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What is Data Engineering?

2/10/17, 20:30

What is Data Engineering?

25 Jan 2017

This is the first in a series of posts on Data Engineering. If you like this
and want to know when the next post in the series is released, you can
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From helping cars drive themselves to helping Facebook tag you in photos,
data science has attracted a lot of buzz recently. Data scientists have
become extremely sought after, and for good reason a skilled data
scientist can add incredible value to a business.

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Data scientists and engineers help power self-

driving cars.

But a data scientist is only as good as the data they have access to. Most
companies store their data in variety of formats across databases and text
files. This is where data engineers come in they build pipelines that
transform that data into formats that data scientists can use. Data
engineers are just as important as data scientists, but tend to be less visible
because they tend to be further from the end product of the analysis.

A good analogy is a race car builder vs a race car driver. The driver gets the
excitement of speeding along a track, and thrill of victory in front of a
crowd. But the builder gets the joy of tuning engines, experimenting with
different exhaust setups, and creating a powerful, robust, machine. If
youre the type of person that likes building and tweaking systems, data
engineering might be right for you. In this post, well explore the day to day
of a data engineer, and discuss the skills required for the role.

The data engineer role

The data science field is incredibly broad, encompassing everything from

cleaning data to deploying predictive models. However, its rare for any
single data scientist to be working across the spectrum day to day. Data
scientists usually focus on a few areas, and are complemented by a team of
other scientists and analysts.

Data engineering is also a broad field, but any individual data engineer
doesnt need to know the whole spectrum of skills. In this section, well

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sketch the broad outlines of data engineering, then walk through more
specific descriptions that illustrate specific data engineering roles.

A data engineer transforms data into a useful format for analysis. Imagine
that youre a data engineer working on a simple competitor to Uber called
Rebu. Your users have an app on their device through which they access
your service. They request a ride to a destination through your app, which
gets routed to a driver, who then picks them up and drops them off. After
the ride, theyre charged, and have the option to rate their driver.

In order to maintain a service like this, you need:

A mobile app for users

A mobile app for drivers
A server that can pass requests from users to drivers, and handle
other details like updating payment information

Heres a diagram showing the communication:


User User Driver Driver

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As you may expect, this kind of system will generate huge amounts of data.
Youll have a few different data stores:

The database that backs your main app. This contains user and driver
Server analytics logs
Server access logs. These contain one line per request made to
the server from the app.
Server error logs. These contain all the server-side errors
generated by your app.
App analytics logs
App event logs. These contain information about what actions
users and drivers took in the app. For example, youd log when
they clicked a button or updated their payment information.
App error logs. These contain information about errors in the
Ride database. This contains information about a single ride for
user/driver pair, and contains status information on the ride.
Customer service database. This contains information about customer
interactions by customer service agents. It can include voice
transcripts and email logs.

Heres an updated diagram showing the data sources:

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Ride Logs

Cus tomer Error

Servi ce Logs

User User Error Dr iver


Access Access
Logs Logs

Lets say a data scientist wants to analyze a users action history with your
service, and see what actions correlate with users who spend more. In
order to enable them to create this, youll need to combine information
from the server access logs and the app event logs. Youll need to:

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Gather app analytics logs from user devices regularly

Combine the app analytics logs with any server log entries that
reference the user
Create an API endpoint that returns the event history of any user

In order to solve this, youll need to create a pipeline that can ingest mobile
app logs and server logs in real-time, parse them, and attach them to a
specific user. Youll then need to store the parsed logs in a database, so
they can easily be queried by the API. Youll need to spin up several servers
behind a load balancer to process the incoming logs.

Most of the issues that youll run into will be around reliability and
distributed systems. For example, if you have millions of devices to gather
logs from, and variable demand (in the morning, you get a ton of logs, but
not as many at midnight), youll need a system that can automatically scale
your server count up and down.

Running servers behind a load balancer. Servers

are registered with the load balancer, and the
load balancer sends traffic to them based on
how busy they are. This means servers can be
added or removed as needed.

Roughly, the operations in a data pipeline consist of the following phases:

Ingestion this involves gathering in the needed data.

Processing this involves processing the data to get the end results
you want.

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Storage this involves storing the end results for fast retrieval.
Access youll need to enable a tool or user to access the end results
of the pipeline.

A data pipeline -- input data is transformed in a

series of phases into output data.

Finding bad quality rides

For a more complex example, imagine that a data scientist wants to build a
system that finds all rides that ended prematurely due to app or driver
issues. One way to do this is to look at the customer service database to see
which rides ended with issues, and analyze their language logn with some
data about the ride.

Before the data scientist can do this, they need a way to match up the logs
in the customer service database with specific rides. As a data engineer,
youll want to create an API endpoint that allows the data scientist to query
for all customer service messages related to a particular ride. In order to do
this, youll need to:

Create a system that pulls data from the ride database, and figures out
information about the ride, such as how long it was, and whether the
destination matched the users initial request.
Combine the computed statistics on each ride with user information,
such as name and user id.
Extract error information from the app and server analytics logs
pertaining to the user during the time period of the ride.
Find all customer service queries by a user.

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Create some heuristic to match rides with customer service queries (a

simple example is that a customer service query is always about the
previous ride)
Store values as needed to ensure that the API performs quickly, even
for future rides.
Create an API that returns all customer service messages related to a
particular ride.

A skilled data engineer will be able to build a pipeline that performs each of
the above steps every time a new ride is added. This will ensure that the
data served by the API is always up to date, and that whatever analysis the
data scientist does is valid.

Data engineering skills

A data engineer needs to be good at:

Architecting distributed systems

Creating reliable pipelines
Combining data sources
Architecting data stores
Collaborating with data science teams and building the right solutions
for them

Note that we didnt mention any tools above. Although tools like Hadoop
and Spark and languages like Scala and Python are important to data
engineering, its more important to understand the concepts well and know
how to build real-world systems. Well continue this focus on concepts over
tools throughout this series on data engineering.

Data engineering roles

Although data engineers need to have the skills listed above, the day to day
of a data engineer will vary depending on the type of company they work

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for. Broadly, you can classify data engineers into a few categories:


Lets go through each one of these categories.


A generalist data engineer typically works on a small team. Without a data

engineer, data analysts and scientsts dont have anything to analyze,
making a data engineer a critical first member of a data science team.

When a data engineer is the only data-focused person at a company, they

usually end up having to do more end-to-end work. For example, a
generalist data engineer may have to do everything from ingesting the data
to processing it to doing the final analysis. This requires more data science
skill than most data engineers have. However, it also requires less systems
architecture knowledge small teams and companies dont have a ton of
users, so engineering for scale isnt as important. This is a good role for a
data scientist who wants to transition into data engineering.

When our hypothetical Uber competitor, Rebu, is small, a data engineer

might be asked to create a dashboard that shows the number of rides taken
for each day in the past month, along with a forecast for the next month.


Pipeline-centric data engineers tend to be necessary in mid-sized

companies that have complex data science needs. A pipeline-centric data
engineer will work with teams of data scientists to transform data into a
useful format for analysis. This entails in-depth knowledge of distributed
systems and computer science.

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As Rebu grows, a pipeline-centric data engineer might be asked to create a

tool that enables data scientists to query metadata about rides to use in a
predictive algorithm.


A database-centric data engineer is focused on setting up and populating

analytics databases. This involves some work with pipelines, but more
work with tuning databases for fast analysis and creating table schemas.
This involves ETL work to get data into warehouses. This type of data
engineer is usually found at larger companies with many data analysts that
have their data distributed across databases.

After Rebu takes over the world, a database centric data engineer might
design an analytics database, then create scripts to pull information from
the main app database into the analytics database.

A data warehouse takes in data, then makes it

easy for others to query it.

Data engineering skills

In this post, we covered data engineering and the skills needed to practice
it at a high level. If youre interested in architecting large-scale systems, or
working with huge amounts of data, then data engineering is a good field
for you. It can be very exciting to see your autoscaling data pipeline
suddently handle a traffic spike, or get to work with machines that have

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terabytes of RAM. Theres satisfaction in building a robust system that can

work for months or years with minimal tweaking. However, because data
engineering is about learning to deal with scale and efficiency, it can be
hard to find good practice material on your own. But dont give up hope
its very possible to learn data engineering on your own and get a job in the
field. In the next post, well take a closer look at how to learn data
engineering skills on your own.

Vik Paruchuri

Developer and Data Scientist in San Francisco; Founder of Dataquest.io

(Learn Data Science in your Browser).
Get in touch @vikparuchuri.

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