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Srviam! That all may be one as you Father and I are one: that they may be
one as we are one.
Ad Trinittem Beatssimam.
Omne regnum divsum contra se, desolbitur.
To the Blessed Trinity
Every kingdom divided against itself will be destroyed
Grtias tibi, Deus, grtias tibi: vera et una Trnitas, una et summa
Ditas, sancta et una nitas. Et omnis cvitas vel domus divsa contra se non stabit.
Thanks to you God, thanks to you, true and one Trinity, one and the Every city and home divided against itself will not stand.
Supreme Deity, holy and one Unity. Ormus pro benefactribus nostris.
Ad Iesum Christum Regem. Let us pray for our benefactors.
To Jesus Christ the King Retribere dignre, Dmine, mnibus nobis bona facintibus propter
Dminus Iudex noster; Dminus Lgifer noster; Dminus Rex noster. nomen tuum, vitam trnam. Amen.
Ipse salvbit nos. Deign O Lord for your name sake to reward with eternal life all those who do
The Lord is our judge, the Lord is our Lawgiver, the Lord is our King, us good. Amen
He himself shall save us. Ormus pro Patre.
Christe, Fili Dei vivi, miserre nobis. Let us pray for the Father.
Christ son of the Living God have mercy on us. Misericrdia Dmini ab trno et usque in trnum super eum:
Christe, Fili Dei vivi, miserre nobis. custdit enim Dminus omnes diligntes se.
Christ son of the Living God have mercy on us. May the mercy of the Lord be forever upon him; for the Lord guards, all those
who love Him.
Exsrge, Christe, diuva nos.
Ormus et pro frtribus nostris peris Dei, vivis atque defnctis.
Arise O Christ, help us.
Let us pray for our brethren in Opus Dei both living and dead.
Et lbera nos propter nomen tuum.
Salvos fac servos tuos, Deus meus, sperntes in te.
And liberate us as proper to your name
Save all your servants my God who hope in you.
Dminus illumintio mea et salus mea: quem timbo?
Mitte eis, Dmine, auxlium de sancto.
The Lord is my light and my salvation. Whom shall I fear?
Send them Lord, help from your saints.
Si consstant advrsum me castra, non timbit cor meum; si exsrgat
advrsum me prlium, in hoc ego sperbo. Et de Sion ture eos.
If my adversaries rise up against me, my heart will not fear; if the battle And out of Sion you will lead them.
confronts me, in thee shall I hope. Rquiem trnam dona eis, Dmine.
Ad Betam Vrginem Maram Mediatrcem. Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord
To the Blessed Virgin Mary Mediatrix. Et lux perptua lceat eis.
Recordre, Virgo Ma - ter Dei, dum stteris in conspctu Dmini, ut lo And let perpetual light shine upon them
- quris pro nobis bona. Requiscant in pace. Amen.
Remember O Virgin Mother of God, when you stand before the throne May they rest in peace. Amen
of God, speak good things about us.
Dmine, exudi oratinem meam.
Ad Sanctum Ioseph Sponsum Bet Mar Vrginis.
O Lord hear my prayer
To St. Joseph Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Et clamor meus ad te vniat
Fecit te Deus quasi Patrem Regis, et dminum univrs domus eius:
ora pro nobis. And let my cry come unto thee.
God made you like the Father of the King and Lord of His universal Ormus.
household, pray for us. Deus, cui prprium est miserri semper et prcere: sscipe
Ad ngelos Custdes. deprecatinem nostram. Ure igne Sancti Spritus renes nostros et
cor nostrum, Dmine: ut tibi casto crpore servimus, et mundo
To our Guardian Angels. corde placemus.
Sancti ngeli Custdes nostri, defndite nos in prlio ut non O God to whom it is proper to be merciful and to spare us, receive our
peremus in tremndo iudcio. supplications. Burn with the fire of the Holy Spirit our hearts O Lord that we
O Holy Guardian Angels defend us in the battle so that we may not may serve you with our chaste bodies and please you with a pure heart.
perish during the great judgement Actines nostras, qusumus Dmine, aspirndo prveni et
Ad Sanctum Iosephmaram Conditrem nostrum. adiuvndo prosquere: ut cuncta nostra ortio et opertio a te semper
To Saint Josemaria, the Founder. incpiat, et per te cpta finitur. Per Christum Dminum nostrum.
Intercde pro fliis tuis ut, fidles spirtui peris Dei, labrem
sanctificmus et nimas Christo lucrifcere qurmus. We beseech O Lord direct our actions by your inspiration and further them
with your continual help; that every prayer and work of ours may always
Intercede for your children so that being faithful to the spirit of Opus begin from you and through you be likewise ended. Through Jesus Christ
Dei we may sanctify our work, that Christ may light up our soul. Our Lord.
Ormus pro Beatssimo Papa nostro N. Gudium cum pace, emendatinem vit, sptium ver pnitnti,
Let us pray for the Holy Father, the Pope. grtiam et consolatinem Sancti Spritus atque in pere Dei
Dminus consrvet eum, et vivficet eum, et betum fciat eum in perseverntiam trbuat nobis Omnpotens et Misricors Dminus.
terra, et non tradat eum in nimam inimicrum eius. Joy with peace, improvement of life, a time for true penance, grace and
Lord preserve and give him life and make him beloved upon the earth, consolation of the Holy Spirit for perseverance in Opus Dei, grant us
and do not deliver him to the will of his enemies Almighty and Merciful God.
Ormus et pro Antstite huius dicsis. Sancte Mchal. Sancte Paule.
Let us pray for the Bishop of this diocese. Ora pro nobis. Ora pro nobis
Stet et pascat in fortitdine tua, Dmine, in sublimitte nminis tui. Sancte Gbriel. Sancte Ionnes.
May he stand in strength O Lord, by the sublimity of your name. Ora pro nobis. Ora pro nobis
Ormus pro unitte apostoltus. Sancte Rphal. Pax
Let us pray for the apostles. Ora pro nobis. In trnum.
Ut omnes unum sint, sicut tu Pater in me et ego in te: ut sint unum, Sancte Petre. Amen
sicut et nos unum sumus Ora pro nobis.

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