more limitless in every aspect of your

You will never know just how far you can go unless you make a conscious decision to push the boundaries of whats possible.

Time to Assimilate these Concepts BACK TO TOP




Did you gain value from this article?Would you like to keep these concepts at the forefront of your mind? If so, then you might like to
download the accompanying mind map reference poster to your iPad, tablet or computer. The map presents you with a quick overview
of this article. Its designed specically to help improve your memory and recall of this information so that you can better integrate these
concepts into your daily thoughts, habits and actions. Your purchase will also go a long way towards supporting the further
development of these maps.

If you enjoy using these mind maps, then why notbecome an IQ Matrixlifetime member (http://products.iqmatrix.com/lifetime-
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Gain More Knowledge

Here are some additional links and resources that will help you learn more about this topic:

6 Rules to Live the Limitless Lifestyle (http://limitless365.com/2013/06/13/how-to-live-the-limitless-lifestyle/)@Live Limitless

10 Things Every Man Can Learn from the Movie Limitless (http://www.menprovement.com/limitless-movie/) @ Menprovement
12 Life Habits that will Make You Feel Like Youre on the Limitless Pill (http://airows.com/lifestyle/12-life-habits-that-will-make-you-
feel-like-youre-on-the-limitless-pill) @ Airows
Behind the Power to be Limitless (http://www.yalescientic.org/2011/05/behind-the-power-to-be-limitless/) @ Yale Scientic
Fact vs. Fiction: The Science of Limitless (http://techland.time.com/2011/03/21/fact-vs-ction-the-science-of-limitless/) @ Time
How to Become Limitless Like Bradley Cooper (http://blog.academyonthego.com/limitless) @ Academy on the Go
How to be Limitless in Real Life: 14 Mental Hacks (http://www.limitlessmindset.com/limitless-lifestyle/29-how-to-be-limitless-in-real-
life.html) @ Limitless Mindset



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