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UNIVERSITY Office of Admissions

Mqrch 13, 20.l5

Kotelyn Eloine Arledge

ZB89 Porris Bridge Rd
Chesnee, SC 29323-8208

Deor Kotelyn,

Ccrngrotulqlions on being oworded the Slole's most prestigious oword: the Pqlmetto Fellows
5cholorship. ln recognition of your Pqlmetto Fellows oword, Winthrop University is pleosed to offer
you o Winthrop Fellows Scholorship. When combined with the Pqlmetto Fellows Scholorship, the
Winthrop Fellows will cover the cost of tuition qnd o double-occuponcy troditionol residence holl room
less the Polmetto Fellows qnd other Winthrop scholorship owords.

The Pqlmetlo Fellows Scholcrship is volued qt $6,700 for one yecr. For rhe 2Ol4-l5 ocodemic
yeor, lhe Winthrop Fellows Scholarship is volued or $l 2,382. (Tuition ond fees for the 2O15-16
qcqdemic yeor will be onnounced in June.) The totol vqlue of your scholorship pockoge will be
more lhqn $19,082 for one yeor ond $76,328 for four yeqls. You will receive the owqrd for eight
semesters of undergroduote study os long os you meet the Stqie's renewol criteriq for the Pqlmetto
Fellows Scholorship. Additionql informqtion on the owcrrd is provided on poge two of this letter.

As o high-ochieving student, you will oppreciote thot our diverse student body interocts with tolented,
notionol-coliber foculty in woys intentionolly designed to prompt thought, reflection ond o lifelong
quest for knowledge qnd understonding. Conversqtions thot begin in clossrooms extend ocross the
ccrmpus communify qnd qre complemented by on extrqordinory ronge of culturol events, service-
leorning octivities, guided reseorch, qnd other ironsformotionol opportunities.

Winihrop, o predominontly residentiol leorning university, focuses on fully engoging students in

developing the copocity to become leoders in their professions qnd in their communities. Your
Winthrop degree will serve you well when you groduote ond embqrk upon your chosen coreer.

Kotelyn, we congrqtulote you,ogoin on being nqmed o Winthrop Fellows scholor ond offer our best
wishes for the remoinder of your senior yeor. Pleqse contoct your personql qdmissions counselor,
Megon Rolf, if you hove ony questions over the coming months.

We look forword to hoving you ioin the fqll 20.l5 freshmon closs of Winthrop University.


Deboroh Borber
Associqte Vice President of Admissions Operotions

Tage i 1

Joynes Hall o Rock Hill, South Carolina29733. 803/323-2191 e 8OOAVINTHROP . (800/946-8476) o www.winthrop.edu

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