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Lavoisier concluded that: if a chemical reaction is carried out in a closed room so no

substances missing, then

mass of substances before the reaction and after the reaction is not reduced or not increased


in a sealed tube was weighed 32 grams of sulfur and 63.5 grams of copper. Once
mixed and then heated in a sealed tube and the reaction then occurs berjalansempurna new
substances, ie the copper (II) sulfide. What mass of new material?

it turns out the same mass of new substances with a total mass of substances before the

Beep Law of Conservation of Mass: "TOTAL MASS-ZAT ZAT BEFORE AND AFTER


Fixed sound Comparative Law:


problems example :

If we are reacting 4 grams of hydrogen with 40 grams of oxygen, how many grams of water
are formed?

"When the elements can form two or more kinds of compounds, in which the mass of one of
these elements remain (the same), then the ratio of the mass of other elements in the
compounds are integers and simple"



"At the same temperature and pressure, the volume ratio of gases that react and gas volume
reaction yield is the ratio of integers and simple"
In reaction to a substance that his form of gas, equivalent reaction coefficient comparison
with the volume ratio if the reaction

performed at the same temperature and pressure.


Hypothesis Avogadro

"Gases that same volume, when measured at the same temperature and pressure, contain the
same number of molecules as well"

Avogadro describing experiments with regard Gay Lussac particles - the gas particles are not
as atoms, but as molecules

The relative atomic mass, relative molecular mass, and Mol

In this paper, we will learn how to express the mass of an atom and molecules, as well
as studying the relationship between the mass of a substance with its number of particles
approach the concept of the mole.
The mass of an atom depends on the number of electrons, protons, and neutrons they
have. Atomic particles are very small, so we were not able to weigh the mass of a single
atom. However, we can determine the mass of an atom in comparison to other atoms. Thus, it
takes an element that can be used as a standard for comparison.
Atomic mass is defined as the mass of an atom in units of atomic mass units (amu) or atomic
mass unit (amu). One amu is defined as 1/12 times the mass of the atom C-12. Carbon-12 is
one isotope of carbon has six protons and six neutrons. This element is used as a standard of
comparison because these elements have properties that are very stable with a long half-
life. By setting the C-12 atomic mass of 12 amu, we can determine the mass of atoms of other
elements. For example, it is known that a hydrogen atom has a mass only 8.4% of the mass of
the atom C-12. Thus, the mass of a hydrogen atom is 8.4% or 1.008 x 12 sma sma. By similar
calculations, can be obtained mass of one atom of oxygen is 16.00 amu and the mass of one
atom of iron is 55.85 amu. This means that a single iron atom has a mass of nearly 56 times
the mass of a hydrogen atom.
The relative atomic mass (Ar) an element of X can be obtained through the following
Ar X = mass of one atom of element X / (1/12) x mass of the atom C-12
In addition to calculating the relative atomic mass (Ar) an element, we can also determine the
relative molecular mass (Mr) of a compound. Relative molecular mass (Mr) of a compound
can be obtained through the following equation:
Mr X = mass of 1 molecule compound X / (1/12) x mass of the atom C-12
Weight (mass) of each atom can be found in the periodic table, so that the mass of a molecule
can be obtained by adding the mass of each atom in the compound. For example, water,
H 2 O, is composed of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. By looking at the periodic
table, we can see that the mass of a hydrogen atom is equal to 1,008 amu and the mass of one
atom of oxygen is 16.00 amu. Thus, the mass of a water molecule can be obtained by
summing the mass of the mass of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.
Mr H 2 O = 2 x Ar H + 1 x Ar O = 2 x 1.008 + 1 x 16.00 = 18.016 amu
When we look at the relative atomic mass of carbon in the periodic table, it turns out the
relative atomic mass of carbon is not exactly 12.00 amu, but sma 12.01. This difference is
caused by the presence of the element carbon in nature in various forms isotopes. This means,
the atomic mass of an element should be expressed in terms of average value.
For example, the abundance of carbon-12 and carbon-13 in nature respectively by
98.90% and 1.10%. The relative atomic mass of the element of C-13 is 13.00335 amu. Thus,
the relative atomic mass of the carbon atoms on average is 98.90% x 12.00 sma + 1.10% =
12.01 x 13.00335 sma sma. Thus, the relative atomic mass of the carbon atoms is 12.01
amu. The average value is shown as a relative atomic mass of the element on the periodic
Another example, the copper elements in the universe are in two isotopic forms,
namely Cu-63 and Cu-65. Abundance respectively in nature amounted to 69.09% for Cu-63
and 30.91% for Cu-65. The relative atomic mass of each isotope is 62.93 amu (Cu-63) and
64.9278 sma (Cu-65). The relative atomic mass average copper atoms are sma 69.09% x
62.93% x 64.9278 + 30.91 = 63.55 amu amu. Thus, the relative atomic mass of copper atoms
in the periodic table is 63.55 amu.
You must have heard dozens of units, gross, rim, or scores to declare the number of
objects. The number of particles is expressed in mol. Mol is now expressed as the number of
par-Tikel (atoms, molecules, or ions) in a substance. Experts agree that a mole of a substance
containing the same number of particles with the number of particles in 12.0 grams of isotope
C-12 which is 6.02 x 10 23 particles. Particle number is called Avogadro's number (NA =
Avogadro's Number) or in German Numbers Loschmidt (L).
Thus, the definition of a mole is as follows.
One mole of the stated amount of a substance that mengan-dung same number of particles
with a number partikeldalam 12.0 grams of isotope C-12.
For example:
1. 1 mol Na element containing 6.02 x 10 23 atoms Na.
2. 1 mol of water compounds containing 6.02 x 10 23 molecules of water.
3. 1 mol NaCl ionic compounds containing 6.02 x 10 23 ions Na + and 6.02 x 10 23 ions Cl -.
Relations Mol d ith Total Particles
Mol relationship with the number of particles can be formulated:
the quantity (in mol) = number of particles / NA
the number of particles = mol x NA
Problems example:
A sample containing 1.505 x 10 23 molecules Cl 2, how many moles of the content of Cl 2?
The quantity (in mol) Cl 2 = number of particles Cl 2 / NA
= 1.505 x 10 23 / 6.02 x 10 23
= 0.25 mol

reaction equation
Equations describe chemical reactions consisting of chemical formulas of reagents and
reaction products with each coefficient. In a chemical reaction, one or more substances can be
converted into a new type of substance. Substance. substance that reacts called reagents
(reactants), while new substances are producedare called the reaction product (product). John
Dalton argued that the type and number of atoms involved in the reaction does not
change, but the chemical bond between the two substances change. Changes that occurcan be
explained using chemical formulas of substances involved in the reaction is called the
equation. For example, the reaction between hydrogen gas with oxygen gas to form water can
be explained as follows:
2H 2 (g) + O 2 (g) 2H 2 O (l)

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