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Suppressed Science

Fringe subjects such as free energy and antigravity are dismissed by most people, which is
understandable in that such concepts challenge their established view of the world. When your
understanding of science is incomplete, and key knowledge is kept from the masses - then this is
not suprising.

The truth is that there are many fantastic scientific discoveries and technologies that are kept

Much of this has to do with control and power. It is very easy to manipulate and control a
poulation when essential services such as electricity and transport are entirely dependent on
power stations and oil.

If free energy systems were available to the general public then there would be less means for
control by the elite.
There is no reason for us to be dependent on grid electricity or fuel from multi-national behemoth
corporations - and yet we have been shoehorned into believing there are no alternatives.

Suppression of Science

Because science acts to increase the leverage of one's freewill, the last thing those in power
want is for their subjects to gain increased leverage and thus diminish the power ratio. Thus,
liberating technologies are either regulated or suppressed.

These technologies include free energy, antigravity, psychotronics, time travel, reality
engineering, cancer cures, teleportation, etc - all of which exist at the secret government level
but none of which is open to the public. The greater the technological difference between master
and slave levels of society, the greater the power difference.

Researchers of unconventional science who faced suppression include the following: Nikola
Tesla, Thomas Townsend Brown, John Searl, Stefan Marinov, Eugene Mallove, Wilhelm Reich,
Royal Rife, and Joseph Newman. There are many more who have been eliminated or silenced
prior to becoming publicly known.

Science and mathematics as taught in our public educational institutions have been dumbed
down and rigged to prevent exploration into sensitive areas. This is done through tricks of logic
that play upon the intellect's many vulnerabilities, namely the inability to differentiate absolute
from relative values. Certain concepts and variables are discarded on the basis of irrelevance or
arbitrariness, when in actuality they are far from arbitrary and instead provide the doorway to
secret sciences.

Subjects are frequently taught in compartmentalized and overly abstract ways to prevent students
from understanding subjects on a gnostic level, meaning on a geometric and intuitive foundation.
The latter is necessary to allow true progressive and creative use of knowledge, but what is
encouraged instead is applying formulas and definitions in mechanical ways, resulting in
refinement rather than evolution of knowledge.

Read more on Montalk.net

How Thoughts Create Atoms And Emotions Formulate Time

January 6 2017 | From: Omnithought

It seems that the connection between thought, emotions, space and time is far greater than
understood before.
Here is a short introduction to the idea that thoughts can manipulate physical reality, and emotions can render the
concept of time:

Relate: DivineCosmos

Part 1: Awareness to Atoms

A serious problem facing the world today is actually a very simple one, and it can be solved easily. The problem is that
people are unaware of their own atoms

People do not have the awareness or an understanding of the atoms that make their own body; how these atoms are
created, how they operate and how they draw energy that enables the body to exist. When people are unaware of their own
atoms, then they are unaware of how the planet operates

The prevailing assumption that most people hold is that we all have a body, and the body exists out of its own energy, out
of its own accord.

Many people seem to believe that the only relation, or exchanges between the human body and the exterior world (the
surrounding area) is by exchanges of such as water, air and light. Apart of these forms of exchange, people assume that the
body exists separately of nature.
However, many studies reveal that this is not so. In effect, the human body seems to draw energies that are beyond what
we tend to think. These energies operate on a level that is finer than the atom, and they give the body its initial energy.

The human body draws oceans of energies from the universe, in order to maintain the functionality of its atoms, molecules
and cells. The body draws oceans of information from the planet itself, in a way that still puzzles our sciences.

If you could imagine for a moment yourself laying on an ocean just imagine that you are there resting on the ocean, and
then the whole ocean is pulled up into your body in order to give you the energy that enables you to make simple things as
taking a breath.

This is how people draw in a cosmic energy that gives them energy.

Just to take a breath requires a worldwide energy; and this energy is provided free of charge to every single human being on
this planet but people are unaware of it.

The human body is a temple that contains the highest form of cosmic wisdom, and so if we learn to be aware of it, then we
can find the solutions to all the problems we face. To do so we need to ask this: Where are the atoms of my body coming
from? And where are they going to in the next minute?
Apparently, the human body is not so-called stable, solid thing, but rather a complex and interchanging mechanism, where
atoms are constantly forming the body, and at the next moment they are discharged off the body; they simply leave the
body. It is like breathing in and breathing out, discharging air.

When atoms are discharged, new atoms are coming to replace them in forming the organs of the body. It is believed that in
the span of a year the person has a totally new body consisting of completely new atoms that were not there a year before.

When atoms go away, new atoms are willingly coming to form the same single body with the same organs. This allows the
so-called soul to have a manifestation of a physical existence, the physical experience of living.

But, how?

To learn how atoms operate, we must ask ourselves, where do atoms coming from and where are they going to? That
question alone will promote social responsibility because people will acknowledge the connection they have with the
surroundings, seeing the environment not as separated of them, but as part of them consisting of atoms that are
transformed to become their own body.

People will them want to make sure the environment is well kept because that environment sooner or later creates their own
body. You have been created by nature and in turn creating it.

Part 2: In the Core of Atoms are Thoughts

The terms atom, molecules and body-cells are not new. While these terms go way back, still no one knows today what are
they. Science is probably not developed enough to understand what is in the core of atoms and what is it that makes atoms.
We do know, however, that the mere act of observation alters the result that we measure.

For example, the simple act of researching and observing a quantum field in the laboratory alters their behavior. And this
human intervention with reality makes it very difficult for us to understand what is out there, because we know that that
which is out there is that which we alter and affect ourselves. See: WhatThBleep
The atom is believed to be a form of energy. But once again, what is energy? It seems that no scientist can give you a
definition of energy. Ask a scientist, what is the energy that makes electricity? What is energy?, and they will tell you, We
dont know. We cannot measure energy; we cannot see energy.

Energy is that which is unknown. Yet, it is this unknown that formulates not just the physical body but also the energy to
maintain that physical body. Is it physical at all? We dont know Some scientists suggest that more than 99% of the atom
is not solid matter. Deepak Chopras arguments are most fascinating, suggesting that energy is a potential, a form of

Another interpretation of atom was given to me through a meditation session I have taken. During that meditation I became
aware of a presence which could simply be my own subconscious, however it felt much wiser than myself, and had a
sense of being independent of myself. I like to use the terms spiritual guides or Angels to describe these feelings.

One such Angel provided me with a fascinating outlook on atoms. He said that atoms are simply a form of thoughts Atoms
are a manifestation of what people think The Angel said that we first need to understand the context of thoughts.
When we use the word thought, we mean an event on the level of human beings. There are other forms of beings, which
do not succumb to the law of our nature. We live on planet Earth and we are bound to the laws of nature as well as to the
audio/visual/emotional expressions that we use.

We are under the words that we use to express reality and to understand it. We make sense of reality through our logic,
which uses words (see Susan K. Langer on this topic). This is a dogmatic view; a dogmatic perspective on life, and within
this dogmatic perspective my Angel said that thoughts live.

A thought for you and me, for human beings, can be one thing, whereas to other forms of being it could be
something totally different. Thought can behave in few ways. One way is specific to human beings. Other ways are
specific to other beings.

And so the Angel said that thoughts formulate what we otherwise know as atom. Atoms and thought are the same, and this
is why we seem to alter reality and change atoms when we observe them. We use our attention our thoughts to look at
atoms, which are also thoughts

We use atoms to observe atom, and this is where the alterations of atoms in nature start. This may indeed be seen not as
alteration but as a creation. When we put attention and observe reality we perhaps do not alter or change it but rather
create it. We create the atoms of which we observe. As thoughts create atoms, we could say that our body consists of our
own thoughts manifested in an illusion of physicality and solidity
Thoughts are understood as electrical discharges coming mainly from the brain, whereas in reality they exist everywhere,
coming and going from all corners of the Universe. And yet, since we believe that thoughts are localized in the brain, we
perceive them as such localized in the brain.

This is but a small perspective of the overall picture. As we assume thoughts belong to the brain (or the mind) we then fail
to see that they also make the human body itself; that indeed they are the atoms that make the substance of the body. If
thoughts are indeed atoms, then we could say that we think with the whole body, or that the body itself is a thinking being.

It is in a thought process which includes the brain, the mind, the body and the whole universe, and yet we are aware of only
a small portion of this the part which operates in the brain.

Part 3: The creation of time and space

Thoughts, which create atoms, operate within the paradigms of time and space. Time and space are yet another form of
comprehension; a form in which we imagine things and follow a specific pattern. Yet, in other worlds which do not consist of
our paradigms, time and space do not exist at all. Einstein discussed time as a form created by the human mind, and not by

With no time and space, here is also there, and then is also now Everything exists in the same place and at the same
Neale Donald Walsch [author of The Celestine Propecy] suggests that there is no up and no down, no here and no there
but rather all exist together, side by side. Yet, we do not perceive it as such. Rather, we perceive time and space as a linear

As we perceive atoms as operating within the linear continuums of time and space, we then shift our awareness. We put our
attention into the illusory aspect of timespace, and this perception produces the impression that atoms are a solid thing or
that atoms constitute solid elements.

And yet, as my Angel told me (read Part 2 to learn who is my Angel), time is not a given fact but rather a learned
perspective. We are born into this world which holds the belief in the existence of time and its linearity. This belief is taught
to children to the extent that they do not recognize any more the reality beyond this conditioning.

While time, and indeed space, have a useful function in our life on this planet, they are, indeed, a phantom created by our
long historical conditioning. So, what is time? Well, my Angel told me that time is no more and no less the length of
emotion Time is created by the length of peoples emotions. If you have a specific emotion, it creates a specific time
experience. If you have a different emotion, it creates a different time experience.

We all know that when we go to a party and enjoy ourselves, we then say, Oh, it feels as if time passed so quickly. In
different situations where we do not enjoy, we say, Time moves so slowly. Time, indeed, is the length of emotion

Emotions create time, and thoughts create atoms. Yet, in most experiences in our daily lives, the two elements, thoughts
and emotions, do not correspond. They operate as two separate occurrences within people. They flow as two different
streams. Thought, which create atoms and which produces the body, does not correspond to emotions, which produce

This is why many people do not experience happiness, because the body, which is your thought-product, does not
correspond to your time, which is your emotion-product. For that same reason, people grow up.

People age, and aging they do not appreciate it, because they are unaware of the process. They do not realize the process;
they do not make a coherent existence of thought-body and emotion-time. These two are operating separately, unknowingly
to the person.

Being unaware, many people believe that there is such a thing called time, and it is measured by a tick of the clock. People
believe that time is something external to them; something which is right there on my shelf when I look at the clock, and it
creates time

Some people will agree that the clock does not create time but will argue that the clock measures time. So what creates time
then? Many will say that the movement of the sun creates time; when the earth moves around the sun it produces a
yesterday; therefore, now is today. In truth, my Angel argued, the movement of planet Earth around the sun does not
creates time.
The only connection between the movement of the planets and time is that ancient man begun to measure his experience of
day and night through the use of the shadow that is cast on the earth once you stick a pole in the ground.

Ancient man used the rotation of the earth and the amount of light coming from the sun, which produces shadow,
to measure day and night, but not to create time.

Yet, many people today believe that time is a substance, a solid thing, which exists. That belief prevails since people are
unaware of their emotions, which create time. People are unaware of their thoughts, which create their body within time.

Part 4: Information From the Creators

Albert Einstein talked about the illusion of time, saying that time is a psychic activity created by the human mind. Emmanuel
Kant talked about time and space. He gave a fascinating explanation of time.

For him, time is a tool by which human beings limit the large reality. In the so-called large reality things can happen in a way
that is inconceivable to our mind, such as the same person exiting in two places at the same time.

When humans limit this reality, they produce time concept, which enables them to understand how something can be in one
place and at another place. With the logic of time people assume that a thing simply moved in time from one place to
While in reality all things exists at one place and at all times, to the human mind a thing seemed to move from one place to
the other in time. Human beings devised this amazing mechanism called time which limits, or splits reality, and render it
accessible to the brain.

In order to create a correlation between our thoughts (which are our bodies), and our emotions (which are our time), we
must become aware of ourselves. We must become aware of how we think and how we feel. The external world is the
projection of humans own mind, as Carl Jung suggested and Seth (channelled by Jane Roberts) discussed.
Indeed, the external world is a beautiful creation and the projection of our own selves, and therefore it is a gift as it always
reminds us what we are creating. It is a mirror. When we look outside, we look at mirrors reflecting ourselves, reflecting our
own thoughts. While we can explore these projections, we also should focus on the creators, ourselves.

In order to stop the calamities and sufferings on this planet, we need to explore how we think and how we enable those
creations, unwillingly. Rene Descartes said that to learn and become wiser, you dont need to leave your room. You can stay
inside your own house and just observe yourself.

Now we dont need to go to that extreme; nature is a beautiful place the world is a beautiful creation given to us in order to
enjoy our own creation. However, it was given to us in order to experience our own creation. Many people look at the
outside world and they are unaware that it is their own making.

So they are walking through life like zombies, inside their own dream. They dont realize that they are walking within their
own creation.

So why is it that most people are unaware of their own powers? Unaware of their thoughts? Unaware of their emotions, and
unaware of this source of energy, these oceans of energies that they draw every single moment that allow the body to
manifest and to live? Because most people do not follow the simple act of stopping for just one minute a day stopping and
trying to look inside.

When I say inside, I do not necessarily mean to sit, close your eyes, and look inside you. While that is a good technique it
does not have to be the only technique.
You can actually look at a flower with your eyes open and just observe the essence that is reflected from you and into the
flower and the objects around you.

There are many ways to do so. It becomes so simple once people realize that all it takes is simply to stop. When we stop for
a moment in our modern hectic lifestyle, we are enabling our mind to do something amazing. Instead of generating constant
thinking, we are enabling the brain to listen, to absorb. This is crucial.

While the act of generating constant thinking is very important indeed to organize your day, yet it can also limit you. When
the mind is busy writing the script of your day, in producing thoughts, it is unable at the same time to listen; to receive
information. To receive a script, and words of wisdom, coming to you from so many sources that most people do not even
know exist.

Part 5: Evolution.

The brain was not designed to be a processor of information and a receptor of information at the same time (on the
conscious level). While the brain receives information at all times, this goes to the so-called subconscious level, which Carl
Jung describes.

Human beings constantly receive information but if we do not stop, we do not allow this information to be processed and we
do not allow ourselves to become aware of it.
The act of stopping gives your brain an opportunity to hear; to listen. This concept is one of the greatest contributions of
Judaism to the worlds wisdom. In Judaism they say that silence is worth so much that the act of listening is more important
than the act of talking. As some people say, God gave us two ears and one mouth only so listen twice as much as you

And why is it so important to listen? After all there is too much chattering around me in my world, with too much
information constantly bombarding me. I want to listen less because there is already too much

Well, when I say listening, I mean listening to the voice inside you; listening to the messages that are coming from within;
the wisdom that is constantly spoken to you from your own inner, higher self. I call it the authorial-Self - watch interview
with authorial-Self below.

Interview with Authorial-Self

An interview with the authorial-Self (subconscious) through automatic speech. The authorial-Self describes how he
inspires Gil Dekel into writing visionary poems.

This interview conducted through automatic-speech experiment, and edited as a film.

There is a source of knowledge, a source of wisdom, which resides not within you; it resides much further and deeper
beyond you but to reach it you need to go inside. You need to walk the bridge from your external self through your internal
self and from there into your authorial-Self.
Many people are afraid to talk about this or to admit that they feel things or that they have inner hearings. People are
scared because they would be deemed crazy.

But it doesnt have to be necessarily inner-voices. You might feel a knowing, a feeling of an understanding or a
form of wisdom. Yet, to contact that form of wisdom you must allow your brain one minute a day of
comprehension; give it the authority to listen. When it listens, it listens to whats inside.

And when it listens to whats inside, it gives permission to your authorial-Self to provide you with this wisdom.

Now this wisdom, as I said, does not reside within your body; it does not reside within the atoms of the brain, but rather in a
much deeper place. As one poet told me once, I have become a deeper woman. I would like to borrow this statement to
describe the deeper self, which is the place where all answers reside.

It is the vast ocean from which you draw your energy, the force of life that runs through you at all times. This force contains
not just energy but also information, knowledge. (Read about Reiki to learn more about this source).

If we to absorb this knowledge we could then learn who we are. People will then know where they are coming from, and
where they draw their life force. People will learn where life is going to after it leaves their own body, and after it has been
discharged completely from their own emotions and from their own thoughts.

Then we would know what our purpose on this planet is; what we have been before we came to this planet; where
are we going next. And, why this life, this form of being a human, is so necessary to our spiritual evolution.

Endgame: Disclosure, The Antarctic Atlantis And New Ancient Extra-Terrestrial Ruins
December 13 2016 | From: DivineCosmos
The Establishment is threatened like never before. Are they about to disclose advanced, hi-tech
ruins under the ice in Antarctica, and a limited secret space program, to try to save the New World
Order agenda?


The 'Lost City' of Antarctica - Shock claims massive ancient civilisation lies frozen beneath mile
of Antarctic ice and could even be Atlantis

This is some of the most surprising, fascinating and relevant inside intel we have ever posted. Multiple groups
have urged us to get this out as fast as possible, and here we are.

Related: Secret Space Program: Countdown To Exposure On All Illuminati Fronts

The story is so incredible that you may need to just treat it like a sci-fi movie... but even if that's the only level you can accept
it at, you should still find this to be a most fascinating read!

Endgame - The Antarctic Atlantis

Introduction by David Wilcock

The truth is exploding across the internet. Millions are learning for the first time that there really is a negative elite running
the planet, engaging in child trafficking among other heinous crimes.

The Cabals brazen efforts to completely destroy this information are quite surprising to the millions who are only now
discovering the scope of the problem.

Although this information is extremely disturbing, it is also true. The only way we can heal as a planet is to face it and deal
with it, individually and collectively.

Part One of ENDGAME has spread more quickly than anything weve ever written before, getting its first 100,000 views in
less than 31 hours, hitting 150,000 in three days, and topping 10,000 Facebook Likes.

Related: ENDGAME: Disclosure and the Final Defeat of the Cabal

Perhaps not surprisingly, my (David Wilcocks) page was completely deleted off of Wikipedia after publishing this expose. It
was always heavily compromised but now it doesnt exist.

Our goal in Part One was to create a unified resource of information to show how rapidly the Cabal / NWO / Illuminatis
whole agenda is plummeting. Even if you have read and understood the data in Part One, you still have only identified one
small (and very negative) aspect of the Big Picture.

The full story is much deeper than most people could even imagine and reads like an epic series of sci-fi novels with great
surprises in each new volume.

Cosmic Disclosure is Not "Fake News"

If you are a viewer of our weekly Gaia show Cosmic Disclosure, or have been following previous updates on Corey Goodes
intel, then you are already familiar with this new reality.
Coreys experiences are so highly bizarre that most people identifying as skeptics couldnt even follow us more than 10
percent of the way if that. Nonetheless, Coreys intel has checked out with what many, many other high-level sources have
leaked to me over 20 years of time. The truth is extremely surprising and complex.

The intel also dovetails beautifully with the material in the Law of One series, which I have scientifically validated in three
different published books with over 2200 total references.

The Cabal has now taken the incredibly brazen step of black-listing 200 highly popular sites, including Gaia, our main portal
for disclosure TV episodes.

They are using Google, Facebook, Apple, Snapchat and other assets to prevent you from ever being able to find these sites
- even if your friends wanted you to see them.

YouTube has begun aggressively taking down every person posting videos on this scandal, including all three we mentioned
in Part One - David Seaman, Reality Calls and the Alex Jones video.

This is the work of a third-world fascist dictatorship - hardly what we would expect in a democracy. If this was truly all just a
big misunderstanding, why are they being so aggressive?
Why Block Gaia?

Why would Gaia have made it onto the short list of 200 Cabal-banned sites if Cosmic Disclosure was just a big joke?

How did we end up threatening the media elite enough that they literally do not want you to have any chance of finding it
even if your friends sent you the link on Facebook or Gmail? From the world we are working within, the answer is simple.
Child trafficking and spirit cooking at the highest political levels is still just the very beginning.

The whole subject of UFOs, ancient civilizations, advanced technology and ETs has been strictly controlled by this very
negative Cabal. Much of this classified information is incredibly positive and uplifting - including the idea of an imminent,
mass human evolution that many refer to as Ascension.

Related: Wikileaks Podesta Email Mentions ETs and Zero-Point Energy

The Cabal is the proverbial dragon guarding the huge pile of gold and treasure, and the gorgeous virgin being held prisoner.

If this group wasnt restricting our access to information, we would be living in a vastly more interesting world right now
with much greater technology.

Is Corey Telling the Truth?

By working around Corey for an average of one out of every six weeks over the last two years, I have seen ample evidence
that he is telling the truth - as he has seen and experienced it.

We have endured death threats, betrayal, financial hardship and incredibly toxic abuse. This journey has not at all been fun
or easy for him, nor for me. This is a spiritual war, not just a physical one. The Cabal is messing around with very real forces
that are extremely negative and can influence those around us.
It is all too easy to make mistakes and authorize attacks to come your way from these same forces.

In my case it comes mainly through the interference of others. This has been extremely difficult and exhausting, but it all
reads as fairly mundane stuff in the worldly sense.

In Coreys case he has had very horrible physical experiences that most would consider paranormal, including being
abducted by various human or ET groups.

The only way we can protect ourselves is to try to have as positive and loving of an attitude as possible. Nothing else is
sufficient. It is a moment-by-moment discipline.

Five Different Group Categories all Requesting Assistance

We also have five different major categories of groups that are now feeding us intel and requesting our assistance. We will
learn more about each of them as this update goes on.

Each of these groups is fighting as hard as they can to transform our planet, and have suffered horrible casualties
along the way:

1. The Earth Alliance. This is the group Dr. Pieczenik spoke on behalf of in Part One. It is comprised of brave
fighters in all 15 of the US intelligence agencies, and many international factions.

2. The MIC SSP (military-industrial complex secret space program). This is a series of factions that believed they
were the only game in town, up until recently. They are about to be publicly revealed.

3. The SSP Alliance. This is a breakaway group within an SSP that is much more advanced than the MIC version.
The SSP is controlled by the Cabal, but the SSP Alliance is definitely not.
4. The Inner-Earth Alliance. There are several different human ET civilizations living in huge caverns beneath the
Earths surface. Each racial type we see on earth appears in these groups.

5. The Sphere Being Alliance. This is a group of super-advanced ETs that have been called The Guardians, and
manage the spiritual and physical affairs of entire solar systems.

It is not easy to have requests consistently coming at us from all five of these different groups, with the message always
being that each new piece of intel is extremely urgent to disclose.

We keep getting pounded with obstacles and challenges while trying to navigate and meet these expectations.

Despite periodic lapses in both of our productivity levels, Cosmic Disclosure has continued to come out with a new episode
every week, uninterrupted.

We are now under direct attack by the Cabal, as they are trying to wipe us out of existence with a total internet blacklist.

Gaia has several weekly shows, with more on the way, as well as over 7000 unique pieces of inspirational and truth-telling
media to watch.

The Cabals Final Salvage Plan

What we are hearing from various insiders now is that the Cabal is on the verge of total defeat for the first time in our
entire global history.

The Alliance has become ever-increasingly powerful as more and more people defect to it.

The Cabal knows they are out of time and as of right now, they have largely completed their negotiations on how they will
surrender. At the same time, the Cabal has dirt on the Earth Alliance that they do not want to see go public. Therefore it has
turned into more of a truce, where we will get part, but not all of the truth.
This is what we have been calling Partial Disclosure. We are against this happening and will continue fighting for Full
Disclosure, which will be much better for everyone.

Hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people are aware of what weve disclosed, and no one has freaked out about any
of it. The excuse that you cant handle the truth is nonsense.

The SSP Alliance, Inner Earth Alliance and Sphere-Being Alliance are all pushing for Full Disclosure as well, which they call
the Optimal Temporal Reality for our future.

What is Partial Disclosure Shaping up to look Like?

The Partial Disclosure plan includes some admission of wrong-doing, an outing and punishing of mid-level people, and a
beneficial global financial reset.

The cosmic aspect of the plan appears to involve three key revelations, perhaps in different stages:

1. A formal, public disclosure of the MIC SSP. They have two large, cloaked orbital platforms, flying black triangle
craft, and the ability to travel throughout our solar system.

2. The unveiling of ancient, high-tech ruins in Antarctica that have been newly excavated. This will prove that
Atlantis was very real, and far more advanced than we thought.

3. The revealing of extremely ancient ruins over 1.8 billion years old within the Earth and throughout our solar
system, often made of a crystalline transparent aluminum alloy.

Although this sounds pretty awesome, and would be a great leap forward, this is still only a Partial Disclosure that leaves
gaping holes in our understanding.

Another potential plan that is in the optional category involves the possible disclosure of a single ET group known as the
Tall Whites. This is the group that Charles Hall and others have met up with.
Related: Alien Civilizations May Number In The Trillions, New Study Says

The Cabal might try to introduce us to this group, explain they have been around for a really long time, and hope
that they can get us to follow a mystical new religion offered by these beings.

This would definitely not be in humanitys best interest. The rapidly-escalating downfall of high-level elite human trafficking
rings is bringing these issues to the immediate forefront. The Cabal has run out of time - and they know it.

For many years they have planned on using a partial disclosure to distract and inspire the public if the full nature of their
crimes were to become known.

The Details Have All Been Laid Out

Much of the history and scientific research to support this data, as well as the Full Disclosure version, was written into my
new book The Ascension Mysteries in an effort to help the Alliance groups.

The partial disclosure scenario may not include any active ET life operating around us today. The MIC SSPs party line will
be that apart from ancient visitors, or perhaps an occasional Gray or Tall White, we are alone.
The first two episodes of the recently re-booted X-Files TV show were a veritable blueprint for the partial disclosure of the
MIC SSP and its entire belief system.
The MIC SSP does not have the technology to travel outside our solar system, so we would still be kept in a box just a
slightly larger version.

The SSP has much greater technology that could heal our planet. The Cabal could still secretly pursue their depopulation
agenda as the partial disclosure unfolded over a 50 to 100-year period. The Cabal is hoping to re-brand itself as the good
guys as this partial disclosure scenario rolls out. It is their last and only chance to save their agenda.

Without further ado, I will hand the microphone over to Corey, who will continue our story from here with my co-authored
input. It is well worth your time to learn about what is going on.

The Secret Space Program

By now you probably are aware that I, Corey Goode, am a 20-year veteran of a Secret Space Program (SSP) that has
technology vastly superior to anything we see in the open world.

David Wilcock had been gathering a variety of insider testimonies for nearly 20 years when I began disclosing everything I
knew to him in October 2014. He was able to validate my testimony by having heard many of the same things from other
high-level insiders, at Cosmic Top Secret level and above.

The majority of this insider testimony was completely off the public record and did not appear anywhere online, nor in any
alleged fiction in the public domain.

Related: Evidence Grows For Secret Space Program Disclosures & Crimes Against Humanity Trials

There were so many points of correlation that we stopped counting somewhere after identifying about 60 different highly
specific examples. Davids knowledge of hyper-classified intel similarly convinced me that he was in contact with people who
had experienced the same world that I had.

He gained these contacts through being a highly public scholar in UFOs and alternative science who had proven, over many
years, that he could be entrusted with confidentiality.
It is Hard to Imagine

The level of secrecy involved is so high that it is hard for most people to even begin to imagine the world of the SSP.

An experience inside a true SSP base, on Earth or elsewhere in our solar system, would appear very similar to a scene from
the movie Men in Black or Guardians of the Galaxy.
Related: Email for John Podesta c/o Eryn re Space Treaty

An ever-increasing number of seemingly fictional movies, television shows and video games are preparing us for an
eventual disclosure.

Some groups on Earth have been aware that we are not alone, and have remained in active contact with extraterrestrials,
for thousands of years. Many more became involved when the Germans developed flying saucer technology, with ET
assistance, in the 1930s.
Related: Ancient Aliens: Aliens and the Third Reich

A vastly interconnected breakaway civilization has since developed, almost completely without any public

William Tompkins Independently Validates

William Tompkins was unaware of me or any of my testimony when he wrote Selected By Extraterrestrials. Ours has strictly
been an Internet-based story, and Tompkins is a 94-year-old veteran who is not online.
Related: Secret Space Program Disclosure: Founders Of Solar Warden SSP With William Tompkins

During WWII, he debriefed 29 different US spies embedded in the German SSP at the time.

There are many astonishing points of correlation between what the two of us are saying again, far beyond any likelihood of
chance. Interviews with Tompkins were conducted for Gaia before he knew anything about my testimony, but it all lines up

There are several episodes where we compare these knowledge bases, and the results are very surprising.
Contact was Re-Awakened

I had basically been out of the loop in the SSP since the late 1980s, except for a number of encounters with them in the
1990s and early 2000s that were all very brief missions.

Much to my surprise, I was brought back into this world approximately four months after David and I began comparing
notes. I was taken to a base on the Moon that I was already familiar with, entitled the Lunar Operations Command or LOC.

Huffington Post: Solar Warden - The Secret Space Program

By this point, David had gathered the bulk of my testimony together and had thoroughly briefed the senior management of
Gaia on the story.

I was quite surprised to discover that an Alliance had formed within the SSP that wanted to share their remarkable
technology with the general population of Earth. This Alliance partially arose out of the SSP faction I worked within, known
as Solar Warden.

There are a total of five different SSP factions, and Solar Warden is made up of members from all five of them.
Related: Solar Warden: The Secret Space Program Built With Alien Technology

The Solar Warden code name was also discovered by the hacker Gary McKinnon and was independently verified by
William Tompkins.

Sphere-Being Alliance Ambassador

The SSP is already engaged with a diverse community of over 900 different humanlike civilizations they have regular,
ongoing trade with, as well as less frequent contact with many others.

I became a conduit for the SSP Alliance to speak with a group of highly powerful positive ETs that had remained mysterious
up until then.
These beings arrived in hundreds of gigantic spheres parked throughout our solar system. The spheres have been coming
in since the late 1990s, and have remained cloaked ever since.

David was aware of the spheres ever since they first arrived, as they were often being seen on NASAs own SOHO satellite
and were referred to as Sun Cruisers".
Related: Sun is a Portal for Hyperdimensional Space Travel based on Sacred Geometry

No other ET group had anything that was anywhere near this large in size, so it naturally was quite a source of interest.

Gonzales was Key

The man on the inside who ended up bringing me into this world again has been given the pseudonym Lt. Col. Gonzales
for security reasons.

He had experienced in-person contact with the Sphere Beings while in the SSP at about the same time I had experienced
similar contacts while living here in America. Gonzales did not report these encounters up the chain of command for some
time. Nor did I tell anyone about what I had experienced.

In late February 2015, the Sphere Beings asked for me by name through Gonzales. He did not know who I was, and his
superiors had to look me up and figure it out.

Related: Teslas Anti-Gravity Research In Use In Dozens Of Secretive Military Projects

Up until I was requested by name, the Sphere Beings had completely refused to interact with the SSP Alliance even
though the Alliance felt they were trying to do something positive for humanity. The negative ETs will seek out contact with
the most wealthy, powerful elites on earth to promote their tyrannical, dictatorial, service-to-self message.
The positive ETs seek contact with those who can help share their message of love, peace and service to others.

Thrown in the Middle

I effectively got thrown into the middle of a debate between the SSP Alliance and the Sphere Beings. Furthermore, the
Sphere Beings wanted me to serve as their ambassador, sharing their perspective not just with the SSP Alliance, but with
the general public on earth.

They are here to help guide us through an epic human evolutionary event that many call Ascension. I have been told this will
involve a massive release of energy from the Sun that triggers advancements in DNA and consciousness.
Related: Gene Roddenberry Based Star Trek On Secret US Navy Space Fleet

Wilcocks new book The Ascension Mysteries has references to ancient prophecies of such an event from many different

The giant spheres are a form of living technology that is used to help smooth out this transition as much as possible. Without
the help of the spheres, such a transition would likely be catastrophic and largely unpredictable.

The Blue Avians

The main ET group I have interacted with has been the Blue Avians - a race of humanoids with large eyes and birdlike blue
feathers on their bodies.

We have since discovered that this is the same group that presented itself to the Egyptians, through avian-looking humanoid
gods such as Ra and possibly also Thoth.
Their originally positive teachings were greatly distorted into the negative, as was described in the Law of One series.

William Henry found ancient depictions of Blue Avians in Egyptian and other cultures, as reported in Cosmic Disclosure.
Bird-headed humanoids are seen in Babylonian and South American inscriptions as well as those of Egypt.
Certain Bible passages describe Archangel Gabriel as having a bird-like appearance.

Native American cultures also reported contact with The Bird Tribes, and the Japanese had the Tengu bird-men of the
The Blue Avians are one of five mysterious, highly advanced ET races that are associated with the giant spheres.
The Law of One Series

Additionally, the Blue Avians have now absolutely confirmed that they were responsible for the creation of the Law of One
series from 1981-1984.

This was a series of 106 question-and-answer sessions between a Ph.D. physicist and UFOlogist and an extraterrestrial
intelligence communicating telepathically through Carla Rueckert.

David had been studying the Law of One material heavily since 1996 and had already written two New York Times best-
selling books on its complex science before we ever started speaking.

With that being said, the main Blue Avian I am in contact with, Raw-Tear-Eir, has given us a warning about quoting from the
Law of One as if it were a religion.

He said many people are starting to quote chapter and verse from it, and use it as a belief system that all new information
has to meld with or be questioned and possibly rejected. They made it clear that there are certain distortions in the Law of
One material that came from the people at L/L Research who presented it.

If we make it into a bedrock belief system, it can create a personal religion that can be damaging for the individual in their
emotional/ spiritual evolution.

Ultimately we must all exercise our own discernment and choose for ourselves what the truth is, without ever worshipping
any particular document or source.

Telepathic Contacts
It is also important to note that David has had telepathic contact with these same beings, such as through nightly dream
analysis, ever since November 10th, 1996.

Due to cosmic laws of free will, David has still never experienced the type of in-person contacts that are now happening to
me. He has been given a roadmap of stages to go through that could lead to these contacts, and writing his new
book Awakening in the Dream appears to be one key part of that process.

Since I had already been a part of the SSP in the 1980s, it did not violate my free will to be brought back into it later in life.

This almost obsessive focus with preserving free will is a regular element in every session of the Law of One series.

Complex and Multifaceted

This story is complex and multifaceted, far beyond anything I would ever dream of trying to invent. This has also not been a
profitable move for me to make. I would have had a significantly higher income if I was able to go back into the IT field
instead of continuing to fight for full disclosure, as I am now doing.

In the course of this work as an ambassador, I have come face-to-face with the highest levels of both the positive and the
negative sides of this battle.

Related: Alien cliques may be keeping Earth isolated - study

Some of these experiences have been so profoundly unpleasant that I can only laugh when people say they wish they could
be in my shoes.

The full narrative arc has been traced out in Cosmic Disclosure, our show on Gaia, as well as in these updates
at spherebeingalliance.com and at Davids website, divinecosmos.com.

Various Characters in the Story

I have also met up with an alliance of human-looking beings living in huge, habitable caverns inside the earth. My main
contact therein is a priestess named Ka Aree.
As described in previous updates, I also recently was introduced to an ambassador from a planet in a nearby star system
that recently overthrew their own negative-ET-driven tyranny.

His name is Ambassador Micca. They are now working, predominantly through dream contacts, to help educate us on how
to achieve our own freedom from these malevolent beings.

Lt. Commander Gonzales was my original contact with the SSP Alliance and he continues to pass along intel at this time, as
seen below.

He originally presented himself as a Lieutenant Colonel in the Air Force. This was his cover ID, and I recently found out he
was actually a Lieutenant Commander in the Navy.

Lastly, I have been interacting with a more earth-based SSP that is run by the military-industrial complex (MIC). The MIC
SSP is unaware of the greater space program I was a part of, as we will discuss.

So now, without further ado, we will pick up where we left off in the previous update at spherebeingalliance.com and in prior
episodes of Cosmic Disclosure.

A Visit from the MIC SSP

Once again in the early morning hours of Wednesday, October 26th, I awoke to find that I was walking in the parking lot
behind my house.

This type of sleepwalking technology is standard fare for the military-industrial complex (MIC) space program group that has
been contacting me in the recent past.

I immediately noticed the same stealth-looking MIC wingless craft that I was taken in last time. It was parked in the same
place it had been in the last time I was taken.
The same two airmen greeted me and asked me if I was physically able to walk up the stairs.

Since I had almost fallen after my knee buckled the last time they contacted me, they seemed as though they were being
overly cautious.

I went up the stairs, entered the craft and was brought to the familiar room where I had been chemically interrogated before.
This naturally caused me to feel extreme anxiety, since the original interrogations I went through were not pleasant to say
the least.

I was asked to sit in the same seat and was buckled in. Once again I was helpless, shackled into the same chair where I
had suffered greatly in the past. I soon heard the craft power up and we lifted off fairly quickly.
A Visit from Sigmund

A few minutes later the older military man who was in charge came into the room. Since he has white hair and a white
goatee, we have decided to call him Sigmund in an homage to Freud. Sigmund stated that he was a bit perplexed at the
information he had received from our last encounter.

In addition to enhanced interrogation through chemicals and technology, he had previously taken blood, hair and skin
samples and tested them for trace elements, using very advanced methods. The lab results once again confirmed that I had
been in the approximate off-planet locations I had claimed.

Related: Explosive Expos: The Secret Government, Anti-Gravity Technology And Black Budget Projects

The MIC space program people do not have any intelligence suggesting I had ever actually visited these locations. I was
never a part of their program. For this same reason, Sigmund clearly could not believe what he was seeing. My tests
proved, beyond any shadow of doubt, that there was much more to the secret space program than he knew.

As a high-ranking superior officer, this naturally came as quite a shock to him. He was led to believe that he had access to
all relevant compartments of the classified world.

The MIC Are Not the Only Game in Town

The people in the MIC space program have been taught that theirs is the only one that exists. They believe they are the top
of the crop, the best of the best, the be-all and end-all.

Since there is a plan in place to disclose their existence, we will now reveal as much about them as possible so you can
get a sense of what they do and dont know. They are aware of the existence of Luciferian cabal groups, practicing very
advanced black magic on a global scale.
This includes exacting protocols of performing specific ceremonies at specific times. It also involves hiding out in the open
and telling us what they are doing in symbolic form.

Events like the Grammy Awards, the Super Bowl half-time show or the Olympics opening and closing ceremonies are used
to broadcast occult images to millions of people.
This, in turn, authorizes the negative forces they are working with to exact greater control over the earth, and enhance their
worldly power as long as no widespread resistance develops.

They do this through seeding our co-creative consciousness with their agenda. Our collective focus is the root power of their
magic. The MIC people often believe that they are literally engaged in a Biblical war against an ancient evil that has taken
control of much of the Earth.

Advanced Technology (From Our Worldly Perspective)

The MIC SSP has at least two large space stations in earths orbit as well as a number of manned satellites. They are
roughly circular in shape and are large space stations with enough facilities for many people to work in various labs and so

They are also reported to possess floating aircraft carriers that look exactly the same as what we saw in The
Avengers and Captain America: The Winter Soldier.
They have black triangular craft that can travel around our solar system, as well as other stealth-looking varieties.

This technology makes them feel that if anything else was going on in our solar system, they would be able to see it. When
they see the crafts from other programs, or of any of a number of ET races, they are simply told that these craft are ours.

They are told that they are not on a need-to-know basis about that particular program and not to speak about their sighting
with anyone.

It is Very Compartmentalised

The Cabal is a very, very intelligent group. They built the MIC SSP from the very beginning to be disclosed at some point, as
a protective deception to hide the deeper-level SSP.

If anyone in the MIC SSP ranks made unwanted technological or informational breakthroughs, they would be quietly plucked
out - just as occurs here in our own level of the cover-up. Therefore, no one in the MIC SSP will successfully discover
portals that take them outside our solar system - as one of many examples.

Certain areas are cordoned off to them as no-fly zones - so they do not see the advanced ET civilizations that already exist
in our solar system.
If someone sees something they shouldnt have, and the idea that it is one of ours doesnt stick, they very likely would
disappear or be re-assigned.

The Cabal knew that if the people in the MIC SSP truly believed what they were being told was the whole and complete
truth, none of them could ever threaten the Partial Disclosure scenario. They could come forward and fight vigorously
against any alternative view of reality, because they believed in their heart and soul that they had been given the whole and
complete truth.

This is precisely what was happening with Sigmund, the commanding MIC officer who interrogated me, as we will review in
a minute.

They Believe We Are Alone

The MIC SSP are told that we cannot travel outside our solar system. This is due to gravitational and energetic conditions at
the boundary of our heliosphere that make any escape impossible with their current technology.

NASA has already revealed gravitational anomalies with our Pioneer deep space probes as they travel closer to the
boundary of our solar system, setting the stage for this announcement.
The MIC folks are also told that there is no need for us to go anywhere else, as we are already surrounded by an
embarrassment of riches beyond our wildest dreams.

There are many impressive prehistoric intelligent ruins to explore here from what they call the Ancient Builder Race. The
oldest of these ruins date back more than 1.8 billion years.
Most of their members believe that any ETs have long since come and gone from our solar system. The only exception is
time travelers from Earths own future who have come back and visited us.

Different Levels of Knowledge Depending Upon the Group

The MIC SSP is made up of different military and intelligence groups that have varying levels of knowledge of ETs. Some
think there are only four or five groups visiting us. Some dont think any have been here for thousands of years.

The top brass of each branch have basic knowledge of 50+ other ET groups that have visited us. This knowledge goes back
to the 60s and was standard info in the briefings then for NATO and the DOD, et cetera. It is much more complicated than
can be summarized in a paragraph or two.

The Mid-Level Narrative

The mid-level personnel have been told that some humans who have time-traveled here from our own future now look like
Grays. This is due to evolutionary changes from having lived underground for thousands of years.

One of the partial disclosure narratives was designed to focus on this idea namely that all the human-looking and grey-
looking ETs come from competing time lines in our future.
The higher-ups usually know about a handful of ETs that are here now, but they are ordered to keep silent about it.

Some MIC SSP groups believe that we are all the blood descendants, to varying degrees, of pre-Atlantean human ET
refugees that they call the Pre-Adamites, as we will discuss. This is also a key feature of the belief systems of the various
Cabal groups, at the higher levels.

The Cabal groups believe they have significantly more Pre-Adamite blood than the rest of us, and formed royal bloodlines
and elite ruling castes as a result.

Energetic Changes in Our Solar System

As Wilcock revealed in The Ascension Mysteries, one of his insiders has worked with the MIC SSP and has been thoroughly
educated in their views, as we are explaining them here.

The MIC SSP people are also aware that an energetic change is occurring in our solar system. They expect that this will
lead to a massive release from the sun in our near future.
The classic movie 2001 was intended to pave the way for the MIC programs eventual disclosure.
If a sufficiently massive sighting or a well-publicized data dump from a whistleblower got traction in the mainstream media,
the MIC SSP could have been revealed many years earlier.

2001 and 2010 installed all the key pieces of information we would be told, over time, in the aftermath of that eventual

If you try to explain to the MIC SSP that a much more advanced space program is operating around them, it is akin to
blaspheming a major religion in front of its devoted followers.

Pre-Adamites in the Ice

Now lets return to our scene where I am now on the MIC SSP craft, hearing what Sigmund was telling me. Sigmund
revealed that he had been stationed at several classified military installations in Antarctica. He had spent time in the very
area where the Anshar (inner earth group) had taken me on a reconnaissance flight.

He stated that an extremely ancient series of cities had been discovered flash-frozen deep under the ice-shelf. He confirmed
that there were also many animals and Pre-Adamites preserved in the ice.
Related: Is This a Huge Million-Year-Old, Man-Made Underground Complex?

He described the Pre-Adamites as beings with elongated skulls, with strangely proportioned bodies that were obviously not
designed for Earths gravity and atmospheric pressure. When we combine this with what Gonzales told me earlier, and the
academic research David compiled in The Ascension Mysteries, it does appear that some of these groups were giants by
our standards.

Other hybrid groups may have been bred to have more conventional heights, and / or adapted to Earths gravity over time
by becoming shorter.

The History of the Pre-Adamites

According to Sigmund, this Pre-Adamite group had apparently arrived here from another planet in our solar system that was
no longer hospitable.

They arrived here approximately 55,000 to 65,000 years ago, and began to create hybrids of their species and the
developing human population. This fit beautifully with what Gonzales and others had already disclosed, which in turn
became the central narrative of the second half of Davids The Ascension Mysteries.

What we now see as Antarctica was the seemingly mythical lost island of Atlantis.

The Buache map from 1754 depicts accurate sub-glacial topography of Antarctica.

No one in modern times even saw the continent itself until 1820.
Insiders tell us the Buache, Orontaeus Finaeus and other maps were copied over from ancient scrolls in the Vatican

Related: Vatican linked to United Nations video on integrating extraterrestrial life

The earth shifted on its rotational axis, perhaps due to a nuclear war, and the water that inundated the continent quickly
flash-froze into a gigantic ice shelf.

Sigmund stated that the hybrid survivors of this catastrophe - who were living on other continents at the time of the great
flood - completely lost access to their ancient cities for over 10,000 years/ These beings then began to breed with the
human populations in the regions they were stationed in at the time of the disaster.

One major faction of Pre-Adamites was constrained to the Americas, while the other survived in Europe, Africa and Asia.

Tompkins, Aldrin, the Dracto and Antarctica

The 29 embedded German spies Tompkins interviewed during WWII confirmed the Nazis were working with a violent,
aggressive reptilian race. This group is humanoid, but with reptilian features. They have been called the Saurians or the
Draco, and pose the biggest problem for everyone in our region of the galaxy.

Surprisingly, the Draco have a central base of operations in our solar system including huge under-ice facilities in
Hypothetical examples only. No one we know has seen the inside of these bases.

This makes Buzz Aldrins latest alleged tweet extremely interesting. We do now know that this tweet was disinformation, but
the contents are still important to analyze.

We can prove that he had just visited Antarctica while wearing a shirt encouraging us to get to Mars ASAP.
We did hear that he was there to tour the Pre-Adamite ruins that are now on the verge of being disclosed to us, as part of
this transition plan.

Related Articles:

US General Blows Whistle on What Was Really Found on Mars, saying "There are structures on the surface..."

NASA ends cover-up, finally admits water flows on Mars, still won't admit proof of life known as a fact since 1976

Nasa finds WATER on Mars: Red Planet once had 1-mile deep oceans and STILL remains moist

Aldrin fell ill and had to be returned home.

The disinfo begins with him allegedly tweeting a pic of an alleged Antarctic pyramid, with the words, We are all in danger. It
is evil itself".

If this had actually been real and not another internet hoax, it strongly suggested that he was briefed on the existence of the
Draco, perhaps off the record, and it nearly gave him a heart attack.

Excavation Has Finally Been Allowed

My contacts in the SSP Alliance revealed that the Draco have finally allowed the US to excavate new Pre-Adamite
archeological sites under the Antarctic ice.
They have also granted permission for the small number of surviving Pre-Adamites to access these areas once again.

These Pre-Adamite people look and sound just like us, except that they have elongated skulls that they must keep hidden if
they are ever seen in public. David asked me how many of these people still live on earth. As of now I do not have any clear
intel on their numbers, but it is likely in the thousands, if not more.

The amount of ancient technology and information that has been found preserved in huge libraries under the Antarctic ice is

He Finally Became Convinced

I was listening to Sigmund telling me his version of the story and watching his face as he shared the information.

He noticed me looking at him and wondering why he was sharing this with me. This caused him to break off from the current
topic. He then stated that the data they collected from me the last time we met had the telemetry that I had retained
subconsciously from the reconnaissance flight under the ice.

This finally convinced him that at least some of what I was saying was true. David asked me for clarification when I first
wrote this. Specifically, I had witnessed information on the heads-up displays in the Anshar Bus craft I was riding in.

Under Interrogation, I was able to recall specific telemetry from those displays that proved to be extremely accurate -
enough to meet Sigmunds quality standards.

Another Round

Sigmund then stated that he was going to alter my state of consciousness again to be able to dig deeper into my
experiences and see what else he could glean.

I told him I would prefer it if he didnt. I would be happy to answer any questions he had. He ignored me and walked over to
pick up a small device that had a metallic-looking cone at the end that looked like some sort of antennae. He then put in
some sort of ear-plugs and turned the device on. I heard the same high pitched noise that I had the last time.
At this point I lost consciousness, as has become the norm when this technology is used. Whatever conversation I have with
Sigmund under the influence of this technology is not available to me after it is over.

Leaving the Craft and Catching Another Ride

The next thing I am able to remember was walking back down the stairs of the craft, with both airmen assisting me down the
narrow stairs to the parking lot.

I walked back home and went into my living room. A blue orb was zig-zagging around as if it was waiting for me.

This is a phenomenon that has been ongoing since this all started in February 2015. It is the transportation system used by
the Blue Avians. Many people are starting to see blue or purple orbs, just as I had been told would occur. This is a key part
of our mass awakening process.

I indicated that I was ready to be transported and was taken back to the same Mayan Break-Away mothership I had been on

Another Meeting With the Mayans

The Mayan Break-Away group started out in Mesoamerica, and thanks to a successful ET contact, they were able to
migrate off-planet. They have since become advanced enough to develop a unique technology that appears to be based on
the use of stone and consciousness.
They act as a healing group that have provided treatment to Gonzales and many other survivors of SSP enslavement and

There were now six of the Mayans in the room. Three of them were females. I had only seen a female on one occasion
before with any degree of closeness.

Gonzales was standing over by the floating stone console looking at it, while a Mayan was working the controls. He directed
his attention to me and greeted me. He walked up and scanned me with the same black stone sphere that he held in his
palm the last time.

He smiled and as he lifted it up, he said Please focus your intention on the magic 8 ball. He then scanned my head again
while I tried to focus on the black stone sphere as he requested. Once he finished his scan, he turned and walked over to
the floating console and somehow placed the stone sphere into the side of it.

He then looked over at the Mayans. They then went into the next room where another stone console was floating, and gave
us some privacy.
Seeding Information into the MIC SSP

Gonzales stated that he was sorry he couldnt share some of the details about why I was being abducted and interrogated
up until now. He stated that this was part of an operation that was seeding information into the ranks of this MIC SSP.

Apparently many of them are disillusioned and questioning whether or not they were indeed at the top of the intelligence
totem pole, as they had been led to believe. He stated that if this information gets to the right people within the MIC SSP, it
could hinder the wider plans of doing a partial disclosure of their program. These individuals now felt there was much more
going on in the programs than they had been told.

Gonzales further communicated that I had to be unaware of this operation so the interrogators would not figure out this info
was being given to them on purpose. I had assumed that a similar scenario was behind why I had been kept so completely
in the dark about what was happening to me -- and why all of this had been allowed to occur by the SSP Alliance and the

More on the Pre-Adamites and Antarctica

Gonzales and I then talked about the conversation I had onboard the MIC SSP craft regarding the Pre-Adamites. Gonzales
confirmed that he had received the same intelligence from some of his SSP Alliance contacts.

The same data also appeared in the reconnaissance flight telemetry that the Anshar had shared with him.

Advanced Technology in Ancient Ruins

Gonzales soon moved to another topic. He stated that Cabal proxies had discovered pieces of ancient technologies hidden
in time-capsules in many of the ancient Sumerian ruins. These proxy agents completely razed these ancient ruins to the
ground looking for these time capsules.
Sumerian ruin for illustrative purposes only. Notice height of giant man.

These groups not only found several pieces of technology inside the walls of these ruins, they also located some new sites
buried below them that were much more ancient.

He stated that these artifacts were being stored in Mosul, Iraq at the moment.

Related: A.I., Black Goo. Archons, & NASAs Deep Dark Secret
Sumerian ruin in Ur. For illustrative purposes only

He stated that one of the reasons such a vigorous battle is occurring in Mosul at this time is because various groups are
fighting to recover these artifacts.

After these historical sites were destroyed, the Alliance sent operatives to other similar sites across the planet to do sonar
scans and try to locate more of these time-capsules. He stated that they were doing so in the dead of the night, and were
using very advanced technologies to try to detect other anomalies around these ancient sites.

The Pre-Adamites Want Control

According to Gonzales, the ancient technologies that were discovered in Iraq had belonged to this Pre-Adamite group. This
group wants the return of these technical artifacts immediately, considering them to be their private and personal property.

However, certain factions who are now in possession of them will not turn them over. These are earth human proxy groups
that the Cabal had sent on the behalf of the surviving Pre-Adamites. They got the cosmic equivalent of gold lust when they
saw the treasure.

What further complicates matters is that there are two different royal blood lines among these Pre-Adamites. These two
groups are in a type of competition over the control of the financial and political systems of various countries. As I have said
before, the people we are now calling Pre-Adamites all have psychopathic characteristics by our normal definition of the

The elongated miter hats everyone wears in the Vatican are one of the ways they have been able to conceal themselves
while still operating amongst us.
For illustrative purposes only

The surviving Pre-Adamites apparently have blue eyes.

Related: Russian Prime Minister Medvedev: Aliens Are Already Here and the World Needs to Know about It

A Weakening of the Cabal Coalition

Gonzales stated that this argument over the Pre-Adamite ruins meant there was an obvious weakening of the Cabals

This split in the ranks of these global syndicates was being exploited by the Alliance. It seems that many of these Cabal
groups now see that their organization is about to be fully exposed and brought to justice.

The disclosures David mentioned in Part One did not happen by chance. They are the direct result of the hard work of the
Alliance through outlets like Wikileaks. It appears that many of these people are positioning themselves to cooperate with
the Alliance during the prosecution phase.

This, of course, is a very helpful thing. David and I have both consistently stressed that whistleblowers should be seen as
heroes. It is very important that we not devolve into a witch-hunt mentality.

Issues With Memory

At this point the stone console behind him started flashing symbols in various colors of light. He turned his attention to the
control panel as I noticed two of the Mayans entering the room. All three of them walked to the floating stone console and
observed the symbols appearing in an obvious sequence.

He glanced over at me and asked me if I was still having issues with my memory. I stated that indeed I had noticed difficulty
in remembering things such as my childrens birthdates, et cetera. His forehead wrinkled up a bit. He said he wanted to
consult the Mayans to see what type of help they could offer.

He then smiled at me as a blue orb entered the room and zipped directly in front of my chest. He continued to smile as he
waved good-bye.

I was taken to my living room where I again laid on the couch and fell asleep.
Another Encounter With The Banished

Over the next two days, I was trying to make sense of what occurred. I attempted to meditate on the experiences to see if I
could remember what had happened while I was being interrogated.

On the following Saturday, however, I was completely distracted by another encounter with the Banished female that had
implanted entity attachments in me months earlier. This had been a highly unpleasant experience where I awoke to her
being in a hotel room I was staying in with my family. Everyone else was fast asleep when this happened.

She was completely uninvited. As soon as she noticed that I was aware of what was going on, she was able to make me
again go unconscious. I had still been recovering from the removal of the entity attachment by Ka Aree a few weeks prior.
During this recovery time Ka Aree had contacted me a few times to let me know my vibration was out of alignment and they
were having difficulty getting through to me.

Much of it had to do with the removal of entity attachments, but some of it had to do with some anger issues I had towards
an individual who I was working with. I was still carrying around a bit of trauma and resentment from my previous encounter
with the Banished, and the number of weeks it took for Ka Aree to let me know I had these entity attachments.
Now, I found myself face to face with this same woman from the Banished group. I had gotten up extremely early to do
some work while my family was still asleep.

An Unwelcome Intruder

I was once again sitting on my couch with my laptop on the coffee table. Suddenly I felt static electricity in the air and looked
over at the wall where my fireplace was. The wall was starting to warp and bend. I stood up and backed away to the other
side of the coffee table from the wall.

Right where the wall was warping and bowing inward, the same tall blonde female came walking through. She was taller
than I thought I remembered. She was a good 3 or 4 inches taller than me and was wearing a very revealing outfit.

She said Dont be afraid, I am Marra and I mean you no harm. I just stood there slack-jawed in disbelief. I was both
intrigued and a bit afraid after our last encounter. She sensed how I was feeling and smiled as if she was pleased by it.
She narrowed her eyes and smiled even bigger and began to walk towards me. I had part of the L-shaped couch behind me
and the coffee table in front of me. I was thinking of an escape route when all of a sudden there was a brilliant white flash.

Just in the Nick of Time

When my eyes had adjusted, I immediately saw Ka Aree and two men from the Anshar group approaching Marra, who now
had a frightened and shocked look on her face. I looked around and noticed that I was in a smaller domed room that had
one door that was covered by the hard light force field.

I had been portaled into an Anshar inner-earth city. The two Anshar men escorted Marra out of the room and down a
corridor. I was still feeling some of the after-effects of fear and anxiety from the moments in my living room with Marra.

Ka Aree walked briskly up to me, placed her hand on the side of my face and looked into my eyes. I immediately began to
calm down and my rapid breathing and heartbeat subsided. I asked her why the Banished was back, and what was her

Ka Aree stated that her intentions were not honorable, and that they intervened for good reason.

It is Vitally Important to Stay Positive and Loving

Ka Aree then stated that I would not be bothered by Marra again, but that I needed to keep an eye out for more of her kind
who will come looking for her eventually. I asked what would happen to Marra. Ka Aree stated that she will be placed in
stasis until upcoming events had fully played out.

She then gave me a hug and put both of her hands on my shoulders. She looked me in the eyes and told me that I needed
to let go of my anger with certain individuals that I am working with, and to focus on getting my vibration back in balance.

She gave me that huge infectious smile of hers, and then patted my shoulders and told me she was sending me back now. I
was still a little bit shocked and confused from the encounter with Marra, and Im sure my eyes showed it.
Re-Balancing My Vibratory State

After another brilliant flash of light, I was now standing in the same place I had been in prior to the transport. In the time
period since my last update, and up until this point of reporting, I have been brought before Raw-Tear-Eir on three
occasions. Each of them had to do with the re-balancing of my vibratory state, and the frustrating behavior and actions of
some people from my inner circle.

During these visits I was able to observe the cosmic scene and noticed that the giant blue spheres were becoming notably
more translucent. The nine metallic spheres were in about the same positions as they had been weeks earlier.

Meetings With the Earth Alliance

By this point we were getting fairly close to the time of the US Presidential election, which was indeed extremely contentious
as David had opened up with in Part One.

I had already been told many months ago that the SSP Alliance was in support of either Bernie Sanders or Donald Trump
winning the election. Both of these men are aware of the Cabal, are not a part of it, and want to see it taken down for the
betterment of humanity.

Just days before the election, certain allies I had in the FBI, DHS and FEMA reconnected with me. They were very excited,
because their data showed that Trump was likely to win.

Hack Attacks From a Panicked Cabal

This next phase of insider contact started a few days after I published my last update. It began with a series of hacking
attempts on my home computers. Three of the computers that I use for work began to pop up intrusion alerts. I disconnected
from the Internet and ran a few security scans on them out of an abundance of caution.

I found out these Cabal groups have apparently been in a state of panic for weeks, as more and more has been leaked
about their involvement in pedophilia and sex slave rings. They are also organ-harvesting their young victims to sell on the
black market. These are just a few of the crimes being committed.

The FBI Has Had Enough

The FBI has been quietly investigating these deplorable crimes for decades. Davids own insiders independently confirmed
this to him, and it has now gone public, as we saw in Part One.
The FBI investigators had brought this evidence to several Attorney Generals in the past, only to have them tell the FBI to
close their investigations. The FBI soon realized that major changes would have to occur before they would ever be allowed
to bring these people to justice.

The more they investigated, the more prominent and powerful names began to pop up. It appears that these sex slave and
pedophile rings have been associated with close to a third of everyone working in government organizations within the USA
and the EU.

It was determined that any attempt to prosecute them would be met by roadblocks.

This is One Key Reason Why the Alliance Favoured Trump

This appears to be one of the main reasons most of the FBI was behind Donald Trump in the election process.

They knew the Alliance was in favor of Trump becoming the next president. The FBI have been aware of the Alliance for
some time. The FBI believed that if Trump won the election, they would finally have their opportunity to bring this evidence
to an Attorney General who would actually prosecute.

This was such a contentious election process that it caused a huge amount of anxiety for people on both sides of the
political parties.
Former Allies Returned at the Last Minute

Since I had gone public, a few of my sources in the FBI, DHS and FEMA had broken off contact with me because of the
crackdown on whistleblowers in the Obama administration.

The day before the election, all three of these people contacted me and told me that Trump would win. They then began to
share quite a lot of inside information with me about the above-mentioned investigations.

Not So Sure

I have to admit that I was skeptical of Trump winning, and completely sickened by the details that were given about these
pedophilia rings.

I was also a bit suspicious that all three of these individuals contacted me to share intelligence so soon after I was warned
that a disinformation campaign against all SSP whistleblowers would occur. It was clear that I would have to vet these
sources all over again.

Time to Gather All the Intelligence

The following night I was as shocked as everyone else to see Trump actually win the election. I was able to confirm through
other sources that these three individuals were not attempting to discredit me. I then contacted them for a full download.

I found out that Soros is under investigation by the FBI for all he did prior to the election years before, and his involvement in
the current riots. Obama appears to be willing to agree to not pardon Hillary if some of his legacy is preserved somehow.

It appears Trump and Obama are keeping that option open, but I doubt it will occur after hearing all of the POTUS ties to the
Clinton investigation that keep popping up.

There is a very unsettled mood among the Establishment types. This was not supposed to happen. They tried to rig the
voting, but underestimated the voter turnout for Trump.
David captured a photograph of the front page of Huffington Post, now controlled by Verizon, on Election Day. It showed a
98% chance of Hillary winning and a 1.7% chance for Trump.
Vote Hacking Would Not be Sufficient

It turned out that there were so many voters for Trump that it outpaced the Soros-owned voting machine "glitches" that they
hoped would steal the election.

They had calculated that changing approximately one out of 100 votes for Hillary in the key swing states would be
sufficient and they were wrong.
I was clearly told that Soros was financing most of the riots right now, as I just said. There are also lots of revenge attacks
occurring against Russia from Cabal-type groups. I found out that things are very bumpy right now between the Alliance and
Cabal. They were NOT supposed to lose the POTUS position.

Very Sickening Information

As David shared in Part One, Dr. Steve Pieczenik revealed that the Alliance was behind the Pizzagate emails. They knew
exactly what we were going to find when they leaked them. The general population is being prepared for some very
sickening information about all levels of influence in the US Government.

We are going to find out how many influential people (from BOTH political parties) in the US and the EU have been a part of
this massive pedophile ring.
This sex-slave ring has also been used as a device to blackmail powerful people into paying large sums of money, as well
as to influence how they make policy decisions. Once these uncomfortable truths are disclosed, society will not only be
ready for more of the truth, they will take to the streets to demand it.

Once we see how much is hiding below the surface and that this is just "the tip of the iceberg," it will no longer be so easy
for any power group to control the people.

A Visit From a Drone

Shortly after I renewed these contacts, my wife came in the back door at about 1PM CST and told me a drone was flying all
around the back of our house. I ran outside to see a white drone flying around getting a good look at our house and the
parking lot behind us.
For illustrative purposes only. Not exactly how drone actually looked.

It then suddenly flew off quickly to its apparent take-off zone, which had to be pretty far away. I had recently learned that
there are similarities to electro-gravitic craft in the way drones operate and are controlled. It was further communicated that
some of these exotic craft have flight control systems that mimic game controllers or radio remote controls.

Full Sized Drones Will Appear in Our Skies as a Part of Partial Discolsure

I was told that in our near future, we will see our skies fill with three and four-rotor aircraft that look very similar to the drones
that are so popular right now.

I was also told these Tri and Quad-Copters would be almost completely automated, with advanced collision avoidance and
auto-pilot features. This scenario would be part of a limited and partial disclosure program. The Cabal had hoped this would
result in humanity not being told about anti-gravity technology until some time later.

I was told that the rotors and motors on these drones could be replaced by anti-gravity technologies as they are declassified
and become available. These craft will be used quite a lot by the military and police as well as by various civilian industries.
I Got Interested and Purchased a Drone

My interest was peaked to the point to where I decided to purchase a drone of my own to learn how to fly them for myself.
Since I purchased a cheap drone that doesnt have GPS, all I have done is crash it repeatedly.

I don't think it was a coincidence that a drone was performing an open reconnaissance of my house so soon after I bought
my own. This visitation happened in the same week where I had purchased a cheap drone at a local electronic toy store,
and only twelve hours after I had published my most recent report.

A Shadow Revolution

If you have read my last report, then you heard that a shadow revolution is occurring in the USA and is being supported by
the Earth Alliance. So much of this battle is occurring in the background and over the Internet that we are only now
beginning to see it bubbling up into the open.
I think we should all be meditating on a smooth transition and a full disclosure for humanity. Never before have the masses
been so fed up with the corruption that is blatantly occurring right in front of our eyes, with no accountability.

We are witnessing the beginning of a grand transition. There will be growing pains for sure, but the end result should make it
all worth it. If we can navigate through this time period honorably, we will have set ourselves up for the Consciousness
Resonance that we have been robbed of for millennia.

Antarctica and Cabal Surrender

Various world political and religious leaders have been brought down to Antarctica in the last year. The new archeological
finds are a major reason for this. They are excitedly taking tours of the findings.

According to sources, the Cabal plans on fleeing to an island in New Zealand, certain areas of South America, and

If so, these meetings may very well be a signal to the Alliance that key members of these Secret Earth Syndicates are
preparing to escape justice from an angry American populace.

The Cabal had believed they could steal the election and once again escape their fates. They were wrong.
Related: John Kerrys Trip to the South Pole: Nazi Roots Revisited

Perhaps the strangest development of all was when US top diplomat John Kerry flew down to Antarctica right on Election

Related: U.S. Top Diplomat Kerry Flying To Antarctica During Presidential Vote

Buzz Aldrin visited the ruins as well, and something caused him to fall ill and need to leave the area before he was
scheduled to.
Final Section

Corey had put together everything you just read just before our latest Gaia taping. In fact, the write-up was an essential
element of organizing his thoughts for our interviews. Not long after we returned home from the taping, additional surprising
experiences happened to both Corey and me.

I ended up with a planned power outage that was only supposed to last a few hours, but stretched on well past the time I
had to go to bed. Without electricity, the house became cold and dark, and I had to rely on my prepper supplies to live
comfortably which I basically did.

A Fairly Prolonged Power Outage May Occur

I saw that this could be a synchronistic warning of a mass power outage that would occur as we head into the final phase of
the Cabals takedown.

There have been long-standing rumors of an approximately two-week power outage, perhaps a bit longer, as the Alliance
goes through the final stages of arresting key Cabal operatives.

This is primarily intended to prevent them from fleeing and to minimize panic and civilian casualties during the arrest

Shortly after my power outage, Corey and I got talking via Skype text, and the results were Goode enough that we will close
out our article with the notes of our conversations. By this point, Corey had new experiences that added even more to our
story - but he hadnt had time to write them up yet.

We have slightly edited and improved our conversation in order to make it more readable and add greater context in certain

Conversation Between Corey and David

[12/3/16, 2:14:11 AM]

D: We just had a day-long power outage. Everything was pitch black and they didnt turn it back on until after midnight, well
after everyone had to sleep in dire cold. What are your thoughts on the two-week power outage scenario? This seemed like
a five-alarm fire-level warning telling me to get ready for it being a lot longer than one night.

C: That is why I delivered the message to have a minimum of two weeks of supplies. I am definitely ready.

Unraveling Very Quickly

D: It does also appear that the Cabal will create a financial collapse to further try to ruin Trump if nothing else works.
Pizzagate was the number-one story on the internet yesterday, as evinced by it being the top of Digg, which is a content
aggregator. I photographed that. This whole thing is unraveling very quickly.
The more the mainstream media keeps saying there is no evidence and no victims whatsoever, the more the kids doing
this are waking up and fighting even harder. its very interesting.

So I am seriously wondering if the stuff could hit the fan BEFORE the inauguration. They may not be able to hold it off that
long and the Cabal may force things to come to a head sooner than that.

Most of the Agreements Have Been Made

C: Things are actually moving at a snails pace in the background right now. Just about all of the things we talked about that
were being negotiated between the Alliance and the Cabal have now been agreed upon... mostly. In the meantime, prepare
to see tons of elite-connected people resigning from their jobs. They will not flee the country, of course, but will "immigrate"
to a safe zone out of protest of Trump being president and ruining all of their hard work, et cetera.

D: Wow. How recently since the election did they come to a full agreement?

C: Most of these agreements were final just before the election, once the likely outcome had become apparent, but many
have occurred after the election.

D: Both of these data points can and should work their way into the update so it is current. I will see to that. Losing power for
this long was like a massive cosmic reset point for me. It does make sense that the Cabal would make an agreement once
they see what is happening.

However, their core teaching is betrayal is the first rule of the order, so it is unlikely that they will ever accept any deal and
actually do it.

The Antarctic Discovery

C: I have now had well over a dozen confirmations that indeed a HUGE F-ING discovery was made down in Antarctica.
Indeed there are many, many types of ruins and artifacts strewn out across the continent/ group of islands and in
underground facilities beneath the glacier-covered land.

D: Very cool.

C: The update is going to need an update to get current. But I can take care of that.

D: Did this Antarctica discovery get facilitated by icecap melting allowing new areas to be accessed, then coupled with
digging, or was it just the result of excavation?
C: There was some melting but mostly years and years of excavating. They use "Steam Blowers" to do most of their
excavation of artifacts and to create new areas when they need to build, I was told.

D: They must have hit the mother lode recently if it took them years to get there.

C: Mother-f-ing lode!

Many Square Miles of Ruins

D: That makes sense about the steam blowers. Are we talking about a Manhattan-sized area of buildings and working
technological artifacts? That good?

C: Many square miles of ruins have been detected, with only a small percentage that has actually been excavated thus far.

D: So its not like the ruins were protected in some sort of dome under the ice and left undamaged. They are all trashed up, I
assume, but there are still things in there that can be pulled out. Are any of the buildings in a fairly undamaged condition?

C: They were all flattened/ crushed or knocked over by the event that flash-froze the area. They have tons of trees/ plants
and wildlife frozen in place, like they were put on pause. They are also finding many Pre-Adamite bodies.

D: Interesting. I expected that everything would have been thoroughly smashed unless there were some very unique

There will be a whole lot of giant animals - sloths, mastodons, toxodons, turtles and what so on. The biosphere was very
different then.

C: That is absolutely true. They are already pulling out a variety of bodies of flash-frozen prehistoric animals.

Corey is Being Used as a Dream Symbol

C: I just remembered that Ka' Aree told me many people are having dreams of me teaching them in small classes in
underground bases and in spaceships. This is because several different "groups" are using me as an avatar in dream
contact now as well as the people putting me in that place subconsciously. That is just freaky stuff and I don't like it. An
avatar could be used of me to do anything in most dream states.

D: I know the feeling. Weve both had thousands of people write in after images of us appear in their dreams. We have to
remind them that we are not literally traveling there, nor are we aware of what they experienced. Dreams are symbolic and
metaphorical in nature, and based on the work we are doing, these symbols usually represent peoples transcendent
aspect, in Jungian terms.

C: There is quite a lot of dream-scape communication going on from the Inner Earth groups as well as from the ETs and
black-ops Government types. People should definitely be paying close attention to whatever they remember right now.

The Cabal Finally Have Something to Feel Positive About

C: Most of my recent intel has about ancient technologies and ruins that are causing a major buzz in the "elite" communities.
It is interesting that we circle back to our pre-history during this time of times, as we decide how we as a collective will finish.

D: Maybe its nice that the elite finally have something to feel positive about. It may make them feel better about signing a
deal with the Alliance and actually NOT lying for once.

The Discoveries Have Captured Everyone's Attention

C: These groups are sort of in a lull between battles right now, and are all sort of focused on some of the recent discoveries.

D: They already have access to really cool stuff, but perhaps this is something that more of the earth-based groups get to
enjoy. Those groups havent necessarily been able to see the stuff off-planet. So it makes sense that there would be
excitement even though there has already been lots of cool stuff to see.

C: This is stuff they knew or heard in myth that existed under the ice, and inside other ruins around the globe. This is the
first time anyone has had access to it in roughly ten to eighteen thousand years. So yes... they are pumped.
D: Buzz appears to have been able to see it as well, only to then have some health issues.

C: His old heart probably about pounded out of his Mars Mission shirt.

What are We Going to Find?

D: Are any of the buildings intact and upright enough to walk around inside of them? Any power systems still functional?

C: It sounded like there are some that are not totally flattened above ground. Most of the stuff is below ground in caverns.
There are even more ancient sites from these Pre-Adamites that are below the ground, just like we would find a site if we did
a "dig". So they have been doing excavations on the surface, digging below the surface as well as in cavern cities/ military
complexes that belonged to this ancient group.

They are Going to Make it Public

C: Ancient Aliens will go nuts over this stuff.

D: Will as in they intend to make this part of the partial disclosure fairly early along?

C: I presume so, as they are not keeping a very tight lid on these discoveries very well and its during a time of an agreed-
upon agenda for partial disclosure.

D: Wow. That will be extremely exciting. They probably would prefer to start with something new and earth-based before
opening it up to anything off-planet. That makes a lot of sense.
They are Taking Out All the "Good Stuff" and Cleaning it Up

D: They are probably scrambling to remove all the good stuff before opening it up any further. That way, they only allow us
to discover the things they want discovered. So the best tech probably wont be there.

C: Yes, in fact they have been moving major artifacts already in the giant electro-mag subs under the rift system I had
mentioned before.

D: See, I just know too much of how this group works. Cynical from years of study, I guess.

C: Yup, their tactics have not changed for many hundreds of years. It is hard to be positive knowing all of the stuff going on
in the background, but I do the best I can.

When Did this All Start and What Did they Find?

D: Are a majority of the top Cabal people touring there at various times? And when did the discovery actually get excavated
to an appreciable degree?

C: The first discoveries occurred some time back, not sure. They had an idea of what was below the ice after doing very
high-tech scans from space. They had been excavating one site and discovered many, many others spread out across what
used to be dry ground. This happened over time.

They have been studying what they are finding, and moving some of it out before bringing in various bigwigs from various
secret societies. Then they do tours like the "Cabal Disneyland" they have in the stasis chamber in Ohio.
They are continuing to excavate, but know what is around in the areas where they have cleared away the ice. They are
worried that all of the steam excavation could cause the surface of the ice shelf to collapse down on the sites they have

I think they would have to go public in some sort of a way to go bigger on this excavation and widen it.

Why Couldn't You Talk About This Before?

D: Very interesting. Why was there a feeling of you not being able to discuss this before now? You had about three months
where you were alluding to this but couldnt go into details. I dont understand what the sensitivity factor was all about.

C: Preservation of Public Perception.

D: I dont get it. They didnt want you to be first to break the story? They want to maintain the narrative and do it their own
way instead of having it leaked?

C: The SSP had operatives in place on our end. That kept some of the info from coming out sooner. The Elite want to
maintain the narrative.

Alliance Personnel Would Have Been Compromised

D: So the SSP Alliance folks are the reason why this discovery is coming out sooner, as in now, through your leaks?

C: Yes, and all SSP and Alliance assets have been removed from the theater.

D: Right they had to clean it all up first.

C: Yes, they had assets in place in key labs and installations etc. All of that intel is being gathered right now. There are tons
of freaking labs down there studying all kinds of stuff.

D: I am sure there are or at least there were.

C: Carcasses of pre-historic animals are being packed up and sent on these subs as well.

D: That makes sense.

Maintaining Security for the Alliance

D: Is there a reason why you were ordered not to reveal this any sooner, considering these folks are the Alliance? I am not
sure I understand the structure of the timing.

C: The structure was that we couldn't talk about it without letting the cabal know who was giving the info. Then they would
find out assets were in place, identify who they were and kill them. So after the assets were removed, the info could come
out... most of it.

D: Wow. That makes perfect sense.

Why Would You be Briefed on Sensitive Intel?

D: I guess the next question is why are they telling you anything and then asking you not to leak it, considering you could be
abducted and have it extracted from you by electro-chemical means? I still dont understand why you are getting told things
you cant share.

C: They apparently wanted all this to get to the Air Force guy that questioned me for some reason during the time of
extracting the assets.

D: Wow. Very interesting about Sigmund. Now it is actually all making sense.
We Don't Want to Ruin it

D: I guess the only other thing that concerns me is if we leak this, couldnt the elite turn around and change plans, and
ensure that no one ever sees it? Or are they so close to defeat that it is going to see the light of day either way?

C: They may try to cover it up again, but things are so far gone for them it doesn't matter much.

Sigmund Has Finally Figured it Out

C: Sigmund was causing a LOT of problems for the SSP Alliance. He was hunting them down as traitors, pretty much. Once
he got this recent info from me, he then turned and has been asking a lot of angry questions from his superiors. So that
mission seems to be accomplished for now.

D: Unbelievable.

C: These missions are usually not clear for me as I move through them. It is a hard way to work for sure.

Why Couldn't He Have Got the Intel Through Other Means?

D: I dont know why he couldnt have just pulled phone records from my calls with Jacob and Henry Deacon and compared
it to what you were saying. There are far, far, far too many specifics to be fake.

C: He thinks they are all full of it and are gaming you as well.

D: Its not possible to telepathically download so many specifics from each other at that level of complexity. It would be
much easier for them to be telling the truth than for it to be some vastly coordinated deception. I just could never buy it, and
that is why I have always been behind you 100 percent.

C: Yea, they were trying to figure out if I was just one hell of a psychic pulling this stuff out of the ether.

This Has Been a Major Shift for the Positive

C: Whatever the truth really was, ole Sigmund was going to get to the bottom of it and find all security leaks for sure. He
does not screw around.

D: I am very glad to hear he is no longer destroying the SSP Alliance.

C: It was causing the SSP Alliance members that are a part of these programs in the military to be so shy that they were not
coming out of cover to report and do command and control work. So, yes this is a big deal.

D: And this was the guy at the center of the whole problem. This is very interesting. It is quite a relief that things have turned
around. You were used, definitely, but you may have saved the entire Full Disclosure scene in the process. Has the SSPAs
attitude towards us improved any since the Wrangler days? I would imagine this was a major win.

C: I don't think they have had a lot of time to talk bad about us for a while now. They are very happy Sigmund was leaving
them alone right now.

Even More Intel After Part One was Published

[Davids note: This was where we had left off, and were ready to go. Right after Part One went up, the MIC SSP seemed
very happy. We were then given the following intel.]

[12/7/16, 9:28:52 AM]

C: Wow to the frickin WOW! I got a nice chunk of info about the Pre-Adamite ruins and other things discovered in Antarctica
during a No-Questions Briefing this morning. It was from MIC SSP personnel sent by Sigmund.

The Pre-Adamites Went to Antarctica to Re-Inhabit Ancient Builder Race Ruins

It appears that there was already some ice on Antarctica w/the Pre-Adamites arrived. It was, of course, in a different position
than it is today much closer to the equator.

They went to this semi-tropical region even though it was not as hospitable as other places on the planet for a reason.
They were coming here with little technology from a dire situation, and wanted to take advantage of Ancient Builder Race
ruins and technology in Antarctica. There is at least one ancient builder race ruin complex there that is over 1.8 billion years

Amazing Technological Remnants

The researchers found pretty amazing ancient tech remnants. One discovery was a complex of rooms with a gold/ copper
alloy mix that were in plates covering the ceilings, walls and floors of this complex.
Image of Botataung Temple in Yangon, Burma. Just for a general vision, not exact.

They had weird spirals and grooves in the plates. They were obviously for channeling large amounts of electricity. There
were other rooms that had a different atmosphere than we breathe, where the gravity is only about 36 percent of one actual
Earth "G.

Cannibalised Their Own Craft

It looks like the Pre-Adamites cannibalized the ancient builder race ruins and technology along with the technology they had
brought with them from their original world. It was "obvious" that they had also cannibalized the craft they arrived in to build
the oldest parts of this Pre-Adamite main city.

Dude... there are so many things they have found/ are finding. They have excavated little of what they have detected. I hope
to hear more soon. I was told to keep this under wraps until more info has come in. Sharing w/you though.

D: Two days later we got authorized to include this material, which I was very happy about. Additional intel came in as well:]

Dehydrated, Mummified Bodies

C: Amazing ancient ruins were found in large areas of Antarctica, along with flash frozen pre-historic animals and the
inhabitants of the cities at the time -- who were all killed in a major catastrophe.

They have found these people looked much the same as the bodies that were discovered while excavating the Pompeii Italy
eruption. The Adamites that were not mixed/ hybrid breeds were indeed in the 12-foot-tall range.

The bodies were all dehydrated and looked like rubber or dried leather.
For illustrative purposes only. Not actual example

Many had slight pot bellies w/fat pockets on them as they did on their chests like the dreaded man boobs.
Related: Egyptian hieroglyphics digitally restored to former psychedelic glory

They were wiry with very little muscle definition. They were in dress that was very similar to Egyptian, except it was more
lavish, colorful and pretty, with fine linens, et cetera.

Their style was similar to Ancient Egypt, but with a slightly different look on the headdresses and garments as well.

The Highest-Ranking MIC SSP Officers do Know About ET's

[12/9/16, 6:39:39 AM]

C: One clarification needs to be made for the article. The highest-ranking officers in the MIC SSP know there are a few other
ETs here in the solar system. They know of four or five that frequent the Earth, and over fifty that are known to have visited
Earth or our solar system. Only the bigwigs like Sigmund know about the larger number of ETs. They plan on reporting to
the masses that either no ETs are here now, or they may introduce us to a human-looking ET that has been here for a long

D: It is very interesting to hear that the MIC SSP guys do know about some ETs and are not necessarily kept in the dark.
That was new.
C: Yes, many of the higher-ups know of a handful, like the info in the books that NATO had in the 60's. There are various
groups of military and intel groups that make up the MIC SSP with different narratives.

D: We can clarify all of that.

C: Most of lower ppl don't know of aliens and all of them have wanted to push the ancient aliens info and the story that
current ET's are time travelers. That is what they wanted to do to the public in partial disclosure.

D: This is very interesting and useful and we will definitely work it in there, as I did not know that.

Genetic Experiments Were Being Conducted

[12/10/16, 5:28:01 AM]

C: I am getting more and more... in chunks so to speak. There have been finds of complexes of genetics labs that were
creating all sorts of mixes and matches of humanoid species on Earth. They were mixing the DNA of each of the Earth
humanoids that were meant to be separate "experiments" of the Genetic Farmer Races.

This created all sorts of human hybrids. They also bred certain traits into small test populations to create different types of
humans (Giants, etc).

This Created Problems With the "Genetic Farmers"

They seemed to also be working on bringing back certain HUMANOID "Dinosaur" type races that had perished on Earth
long ago. This was a major problem for the Genetic Farmer Races (GFR's) whose current experiments were being
contaminated and hijacked.

For illustrative purposes only. Not based on exact intel.

Then this "global incident" occurred that purged most of the Pre-Adamite genetic experiments. The PA's were breeding
these humans as beasts of burden, and to protect and serve them. Working mines, etc... This sort of thing had been done to
humans on multiple occasions over the last few hundred thousand years.

Connection to the Cayce Readings

D: Fascinating. Are you aware that the Cayce Readings said that one of the two main reasons the Atlanteans were
destroyed by the Elohim were that they were playing around with genetics? They were apparently making hybrids between
humans and different types of non-human creatures.

C: No, I haven't looked at the Cayce stuff much at all.

D: This is just another example of where you hear things that so thoroughly validate stuff Ive been talking about for 20
years. Its amazing.

The Bodies Were Mummified

D: Did they succeed on getting reptilian species made?

C: There were different iterations of humanoid types of these species but I dont know how far along they were. Far enough
for them to get in trouble, I guess.

D: So they literally found these labs with bodies of different types of hybrids growing in the incubators?

C: Oh, the bodies are in very rubbery/leathery condition... The tests after excavation showed that the ice had quite a lot of
signs of salty sea water in it. They found a lot of animals and humanoids in the process of being created in these labs.

D: Just for specifics, are the humanoids seen inside cylindrical tubes or something along those lines as they are being
C: Nothing that specific, only that they were found in the process of being created in complexes of genetic labs.

D: It would have to be something like that. They would need protection as they were in the growth phase and they probably
make them to order in at least a semi-adult form.

C: Or grow them inside another beast of burden. The word "breed" was used.

D: That could be but I think it is more technological. Breeding could still be technological.

They Were in Survival Mode

C: The Pre-Adamites were doing things lower tech than they would like. They were here with very little of their tech or
comforts from home. They were in survival mode up until the global event.

D: Right. That makes sense.

C: Not sure if I told you but I did in my tweet... many Pre-Adamite bodies were found similar to the way bodies were found in
Pompeii. It has actually been nicknamed by some as the "Pompeii on Ice."

We Need to Expand Our Focus

C: Right now all of these SSP people and these beings are wanting people like us to focus outside of our choirs that we
preach to. Books, Speaking Events and TV shows that mainly market to people that are already awake is not going to really
get us anywhere overall in a larger sense.
What we do helps the group consciousness a lot for sure, but is not doing enough to reach a larger group of monkeys to kick
that 100th monkey effect into super high gear. This is what is needed for us to achieve the optimal temporal reality.


This now brings you up to date with our latest intel. Exciting changes are in store for humanity. It may seem hard to believe
any of these things are true. We understand that.

Bear in mind that one of the most important reasons why we are doing this is so that the Establishment cannot control the
narrative. We do not want Partial Disclosure. With Sigmund now aware that he has been lied to, that whole plan may no
longer work.

If you start hearing any of the things we have been saying here as mainstream news, then you can remember where you
heard it first. We can also expect that many more people will come back to this write-up after such an announcement, or
some variant of it, is made.

Doing the Work

Both David and I are working on releasing as much quality intel as possible in the time window that we still have. If the
Establishment were to release this intel first, then we would appear to be riding on their coat-tails.

The future is sure to be very interesting and the telltale signs of an Endgame are already visible. This is the greatest football
game in our recorded history and the outcome is not yet defined.

You can help steer this towards a positive result by maintaining a loving, positive attitude in your thoughts and actions
towards yourself and others.
Winning the Cosmic Battle

This is indeed a cosmic battle between good and evil, and the good guys are winning.

The key to success is in not allowing any negative information you encounter to affect your overall positive attitude and co-
creation of a better future.

You are already seeing major elements of what we have been telling you now appearing as widespread realizations, with
plenty of provable evidence.

The Cabals only real chance to stave off defeat and appease the Alliance is Disclosure. So we have some very interesting
experiences to look forward to in the near future.

Update by David Wilcock Before Posting: The Story is Already Leaking

We were urged to get this article out, in the strongest possible terms, as fast as possible. Corey's article went up Sunday
morning, December 11th, after we had worked on it all week as fast as we could.

Almost immediately after posting, the planned intel roll-out we were warned about started to happen. It was an incredible
"coincidence" that was obviously a very deliberate event:
Let's read a part of this for ourselves, as this was quite astonishing:

Related: The Lost City of Antarctica: Shock claims massive CIVILISATION exists beneath mile of ice

US Air Force Lt. Colonel Harold Z Ohlmeyer sent a letter in 1960 to Professor Hapgood saying his theory on the Piri Reis
map was correct.

He wrote:

The geographical detail shown in the lower part of the map agrees very remarkably with the results of the seismic
profile made across the top of the ice-cap by the Swedish-British Antarctic Expedition of 1949.
This indicates the coastline had been mapped before it was covered by the ice-cap. This part of Antarctica [is] ice

The ice-cap in this region is now about a mile thick.

Conspiracists now think Hapgood was right and he discovered that much of the south pole was ice free and also the
location of The Lost City of Atlantis.

The existence of this mythical utopia was first mentioned in the writings by ancient Greek philosopher Plato in 360 BC. The
Atlantis that Plato described was founded by people who were half god and half human around 9,000 years before his own

If it did exist, this would be at a similar time that Professor Hapgood said shifts had occurred in the Earths crust.

And just a month ago further proof of an Antarctica Atlantis emerged in the form of pictures what appears to be huge
pyramids jutting out of its ice.

Click on the image below to view a short video in a new window

The astounding photos showed structures that bear an uncanny resemblance to the pyramids of Giza, which were built
thousands of years ago by the ancient Egyptians.

Could all of this mean one of the worlds greatest mysteries is about to be unlocked?

Things Are Getting Exciting!

I have barely even gotten enough sleep since we were told it was so urgent that we get this out as fast as possible.

Now, almost instantaneously after Corey posted the first version, without most of the images above, we get an article that
teases EXACTLY what we were telling you about.

What are the odds of this being a mere coincidence? As astonishing and over-the-top as this intel sounds, it all lines up

There is no way we could have "invented" a story like this simultaneously with the release of such a teaser in the
mainstream media. We were already talking about it in Part One!

Thank you for your support of our work. This is really starting to get exciting!

The Quantum Theory On Mind-Body Connection + Morphic Resonance: The Science Of

November 17 2016 | From: NaturalBlaze / Sott

The mind, body and consciousness exist as a cybernetic loop in which the 3 systems are highly
interlinked and dependent on each other.
Quantum theory of Mind body connection is a simple platform which helps a person to easily comprehend the
inseparable connection between the mind and body.

Here are a few biochemical ways which can explain the interaction of mind body and consciousness with each other.

1. Mind Affecting Body

When we are at stress, Adrenaline is released at the end of neurons within a nano second in the sympathetic nervous system
which further activates adrenaline gland to produce epinephrine and non epinephrine. This released hormones increase heart
rate, blood pressure, gastric acidity and dampens immune system.

2. Body Affecting Mind

In a PTSD patient, who suffered from grievous physical injury develops uncontrollable stress.
The injury which the person gets build up inflammation and releases chemokines like Interleukin - 1 beta, interleukin - 6,
Tumor necrosis factor and C - reactive protein to stimuilate hypathalamus to activate hypothalamo pituatory adrenal axis to
activate release cortisols producing PTSD symptoms on one hand and increases adrenergic stimulation in the locus ceruleus
nucleus of the brain there by impairing the synchronized activity of prefrontal cortex, amygdala and hippocampus leading to
mental states ranging from stress to depression.

3. Body and Mind Affecting Consciousness.

Patients with hypoglycemia, hyponatremia and uraemia suffers from impaired consciousness, due to impaired biomoelular
functioning of neurons in the brain.

For instance, if glucose goes down, neurons in the brain cannot generate ATP (Adenosine tri phosphate) from Krebs cycle for
the functioning of voltage gated sodium and potassium channels in neurons that are vital for the functioning of
This is a simple example to explain how bio molecular changes in the body can affect consciousness. When a person is
suffering from psychosis, schizophrenia or extreme states of depression or stress, there is obviously a high unbalanced
activity of cortical neurons due to exaggerated release of dopamine, decreased GABA release and other neurotransmitter

4. So How Does the Consciousness Affect the Mind and Body?

To find out how, let us go to the quantum world residing in the human body. The human body is in real a cohesive existence
of mind, body and consciousness. A tiny alternation in any one of the system can affect the other two systems regardless of
time and space.
So what is quantum theory of mind body connection? It is simply 5 postulations made on various bio-molecular observation,
evidence based research and metaphysical strategies.

To begin with, the quantum theory of mind-body connection put forth 5 simple laws that can help a pupil to discover and
research to understand and comprehend the working of Mind body continuum.

The First Law

The mind body and consciousness are interlinked each other independent of time and space. This ideology forms the vital
base of this theory. This fundamental law is the only bold and brave argument which is enough to explain the most puzzling
questions about the mind body continuum that have passed throughout the centuries.

To enforce this idea, In 1933 researchers conducted a study in a US military base. They collected leucocytes from a donor
and extracted the DNA. Thereafter, the donor was kept in a room at the military base and was subjected to emotional
stimulation by showing him various video clips. These clips were capable of generating different emotions in the donor.

The result was amazing. It was noted that the donors extracted DNA exhibited the same electrical response as that of the
donor himself and that too simultaneously without any time lag. In the follow-up to this experiment, the researchers
dispatched the DNA sample approx. 350 miles away from the military base camp housing the donor.
The experiment was repeated. There was no change in the DNAs response. The results were the same. It continued to be
affected by the donors changing moods and feelings. It was then strongly established that the DNA has a wireless connect
with its owner and his/her emotions.

This connection is independent of time and space. Living cells and human emotions communicate through a form of energy
that exists everywhere and at all times. From this experiment it is evident that our emotions can influence thevery own living
cells of our body independent of time and space.

The question lies in how this miracle happens? In my book The Science of Emotions I have put forth the new inevitable
theory of quantum mechanics that is majestic enough to explain this mind body connection that works independent of time
and space.

The Second Law

I call that theory of reality as THE FAHADS MIND BODY QUANTUM EFFECT. An effect that takes place independent of
time and space.

When we integrate the quantum mechanics into the mind body system it can explain every single mind boggling problems in
the mind body continuum. Quantum Entanglement is an excellent mechanics which can rejuvenate life in explaining the mind-
body connection.
To illustrate, when the wave function of one atom A coalesces with the wave function of another atom B, both the atoms are
in a state of entanglement. When we place atom A at one corner of the earth and atom B elsewhere and then bring about
changes in atom A, atom B is affected.

It too exhibits the same changes and that too at the same time independent of time and place. This phenomenon is known as
quantum entanglement. In experiments conducted, laser beams were fired through a certain type of crystal thereby causing
individual photons to split into pairs of entangled photons.

These split photons were then separated and placed miles away. It was seen that photon A takes an up-spin state. The
entangled photon B though several miles away, took up a state relative to that of photon A (in this case a down-spin state).

Any change induced in photon A was reflected in photon B at the very moment it was induced in A.

This happened independent of time and space. Hence in quantum entanglement multiple particles are linked together such
that the measurement of one particles quantum state determines the possible quantum state of the others.
Related: Let There Be Light: First Individual Particle Of Light Ever Seen + The Birth Of Quantum Holography -
Making Holograms Of Single Light Particles

This unique and extraordinary phenomenon in the quantum mechanics is just the same that happens in the mind body
continuum. So how does the quantum entanglement can explain the mind-body connection?

According to the The Fahads mind-body quantum effect, it states that: When the wave function of atoms of the human mind
is coalesced with the wave function of the atoms of the human body, any change brought about in the atoms of the human
mind (in the form of thoughts or emotions) affects the atoms (carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen etc) of human body independent of
time and space.

The Third Law

After the reckless efforts to localize mind in brain, some neuroscients had to rewrite that mind can never be localized to a
certain area of the complex brain.

So what is the nature of human mind and where is the mind in human body? The human mind is an electromagnetic energy
field that exists throughout body that can never be localized in the brain. This field carries information that decides the nature
and functioning of the living cells. How is the human mind controlling the living cells of our body? Before establishing how the
mind control the living cells let us see this experiment.

In a study it was found that adrenaline produced in the body acts specifically on the receptors that it had to, while the
adrenaline that was injected from outside (which was not produced in the body) acted randomly at all the receptors.

Which clearly proves that the adrenaline produced in the body carried information that the exogenous adrenaline did not
Whereas the Vector Equilibrium represents the ultimate stillness of energy, the Torus shows us how energy moves in its most balanced dynamic flow
process. The important thing to understand about the torus is that it represents a process, not just a particular form

This information is the matrix that decides the functioning of the cells. This matrix is a natural rhythm in the human body
similar to the circardian rhythm and pacemaker cells of our body which maintains a natural harmony of physiological function
of the cells in our body .

However this matrix is influenced by the electromagnetic field of mind that comprises of information in the forms of emotions
or thoughts.

As a parable, It happens when the two ripples of waves meet each other which is produced in the same pond, by dropping
two stones at short distance from each other. To recapitulate we can say that the information in the human mind influences
the matrix that governs the functioning of living cells in the form of energy.

The Fourth Law

The question is Is this possible? Does this postulation really happen in the real biology of life? The information carried in
the human mind is none other than our emotions and thoughts.
Our emotions exist in our body in the form of electromagnetic waves that can be detected and mapped with the modern
technologies like emotograph. It has been found from a research that the positive emotions like love had high frequency and
lower wave length while the negative emotions like fear had lower frequency and higher wavelength.

Due to their respective wave nature of emotions, Positive emotions like Love due to its high frequency it was able to act at
multiple focal points on the DNAs antenna causing DNA to relax and express its codons to translate the respective proteins
whereas the negative emotions like Fear was able to act at few focal points causing less expression of the DNAs codons.

In addition, quantum physics no longer consider the atoms are as a matter rather as a vibrating energy fields. 99.99999% of
the atoms space is energy that keeps on vibrating non locally!

So when the wave form of emotions hit with the waves of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen atoms of the very DNA, it is
actually tunneling protons and electrons with each others altering genes in the DNA in diverse probabilities and non locally.

The Fifth Law

From this same experiment, it is evident that depending on the information in the emotions, the activity and functioning of the
DNA of the cell is influenced and regulated. From this ground breaking research it can be said that:

Depending upon the information in the human mind the activity and functioning of the living cells changes
In other words if the information in the mind is positive, the living cells exhibit positive results and positive outcomes and if the
information in the mind in negative, the living cells exhibit negative results and negative outcomes.

From this research I further extend the postulation as:

If the information in the human mind is positive the functioning of the cells will be in a positive state and if the
information in the human mind is negative the functioning of the living cells will be in a negative state

This can be used as a scale to measure the probability of the physical manifestations of human mind in the body.

The positive biochemical process like anti aging, tissue regeneration and balanced metabolism can be compared with
positive emotions and Autoimmune disorders, decreased functioning of immune cells and other metabolic disorders can be
compared with negative emotions.
Today there are even evidences and comprehensive research on the epigenetic modulation of human emotions over the
functioning of our DNA at biomolecular levels like neuropeptides and even electromagnetic waves aiding DNA methylation,
histone acteylation and other process over DNA to drastically change its performance.

In sum, consciousness is a supreme field of the human body that can alter the mind and the body through invisible and
detectable electromagnetic influence.

So by Summating the Quantum Theory on the Mind Body Connection:

1. The mind body and consciousness are interlinked each other independent of time and space.

2. When the wave function of atoms of the human mind is coalesced with the wave function of the atoms of the human
body, any change brought about in the atoms of the human mind (in the form of thoughts or emotions) affects the atoms
(carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen etc) of human body independent of time and space. This is known as The Fahads Mind Body
Quantum Effect.

3. The information in the human mind influences the matrix that governs the functioning of living cells in the form of energy.

4. Depending upon the information in the human mind the activity and functioning of the living cells changes accordingly

5. If the information in the human mind is positive the functioning of the cells will be in a positive state and if the information
in the human mind is negative the functioning of the living cells will be in a negative state.

Morphic Resonance: The Science Of Interconnectedness

British scientist Rupert Sheldrake has been speaking about the cutting edge of the new cell biology
since 1981, when he published his groundbreaking book, A New Science of Life: The Hypothesis of
Formative Causation.

Despite hostile, ad hominem attacks of his ideas that cell growth is directed by more than mere genetic coding,
Sheldrake's critics have produced neither valid arguments nor evidence that counters his laboratory observations
and theories.

Morphic Fields

Sheldrake proposes that "memory" is inherent in cells, and that life exhibits "evolutionary habits," a quality that Darwin also
noted. "Cells come from other cells and inherit fields of organization" and that morphogenesis innately depends on
organizing those fields, which he refers to as morphic fields.

For instance, since the genetic basis of cell reproduction is so similar, it is the morphogenetic field of a specific organism that
causes the development of a specific shape - a pink flower with five petals as opposed to an Orca Killer Whale or a Colorado
Spruce. The fundamental materialistic views still held by the majority of biologists resist the implications of such a hypothesis,
despite experimental evidence.
But his credentials are impeccable: He is a former Research Fellow of the Royal Society, obtained degrees from both
Cambridge and Harvard, and held research directorships and fellowships with prestigious organizations around the world,
including California's Institute of Noetic Sciences. Additionally, he has published over eighty scientific papers, ten books,
appears on television shows internationally, and writes for newspapers and magazines regularly.

An Interview with Rupert Sheldrake

SuperConsciousness had the great honor of speaking with Dr Sheldrake about his work as well as the challenges of
addressing personal attacks by pseudo-skeptics.

SC: Please explain morphic resonance for our readers.

RUPERT SHELDRAKE: Morphic resonance is the way that things tune into each other. It works on the basis of
similarity, the same principle as ordinary resonance.

For instance, if you push down the loud pedal of a piano and while holding it down you chant "ooh" into the piano strings,
when you stop singing, the piano will go, "ooh," back. If you sing a specific pitch, let's say an "E," into the strings they will
vibrate back that same "E." That's resonance.

Many modern technologies work on resonance; radio and television are both resonant technologies. For instance, radio
works because we tune into the specific frequency of a particular radio station, say 99.8 on your FM receiver.

However, the room that you are currently standing in is filled with countless frequencies, including radio, television, and
mobile phone transmissions. The reason we do not become overwhelmed is because we are not specifically tuned into their
specific frequencies.
Morphic field

SC: You've extended the concept of morphic resonance into the biological science of plant and animal

SHELDRAKE: Yes. For example, a chrysanthemum plant, as it develops, it tunes in to past chrysanthemums, and a giraffe,
as it develops, tunes in to past giraffes.

The DNA or the genetic material enables each living form to manufacture the correct proteins which are a part of their specific
tuning system, just like each radio or television station transmits on their specific frequency.

For these electronics to be effective, they require both the correct electronic components as well as the specific tuning
between them. This resonance is also true for the inheritance of form and the instincts in animals.

SC: If plants and animals develop in accordance with an invisible, interconnected, and underlying environmental
system of information and frequency, that would mean that their growth is not exclusive to genetic information.

SHELDRAKE: Exactly. The conventional view tries to cram all the inherited information into the genes, but DNA is grossly
They simply don't do most of the things attributed to them. What we know they do for sure is to code for the structure of
protein molecules.

SC: Is this a living field of information?

SHELDRAKE: It's a kind of collective memory. Every member of a species draws upon the collective memory of that
species, and in turn contributes to it.

You could say it's like a collective consciousness, but actually it's more like the collective unconscious. We're always
tuning into it and contributing to it, so it's a bit like the idea of the collective unconscious put forward by the psychologist C.G.

I'm suggesting that, for example, if somebody learns a new skill, say windsurfing, then the more people that learn it, the
easier it becomes for everyone else because of morphic resonance.

However, if you train rats to learn a new trick in one place, like Los Angeles, then rats all over the world should be able to
learn the trick more quickly because the first group of rats learned it.
That's what I'm saying morphic resonance does. It's the kind of interconnection between all similar organisms across
space and time. It works from the past and connects like a kind of collective memory, and it interconnects all the members of
a species.

SC: For the past thirty years, you have received quite of bit of resistance from the general scientific community.
How significantly would the field of science change if your ideas about morphic resonance were to become fully
accepted by the scientific as well as general audiences?

SHELDRAKE:First of all, at the scientific level, the main reason for the resistance is that most scientists are still locked
into the materialist paradigm, the doctrine that the only reality is matter.

What my observations indicate is that there's more to nature than matter. There are also fields, resonant fields within the
material systems, and that the so-called laws of nature are not fixed, they're more like habits.
Related: Why science needs metaphysics: It doesn't make sense without it

These ideas would require a tremendous shift in thinking within science. Perhaps those ideas would not affect most people
that much because they probably don't spend much time thinking about the laws of nature. But it would be a big shift at the
foundations of science and that's why it's so controversial.

SC: Once the shift in fundamental perception occurs, wouldn't it impact the morphic field of most people in
addition to scientists?

SHELDRAKE: Oh yes. It would affect our entire culture and the way we think of nature. We would begin to think of nature
as alive and organic rather than mechanical. Science's present view of nature is based on the perception that nature is a
machine and acts mechanically, whereas I'm saying nature is an organism, alive, and possesses a kind of memory.

SC: Once science evolves to accept the evidence of the morphic field, will it become easier for science to integrate
a more comprehensive understanding of biological matter as energy, and that fluctuations in energy affect the
materiality of life?

SHELDRAKE: What we now understand in science is that activity in nature depends on energy, but energy can take any
form. It's a bit like what the Hindus call Shakti; it's a kind of undifferentiated push that makes things happen. The same
energy can power a computer, a TV, a hair dryer, or an electric toaster. It has no form of its own.
I suggest that the form the energy takes is determined, bound with, and organized by the fields. For instance, we know in
modern physics that quantum fields organize quantum particles. We also know there are gravitational fields, electromagnetic
fields, and in addition to those fields, there are also morphic fields fields that organize the form and the behavior of animals
and plants.

SC: So you are suggesting then that morphic fields are separate?

SHELDRAKE: Yes, it's a separate field. The gravitational field is separate from the electromagnetic field. It does different
things, and quantum fields are different from gravitational fields and electromagnetic fields. We've already got quite a few
fields in physics and one of the great challenges since the time of Einstein has been to find a unified field theory that would
show how they're all related to each other.

However, physics is primarily concerned with electrons and stars and galaxies, and there's not a lot of attention put into the
fields that govern living organisms, plants, ecosystems, etc.

SC: Is that because science perceives that it already understands biological processes?

SHELDRAKE: Yes, they think they do, but the point is they don't. Biologists think that they can reduce living processes
to physics.

Physicists, on the other hand, do not claim that they understand the human mind, for example. Even within biology no one
understands how minds work. And consciousness continues to be one of the greatest unsolved problems in science. It's not
as if there is a perfectly good theory of consciousness that's not being accepted. There isn't a good theory at all within

I'm pushing forward a view that the mind is a system of fields. The fields are in the brain but they extend beyond the brain,
just like the field of a magnet is inside the magnet and extends around it. And the field of your cell phone is inside your cell
phone, but it extends far beyond its circuits, invisibly. I suggest that the mind is totally detached from matter and time and
Morphic resonance fields

SC: And you see mind as a field as well?

SHELDRAKE: Yes, it's a field. Our minds extend into space and interconnect us with the environment around us. One
important aspect of it is that we're interconnected with other members of social groups. Social groups also have morphic
fields, for example a flock of birds, or a school of fish, or an ant colony. The individuals within the larger social groups
and the larger social groups themselves have their own morphic fields, their own organizing patterns. The same is true of

People form all sorts of social groups within modern society, such as a football team, for example. Each player in the team is
working as part of a larger whole - the team - and the team works together to score goals.

The connections between members of social groups link them together through the morphic field. They're interconnected
through this field and the field is an invisible interconnection that links them. It continues to do so even when
they're far away.

The next time you are far away from somebody you know well, think about them and form the intention to telephone them.
They may just pick up on that thought and start thinking about you.

Then all of a sudden the phone rings and it's that person. I call that telephone telepathy, and it is the most common kind of
telepathy in the modern world. It's just another way in which we are all interconnected.

See Also:
Rupert Sheldrake, 'The Science Delusion': Banned TED Talk

Rupert Sheldrake: the 'heretic' at odds with scientific dogma

Social Engineering - The War On The Higher Mind Of Humans: Heres Why You Should
Consider Converting Your Music To A=432 Hz
November 1 2016 | From: CollectiveEvolution
If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and
vibration. - Nikola Tesla

What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses.
There is no matter. Albert Einstein

Related: The A=432 Hz Frequency: DNA Tuning And The Bastardisation Of Music

Tesla said it. Einstein agreed. Science proved it. It is a known fact that everythingincluding our own bodiesis made up of
energy vibrating at different frequencies. That being said, it seems logical to wonder, can sound frequencies affect us?

It would appear that this is the case. Frequencies affect frequencies, much like mixing ingredients with other ingredients
affects the overall flavour of a meal. The way frequencies affect the physical world has been demonstrated through various
experiments, such as the science of Cymatics and water memory.

Cymatics illustrate that when sound frequencies move through a particular medium such as water, air, or sand, they directly
alter the vibration of matter. Below are pictures demonstrating how particles adjust to different frequencies. (Click here to
watch a video demonstrating the patterns of sound frequencies)

Water memory also illustrates how our own intentions may even alter the material world. This has been demonstrated by
Dr. Masaru Emoto, who has performed studies showing how simple intentions through sound, emotions, and thoughts can
dramatically shape the way water crystallizes.
We all hold a certain vibrational frequency, and our bodies are estimated to be about 70% water. Given the above
experiments, it stands to reason that musical frequencies could also alter our own vibrational state.

Every expression through sound, emotion, or thought holds a specific frequency which influences everything around it -
much like a single drop of water can create a larger ripple effect in a large body of water.

Music Frequency

With this concept in mind, let us bring our attention to the frequency of the music we listen to. Most music worldwide has
been tuned to A=440 Hz since the International Standards Organization (ISO) promoted it in 1953.

However, when looking at the vibratory nature of the universe, its possible that this pitch is disharmonious with the natural
resonance of nature and may generate negative effects on human behaviour and consciousness.
Some theories (although unproven) even suggest that the Nazi regime had been in favor of adopting this pitch as standard
after conducting scientific research to determine which range of frequencies best induce fear and aggression.

Whether or not the conspiracy is factual, interesting studies have pointed towards the benefits of tuning music to A=432 Hz

Mathematics of The Universe

432 Hz is said to be mathematically consistent with the patterns of the universe. It is said that 432 Hz vibrates with the
universes golden mean PHI and unifies the properties of light, time, space, matter, gravity and magnetism with biology, the
DNA code, and consciousness.

When our atoms and DNA start to resonate in harmony with the spiralling pattern of nature, our sense of connection to
nature is said to be magnified. The number 432 is also reflected in ratios of the sun, Earth, and moon, as well as the
precession of the equinoxes, the Great Pyramid of Egypt, Stonehenge, and the Sri Yantra, among many other sacred sites.

From my own observations, some of the harmonic overtone partials of A=432hz 12T5 appear to line up to natural
patterns and also the resonance of solitons. Solitons need a specific range to form into the realm of density and
span from the micro to the macro cosmos. Solitons are not only found in water mechanics, but also in the ion-
acoustic breath between electrons and protons.

Brian T. Collins
Color Spectrum Resonance

Another interesting factor to consider is that the A=432 Hz tuning correlates with the color spectrum and chakra system,
while the A=440 Hz does not.

The Solar Spectrum & The Cosmic Keyboard

All of the frequencies in the spectrum are related in octaves, from gamma rays to subharmonics. These colors and
notes are also related to our Chakras and other important energy centers. I

f we are to understand that Chakras are connected to the Seven Rays of the Solar Spectrum, then the notes and
frequencies we use for the same should be the same.

A432 Hz is the tuning of the Cosmic Keyboard or Cosmic Pitchfork, as opposed to the A440 Hz modern standard.
It places C# at 136.10 Hz Om, which is the main note of the Sitar in classical Indian music and the pitch of the
chants of the Tibetan monks, who tell us, It comes from nature.'

Dameon Keller

Exploring The Difference

Lets explore the experiential difference between A=440 Hz and A=432 Hz. Music lovers and musicians have noticed that
music tuned in A=432 Hz is not only more beautiful and harmonious to the ears, but it also induces a more inward
experience that is felt inside the body at the spine and heart.

Music tuned in A=440 Hz was felt as a more outward and mental experience, and was felt at the side of the head which
projected outwards.
Audiophiles have also stated that A=432hz music seems to be non-local and can fill an entire room, whereas A=440hz can
be perceived as directional or linear in sound propagation.

The ancients tuned their instruments at an A of 432 Hz instead of 440 Hz and for a good reason. There are
plenty of music examples on the internet that you can listen to, in order to establish the difference for yourself.
Attuning the instrument to 432 Hz results in a more relaxing sound, while 440 Hz slightly tenses up to body.

This is because 440 Hz is out of tune with both macrocosmos and microcosmos. 432 Hz on the contrary is in tune.
To give an example of how this is manifested microcosmically: our breath (0,3 Hz) and our pulse (1,2 Hz) relate to
the frequency of the lower octave of an A of 432 Hz (108 Hz) as 1:360 and 1:90.


The overall sound difference was noticeable, the 432 version sounding warmer, clearer and instantly sounded
more listenable but the 440 version felt tighter, with more aggressive energy.

Anonymous guitarist

The video below was created by someone with no opinion on whether A=432 Hz or A=440 Hz is better. Therefore,
the way both versions of the melody is played is unbiased. It is up to us to tune in and feel which one feels more
harmonious to us!

Heres another example:

David Helpling Sticks and Stones in 440 hz

David Helpling Sticks and Stones in 432 hz

Personal Thoughts

I personally have enjoyed many bands, artists, and styles of music even though they were tuning in A=440 hz, however,
after comparing a few songs in both A=432 hz and A=440 hz I can say I definitely feel and hear the difference.

I wouldnt say that my experience of 440hz music has turned me into an aggressive person, but I can understand how an
entire population being exposed to music that is more mind directed as opposed to heart directed - not to mention all of the
materialistic and ego-driven lyrics in most popular music - is a perfect combination to maintain a more discordant frequency
and state of consciousness within humanity.

This is, of course, simply my own opinion.

Music based on C=128hz (C note in concert A=432hz) will support humanity on its way towards spiritual freedom.
The inner ear of the human being is built on C=128 hz. Rudolph Steiner

I cannot state with complete certainty that every idea suggested in this article is 100% accurate, nor am I an expert on the
subject. I simply gathered interesting information from others who researched this issue more deeply.

For this reason, if we are looking for scientific validation for these claims, I suggest that we each do our own research on the
matter with an open yet discerning mind. Perhaps more research on this topic will be done in the near future to help explain
the phenomenon.

I believe we all possess intuition and the ability to observe without judgment, which can be more useful than resorting to
ridicule when exposed to information that has not yet been accepted by the scientific community.

It is therefore up to us to tone down the urge to jump to conclusions and instead EXPERIENCE the difference between
A=440 Hz and A=432 Hz. To do so, we need to listen with our entire body and a neutral awareness as opposed to with our
mental ideas, judgments, and preconceptions.

If you are interested in changing your musics pitch to A=432 hz, click here to learn how to do it.
Many Scientific Truths Are, In Fact, False + A Scientist Explains Why "Everything Is
October 31 2016 | From: QZ / Inverse / Various

In 2005, John Ioannidis, a professor of medicine at Stanford University, published a paper, Why
most published research findings are false, mathematically showing that a huge number of
published papers must be incorrect.

He also looked at a number of well-regarded medical research findings, and found that, of 34 that had been
retested, 41% had been contradicted or found to be significantly exaggerated.

Related: The Rise Of Scientific Fundamentalism

Since then, researchers in several scientific areas have consistently struggled to reproduce major results of prominent
studies. By some estimates, at least 51% - and as much as 89% - of published papers are based on studies and
experiments showing results that cannot be reproduced.

Related: Crisis In Science Research: Over 70% Of Researchers Fail To Reproduce Another Scientist's Experiments

Researchers have recreated prominent studies from several scientific fields and come up with wildly different results.

And psychology has become something of a poster child for the reproducibility crisis since Brian Nosek, a psychology
professor at the University of Virginia, coordinated a Reproducibility Initiative project to repeat 100 psychological
experiments, and could only successfully replicate 40%.
Related: Some Of The Biggest Lies Of Science

Now, an attempt to replicate another key psychological concept (ego depletion: the idea that willpower is finite and can be
worn down with overuse) has come up short.

Martin Hagger, psychology professor at Curtin University in Australia, led researchers from 24 labs in trying to recreate a
key effect, but found nothing. Their findings are due to be published in Perspectives on Psychological Science in the coming

Why Are They Getting it Wrong?

No one is accusing the psychologists behind the initial experiments of intentionally manipulating their results. But some of
them may have been tripped up by one or more of the various aspects of academic science that inadvertently encourage

For example, theres massive academic pressure to publish in journals, and these journals tend to publish exciting studies
that show strong results.

"Journals favor novelty, originality, and verification of hypotheses over robustness, stringency of method,
reproducibility, and falsifiability, Hagger tells Quartz.

Therefore researchers have been driven to finding significant effects, finding things that are novel, testing them on
relatively small samples.

This has created a publication bias, where studies that show strong, positive results get published, while similar studies that
come up with no significant effects sit at the bottom of researchers drawers.
Related: The Top 10 Tricks Used By Corporate Junk Science

Meanwhile, in cases where researchers have access to large amounts of data, theres a dangerous tendency to hunt for
significant correlations. Researchers can thus convince themselves that theyve spotted a meaningful connection, when in
fact such connections are totally random.

A Sign of Strength

The idea that papers are publishing false results might sound alarming but the recent crisis doesnt mean that the entire
scientific method is totally wrong. In fact, sciences focus on its own errors is a sign that researchers are on exactly the right

Ivan Oransky, producer of the blog Retraction Watch, which tracks retractions printed in journals, tells Quartz that ultimately,
the alarm will lead to increased rigor.

"Theres going to be some short-term and maybe mid-term pain as all of this shakes out, but thats how you move
forward, he says. Its like therapy - if you never get angry in therapy, youre probably not pushing hard enough. If
you never find mistakes, or failures to reproduce in your field, youre probably not asking the right questions.

For psychologists, who have seen so many results crumble in such a short space of time, the replication crisis could be
disheartening. But it also presents a chance to be at the forefront of developing new policies.
Related: Official Science: The Grand Illusion

Ioannidis tells Quartz that he views the most recent psychology reproducibility failures as a positive.

"It shows how much effort and attention has gone towards improving the accuracy of the knowledge produced, he

Psychology is a discipline that has always been very strong methodologically and was at the forefront at
describing various biases and better methods. Now they are again taking the lead in improving their replication

For example, theres already widespread discussion within psychology about pre-registering trials (which would prevent
researchers from shifting their methods so as to capture more eye-catching results), making data and scientific methods
more open, making sample sizes larger and more representative, and promoting collaboration.

Dorothy Bishop, a professor of developmental neuropsychology at Oxford University, tells Quartz that several funding
bodies and journals seem to be receptive to these ideas and that, once one or two adopt such policies, she expects them to
spread rapidly.

Doing Science on Science

Each scientific field must adopt its own methods of ensuring accuracy. But ultimately, this self-reflection is a key part of the
scientific process.
Related: The Cult Of 'Scientism' Explained: How Scientific Claims Behind Cancer, Vaccines, Psychiatric Drugs And
GMOs Are Nothing More Than Corporate-Funded Science Fraud

As Bishop notes, Science has proved itself to be an incredibly powerful method. And yet theres always room for further

"Theres never an end point, says Bishop. Were always groping towards the next thing. Sometimes science does
disappear down the wrong path for a bit before it corrects itself.

For Nosek, who led the re-testing of 100 psychology papers, the current focus on reproducibility is simply part of the
scientific process.

"Science isnt about truth and falsity, its about reducing uncertainty, he says.

Really this whole project is science on science: Researchers doing what science is supposed to do, which is be
skeptical of our own process, procedure, methods, and look for ways to improve.

A Scientist Explains Why "Everything Is Fucked"

But that doesn't mean we should give up.
Between the duping of the American public from Big Sugar, shocking moral fact-checks on some of historys most
groundbreaking experiments, and failure after failure of science research weve accepted as truth, science is
teetering on the verge of being, well, fucked.

Related: Junk Science Week: Science Is On The Verge Of A Nervous Breakdown

Actually, it might be too late.

Those fears drove University of Oregon psychologist Sanjay Srivastava, Ph.D., to design the fictitious course Everything Is
Fucked. The imagined ten-week seminar, written up as a syllabus on his blog, is Srivastavas version of a reality check for
young scientists:

Do you seriously think youre going to cure the worlds diseases and elevate humanity through technology? You wont -
because everything is fucked.

This may seem a little harsh. After all, arent CRISPR, the discovery of Martian water, and the newly not-endangered panda
and whale proof that science is alive and well?
But thats the problem with science, Srivastava argues: Were so intent on focusing on the results that we dont see the path
toward finding these results, and thats fucked up. Would CRISPR have become 2015s biological buzzword if academic
journal editors hadnt decided gene editing papers were worth publishing?

What else did we find out (or not find out) about Mars that wasnt deemed publishable? Can we even trust the data showing
the pandas and whales are thriving? We dont know, and not only is it fucked up, it raises questions about the foundations of
modern science altogether.

The everything in Everything Is Fucked, Srivastava explains, refers to scientific methods, the ways researchers acquire
funding, the universities that support research, and our channels for publishing and disseminating scientific knowledge.

He defines something as fucked if:

"It presents hard conceptual challenges to which implementable, real-world solutions for working scientists are
either not available or routinely ignored in practice.

For Srivastava, the way we discover and share scientific knowledge is so riddled with these problems that theres no way we
can fully trust what we believe to be true.

Take week eights theme, Scientific publishing is fucked. In the science community, a published paper in an academic
journal is professional currency; everyones striving to collect them, and anyone who doesnt have one is professionally
broke. Academic journals - big-name, respected publications like Nature, Science, and the New England Journal of
Medicine - are academias banks.

Related: Academic Oligarchy: Majority Of Science Publishing Is Controlled By Just Six Companies

In Srivastavas view, this is troublesome, because it means theyre in control. The problem is, theres this incentive to find
things that meet the publishable standards, he says, referring to science that shows positive results, like a drug that
promises a cure.

If journals only pay attention to the success stories, it means theyre ignoring all of the research that doesnt produce sexy
results. In turn, the temptation to falsify results and fudge graphs only grows stronger.

Scientists behind the unsexy studies are screwed: If they dont get published, they dont get tenure at research institutions or
grants to continue their work, and their scientific pursuits inevitably come to a standstill.

Related: Scientific American Writer Exposes The Tribal Cultist Arrogance And Dogmatic Lunacy Of Science

But does their work deserve to come to an end? Most of those studies are not wrong or useless, because negative
results are often just as useful for advancing scientific discovery as positive ones.

But they arent treated that way because they dont make for good publishing.

"Thats really where it starts: Publication decisions becoming hinged, not on whether its a good question, but on
whether the answer comes out, one way or another, Srivastava says.
The cycle continues, and fucked-ness persists.

He has other, finer bones to pick. In week six, he discusses the issue of replicability, which is the idea that an experiment
needs to be repeatable. If its not, the data it produces is, statistically, a one-off, and therefore pretty much useless.

And yet, there are an alarming number of scientific studies out there that are not replicable, cited by everyone from Big
Pharma to the federal government.

Related: A Totalitarian Society Has Totalitarian Science

He claims that the scientific profession as a whole is fucked in week ten because the pressure on scientists to publish more
papers, faster, leads to smaller sample sizes, which in turn lead to weaker, less statistically sound results.

The scientists that design better, more thorough experiments may be doing better science, but because they arent
publishing as many studies, theyre ultimately viewed as less accomplished.

"Where do truth and publishability depart? Srivastava ponders. When it comes time to hire people, were still
going to hire someone with more papers.

If it sounds like a massive clusterfuck, then Srivastava has made his point. Does that mean the pursuit of science in 2016 is
a completely futile endeavor?

No, Srivastava surprisingly argues. Look to week seven - Interlude - for a scientific salvation, right about the time when his
fictional students consider switching to a liberal arts degree, which can be distilled to this: Sure, everything is fucked, but its
up to the next generation of scientists to make science less so.

Theres hope, and the replicability crisis might ironically offer that by being a cautionary tale for the arrogance of science.
The rest of us should be at least calmed by the fact that sexy results are garnering more upturned eyebrows and head
scratching than ever before.

Related: Everything Is Rigged: Medicine, Science, Elections, The Media, Money, Education, Search Engines, Social
Media... You Are Living In A Fabricated Fairy Tale

Secret Space Program Disclosure: Founders Of Solar Warden SSP With William
October 28 2016 | From: SphereBeingAlliance

In this episode, we have deeper insights into the Secret Space Program, with the astonishing
disclosures of William Tompkins, our 94-year-old aerospace engineer who is clearly one of the
founding fathers of the very Solar Warden program which he named - that same code name - that
Corey later worked in.

In this first interview that we're going to show you, Tompkins gets into detail about one of the craft designs that he
was working on for the Navy. Let's take a look.

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Naval Galactic Battle Group

William Tompkins: So we talked before about the different types. And this is a two-kilometer long spacecraft carrier, and
it's streamlined to a degree.
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Disclosure, Insider Testimony, And Steering Collective Consciousness Toward The Full Disclosure Timeline

And so in one of the big design review meetings, one of the managers said, Wait a minute, Bill, it's a vacuum out there. You
don't have to make it pointed. You don't have to have atmosphere to go working through.

And so I said, Well, that's true, but the electromagnetic protection system, which we still are not sure how we're going to
word, may or may not be capable of handling all of the different types of vehicles or weapons that could be . . . being used
on us. And also, under certain conditions, we actually can get into the planet's atmosphere and operate. So anyway, we got
around that one.

Now, if you can picture here this area down in here [Bill points to the bottom, center of the craft] . . . I'm going to switch
these, and you're going to see the lower part of the hull.
Related: Evidence Grows For Secret Space Program Disclosures & Crimes Against Humanity Trials

Click on the image above top open a larger version in a new window

And what you see there is the different classes of attack and fighter aircraft returning to the mothership, or the spacecraft
carrier, and with a vacuum-controlled entry sections. Actually, they would design to fold down so that you're already in
support of making inside landing.

Nobody actually flies in these squadrons controlling any of the vehicles. It's all automatic, so you're not going to be hitting
the walls or any of this kind of thing.

But very quickly, you can open these hatches on the side. The hatch then becomes sort of a platform to possibly land on if
you're too low. And this answers the question of how do we handle the large spaces aboard the ships that are going to be
operating on the missions.
Related: Gene Roddenberry Based Star Trek On Secret US Navy Space Fleet

So what we had done then was, using the same type of design concepts, we looked at the Marines' missions. We looked at
the communication missions. We actually came up with virtually hundreds, then, of missions and sub-missions that we then
in the tank [think tank] made recommendations back to the Navy themselves.

And one admiral, when he saw that first illustration, he made the statement that just the shape of that's going to scare them
away. They'll turn around and go back, because it is a pretty hot configuration.

Some of the others are not as good and actually some of them are rectangular, depending on what the mission is required
to accomplish.

GaiaTV: Cosmic Disclosure

David: So that's a pretty technically detailed diagram. And it's just one of a variety of things that come from this guy who has
no financial interest in this. His book didn't sell very much. He's just living on a fixed income. And yet, that degree of
precision in the art doesn't seem like it would be coming from somebody who's trying to make something up.

So I'm curious about how similar that looks to anything that you saw?

Corey Goode: That was most likely one of the concept designs that probably got fine-tuned. But there could be a craft that
looks like that out there that I hadn't seen. I didn't see all of our vessels out there.

Now, that looked very similar to longer, wedge-shaped vessels that I saw that had areas coming up off the top almost like
you see on a Navy vessel on the ocean.

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And also, it had stealth edges. The corners were very much like the stealth ships that you see how they curve.

David: Well, and something kind of caught my eye, which is that in his discussions with his superiors on the design, they
said, Oh, you don't need to worry about aerodynamics. It's not going through an atmosphere.

But what I'm thinking of is, Wait a minute. There's all this charge that you've got to move through even in space. There's
inertia and there's electromagnetic fields.

So do you think that part of the reason why everything has an aerodynamic shape is that the basic vacuum energy of space
itself has some sort of resistance that you have to cut through when you go through it?

Corey: They don't all have the aerodynamic shape.

David: Oh, Okay.

Corey: And as far as moving through charged particles and all this stuff in space, that's what the material on the outside of
the craft and the electromagnetic shielding is for.

David: But in a case like this, for that particular mission, if it's also going to go through a planet's atmosphere, it would be
good to have some aerodynamic qualities.

Corey: Right. The vessels that travel inside our atmosphere and out are usually going to be somewhat aerodynamic, even
though with the propulsion systems they have they are not traveling through the atmosphere per se. They are in a bubble.
And inside that bubble, the bubble is traveling.

David: Is there a reason for why stealth technology seems to involve these different flat panels that are kind of arranged at
different angles? What's going on there?

Corey: It deflects radar, lidar, different waves, away from the receiver of the radar or lidar. So how it works is if you send it
out and it hits a flat surface that is angled right, it's going to come back and you're going to get a report from that wave
bouncing back.

If you have sharp angles, then very little of that wave is going to bounce back. The rest of it's going to be dispersed, and the
waves will bounce off, but they're not going to hit the detector.

David: Well, I know that my insider Pete Peterson described that when the stealth was rolled out for Gulf War I, that it had in
fact been mothballed for 20 years and was a very archaic and almost useless piece of technology by that time. Here he's
[Tompkins] doing something in the 1950s that looks like stealth.

Corey: Yeah.

David: So that's pretty darn interesting.

Corey: Stealth goes way back.

David: Really?
Corey: Right. Stealth was being developed soon after the discovery and invention of the radar.

According to insiders the Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird is an example of vastly outdated technology that had been mothballed - but was later hauled out
to give the public a glimpse of what their dollars had been used to develop at drastically overcharged rates (with the bulk of the funds being chanelled
into the SSP's). By the time the public got to see this - it had been decomissioned junk for decades.

David: Wow! So I noticed in the second image that he showed that you have these very, very large doors, or hatches, as he
was calling them, that open up on the side of the craft, and then a lot of little triangular wedges going in.

So what was your feeling when you saw that part of the illustration?

Corey: Well, as far as the doors opening, I had seen elevators that lift aircraft, move aircraft around. But if you have a door
opening out, that can cause a lot of logistical problems if you're in battle or if you are traveling at a high rate of speed.

So usually, they have the doors open like this [side to side], up and down, and not protrude out.

David: Right.

Corey: But if there was another purpose and a need for it, I could see why they would develop it.

David: What about the actual shape of all those craft that were going into the larger craft?

Corey: Yes, that was very familiar. And the fact that he mentioned in these newer vessels or carriers, they do fly drones.
They have people all inside [buildings or large craft] sitting in long rows flying drones, and they control a number of drones

David: Really.
Corey: Yeah. Little constellations of drones.

David: So what would this type of craft that he was designing be used for? Is it an attack craft? Is this a support craft?

Corey: It can be offensive and defensive, but usually these craft are designed to be offensive for attacking an enemy.

David: Does the Space Program have any proclivity towards doing an offensive attack on a civilization that they think they
could conquer and overwhelm? Or is there also . . . is it mostly going to be defensive when they're out there trying to see
what's around and getting attacked?

Corey: Well, it depends on who is in charge of, I guess, the Navy assets at the time. These people follow orders. So if they
have a problem with attacking another species, they have to follow orders.

David: Well, in the case of a movie like Avatar, we have a clear example of our own government / military-industrial
complex, in what would appear to be the future, having developed a space program, going to another planet with people
who are tall and have blue skin, but there was something there that they really wanted, which was this unobtainium.

Do you think Avatar is describing something that is actually happening? Are there certain cases where planets are invaded
for their materials?

Corey: Well, I do know that certain aspects of the ICC, but especially Dark Fleet, are going out on offensive conquering
missions. And they're doing this alongside the Reptilians.

David: Well, and I do also remember Pete Peterson telling me that many of the craft that you see in Avatar are exactly
identical to stuff that he had actually seen or worked on. I'm wondering if any of them look familiar to you when you saw the

Corey: I didn't witness a whole lot of craft that flew inside of an atmosphere.

David: Ah.

Corey: So all of those craft were clearly designed to fly inside of some sort of a dense atmosphere. The craft that I saw
were not built to operate in atmosphere.

David: All right. Well, speaking of James Cameron, not only do we have Avatar, he also had that movie The Abyss,
where he describes extraterrestrials underneath the surface of the ocean.
And here we have William Tompkins in a very interesting discussion about undersea bases. Let's take a look.

Under Sea Bases

Tompkins: I did get hired by General Dynamics for a Navy program. And this program was to locate German submarines
anti-submarine warfare program.

And what's interesting about this is that the Navy selected the Lockheed P-3 patrol bombers to be the air vehicles to locate
German ships and submarines.

Lockheed P-3 patrol bomber

German "U-Boat" submarine

This is the Cold War now, and so there was roughly 15 other NATO countries who were using the same aircraft, the same
electronics, the same sensing systems and the communication system all of it engineered and designed in US.

And so the United States had 120 of these, and the NATO countries had like another 60 of them, all out looking for German
[and/or Russian] submarines.

But that's not quite the numbers. It's more like we had 2,000 of these and NATO had another 1,000 of these not quite that
high. And remember, there were only 11 Soviet submarines operating at that time. There were many of them that were in
training operations, but they weren't tactical.

And so here we've got 2,800 P-3 aircraft flying all around the planet 24 hours a day looking for submarines.

Well, gee whiz, that's not exactly what we were doing either. And there's a title to the program, which is the mission ASW
anti-submarine warfare. But there's also one which is ASUW. And so the U is for 'unidentified extraterrestrials'.

And so this was the second-largest amount of military money allocated for a program on the planet. It's peacetime, but it's
sort of a war condition. And we have all of these airplanes out, and it became necessary for a group, which I then was
manager of, working for Data Graphics, which is a subsidiary of General Dynamics.
Related: Secret Space Program: Countdown To Exposure On All Illuminati Fronts

And later on, I worked for the corporate office on the red team at the corporate level.

And when we look at the size of this program, the number of personnel that have to be trained to fly these aircraft, the
upgrading continually of the sensing systems, the underwater systems of the satellite system programs that were required to
be on board these aircraft, it's absolutely unreal.

What we were really doing was looking for extraterrestrial vehicles in the ocean and in the large lakes and their bases on the
bottom of the ocean.

People don't realize how much money, how much time, and how many people have to be involved in these programs.

And what are you doing? You're looking for extraterrestrials. Do you realize what we're saying? I mean, you're looking for
extraterrestrial vehicles and bases. Your Navy is.

David: Well, the first thing that strikes me about the interview footage that we just saw here is the scope of this classified
military operation to try to actually identify who is on our planet, where are they, what is their infrastructure, what is their

It would have to involve a massive amount of effort. So what were your thoughts on that?

Corey: I have heard of operations similar to what he was talking about, of fleets that were combing the ocean looking for
submerged bases, and also USOs unidentified submersible objects, I believe.

Now, from what I understood, very few people in that fleet would know what they were actually looking for. Everyone would
go about doing their normal jobs. It'd just be a normal mission or a training mission, they'd be told. But very few intelligence
people in that fleet would know exactly what was going on.

David: Well, to have 2,800 P-3 aircraft airborne at all times this is obviously before the era of accurate geostationary

Corey: Right.

David: We're talking about a massive, massive operation here. How long do you think this had to have been done for?

Corey: Until they had strong enough sonar that would penetrate to the deepest parts of the ocean, and until we had the
satellite coverage we needed. They had some sort of groups of aircraft or Navy vessels that were combing the ocean
looking for non-terrestrials.
David: Do you think that there might have been a temptation at some point to tell the public, Hey, we're aware of this
extraterrestrial presence. We're doing the best we can. We're cataloging it now.

Or was it just really important the whole thing be secret to avoid a panic of some kind?

Corey: Well, just in general, the Navy . . . I mean, you hear loose lips sink ships. Information is very compartmentalized to
begin with, but this is not long after World War II, so everybody still had a different mindset than we do today.

If the government told you to stick a lit cigar in your ear, you'd say, Yes, sir. Give me another. That's just the way people
were programmed.

David: So Tompkins is also discussing another point of corroboration with some things that you've said, which is that there
were, in fact, underwater bases to be seen.

So could you review for us what your knowledge is about the existence of these bases, and where are they, what do they
look like, who's in them, etc., etc.? Are there different types . . .

Corey: Yeah.

David: . . . that would be underground or underwater?

Corey: And there's a number of different types that are underwater. I even read about large underwater bases that were
mobile, that moved along the bottom of the ocean and was doing some sort of core sampling or testing of the material that it
was passing over.

And if you located where one of these were, you would then have to track it since they now were moving. So they would
have ships that would just track a mobile underwater base.

David: Well, before we taped this segment, we were looking at just something like that on the Internet. Let's take a look right
now at that little . . . This is an excerpt from a video describing something very similar to what Corey just described two-
and-a-half-mile wide, round object that seems to be tracing patterns on the sea floor.
Images from video on possible undersea ET exploration craft

So do you think that that is an example of one of these craft?

Corey: That very well could be. I mean, a two-mile-wide object is not going to be pushed in that unusual way under the
ocean by a current.

David: So what would they be doing in a case like that? What's the objective?
Corey: From what I was told, these were like bases, but also laboratories. They were going around doing core samples,
finding out what was at different depths below the surface, below the floor of the ocean.

David: Why would somebody want to have an undersea base if there's a honeycomb Earth and they could just pop into one
of those combs underground?

Corey: There's a lot of different regions inside the honeycomb Earth that belong to different groups that they claim as their

Also, under the ocean . . . There are a lot of different beings coming here that could care less about us, could care less
about any animals flying in the sky or running around. All they care about is the life forms in the ocean and the ocean itself.
They see the ocean as a life form. And a lot of these are aquatic species.

David: So what do you think was going on when James Cameron made The Abyss? It seems a very specific idea was
being conveyed. We also have reason to believe that some of his other movies had disclosure in them as well, like Avatar.
What do you think The Abyss was intended to get people ready for?

Corey: It was most likely groups within the military-industrial complex starting to seed our consciousness, which is what
they've been doing through movies and television shows for a long time.

David: Yeah. That definitely makes sense, because this is an ongoing effort of four generations now of disclosure to get us
ready for the truth.

Corey: Right. And as you've already reported, when Sony got hacked, it was proven that DARPA and these other groups
were passing on ideas for movies and television shows.

David: Exactly. All right. Well, we have one more really exciting piece of footage for you to see here with our interview with
Tompkins. And this time, he is describing his personal experience with one of the most infamous and legendary events in
UFO lore less known up until recently, a lot less known than Roswell, but several years before Roswell.

We're talking about the Battle of Los Angeles. Let's take a look now.

Battle of Los Angeles

Tompkins: February 1942, we were living in a very large home which had been converted to four apartments two
upstairs, two down.
We had a great big enormous deck that ran all the way across this real high-celinged building. So we were four blocks from
the ocean, okay? We can't see the ocean, because it's down low and trees are in the way.

So my brother and I are laying on our floor listening to the radio and looking at some papers, and my dad says, Get out
here out on the deck. Get out here NOW! And we got up, and we went out to the back deck.

So right above the horizon of all the trees and stuff and buildings is this dot a white dot. It's just there. And it's got to be
some aircraft flying in to come over and land at the airbase, but it's not moving. It's just a bright dot.

And off of this dot, to the left, is a little beam. It's like a pencil beam, but you can see it.

This is out over the ocean, like maybe inside the breakwater, because we couldn't see the ocean, and we don't know how
far out it is. It could have been 10 miles out. What in the world was that?

So we're watching it for about five minutes, and then there was a flash a brilliant flash into our eyes.
It lit up the trees, the back, the side of everything got lit up.

And it went out.

And we looked and looked and looked, and everything was gone nothing else. So we went to bed.

12:30 at night, the anti-aircraft guns started firing. What we're talking about is this fantastic situation, the Los Angeles event
the Battle of Los Angeles, okay?
The anti-aircraft guns all started firing.
We go outside. Here's this massive thing right above us this big [Bill holds his hands about 3-ft. apart] right above us,
maybe 7,000 feet.

The anti-aircraft shells are blowing up on the bottom of it all around it. There's eight searchlights all focused on this as
they're shooting at it.
And, of course, nothing is happening. And it parks there for an hour and a half. While it's parked, hundreds of different types
of vehicles most of them circular, but some cigar-shaped, large ones came in underneath, being fired on where they're
still trying to shoot this thing down.
They came around him. They came over him all night long.

Now, it got boring after awhile, so we went to bed at 3:00 a.m. I don't know how it gets boring, okay? We went to bed at 3:00

Now, when it started, everybody came outside. All of us are standing there watching this event.
Now, what was not published was that the breakwater is full of Navy ships who used up all of their ammunition that five-hour
period not just the coastal artillery who used up all of their ammunition, okay?

Your whole two Pacific navies, the Eastern Navy and the Western Navy, used up all their ammunition.

They finally quit, of course, just before daylight, and everybody went back inside.

But from the standpoint of all of us out there watching this, nobody got a heart attack. Nobody got sick. Nobody got scared.
Nobody got frightened.

On the other side of the planet, London, was being bombed by the Germans. And they're trying to get into shelters.

We had a five-hour war, except they didn't shoot at us. But nobody got sick. The only persons who were actually wounded
was from shrapnel. A couple of guys actually were killed.

Almost a million people in California watched an event for five hours of a massive extraterrestrial battle group that came
over California with a mission.

David: Well, this is obviously one of the great classic events in UFO lore, something that just can't be covered up. Did you
ever hear about or read about this battle on the smart-glass pads or in any of the briefings that you had on the inside?

Corey: I read that it had occurred. The only thing that I saw that wasn't reported here is that during the same time period, we
did recover a non-terrestrial craft from the ocean in that general vicinity.

David: Really?

Corey: Yeah. I don't know if that would have been one of these smaller craft that he saw or the large one. To me, it seemed
as though they were unaffected by the anti-aircraft.

David: But it is possible that one of them took a stray hit or something and landed in the ocean.

Corey: It could be. Or the Battle of LA craft and these other craft that sound like came out of it could very well have been
searching for . . . It might have been a rescue operation.
You know, there's a number of things it could have been. They could have been probing our defenses, or maybe making a
point to some of our leaders after a recent meeting.

David: Well, let me run this idea by you. This is something I discussed on Wisdom Teachings. It's worth repeating and
getting your thoughts.

If you go back to Fatima, Portugal, right after Portugal enters into World War I, which is this horrible, devastating thing where
tens of millions of people are dying, ultimately, you have these kids who start to be in contact with what appear to be
spiritual beings that ultimately leads to a mass sighting of a silvery disk in which 90,000 people witnessed this thing.

And then they're soaked in rain, but when the whole thing's over they were miraculously dry. The craft appears to shoot
rainbow colors all over the sky. 90,000 witnesses . . . That would have been the end of the cover-up if it had happened in
our times.

Corey: Right. And a million people seeing this in Los Angeles, and sounds like Long Beach and other areas today, with
everyone having an iPhone, it would yeah, it would be over.

David: So do you think it's possible that both the Fatima sightings and the Battle of LA could be benevolent groups that are
showing us these things as we enter into war, to try to steer us away from warfare perhaps?

Corey: It very well could be, because with their technology, they could have flattened the whole city with very little effort.

So they were obviously not there for some sort of offensive operation maybe an intelligence operation, rescue recovery
operation, or there to make a point. But I really don't know exactly why this incident occurred.

According to what I've heard, there was some treaty signed that this type of open sighting, open mass sighting, is against a

David: Right.

Corey: So there had to have been a good reason why it happened.

David: Now, we've heard from guys like Benjamin Fulford in some of his disclosures that he was told by Pentagon insiders
that 75% of all production money for Hollywood films is coming from the Pentagon through various backdoor firms.

So let me just ask you first if you have ever heard anything like that?

Corey: Oh, yeah. Yeah. A lot of money from the DoD (Department of Defense) and Pentagon is going in for propaganda.

David: So why do you think the Battle of Los Angeles movie would be made? Do you think maybe they're confusing
people's Google search so that they're going to find this movie instead of any real information?

Corey: Well, they know that that was a very significant occurrence UFO-wise in American history. Nearly a million people
saw it.

David: Right.

Corey: So it was already in our consciousness. So that's a tool for them. And they they being different military intelligence
groups are trying to spin the narrative that all of these beings coming in are negative, and that they are here to invade.
And this one obviously wasn't, because it didn't attack.

David: Do you think maybe creating a movie with the same title blocks people from finding the original incident at all?

Corey: It could do that, or it could just put the whole sci-fi spin on it to where . . . You know, we're already programmed to
roll our eyes any time we hear anything alien or UFO. That's probably part of the effort.

David: I was fortunate enough at one of my conferences to have a woman stand up who was a little girl during the time that
this happened and witnessed the entire thing. And it was quite fascinating.

We let her speak for some time to the audience. It was quite spontaneous.

The point is, a million people is a lot of witnesses. It's kind of amazing that we still have a UFO cover-up after something like

Corey: Yes, but the propaganda and the programming that has come from these intelligence groups has been very
effective. So there's a good chance that if something like that happened today and we didn't get photos, a lot the people that
witnessed it themselves would, after a few days, be like, Oh, that didn't happen. Or just forget about it and move on.

David: Well, another interesting thing regarding the Battle of Los Angeles is the War of the Worlds broadcast. The original
broadcast with Orson Welles was in 1939. But then when the movie came out, it was after this had happened.

And we have multiple eyewitnesses saying that the craft that you see in the War of the Worlds movie is very similar to the
one in the Battle of Los Angeles, except that it has a little periscope on the top.
So why do you think they would actually put the real craft into the movie?

Corey: Well, they're always hiding things in plain sight. So if you were to see something similar to War of the Worlds, on
some level you might be willing to discount it, thinking, Oh, that's military, or that's some concept that's being used for a

You're going to jump to that instead of aliens automatically. That's possible.

David: Well, do you think also that putting those exact same craft into War of the Worlds where they become hostile
attackers . . .

Corey: Oh, yeah.

David: . . . instead of peaceful demonstrators, could be like a form of mass mind control?

Corey: Well, sure. If you see a certain craft design and see it destroying cities in a movie, well, if you see it in real life, what
are you programmed to think?

They could be coming down to say, Hello, and maybe give you a ride and show you around the solar system, but you've
been programmed to run and hide because you think that it's an invasion.

David: Exactly. Do you think it's possible that we could have another mass demonstration like that at some point that there
could be another event like that if, for example, this Mohammad Treaty gets overturned?

Corey: Absolutely. If the treaty that's supposed to prevent that is overturned, there are a lot of non-terrestrials that want to
be up in the sky and over populated areas to let us know that they're here.

David: Now, you also mentioned in some of your recent briefings that both the SSP Alliance and the Cabal are concerned
about the possibility of wreckage crashing into a major American city.
So just real briefly, since we're talking about these battles in the air, what are they thinking would happen, and how would
that play out on the world stage?

Corey: Well, they're afraid that some of their weapons platforms that have been up in orbit, and advanced craft, could
possibly fall into a populated urban area with all of the activity that's going on up there. There are shootdowns happening.

So they are ready to pounce on any crash. They have cover stories in place saying, This was a nuclear-powered satellite
that crashed. It's contaminated a large area. So stay in your homes or leave the city.

And then they will focus on cleaning up the debris.

David: So this is something that they're actually very concerned about.

Corey: Absolutely. That is . . . I've heard a number of times that they're worried.

David: Are there more battles happening in our atmosphere now than there were before between these cloaked craft?

Corey: Yes. It's kind of reached a crescendo in recent times. There are human-piloted craft fighting each other, human-
piloted craft fighting non-terrestrials and different non-terrestrial groups that are having skirmishes.

David: So what would we expect if they tried to cover this up? What would be the kind of headlines we'd see or the stories
we'd hear?

Corey: Just like the example I just gave, that some sort of secret satellite had crashed or something like that. They're not
going to say a UFO crashed.

David: Or a nuclear event . . .

Corey: Right.

David: . . . maybe a nuclear waste dump or spill

Corey: Test craft.

David:. . . chemical emission. Something like that.

Corey: Right. Something that's going to scare people.

David: Right.

Corey: Like some sort of disease or any number of things.

David: All right. Well, you saw it here first. This is Cosmic Disclosure. I'm your host, David Wilcock, here with Corey
Goode. And we're reviewing footage from William Tompkins absolutely mind-blowing stuff.

The Dimensions
September 27 2016 | From: RobBryant

Modern theories tell us that there are ten spatial, or "space-like" dimensions to our reality. With
this project I have developed a creative way to use a variation of what's known as the "point-line-
plane-postulate" to visualise those ten dimensions.
This is a concept that most would have thought was impossible for the human mind to comprehend. How can we
do this?

We start with a point. Like the point we know from geometry. It has no size, no dimension. It's just an imaginary idea that
indicates a position in a system. A second point then can be used to indicate a second system, but it too is of an
indeterminate size. To create the first dimension, all we need is a line passing through any two points...

Continue, you will be glad you did...

Boeing's "You Just Wait" Ad Reveals 100 Year Partial Disclosure Timeline - Analysis:
Disproving Partial Disclosure, Insider Testimony, And Steering Collective
Consciousness Toward The Full Disclosure Timeline
September 26 2016 | From:Sitsshow

The Aerospace technology giant Boeing is celebrating their centennial or 100-year anniversary in
2016. [Buckle up for this bohemoth]
A campaign was launched in late 2015 along with a 30-second advertisement that debuted in early 2016 with the
title You just wait.

Related: Evidence Grows For Secret Space Program Disclosures & Crimes Against Humanity Trials

It features interplanetary spacecraft, solar energy technology, colonies on Mars, and claims to have taken the world "across
the universe and beyond." For those who may not be aware, the narrative presented in the commercial sounds glaringly
similar to the testimony of secret space program (SSP) insider and whistleblower Corey Goode. The researcher, writer, and
presenter David Wilcock also brings forth information that lends credence to this narrative, but there are many others.

The following article provides an overview of the insider testimony that correlates with the Boeing advertisement as well as
the partial disclosure agenda currently rolling out to the public. In addition, an analysis of the ad and its subtle influencing
methods will be conducted suggesting that it is an effort to steer the collective consciousness of humanity into accepting a
limited disclosure scenario.

Goode became aware of this deceptive disclosure effort as a result of his contacts in the SSP Alliance and is doing
everything he can to alert the public. This is because an alliance within the higher level SSP - whom he is connected to - is
seeking full disclosure.

Full Disclosure vs. Partial Disclosure

This full disclosure scenario, as proposed by the SSP Alliance, and their allies, calls for a complete end to slavery in all its
forms (the Babylonian money-magic system), the release of all hidden information and suppressed technology, and a truth
and reconciliation style tribunal of the Cabal and their underlings.
If the SSP Alliance gets their way, so much of the truth will be made public that attempting to institute a new form of slavery
will be almost impossible. Clearly, the criminal syndicates operating on Earth and beyond want to do everything they can to
stop this effort, including releasing advertisements that entice the public to accept a partial disclosure narrative.

But for those unaware of the insidious machinations of the Cabal (also known as the Illuminati, the New World Order, and so
on) - those in power who have shaped the planet into a glorified form of modern day feudalism or slavery - the partial
disclosure initiative will sound like a saving grace; because that's what it's designed to do.

It's designed to pacify the people who are the most aware while selling the unaware masses on a space-age style form of

Under this limited disclosure agenda, only some of the truth will be revealed to the public and even that will take 100 years.
According to Goode and his contacts in the SSP Alliance, the Cabal-run groups, and their allies, have brokered an
agreement with certain Earth-based alliances to begin this partial disclosure effort.

Apparently, this agreement was made in late 2015 and bolstered in 2016, but this plan was most likely developed much

In a report issued in June of 2015, Goode stated that he attended a Super-Federation Council meeting wherein the first
public allusion of a limited disclosure plan was mentioned:

"The person at the podium then asked that there be no more Alliance Disclosures through myself or the people I
am talking to including David Wilcock until after an agreed upon date in late November of 2015. They said that a
well-known public servant would be sacrificed in the operation to implement their plan for an incremental

- Source

Whether or not the "well-known public servant" was sacrificed remains unclear. On the other hand, partial disclosure efforts
have continued to pour out into the public domain.

These take on the form of entertainment media, such as films, television shows, and video games, as well as innuendo from
science related propaganda outlets, like NASA.
David Wilcock


For example, the initial discovery of exoplanets several years ago was a complete paradigm shift in the way science deals
with the search for extraterrestrial life.

Prior to this development, it was widely accepted in academia that humanity would most likely never find extraterrestrials - at
least not anytime soon. Anyone searching for ETs with seriousness was quietly ridiculed and maligned - but not anymore.
This is in part due to the discoveries of the Kepler Mission focusing on the search for habitable exoplanets.

Revised Drake Equation

To exemplify this shift, consider that the Drake Equation was "updated" recently.

This mathematical model from the mid 20th century was a boon for those unwilling to acknowledge the possibility of life
evolving elsewhere in the cosmos.

In its original form, the equation asserted that it was a statistical certainty that life doesn't exist in the cosmos. But for those in
the know, clearly, this isn't true. Earlier this year, a team of scientists proposed changes that completely shifted how we look
at the universe.

"Adam Frank is a professor of physics and astronomy at the University of Rochester who helped co-author a paper
proposing changes to the Drake Equation, which incorporate Kepler's exoplanet observations.

The team revised the framework of several factors so that instead of asking how likely is it that ET civilizations
exist, it instead asks how likely is it that our civilization is the only one to have existed."

- Source

The new form of the Drake Equation suggests that it is now a mathematical certainty that ancient ET cultures evolved and
then went extinct many times over.
Isn't it interesting what changing some of the factors can do to shift the results?

This new conclusion is an almost an 180 shift from the previous view. Take a moment to appreciate that within 10 years
time, humanity went from "we are totally alone in the universe" to "extinct ancient ET cultures probably existed everywhere."

And it just so happens that in the partial disclosure plan put forth by the Cabal, a central part is the admission of ancient ruins
from ET cultures being found throughout the solar system and beyond.

This item of information was supplied by Goode and Wilcock during their weekly online series Cosmic Disclosure.

Related Drake Equation Updated with Kepler Exoplanet Data | Scientists Say ET Life Probably Exists, but it's All
Extinct Matches Partial Disclosure Narrative Discussed by Corey Goode

To be clear, Goode and other insiders have confirmed that it is true ancient ruins have been found all throughout the solar
system and local star cluster. However, there are also countless extraterrestrial civilizations that have made contact with
humanity in the relatively short time the SSP has been active, within the past 100 years.

Goode states that there are at 40 to 60 extraterrestrial groups with longstanding outposts within the solar system, which have
maintained a Super Federation alliance to ensure their agendas come to fruition.

This federation has been actively conducting 22 genetic, social, and spiritual experiments on Earth for thousands of years.
Corey Goode

The point being that the partial disclosure narrative only reveals extinct ancient ET cultures and makes no mention of
contemporaneous non-terrestrial activities - a half-truth with the power to espouse many false impressions in the minds of the
unaware masses.

Ceres Bright Spot

The Ceres bright spot is another point of soft disclosure laying the foundations for a limited disclosure event, as presented by
David Wilcock. The planetoid captivated extraterrestrial enthusiasts when, in 2015, the Dawn spacecraft captured images of
incredibly bright objects in one of the craters on the desolate surface.
Image Source

Image Source. Ceres Bright Spot seen as it moves from the sun-facing side. Here the luminosity doesn't appear to be reduced as one would expect if
it was reflecting sunlight off a surface, leading some to conclude these lights are artificial in nature.

Although mainstream science tells us these bright spots are nothing but reflective ice fields, certain analysts have suggested
that the luminosity is too great to be a natural reflection.
Related Ceres' Bright Spot Is Composed Of Many Smaller Spots | Closest look yet at Ceres bright spots

The discovery of thousands of exoplanets, the revising of the Drake Equation, and the Ceres bright spot are each playing a
part in preparing humanity for disclosure.

And while these items will certainly be a part of a disclosure event, without the whole truth, it may not be the full disclosure
experience many have been waiting for. These the points alone provide a basis for the Cabal-run media to push the limited
disclosure plan, and as was mentioned earlier, involves the devulgence of ancient ruins left by ET races.

Another element involves a narrative in which human beings were created from an ancient race of ET giants, known in the
SSP as the progenitors or the Ancient Builder race.

To be clear, these elements are a part of the story, but not the whole truth. As such, gaining an understanding of what the
whole picture looks like is essential to discerning the limited disclosure effort from the complete or full one.

What Would Partial Disclosure Look Like?

When the big push starts - which we are in the early stages of now - it will seem like the truth has finally been revealed:
decades worth of banker fraud will be exposed, war criminals will be arrested, the 9/11 conspiracy will be unveiled, UFOs will
be connected to black budget government projects (USAPs), and a financial reset or debt forgiveness will take place.

And for those unaware of the greater truths - especially those related to higher level SSP activity - this will seem like our
prayers have finally been answered. And again, all these things will probably be part of a full disclosure event, and as such,
the Cabal needs certain features to be present within the limited disclosure plan in order to gain support from the public.

The limited plan calls for releasing information about lower level secret space program activity only; nothing about the
over 900 extraterrestrial groups we've been actively trading with; nothing about the over 60 million people who were
enslaved by the programs during the Brain Drain era of the 1960's.

And nothing about hundreds of thousands of people who go missing every year disappearing into highly immoral human
trafficking operations with extraterrestrial races; nothing about the true power of our collective consciousness and its ability to
affect reality; nothing about the organic evolution timeline and the complete fraud of transhumanism; nothing about the
malevolent AI (Artificial Intelligence) that has infected the minds of so many high ranking societal figures, and so on.
Click on the image above to open a larger version in a new window

In short, the partial disclosure agenda is nothing more than a softer and more palatable form of mass mind control and

It is an attempt by despotic elites to regain control over the human population, which is presently showing signs of an organic
mass awakening.

It will do this by enticing the unawakened and unaware masses to accept a technological leap in society, which will seem like
it imparts more freedoms but in reality, causes greater dependency and reliance on the would-be masters of this world.

One of the justifications for this plan, on the part of some of these Earth-based alliance groups pushing for partial disclosure,
is that because the West had their 100 years of financial dominance (the Federal Reserve System), the East wants their turn
to be masters of humanity. But slavery is still slavery, even if the shackles are a little less heavy.


The following is a compilation and summary of Goode's relevant high-level SSP testimony, the partial disclosure agenda, and
how the Boeing Centennial advertisement is most likely a propaganda piece to entice the public into accepting limited

The advertisement, You just wait, as we will discuss blow, has all the hallmarks of predictive programing and subtle

In order to fully comprehend the difference between partial and full disclosure, as well as understanding the events that have
occurred behind the scenes leading up to the present, we must review the history of the secret space program, how it has
developed in modern times, as well as a nefarious Cabal or Illuminati that has worked to enslave the planet. In the process,
we'll make clear the logical fallacies of the partial disclosure plan, hopefully immunizing the reader's mind from the trappings
of subtle manipulation.
By the end, it should hopefully be abundantly clear what we the people of this world can do to effect beneficial change for the

Let me say that I think we are at a crucial time in history, when the future of the planet will be decided by those who have
spent so many years tirelessly investigating, researching, and coming to understand the greater truths of this world.

The truther movement or awakening community is uniquely empowered to act as catalyzing agents for an unparalleled age
of light and life, the golden age prophesied in antiquity.

But this won't happen from the comfort of an armchair or behind a computer screen.

The planet has fallen into tyranny because the people have been enticed to forget their rightful place as custodians of truth,
goodness and freedom for all. We've allowed ourselves to be indoctrinated into all manner of self-destructive beliefs based in
selfishness that have kept us distracted and divided for eons.

Therefore, our task as a people seeking real change and an end to the paradigms of enslavement is to find the courage to
set aside any idea, belief, or point of view that fuels unreasonable division and infighting, while at the same time developing
compassion, tolerance and true healing for oneself and others.

In short, we need to let go of separation consciousness and restore universal consciouseness and faith in the power of the
human family.
The tools of abundance are the same methods used to heal oneself and the world, and these are the same tools we need to
unite to spread the whole truth far and wide. This article is an effort to provide the reader with more of the whole truth so that
they will be empowered to discern the false partial disclosure agenda.

It is this partial disclosure agenda that is so clearly revealed in the 30-second advertisement by Boeing.

Once the full disclosure narrative has been presented, we will analyze the Boeing video to demonstrate the subtle
conditioning techniques employed. Hopefully by the end of this article, the reader will be able to recognize the tone of the
video with ease.

PS: This article was originally written in March of 2016. Corey Goode was kind enough to review this writing and offer
insights to enhance what is provided. I have since that time revised sections and added updated portions to include
developments that have happened since that time.

The Early Secret Space Programs

The backstory to this partial disclosure agenda is important to understand. For those who are well versed with this history,
feel free to skip ahead to the section entitled "Materially Disproving the Basis of Partial Disclosure"

Here are some of the key points of this very long and complex history. I took the liberty of presenting only essential portions
of the narrative. For a broader outline of the history see the below-linked article.

Related David Wilcock and Corey Goode: History of the Solar System and Secret Space Program - Notes from
Consciousness Life Expo 2016

Related David Wilcock: The Ascension Mysteries | Cosmic Battle Between Good and Evil -- 2 Billion Year History
(2HR Video)

In modern times, several secret societies or occult groups in control of various nation-states, operating behind a veil of
government secrecy, developed space programs using advanced technologies hidden from the public eye.
The two groups of greatest influence are the German and American secret space programs, which eventually merged in the
1950's and 60's to form a singular multinational corporate conglomerate. This was an umbrella of many different individual
and often compartmentalized programs referred to as the Secret Space Program.

Related Cosmic Disclosure Season 2 - Episode 4: Breakaway Begins - Summary and Analysis | Corey Goode and
David Wilcock

The Early German SSP

Prior to the merger of the German and American programs, the Germans were leading the advancement of aerospace
technology in pre-World War II Europe. Some of what emerged had advanced as a result of reverse engineering ancient
flying craft known as the Vimana during the 1920's and 30's, as well as documents recovered from antiquity describing
antigravity devices.
During this time, the Germans were conducting expeditions all over the world in an effort to recover ancient technology,
sacred texts, and secrets kept by various priesthoods. For example, they traveled to the Himalayas and encountered several
Tibetan monastic orders who were allegedly in possession of incredibly advanced technical drawings of antigravity craft, as
well as possessing records of Earth's early history, passed down through oral tradition. It was through the interrogations of
some of these monks that they heard of whole civilizations living within the Earth's crust.
Click on the image above to open a larger version in a new window

Related Cosmic Disclosure Season 2 - Episode 5: Raiders of Lost Technology - Summary and Analysis | Corey
Goode and David Wilcock

Other advances in the early German program occurred as a result of mediumship, or as it is termed today, channeling, via
the Virl Society in post World War I Germany. This group made contact with several advanced races, one being a Nordic-
looking group calling itself the Agartha Network, which apparently has dwelt within the Earth's crust for millions of years.
This group claims to be the first humans to have evolved on the planet and has provided assistance to surface populations in
many instances throughout history. They are xenophobic in nature, appearing to other groups as gods or extraterrestrials in
an effort to hide their home locations from war-like groups on the surface.

Related Cosmic Disclosure Season 2 - Episode 2: Agarthans: Advancing the Frontier - Summary and Analysis |
Corey Goode and David Wilcock

Another race contacted by the Germans was the Draco, an extraterrestrial reptilian group with imperialistic intentions and
behavior. According to William Tomkins, another SSP whistleblower and insider, the early German program decided to ally
itself with the more militaristic Draco group, and apparently solidified their alliance in 1939. Tompkins also states that it was
the Draco in addition to other alliances which "handed over" smaller subterranean caverns below the ice of Antarctica.

Image Source. A map of antarctic bases, some of which were first built out by the Germans, supplied by Corey Goode

Related The Nazi Antarctic Fortress: Base 211 and Operation Highjump

Through their alliances, the German program made great advances during the World War II era of history. They developed
spacecraft capable of exploring the solar system and beyond, as well as receiving support from their otherworldly contacts
in ancient city sites in Antarctica.

The Germans built advanced bases there and set up facilities on the Moon and Mars, with the protection of their Draco allies.
By the start of the war, the German group had advanced so far beyond the parent nation that they could rightly be called a
breakaway civilization; no longer dependent on Germany and its resources to further their agenda.

Related Cosmic Disclosure Season 2 - Episode 9: Colonizing Mars - Summary and Analysis | Corey Goode and
David Wilcock

When the Germans realized that the war was not going to end in their favor, they evacuated key personnel and equipment in
the German SSP to Antarctica.

The site was already well established prior to the Nazi conquests of Europe, and by the time they were defeated, the
antarctic Germans had enjoyed nearly 10 years of uninterrupted development and expansion.

But with the loss of the war, the isolated Germans lacked the industrial resources and infrastructure to accomplish their lofty
goals of space exploration and conquest, realising this, they turned their gaze to the American programs and the industrial
might of the United States.

The Germans Take Over the American Military Industrial Complex

After the war, thousands of top level German scientists and engineers were recruited into the American military industrial
complex via Project Paperclip. The Americans had made some advancements of their own by reverse engineering
extraterrestrial craft recovered from certain crash sights like Roswell New Mexico in 1947, as well as recovered SSP
technology from Germany during WWII.

But the Americans were far behind the Germans in technology, advancement and exploration of space.

The Germans had made great leaps and bounds due to their non-terrestrial allies and by the time of Project Paperclip, they
had almost perfected space travel, employing technology so advanced that the Americans could have easily mistaken it as
extraterrestrial in origin.

The Germans wanted to continue development of their programs, but due to the lack of infrastructure and resources, needed
the industrial might of the United States.

Their plan was to deceive the Americans by providing them older advancements of Alien Reproduction Vehicles, while slowly
infiltrating and taking over the military industrial complex, exploiting the manufacturing power of the US.

The Americans had a similar goal of infiltrating the German group and stealing their technology for themselves.

The Americans discovered that the Germans had a base in Antarctica, and in 1947, sent Admiral Byrd with a large naval fleet
to invade and destroy the German presence, recovering technology in the process.

But instead of finding a small poorly armed contingent of higher level German officers, as their intelligence reports
suggested, Byrd encountered heavy resistance and extremely advanced aircraft that crippled his fleet.
According to William Tompkins, the Germans were assisted by their off-world allies, using advanced particle beam weapon
technology and perfected antigravity craft to beat the Americans into submission. But it appears that total destruction of the
American fleet was not the goal, although the Germans could have easily annihilated the ill prepared invasionary forces.

This was most likely because the Germans wanted the Americans to limp back and make clear to the military leadership at
the time that the they were not equipped to deal with the Germans in an outright conflict. This would provide the Germans the
intimidation they needed to force the Americans into a partnership.

Related Operation Highjump and the German UFO Connection | Mid 20th Century Secret Space Program History

The Americans quickly retreated back to the US. Top Brass within the secretive American group was perplexed by what Byrd
reported, and they began to interrogate Paperclip Germans in an effort to understand what was happening. The Paperclip
Germans were secretly in communication with their allies in Antarctica and beyond.
They discovered a point of weakness in the American intelligence apparatus
and wanted to take full advantage of it. This weakness was the American
policy of hiding the discovery of extraterrestrial life from the public.

The Americans decided after the 1947 Roswell crash, to cover up the UFO
phenomenon. During several whitewashes, such as Project Blue book they
made an effort to maintain a strict level of secrecy, which the Germans took full
advantage of.

They realized that the Americans hold over the people was partially due to the
energy industry, based on fossil fuel.

If word got out that antigravity free-energy technology was being developed in
secret, the American elite would lose control of the population.

This was another point of pressure the Germans could use to force the
Americans to sign treaties that gave the them access to much needed
industrial resources.

The Germans were going to engage the Americans by threatening to disclose

the truth about the existence of UFOs and advanced technology.

This German threat would be made by a show of force and superiority in the US capitol. In 1952, several German highly
advanced spacecraft flew over Washington DC, as well as several other sorties over major US cities. They also landed and
made direct contact with civilians in the US, presenting themselves as Nordic-looking extraterrestrials.

Related Nazi UFOs Flew Over Washington & Led to SS Infiltration of US Space Program

The Billy Meier case, in particular, could be one such account of a German SSP contactee experience, according to Corey
Goode and other insider sources.

Apparently once the Americans got word of Meier's personal contact with otherworldly beings, they dispatched several
agents to gather information about the encounter. They presented a series of images to Meier of women that looked like the
beings he described, one of which was Maria Orsic, a Vril Society medium and German SSP asset.

Apparently, when Meier saw the photo of Orsic, he immediately identified her as the being that made contact with him.
Maria Orsic (left) artist depiction of her alleged appearance during the Billy Meier's case

In short, the Germans learned from their Nordic allies that appearing to the surface population as extraterrestrials had its
advantages. While the Meier case didn't occur until the mid 1970's, it could be one of the better examples of false
extraterrestrial contact, if certain sources promoting this version of events are to be believed.

After a quiet period, the Germans eventually forced the military industrial complex of the US to sign treaties that culminated
in the union of both groups, but the Germans were the clear victors.

President Dwight D. Eisenhower made his infamous 1961 address, warning that the military industrial complex was out of
control, potentially because he knew the Germans had completely taken it over.

Related Agarthans or ETs? | Eisenhower's 1954 Meeting With Extraterrestrials or Ancient Breakaway Civilization
Humans From Inner Earth?

After this merger, the now aligned secret space program saw the emergence of several different SSP factions and an
industrial scale expansion into space.

These developments would realize the emergence of lower level secret space programs that partially acted as a cover to
shield higher level operations from the more aware "read-in" persons in the military industrial complex.
In other words, while a forefront of the higher level SSP progressed at a furious pace, a limited version was also developed
that acted as a screen to hide other programs.

As a result, the information made available to UFO researchers over the years ranges in complexity and is often
contradictory in nature. Some whistleblowers, who had access to top secret information, to be sure, were not fully made
aware of what was advanced in all the various secret space programs.

Compartmentalization is used to such an extent that one program may be completely unaware of a deeper branch within
their own ranks. Steven Greer is one such researcher who has focused on this aspect of what is called Unacknowledged
Special Access Programs (USAPS), which intentionally create cover projects for the chief purpose of obfuscating more
secretive activities.

Related The Ultimate Secret: Majestic-12 | Secret Space Programs, ET Contacts, UFO's, Above Top Secret

Modern Day Secret Space Programs

After the American military industrial complex was taken over by the Germans, a major industrialization effort of space
began. The Americans had many aerospace companies that wanted to develop and expand their operations into space
using advanced technology hidden from the public.

The Germans already had several bases in the solar system at this time and now allied with the Americans, had the
infrastructure needed to maximize production for furthered expansion. Corporate interests in the military industrial complex
learned of German mining facilities in the Asteroid belt (care of the Paperclip Germans) and wanted to exploit the resources
and technology developed by them.
The greed of these corporate giants, one of which being the aerospace company Boeing, allowed the newly merged SSP to

Related Cosmic Disclosure Season 2 - Episode 10: Conquering the Solar System - Summary and Analysis | Corey
Goode and David Wilcock

The Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate

Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate (ICC) is a massive multinational SSP faction that formed to manage the
expansion effort into space. Nearly every aerospace and technology company on the planet enjoys membership in
this heavily secretive and powerful organization.

Over the next 20 years, leading up to the 1980's, a huge recruitment process took place known as the "Brain Drain" era of
the 1960's. Millions of top level scientists, engineers, and great thinkers were brought into the program, placed in sites
throughout the solar system to further advancement.

In many cases these people and their families were recruited under false pretenses, being told they would be living like "the
Jetsons" in a fantastic space age setting. When they arrived at their new off-world location, they would be forced to work in
an industrial facility as literal slaves for a Nazi-style run operation.

The ICC would use slave labor, the same method employed by the Nazis during the war, to advance their agenda.
Mars, shot locally - by a human, recently

By the 1980's, the industrialization of the solar system was well under way. They developed hundreds of highly advanced
spacecraft capable of faster than light travel, multiple industrial facilities on Mars, a base on the Moon (Lunar Operations
Command), and hundreds of trading agreements with extraterrestrial races.

The technology developed through recovered artifacts found on ancient extraterrestrial sites in the solar system secured the
SSP a lucrative trading position with other races in the galaxy.

In addition, human biology and genetic material is also highly sought after by non-terrestrial races, which this morally
repugnant group had no issues providing in exchange for various items of interest.

At present, the ICC is involved in human trafficking, either in direct slave trade or by selling biological material to
extraterrestrial races. Apparently a large portion of people who go missing every year, are taken off-world and traded like
chattel to other groups.

The Dark Fleet

The Dark Fleet is an enigmatic faction that is arguably the oldest of the programs. According to Goode, it emerged
through the early German and Draco alliance, greatly advancing this factions capabilities as a result of their

The ICC faction helped develop technology for the Dark Fleet but its activities and goals remain mysterious. What little is
known about them tells us they primarily work outside of the solar system along side their Draco allies in conquest and
defense of acquired territory.
Artists depiction of the Dark Fleet base and spacecraft on the Moon based upon detail provided by Corey Goode

Related Cosmic Disclosure Season 4 - Episode 6: The Dark Fleet - Summary and Analysis | Corey Goode and David

Solar Warden

The development of Solar Warden came about as a result of several money laundering schemes, one of which was
the Star Wars program or Strategic Defense Initiative, spoken of by President Ronald Reagan in the 1980's.

Gary McKinnon hacked into defense department computer systems in 2010, revealing the existence of a special access
program given the name Solar Warden, lending further credence to the notion of this faction's existence.

William Tompkins also revealed in 2015 that he helped design some of the Solar Warden spacecraft that were eventually
used by this faction.
Solar Warden is responsible for policing the solar system, keeping an eye on all incoming and outgoing traffic, and standing
as a modest military force against potential threats.

According to Goode, the skies above the Earth are abuzz with extraterrestrial activity, and in some cases, groups enter in an
effort to steal resources, technology or biological material. A protective force was required to keep watch and defend against
aggressive smaller groups that enter our stellar neighborhood.

Goode claims to have spent 20 years working on a science research vessel in the Solar Warden program from 1987 to
2007. After leaving the program, he was age regressed, brought back in time to the moment he left, and had his memories
wiped or blank-slated.

But due to his Intuitive Empath training, he is part of a small population of program participants capable of recovering most
of their lost memories. Apparently blank-slating is a common practice for the SSPs at large, especially in the MILAB

Related Solar Warden: Secret Space Program

The Global Galactic League of Nations

The Global Galactic League of Nations (GGLN) is a compartmentalized version of the secret space program.

The higher level program participants - member nations like the US - knew that intelligence services of other nations would
eventually discover their activities and decided to offer a "token gesture" in the form of a multinational United Nations-style
space program, providing cover for higher-level SSP projects.

This faction is mainly focused on scientific research, not directly involved in the more nefarious aspects of the ICC, such as
human trafficking.

This faction was also how the upper-level SSPs procured cooperation in the recovery of downed ET craft, which was and is
taking place using advanced energetic technology developed from Tesla's discoveries.

In exchange for their cooperation, which required assisting American teams in recovering downed ET craft, these nations
were granted admission into the GGLN, and presumably believed that this was the extent of the secret government
programs in space - a deceptive compartmentalization tactic used by the upper-level programs.

Related Cosmic Disclosure Episode 8: Global Galactic League of Nations - Summary and Analysis | Corey Goode
and David Wilcock

Military Factions: Lower Level Secret Space Programs

In the midst of these deep cosmic space programs many lower-level heavily compartmentalized projects were
created for various purposes, one of which was to add further cover.

This faction serves as a layer of secrecy between military intelligence services and deep black SSP projects.

It is these lower level factions and their related Earth-based alliances that are of key importance in understanding the limited
disclosure agenda. This is partially because the compartmentalized narrative they are provided is a good match for the
extinct ancient ETs half-truth story.
Related Cosmic Disclosure Season 4 - Episode 10: The Earth Alliance - Summary and Analysis | Corey Goode and
David Wilcock

The lower level secret space program, like the Global Galactic League of Nations, serves a function, but is primarily
purposed to hide the higher level programs. Again, the intelligence services of industrialized nations, such as the United
States, England, France, Germany, and so on, were tracking unidentified objects in the skies for decades.

In order to protect higher level operations from these more in the know groups, a close to Earth orbit cover story needed to
be developed and promulgated.

According to Bruce, an insider that has revealed information to David Wilcock, the narrative told to most of these lower level
operatives is as follows:

"A here are no extraterrestrials in the solar system at this time. The objects tracked in the sky that some consider
extraterrestrial UFOs are actually advanced military spacecraft. We have near-Earth-orbit and high-Earth-orbit
space platforms, and more advanced spacecraft that has been hidden from the public for decades.

The National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) is responsible for keeping watch over our skies using cloaked
airbases or space platforms.

There are ancient ruins left in the solar system from extraterrestrials, an advanced progenitor race, the Ancient
Builders - but they have long since left. Anything we do encounter that isn't ours is part of a group of future humans
that have access to time travel technology. These future humans came back into our timeline hundreds of times,
assisting humanity to restart civilization after major and minor cataclysms.

So there are no current aliens, just humans, either secret military activities or future humans."

These lower level programs are heavily militaristic and believe that they have access to the highest level of secrecy on the
planet; they think they are the top of the totem pole andthat no one knows more than they do.

This group, and its narrative, serves as a compartmentalized bubble or barrier that shields higher level operations from
persons embedded within deep black projects here on Earth.
Essentially, anytime information about higher level programs are leaked to the public, a lower level insider will come out
saying that "it's all BS" or untrue. In other words, this group is essentially a microcosmic SSP specifically designed to hide
the macrocosmic secret space programs.

Composite of images allegedly caputring Flying Triangle craft, sometimes associated with the TR-3B TRINITY craft developed by McDonnell Douglas

According to Goode, in many cases these operatives have no idea that other operations exist, making it very easy to shield
higher level activity. Often in an effort to maintain pride in their organization, any information related to higher level activity
that makes it to the public is quickly de-bunked by these lower level operative whistleblowers and insiders.

This irreconcilable nature of lower level insider testimony and higher level accounts has greatly confused the Ufology

As an example of this, consider the exemplary, yet contradictory nature of the whistleblower narratives gathered by
interviewer Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot, and others like Project Avalon - which to their credit - is arguably a wealth of
insider data yet to be deciphered and discerned into a cohesive narrative.

The fact that so many insiders have a different worldview handed down from their superiors suggests that narratives within
the SSPs vary to a great extent in order to facilitate compartmentalization and simultaneously befuttle the public once
insiders begin to reveal themselves.

The Secret Space Program Alliance

The SSP Alliance is a group of defectors within the programs at large that realized humanity and the people of
Earth have been oppressed by a nefarious group of quasi-Nazis they call the Secret Earth Government and their
criminal syndicates.

The people of Earth know this group by many names, such as the Cabal, Illuminati, the NWO, the banking Elite, the Dark
Occultists, and so on.

Related The Top of the Pyramid: The Rothschilds, The British Crown and the Vatican Rule The World

Related How and Why "The Money Masters" Took Control (Full Documentary)
Artist depiction of a Secret Space Program Alliance arm badge

Solar Warden was the first faction to break away from the ICC controlled SSP, which according to Goode, took place in the
early 1990's. They began to overtly go against the Cabal-run SSP in earnest during the early 2000's and beyond.

Since that time, other defections have slowly taken place, bolstering the SSP Alliance in its ability to combat Cabal-run
secret space programs.

Related Cosmic Disclosure Season 5 - Episode 1: Celestial Timeline - Summary and Analysis | Corey Goode and
David Wilcock

SSP Alliance Full Disclosure Agenda

The SSP Alliance intends on ending the current era of secrecy and enslavement for the people of Earth and liberate
enslaved people in the solar system. Their stated purpose is to take possession of advanced technology and facilities in the
hands of Cabal-run SSPs, to eventually hand them over to the people in a way that ensures no one group has an advantage
over any other.

They plan to do this in what they call massive data dumps or a complete release of all hidden information, history and
technology. But in order for these data dumps to be taken seriously by the public, they think two things would need to
happen, a catalyzing event and coordination with ground-based liberation groups.

A Catalyzing Event to Reveal "The Matrix"

First a trigger event of some kind is required to jostle the people out of their Stockholm syndrome. The uneasy truth is that
the Cabal have coaxed the vast majority of humanity into actually wanting to be enslaved - albeit not in an overt fashion.
For example, it has been said, the love of money is the root of all evil and in a way this is true because the monetary system
is an key componant in the systems of enslavement.

In order to help comprehend the current state of consciousness of humanity and how powerfully the masses have been
indoctrinated to accept slavery, consider what Morpheus from the highly symbolic Matrix film said:

Morpheus: Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself. Morpheus: The
Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see it when you look out your
window or when you turn on your television.

You can feel it when you go to work, when you go to church, when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has
been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth. Neo: What truth?

Morpheus: That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else you were born into bondage. Into a prison that you
cannot taste or see or touch. A prison for your mind.

Morpheus: The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around,
what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to
save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy.

You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so
inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it. [Bolding added.]

- Source

The system that Morpheus is describing here is our participation in the matrix of control via our thoughts, beliefs and actions
- that's why it is a "prison that you cannot taste or see or touch. A prison for your mind."

Of course, no one consciously thinks to themselves, "I want to be a slave in the Cabal's NWO," but by our participation in
the matrix, we breathe life into it, we consent to it, and we enslave ourselves. In this way there no bystanders, only those
working for freedom or those acquiescing to slavery. But on this score, everyone's doing the best they can with what they
have to work with.
The Cabal's pyramid of power and control is founded on the people's participation, and if the people see the truth and
change themselves, the whole structure will come tumbling down.

This is what they fear most, hence endless divide and conquer tactics to keep the people distracted with infighting, all while
the Cabal quietly proceeds with their agenda.

The unawakened cannot see the matrix for it is because if they did, their reality bubble - to use Goode's term - would burst.
The sleeping masses are too involved in the way they currently live their lives and don't want to give that up, even if it means
the whole planet is enslaved and suffers as a result.

The medical condition describing when someone continues to do things that are ultimately destructive to themselves or
others - beyond their control - is an addiction.

The masses are addicted to the Cabal and the destructive society they forced us to create. This means that a reality
check moment is needed, similar to an intervention, where the truth about what we created is presented to us so we can
realize the error of our ways as a people and choose a different path as a collective.

Related A Call for Unity | If We Are Going to Take Down the Establishment, Progressives, Libertarians, Anarchists
and Non-Voters Need to Unite

This catalyzing event could come in the form of a financial collapse, or other triggers. When people are content and
satisfied, when they are fat on bread and distracted by circuses, they usually aren't interested in self-reflection and change.

As such, we need to cut off the source of the addictive tendency, and imploding the financial system is one way to cover all
the different types of distractions out there, as they usually require money in some fashion.

Before an addict can find the courage to face their addiction, they usually need to feel the burn of what they have chosen.
Humanity's participation is essential so as to ensure free will is honored and a truly sovereign and free society emerges from
the ashes of this one.
Money in general, has the psychological effect of distorting value perception. Instead of being able to see the value in
something inherently, we've been trained to consider it in terms of money, how much it costs or how much we stand to gain.

For example, people generally wouldn't lie to another person, just for the sake of doing it but if you offer them enough
money, they would usually happily do what is asked of them, especially if you give them a justifiable excuse for doing so.

Why? Because in certain areas of life we tend to value money more than their own integrity, although we don't think of it this

The point is that money has become our artificial value system, a type of cosmic drug that keeps us addicted to separation,
scarcity, and slavery - but not all financial systems are like this. Like all addictions, the only way to overcome them is to stop
taking the drug and allow the soul to heal.

Ground-based Cooperation for Data Dumps

After a catalyzing event, when the hypnotic trance of the masses has been broken, then the second item of the data dumps
can occur; but in order for it to be effective, it must be presented seriously.

In other words, the SSP Alliance needs a ground-based ally capable of disseminating the information to the people en

And this is where the problem currently lies. The ground-based alliances are not willing to accept a full disclosure scenario.
In addition, the present state of the awakening community is not organized enough to handle such a huge task.

Some might be thinking to themselves:

"Who cares if they don't have help from ground-based groups, do the data dumps anyway!"

As we just discussed, due to pandemic PTSD and Stockhome syndrome, most people are too attached to the status quo for
emotional support to even consider the whole truth, let alone be willing to listen to a large presentation of the facts.

People have been trained to fear change at all costs, and as such, even if the truth was pouring in from all sides, most
people won't accept it because it would also mean the end of their world.

In addition, without media participation or at least a large enough dissemination force (like a grass roots disclosure effort),
the Cabal could easily "debunk" any information that comes out, with the well-trained captives of the matrix drinking deep
from the cup of government disinformation.

And since most people don't want to hear the truth anyway, they will jump at the chance to dismiss the data dumps and
continue to believe in the false reality that provides them comforts in life.

Coordination with ground-based groups is essential to ensure people have the best opportunity to receive the truth. The
good news is, due how humanity has been programmed to accept information on blind faith, it will be very easy to reach the
masses through the media.

People rely on TV, Radio, News outlets and so on, to tell them what is real, so if even a handful of media outlets defected to
the SSP Alliance, joining the full disclosure initiative, the data dumps could be very effective, very quickly. The propaganda
machine of the Cabal could end up being their greatest downfall, as we use the mass media itself to spread the truth like
never before.
This Full Disclosure plan will deal a death blow to the paradigm of artificial scarcity and the Babylonian money magic slavery
system that has dominated civilization for millennia. The SSP Alliance goal is to restore truth, prosperity, and freedom to all
people, everywhere. Given that pandemic ignorance has enabled the Cabal to maintain control over the people, only the
whole truth released to all people can ensure no further manipulation takes place.

Related How the Cabal Maintains Their Power And What You Need To Do To Stop It - Un-Consent | Beyond BRICS:
Exposing the Rats

Other SSPs and Resistance

COBRA is another insider and spokesman for a resistance group. He claims to represent a gathering of extraterrestrials,
inner-Earth peoples and ground-based forces under the common banner of the Resistance Movement. Since early 2012, he
has been releasing information related to the secret space program, ongoing alliance activities to free the planet, an
energetic shift of the solar system - all under the banner of what he calls The Event.

While some aspects of COBRA's narrative conflict with Goode's, the overall intention of the Resistance Movement (to free
the planet and have a full disclosure event) are in harmony with the SSP Alliance's intention.

This means that the respective groups within the awakening community that have rallied behind these figures need not
divide themselves and prevent unification towards common goals.

Related Joint Cobra and Corey Goode Interview by Rob Potter Part 1: Unity For Disclosure, Disclosure Day in July,
Spheres Confirmed, Catalyzing Event Needed, and more

And there are still countless other groups, such as the Silver Legion, Ashtar Command, the Galactic Confederation, the
Galactic Federation, and so on, all claiming to be here with the goal of freeing the planet and providing assistance to
What remains unclear is if all these groups are real tangible efforts or if they are elaborate disinformation campaigns
orchestrated by the Cabal. Regardless, the people who believe in them do so because of the ideas presented, all of which
demonstrates the common bond we share in the quest for truth and freedom.

Which spokesman, narrative, resistance group or alliance we like the most isn't as important as the singular goal that unites
them all: freedom for humanity.

For far too long the Cabal have manipulated us into fighting amongst ourselves, that this person is wrong, or that point of
view is invalid, all the while forgetting the overarching goal of truth and freedom. We may not agree on everything, but
there's one thing we all want, and that's the truth.

Surely we can unite in the pursuit of truth and freedom for humanity if nothing else.

The Sphere Being Alliance

According to the SSP insider Pete Peterson, and confirmed by Corey Goode, in the early 1980's, a massive sphere the size
of the planet Neptune entered our solar system. Solar Warden, which was still Cabal-run at the time, intercepted the sphere
they were calling The Seeker.

After several failed attempts to communicate with the enormous object, they eventually received a transmission saying, "we
are peaceful explorers." The Solar Warden craft observed thousands of smaller craft leaving a port on the side of the
sphere, which was apparently 800 miles wide.

The Solar Warden craft told the Seeker to leave immediately, which it did.

The Cabal was disturbed by this event. Heretofore they near autonomy in the solar system, able to continue their plans
relatively free from outside interference, save through the interactions of the Super Federation of non-terrestrial races that
have worked on 22 different genetic, social, and spiritual experiments on Earth.

A decade would pass before any more spheres would be seen.

In the late 1990's, hundreds of these massive spheres began to enter the solar system, some using the Sun as a type of
stargate or portal, whereas others entered from outside the solar system.

These massive objects were observed by amateur astronomers at the time, giving them the name Sun Cruisers. Dozens of
Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) images were captured showing massive objects in or around the Sun between
the late 1990's and early 2000's.

Related Planet-Sized Spheres Visiting The Solar System by the Thousands - NASA's Secret Discovered: Sun
Cruisers | David Wilcock and Corey Goode

The Cabal was initially excited by the appearance of these objects, believing that they were the return of their dark gods. But
after no contact could be made with the spheres, they became increasingly anxious.

By the early 2000's, hundreds of spheres had entered the solar system, cloaking themselves from sight so as to avoid
detection. The Cabal-run SSP was able to locate the spheres using advanced methods, but was unable to determine what
they were doing and why they were here.

These spheres were so enormous and entered with such numbers that the SSP could easily have mistaken their presence
as an invasionary force, and most likely did.

Related Are Aliens Controlling The Sun? | Earth-facing Solar Quiet Effect and Planet-Sized Spheres

In the midst of this, the Cabal groups on Earth were working towards their NWO agenda, scheduled to go live in 2012. Part
of the plan was to start World War III and stage a fake alien invasion using highly advanced space craft that, some say,
even the lower level military factions were not aware of. The code name for this plan is Project Blue Beam.
Calm down, there could be one just like him / her / it but that's just a pretend one... example

Despite the Cabal's best efforts, they constantly encountered problems when attempting to finalize their dark NWO
agenda. UFOs were apparently responsible for disabling nuclear weapons platforms, and failed attempt after failed attempt
to start World War III was causing delays in their long-planned timeline.

Related UFOs Shut Down Nuclear Missile Sites Eyewitness accounts, Government Documents, ET Intervention
Toward the end of 2012, thousands upon thousands of the spheres, some the size of Jupiter, continued to pour into the
solar system. By this time, the SSP Alliance had already broken away and began their efforts to combat the Cabal.

The Alliance was apparently flying advanced spacecraft in front of International Space Station (ISS) camera feeds in an
effort to force disclosure and alert the public.

At some point between 2013 and late 2014, the group of beings who work with the massive spheres made contact with the
SSP Alliance. The SSP Alliance gave them the name Sphere Being Alliance. This group is made up of five extremely
advanced non-material races, who claim to be 6th to 9th density beings.

Within the density system, the Earth is considered a 3rd density sphere, much more material than etheric in nature. The
importance is that the Sphere Beings are billions of years ahead of the human race, and many of the extraterrestrial groups
currently in the solar system, possessing technology so advanced it renders the most intimidating Cabal-run weaponry

The Sphere Beings claim to be custodians of this part of the galaxy and have apparently attempted to contact humanity
several times in the past, offering knowledge and wisdom. In each case, the teachings were distorted by the elite
priesthoods of Earth at the time, which later evolved into the Cabal, Illuminati or secret Earth governments of today.
Artist depiction of a Blue Avian, Raw-Teir-Eir, one of the five Sphere Being Alliance races
The Sphere Beings say that due to their misguided attempts to assist humanity in the past, they are karmically tied to the
evolutionary track of the Earth and the people that sojourn here.

It was their attempt to impart universal knowledge that ended up creating the dark occult mystery schools. But it was the
people's compliance made possible by constant trauma that allowed slavery and tyranny to flourish.

Related Sphere Beings, Guardians and Ancient Builder Race Connections to Thoth and the Law of One | Secret
Negotiations over Disclosure of Extraterrestrial Life & Inner Earth Civilizations

Energetic Shift of the Solar System

The Sphere Beings, as the name would imply, are the group in control of the highly advanced large network of spheres that
have permeated the solar system, for a very specific purpose.

These spheres are not a form of technology as we would conceive of it. According to Goode, they are actually enormous
versions of one of the five Sphere Being Alliance races, the Blue Orb beings.

According to the Sphere Beings, and echoed by countless alternative science researchers, the Sun is about to go through a
major energetic shift, due to incoming cosmic and galactic waves of energy as a result of our transit through the galaxy.

This shift will alter life within the solar system as we know it, and has been spoken of in countless myths and legends as the
end of the Great Cycle, the Rapture, the Shift of the Ages, and so on. It has been more contemporaneously called
the Ascension, a transition of life into a golden age.

Related The Day of the Event - A New Star is Born - An Exploration of Possibility for a Long-Awaited Moment

David Wilcock is a researcher with over 20 years of study in to the fields of alternative science, amassing a great deal of
empirical data to confirm this energetic shift he calls the Ascension.

According to Goode, the network of spheres are here to help dampen this impending energetic evolution of the solar
system, which if left to follow its natural course, would be an incredible shock to the people of Earth, resulting in "end time
madness" and a great loss of human life.

Apparently these evolutionary shifts take place as a natural part of cosmic evolution, but normally at this late stage, a
civilization has taken the time to prepare by becoming more loving, harmonious and service to othersby transcending

Related Science and Evidence For The Transformation of the Solar System | The Divine Cosmos by David Wilcock

Related David Wilcock, Contact in the Desert Compilation (7 Hour Video) The Solar System Is Moving Into A New
Area Of Vibration

The collective consciousness of a planet determines the of polarity the shift, according to Goode and one of the Sphere
Being Alliance race members, Raw-Teir-Eir. On a world filled with self-serving beings, the shift moves towards a dark NWO
type planet, where the service-to-self path can be explored.

Conversely, on a world filled with altruistic unselfish beings, the shift moves toward a loving cooperative type planet - the
Golden Age spoken of in myths and legend. But due to the influence of the Cabal, who planned on steering the shift into a
darker manifestation, the people of Earth have not prepared enough to take full advantage of a positive transition.

In other words, the Cabal wanted to have a dark ascension, but were unsuccessful in their efforts; however, they were
successful in slowing down the positive evolution of humanity. As a result, the Sphere Beings are delaying the energetic
shift to give us the time to prepare, to change ourselves from within, and end the madness that has been created without.

As was stated earlier, the Sphere Beings are partially responsible for creating the Cabal, and are here to provide support for
the positive transition.

The Sphere Beings are not here to rescue humanity, but provide the guidance and environmental supported needed for us
to stand up and liberate ourselves.

In the process, all those who have not progressed enough along a positive track will gain the experiences needed to make
the shift. That is to say, the people of Earth playing a direct role in their own liberation will simultaneously end Cabal rule
while propelling us towards the so-called fourth density positive timeline spoken of in the Law of One material.

Related Understanding Service to Other (STO), Service to Self (STS), the Seven Densities of Consciousness, the
Astral and Etheric Planes, and more -- by Tom Montalk
The Sphere Being Alliance contacted the SSP Alliance in an effort to provide guidance for their stated intention to free
humanity. The SSP Alliance, despite their benevolent intentions, are not angelic beings, as stated by Goode. They are
military minded former Cabal-run defectors and groups, with less then gracious methods.

Artists impression of recent events as described by Corey Goode

They believe they can "bomb their way out of a situation," as stated by Goode. As a result, the SSP Alliance, in its own right,
has learning and growth to do just like humanity at large.

The Sphere Beings were initially working through Lt. Col. Gonzales, a member of the SSP Alliance, but after a major event
toward the end of 2014, they called for Corey Goode by name. More on this later.

Earth-Based Alliances

The Earth-based Alliances play a part in the partial disclosure and full disclosure agenda in several ways. Firstly, some of
these groups have aligned themselves with the partial disclosure camp and others have gone to the opposite end of full

As such, these groups represent one of the largest hurdles and are simultaneously crucial for bringing forward the data
dumps mentioned earlier. Thus, one cannot overlook this aspect of the story.

According to Goode (and made evident by countless other spokesmen, whistleblowers, insiders and White Hats), a great
many alliances have long had a desire to free the planet from the yoke of Cabal oppression and enslavement.

As one can imagine, the Cabal's methods of coercion, use of violence and intimidation have left a trail of destruction and
grievance throughout history. In the process, maligned groups from all walks of life have been given a justifiable reason to
seek out other groups that have the common goal of ending Cabal rule.
On the smaller end of the scale, some of these alliance groups are local militias, partially represented by Drake Bailyas
one example, and some are quasi-military organizations like Anonymous. Others are dynastic families reaching back into
antiquity, such as the Dragon Families of Asia, as reported by Benjamin Fulford and Neil Keenan.

Some are within the banking sector and could be represented by spokes persons such as Karen Hudes, and various
Revaluation Guru's like Zap or Poofness. And finally, there is the BRICS Alliance, and Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank,
which at present has dozens of major nations on board.

Some of the names mentioned should stand out as known figures in alternative media with their own stated narrative and
plans for ending Cabal rule. And what should also be apparent is that some of these figures that claim mass arrests are
coming, an end to the Federal Reserve System, release of free energy technology, and so on - have yet to deliver on their
promises. As a result they have inadvertently caused much confusion and disillusionment within the awakening community.

Some of these groups have not been able to affect major change because of advanced time-lensing (looking into possible
futures via remote viewing) and AI technology employed by the Cabal.

In this case, many plans and efforts by alliances to take actions were ultimately unsuccessful because the Cabal anticipated
what was coming. And in other cases, groups disagree what the plan of action should be, and therefore, can't coordinate to
effect meaningful change. Their lack of unity combined with advanced Cabal technology has crippled any plan from gaining

As an side, it should be clear that the Cabal, through their greater coherence and unity, have been able to effect greater
changes on Earth than all the awakening people and alliance groups combined. This may lead some to conclude that they
have some kind of pre-destiny to rule the planet or that perhaps we are on a dark timeline.
However, I would argue that the primary cause for their success is co-creative coherence - individuals consenting to their
plans either directly or indirectly - along with unity within their ranks. This would suggest that if the Earth-based Alliances
and the awakening community can find it within themselves to work together, great change could be realized very quickly.

The Partial Disclosure Argument and Logic

Some of the aforementioned groups want a complete and total end of the paradigm of financial slavery, full disclosure and a
release of hidden technology, whereas others want to have their 100 years of power and control over the planet.

For example, the Eastern financial powers, as controlled by the dynastic families of Asia, want to end the Western financial
system, and install a more fair system. But ultimately the new system is still financial slavery. They want this because the
West had their 100 years of the Federal Reserve System, and now they want their turn to be masters of humanity, according
to Goode.

All these groups have worked on their own in an effort to bring about change and only recently began coordinating with each
other. There is a more cohesive Earth-based Alliance, but they have recently decided that a partial disclosure agenda is the
best option - for them.

Related Lower Level SSP Group Broke Away from SSP Alliance Council, Intends on Pushing Partial Disclosure and
Inner-Earth Anshar to Begin Contact with Surface

Goode also disclosed that the Cabal have spent years slowly infiltrating some of these Earth-based groups, and that many
of their original intentions have become distorted. Many of the groups now calling for partial disclosure have been corrupted
by these infiltrators. Even though the Cabal seems to be losing power and control at every turn, they still foolishly clamor for
power; and ultimately this will be their undoing.

Developments in 2015

Now that critical aspects of the background story and key players have been revealed, we can proceed on with
developments that lead to today and the partial disclosure agenda that is actively moving forward due-to the Earth-based
Cabal-infiltrated alliances.
In December 2014, the Cabal attempted to destroy one of the spheres close to the Earth. The effort was captured on ISS
camera feeds, which quickly stopped transmitting video after the event. According to Goode, the Cabal used one of their
high tech particle beam weapons to fire at a sphere close to the Moon.

Here's an image of what was captured in the ISS feed:

Allegedly an ISS camera feed image showing one of the spheres being hit by a particle beam weapon

Related Cosmic Disclosure Season 2 - Episode 16: New Frontiers in the A.I. War - Summary and Analysis | Corey
Goode and David Wilcock

Apparently the red line is a particle beam discharge and object struck was a sphere glowing red-hot from the impact.
According to NASA, the event was due to a facility attempting to create an artificial star.

Did ISS cam capture video of a UFO shooting a laser at Earth?

A video recorded from the International Space Stations live video feed shows a strange red dot in space that seemingly
shoots a laser beam towards Earth.

The video was captured and uploaded to YouTube by user Streetcap1 on December 5. ...

Although it is possible that the ISS camera captured an extraterrestrial UFO, there are other potential explanations for the
strange light and the laser beam.

The video was reportedly recorded on December 5. On this date, the European Southern Observatorys Very Large
Telescope fired its laser into the sky to create an artificial star. This process is done periodically to fine-tune the
observatorys telescopes. (Source)
Goode was told that the Sphere Beings used an Aikido principle to reflect the aggressive energy of this attack back down to
its place of origin. Apparently there were many high-level Cabal operatives at the facility, which was almost completely

This was the first aggressive action taken by the Cabal against the Sphere Beings. What followed was to completely change
the game for the Cabal.

Raising The Energy Barrier

According to Goode, shortly after the December 2014 attack, a massive energy barrier went up around the entire solar
system and this prevents any group, human or otherwise, from leaving or entering. Communication was also heavily
hindered by the raising of this barrier.

And apparently one of the Sphere Being Alliance races, the Blue Orb beings, are responsible for the barrier and the
Spheres. Goode revealed during an episode of Cosmic Disclosure that the energetic barrier is itself one of these living Blue
Orb beings, as well as the thousands of spheres within the solar system at this time.
As a result, the SSP factions were unable to continue their operations outside the solar system. In addition, there were
dozens of groups that have been here for hundreds of thousands of years that were also trapped.

Finally, the Draco Alliance, the top of the Cabal pyramid of power was also unable to leave the solar system, and it just so
happened that the bulk of this group's leadership was trapped here after the barrier was raised.

Apparently many of these groups were intending to vacate prior to the solar shift event, but are now unable to, further
exacerbating an already precarious exopolitical situation.

Two Atrocities

As a result of the energy barrier going up, the SSP Alliance had even more defections coming over from Cabal-run groups.
Some of these defectors brought actionable intelligence with them regarding production facilities on Mars and elsewhere in
the solar system. Certain members of the SSP Alliance decided to take advantage of the situation by destroying two large
production facilities, one on Mars and another undisclosed location.

During the Consciousness Life Expo, David Wilcock presented the following image from the Washington Post that he claims
confirms that a large facility on Mars was destroyed.
The Washington Post: The massive plume on the surface of Mars no one can explain

These events occurred around February 17th, 2015. While Cabal-run facilities were destroyed, each location was populated
by thousands of innocent laborers, who all lost their lives in the atrocities.

The Sphere Being Alliance, a highly moral and altruistic group, was not pleased by the events, and on February 27th 2015,
shortly after these two tragedies, they decided to call on empath Corey Goode by name to represent the Sphere Being
Alliance as a delegate to the SSP Alliance.

Corey Goode Requested by the Sphere Being Alliance

The SSP Alliance was already in some form of contact through their appointee Lt. Col. Gonzales and were not pleased by
the Sphere Being Alliance's request for Goode.

Although Goode had a tour of duty in Solar Warden between 1987 and 2007 (being age regressed and returned back to the
time he left) he had been out of the program for decades, and his former position in Solar Warden was low level. To the SSP
Alliance Council, Goode was an outsider and they treated him as such.

Goode later appeared before the SSP Alliance Council where he met one of the members of Sphere Being Alliance races,
the Blue Avian known as Raw-Teir-Eir. The being connected to Goode telepathically, and he began communicating a
message of peace, forgiveness and personal healing to the SSP Alliance, who all but balked at the "hippy love" sentiment.

The SSP Alliance was under the impression that the Sphere Beings were going to reveal a grand plan to kick the Cabal's
butt. Instead, they were scolded for the two recent atrocities against Cabal-run facilities and the collateral damage suffered
as a result.
The White Royal Draco are an elite class of reptilians in the Draco Alliance. They have been cybernetically enhanced and
require looshe or "fear food" generated by the Earth's population in order to survive, according to other insiders.

Related David Wilcock and Corey Goode June 28th OYM Radio Transcript and Notes: ET Alliance, Consciousness
Evolution, Disclosure Event, Energetic Ascension, Cabal Take-down & More

Image courtesy of gaia.com. White Royal Draco

Image courtesy of gaia.com. White Royal Draco

The Draco entered the solar system some 370,000 years ago in an effort to turn the Earth into a "fear food factory," as well
as other undisclosed plans. The Cabal groups from antiquity have long worshiped these Draco as their gods; and by all
accounts, the Draco used their human zealots as pawns in a cosmic game of domination and control.

The Draco also have an extra-dimensional overlord that is most likely a malevolent artificial intelligence - the same AI
responsible for infecting countless human subjects and computer systems on Earth.

Related Cosmic Disclosure Season 2 - Episode 15: Standing Guard against the A.I. - Summary and Analysis | Corey
Goode and David Wilcock

At some point after the energy barrier went up, a major meeting took place between the Draco Alliance and all their various
Cabal underlings. The Draco claim to be the top of the Cabal pyramid of power on Earth, with various human and non-
human agencies within their employ.

The Draco, being high-level Cabal figures, apparently held a meeting wherein they offered to betray all of their underlings to
the SSP Alliance for safe passage out of the solar system. The other Cabal groups in attendance were completely taken
aback by the offer, and a tremendous amount of infighting took place shortly after.

According to Goode, as revealed by Gonzales during the early part of 2016, the controlled implosion of the Western financial
system was halted after an agreement was reached between some of the Earth-based Alliances, presumably those in the
East. But despite this alleged development, the global economy, especially within Western nations, has continued to

Related The Baltic Dry Shipping Index Just Collapsed To An All-Time Record Low

Related Financial System Detonating? Deutsche Bank Is Collapsing

Related Central Banks Are In A Lose-Lose Situation: Low-Rate-Policy "Has Rendered The System Profoundly

Early Talk of Partial or Limited Disclosure in July 2015

In July of 2015, a meeting took place between the human-Cabal groups and the SSP Alliance, with Goode in attendance.
During this meeting, the first talk of a partial or limited disclosure plan was spoken of. Here is an excerpt from Goode's July
9th report:

"[The human elite] stated that they had been forced through generations of mind control and threats to do all of the
things that they had done. They further stated that they would prefer to work with the Alliances in setting up a new
financial system that was fair to all of humanity and to begin a controlled disclosure that would not expose
certain crimes and incidents that would incriminate them in their lifetime.

They stated that they believed that this information would also contain too much negative details in a short time for
the average person to deal with. They stated that because of people's religious beliefs and the paradigm that had
been created by those currently in control that a sudden release of this information would lead to riots and suicides
on a mass scale.

Taking all of that in consideration they proposed that a plan be agreed on that allowed the release of certain
information and technologies while withholding the majority of information for a 50 year time
period. [Bolding added.]

- Source

Gonzales and Goode were in attendance during this meeting and reported back to the SSP and Sphere Being Alliance.

Materially Disproving the Basis of Partial Disclosure

Let's pause in the narrative to review the important points of partial disclosure - as it was just presented by the Cabal during
Goode's July 2015 meeting - and materially disprove each one.

The reason for doing this is to point out the flawed logic of the Cabal, to show that their reasoning is in error, and as such,
that the partial disclosure proposal is not the best option - it's not even a good idea. This is important within a lawful capacity
to demonstrate our competency as an awakening community.

In contract law (which is the basis of the legal system and treaties between groups), providing a superior argument is an
essential part of rebutting presumptions that form the basis of implied consent, the very same consent issued by the people
the Cabal rely on to further their agenda.

Instead of saying nothing, and agreeing to the logic of the partial disclosure timeline, we rebut each point to disprove any
logical basis thereby invalidating the proposed agenda with precision.

In order for an agreement to be binding, the parties defined by it must have a meeting of the minds wherein any logical
fallacies (inconsistencies with the truth) are discovered and addressed.

First, the Cabal groups said, they had been forced through generations of mind control and threats to do all of the
things that they had done. Granted these poor souls have endured unspeakable hardship, but that is no
justification to continue their harmful actions against others.

This is a statement attempting to divert culpability away from themselves, in that, they are not as responsible for their
actions due to what happened to them. This statement is a reflection of victim consciousness, a state of disempowerment
and trauma, requiring healing in order to transcend.

But the key point of the rebuttal is that one's own personal suffering is never a valid excuse to continue harming others. The
Cabal was notified by many agents of the light that their machinations are wrong, against universal law, and immoral no
matter how they look at it. When one is notified of wrongdoing and chooses to continue, they prove their incompetence and

In law, this forms a basis for defensive actions to be taken by an honorable party. So on this score, their basis for continuing
harmful actions in the form of a partial disclosure plan is unfounded and unsupported by the truth.

They said that they want to work with the Alliances in setting up a new financial system that [is] fair to all of humanity. What
the "new financial system" actually ends up being is crucial; just because it's "fair to all" doesn't mean it's anymore free,
honorable, or abundant for the people.

For example, a financial system based on everyone being forced to work as slaves is fair to all because everyone receives
the same treatment, hence it is fair. But slavery is still slavery, and as the old saying goes, the devil is in the details. So just
because they said they want a more fair system doesn't mean that we should just blindly accept it.
In order for this offer to be valid within an contractual capacity, they must define what this new system is with specificity,
which they have not done. Therefore, this point lacks substance and as such cannot be taken seriously as a basis to justify
partial disclosure. If the full breadth of this fairer system was outlined then we could discern if it is truly fair. Until then, it
remains an empty promise.

And as an aside, externalized financial systems like the one we use today are very risky, especially when the population that
uses it is not fully educated. I would argue, an ideal financial system is one based on no externalized representations of
value at all, a moneyless society. For more on this, see the below linked articles.

Related Cosmic Disclosure Season 3 - Episode 3: Ubuntu and the Blue Avians Message Part 1 - Summary and
Analysis | Corey Goode and David Wilcock
Related Cosmic Disclosure Season 3 - Episode 9: Ubuntu and the Blue Avians' Message Part 2 - Summary and
Analysis | Corey Goode and David Wilcock

They said they wanted to begin a controlled disclosure that would not expose certain crimes and incidents that would
incriminate them in their life time. Clearly this is an effort to avoid the people's justice, to avoid being held responsible for
their actions.

Now I am not advocating a French-Revolution style mass revenge of the Cabal, but like all beings of consciousness,
honoring one's creations and deeds, is essential to growth and healing.

Ultimately, taking responsibility for one's actions is healing for the individual as well as those who have been harmed
because it provides a way for each party to understand the whole truth so as to restore trust - negotiate a fair and equitable

On this score, avoiding justice for 50 years just prevents the healing and reconciliation that we all need to move

Without all the facts, an individual can't motivate themselves to grow and change for the better. So on this basis, the
proposal of delaying the truth and reconciliation tribunal is unacceptable, as it would prevent the healing everyone needs.

Moving on, they said they believed that this information would also contain too much negative details in a short time for the
average person to deal with. Yes the average person is going to have a major adjustment period, but I doubt that it "would
lead to riots and suicides on a mass scale."

After the World Trade Center attacks of September 11th, 2001, instead of people going crazy because of the horrors of what
happened, it brought them together in a big way. New York is a city infamous for the callous indifference of the population,
yet even when these hardened city dwellers were faced with a chance to unite in love and kindness, the vast majority did so.

Yes, because of people's religious beliefs and the paradigm that had been created by those currently in control, a
change will be very difficult, but this is why the whole truth is needed.

Only when we make contact with the whole truth can we see the errors of the past, in this case, the errors of religious beliefs
that are usually designed to make someone feel disempowered. So again, the whole truth is the only viable option. We can't
change into a free and prosperous society without it, and as such, this point has no basis in truth.

Finally, they proposed that a plan be agreed on that allowed the release of certain information and technologies while
withholding the majority of information for a 50-year time period. After providing their supportive logic, they state their
proposal for the partial disclosure timeline.

But this proposal does not provide adequate resolution to the problems at hand. No measure of true healing, restoration of
honor, or reconciliation of past crimes can take place under this plan. In other words, it is a token gesture, indicating the
Cabal is not ready to truly change their ways.

From a contractual perspective, the Cabal have already positioned themselves as custodians of humanity and the
planet, this agreement is already in place (e.g. the Papal Bull Unam Sanctum and the Cestui Que Vie Trusts) and
implied consent was issued by the people long ago.

But part of this agreement required that the powers that be act as honorable custodians, which they have clearly failed to do.
As a result, the people of Earth have a long standing right under this agreement to redress of grievance, or an opportunity to
tell the Cabal they have failed to live up to their end of the bargain.

If the Cabal want to restore the trust and honor the contract, they must explicitly acknowledge all of our grievances and
provide remedy to each harmed person - this is what a truth and reconciliation tribunal is designed to accomplish. And they
must cease any and all actions that cause further dishonor of the agreement.

But they have done none of these things, and only paid lip service to ending their dishonorable actions that are in breach of
contract and trust.

During the delay period put forth in the partial disclosure proposal, the Cabal intends on continuing their transhumanist NWO
agenda, enslaving the people, and trying to start wars to depopulate the planet.

The Cabal have proven themselves to be untrustworthy, and as such, they are in dishonor insofar as the trust relationship to
the people is concerned. Within universal law, when rulers dishonor the public trust, the people are empowered to overthrow
Considering the Cabal have not even tried to change their ways, despite saying they would, the people have prima facie
evidence to move forward with a peoples uprising for an end of Cabal rule. And the universe itself will support us in this
supreme effort.

Related Understanding True Law and The Fraud of the Existing System | The Golden "Rule of Law" Means: No One
is Above the Law

Although the Cabal imply that they were considering working with the Alliances for disclosure and global change, they seem
to have already been moving forward with partial disclosure well before this meeting took place. Here are some examples, in
addition to the ones provided at the beginning of this article.

Related Soft Disclosure? | NASA Spies 3-Mile-Tall 'Pyramid,' More Bright Spots on Ceres

Related 3 Soft ET Disclosure Articles | Roswell UFO Alien Photos, DNA Building Blocks Created By Exploding Stars
& Saturn's Moon Enceladus Has Lakes

Related Soft Disclosure | The Vatican Is Making Radical Changes In Preparation For Disclosure

David Wilcock has also been covering an extensive amount of soft disclosure on his website divinecosmos.com.

So while the Cabal suggests that they have had a change of heart, presumably due-to exopolitical changes resulting from
the energy barrier, it seems they haven't changed their agenda of domination and control.

And in the midst of these alleged negotiations for peace, the Cabal have continued their machinations against the people,
such as, false flag attacks, financial warfare, ceaseless environmental destruction, continued poisoning of food and water,
and so on.

Again, if an agreement is to be honorable and binding, made in good faith and based on a demonstration of trust, the Cabal
have failed to meet their end of the bargain. Are they honoring their word? Are they making a good faith attempt to stop
what they have been forced to do through generations of mind control and threats? No they haven't.

2015 saw more false flag attacks then any other year on record, all in an effort to start more conflict and trigger World War
III. The financial system has also seen more manipulation than possibly any other time in history. These are not the actions
of a group seeking to earn trust and cooperate to effect change.

More Talk of Partial Disclosure in October 2015

For several months there wasn't much talk of any further developments related to negotiations for disclosure. But as was
mentioned earlier, draconian operations of the Cabal continued to make life difficult for the people of Earth, a lack of good
faith and a demonstration of dishonor.

In October of 2015, Goode reported that the secret Earth government and their syndicates were still trying to realize
armageddon via a biblical prophesy regarding the destruction of Damascus. He also said that some of the Earth-based
alliances, the Asian groups, are pushing for their 100 years of financial power, by forcing an implosion of the Western
controlled financial system.

Here's an excerpt from Goode's October 2015 report:

"I was told several things a few weeks ago (Intel that most write off as "fear porn") about the dynamics occurring on
the planet which include the (controlled implosion) demise of the western controlled financial system, the
fall of the leaders of certain syndicates as well as infiltration by other syndicates into various Earth Alliance
Groups to push for an agreement that would allow the east to have their one hundred years of financial
rule. [Bolding added.]

- Source

From the earlier proposal in July of 2015, the tone changed somewhat. The point of interest in Goode's account is that
infighting and positioning is taking place on the world stage.

Dozens of cabal groups (secret government syndicates) as well as Earth-based alliances are all clamoring to have their
version of a new world come to fruition; and some of these visions are not benevolent.

Goode also says the Cabal have infiltrated some of these Earth-based alliances and is actively manipulating them to accept
the partial disclosure agenda, most-likely using the rationale that we disproved above.

More statements from Goode's October 2015 report:

" If this heavily pushed [partial disclosure] plan were to win out over the SSP Alliance Full Disclosure Event and
Data Dump plan, we would start off with a limited disclosure that would slowly unfold into full disclosure and
transition the world into new technologies and social programs that would make the transition into a Star
Trek type society more manageable and less of a shock to society.

There is talk of limited trials of certain syndicate leaders that are the most well-known while others may receive a
pass of sorts.

This is all still under fairly fluid of course but with the infiltrations of some ground-based alliance groups, a
general anxiety of completely giving up a monetary system and beginning a new system of living on top of the
disturbing information contained in the databases that would be dumped, this plan seems to be gaining more
and more popularity in think tanks on both sides.

This is not at all how the SSP Alliance Council wants to see things unfold but cooperation of the ground alliance
(Combining essential resources and infrastructure) is essential in the SSP Alliance Councils plan coming into

This has been cause of consternation between Earth Alliance groups as well as quite a lot of anger and frustration
within the SSP Alliance Groups. The uncomfortable fact is that there are compromised people in both alliances and
it is causing trust and fragmentation issues throughout. Infiltrating organizations, creating conflicting agendas and
ideology between its members is something these syndicates seem to do almost effortlessly."

- Source

Essentially, Goode is reporting on the negotiations between Earth-based groups in their formation of the partial disclosure
plan. These developments were still fluid at the time. The Cabal groups seemed to spend the time they had doing what they
do best, manipulating and intimidating others into complying with their plans, by any means necessary. Possibly these
Earth-based groups had a more benevolent agenda at one time.

And as frustrating as this is for the SSP Alliance, they cannot move forward with Full Disclosure independent of alliance
groups on the surface.

For even if the data dumps occurred tomorrow, the propaganda machines of every major nation could
easily debunk anything that managed to make it into the public arena.
Solidification of the Partial Disclosure Agenda in 2016

On January 14th, 2016 Goode released an update in regard to on going negotiations taking place between the Cabal or
secret Earth government syndicates and Earth-based alliance groups.

Here is an excerpt from the report:

"The SSP Alliance meetings I attended were mostly briefings on the negotiations between the Earth Alliance
Groups and the Secret Earth Governments and their Syndicates. I saw nearly half a dozen plans put forth
that ranged from a NWO 2.0 with a little bit of disclosure to plans for an overt military conflict between
these groups.

With the most negative forces threatening to detonate 1 to 3 super volcanoes located under the oceans. If memory
serves correctly there is one large 1 in the Atlantic Ocean and 2 in the Pacific Oceans located in both
hemispheres. The majority of these Secret Earth Government Syndicates however are coming to the table
with the Earth Alliance to negotiate a bloodless financial coup and a limited yet slowly unfolding
disclosure narrative.

The controlled collapse of Western Economics is only one front in what will be called a "different kind of Stealth
World War" by History. This "world War" (that is occurring between the Secret Earth Syndicates and the various
Earth Alliance Groups is being fought through proxy armies, massive hacks/electronic attacks and attacks
against financial/government/corporate entities that make up the opposition.

The SSP Alliance and the Sphere Being Alliance has made it clear that we as a collective consciousness
are choosing a path or future timeline. We are at a critical juncture to where our future could be one of a NWO
2.0 with some debt forgiveness, a bit of free currency and a new Babylonian Money Magic Slave System OR we
have a full disclosure event during this time of social catalyst. [Bolding added.]

- Source

From this report we can infer that the Secret Earth Syndicates and the various Earth Alliance Groups are fighting against
financial / government / corporate entities that make up the opposition.

This means that some of the Earth-based alliances have joined the secret Earth syndicates and their partial disclosure
agenda. Furthermore, these groups are actively attacking the opposition or any group that wants full disclosure.

Related Lower Level SSP Group Broke Away from SSP Alliance Council, Intends on Pushing Partial Disclosure and
Inner-Earth Anshar to Begin Contact with Surface

Based on this report, the stealth World War is focused on forcing other groups to comply with partial disclosure.

Three days after Goode released this update, the Boeing advertisement, You just wait, debuted on television. The overtones
of this ad are congruent with the limited disclosure agenda, as will be detailed shortly.

Developments of 2016

In the midst of all this, several mainstream media outlets covered UFO whistleblower stories.

Related Thousands of Documents Disclosing Aliens-UFOs soon to be released by US Navy Whistleblower

Related Top Secret UFO Documents 'Prove Britain's Biggest Alien Sighting Was Real' Claims US Naval Officer
There was also a sensational story covered by the Mirror about human women giving birth to alien-human hybrid children.

Related Mothers to Alien Hybrids? | Women 'had sex with aliens and gave birth to hybrid babies' - and so might

Arguably one of the most obvious examples of the partial disclosure agenda is season 10 of The X-files, which came back
after a decade long hiatus.

The fact that the show came out right as the partial disclosure agenda was being solidified is probably no coincidence
considering that it is one of the most overt presentations of secret government activity in television history.

Related The X-Files "My Struggle" Part 2: The Depopulation Agenda, Partial Disclosure, Predictive Programing, and
Reprogramming the Mind

Related Partial or Limited Disclosure Agenda Revealed in 2016 X-FILES Season 10

On February 14th, 2016, Goode reported that there were developments occurring behind the scenes between the Cabal and
Earth-based alliances. He cited a meeting between Henry Kissinger and Vladimir Putin as evidence, and made light of some
other developments.

Here is an excerpt from that mid February 2016 update:

"[The powers that] TPT (were) are indeed showing signs of capitulation in this great struggle and
negotiation between their syndicates and various Earth Based Alliance groups. Some are feigning
compliance while working on dirty tricks and false flags in the background. They do not realize it will only
make their situation worse.

There are many meetings between people/groups that many may scratch their heads over and wonder why the
meeting is occurring. There is much that hasn't been reported recently about the quiet movement of troops to
various cities in the U.S. driving in unmarked caravans and wearing plain clothes.

One tries not to get their hopes up too much but things are looking to be coming to an end for one group and
a beginning for another group (their 100 years).

All the signs are there and the movement that is now occurring in the public eye is enough to cause knee jerk
reaction stories and indeed they make you wonder.
Kissinger was not meeting Putin to discuss global finances or their old "friendship" in his recent flight to
Moscow. IMHO you could see the shame and confusion on his face. [Bolding added.]

- Source

Related Corey Goode on: Disclosure, Mass Arrests Rumor: Pope Francis signed off on what is being called a binding
Galactic Agreement this past Sunday

This excerpt implies that cohesion of various Earth-based groups towards the partial disclosure plan has taken place, things
are coming to an end for one group and beginning for another (their 100 years of power).

On February 16th, 2016, Goode posted an update stating he was warned to back off of the full disclosure narrative as it is
'irresponsible to the public'.

Related Corey Goode Warned to Back Off of Full Disclosure Narrative, Partial Disclosure of Lower Level Secret
Space Programs Actively Rolling Out

This was three days prior to Goode's scheduled appearance at the Consciousness Life Expo event. He and David Wilcock
intended to present material at their Friday night talk, which would "blow the lid off of" the partial disclosure agenda.

During that talk, they did present a huge volume of full disclosure related information, data that if it were made public would
make partial disclosure impossible.

Related David Wilcock and Corey Goode: History of the Solar System and Secret Space Program - Notes from
Consciousness Life Expo 2016

This suggests that the Cabal and Earth-based alliance groups had enough agreement on the partial disclosure agenda to
feel threatened by what Goode is revealing to the public. This in and of itself is a major indication that the agenda has been
agreed to at some level, and is actively moving forward. And it also indicates that a grassroots effort is a clear and present
danger to the partial disclosure agenda, a point we must not forget.

100 Year Partial Disclosure Boeing Ad "You just wait"

And now, without further ado, here is the analysis of the Boeing Ad.

Watch the short ad yourself to see what you can glean. Now that the background story has been presented, the theme of
partial disclosure should hopefully be quite obvious.
Subtle Influencing

Consider that the Cabal are masters of subliminal influencing and subconscious programming. From a psychological point of
view, any information we are exposed to but don't not consciously acknowledge and understand, affects our mental
processes, our desires, insights, and intuitions. This is generally referred to as Subtle Influence.

The lens through which we perceive the world is affected by the subconscious mind, influencing what we see and the
meanings generated therefrom. But due to the unique perspective and experience of each person, the end result of subtle
influencing is not always the same.

However, in the main, these effects act on populations in a bell curve capacity, with the majority falling in line with the
desired outcome of the suggestion - if the proper pre-existing conditioning is present within an individual.

Social engineering or propaganda spread liberally throughout society through the media ensures that the masses are well
conditioned to receive updates on programing with ease.

Debunkers of subliminal or supraliminal influence and predictive programming assume that if it were possible to manipulate
someone's consciousness in this way, everyone should have the same reaction but this is not how the science works.

Pre-existing triggers, usually provided by indoctrination of cultural norms, provides the foundation for subliminal conditioning.
This is why some advertisements work very well on some demographics whereas others have no effect.

For example, ads targeting women won't work on men because the cultural cues are different. In another example, sexual
repression programming in society enables advertising with sexually suggestive imagery to stimulate these suppressed
regions, usually invoking a desire for whatever product it is associated with, as we'll see in a moment.

The first program installed into a person's consciousness is the thought-form of self doubt and fear. Fear of life itself is
programmed in via the use of reinforcement parenting methods, according to Joseph Chilton Pearce, author of Magical

He says positive or negative reinforcement trains our children to fear life because at a young age they can't understand
these techniques the way adults do, taking them very personally.

The child understand positive reinforcement as unconditional, and when there is no reinforcement it is subconsciously
understood as lack of love, which slowly manifests as an abandonment complex.

Negative reinforcement has a similar and more obvious effect of making a child feel abandoned as a subtle message.
Pearce says that the key is to teach our children how to explore and play, something they do naturally, with techniques that
help them avoid the pitfalls of life.

Once the program of fear has been installed, it blossoms in to a host of psychological triggers that can be manipulated by
subtle influence. In advertising, the feeling of inadequacy or dissatisfaction with oneself and the world can be associated
with all manner of things to invoke a desire for a product in the target.

This is used to get us to buy things we think we need to feel satisfied. Subconsciously, we may not feel like we're attractive
enough, smart enough, good enough for our friends and loved ones, and so on, and once this self-loathing belief has been
firmly implanted, we can be baited into all sorts of things if the right buttons are pushed.

When pressured into a state of wanting or needing, a kind of mild fight or flight response occurs, taking over such that we
seek or desire things to restore equanimity - "products and services" pushed by the Cabal.

Here's a fairly obvious example of a sexually targeted image, designed to stimulate the subconscious sexual programming
of the observer. Interestingly enough, this candy is targeting children, which via their exposure to various forms of media,
receive their sexual repression training early on in life.
In this example, the word "SEX" is made by a red skittle placed next to the word "Explosion." Notice how the first two letters
of explosion are capitalized, emphasizing the supraliminal association that this product has with sex. In other words, the
overt message would read something like this:

"If you feel sexually repressed and inadequate, like you just aren't getting enough good sex in your life. Look no
further! Skittles can satisfy all your sexual needs."

One reason why subtle influencing works is because the mind is a storehouse of knowledge and experiences recorded as a
mesh of information that psychologists call a Semantic Network.

In each moment of experience, the mind records everything in our perception as embedded concepts or ideas, along with
our emotional state. We could call this a mind tree.

An object within the field of our perception is charged with meaning from past experience, present emotional states, and
intuitive insights. Simply observing something subconsciously triggers recollections that associate and activate thought-
forms at a subconscious level that influence our point of view and resulting moment to moment impressions.
For example, to a non-smoker, seeing an ashtray on a dining room table can invoke feelings of disgust and unpleasantness.
This reaction, most would agree, affects our abilities after the fact, as a feeling of disgust often does. But these are
conscious triggers, wherein we can recognize or trace back how our state of being was altered via an object in our

Subtle processes work in the same way, except we don't recognize the triggering stimulus, yet the effect on our state of
being is just as strong. Via subliminal (subconscious) or supraliminal (conscious) triggers, thought-forms within the
unconscious can be activated that affects perception, altering our desires and methods of achieving them.

Here is a short video to emphasize the mechanics we're discussing here. The terms used by the presenter are slightly
different than my own, but the conceptual framework is essentially the same.

The ability to manipulate consciousness by subtle means is well established, but just how powerfully can this work? Is it just
a mild influence or can we actually be made to do specific things?

The short answer is both. The mind itself is a meaning generating machine, its constantly receiving influences from the
environment and altering our consciousness as a result. So on the question of are we being influenced, the answer is most
definitely yes. Now the question is, can these influences be focused such that a person's behavior can be precisely

For many reading this article, who are aware of the insidious nature of the Cabal, the answer is obvious, but in the interest of
objectivity, let's assume it is not.

The following short video demonstrates, first that it is possible to alter someone's behavior by subtly influencing them in a
very precise way. In order to do this, knowledge of a person's mental syntax or structure in consciousness as it is relates to
the world is required. Since everyone has different life experiences, the language through which we conceptualize our reality
is different.

Everyone possesses a different Semantic Network, to use the psychology term mentioned above, and as such, the larger
the target population the more difficult it is to guarantee specific results.
And here is another example proving that one can produce precise behavioral results in another if the proper process is
used to steer consciousness are harnessed.

At this point, it should be fairly clear that its not only possible to subtly influence a person's mind, its actively taking place in
our world today. As far as how to protect oneself from subtle influencing, consider that the conscious mind's power to
override suggestion can only take place if we have gained awareness.

These softer forms of mind control can only work on an individual that has not developed mental discipline to discern
influence from genuine personal desire. But the good news is whether or not a desire came from a suggestion or not doesn't
really matter insofar as determining if it is for our highest and best good or if it is moral and honors the rights of others.

In short, we can evaluate the ethical and idealistic factors involved in making a choice regardless of whether it came from a
subtle suggestion or not, and in this way, the conscious mind - where our free will has the most power - can override even
the most well crafted influencing methods.

Related Understanding Mind Control | The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled
Slave by Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler

The entire advertisement industry is based around the psychological effect of subtle influencing, with the propaganda
machine of the Cabal employing suggestions at all levels of society to entice the masses into following their plans. We need
only look out into the world to see the evidence and success of this.

The Suggestion: You Just Wait

Given these methods, the first thing to notice is the title, You just wait. This is an overarching command or suggestion for the
whole video. Subtle suggestion works by presenting a series of ideas, concepts or information and then applying a
conceptual label or bias over it. In this case, the suggestion is that all the things presented in the video you have to wait for.

For the unawakened masses, they will receive the suggestion or programing fully, due to their lack of conscious recognition
of the items presented.
When they see images of a futuristic better world of free energy, space age technology and so on, the preconditioned bias in
their minds will be to reject the whole idea because they have been programmed to just wait. But as was said earlier, not
everyone will have this reaction, it only works on a very specific subset of the population.

There are other layers of conditioning from society influencing the outcome due to the mind's holistic and additive nature.
This is why social engineers use the same general framework in all forms of subtle conditioning so that conflicts don't arise.

One of these ubiquitous programs is the use of science fiction and the presentation of valid scientific concepts in a fantastic
way that conditions the mind to label what is presented as fiction.

If we see someone in a movie using telepathy and psychic powers, we might subconsciously assume such things aren't real
because they were presented in an unreal context - a fictional work. But when we have a conscious set of knowledge that
overrides this subconscious program, we'll draw a different conclusion.

Related Awakening Your Force | Science Fiction and Psychology - Star Wars, Ancient Tibet, and Jedi Training

Arguably, the overarching subtle suggestion to just wait is the most powerful aspect of the Boeing advertisement. Everything
else presented in the video supports this suggestion, and acts as a trigger for the program.

Subtle suggestion techniques work by presenting a series of triggers or prepackaged ideas so as to create a contextual
framework for the suggestion. This is done by introducing images or lines of dialog that invoke certain ideas within the minds
of the audience, which are then woven together into a narrative.

Like telling a story, one needs to present the setting or context first. Then after the proper ideas have been invoked in the
viewer's mind, the whole presentation is enshrouded or encased under the umbrella of a suggestion or command.

Here is an advertisement from Lexus as an example.

The ad starts by showing a beautiful woman standing in front of the Arch de Triumph in Paris, the suggestion is: successful
men want this woman. Then it goes on to show interlaced shots of the woman walking and the man driving the fancy new
car; the guy that every man watching should identify with.

Then the man parks the car in front of the modern version of the Arch, the woman walks into the shot, and the man
embraces her in a passionate kiss. The whole time this is happening, the dialog is making a comparison between the old
and the new, suggesting that if you want to "stand out," if you want the girl, then you have to redefine sophistication, you
have to redefine yourself in the way we are telling you.

Then the command or suggestion comes in at the end, this is the pursuit of perfection; or more clearly stated: a Lexus is the
pursuit of perfection. In other words, if you want the girl, you need to redefine yourself by buying a Lexus.

This is classic subtle programming. I don't know the precise psychological term to describe it, but I would liken it to the
inadequate, dissatisfied, self loathing technique mentioned above; whereby, we're conditioned to believe we aren't good
enough, and we need the product being sold to feel whole again.

Now let's go over the transcript and imagery of the Boeing advertisement line by line.

Note: Before doing so, it should be understood that there are no black and white meanings or inferences to make
when analyzing subtleties in advertisements. All interpretations are valid in the observers eye, yet the devices
employed, as was stated earlier, tend to produce a bell curve effect wherein the majority of responses in a given
population fall within a predetermined set.

"Welcome to the World of 2116"

1. Welcome to the world of 2116 With this first line of dialog, the idea of a high tech future world is invoked in
the minds of the audience, with a specific date associated to it of 2116. This brighter future concept is further
reinforced by the high tech city skyline.

A man and what could be his daughter are marveling at the world they live in. Although it's hard to make out, they are both
smiling, suggesting to the audience that they are happy and content, which most people can empathize with. When we see
that other people are happy, we want to know why, because we want to be happy too, so we'll draw our attention to what
they are looking at, the world of 2116. This device triggers curiosity with a bias of positivity.

This also subtly creates the pretext of dissatisfaction within the observer, because if we are drawn in by the offer to
empathize with happy people, we are unconsciously telling ourselves we're not happy.

This foundation of dissatisfaction created by recognizing the satisfaction of others is a commonly used technique in the
advertising industry. These techniques are so subtle most people never notice them.

The suggestion or pre-packaged idea in this section is a brighter future everyone can enjoy with those closest to them. This
is a technique for enticing the audience to buy into the vision being presented; it is the bait, the carrot on a stick.

This draws the focus of the audience into the world being created by the images and dialog in the ad. The brighter future
theme is the overt message everyone consciously recognizes and will be later associated with the command you just wait.

The majority of the conceptual invocation of the brighter future took place within the first few seconds of the ad, the
remaining portions of the video reinforce the foundation laid down by this first scene.

"You Can Fly Across Town in Minutes"

2. You can fly across town in minutes In this section, the general idea of a high tech brighter future is expanded. The
implied inference presented in the first scene is bolstered and reinforced by the statement we can fly across town in

This notion of faster travel or commuting times is enticing to most people in the modern world who feel that precious free
time is slipping through their fingers.

This scene triggers the pre-existing belief that life is too short and we need to do everything we can to get more time. This
adds a level of excitement for the audience, who was already interested in a brighter future, but now has something more
specific to look forward to. The scene is meant to "pull the heart strings" of the people, to sell them something tangible they
consciously want.

And the view from that altitude of space would be quite breathtaking, adding even more mystique to the offer.

Just as this image is transitioning, the next line of dialog begins.

"Or Across the Globe in Under an Hour"

3. Or across the globe in under an hour This is another section reinforcing the brighter future concept. Most people
would love the idea of traveling to different parts of the globe in a short period of time.

The image of serenely content people gazing out of the cabin window adds another layer of empathetic enticement. It's
almost as if the people in this scene are blissed out or on some kind of sedative.

Notice the red seat backs. Red is a subtle command color used to compel someone into action. The act being suggested by
this scene is to enter into a trancelike state of wonder and amazement, to accept the suggestion to just wait.

"Whole Communities Are Living on Mars"

4. Whole communities are living on Mars The same technique of enhancing the brighter future theme is further refined
in this scene, but in a personal way. In this case, there are no happy people, there are no smiling faces. Instead, we see the
backside of a man quickly pointing out a marvel to his friend on the right, which invokes curiosity in the minds of the
This is a conditioning device that stimulates interest and desire, to get us to sit up in our chairs and focus our attention on
what they are pointing to. But the fact we can't see clearly ensures a vacuum of understanding is created, which naturally
triggers an observers imagination into action.

In response to not knowing what these two are marveling at the subconscious mind generates positive images we
personally are interested in, a kind of self fulfilled feedback effect of enticement. We imagine what we would be excited
seeing and then subconsciously project that feeling onto the imagined world presented on the screen.

The end result is an increased excitement level in what is being presented in a personally tailored way. By this I mean, what
we imagine they are looking at is reflective of what we think is exciting to us as individuals. This has the effect of drawing us
into the imagined world via associating unconscious desires onto the images.

Movie teasers, as opposed to previews, employ the same methodology by showing very little but faint glimpses of
a film, which causes the viewer to fill in the gaps with what they want to see, and therefore, increasing interest.

Consider that in a crowd, most people want to fit in, so if there is something captivating the group that we can't see, we'll
want to know what they are focused on. This introduces a Group Think suggestion of going along with the pack or wanting
to do what everyone else is doing. A secondary suggestion in addition to the personal investment device discussed earlier.

Furthermore, this is also the first scene showing actual Mars bases or communities, an obfuscation technique of "hiding the
truth in plain sight."

As was outlined above, the secret space programs have had advanced bases on Mars, the Moon and elsewhere for
decades. By showing us this image of Mars colonies, under the overarching suggestion of You just wait, we are being told
that the partial disclosure agenda will not be revealing the existence of real Mars bases; we have to wait for that.

Another point to consider on this topic of Mars bases is the recruitment of astronauts for Mars missions by NASA earlier this

Related NASA Is Recruiting Farmers, Teachers, And Technicians To Explore Mars -- Partial Disclosure?

"And Solar Satellites Provide Earth with Unlimited Clean Power"

5. And solar satellites provide Earth with unlimited clean power In a scene that looks like a classroom setting on
Mars, the dialog states: And solar satellites provide Earth with unlimited clean power.

On the surface, this entices the audience to conceive of an environmentally responsible future, free of energy production
that pollutes the planet, and who wouldn't want that?. But I think there is much more going on in this scene.

The phrase unlimited clean power is a subtle reference to free energy or over unity production methods that
produce unlimited energy; but is this energy provided to the people in a free way?
I don't think it is in this case.

Immediately afterward, an image of high tech satellites are shown hovering above the Earth.

The type of clean power being refer to here is probably not decentralized "free energy" for the people. The suggestion is that
a centralized power company or agency may still be at work, which is a euphemism for a Cabal-controlled energy industry, a
central pillar in their matrix of control.

The systems used to produce this energy maybe free, as in over unity production methods, but it isn't free to the people,
who still need to earn-a-livingto receive it.

But why depict the classroom on Mars?

Earlier, the teacher was showing her Martian students how the Earth pulls energy from the Sun. While the dialog talks of
solar satellites, the imagery associated with it implies that the Earth is drawing energy and resources from Mars:

And solar satellites provide Earth with unlimited clean power. Ambiguity in relation to where these solar satellites
draw their energy translates as a suggestion to the subconscious mind.

I think the inference here is that in this future version of Earth, the Martian colonies are still going to be serving the Cabal as
production facilities; like the British colonies of the past were forced to serve the Crown.

Also, remember that according to Goode, these facilities on Mars are essentially slave plantations wherein the corporate
interests of the ICC, home-based on Earth, can exploit the resources of the solar system. I think the suggestion here is that
the disclosure of these sites to the public won't happen until 2116, and even then, they may still be glorified slave

"In Less Than a Century, Boeing Took the World from Sea Planes, to Space Planes."
6: In less than a century, Boeing took the world from sea planes, to space planes In this scene the reinforcement of
the brighter future idea continues by invoking societal propaganda of technological progress.

The modern worldview, as promulgated by the media, educational institutions, and science is that of the glory and splendor
of our technological progress. It is the belief that human history is a slow and steady progression of advancement; an
assumption that peoples of the past were more primitive than the people of the present, and that technology is what fueled
this progress.

One alternative researcher termed this notion the belief in the Church of Progress. This modern day belief of endless
technological progress is a pretext for the transhumanist agenda.

This is the idea that the future is one where man merges with machine in an effort to correct evolutionary errors in the
human organism.

The partial disclosure timeline would allow the Cabal to develop a transhumanist society, wherein human beings are
increasingly dependent on, and enslaved by, technology.
Related Cosmic Disclosure Season 5 - Episode 5: Spiritual Ascension vs. Technology - Summary and Analysis |
Corey Goode and David Wilcock

This scene is also another reinforcement of the promise of a better world through technology, again in an effort to entice the
audience into believing in the vision presented.

In his commentary on this article, Corey Goode offered that the SSP already has a personal carrier that can seat up to 600
people, he called a Military Personal Carrier.

In Dr. Michael Salla's book, Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs & Extraterrestrial Alliances, Goode is quoted on page
18 that these carriers can transport someone "anywhere in the world in less than an hour"eerily similar to the line from the
Boeing ad, "across the globe in under an hour."

Goode's statement and Salla's book was released prior to the Boeing advertisements debut.

"Across the Universe and Beyond"

7: Across the universe and beyond This is when the video transitions back to the young girl with her father. At this
point, the many layers of subtle programming are reinforced again before the big reveal of the overarching suggestion.

Reading the preceding line of dialog in succession with this line suggest that Boeing developed technology in the past 100
years to take humanity from, sea planes to space planes, across the universe and beyond

"In less than a century, Boeing took the world from sea planes, to space planes; across the universe and

Of course this perfectly matches what many SSP whistleblowers have stated, that humanity possesses technology capable
of "taking ET home." This glaring admission in the advertisement will be placed under the overarching subtle suggestion
of You just wait, meaning disclosure of these interstellar technologies will not come until 2116.

"And if You Thought that was Amazing..."

8: And if you thought that was amazing... The same general imagery is presented for this section, again reinforcing
the splendor of a brighter technological future, but with a subtle change.

Notice that the father character is pointing toward the Moon, while the narration reads "and if you thought that was
amazing..." This is the same invocation of desire or curiosity technique used above in the Martian communities scene. It is
used to fan the flames of interest, to create a fervor of excitement and anticipation in the minds of the audience, all in
preparation for the final overarching suggestion or command.

The father is not just pointing to the Moon, but pointing to everything else in the scene as a final attempt to get us to agree
just how amazing this world is.

"You Just Wait"

9. You just wait - As they say in the film industry, this is the "money shot." This scene is where all the previous ground
work culminates in a completed thought form, the suggestion or command to just wait.

They finally reveal the face of the young girl from the beginning. Notice the same calm trancelike wonder and amazement
from the earlier scenes. This girl represents the inner child of the audience, that part of us that seeks novelty and the

The audience will take all the previous suggestions of enticement and solidify them into their consciousness, by identifying
with the little girl.

The command is that we must wait for all the things presented in the advertisement; we must wait till 2116; we must wait
100 years.

Sound familiar?

Seeding the Collective Consciousness of Humanity

To me, it seems obvious that the Boeing advertisement is trying to get people to believe in partial disclosure. And there's a
big reason why.

Belief collapses possibilities, it collapses timelines because we usually can't imagine something beyond the limits of what is
believed to be true. This is why observing a double slit experiment collapses waves into a particles.
If you believe the world is flat, anything to do with a spherical Earth sounds like disinformation. If you believe that there are
no cures for cancer, you won't bother looking for them, even though they exist. If you believe you are unattractive and
undesirable, you won't pursue relationships with others.

Using these very simple examples, the power of belief should be clearly recognized. Beliefs steer our consciousness toward
a particular outcome, along a timeline or track.

Now belief in and of itself won't move mountains, but it will change how we see the world, and as a result what we choose to
do in life. Beliefs provide a channel or pathway for our creative energy to express itself; what we think is possible determines
what we will try to do.

At this point, let's go back and review what Raw-Teir-Eir said to Goode after his meeting from July of 2015.

"I had a short communication with Tear-Eir where, as usual, I began to report what happened and he interrupted
me by raising his hand. He then communicated that much of what we call "Full Disclosure" is not in any one
group's hands. As more of this info is reported by "US" that the more it awakens people and enters their mass

That the awakening population and their mass consciousness/co-creative abilities will determine when or
how soon some of these events occur. He further communicated that we should keep up what we are
doing and keep the information flowing at a high rate through trusted sources.

As this information spreads among the awakened and awakening the quicker we will cause the timeline of
disclosure to happen with the power of the mass consciousness that we still do not fully
understand. [Bolding added.]

- Source
What Tear-Eir is telling Goode is that the collective consciousness of humanity is the deciding factor for what shapes the
future: whether we have full or partial disclosure. The Cabal know this all to well and use the methods to steer
consciousness in their favor.

When people see this advertisement and get excited about what is presented, they unconsciously choose to accept it; they
believe in the imaginary world created.

When we desire something it is an indication the image of it is firmly placed within the mind, for we can't desire what we
can't imagine. The advertisement is a tool to get us to believe in the partial disclosure timeline, and as such, use our
collective consciousness to help manifest it.

This is proof of concept for what Raw-Teir-Eir told Goode after the July meeting. We now have a tangible proof of concept
for steering collective consciousness to contemplate. This is a central point that must be understood properly in order to
realize what we need to do next.

The Energetic Shift Could Be Delayed

On Saturday night of the Consciousness Life Expo talk, Wilcock released a critical piece of information supplied by Goode.

Apparently the Sphere Beings told the SSP Alliance that if a grassroots full disclosure effort from within the awakening
community was not successful in steering the collective consciousness of humanity, the Sphere Beings would delay the
solar shift for an age. This is not their choice, they must honor humanity's free will if it chooses to delay.

While many were surprised and shocked to hear this, it actually matches what the Sphere Beings have said from the
beginning, as we just detailed.

To be clear, the Sphere Beings are not enforcing a partial disclosure plan, they are simply stating the fact that the collective
consciousness of humanity is in charge of what happens next, not the Sphere Beings, the SSP Alliance, the Cabal or the
Earth-based alliances.

And while this might sound like a cop-out by the Sphere Beings, it is consistent with their message and reinforces the idea
that our destiny is truly in our hands.

Would we really want it any other way?

Wilcock's Description of Partial Disclosure

In an article by David Wilcock, he described what partial disclosure might look like.
I want to present this information so that those in the awakening communityhopefully those who see the value of a grass-
root disclosure effortwill be empowered to point this out to their fellows. When you recognize the magicians trick, you are
now empowered to tell others so they won't be deceived.

Here is an excerpt from Wilcock's March 2016 update:


The partial disclosure timeline requires very large-scale events to happen very quickly. In order for this to occur, a
certain sequence of catalysts are expected.

We are expecting a relatively sudden, dramatic collapse of the Euro, the US dollar and the "too big to fail"

For a period of time, it may be that any money you have in the bank will be inaccessible and / or nearly worthless.
It will be returned after the dust settles.

Silver is currently around 15 dollars per ounce coin. This is due to Cabal price-fixing and manipulation. It costs 26
dollars to manufacture a silver ounce coin.

Silver may go as high as 400, at least for a period of time, and insiders recommend it as your best bet to
secure assets right now.

Gold is now 81 times more pricey than silver at the same weight, which is an all-time high in history. So silver is a
much better buy than gold right now.

Some degree of rioting and violence is expected to occur when people lose their money -- and this depends upon
the overall level of public outrage.

The negative groups are hoping for large-scale loss of life when this happens. It is very likely not going to turn
out that way, but there probably will be some.


At some point we lose power and internet access, at least throughout America and possibly Europe, for up
to 2-3 weeks. Most people are in a blackout.

You do want to make sure you have whatever you need on hand to get through that much time with storable food,
water, supplies and books to read.

That being said, I highly recommend that you not panic. That creates exactly the type of energy that will anchor
in the negative timeline.

I have done what I need to do to prepare. It is possible that nothing may happen. I have already eaten through
a previous round of storable food.

During the blackout there will be small-scale but intense military conflicts between opposing groups in
many, if not most major American and European cities.

Both sides of these skirmishes are already in position now and waiting for it to start. Multiple insiders have
confirmed this.

Without going into too much detail, these battles will likely focus on areas where the Cabal and its assets are
the most concentrated.

Most of the targeted people inside will be brought out in handcuffs and arrested, not shot and killed, as this

When the lights come back on, everything will have changed. The controlled media will be telling a
completely different story.

Even in the partial timeline, it will appear at first as if everything we have worked so hard to achieve on this
site has actually happened.

Although nothing is solid, and plans are completely flexible and ready to change at a moment's notice, here
are the most likely outcomes in the aftermath:

It will include 9/11 truth and the arrests of many high-level people we will be happy to see get brought to justice.

It will include a financial system reboot, and very likely some sort of tribute payments to everyone who was
screwed by the system.

It will include the gradual release of "forbidden" technologies, including clean energy, anti-gravity and some
new health breakthroughs.

It will include the revealing of a "lower level" military space program that already has the ability to travel
around our solar system in cool new ships.

It will include, maybe not at first, the revealing of an "Ancient Builder Race" that left artifacts behind in our solar
system millions of years ago.

It will attempt to include the idea that there are no living ETs visiting us now, and anything we thought we were
seeing is the work of the now-defeated Cabal.

The first and second episodes of the X-Files miniseries reboot were a veritable manifesto for the partial disclosure
roll-out. The rest were relatively unrelated."

Related Analysis of X-Files Episode 1: "My Struggle" by Deus Nexus | The X-Files Disclosure of 2016!

Related The X-Files "My Struggle" Part 2: The Depopulation Agenda, Partial Disclosure, Predictive Programing, and
Reprogramming the Mind

The Cabal groups are furious with Corey and me for interfering with this "partial disclosure" timeline. They would kill us if
they could get it authorized.

They are already grooming whistleblowers who will come forward as the heroic cosmic astronauts of a new age.

Imagine the public's surprise when they are shown new ships, told these are the UFOs everyone has been seeing, and
watch films of them traveling through the solar system.

Imagine the surprise of having them de-cloak in our skies and take certain selected witnesses from earth onboard to see it
and film it for themselves.

Imagine the surprise of finally knowing, on a collective level, that we are not alone in the universe and "Ancient Aliens" built
all kinds of structures in the solar system.
Does it look low-fi or high-tech?

Imagine the first day that someone from here gets to walk through these ruins in a spacesuit, while it is filmed and
beamed back to earth for all to marvel at.

Imagine the volumes of new information that people will be able to binge on, as the "Accepted Real Truth(TM)", once this all

The bad guys go to jail, everyone gets a decent chunk of money, and we are all distracted by an incredible new story
spurring endless internet flame wars.

Meanwhile, "business as usual" continues, with the Cabal groups continuing to work behind the scenes for another
100 years of gradual roll-out.

The items emphasized relate to the same time of invocations presented in the Boeing advertisement.

It should be abundantly clear that this partial disclosure scenario is progressing at this time.

The western controlled financial system is slowly imploding, lower level SSP disclosure is being released at record pace,
soft disclosure from NASA and other space agencies is being ramped up, and all manner of subtle conditioning, like what is
presented in The X-files, is taking place.
We Won't Wait: Full Disclosure is the Only Option

What can be done in the face of such an elaborate subtle conditioning or propaganda campaign?

The hope is that truth is on our side. Here is a quote from Raw-Teir-Eir that is of prime importance:

"As more of this info is reported by "US" ... the more it awakens people and enters their mass consciousness."

The partial disclosure agenda cannot be successful if even part of the whole truth is revealed. This is why Goode was
warned to stop pushing full disclosure. And this is also why the Cabal stops at nothing to discredit anyone talking about the
whole truth.

Think of it like a magic trick or an illusion. Even if only one part of the trick goes wrong, the whole thing falls apart. If a
magician was trying to make a rabbit disappear, and a tiny piece of the rabbit's ear is visible to the audience, the trick is a
failure, no one buys into the illusion, no one believes it.
The partial disclosure plan is equally as delicate, which means that if even a tiny shred of the whole truth makes it into the
collective consciousness of humanity, it might be enough to dissolve the illusion and hamper the partial disclosure agenda.

The inspiring vision of a brighter future presented in the Boeing ad is a euphemism for a transhumanist nightmare, a vision
most people won't want to believe in if they had all the facts.

So as an awakening community, our methodology can be similar to the Boeing advertisement. Our task is to spread as
much of the truth as far and as wide as possible. We don't need people to accept what is offered, they just simply need to be
exposed to it.

The unconscious receives all information, even if the conscious doesn't accept it, that's why subliminal and subtle
conditioning works. In addition, the mechanics of truth receptivity are such that over a long enough span of time, all
falsehoods eventually collapse under the weight of unreconciled truth. Hence Goode's call for a grass-roots full disclosure

Steering Consciousness Towards Full Disclosure

But there's something else to consider. The universe has a bias towards positivity and mental coherence.

Related Universal Coherence, Sovereignty and Self Mastery | What Science is Telling Us About Earths
Electromagnetic Fields and the Healing Power of Coherence

The Cabal are employing forms of manipulation, coercion, and deception in their efforts to steer the collective
consciousness of humanity. This means that the coherence or image quality of the idea they are trying to seed needs to be
very strong or of a high resolution.

They have to devote incredible amounts of energy and resources in promoting and presenting the partial disclosure idea to
the masses. And as we discussed above, it only takes a small amount of truth to collapse the elaborate illusion.

The awakening community is uniquely empowered to create a positive coherent thought-form that opposes partial
disclosure. This, of course, is a vision of a full disclosure future. This can be charged by group meditations like what has
become popular of late, but this in and of itself isn't enough.
The more powerfully we ground this full disclosure idea into each moment of life, the more coherent and energized our
consciousness becomes, and the more we help steer the collective consciousness of humanity.

Artists impression of one of the meetings described by Corey Goode

Remember that beliefs help us channel creative energy by focusing attention on a worldview or perspective of reality. So
first, as an awakening community, we can ask ourselves what we believe, what are our biases?

Do we think full disclosure isn't a realistic option? Are we upset because we think someone else should be doing this for us?
Are we unwilling to risk our reputation and social graces to share the truth with the world?

Beliefs, like subliminal programming, will prevent us from taking action if we do not find and balance them with more
knowledge of the truth.

Part of the reason I wanted to write this compilation was to share as much of the truth as possible so as to dispel any belief
that holds the awakening community back. Yet even despite all the data points proving the power of unity, there are as
many excuses not to unite as there are grains of sand on a beach.

What Does Unity Look Like?

In closing, I want to discuss what a united awakening community could look like. I think a lot of people think unity means
100% agreement on everything, or that if we disagree about even one thing, we can't work together as a whole.

But we don't have to agree on everything. As a matter of fact, we don't even have to agree on a majority of items. We just
need consensus on the big issues we can agree on, and then take actions within those areas.

For example, one person may listen to COBRA, while another person might listen to David Wilcock, and both might think the
two sources of information are not in total agreement. But they are in agreement about the big issues.

These figures both discuss an energetic shift, they both discuss the power of meditation, they both discuss a secret space
program, mass arrests, and an end of the paradigms of control on Earth. So while there is a small amount of disagreement,
generally they are far more in harmony than not.
And as followers of information revealers, gurus, ascended masters, whistleblowers, and so on - when we fight with others
over what they believe we prevent unity from forming. Instead of attacking people that don't share our beliefs, let's find the
courage to seek common ground, because in all likelihood we each have far more in common than not.

As odd as it sounds, we can look to the Cabal as an example of what effective unity looks like.

All the various syndicate groups and organizations that make up the Cabal are loosely allied with each other, and in many
cases, they fight about one thing or another. But when it comes to certain issues, like the need for a financial enslavement
system, they all agree and act within that consensus to effect changes in the world.

We only have to observe the planet we live on to see how successful their unity efforts have been.

Unity isn't about total uniformity, in some kind of hive-mind where no one thinks for themselves. Unity means
recognizing diversity while at the same time not letting our differences divide us on what we all face as a people.

No matter how much we may want to fight with each other, we are all suffering from a world sick with selfishness, scarcity,
and ignorance. And the solution is a unified compassionate and well-educated group of awakened people, willing to be the
change and show others they can too.
We can do it, and the universe supports us in more ways than we can possibly imagine. If the spheres really are here in the
solar system, by the thousands, and they are actually controlled by guardians of the galaxy, this in and of itself indicates the
universe is doing everything it can to support a people's uprising for true freedom.

Surely if the benevolent forces behind the Sphere Beings can believe in our potential, we can find it within ourselves to do
the same.

If doing nothing guarantees at least another 100 years of Cabal rule, then why not take the risk and do something? If a
transhumanist world does come about due to our inactions, how will we feel knowing we had a chance to do something and

Future generations are relying on us to take a stand, and unlike in the past, the opportunity for successfully rising up and
freeing this planet is greater than ever.

True Disclosure

Corey Goode via the Full Disclosure Project and with the help of countless inspired individuals, has produced a mainstream
website for the purpose of disseminating information to the public.

TrueDisclosure.org is designed to provide high quality insider testimony, declassified documents, and evidence that the
unawakened masses can use to gain greater knowledge of our true history and related SSP activities. The amount of
energy required to produce this website was vast, but now it can serve as one more venue to help reveal the truth to the
people and dissolve any hope of a false partial disclosure scenario.
I hope you have enjoyed this article and found it inspiring.

Know that the work we do to change the planet and restore prosperity happens in all moments of now. When we act with
integrity and bravely face the injustices of our world in a way that honors the truth, we become beacons of light amid an
ocean of darkness.

The simple act of seeking the truth, sharing it with our fellows, and acting in harmony with it, is arguably one of the single
most important things we can do. In this respect, we're each instrumental players in this game of becoming free and ending
tyranny, of restoring peace, prosperity and empowerment to the place we call home.

Special thanks to those who have come forward under threat to bring the truth the people.

The preceding text is a Stillness in the Storm original creation. Please share freely.

About The Author

Justin Deschamps is a truth seeker inspired by philosophy and the love of wisdom in all its forms. He was formally trained
in physics and psychology, later discovering the spiritual basis of reality and the interconnected nature of all things. He
strives to find the path of truth while also walking it himself, sharing what he knows with others so as to facilitate cooperative
change for a better future. He is a student of all and a teacher to some. Follow on Twitter @sitsshow, Facebook Stillness in
the Storm, and Follow on steemit @justin-sits.

Teslas Anti-Gravity Research In Use In Dozens Of Secretive Military Projects

September 19 2016 | From: WakingTimes

Doctor Richard Boylan, and numerous others have already let the cat out of the bag when it comes
to anti-gravity space flight, so why do Boeing and Lockheed, two of Americas largest military
industrial contractors, and the recipient of trillions in tax payer black budget dollars still hide that
they are operating at least 12 anti-gravity aerospace platforms?

It seems that Boeing hides this advanced aerospace technology because it would prove what many free energy
enthusiasts have said about Nikola Tesla that he discovered anti-gravity, and learned how to utilize it as an
abundant, if not free, energy source.

Related: Unraveling Nikola Teslas Greatest Secret: Radiant Energy

Objects can even be levitated easily with anti-gravity, and its numerous applications are just beginning to be understood
by the public at large.

The late genius and inventor even explained the fact prior to his death. William R. Lynewrites in Occult Ether
Physics (Creatopia Productions), that a lecture Tesla prepared for the Institute of Immigrant Welfare (May. 12, 1938), dealt
with his Dynamic Theory of Gravity.

Tesla said in his lecture that he had developed, one of two far-reaching discoveries, which I worked out in all details
in the years 1893 and 1894. Indeed, Tesla held a patent in 1928, for a flying machine which resembled both a helicopter
and an airplane and is thought to have run with the benefit of anti-gravity.
Boeing has loosely revealed that they have already developed this technology in a veiled admittance that it is working on
experimental anti-gravity projects that could overturn a century of conventional aerospace propulsion technology. And Ben
Rich, once the CEO of Lockheed Martin, admitted on his deathbed that aliens were real, and the US military already
travels to the stars, explaining where this technology could have been sourced, aside from terrestrial beings like Tesla.

This means that for more than 130 years we have been kept in the dark about a known free energy source so that the
powers-that-be can profit from our ignorance. Every time you see a rocket ship go up in space, it is essentially no different
from the false flag attempts orchestrated by six media companies controlling the media to alter your perception of reality.

So Where Did All that Research Go?

Theodore C. Loder, PhD, posits in one paper that since the 1950s (known to some as the brain drain era) almost all
research into anti-gravity seems to have disappeared.
None other than Professor Hermann Oberth, considered by some to be one of the fathers of the space age (and who later
worked in the US with Wernher von Braun, the Army Ballistic Missile Agency and NASA), stated the following in 1954: It is
my thesis that flying saucers are real and that they are space ships from another solar system.

Perhaps of more interest to our present discussion on the secrets Boeing and Lockheed have kept, Oberth states:

They are flying by the means of artificial fields of gravity. . . . They produce high-tension electric charges in
order to push the air out of their paths, so it does not start glowing, and strong magnetic fields to influence the
ionized air at higher altitudes. First, this would explain their luminosity . . . Secondly, it would explain the
noiselessness of UFO flight.

Indeed, you can see the crumbs of government contractors special operatives at work when you look into the work of John
Hutchison. He discovered, highly-anomalous electromagnetic effect which causes the jellification of metals, spontaneous
levitation of common substances, and other effects, which echo Teslas findings. These strange effects were later dubbed
the Hutchison effect.

As is usually the case when silencing the curious, a Vancouver businessman, George Hathaway heard of the Hutchison
effect around 1980, and hired an engineer from Boeing Aerospaceto work with the Canadian government to form a
company that would promote technology developed from the effect. They called this company Pharos Technology. You
likely havent heard of what they have created since then.

12 Special Aerospace Platforms Incorporating Anti-Gravity Technology

Dr. Boylan explains:

At this time, I am aware of the existence of 12 kinds of special-technology advanced aerospace platforms [mil-
speak for craft], all incorporating antigravity technology in some form.

These 12 are: the Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber, the F-22 Raptor advanced stealth fighter, and its
successor, the F-35 Lightning II advanced stealth fighter; the Aurora, Lockheed-Martins X-33A, the Lockheed X-
22A two-man antigravity disc fighter, Boeing and Airbus Industries Nautilus, the TR3-A Pumpkinseed , the TR3-B
Triangle , Northrops Great Pumpkin disc, Teledyne Ryan Aeronauticals XH-75D Shark antigravity helicopter,
and the Northrop Quantum Teleportation Disc.

Since at least 1956, the press has been trying to manage public awareness by staying hush-hush about anti-gravity
research, or discounting those who attempted to show that it was real. However, a trade press magazine, the Aviation
Report, made numerous references to anti-gravity projects, and listed many of the companies pursuing research into anti-
gravity technologies.

Quotes from the Aviation Report listed in the Aviation Studies (International) Ltd. report[8] are suggestive of what was truly
going on at Boeing, Lockheed and other agencies despite what the public was being told.

What Anti-Gravity Means to the World at Large

Anti-gravity, first and foremost would make petrol-guzzling cars, crumbling electric grids, and other outdated and dirty fuels a
total waste of time. Anti-gravity, as Nikola Tesla made clear, would make space flight to other heavenly bodies as simple as
driving your car to a nearby city, today.

It would also turn Einsteins E=MC2 theory on its head, and it also suggests, as Tesla explained, that the ether is given to us
to use responsibly by a life-giving creative force.

We know where that went - and it's for the record

Just so you know.

In short, everything we need is already out there, in abundant supply. We just need to tap into it and free these
technologies from the grip of the military industrial complex.

Related: It's Not All About the Cabal Flunky that is Fucking Elon Musk: Russian Scientists Revive Nikola Tesla's
Designs With Help From Crowdfunding

New Mind-Blowing Experiment Confirms That Reality Doesnt Exist If You Are Not
Looking At It
September 17 2016 | From: TheMindUnleashed

According to a well-known theory in quantum physics, a particles behavior changes depending on

whether there is an observer or not. It basically suggests that reality is a kind of illusion and exists
only when we are looking at it.
Numerous quantum experiments were conducted in the past and showed that this indeed might be the case.

Related: String Theory Co-Founder: Sub-Atomic Particles Are Evidence the Universe Was Created

Now, physicists at the Australian National University have found further evidence for the illusory nature of reality. They
recreated the John Wheelers delayed-choice experiment and confirmed that reality doesnt exist until it is measured, at
least on the atomic scale.

Thought-Provoking Findings
Some particles, such as photons or electrons, can behave both as particles and as waves. Here comes a question of what
exactly makes a photon or an electron act either as a particle or a wave. This is what Wheelers experiment asks: at what
point does an object decide?

The results of the Australian scientists experiment, which were published in the journal Nature Physics, show that this
choice is determined by the way the object is measured, which is in accordance with what quantum theory predicts.

It proves that measurement is everything. At the quantum level, reality does not exist if you are not looking at
it, said lead researcher Dr. Andrew Truscott in a press release.

The Experiment
The original version of John Wheelers experiment proposed in 1978 involved light beams being bounced by
mirrors. However, it was difficult to implement it and get any conclusive results due to the level of technological progress
back then. Now, it became possible to successfully recreate the experiment by using helium atoms scattered by laser

Dr. Truscotts team forced a hundred of helium atoms into a state of matter called Bose-Einstein condensate. After this, they
ejected all the atoms until there was only one left.
Then, the researchers used a pair of laser beams to create a grating pattern, which would scatter an atom passing through
it just like a solid grating scatters light. Thus, the atom would either act as a particle and pass through one arm or act as a
wave and pass through both arms.

Thanks to a random number generator, a second grating was then randomly added in order to recombine the paths. This
was done only after the atom had already passed the first grate.

As a result, the addition of the second grating caused interference in the measurement, showing that the atom had
traveled both paths, thus behaving like a wave. At the same time, when the second grating was not added, there was no
interference and the atom appeared to have traveled only one path.

The Results and Their Interpretation

As the second grating was added only after the atom had passed through the first one, it would be reasonable to suggest
that the atom hadnt yet decided whether it was a particle or a wave before the second measurement.

According to Dr. Truscott, there may be two possible interpretations of these results. Either the atom decided how to
behave based on the measurement or a future measurement affected the photons past.

The atoms did not travel from A to B. It was only when they were measured at the end of the journey that their
wave-like or particle-like behavior was brought into existence, he said.

Thus, this experiment adds to the validity of the quantum theory and provides new evidence to the idea that reality doesnt
exist without an observer. Perhaps further research in the field of quantum physics and more thought-provoking evidence
like this will completely change our understanding of reality one day.
If quantum mechanics hasnt profoundly shocked you, you havent understood it yet.

- Niels Bohr

David Wilcock is a researcher, writer, author and lecturer who has generated an enormous amount of material on
this subject and many related ones. Discover more at: DivineCosmos

Gene Roddenberry Based Star Trek On Secret US Navy Space Fleet

September 14 2016 | From: Exopolitics

September 8 marked the 50th anniversary of the creation of the Star Trek science fiction series that
began in 1966. There is significant evidence that its creator, Gene Roddenberry, did not simply
come up with the idea of Star Trek on his own.
Instead he was encouraged to create the series based on classified information surrounding the development of a
secret U.S. Navy space fleet that would build a broad extraterrestrial alliance.

This led Roddenberry to come up with the idea of a United Federation of Planets, with its military headquarters in San

Roddenberry began developing ideas for a science fiction show after one of his series had bombed in 1964:

The only reason Roddenberry created Star Trek, at least initially, was to sell another series to a network. He was,
if not desperate, anxious He had just failed with The Lieutenant, for Norman Feltons Arena Productions.

No one was clamoring for another series from Roddenberry, or even his scripts. His agent suggested he come
up with a space series

This may have led to what The Outer Limits historians insist are the accurate - if generally unknown - accounts of
Roddenberry hanging out at times on the set of The Outer Limits. When I learned this, it wasnt hard to imagine
that series creator, and executive producer, Leslie Stevens was someone that Roddenberry may have sought to

This account is confirmed by Tom Seldon, one of the production assistants of The Outer Limits:

Star Trek was in fact an outgrowth of The Outer Limits. Gene Roddenberry watched our dailies all the time and
took a lot of phone calls from our screening room.

He was spurring his imagination and checking on the incredible quality control we had.

I wondered why he was there but he was there more often than not during the time he was coming up with Star
The following firmly suggests that Roddenberry and Stevens had reached a business arrangement for the planned sci-fi
series, Star Trek:

Bearing in mind that Roddenberry was contracted to a rival studio and a rival network, the odds are essentially
slim to none that the two men didnt have some kind of business arrangement, whether in writing or not."

If Stevens and Roddenberry had indeed developed a business arrangement for the new Star Trek series, this is where
Stevens background becomes critical in understanding the nature of their arrangement. Stevens was the son of a U.S. Navy
Vice Admiral Leslie Stevens who died in 1956.

Vice Admiral Stevens was a contemporary of Rear Admiral Rico Botta who according to a former aerospace engineer,
William Tompkins, oversaw a covert Navy espionage program out of Nazi Germany to learn about Nazi flying saucers during
World War II.

The 29 Navy spies in the program had not only learned that the Nazis had developed up to 30 different flying saucer
prototypes, but were also being directly assisted by an extraterrestrial civilization comprising Reptilian hominoids in building
secret bases in Antarctica.

Both Admirals Botta and Stevens were leading experts in aerospace engineering and headed top Navy aerospace facilities
at various points during their careers. In 1946, both were retroactively promoted to the rank of Rear Admiral as of 1943, for
their wartime duties.
Botta went on to head the Naval Air Material Center out of Philadelphia Shipyard from 1950 to 1952. It is from this and
similar command assignments that plans began for a secret Navy space fleet aimed to counter what the Nazis had
developed in Antarctica.

Similarly, Admiral Stevens was known for his accomplishments in aeronautics and is quoted as having had a hand in the
design or conception of all naval aircraft, aircraft carriers and carrier landing apparatus. Admiral Stevens aeronautics
expertise meant that he was almost certainly aware of what Botta had learned about Nazi aerospace projects.

It is more than likely that Admirals Botta and Stevens were the first to comprise a covert Navy leadership group that would
oversee the development of a U.S. Navy space fleet based on modern aircraft carrier battle groups that would in time join an
interplanetary alliance.
This is precisely what Tompkins says he was asked to do at the Douglas Aircraft Company on behalf of the Navy from 1952
to 1963. Tompkins says that he was covertly assisted by Nordic extraterrestrials while he was helping design kilometers-
long spacecraft for future U.S. Navy space battle groups. In interviews, Tompkins has revealed that Nordic extraterrestrials
were working directly with senior officers within the U.S. Navy.

Admiral Stevens went on to occupy important positions with the national security council system, including the Psychological
Strategy Board where he became Director.

Formally established in 1951 by President Truman, it is one of the interagency boards that was set up to disinform the
general public about the reality of flying saucers, while secretly gathering information about what other nations were doing in
response to the phenomenon.

William Tompkins confirmed, in a private phone call on August 24, that Admiral Stevens was aware of what the Navy had
learned about Nazi Germanys flying saucer programs. He further confirmed that Admiral Stevens played a direct role in
setting up a secret U.S. Navy space program, and that his son, Leslie Stevens, IV, was aware of what was happening.

Tompkins claims here are consistent with what he says happened from 1985 to 1999, when he ran an extraterrestrial related
Special Projects out of the U.S. Navy League center in Medford, Oregon. He said that it was common for Navy officers to
have their children briefed about secret space programs and alliances with different extraterrestrial races.
This was done in order to prepare the next generation of navy officers and/or leaders for a world where extraterrestrial life
was common knowledge. This is similar to another program happening on the U.S. East Coast as described by Catherine
Austin Fitts, a former Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.

She was asked to participate in strategy sessions that were being conducted by the Arlington Institute, a non-profit
organization headed by John Peterson that was assigned a number of US Navy contracts. Fitts says:

John asked me to help him with a high level strategic plan Arlington was planning to undertake for the
Undersecretary of the Navy
I met with a group of high level people in the military in the process - including the Undersecretary.

According to John, the purpose of the plan - discussed in front of several military or retired military officers and
former government officials - was to help the Navy adjust their operations for a world in which it was commonly
known that aliens exist and live among us."

Tompkins has supplied a document confirming that he ran a Special Projects Committee with the U.S. Navy League.
Additionally, two retired Navy Officers, Art Lumley (Commander), and Larry Boeck (Captain) have confirmed that Tompkins
did discuss extraterrestrial projects at Navy League meetings, and was regarded as an expert on these issues.
Minutes of Board Meeting refers to Special Projects Committee

Tompkins testimony confirms that it was common practice for Navy officers, briefed about extraterrestrial life, to pass on
some of this highly classified information to their children.

Consequently, it is almost certain that Admiral Stevens revealed to his son, Leslie Stevens, some of the classified details
about the existence of extraterrestrial life and secret space programs prior to his death.

It is furthermore very possible, that Stevens, Jr., was part of a Navy sanctioned soft disclosure process that would use the
television/movie industry to reveal elements of the Navys planned secret space program.

All this helps considerably in finally understanding the nature of the business relationship between Roddenberry and Leslie
Stevens, Jr. Stevens could not himself directly create a science fiction show revealing details of the classified information
given to him by his deceased father, but he very likely received tacit permission by Navy officials, to share it with
television/movie producers such as Roddenberry who would fictionalize the information.

Consequently, the business relationship between Gene Roddenberry and Leslie Stevens, suggests that Star Trek was
initially based on information gained by Admirals Botta and Stevens. A future U.S. Navy space fleet would be developed that
would actively cooperate with Nordic extraterrestrials in an alliance that would counter the Nazis and their Reptilian allies.

In the Star Trek series, the Nordics were depicted as Vulcans, the Reptilians as Klingons, while the Nazis were represented
as genetically enhanced humans.

Furthermore, it is topical to recognize that Roddenberry chose the beautiful, iconic city of San Francisco as the military
headquarters for his fictional Starfleet Command in Star Trek, elevating this U.S. city in the hearts and minds of generations
as a symbol of humanitys bright future achievements.

It would also directly represent the Navys plan for its secret space program becoming a model for integrating other nations
in a united partnership.

Two independent sources, former Asian Bureau chief for Forbes Magazine, Benjamin Fulford in 2011, and an anonymous
source called the Hidden Hand in 2009, have revealed that the Illuminati/Cabal specifically named San Francisco (along
with Damascus) as a city that will be made uninhabitable in its Armageddon agenda.
Does San Francisco pose a double threat as both a symbol of hope within the collective psyche, and the truth of a reality it
mirrors in the militarys accomplishments? If so, then the Cabals goal is not to destroy a city, but to break the collective spirit
of a peaceful human vision for a spacefaring future that begins with full disclosure.

The above evidence suggests Star Trek was no mere science fiction series, but was actively encouraged through a
business arrangement between Roddenberry and the son of a deceased U.S. Navy admiral, who was directly involved in
developing a secret U.S. Navy Space Fleet called Solar Warden.

As we celebrate the 50th anniversary of Star Trek on Thursday, it is worth remembering the roles of U.S. Navy admirals that
helped launch the real secret space program upon which Star Trek was modeled.

Further Reading

Navy Admiral oversaw 29 Spies in Nazi Germany & started US Secret Space Program

US Navy League Conducted Extraterrestrial Special Projects from 1985 to 1999

US Navy plan to prepare for extraterrestrials among us secretly developed in 1998

US Navy Spies Learned of Nazi Alliance with Reptilian Extraterrestrials during WWII

GALACTIC COINTELPRO Exposing the Covert Counter-Intelligence Program against Extraterrestrial Contactees

David Wilcock: The Ascension Mysteries

August 13 2016 | From: DivineCosmos

Enjoy our epic new two-hour YouTube video investigation into The Ascension Mysteries
- Revealing the Cosmic Battle Between Good and Evil! The so-called New World Order consider
themselves to be the descendants of extraterrestrial humans who crash-landed to Earth some
55,000 years ago.
They were giants with elongated skulls who set up control systems and "royal bloodlines" all over the earth. They
are the "Fallen Angels" from ancient texts. Even after multiple events wiped them out, they are still here. This
information is some of the most jealously guarded data in the classified world.

Related: Signs Of Cabal Defeat Are Now Obvious But, Expect One Last Big Push For War - Fulford / Wilcock /

Watch David combine never-before-seen insider testimony with surprising scientific evidence of giants and giant skeletons
that were once widely seen on Earth. If all of this story is true - and it does appear to be thanks to multiple insiders'
testimonies - it is perhaps the single greatest cover-up in Earth's history.
Even those who are heavily entrained by the mainstream view are finding the final 45 minutes of the video undeniably
compelling due to the proof David offers.

Awesome Scope of the Investigation

The video you are about to see has already gone viral, racking up nearly 30,000 unique views in just over three days since it
launched on August 2nd, 2016.

It is important to note that this is NOT a video in which David holds back information and says "If you read the book you will
find out that (blank.)"

Instead, this is a full presentation from Conscious Life Expo on February 7th, 2015, which directly led to the signing of the
book deal for The Ascension Mysteries.
The public response to this information was overwhelmingly positive, despite its incredibly sci-fi implications. The crowd that
had lined up to see this event was literally spread throughout five different hallways at the LAX Hilton Hotel that Saturday

Cabal symbols appear in various places in sudden and creepy ways, showing the deeper, hidden context of these historical
events. With the testimony of William Tompkins, we now have independent insider verification of Corey Goode's testimony
that Nazis cut a deal with negative ETs.
Last week's episode of Cosmic Disclosure revealed our first introduction to Tompkins, with Wilcock and Goode discussing
the implications.

Photographic Evidence

A variety of NASA photos provide indirect verification of a truly awesome story that multiple insiders have revealed to us.

Some of these photos are in the book. Others are not. Still other images were discovered after this presentation and made it
into the finished product. Taken together, this is the story of the cosmic history of our solar system.
At the time this was done, David was still missing many elements that now appear in Cosmic Disclosure and in the book, but
this is a great starting point.

Giants on Earth

David traces through the story of how a vast intelligent civilization in our solar system ended up living on the surface of
Earth's Moon. From there, they suffered awesome attacks that destroyed their habitable zones, forcing a small number of
them to crash-land on Earth.

At this point the story becomes much easier to track, with much more evidence behind it. Our research for the book created
a variety of wonderful new leads that we had missed in this presentation.

Nor did we understand the difference between the Ancient Builder Race and what we are now calling the Empire at the time
this was done. The book contains a "grand summary" of all insider information we have gathered over the years, with
particular emphasis on our solar system's cosmic history.

When these refugees arrived on Earth, they were significantly taller than the rest of us, and yet they still managed to survive
and spread across the globe.

Undeniable Evidence

The evidence in favor of giants is overwhelming. The final portion of this video is a guided tour through all the best surviving
photographic evidence that exists.

You will also see many different excerpts from credible papers like the New York Times, documenting huge discoveries of
giant skeletons. In some cases, the skulls are so large you could slip them over your head.
A discovery on Catalina Island, next to Los Angeles, found over 3,000 giant skeletons all in one burial site alone. These
skeletons can often be as tall as 11 to 12 feet -- clearly dwarfing any type of humans we now see on earth.

Much of this data ended up being cut from the book, since we had so much to say that we ran out of space by the time we
had hit 500 pages. Therefore, this video is a valuable companion piece to the book - which can now be yours in just over
three weeks!

The Illuminati believe they are the descendants of a half-million-year-old race that had originally colonized much of our solar
system. See the original NASA photos of the ruins they left behind in this video!

When they first arrived here, they were giants - 12 to 14 feet tall - and had elongated skulls. They quickly took over the
planet and interbred with native humans, creating a red and blonde-haired, blue-eyed, white-skinned race.
This civilization originally found ruins from an "Ancient Builder Race" that was much older. Our latest intel is that the Builder
ruins may be over two billion years old, and are usually made out of a transparent aluminum alloy.

This video contains a great deal of data and images of giant skeletons that did not make it into the book due to size
constraints. There is also significantly more intel in the book than we had time to cram into this one video -- so the two work
very well together as companion pieces.

The footage is from David's first professionally-filmed conference in February 2015, where the material for a possible new
book was tested in front of a live audience. The talk went over so well that David and the publisher decided to turn it into The
Ascension Mysteries!

Related: Cosmic Perspective On The Defeat Of The Cabal - Wilcock

Let There Be Light: First Individual Particle Of Light Ever Seen + The Birth Of Quantum
Holography - Making Holograms Of Single Light Particles
August 11 2016 | From: Youtube / Phys

Until quite recently, creating a hologram of a single photon was believed to be impossible due to
fundamental laws of physics. However, scientists at the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw,
have successfully applied concepts of classical holography to the world of quantum phenomena.

A new measurement technique has enabled them to register the first-ever hologram of a single light particle,
thereby shedding new light on the foundations of quantum mechanics.

Related: The Knights Templar

Scientists at the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, have created the first ever hologram of a single light particle. The
spectacular experiment was reported in the prestigious journal Nature Photonics.The successful registering of the hologram
of a single photon heralds a new era of quantum holography, which offers a whole new perspective on quantum

"We performed a relatively simple experiment to measure and view something incredibly difficult to observe: the
shape of wavefronts of a single photon," says Dr. Radoslaw Chrapkiewicz.

In standard photography, individual points of an image register light intensity only. In classical holography, the interference
phenomenon also registers the phase of the light waves - it is the phase that carries information about the depth of the
image. When a hologram is created, a well-described, undisturbed light wave - the reference wave - is superimposed on
another wave of the same wavelength but reflected from a three-dimensional object.

The peaks and troughs of the two waves are shifted to varying degrees at different points of the image. This results in
interference and the phase differences between the two waves create a complex pattern of lines. Such a hologram is then
illuminated with a beam of reference light to recreate the spatial structure of wavefronts of the light reflected from the object,
and as such, its 3D shape.

The First Individual Particle Of Light Ever Seen

One might think that a similar mechanism would be observed when the number of photons creating the two waves were
reduced to a minimum - that is, to a single reference photon and a single photon reflected by the object. But that is not the
The phase of individual photons continues to fluctuate, which makes classical interference with other photons impossible.
Since the Warsaw physicists faced a seemingly impossible task, they attempted to tackle the issue differently: Rather than
using classical interference of electromagnetic waves, they tried to register quantum interference in which the wave
functions of photons interact.

Hologram of a single photon: reconstructed from raw measurements (left) and theoretically predicted (right)

Wave function is a fundamental concept in quantum mechanics and the core of its most important principles, the
Schrdinger equation. In the hands of a skilled physicist, the function could be compared to putty in the hands of a sculptor.
When expertly shaped, it can be used to 'mould' a model of a quantum particle system.

Physicists are always trying to learn about the wave function of a particle in a given system, since the square of its modulus
represents the distribution of the probability of finding the particle in a particular state, which is highly useful.

"All this may sound rather complicated, but in practice, our experiment is simple at its core. Instead of looking at
changing light intensity, we look at the changing probability of registering pairs of photons after the quantum
interference," explains doctoral student Jachura.

Why pairs of photons? A year ago, Chrapkiewicz and Jachura used an innovative camera built at the University of Warsaw
to film the behaviour of pairs of distinguishable and non-distinguishable photons entering a beam splitter. When the photons
are distinguishable, their behaviour at the beam splitter is random - one or both photons can be transmitted or reflected.

Non-distinguishable photons exhibit quantum interference, which alters their behaviour. They join into pairs and are always
transmitted or reflected together. This is known as two-photon interference or the Hong-Ou-Mandel effect.

"Following this experiment, we were inspired to ask whether two-photon quantum interference could be used similarly to
classical interference in holography in order to use known-state photons to gain further information about unknown-state
photons. Our analysis led us to a surprising conclusion: it turned out that when two photons exhibit quantum interference,
the course of this interference depends on the shape of their wavefronts," says Dr. Chrapkiewicz.
It seems now faitrly obvious that the "Maltese Cross" used by the likes of The Knights Templar was due to occult (secret) knowledge of this

Quantum interference can be observed by registering pairs of photons. The experiment needs to be repeated several times,
always with two photons with identical properties. To meet these conditions, each experiment started with a pair of photons
with flat wavefronts and perpendicular polarisations; this means that the electrical field of each photon vibrated in a single
plane only, and these planes were perpendicular for the two photons.

The different polarisation made it possible to separate the photons in a crystal and make one of them 'unknown' by curving
their wavefronts using a cylindrical lens.

Once the photons were reflected by mirrors, they were directed toward the beam splitter (a calcite crystal). The splitter didn't
change the direction of vertically-polarised photons, but it did diverge diplace horizontally polarised photons. In order to
make each direction equally probable and to make sure the crystal acted as a beam splitter, the planes of photon
polarisation were bent by 45 degrees before the photons entered the splitter.

The photons were registered using the state-of-the-art camera designed for the previous experiments. By repeating the
measurements several times, the researchers obtained an interference image corresponding to the hologram of the
unknown photon viewed from a single point in space. The image was used to fully reconstruct the amplitude and phase of
the wave function of the unknown photon.
Dr. Radoslaw Chrapkiewicz (right) and doctoral student Michal Jachura at the apparatus for registration of holograms of single photons at the Faculty
of Physics, University of Warsaw. Credit: FUW, Grzegorz Krzy?ewski

The experiment conducted by the Warsaw physicists is a major step toward improving understanding of the fundamental
principles of quantum mechanics. Until now, there has not been a simple experimental method of gaining information about
the phase of a photon's wave function.

Although quantum mechanics has many applications, and it has been verified many times with a great degree of accuracy
over the last century, we are still unable to explain the nature of wave functions - are they simply a handy mathematical tool,
or are they something real?

"Our experiment is one of the first allowing us to directly observe one of the fundamental parameters of photon's
wave function - its phase - bringing us a step closer to understanding what the wave function really is," explains
researcher Michal Jachura.

The Warsaw physicists used quantum holography to reconstruct wave function of an individual photon. Researchers hope
that in the future, they will be able to use a similar method to recreate wave functions of more complex quantum objects,
such as certain atoms. Will quantum holography find applications beyond the lab to a similar extent as classical

Such existing practical applications include security (holograms are difficult to counterfeit), entertainment, transport (in
scanners measuring the dimensions of cargo), microscopic imaging and optical data storing and processing technologies.

"It's difficult to answer this question today. All of us - I mean physicists - must first get our heads around this new
tool. It's likely that real applications of quantum holography won't appear for a few decades yet, but if there's one
thing we can be sure of it's that they will be surprising," summarises Prof. Konrad Banaszek.
Related: The first ever photograph of light as both a particle and wave

Houston Anthropologist Reveals Irrefutable Proof That Recorded History Is Wrong

July 21 2016 | From: WakingTimes

Evidence Found Across the Globe of Highly Evolved Human Species from before the Ice Age,
Demand Scientific Recognition of our Past that Depicts Societies of Advanced Technology and
Houston anthropologist, Dr. Semir Osmanagich, founder of the Bosnian Archaeology Park, the most active
archaeology site in the world, declares that irrefutable scientific evidence exists of ancient civilizations with
advanced technology that leaves us no choice but to change our recorded history.

An examination of the age of structures across the earth reveals conclusively that they were built by advanced civilizations
from over 29,000 years ago.

Acknowledging that we are witness to fundamental proof of advanced civilizations dating back over 29,000 years
and an examination of their societal structures forces the World to reconsider its understanding of the development
of civilization and history, explains Dr. Semir Osmanagich.

Conclusive data at the Bosnian Pyramid site revealed in 2008 and confirmed this year by several independent
labs who conducted radio carbon testing dates the site at 29,400 +/-400 years minimum.

The radiocarbon dating tests of 29,200 years +/- 400 years was done by Radiocarbon Lab from Kiew, Ukraine, on organic
material found at the Bosnian Pyramid site. Physicist Dr. Anna Pazdur of Polands Silesian University first announced the
news at a Press Conference in Sarajevo in August of 2008.

Professor of Classical Archaeology from the University of Alexandria Dr. Mona Haggag called this discovery writing new
pages in European and World history.
The C14 date of 29,000 years at the Bosnian Archaeological Park was obtained from a piece of organic material retrieved
from a clay layer inside the outer casing to the pyramid. It follows a sample date obtained during the 2012 dig season on
material located above the concrete at 24,800 years, meaning this structure has a construction profile stretching back
almost 30,000 years.

The ancient people who built these pyramids knew the secrets of frequency and energy. They used these natural
resources to develop technologies and undertake construction on scales we have never witnessed on earth, said
Dr. Osmanagich.

Evidence clearly shows that the pyramids were built as ancient energy machines aligned with the earths energy grid,
providing energy for healing as well as power.

Ancient historians in the US have news just as astonishing as anything found in the far corners of the globe. For instance,
the Rockwall discovery outside of Dallas, Texas, is only one example of how we are now re-examining ancient mysteries to
reveal more about our past, right in the United States.
H2 (History 2) popular series Unearthing Ancient America recently filmed an episode about the Rockwall that will air later
this year. The Texas site is a complex and massive wall ten miles in diameter built over 20,000 years ago and covered by
soil seven stories below the ground.

The question is by whom was this structure built and for what purpose and, most importantly, how can knowledge left by
these past civilizations help shape our future?

Newly-revealed or rediscovered traces of ancient civilizations have ignited an innate curiosity about human origins as
reflected by recent coverage in mainstream media and TV. The November 2013 issue of National Geographic: 100 Greatest
Mysteries Revealed-Ancient Civilizations Unearthed says;

Sometimes cultures leave behind mysteries that baffle those who come after them, from standing stones to coded
manuscripts, indications that ancient people indeed had a profound purpose.

Forward-thinking scientists continue to pursue knowledge from our past that is useful to determine a better
future. Renowned author Michal Cremo in his book Forbidden Archeology theorizes that knowledge of advanced Homo-
sapiens has been suppressed or ignored by the scientific establishment because it contradicts the current views of human
origins that dont agree with the dominant paradigm.

Cremos body of work has been described as a useful teaching resource, raising a wide range of issues covering aspects of
knowledge transfer, sure to be provocative in the classroom. It has been reviewed with widespread appraisal by hundreds
of academic journals.

Gobekli Tepe in Eastern Turkey

Results clearly indicate that similar advanced civilizations of humans were present all across the globe at that time in history.
For example, Gobekli Tepe located in Eastern Turkey, is a vast complex of enormous megalithic stone circles with a radius
of between 10 and 20 meters, much larger than the well-known Stonehenge in Great Britain.

Excavations at Gobekli Tepe that began there in 1995 revealed radio carbon dating at least 11,600 years. German
archaeologist Dr. Klaus Schmidt from the German Archaeological Institute, Berlin, Germany, with the support of
ArchaeoNova Institute from Heidelberg, Germany, has led the excavation of these recently-discovered pre-historic
megalithic circles at the Turkey location.

Gobekli Tepe is one of the most fascinating Neolithic locations in the world, Dr. Klaus Schmidt claims. But as he explains
in a recent report, to understand the new finds, archaeologists need to work closely with specialists in comparative religion,
architectural and art theory, cognitive and evolutionary psychology, sociologists using social network theory, and others.

It is the complex story of the earliest, large settled communities, their extensive networking, and their communal
understanding of their world, perhaps even the first organized religions and their symbolic representations of the
cosmos, as reported by Klaus Schmidt.

In addition to the megalithic structures, figures and carvings have been discovered, depicting animals of pre historic nature
such as dinosaurs and other wild life. Since excavations started in 1995, four of the circles have been partially cleaned, but it
is thought that there are a total of up to 50 circles hidden underground.
These vast monoliths, soaring seven meters in height and 25 tons in mass at Gobekli Tepe, are situated right in the heart of
what we perceive as the origin of civilization. This find offers new guidance to the true history of earth and our ancient

Our archaeological research goal is not to simply uncover all of the megalithic circles but to try to figure out their purpose,
adds Schmidt.

Bosnian Pyramid Now in Eighth Year: Proof of Advanced Civilizations from over 30,000 years ago

The Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids now in the eighth year of excavation spans six square kilometers in the Visoko River
Basin 40km northwest of Sarajevo. Comprised of four ancient pyramids almost three times the size of Giza and an extensive
subterranean pyramid tunnel complex, new discoveries each year continue to reveal proof of a much different history of
mankind on earth.
The central pyramid of the Sun rises a colossal 420 meters in to the air and has a mass of millions of tons. By comparison
the Great pyramid of Cheops (Khufu) in the Giza plateau is 146 meters high, making the Bosnian Pyramids the largest and
oldest known pyramids on the planet.

Since research began at the Bosnian site, Dr. Osmanagich has amazed the scientific and archaeological community by
gathering a team of interdisciplinary engineers, physicists and researchers from around the world to conduct open and
transparent investigation of the site to try and discover the true nature and purpose of this pyramidal complex.

This is an unknown culture presenting highly-advanced arts and sciences, technology capable of forming truly
massive structures and we believe in that process demonstrating an ability to harness pure energy
resources, comments Tim Moon, who has recently joined Osmanagich as lead archeologist at the Bosnian site.

The archaeological project delivered another significant finding this year in the pyramid tunnel complex known as Ravine.
Tunneling deep into a ridge line leading toward the Pyramid of the Sun the team has unearthed several megalith stones.
Oh yeah, that one was definitely made with ropes and pulleys too. Sigh.

In August an enormous stone estimated at 25,000 kgs was uncovered approximately 400 meters into the labyrinth. This is
a hugely significant find,comments Moon. Here we have a massive stone, possibly a constructed ceramic, buried under
hundreds of thousands of tons of material.

We are locating foundation walls around its perimeter and cut stone blocks. Large quantities of artifacts have been
recovered from the associated tunnels leading to the site, including effigies painted on stone, art objects and a series of
hieroglyphics or ancient texts carved into the tunnel walls.

Dr. Osmangich stresses that it is time for open sharing of knowledge so we can understand and learn from our past.

It is time for us to open our minds to the true nature of our origin and destruction of each other as a civilization on
this planet. Our mission here is to realign science with spirituality in order to progress as a species, and this
demands a clear path of shared knowledge.

Visitors are welcome to the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids and its Foundation offers a volunteer program each dig
season, running June to September.

To hear Dr. Sams interview on Lost Knowledge go here.

For more on the Bosnian Pyramids go to www.icbp.ba.

20 History Questions They Refuse To Answer In School

July 11 2016 | From: WakingTimes

Traditional educational systems basically teach us that the history of man only dates back to about
8,000 years ago while religious texts date mankind to approximately 6,000 years ago. It is more
than obvious that there a massive push to occlude our true history and origins.
While you may not agree with some of the questions, please try to view them with an open mind. As youll see,
the history we have been taught has been manipulated and obscured from us.

Related: Top 10 Unexplained Ancient Artifacts

Ask yourself (or others) the following questions and feel free to comment at the end of the article!

A map drawn on a gazelle skin of an unfrozen Antarctica was found in 1929. The map was drawn in 1513 by Piri Reis, who
had privileged access to the Imperial Library of Constantinople.

Contained within the notes found on the map, Reis stated that he compiled and copied the data from a large number of
source maps, some of which dated back to the 4 BC or earlier. Our history books tell us that Antarctica was discovered by
Captain James Cook while crossing the Antarctic Circle on January 17, 1773 with the ships HMS Resolution and Adventure.

1. How did Reis know of Antarctica several hundred years before Captain James Cook discovered
The last time Antarctica was not frozen was at least 4,000 BC, so

2. Where did the Imperial Library of Constantinople get THEIR information and who is responsible
for the initial drawing of that map?

The Imperial Library of Constantinople, in the capital city of the Byzantine Empire, was the last of the great libraries of the ancient world

A tiny figurine made of baked-clay was brought up in amongst the debris churned out by a huge drill bit during the drilling of a
well in Nampa Idaho in 1889. The object is a one inch long figure with one leg broken off at the knee.

3. Is it possible that mankind has been here many times LONG Before our recorded past?
4. How many millennia would it take for an object like this to be buried 300 feet into the ground?
5. If man evolved from ape, then why are there still apes?

According to Darwinism, man evolved from ape.

6. There are pyramids on every continent of the world. Who built them and why were they built?

In Ecuador, one large Jade cup and 12 smaller Jade cups were found. Each of the smaller cups are a little bit different in
size, but if you were to fill each one and pour them into the larger one, the contents would exactly fill the larger cup. The
large cup has a perfect inlaid star constellation, showingOrion and other stars.

Klaus Dona stated, inside the big cup it is very, very magnetic and outside the cup nearly nothing. Professional geologists
are saying this is impossible because if a stone has metal particles inside the stone, it must be same magnetic from both

7. If scientists say that it is impossible to have a very magnetic inside of a jade cup with a non-
magnetic outside of the same cup, then who created these vessels and where are they from?
8. Long before our state-sponsored recorded history will admit that civilized man was on Earth,
what culture made this coin?

In Illoinois a well bit brought up a 200,000 year old bronze coin [illustrated above] from a depth of 114 feet just outside
Chillicothe, Illinois. According to the Illinois State Geological Survey, the deposits containing the coin are between 200,000
and 400,000 years old.
9. Why do all history classes exclude this information?

More than 350 artifacts were found in Ecuador in an old tunnel system. One artifact in particular shows the same pyramid
with an all-seeing eye at the top of it

Under a black light, the eye takes on an interesting hue while on the bottom of this artifact (see picture below), you can see a
star map of Orions Belt along with writing that is older than any known writing on this planet.

According to the research of Klaus Dona, the same writing has been found all over the world, proving that there was a pre-
existing GLOBAL civilization that is much older than any Sanskrit writings.

We are seeing a continuing theme involving Orions Belt. The pyramids on the Giza Plateau also reflect the exact same
alignment as the 3 Kings of Orions Belt.
10. What visitors came to this planet from Orions Belt?

Its obvious that Orions Belt plays a large significance in the origins of mankind. Who are these visitors from Orions Belt and
what is their agenda?
11. What is the significance of the Orions Belt constellation?
12. What is the true meaning of this pyramid and why is this symbol still being used?
Professor Kurt Schildmann, former President of the German Linguistic Association, called this writing pre-Sanskit (older
than 6,000 years old) and was able to translate the writing as follows: The son of the creator comes.

In the pre-religious Anunnaki creation myth, Anu had 2 sons, Enki and Enlil. Enki, also known as Ea (as inEArth) in
Sumerian texts, was loving and kind to the genetically modified humans who mined gold for the Anunnaki.

13. Does The son of the creator comes refer to Enki?

The Old and New Testament of the Christian bible clearly shows one vengeful god who kills millions of people while an
apparently different god who is all loving.

14. Does the bible reflect the story of Enlil (Old Testament, malevolent towards humans) and Enki
(New Testament, all-loving toward humans)? Who is us and our?

In the Old Testament, Genesis 1:26, it states, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.

15. Ancient Ornate Vase

In 1851 in Dorchester, Massachusetts, a 4-1/2 inch high zinc and silver alloy vase was dynamited out of solid rock 15 feet
below the surface. On the sides were figures of flowers in bouquet arrangements, inlaid with pure silver. The rock out of
which it came is estimated to be 100,000 years old.

16. According to academia, what civilization was capable of this type of art 100,000 years ago?
Over 200 metallic spheres have been found in South Africa and are estimated to be 4,500 million years old. There are two
types of spheres: one of solid bluish metal with white flecks, and another which is a hollow ball filled with a white spongy
center (Jimison, 1982).

17. Our recorded history tells us that civilized man has only been here anywhere between 6-8,000
years, so who made these spheres millions of years beforehand?

With the exception of stone and precious metals, virtually everything we own right now would eventually turn to dirt
throughout the millennia, including all of our TVs, cellphones, cars, planes and everything made of plastic. If by chance,
some major catastrophe were to hit our planet, within 100,000 years, just about every hint of civilization would be buried
under years of decay.

18. Is it possible that there are malevolent rulers who have kept us in economic subservience for
literally hundreds of thousands of years, if not millions of years?
All religions seem to share similar stories.

19. Is it possible that this template has been used since the earliest incarnations came to this
planet, perhaps billions of years ago?
20. When will we finally learn to live without being economic slaves to the same system of
domination and control?
Three bonus questions for YOU to answer:

Why has our true history been hidden from us? What is the purpose of suppressing such information? How many times have
civilizations come and gone from this planet?

Hint: See this section: Suppressed / Hidden History

Michael Tellinger And Jim Marrs: Suppressed Ancient History & Real History
July 7 2016 | From: EpicVoyagers

For anyone who has taken time to explore the topics covered on whis website, it is pretty much
guaranteed that you will love the material covered in the following presentation.

Michael Tellinger

Michael Tellinger explores ancient history and technologies - from where Jim Marrs explores the more recent
hisorical development that have followed.

Long before the Egyptians saw the light of day, an advanced civilisation of humans lived in southern Africa mining gold.
These were also the people who carved the first Horus bird, the first Sphinx, built the first Pyramids and built an accurate
stone calendar right in the heart of it all.

New archaeological and scientific discoveries made by Michael Tellinger, and a team of leading scientists, show that the
Sumerians and even the Egyptians inherited all their knowledge from an earlier civilisation that lived at the southern tip of
Africa more than 200,000 years ago... mining gold.
Jim Marrs

Jim Marrs takes us along a timeline of "Our Occulted [ occult meaning: secret ] History" - and indeed what the historical
events - the actual events that have taken place - as opposed to the "official" cabal-prescribed version of history that they
hoped we would all believe.

Jim explains in detail, the how and the why, covering religion, money, wars, politics, science - you name it.

This is a double feature and is quite lenghty at just under three hours - but is is well worth the time, you won't regret it. Make
some popcorn!
13-Year-Old Invents Tesla Inspired Free Energy Device For Under $15
May 21 2016 | From: WakingTimes

Inspired by the geniuses Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein, teenager Max Loughan loves to invent
things, in fact, he says he has known his entire short life that his purpose was to change the world
with his inventions. And he may just do it.

Wearing a lab coat while speaking in a televised interview with KTVN Channel 2 in Reno and Tahoe, Nevada, Max
explains the free energy device that he made in his parents boiler room turned laboratory.

Related: Unraveling Nikola Teslas Greatest Secret: Radiant Energy

"As cheesy as this sounds, from day one, on this planet that I knew I was put here for a reason, said Max. And
that reason is to invent, to bring the future.

- Source

His invention looks somewhat reminiscent of Tesla coil, and operates on some of the same principles described by the
electric visionary. The device is rather simple, harvesting electromagnetic energy from the atmosphere, then converting it to
direct current which can be used to power electrical devices.

Whats even more incredible is that Max built his free energy device out of materials he purchased for less than $15. Thats
right, for the price of an average lunch, it appears that anyone can have access to free energy.

"He created an electro magnetic harvester out of a coffee can, some wire, two coils, and a spoon.

- Source
In a demonstration with KTVN, Max uses current created by the machine to power a strip of LED lights that he had wrapped
around his twin brother, astonishing to both his own family and the visiting news crew.

The harvester conducts radio waves, thermal, and static energy, and turns it into electricity.

This wire takes energy from the air.

And the inside the coffee can,

We turn it from AC to DC.

- Source

Setting Free Energy Free

Maxs achievement is impressive, to say the least, and the fact that works of Nikola Tesla are now inspiring the next
generation of inventors is quite inspiring, although one has to wonder why Teslas ideas have taken some 75 years to reach
the mainstream.
The big message here again, though, is that free energy technologies are real, so why is the world still dependent on fossil
fuels and extraction based methods of energy production that are destroying our planet? Why cant we have clean running
automobiles that are powered with ambient energy and produce zero emissions?

Related: The 10 Most Important Inventions of Nikola Tesla

The suppression of free energy devices and technology by the energy industry and by the government is an established fact
of our world. Using many techniques and programs to suppress ideas and inventions like Maxs is finally coming to an end,
however, in the information age. Now anyone can participate in the energy revolution.

My true goal is to help. It is to invent a future where people can be happy, where they can be safe and
Max Loughan

Check out Maxs interview with KTVN here, and please share this inspiring story far and wide to help break the silence on
the possibility of clean and free energy. Our future depends on it.

Related: Russian Scientists Revive Nikola Tesla's Designs With Help From Crowdfunding

Investigating The Keshe Technologies

April 21 2016 | From: VeteransToday

Several years ago, one thing became clear - that if Keshe technology was real, the world would
change, and hydrocarbons would be a thing of the past as fuel, and that our world economy, an
energy slave economy, was dead. It goes further.

Governments, the US, Israel and Britain, have been contacted about sharing technology that would, if Keshe is
right, make the planes, missiles and even the billion dollar cradle to grave surveillance nightmare useless.

Now we can share what we do know, the basis for Keshe theory, for the Keshe machines, for Keshes irritating language of
magravs and plasma is very real. His crap actually makes electricity out of thin air just like he said and, if that is true,
and it is, then the whole thing is going to burn to the ground, the whole sick mess.
As of today, we can categorically state that Keshe tech is very real, that physics we are taught in school,
physics the US publicly espouses as valid, is not. We had known that several major aerospace companies
were involved in projects, not only outside conventional science but much further, including time travel,
thought inducement and deep space exploration, all using capabilities beyond conventional reality.

We now know that though it all may not be true, much of it is now probably true and some of the impossible is certainly
true. We begin:

Iranian nuclear physicist and peace activist, Mehran Keshe, has officially announced that it was his technology that brought
down an American RQ170 Sentinel drone over Iran and disabled the AEGIS destroyer, the USS Donald Cook, in the Black
Sea. The US has given no plausible explanation for the downing of the RQ 170 drone.

We have, during the past few weeks, been able to verify that Keshe energy units do actually work. We had
test results from other sources, but we did our own."

Veterans Today began investigating Mehran Keshe several years ago. Some of this story we have told before, so please be
patient. Keeping it short as possible, I assigned Colonel Hanke, who works with DARPA on energy projects, along with Mike
Harris, to work with the Keshe group.

The video shows, the pen writes, then it doesn't... and this changes everything
Then I sent Dr. Riccardo Maggiore of MIT to visit Keshe in Italy. We then went further and there was a good reason. Iran
had captured an American RQ170 stealth drone, something impossible.

Moreover, Keshe had two groups of painfully inept detractors, a pair of cabals from the free energy community, a
group that makes the new truther groups seem impressive. For those unaware, there is a huge online community of
fraudsters who haunt the anti-vacc and natural medicine websites.

To learn about these folks, simply google keshe and you can list them. One in Morocco was picked up and questioned last
week about missing children and another, in Belgium (and Netherlands, depending on day of the week) showed up on an
INTERPOL notice tied to a trafficking and slavery complaint.

Our partnerships with ECIPS, DESI and Center for Counter Terrorism have been very useful. They have
given us full access to agencies across Europe. This has been a nasty business with some very nasty
people and, quite frankly, dealing with this kind of thing is childs play for the VT gang.

Where my notice was tweaked was when MI6 started to trip over themselves in their usual delightfully oh so British
fashion, as Michael Shrimpton puts it. We knew this Keshe had worked in Iran with a massive budget on projects
unrelated to anything arms inspectors have looked at. Keshe doesnt do missiles or bombs.

We also know that China has taken a strong interest in Keshe. Our concern is how China is volunteering to throw endless
funding to move Keshe medical and other tech from the imaginary physics stage to operation. Either we all trust China,
something I am not totally averse to doing, or begin playing with governments we long ago discovered cant be
trusted. There is no easy way out of this.

Lets move on to something less dark, something more fun to talk about, and I will turn this over to Ian Greenhalgh:

We suspect that the Keshe technology is the result of reverse-engineering Alien hardware; we further
suspect that the Iranians found this hardware during archaeological exploration and it is millenia old.

Sharing this technology with Russia may have been a case of Iran lacking the resources to reverse-
engineer whatever they found and the Russians are the acknowledged experts at reverse-engineering.

Sources indicate that Gordon Duff had been briefed on ancient technology dumps in both Iran and
Ukraine but he is unwilling to discuss this.
A little over two years ago, Preston James wrote an article that seems almost prescient in light of recent intelligence:

Unsubstantiated rumors have been seeping out of deep contacts inside Russian Space Command the last few
weeks that, not only does the new Putins Russia have a well developed Secret Space war Program, but that this
Program provides substantial ultra-high-tech back-engineered offensive and defensive weaponry.

And that such advanced weaponry can and will be deployed if Israel is able to once again deploy their hijacked
American War Machine to start another Proxy War, this time in the Ukraine against Putins New Russia.

This advanced weaponry appears to have been deployed against the USS Sitting Duck in the Black Sea, an event that sent
very real shivers down the spines of American and Israeli military and political leaders (if they possess spines, that is).
Preston goes on to ask:

Do Russians now have access to Space War Weapons based on back-engineered Alien ET technology gained
through a new treaty negotiated between Putin and a certain group of Alien ETs who are enemies of the group
controlling the World Zionists (WZs) and the International Zionist Crime Syndicate (IZCS)?

The answer to this appears to be a definite maybe; it would certainly explain why Russia has stood firm against the Zionists
and the criminal operations in Ukraine and Syria, despite wide-ranging sanctions that, despite denials, have undoubtedly
damaged their economy and the ruble and an ever-growing belligerence on the part of certain figures in NATO such as Gen.

In short, maybe Putin is standing up to the criminals because someone does have his back. Preston also made a good
guess at what some of the offensive weapons that have resulted from back-engineering might be:

The actual state of back-engineered Alien ET technology for Russian weapons systems is not known by American
Intel at this time. But estimates are constructed using advanced algorithms on advanced computers to make

And the latest version of the Russian Sunburn Missile System is a good example of an advanced weapons system
that can be used to project what could be considered a fairly good estimate of the current state of Russian Secret
Space war weaponry that has been deployed.

Some military technology experts believe that the Sunburn is based on Alien ET back-engineered technology. Why
would they think this? Because the latest versions of the Sunburn are believed to have hiving capability and the
ability to travel at speeds up to 7,000 to 9,000 miles per hour. That is a lot more than the officially released figures
of Mach 2.1.

Hiving is the ability of these missiles when launched in mass to remain in constant communication with one
another on special scrambled frequencies which constantly change.

If one or more Sunburn missile is shot down or interfered with, the rest adjust in response to the threat, re-target,
and resort to random defensive maneuvers to make sure every target is still covered and attacked by priority of

Some of these maneuvers are so gravity-defying, it is suspected that anti-gravity technology has been utilized in
the latest model of the Sunburn missiles. It is also suspected that new anti-matter light and time warping
technologies are used to provide advanced cloaking for these Sunburns.

If these rumors are even close to accurate it means that any USN ships within range of these Sunburns (which
may be substantially greater than the claimed 1200 miles), could be sunk within mere minutes.

Some experts believe that the USAF (or the USN) has nothing that can adequately respond to the Sunburn, and
even the Rail guns and high-powered particle beams which have been secretly deployed on some carriers and
destroyers and kept under wraps until needed, or on special Space war orbital platforms, cannot respond fast or
accurately enough to stop all of a hive of Sunburns that are launched.

Now here is the grim truth. No matter how good American Intel has been about the Russians Secret Space War
Program and the level of advanced back-engineered Alien ET technology, which now has been deployed, it is
limited. And it is unlikely that the full story has been gained by American Intel, due to the various levels of secrecy
and need to know installed around the Russians secret Space War Program.

Of course this kind of layered secrecy has been installed around Americas Secret Space War Program. Americas
secret Space War program is unfortunately now run by foreign offshore-controlled, private defense Contractors,
most of whom are deeply infiltrated by Israeli Intel, some of whom are actually deep cover spies who report directly
to Russian Intel, unbeknownst to the Israelis who are cocky and getting quite careless lately.

What is unique about Keshes program is its direction. When he talks about peace, he means it. You know, what has
irritated so many about Iran and China is their unwillingness to, despite their burgeoning military spending, threaten
neighbors or build offensive capabilities. Yes, Iran has missiles but Israel and Saudi Arabia, not the best neighbors for
anyone, have nuclear weapons and a reputation for bad behavior.

If Keshe tech can take down an RQ170, what would it do with an F18 or even an F35 as Keshe reminds us in Video 2?

The key is going to be, based on the assumption that we are dealing with something real, how we can make this
something more than a military game or, worse still and a scenario we are prepared to deal with as best possible,
how long do we wait until defense contracting firms and the secret society types move from trolling to poisoning
or lets say shooting at Keshe and his wife Carolyn while they are in their car. No, waitthats already been done."

I am not at home around Keshe people but what are Keshe people? There is an article out there accusing me and the
CIA (funny?) of running the upcoming Keshe event later this month. I did, however, review applicants to attend, a list that
was carefully screened based on the requirement of the hosting country, one that has very strong policies on things like
terrorism and crime.

I found lots of engineers, world experts on nanotechnology, more than a couple, but curiously, oil and chemical company
execs who seem to really want to be there.

What this can be, and maybe what it is, above all things is a way for people to find each other and, without government
handouts and permission from the Wizard of Oz, take control of their lives, their future and their way of life.

I dont see room for what we have learned to recognize as government in this scenario. I will cry when the last one is shut

Explosive Expos: The Secret Government, Anti-Gravity Technology And Black

Budget Projects
March 17 2016 | From: 21stCenturyWire

How much history is missing from the textbooks?

During the Cold War, a number of nefarious activities took place behind the scenes within the U.S. Government.

Dr Steven Greer presents an explosive expos of a forgotten history, including Operation Paperclip, a program to bring
Nazi scientists across the Atlantic and away from the Nuremberg Trials, the potential for an infinite energy source,
government acknowledged existence of UFOs and the military industrial complex.

Check out this immense, thought-provoking presentation below - but bare in mind that Dr. Greers knowledge of the various
ET groups and their intentions is incomplete and incorrect in that he believes that ALL ET groups are benevolent. This is
blatantly not true. I do not believe that he is intentionally misinforming people on this point, but that hae has not had access
to the information.
Do you believe the government has been totally corrupted and derailed by clandestine forces?

Read More On Lost History & Cover-Ups: 21st Century Wire Conspiracy Files

The Human Aura And DNA: How You Choose Your Genes
February 15 2016 | From: EnergyFanatics

Every human being has an energy field around their body. Some people call it the aura, or the
luminous energy field, or simply the human energy field.
The purpose of this article is not only to prove the existence of the human energy field, but also to explore the
function of our DNA, the interaction between DNA and the unified field, and the influence of the human energy field
on that relationship.

Ultimately, if the science is indeed correct, this is a first step to health, healing, and possibly human evolution.

If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.

- Nikola Tesla

Human Energy Field and DNA The Origin of Health

In the Western world our doctors go through almost a decade of schooling, and in that time they become masters of human
biology, anatomy, and physiology. They become adept at understanding disease, and diagnosing all forms of illness, yet in a
large majority of cases, what is their prescription? Drugs or Surgery.

All illness has a spiritual/energetic origin. When you do not cleanse your human energy field your energetic field
becomes distorted, stagnant, and impure. It becomes extremely imbalanced and charged with low-energy vibrations which
cause disease in mind, and spirit, and eventually in our bodies. But why?

The reason why this occurs is because one of the major functions of our DNA is that it receives and transmits energy. This
has been shown to be one of the major functions of junk DNA (which make up about 95% of the human genome) which is
what it was called before they understood what it was all about, but now it is beginning to be shown as an essential
component of our biology and DNA.
One of the new discoveries in DNA as Bruce Lipton talks about is epigenetic control, which means literally above-genetic
control. Thus the new understanding of DNA is that the genes which our DNA codes is dictated as a response to the
environment. In essence we are in a perpetual process of adaptation, which means that we have the potential for continuous
evolution in our environment, moreover, spontaneous evolution.

More specifically, what is it that our DNA responds to in order to determine the nature of our environment?

Our DNA does not have eyes, or ears, so it cannot see or hear what is going on. Instead it determines the environment by
reading the energy. It receives energetic signals from the environment and interacts directly with the information and codes
encoded within the unified field, reads them, and then our DNA codes and/or activates the appropriate genes suitable for the
environment we are in.

What do you think happens to DNA when the human energy field is all polluted by negative energies? To answer this
question, we have to look to water.

Consciousness and Water

Dr. Masaru Emoto from Japan for the last number of years has been doing some truly revolutionary work with water. What he
is doing is researching the effects of human thought, emotion, andintention (directed attention) on the structure of water. (The
source for this section is The Hidden Messages in Water by Dr. Masaru Emoto, and it is a truly enlightening book.)

His tests involve him sending specific thoughts to water (or getting others to do so), and then he flash freezes that water so
that he can take a look at the crystal formed, and examine the relationship between the energy / thought / emotion sent to the
water, and the crystals that are formed as a result.
Amazingly he found that when positive thoughts,
energies, and words were directed to the water, they
formed beautiful, highly coherent crystals.

Whereas when negative, angry, or hateful thoughts and

emotions were directed towards the water, or in some cases
with words directly, he found that there was no more
coherent structure, and that the crystals froze with no
sacred geometrical pattern. In other words, there was no

This work proves two things: (1) That our thoughts and
emotions influence reality directly; and (2) That the type of
energy matters.

What is going on with these water crystals is that when an

individual thinks a certain thought, speaks a certain word, or
feels in a certain way, their energy is oscillating the human
energy field which restructures the geometric patterns within
space according to that energy.

Then the frequency of our energy radiates throughout space

(or it is transmitted non-locally I truly have no idea) and it
restructures the field in accordance with our energy, and
this restructures the field the space around the water
molecules because atoms are 99.9999% empty space.

Then when the water is flash frozen, it freezes along the

geometric pattern created in the space around its molecules
by human thought, emotion, and intention.

As we have seen from the images, the highest emotions of love, kindness, joy, and gratitude create highly coherent
geometrical patterns in the field which creates crystals that are truly perfect, beautiful, and harmonic which resonate those
emotions within us as we observe them.

Negative energies on the other hand seem to distort the natural structure of the field, vibrating the field in a discordant
fashion, which create crystals that radiate a sense of ugliness, imperfection, dis-coherence, and in essence, disease. If it is
possible for water crystals to look sick, ill, and literally diseased, it is these ones.


So if our bodies are 75% water, and if our genes are bio-oscillating crystalline structures which read and interpret energy,
and if we are 99.999% space, then how do you think the energies within the human energy field are impacting our DNA, and
most relevant of all, our health?

As I said before, the latest, and possibly the cutting edge of genetic sciences is working with epi-genetic control, meaning
that our DNA and the genes which are coded are determined by the energy of our environment. Well, what determines our
It is not what is out there which has the greatest impact, it is our perception of what is out there. In other words, what
we believe, think, and feel to be true about our environment determines how we perceive our environment.

So if we think the world is negative, it becomes negative to us. But the opposite is also true. If we live in a state of love,
happiness, and inner peace, then we perceive our environment to be the same and thus what we attract is much different.

The human energy field directly informs our DNA and is directly responsible for the genes coded, our health, any illness or
disease which may appear in our body, and even our intelligence, memory, and ability to heal is directly affected. All aspects
of our lives are determined by the quality of our consciousness.

The Phantom DNA Effect

"Another important piece of evidence that helps us to understand really what is going on when our DNA interacts
with the unified field and with consciousness is known as the Phantom DNA Effect. It was discovered by Dr. Peter
Gariaev who put DNA in a tiny quartz container and zapped it with a mild laser.

He then observed the DNA with equipment so sensitive it could detect a single photon. He found the DNA acted
like a sponge, and absorbed the photons storing them in a cork-screw shaped spiral.

After he finished his experiments he removed the quartz vial with the DNA in it and left. Yet to his utter amazement
when he returned to his lab he discovered that the machines were still detecting the photons of light spiraling in the
same cork-screw spiral as if the DNA was still present, even though he had removed it from the machine! The
spiral was visibly for a further 30 days."

Source: p.160-163 of The Source Field Investigations by David Wilcock

What does this Mean?

I believe that we can safely make these deductions based off of the evidence at hand:

1. The structure of the vacuum, the unified field, actually stores information, energy, and light, which in reality are all the
same thing.

2. This strongly suggests that the DNA molecule and structure is resonant with the structure of space-time. In other words
its structure is somehow coherent as to cause the field to interact with it in this way once it is charged with energy, in this
case a mild laser. Could it be the field responding with the codes necessary for the DNA molecule to adapt to its new

3. This process infers that to some degree the DNA molecule is like a biological computer chip, an interface between our
biology and the unified field. It means that an interesting function of DNA is to store light (which is information), and that this
structure leaves a particularly strong energetic imprint onto the fabric of space-time. Maybe even that the process of the DNA
storing energy activated an energetic construct already present in the unified field.

4. The evidence also suggests that there is communication going on between our DNA which stores
energy/information/light, but it also seems that our DNA is not just informing the field and leaving an energetic imprint on the
human energy field, but that the field is informing our DNA right back.

As a continually growing body of information related to

energetically driven evolution is suggesting, all the codes,
imprints, and information may very well be stored directly in
the energetic field which creation emanates from; in
essence, within light itself.

And when we are young or when our energetic fields are

pure and unpolluted, our energy resonates most clearly with
the universe in this state causing an unobstructed
communication between our consciousness and universal
consciousness, and between our DNA and the field.

When this communication is undistributed, we become the

epitome of mental, spiritual, and physical health.

If our emotions were negative or incoherent, that would be

disrupting the communication between the field and our
DNA, and it is this above all which evidence is suggesting is
the source of all disease.

The field of intention, conscious awareness, energy, the

universal mind, whatever you choose to call the infinite
energy density of the vacuum, the fact remains that the
energy of space all around us, is infinite.

In other words, it is love, for that is the highest energy that

we have a name for.

As Masaru Emotos work shows, the more positive, loving,

and compassionate the persons energy, the higher the
degree of coherence in the water crystals.

Imagine what these positive energies do to our bodies which are 75% water, and imagine the effect of that highly coherent
energy on our DNA. When we align with this energy, with our source, and thus with our higher self, we are embodying this
energy which clears all the negativity and energetic disturbance within us manifesting health in mind, body, and spirit.

"Everything is energy and thats all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality that you want and you cannot
help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy, this is physics.

- Bashar

Nine Scientific Facts Prove The "Theory Of Evolution" Is False

January 31 2016 | From: HumansAreFree
This article will prove that the Theory of Evolution fails many challenges, not simply one.

Sorry to anyone who finds this offensive, but humans did not evolve from apes into Chuck Norris

The Theory of Evolution will never become a law of science because it is wrought with errors. This is why it is still
called a theory, instead of a law. The process of natural selection is not an evolutionary process.

The DNA in plants and animals allows selective breeding to achieve desired results. Dogs are a good example of selective
breeding. The DNA in all dogs has many recessive traits.

A desired trait can be produced in dogs by selecting dogs with a particular trait to produce offspring with that trait. This
specialized selective breeding can continue for generation after generation until a breed of dog is developed. This is the
same as the "survival of the fittest" theory of the evolutionists.
Darwin's complete quote can be found here

Many different types of dogs can be developed this way, but they can never develop a cat by selectively breeding dogs.
Natural selection can never extend outside of the DNA limit. DNA cannot be changed into a new species by natural
selection. The same process of selective breeding is done with flowers, fruits, and vegetables.

New variations of the species are possible, but a new species has never been developed by science. In fact, the most
modern laboratories are unable to produce a left-hand protein as found in humans and animals. Evolutionist fail to admit that
no species has ever been proven to have evolved in any way. Evolution is simply pie-in-the-sky conjecture without scientific

If natural selection were true, Eskimos would have fur to keep warm, but they don't. They are just as hairless as everyone
else. If natural selection were true, humans in the tropics would have silver, reflective skin to help them keep cool, but they
don't. They have black skin, just the opposite of what the theory of natural selection would predict.

If natural selection were true humans at northern latitudes would have black skin, but they have white skin instead, except
the Eskimos who have skin that is halfway between white and black. The people from Russia and the Nordic countries have
white skin, blood hair and blue eyes. This is the opposite of what one would predict if natural selection controlled skin color.

Many evolutionists argue that melanin is a natural sunscreen that evolved in a greater amount to protect dark-skinned
people who live near the Equator. They simply ignore the fact that dark-skinned Eskimos live north of the Arctic Circle.

Melanin in the skin is not a sound argument in favor of evolution. Dark-skinned people have always lived near the Equator,
not white-skinned people, even though the dark skin is more uncomfortable in the hot, sunny climate.

Black skin absorbs the heat from the sun's rays more than white skin. Humans show no sign of natural selection based on
the environment. The theory of natural selection is wrong because it cannot create something in the DNA that wasn't there in
the beginning.
Animals like bears, tigers, lions, and zebras living near the equator have heavy fur while humans living north of the Artic
Circle have bare skin. A leopard from the jungle near the equator has fur like the snow leopard of the Himalayas.

The snow leopard grows thicker hair but the jungle leopard would also if moved to a cold climate. Horses and dogs grow a
heavy winter coat in colder climates. Natural selection isn't working as falsely claimed by Charles Darwin.

The cheetah in Africa is an example of an animal in the cat family with very limited variety in the DNA. Each cheetah looks
like an identical twin. The cheetah DNA is so identical that the skin from one cheetah can be grafted into another cheetah
without any rejection by the body.

Evolution is a theory developed one hundred and forty years ago by Charles Darwin (N/A actually, by his grandfather in
1794 - before Charles was even born), before science had the evidence available to prove the theory false.

His famous book, On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, has a title that is now known to be
scientifically false. New species cannot evolve by natural selection. Modern scientific discoveries are proving evolution to be
impossible. No new scientific discoveries have been found to support the Theory of Evolution.
Life did not start with a bolt of lightning striking a pond of water as claimed by the main stream scientists. Kids are taught
that life can evolve given enough time. This is a false statement without any scientific support.

They are taught that if given enough time, a monkey at a typewriter could punch keys at random and eventually type
President's Abraham Lincoln Gettysburg Address. This is nonsense.

Time does not make impossible things possible. As an example, a computer was programmed in an attempt to arrive at the
simple 26-letter alphabet. After 35,000,000,000,000 (35 trillion) attempts it has only arrived at 14 letters correctly.

What are the odds that a simple single cell organism could evolve given the complexity of more than 60,000 proteins of 100
different configurations all in the correct places? Never in eternity! Time does not make impossible things possible. (...)

The Indoctrination System Called "Education"

The educational system teaches children not to think. Any student who uses logic and solid scientific evidence to question
the Theory of Evolution is ridiculed and insulted into submission. The students who submit become non-thinking robots who
dare not question the dogma presented.

A forth-grade elementary school class was observed at the park playing a three-legged race game, where adjacent legs of
the two kids were placed into a bag. The kids must cooperate with each step in order to run. The kids thought it was great
fun. The teacher told them they were being trained to cooperate.

Actually, it was brainwashing kids into conforming to a system in which they are not allowed to have individual thoughts or
opinions. They must become a "team player" and submit to peer pressure. Communist countries have used this same
brainwashing technique for decades.

The brainwashing of school children continues by teaching them there is no absolute right or wrong, and the teacher is
absolutely positive about it.

Whatever the children think is right for them is OK. That is of course until they question evolution. They are then told they
are wrong. This brainwashing results in children who are unable to think logically, scientifically, and accurately. (...)

[Darwinian Evolution cannot be observed and replicated in order to be scientifically validated and also there is not one single
known case of a change of kinds]:

Scientific Fact No. 1 - Birds Prove Natural Selection is Naturally Wrong

The body and soul of Darwin's Theory of Evolution was the idea that evolution was made possible through natural selection.
This concept is based on the suggestion that those members of a species that are a little stronger, a little larger, or run a
little faster will live longer to procreate offspring with these superior adaptations.

Darwin's theory suggests that millions of generations later the changes will result in new species. These adaptations are
called links or intermediates between the old species and the new.

The idea of natural selection sounds great when considering deer. The deer that can sense danger the quickest and run the
fastest are able to escape the predator on a more consistent basis. However, other examples on the "evolutionary tree"
have many flaws.

We are told by evolutionists that a fish wiggled out of the sea onto dry land and became a land creature. So let's examine
this idea. OK, a fish wiggles out of the sea and onto the land, but he can't breathe air. This could happen. Fish do stupid
things at times.

Whales keep swimming up onto the beach where they die. Do you think the whales are trying to expedite a multi-million
generation plan to grow legs? That concept is stupid, but let's get back to the fish story.

The gills of the fish are made for extracting oxygen from water, not from air. He chokes and gasps before flipping back into
the safety of the water. Why would he do such a stupid thing? This wiggling and choking continues for millions of generation
until the fish chokes less and less. His gills evolve into lungs so he can breathe air on dry land, but now he is at risk of
drowning in the water.

One day he simply stays out on the land and never goes back into the water. Now he is a lizard.
Giant dinosaurs literally exploded onto the scene during the Triassic period. The fossil record (petrified bones found in the
ground as at the Dinosaur National Park in Jensen, Utah, USA) shows no intermediate or transitional species. Where are
the millions of years of fossils showing the transitional forms for dinosaurs? They do not not exist, because the dinosaurs did
not evolve.

Books published by evolutionists have shown the giant Cetiosaurus dinosaur with the long neck extending upright eating
from the treetops. They claimed natural selection was the reason Cetiosaurus had a long neck. This gave them an
advantage in reaching fodder that other species could not reach.

One day during the assembly of a skeleton for a museum display someone noticed the neck vertebrae were such that the
neck could not be lifted higher than stretched horizontally in front of them. The natural selection theory was proven to be a
big lie.

The Cetiosaurus dinosaur was an undergrowth eater. The long neck actually placed the Cetiosaurus at a disadvantage in
his environment, just the opposite from the natural Theory of Natural Selection.

Evolutionists will now claim the animal evolved a long neck because he had the advantage of eating from bushes on the
other side of the river. This is typical logic of an evolutionist.

Scientific Fact No. 2 - Species Without a Link Prove Evolution Theory is Wrong

The evolutionist will claim that the presence of many individual species proves evolution. This shallow statement is devoid of
reason, logic, and scientific proof.

Evolutionists line up pictures of similar-looking species and claim they evolved one from another. The human "family tree" is
an example of this flawed theory. Petrified skulls and bones exist from hundreds of species of extinct monkeys and apes.

Evolutionists line up the most promising choices to present a gradual progression from monkey to modern man. They simply
fill in the big gaps with make-believe creatures to fit the picture. This procedure can be done with humans only because
there are many extinct monkey and ape species. They never do this with giraffes, elephants or the Platypus. (...)

The pictures are simply a grouping of individual species that does not prove evolution.

Close to the Missing Link - Oldest Human Ancestor Discovered

Why do they claim the above discovery is "close to the missing link"? The answer is simple. Look at the picture: It is a

A monkey species that has become extinct. Lots of species have become extinct. Millions of species have become extinct.

It is obviously not similar to a human. Look at the feet with the big toe spread away from the smaller toes exactly like a
modern chimpanzee, not like people. A newly discovered extinct species does not prove a "missing link" has been found.

Charles Darwin admitted that fossils of the transitional links between species would have to be found in order to prove his
"Theory of Evolution." Well, these transitional links have never been found. We only find individual species.
Evolutionists try to form these individual species into a link according to similar major features such as wings or four legs,
but this simply proves the Theory of Evolution to be a fraud. Darwin was hopeful that future fossils would prove his theory
correct, but instead, the lack of transitional links has proven his theory to be wrong.

The presence of individual species actually proves they were not developed by an evolutionary process. If evolution were
true, all plants, animals, and insects would be in a continual state of change. No two creatures would be identical, because
they would not be separate species.

All life forms would be a continual blend of characteristics without a clear definition among the species. Everything would be
changing, and every animal, insect, and plant would be different.

The cheetah above proves evolution does not exist. All species are locked solidly within their DNA code.

Evolutionists are Going Ape Over "Ape-Girl"

The fossilized bones of a new animal have been found in Ethiopia near the site where "Lucy" was discovered many years

By the way, Lucy was a monkey, not an early humanoid. The number of bones of the Ape-girl skeleton are unique because
Lucy had only a few head fragments.

This find gives us a lot of information about the animal because major parts of the skeleton were unearthed (assuming these
are all from the same animal).

It has teeth in the jaw and is said to also have unerupted teeth still within the jaw. The evolutionists call the animal a
"human-like" female child about three years of age and an "individual." This is not a "human-like" fossil. It is an "ape-like"
fossil because it was an ape.

The evolutionists call the animal a "transitional species" and a human ancestor even though it has a head exactly like a
modern-day ape. The jaw is thrust forward and the forehead pushed back and slanted. The true appearance is more easily
seen from side picture below.
Ape-girl also has arms "that dangled down to just above the knees. It also had gorilla-like shoulder blades which suggest it
could have been skilled at swinging through trees."

So, it looks like an ape, it has a head like an ape, it has arms like an ape, it has shoulder blades like an ape - It is obviously
an ape, not a human, pre-human or humanoid. This animal is simply a young ape. Its size is as would be expected for a
young modern-day ape.

The age of this fossilized animal is also very much in doubt. Scientists many years ago claimed a tooth found was Nebraska
Man, a pre-human fossil millions of years old. They determined the age of the tooth. The scientists had sculptured an entire
ape-like skeleton from information they found in one tooth. These lies were exposed when real scientists found the tooth to
be from a peccary, an animal similar to (and closely related to) pigs.

"The 3.3-million-year-old fossilised remains of a human-like child have been unearthed in Ethiopia's Dikika region.
The find consists of the whole skull, the entire torso, and important parts of the upper and lower limbs.

CT scans reveal unerupted teeth still in the jaw, a detail that makes scientists think the individual may have been
about three years old when she died."

- 'Lucy's baby' found in Ethiopia - BBC News - September 21, 2006

Remarkably, some quite delicate bones not normally preserved in the fossilisation process are also present, such as the
hyoid, or tongue, bone. The hyoid bone reflects how the voice box is built and perhaps what sounds a species can produce.

Judging by how well it was preserved, the skeleton may have come from a body that was quickly buried by sediment in a
flood, the researchers said.
"In my opinion, afarensis is a very good transitional species for what was before four million years ago and what
came after three million years," Dr Alemseged told BBC science correspondent Pallab Ghosh. [The species had] a
mixture of ape-like and human-like features. This puts afarensis in a special position to play a pivotal role in the
story of what we are and where we come from."

Climbing Ability

"This early ancestor possessed primitive teeth and a small brain but it stood upright and walked on two feet. There
is considerable argument about whether the Dikika girl could also climb trees like an ape.

This climbing ability would require anatomical equipment like long arms, and the 'Lucy' species had arms that
dangled down to just above the knees. It also had gorilla-like shoulder blades which suggest it could have been
skilled at swinging through trees. But the question is whether such features indicate climbing ability or are just
'evolutionary baggage'."

Evolution is in trouble. The growth of biological knowledge is producing scientific facts that contradict the evolutionary
theory, not confirm it, a fact that famous Prof. Steven Jay Gould of Harvard has described as "the trade secret of

The fossil record simply does not support the evolutionary theory, which claims there once existed a series of successive
forms leading to the present-day organism. The theory states that infinitesimal changes within each generation evolve into a
new species, but the scientific fact remains. They don't.

Fossils prove the sudden emergence of a new species out of nowhere, complete with characteristics unknown in any other
species. The fossil record has no intermediate or transitional forms. This is popularly known as the "missing link" problem,
and it exists in all species. The missing link problem is getting worse, not better, with the discovery of more fossils.

The missing links are not being discovered, which proves they never existed. Darwin assumed transitional forms would be
discovered in the fossil record over time, but that has not been the case. The fossil record, or lack thereof, is a major
embarrassment to evolutionists.

The fossil record is a serious rebuke of the Theory of Evolution. New species explode onto the scene out of nowhere. New
fossil discoveries continue to prove evolution to be wrong.

Evolution: A Theory in Crisis by Michael Denton. He says;

"Despite the tremendous increase in geological activity in every corner of the globe and despite the discovery of
many strange and hitherto unknown forms, the infinitude of connecting links has still not been discovered and the
fossil record is about as discontinuous as it was when Darwin was writing the Origin."

A reader of the Michael Denton's book says;

"Denton a Molecular Biologist removes all of the supports (if there ever were any) from Darwin's theory of macro-
evolution (continuity of life). Denton blasts all of the previous arguments made by the pro-evolutionists showing
that there is essentially no support of macro-evolution in the fossil record.

He also, clearly demonstrates that there is no support coming from his specialty molecular biology. In the end the
only sound explanation he can make is that life is profoundly discontinuous."

Harvard Professor Gould claims that evolution occurs in spurts, not gradually. This theory attempts to explain the lack of
continuity in the fossil record. However, this theory is more troublesome than the gradual change theory. Large jumps or
spurts in the fossil record don't prove evolution at all. In fact, they disprove evolution.

The theory that evolution can occur in spurts, because the fossil record shows it did not occur gradually, is a wild stretch of
the imagination. Species have some characteristics similar to other species, but similarity doesn't prove any evolutionary link
whatsoever. There are more than missing links in biology. There are entire missing chains in 100% of the branches of the
evolutionary tree.

Many species are dependant upon another species for their coexistence.

Hummingbirds and flowers are a good example. The flower would not be pollinated and would become extinct without the
bird. They are said to have coevolved together. That is a stretch of the imagination without any basis in science. There are
hundreds of these examples that cannot be explained.
Charles Darwin had concern about his theory of natural selection. He knew that a failure to find the missing transitional links
would seriously cripple his theory of evolution, but he was hopeful the missing links would be found some day.

Well, guess what? He died not finding them. Evolutionists have never found the missing links. Each time they announce
finding one, it is later proven to be false.

The "Living Fossil" Fish Proves Evolution is Wrong

The Coelacanth fish was touted to be a transitional form with half-formed legs and primitive lungs, ready to transition onto
land. This myth was exploded in December, 1938 when a live Coelacanth was caught in a fisherman's net off the eastern
coast of South Africa. It is now known that the natives of the Comoro Islands had been catching and eating the fish for

It did not have half-formed legs or primitive lungs. It was simply a regular fish that people thought was extinct. Evolutionist
claimed the 350 million-year-old Coelacanth evolved into animals with legs, feet, and lungs.

This not the case. We now see that the fish recently caught is exactly like the 350 million-year-old fossil. It did not evolve at

The Coelacanth is a star witness against the false theory of evolution. After 350 million years, the fish still doesn't have a leg
to stand on.

Fisherman catches 'living fossil' - BBC News - August 1, 2007;

"The 1.3m-long (4.3ft), 50kg (110lb) coelacanth is only the second ever to have been captured in Asia and has
been described as a "significant find". An autopsy and genetic tests are now being carried out to determine more
about the specimen. Coelacanths provide researchers with a window into the past; their fossil record dates back
350 million years."

The Archaeopteryx fossil was herald by evolutionists as a significant transitional missing link. The fossil was discovered in a
limestone quarry in southern Germany in 1861 and has been debated ever since.
The dinosaur creature appears to be a reptile with bird characteristics of wings and feathers. It had the skeleton of a small
dinosaur with a tail, fingers with claws on the leading edge of the wing, and teeth in the jaws.

The owners of the property discovered six fossils of which only two had feathers. This inconsistency smells of fraud from the
beginning. Upon close examination the feathers appear to be identical to modern chicken feathers. Click the picture to see
an enlargement.

The Archaeopteryx fossils with feathers have now been declared forgeries by scientists. "Allegedly, thin layers of cement
were spread on two fossils of a chicken-size dinosaur, called Compsognathus. Bird feathers were then imprinted into the
wet cement" according to Dr. Walt Brown.

(...) This example would not have proven evolution even if the feathers had not been forgeries. Finding a few species with
characteristics similar to two other species does not prove a link. There should be millions or billions of transitional links if
evolution were true, not simply a few.
The Platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus), with its duck bill and webbed feet, is a unique Australian animal. It and the two
species of echidna are the only monotremes or egg-laying mammals to be found on earth.

The marsupials (mammals with pouches, e.g. kangaroos) and eutherians (placental mammals that give birth to well-
developed young, e.g. humans) both give birth to live young.

The monotremes have lower body temperatures than other mammals and have legs which extend out, then vertically below
them. These features, together with their egg-laying ability, are more like that of a lizard than a mammal. Platypus are
readily identified by their streamlined body, webbed feet, broad tail, and characteristic muzzle or bill which is soft and pliable.

The Platypus males have spurs on their hind feet that deliver a poisonous venom like a snake. A Platypus sting is powerful
enough to make people sick and kill a dog.

The Platypus of Australia has characteristics of many species but certainly is not the missing link to all of them. In fact, it is
not a link to any of them. The Platypus has made a joke of Charles Darwin's theory of evolution and his unproven theory of
natural selection.

April 6. 2006 - Tiktaalik is the latest fossil gap evolutionary fraud;

Scientists fraudulently claim a newly-discovered fish is the second bridge fossil gap between sea and land creatures. The
scientists have apparently forgotten that the first fossil gap, Archaeopteryx, shown above was also a fraud. Tiktaalik
therefore becomes fossil gap fraud number 2.

"The 1.3m-long (4.3ft), 50kg (110lb) coelacanth is only the second ever to have been captured in Asia and has
been described as a "significant find". An autopsy and genetic tests are now being carried out to determine more
about the specimen. Coelacanths provide researchers with a window into the past; their fossil record dates back
350 million years."

"Called 'Tiktaalik' by scientists, the fish lived in shallow, swampy waters. Most remarkably, the creature, which was less than
3 feet long, had the body of a fish but the jaws, ribs, and limb-like fins seen in the earliest land mammals."
The claim that the stubby little fossil fins are "limb-like" is a real hoot. The fish doesn't even have fins as large as expected
for its size.

The scientists are claiming the fish walked around on the ground out of water and breathed air. This is pure make-believe
speculation. No evidence exists that the fish is anything more than just another species.

The excitement about the Tiktaalik fossil is puzzling. Modern-day seals have fins and waddle around on the ground.
Modern-day catfish have fins and walk around on the ground. Catfish can live out of water for a long time. Tiktaalik does not
provide any support for evolution.

Evolutionists are now claiming that a dolphin captured with two little extra fins near the tail is proof that dolphins evolved
from four-footed animals related to the dog.

"Experts believe that the dolphin's ancestor was a dog-like creature which roamed the earth many millions of years
ago. And now the extraordinary discovery of a bottlenosed dolphin with an extra set of flippers has provided living
proof of the theory. At first glance it looks like any other of its kind. But closer inspection reveals a rogue set of rear
fins. Each the size of a human hand, the fins are thought to be the remains of a pair of hind legs, adding to
evidence that dolphins once walked on all fours."

This is utter nonsense!

Scientific Fact No. 3 - Missing Inferior Evolutionary Branches

The Theory of Evolution states that minute improvements in an individual within a species increases the likelihood of
survival of the offspring. These small steps of improvements continue for countless years until the individuals are changed to
such a large extent that a new species has appeared.

This progression is an uninterrupted branch of the "evolutionary tree." These lines of progression can be seen in any biology
text book for many species, including mankind. They almost look believable...

The siblings of an individual on the uninterrupted branch may fail to develop the minute improvement and may even suffer
from an inferior evolutionary change. Each of these individuals represents a new branch on the tree that is moving away
from the uninterrupted branch.
Let us say we have 100,000 coexisting individuals in a species such as a horse. Only a few of these individuals will begin
new branches that will eventually become a new species such as a Zebra.

The other 99,999 individuals may each begin a neutral or inferior branch that may continue for millions of years but will
eventually stop, because the last individual on the branch fails to produce an offspring.

The odds that the branch will stop producing offspring is increased when the minute evolutionary changes are inferior. The
theory of survival of the fittest or natural selection also works in reverse to produce death to the branch where the changes
are inferior. The branch stops. This part of the tree is dead.

We see in Scientific Fact No. 2 above that the missing intermediary individuals in the branch of the evolutionary tree present
a serious problem for the Theory of Evolution. One superior individual of the 100,000 is missing, but now we have an even
more serious defect in the theory. Where are the 99,999 inferior branches? How could 99,999 branches go missing?

Actually, the fossil record shows that everything is missing. No individuals of the species existed. None. Most layers of the
earth's crust are completely devoid of all life, but then a layer will appear that is teaming with an absolute abundance of
separate species, each containing millions of individuals.

This hypothesis of the "missing inferior evolutionary branches" was developed and posted here by the author, Kent R.
Rieske, on March 21, 2008.

Thousands of biology professors at universities around the world, including Darwin, have completely missed this serious
deficiency in the fossil record, because they have only been searching for the superior evolutionary branches, not the
inferior branches.

Where are the fossils of horses with weak bones that fractured early in life and thereby prevented an offspring from
continuing the branch? They don't exist, but they should if the Theory of Evolution was true. In fact, the fossil record should
be full of dead branches, which is not. The fossil record simply shows individual species that have become extinct.

Scientific Fact No. 4 - Single Cell Complexity Proves Evolution is Wrong

Scientists a century ago believed the smallest single living cell was a simple life form. The theory developed that perhaps
lightning struck a pond of water, causing several molecules to combine in a random way, which by chance resulted in a
living cell. The cell then divided and evolved into higher life forms.

This view is now proven to be immature to the degree of being ridiculous. The most modern laboratory is unable to create a
living cell. In fact, scientists have been unable to create a single left-hand protein molecule as found in all animals.

The Theory of Evolution claims that organic life was created from inorganic matter. That is impossible. The top scientists in
the world with unlimited laboratory resources cannot change inorganic matter into a single organic living cell.

The smallest living cell has the complexity of a Boeing 747 jumbo jet airplane. The components of the smallest living cell
have the obvious arrangement showing intelligent design, just as the Boeing 747 did not appear from random parts stacked
near each other in a junk yard. The minimal cell contains more than 60,000 proteins of 100 different configurations.

The smallest single-cell creature has millions of atoms forming millions of molecules that must each be arranged in an exact
pattern to provide the required functions.

The cell has an energy-producing system, a protective housing, a security system to let molecules into and out of the
housing, a reproductive system, and a central control system. This complexity required an intelligent design. It is much too
complex to happen by chance.

Evolution: A Theory in Crisis by Michael Denton page 263;

The odds that the correct proteins could somehow come together in a functional configuration to make a living cell are so
high that it will never happen. The concept that anything can be accomplished by chance given enough time is false. (...)

Darwin's "Tree of Life"

Charles Darwin made a sketch in his notebook in about July 1837 that has come to be known as the Tree of Life. Darwin
developed the Tree of Life theory, claiming that some species were lower in the branches of the tree and evolved into the
upper branches. He selected species that looked similar to each other and placed them together, like placing the zebra
below the horse.

Charles Darwin knew nothing about DNA, the true scientific key to life. He had no concept whatsoever regarding the
complexity of DNA. Life did not originate by the accidental sticking together of a few molecules as Darwin taught.

Darwin did not know that the key to a person's identity (DNA) is locked solid in every cell of the body. The DNA does not
change because of external adaptation to the environment as taught by Darwin and still falsely taught in universities by
biology professors.

The DNA changes only when an egg and sperm are joined to form a new DNA with chromosomes coming from the male
and female donors.

The DNA of the baby is strictly controlled by the parents' chromosomes. It cannot be changed by external environmental
influences either. The DNA of all life forms, including plants and trees, absolutely destroys Darwin's Theory of Evolution by
Natural Selection. Environmental influence does not change the DNA in plants, animals or humans.

Scientists have now solidly proven that 80% of the life forms in Darwin's Tree of Life have DNA much different from the
adjacent lower DNA and could not have evolved from the predecessor.

Some animals have DNA sequences that are identical to sequences in plant DNA, but they obviously could not be related
according to the Theory of Evolution.

Intelligent Design can be Seen in the Smallest Bacteria and the Largest Galaxy.

The scientific study of complex biological structures has made enormous strides in revealing Intelligent design in nature.

One example is the motor and propeller propulsion system, called a bacterial flagellum, found in many bacteria, including
the common E. coli. The propulsion system of the bacteria has 40 moving parts made from protein molecules, including a
motor, rotor, stator, drive shaft, bushings, universal joint, and flexible propeller.

The motor is powered by ions and can rotate at up to 100,000 rpm. It can reverse direction in only 1/4 of a revolution and
has an automatic feedback control mechanism.

The size is 1/100,000 of an inch (1/4,000 mm) in width, much too small to see with the human eye. One cannot deny the
obvious conclusion that this system has an Intelligent Designer.

Molecular Motors in Bacterium - University of Michigan;

"The ATP Synthase motor has the classic stator and rotor structure familiar in man-made motors. It spans a
cellular membrane which admits protons (H+) one at a time. For each proton, the motor turns once, adding a
phosphate to adenosine di-phosphate and converting it to adenosine tri-phosphate, the universal fuel source of

- Molecular Motor in Algae Cells Work Together - Science Daily - February 25, 2009;
Scientific Fact No. 5 - Human Egg and Sperm Prove Evolution is Wrong

The evolutionist ignores the problem surrounding the human female egg and the male sperm in the evolutionary theory. The
human female like other mammals has XX sex chromosomes, and the male has XY sex chromosomes.

The female egg contains the X-chromosome, and the male sperm contains either an X-chromosome for the reproduction of
a female or a Y-chromosome for the reproduction of a male.

The female eggs all develop within the ovaries while she is a baby (fetus) within her mother's womb. Evolutionists claim
environmental factors cause small changes in the offspring in the evolutionary chain.

However, the environmental experience of the female cannot change the chromosomes within her eggs and cannot have
any effect upon her offspring. Her body cannot go into the eggs contained within her ovaries at her birth to make an
intelligent genetic change. Females cannot be a part of the evolutionary theory for these reasons.

The male sperm are created very differently from the female egg. The sperm are created in the testes of a male on a daily
basis. This short time period between the creation of the sperm and conception within the female precludes any possibility
that the male can be a part of the evolutionary process.

A harsh winter, or some other environmental condition does not affect the testes in any way that would alter the
chromosomes in the sperm. Therefore, the male could not possibly contribute to evolutionary change caused by the
environment. This fact applies to humans as well as all other mammals.

There are no ways possible whereby environmental adaptation could occur through the male part of the chromosome.
Neither is there any scientific evidence that environmental experiences change the genetic code within the sperm.

Males cannot be a part of the evolutionary process for these reasons. These scientific facts prove evolution of the human
species caused by environmental adaptation or any other reason is impossible.

[Alexander: In my opinion, there is not enough evidence to support the author's conclusion regarding "Scientific Fact No. 5."
Based on my knowledge, the DNA, which is the software of all living things, can bring improvements to a species, though I
agree that it cannot change it into an entirely different kind. The DNA is also responsible for our appearance, otherwise we
would all look the same.

The fact that the DNA works as a software, making humans - for example - better adapted to the environment, can be easily

Those who walk bare foot develop extra layers of skin on their soles, or those who work the land with their hands, develop
extra layers of skin on their palms. Increased resistance to cold can be observed in the descendants of the nomadic tribes,
such as gypsies, even though they are no longer living in harsh conditions.

In conclusion, based on my knowledge, improvements are to be expected, but never radical mutations which would result
into an entirely different kind].


Scientific Fact No. 6 - DNA Error Checking Proves Evolution is Wrong

The scientific fact that DNA replication, including a built-in error checking method and a DNA repair process, proves the
evolutionary theory is wrong. The fact is, any attempt by the DNA to change is stopped and reversed.

Chromosomes, Chromatin, DNA Replication and Repair;

"Replication also contains built-in error checking. The frequency of errors is about 1 per 100 million bonds (1 x 10-8). Over
the entire human genome, that works out to roughly 30 errors every single time the genome replicates.

But! There are really only around three errors per replication because of DNA repair. If a repair enzyme finds a mistake, it
can fix it, and it can tell which strand is wrong because it can tell which strand is the newly synthesized strand by at the
extent of cytosine methylation.
As DNAs exist in cells, many of the cytosines have a methyl group added to them by enzymes called methylases. A new
DNA will have relatively few methylated cytosines because it has not been around long enough to have picked up that many
methyl groups."

"Without DNA repair there can be some major problems. Xeroderma pigmentosum is a serious ailment caused by
mutations in the gene for DNA repair. People with xp develop many skin tumors and other problems because of
the number of errors in their DNA."

Mutation, Mutagens, and DNA Repair Outline;

Mutations (DNA replication errors) are the result of DNA that is replicated with damage that passes on to the offspring.
Mutations are very rare because of DNA checking and repair. However, one in every ten million duplications of a DNA
molecule can result in a mutation (error).

The mutation changes are random, unpredictable errors that cause crippling diseases, loss of function and the destruction of
the host person or animal. Mutations destroy the species. They do not improve the species. Mutations never lead to a new
species as falsely claimed by evolutionists.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences;

Evolutionists believe in the "mutation theory" for the origin of the many species. (...) They believe that the "time god" makes
mistake after mistake after mistake until VOILA -- we have a hummingbird that can fly backwards.

They claim that multiple mutation mistakes eventually led to humans with color vision that can focus at different lengths and
two eyes that are coordinated by the brain in order to judge distances.

Scientific Fact No. 7 - Chaos From Organization Proves Evolution is Wrong

The second law of thermodynamics proves that organization cannot flow from chaos. Complex live organisms cannot
rearrange themselves into an organism of a higher form as claimed by evolutionists. This is scientifically backwards
according to the second law of thermodynamics, which has never been proven wrong.

The universe is slowing down to a lower state, not higher. The genes of plants, insects, animals, and humans are continually
becoming defective, not improving. Species are becoming extinct, not evolving. Order will always move naturally towards
disorder or chaos.

Quoting from the book, Evolution and Human Destiny, by Kohler;

"One of the most fundamental maxims of the physical sciences is the trend toward greater randomness - the fact
that, on the average, things will get into disorder rather than into order if left to themselves. This is essentially the
statement that is embodied in the Second Law of Thermodynamics."

This scientific law actually refutes and contradicts the Theory of Evolution in its entirety.

Scientific Fact No. 8 - Chromosome Count Proves Evolution is Wrong

There is no scientific evidence that a species can change the number of chromosomes within the DNA. The chromosome
count within each species is fixed. This is the reason a male from one species cannot mate successfully with a female of
another species. Man could not evolve from a monkey.

Each species is locked into its chromosome count that cannot be changed. If an animal developed an extra chromosome or
lost a chromosome because of some deformity, it could not successfully mate. The defect could not be passed along to the
next generation. Evolving a new species is scientifically impossible.

(For example) a dog has only 22 chromosomes, whereas a monkey has 54 and a cat has 38. Half of the total number of
chromosomes are contained in the female reproductive cells and half are contained in the male, so the exact total number is
brought together in the offspring.

Humans have 46 chromosomes. This chromosome count is a steady factor. This determines what is called the "fixity of
species" because the chromosome count doesn't vary. People always give birth to people. Dogs always give birth to dogs,
etc. The genes can produce variety within the species but cannot result in a different species. (N/A Exactly my point bellow
"Fact No. 5").
Genes allow for people to be short, tall, fat, thin, blond, brunette, etc., but they are still all human beings. The chromosomes
make crossing of the species an un-crossable barrier. This certainly would hinder any evolution. Dogs cannot breed with
cats. This fact stops evolution dead in its tracks.

Sometimes two species are close enough to crossbreed, but the offspring are usually sterile. This is the case when horses
and donkeys crossbreed. A male donkey (jackass) and a female horse (mare) will produce a mule. Farmers often preferred
mules as work animals prior to the development of the farm tractor.

A hinny is the offspring of a female donkey (jenny) and a male horse (stallion). The hinny and mule usually cannot produce
offspring. These animals show that evolution is not possible.

Scientific Fact No. 9 - Origin of Matter and Stars Proves Evolution is Wrong

Evolutionists just throw up their hands at the question of the origin of matter because they know something cannot evolve
from nothing. They stick their heads in the sand and ignore the problem.

The fact that matter exists in outrageously large quantities simply proves evolution is wrong. The "Big Bang Theory" doesn't
solve the problem either. Matter and energy have to come from somewhere.

"We know that matter can be created out of energy, and energy can be created out of matter. This doesn't resolve
the dilemma because we must also know where the original energy came from."

- Why the Big Bang is a fizzle and stars cannot evolve out of gas;


The above is an excerpt of a larger article promoting creationism (the religious belief that life, the Earth, and the universe are
the creation of a supernatural being), but without bringing any kind of evidence to support it.

The author brings solid scientific arguments to disprove the "Theory of Evolution" as it is today, but disproving it does not
implicitly prove the biblical "Creation Story" is correct.

In fact, there are many more arguments to disprove the biblical stories, than there are to disprove the theory of evolution.

Personally, I do believe that all living things adapt and perfect, hence evolve given enough time, but there is simply no
evidence of a species mutating into an entirely different kind, and for a good reason: it cannot happen.

Unfortunately for the extremely rigid scientific community (which has gradually become a religion in its own right), the fact
that we are here (an obvious change of kinds), cannot be explained.

The way the scientific community sees things is, if science cannot explain how we came to be, then someone or something
must have made us, which would fuel even further the baseless and damaging religious dogma.
Consequently, the scientific community will never let go of Darwin's theory of evolution, even though it will never prove that a
species can change kinds, hence becoming an entirely different one.

The author, Mr. Rieske, is also stating that there is no evidence whatsoever to support extraterrestrial life, and presents this
statement as further evidence that the Biblical stories are correct.

Even though from a scientific point of view there is no official proof yet to attest the existence of advanced extraterrestrial
life elsewhere in the Multiverse, even the most conservative scientific estimates say there should be at least tens or
hundreds of intelligent civilizations within our own galaxy.

Personally, I'm sure that somewhere in the near future the existence of intelligent life "out there" will be disclosed to the

Also, there are plenty of interesting cases of human-alien contact that should have been openly investigated by the main
stream scientific communities - which did not happen.

For example, the case of Giovana, an Italian woman who was allegedly kidnapped by the so called "grays" multiple times
since she was a child. Her claims were supported by the testimonies of her family, medical accounts, pictures and videos of
flying saucers, an alien implant and even an aborted human-alien hybrid fetus. (Video)

All those who involuntarily became involved in her case, including medical doctors, vowed for the veracity of her claims, yet
no official investigation was held.

How can we claim to be searching for intelligent life "out there" and at the same time ignore a huge case "in here"? Isn't this
evidence of a cover-up?
And this is not a lone case. In fact, anonymous polls (anonymous for obvious reasons) suggest that there might be hundreds
of thousands of alien abductees worldwide.

Why isn't there an - open - official investigation taking place? If there is nothing to hide, then why is the government doing its
best to suppress this kind of information, instead of the opposite?

Just as important is the historical evidence supporting the hypothesis of human-alien contact in the past. Based on
evidence, it is possible that all of the world's religions have been founded as a result of misunderstood alien contact. Today's
so called "cargo cults" are rock-solid evidence that it CAN happen.

Though some of the evidence can be easily ignored or dismissed by science (for example, crop circles are considered to be
hoaxes by the main stream scientific communities, even though there are scientists who brought solid evidence proving
otherwise), there is still plenty of evidence that there is more to the story that we are being told.

Lastly, the hypothesis that vastly more intelligent life forms are seeding planets with life and gradually improving their
creation, is a very logical assumption to make, in my opinion.

If you think about it, even our very young species is planning to make Mars habitable in the near future, while genetically
engineering plants and animals. One day we will be able to make distant planets habitable and genetically improve the
existing native species.
Before concluding this article, I want to thank Mr. Kent R. Rieske for his work and all the scientific data gathered to disprove
the "Theory of Evolution" as it is today, which was fervently pushed onto us by the high ranking Freemasons as a
disinformation weapon and control tool, in order to mask the intervention of their Anunnaki masters and those who
genetically engineered the human species.

Are you searching for the missing link? Here it is, forbidden by both history and science!

For as long as we are not allowed to know our true history, the Secret Societies are in control. For as long as the "Theory of
Evolution" as it is today stands, we are nothing else than slightly more evolved "working apes."

Russian Scientists Build And Study Pyramids:

What They Found Could Change The World
January 20 2016 | From: SitsShow

The following is a compilation of articles discussing the research on pyramids by Russian

Scientists and related works of other researchers there after.

Ever since I heard David Wilcock mention the Russian pyramid studies I was fascinated by this shape and how it
seemed to affect reality. It is probably one of the most well recognized elements of megalithic structures, yet how
these sites were constructed and what they were originally used for remains a mystery.

Dr. Volodymyr Krasnoholovets is a renowned scientist from the Institute of Physics in the Ukraine, that spent over a decade
building and researching many pyramids of varying heights and proportions. The Russian government even endorsed his
work, producing a 144ft tall pyramid outside of Moscow. What he discovered is truly remarkable and has implications that
could completely transform society as we know it.
Here is a brief summary of results from one of the articles below:

Immune system of organisms improved (blood leukocyte composition increased).

Improved regeneration of tissue

Seeds stored in the pyramid for 1-5 days showed a 30-100% increase in yield

Soon after construction of the Lake Seliger pyramid a marked improvement of the ozone was noted above the area

Seismic activity near the pyramid research areas are reduced in severity and size

Violent weather also appears to decrease in the vicinity of the pyramids

Pyramids constructed in Southern Russia (Bashkiria) appeared to have a positive effect on oil production with oil
becoming less viscous by 30% and the yield of the oil wells increased according to tests carried out by the Moscow
Academy of Oil and Gas.

A study was done on 5000 prisoners who ingested salt and pepper that had been exposed to the pyramid energy
field. The test subjects exhibited a greatly reduced violence rate and overall behavior was much improved.

Standard tissue culture tests showed an increase in survival of cellular tissue after infection by viruses and

Radioactive substances show a decreased level of radiation inside the pyramid

There are reports of spontaneous charging of capacitors

Physicists observed significant changes in superconductivity temperature thresholds and in the properties of
semi-conducting and carbon nano materials.

Water inside the pyramid will remain liquid to minus 40 degrees Celsius but freeze instantly if jostled or bumped in
any way

With the use of pyramids we could heal the planet from centuries of environmental pollution, vitalize once extinct plant
species, heal the body and so on. These are just some of the things we've been able to verify, there are no doubt countless
other uses that will be discovered once more extensive research has been done.

Related Pyramid Power: Harnessing the Energetic Fields of Pyramids

Here is a video with David Wilcock (who has collated a remarkable body of work on the subject of pyramid energy in his
qorks) discussing the Russian pyramid research:

Tour of the Russian Pyramids

In January of 2001, a Dr. Volodymyr Krasnoholovets from the Institute of Physics in the Ukraine contacted me. (The Institute
of Physics was considered the top military research institute of the former Soviet Union.) This institute helped develop the
Russian cruise missiles, remote sensing devices, satellites, space station technology, and other military technology.

Dr. K (as we now call him) identified himself as a senior scientist at that Institute. He told me that in the last 10 years, he and
his colleagues were carrying out research in 17 large fiberglass pyramids, built in 8 different locations in Russia and Ukraine.
These pyramids varied in size, the largest being 144 feet high and weighing over 55 tons.

I had not been aware of these pyramids but it seemed that people from Russia knew about them. I was told that they are
popular tourist attractions and many people visit them.
Dr. K sent me photos of these pyramids along with a comprehensive research article about experiments conducted in them,
which he and his colleagues wrote. They asked me to post it on our web site and invited me to collaborate with them in their
pyramid research.

Dr. K explained that the Russians and Ukrainians conducted many kinds of experiments using these pyramids that included
such fields as medicine, ecology, agriculture, chemistry and physics. What is significant about this research is that it
scientifically documents the changes in both biological and non-biological materials that occur as a result of being placed in
these pyramids. So I posted their research article on our web site and subsequently appeared on several major radio

Then in February of 2001, the individual who actually financed and built the pyramids in Russia and the Ukraine contacted me
directly. He was Alexander Golod, a scientist and now Director of a State Defense Enterprise in Moscow. He found my web
site and saw that I was releasing the research carried out in his pyramids.

Alexander does not speak English so most of our communications were carried out through his son, Anatoli. He told me that
his father, Alexander, started constructing these pyramids in 1989. The Golods wanted to work with me also and to help
publicize and continue their research.
In two months time, I was working with both the builders
and some of the major researchers of these pyramids.

Alexander had decided to build these pyramids because he

believed that they would produce an energy field that could
affect biological and non-biological objects.

He even got support from the Russian government for this

massive building project and convinced them in 1998 to
take a kilo of rocks that had been placed in one of his
pyramids on board the MIR space station.

He felt the energy fields they produced would help the

space station and possibly the entire world. Let us look at
these pyramids.
Alexander Golod in his office in Moscow

The largest and most recently built of the pyramids is located about 200 miles northwest of Moscow on Novorizhskoe
Highway. It is 144 feet high and was completed in 1999. It weighs about 55 tons and cost over 1 million dollars to build. It is
made of fiberglass.

The 144 Foot Tall Pyramid

Notice that the 144 foot tall pyramid has a sharper slope (greater acute angle) than the Great Pyramid of Giza. The Great
Pyramid has a slope of about 52 degrees and these pyramids rise at about a 73-degree angle.

The reason Alexander Golod chose this angle was based on

experimental designs that also included the mathematical
relationship called the Golden Section.

In his prototype experiments, it was determined that no

metal should be included in the structure of these pyramids,
so fiberglass was chosen since it would be strong enough to
also withstand the strong winds that occur in and near

When Alexander Golod was asked why he built these

pyramids, he replied:

I have children, I have a grandson, I do it for them.

These pyramids are an instrument to make the
world a better place to live and benefit mankind.

Everyone wants a photo in front of the pyramid.

People from all over Russia, including government officials,

cosmonauts, and even famous Russian actresses visit this
largest pyramid and spend time inside it.

Millions of people have visited this pyramid and on crowded days, you have to wait in line to enter it. Over the New Years
weekend, they counted 20,000 people in one day.

The next largest pyramid is the 72-foot pyramid, which is located 15 km from lake Seliger (Ostashkov area of Tver region,
Russia). It was completed in June of 1997. Itt is exactly one half the size of the largest pyramid (144 ft). As mentioned, the
design of these pyramids was based on the Golden Section, used by ancient architects to design many structures. This would
dictate that the pyramid sizes must be built in ratios.
The next (third) largest pyramid is 36 feet high abd it is located in Romenskoey, which is a suburb of Moscow. This is one of
the first pyramids built and where the first experiments began.

36 foot Pyramid

A design factor common to all the pyramids that Golod built is that they must be hollow inside. This design element was
determined in experiments using prototype models before the building of the large pyramids. Thus, two important conditions
of construction were that the pyramids must have no metal in them and they must be hollow.
Inside the 144 foot pyramid gazing upwards

In October of 1998, crystals that were placed in one of the Russian Pyramids were brought aboard the Russian MIR space
station and remained on board for over a year.

Crystals were also brought on the International Space Station for 10 days by cosmonaut Afanasiev. Alexander Golod believed
that these crystals would benefit both the space stations and the world.
The Russian MIR space station being visited by a US space shuttle

Future building plans include the construction of a 288-foot pyramid (twice the size of the 144 foot pyramid). They believe that
the larger the pyramid, the great the effect it produces.

Soon after the construction of this pyramid near Moscow,

botanists noticed extinct flowers starting to grow near it.

It is unknown why this has happened and has mystified


One of the most interesting observations regarding these

pyramids comes from Russian Air Force Radar (or
Locator as they call it).

The first indication that the pyramids were producing

strange atmospheric effects was when the 144 foot or
largest pyramid was in the process of being built.

The planned pyramid would be composed of 30 main layers

or sections of fiberglass.

At the completion of the 11th section, Air Force radar picked

Alexander Golod with Cosmonaut Georgiy Grechko and G. Lozino- up an ion column coming right off the pyramid.
Lozinskiy during construction of the largest pyramid
This ion column was very large and in fact was over 1 mile

As the pyramid construction continued, the ion column still


At the completion of the pyramid, a special weather balloon

was launched to measure this ion column.

The results will be discussed in the next chapter.

Construction phases of the 144-foot pyramid.

The image to the left shows the first 11 layers of the 30

completed of the 144-foot pyramid.

Pyramid Research

I read with great interest the report by Bovis describing his discovery of the mummifying power of the shape of the Great

Having been experimenting and measuring bio-energy with the Neurophone and various other instruments described earlier, I
began a series of intensive experiments on the shape of the Great Pyramid to see if I could discover its great secrets.

I began by duplicating Bovis experiments with pyramids of various dimensions. Using Kirlian photography, GSR, voltage
differential, and electrostatic fields, I was able to measure the differences of various pyramids and their effects on living
organisms such as plants and people.

The very first experiments were in the area of preserving hamburger meat, liver, eggs, and milk. The first experiments were
very encouraging.
It was strange to realize I had taken small pieces of cardboard and made a simple shape that could concentrate some sort of
energy that would mummify food without any external power source. My controls all got so bad I had to throw them away.
Bovis and Drbal had indicated in their reports that the energy was focused in the Kings Chamber level bout one third up from
the base in the middle of the pyramid.

My own research indicates that the energy is present throughout the pyramid. I was able to mummify food anywhere in the

By careful measurement, I was able to determine that the maximum concentration of effect was in the Kings Chamber, but
there were effects in the other areas of the whole pyramid.

Further research with various materials of construction revealed further clues as to the nature of the phenomenon we were

A series of energy measuring machines will be described. Some of these machines measure the effects of the energy on
other things, others are esoteric machines which are extremely sophisticated dowsing devices that rely on the human
computer as a readout detector.

I have tried various other geometric shapes other than the pyramid and have not had the results obtained with the exact
shape of the Pyramid of Gizeh.

Other geometric structures such as cones, icosahedrons, dodecahedrons, tetrahedrons, octahedrons, greater stellated
dodecahedrons, etc. all have shape characteristics, but these other shapes do not have any effects demonstrated by the
exact pyramid shape to be described.

Pyramid Research Projects

As a result of preliminary research, I began a series of serious research projects on the pyramid itself. The following is a list of
pyramids in tabular form:
The dimensions are based on the exact dimensions of the Pyramid of Gizeh. These are some of the dimensions of pyramids
used in my experimental work.

Based on the fact that the Pyramid of Gizeh is the only pyramid in the world that is ventilated, I have also experimented with
pyramids with windows in the sides. The windows are holes up to 1/3 of the base length in diameter. The holes do not detract
from the function and seem to actually aid the processes going on inside the structure.

The pyramids were made of various materials including cardboard, wood, plaster, Plexiglas, steel, copper, aluminum, cement
and combinations of the above materials.

The materials used did not affect the results very much, however the size and orientation was of primary importance. I at first
believed the pyramid to work best when it was aligned to true north, however, after very careful research, I discovered the
best alignment to be magnetic north, contrary to the alignment of the Great Pyramid.

This leads me to believe the Great Pyramid was built at a time when the earths field was aligned to the polar axis. It is not
unusual for the poles to shift.

At the time of the writing of this paper, the earths magnetic poles are shifting at a rate of 17 feet per month.

In the duplication of Bovis experiments, many perishable food items were tried in the pyramids of various shapes and sizes,
of different materials, and different orientations, and in different locations in the pyramid itself. The results of these
experiments indicate that the best alignment is according to the magnetic axis.

An experiment to determine the validity of this theory was performed by the use of an external permanent magnetic field. This
is illustrated in Figure XVI below.

Testing the effects of external magnetic fields on the pyramid

The pyramid was a six inch base cardboard one. The magnets are 5 inch alnico, the fields are on the order of 300 Gauss.
With the system described, I was able to get mummification of the foodstuffs with ANY alignment of the set, as long as the
pyramid itself was aligned to the magnetic fields as shown. The tables regarding the various food experiments are given in my
earlier paper, The Pyramid and Its Relationship to Biocosmic Energy.

My contribution to the field in food mummification is in the discovery that the pyramid will preserve food in any part of the
structure as well as in the Kings Chamber as reported by Bovis.

Razor Blades

In the duplication of Drbals razor blade sharpener, the following discoveries were made:

Whereas Drbal theorized the crystal structure of the blade reformed, I believe the pyramid prevents a dulling effect
due to contamination of the surface by skin oils and acids as well as the chemicals in shaving creams and soaps. I
shaved over 200 times with the blade treated in the pyramid.

I also shaved an equal number of times with another blade by rinsing my razor out in pure deionized distilled water
after every shave. My razors normally go bad in three or four shaves. There may also be a sharpening effect of a
sort by the action of energy discharge from the sharp edges of the blade.

It is well known that any sharp object charged with any energy, whether magnetic, electromagnetic, or electric tends to
concentrate and discharge from sharp surfaces and points when placed in a charged system.
From this point on, the experiments to be described are entirely the results of my own discoveries in the field.
Effects of Pyramid Energy on Living Organisms

The effects on the pyramid were tested on plants and human subjects. Measurement of changes in the organism were made
by means of Kirlian photography, GSR measurements of acupuncture points, Alpha wave detectors, and subjective

Kirlian Measurements

Kirlian photography ia a technique for recording photographic images of corona discharges and hence, the auras of living
creatures.The Kitlian photography images below are representative but not part of the actual studies described in this article.

Several hundred photographs were made of fingerprints and leaves before and after treatment with the pyramid.

Photographs were taken in both color and black and white. The color photographs are particularly striking as they show
changes in color as well as changes in brilliance and bioplasmic structure.

The aura or band of energy around the finger is rounder and larger than the aura in the first photo. The fact that the energy
content of the picture is larger and the shape is more rounded indicated an increase in aura without any loss of energy.

A more dramatic effect was obtained with a geranium leaf. The leaf had been off the plant for half an hour when the first photo
was taken.
The energy field was almost completely gone as the leaf was dying. The best results were obtained when the pyramids were
set up outside the building. The reason for this will be described in the next section on theory.

The Kirlian technique can be used to obtain an instant measure of the result of various energy techniques such as Yoga
breathing, meditation, and the effects of foods such as natural vs. chemically grown, alcohol vs. Ginseng, ozone vs. oxygen,

Subjective Reports

Several hundred people have sat in the 6 foot base plastic pyramids. The tests were first run on friends who were asked to sit
in the pyramid for half an hour and then asked to describe their feelings when they were in the structure. The subjects were
given no indication of what to expect. In all cases, the subjects reported intense heat in the body and a tingling sensation in
the hands.

A number of people decided they wanted pyramids of their own. My own body energy has increased since I began sleeping in
the pyramid tent. An effect reported by many is a sense of time distortion.

One subject sat in the pyramid for 4 hours and had the subjective impression that 1/2 hour had passed. It had been stated
by alpha researchers that a person in the alpha state loses all sense of time and space. This correlates with observed alpha
activity in the pyramid.


Many of the subjects were interested in psychic phenomena and practice various forms of meditation. ALL subjects who
practice meditation have reported a significant increase in the effects of meditation in the pyramid.
This correlates with the theory that the Great Pyramid was built as a meditation chamber to develop psychic powers [although
it seems now that there are multiple uses for pyramids].


No extensive tests have been conducted on animals at this time. There are however, three cases of interest.

A friend of mine placed his pet cat in a pyramid once a day for 1/2 hour. The cat liked the pyramid and began to sleep in it.
When the test was begun, the cat had been a voracious meat eater.

After 6 weeks, the cat stopped eating meat and starved rather than eat meat. Subsequent tests indicated that the cat had
changed his diet and would only eat fruit and vegetables, cheese and nuts. The animal became a vegetarian! He ate raw
vegetables and fruits of all descriptions; canteloupe, avocado, oranges, and watermelon. The same thing happened to
another cat as well as my own poodle.

Growth of Plants

A series of tests were run on the effects of pyramid treatments on the growth rate of plants. The test plants were alfalfa
sprouts. I had some familiarity with sprouts as I had grown over 2500 pounds of them in the confines of my office!

The sprouts were treated three different ways:

1. treatment of feed water;

2. direct treatment of the plant in the pyramid;

3. treatment of the seed in the pyramid.

In all cases, identical tests were made in an identical volume cubic box as a control structure.

In all cases, the pyramid treated plants grew 2 to 3 times as fast as the controls, were more healthy and lasted longer after

One California grape farmer used my system on his irrigation system and his grape yield was 2-1/2 times the average yield of
his neighbors and the California average.

Water Treatment

The water may be treated in several ways.

It may be placed in the pyramid in a container for a period of time depending on the size of the pyramid and the
amount of water treated. I used a 2 foot base pyramid and treated a quart bottle for 1/2 hour.

Another technique is to run water into a spiral coil placed in the pyramid and fashioned into a form of fountain.

Direct Treatment of Sprouts

The pyramid used was a one foot base unit made of clear plexiglass. Four inch holes were cut in the sides for full
ventilation. The sprouts were grown entirely in the pyramid.

The controls were grown entirely in a well ventilated equal volume cube.

Treatment of Seeds

The seeds were placed in pyramid for 8 hours.

The water and plant treatments were best, the seed treatment was last. The pyramid grown sprouts lasted over a
week without spoilage after harvesting.

The controls on the other hand lasted 24 to 36 hours before spoilage.


Because of the dehydration or mummification of foods in the pyramid, I tried a number of experiments to see if the
dehydration rate is accelerated in the pyramid. It is not.

Normal dehydration occurs, the difference being that items placed in the pyramid do not decay while dehydrating.
Sprouts grown in the pyramid and left without water 24 hours do not die and decay as the controls do. The controls
developed odor and died.

The sprouts in the pyramid dehydrated slightly but did not decay and resumed normal growth when watering was

Short Term Effects On Foods, Change of Taste

During my original tests on mummification of foods, I used to taste the foods being treated to make sure they were really
good. Although there was no sign of decay, I wanted to see how the food tasted as it was undergoing the process of

I was in for a great surprise! Not only did the foods taste good, they tasted better than they did before they were placed in the

I began experimenting in earnest, and discovered that the pyramid could have an effect on the taste of food even when the
food was treated for a surprisingly short duration. I was so impressed by this new discovery that I began a series of double
blind tests on the change of taste in foods.

I used several dozen people, and the test was conducted as follows: The foods were all taken from the same source, that is
the foods tested were the same food divided in half so the control would be the same as the treated sample except for the
The samples were then placed in paper cups with numbers on the bottoms. The cups were then divided and recorded in a
master file. The ones chosen for the pyramid were then treated for five minutes in the pyramid. The pyramid used for the tests
was the 6 inch base ventilated.

The cups of food were then all mixed at random so no one knew which food was which. Taste tests were conducted and 40
out of 48 people chose the foods treated in the pyramid as being more to their liking.

I like hundred percent results, so I interviewed the ones who missed on some of the foods and learned they were either heavy
smokers or drinkers. Subsequent interviews with a licensed wine taster confirmed my suspicions that people with certain
eating and drinking habits cannot distinguish taste very well.

The foods tested were of all types; sweet, sour, various alcohols, fruits, and tobaccos:

Bitter and sour foods lose their bite, they become milder.

Sweet foods become sweeter.

Coffee loses its bitterness and tastes as if it were acid free.

Fruits increase in their qualities.

Acid tasting pineapple loses its acid taste and becomes as sweet as fresh ripe pineapple picked right out of the

Tobacco loses its harshness: Mexican black tobacco loses its harshness and tastes like mild choice Virginia. The most
dramatic effects occurred on pipe tobacco, unfiltered cigarettes, and cigars.

One of my associates smokes a very harsh unfiltered brand and uses a crystal type filter cigarette holder. When his cigarettes
were treated in the pyramid, he noticed he did not have to change his filter crystal so often. Instead of changing it between
every pack, he now has to change it after every three or four packs.
People who had whole cartons of their brands treated with the pyramid came back wanting their new cigarettes treated
because they could not stand the harsh taste of their normal brand after smoking pyramid treated cigarettes.

Bananas and other perishables keep longer if they are treated in the pyramid for half an hour after they are purchased.
Controls all turned bad in a short time, and the fruits treated in the pyramids kept fresh up to twice as long as the controls.

Cut flowers take longer to die if they are placed in pyramid treated water. Speaking of water, tests were run on the taste of
regular city water treated in the pyramid. The water used to water the plants.

All people who made the tests noticed the pyramid water tasted fresher and had less of a chemical or chlorine taste than the
water which was untreated.

To recap; Dr. Alexander Golod, PhD. has been doing Russian pyramid research in the former Soviet Union since 1990. This
research involved the construction of over twenty large pyramids in 8 different locations in Russia and the Ukraine.

The pyramids were built in many places including Moscow, Astrakhan, Sochi, Zoporozhye, Voronezh, Belgorod, the Tver
Region, Krasnodar, Tolyatti, Uzbekistan, and France.
All the Russian pyramids are made of fiberglass with the largest standing an incredible 144 feet high (44 meters) tall, and
weighing in at over 55 tons. Built at cost over 1 million dollars this Russian pyramid is a modern wonder.

Many different experiments are being done using these pyramids. They include studies in medicine, ecology, agriculture,
physics, and health sciences. What is significant about this work is that it is being carried out by top scientists in Russia and
Ukraine and not fringe elements or unknown inventors.

Some of the amazing pyramid power research being done is showing great promise for all mankind.

A Brief Summary of Pyramid Research Results:

Immune system of organisms improved (blood leukocyte composition increased).

Improved regeneration of tissue

Seeds stored in the pyramid for 1-5 days showed a 30-100% increase in yield

Soon after construction of the Lake Seliger pyramid a marked improvement of the ozone was noted above the area

Seismic activity near the pyramid research areas are reduced in severity and size

Violent weather also appears to decrease in the vicinity of the pyramids

Pyramids constructed in Southern Russia (Bashkiria) appeared to have a positive effect on oil production with oil
becoming less viscous by 30% and the yield of the oil wells increased according to tests carried out by the Moscow
Academy of Oil and Gas.

A study was done on 5000 prisoners who ingested salt and pepper that had been exposed to the pyramid energy
field. The test subjects exhibited a greatly reduced violence rate and overall behavior was much improved.
Standard tissue culture tests showed an increase in survival of cellular tissue after infection by viruses and

Radioactive substances show a decreased level of radiation inside the pyramid

There are reports of spontaneous charging of capacitors

Physicists observed significant changes in superconductivity temperature thresholds and in the properties of
semi-conducting and carbon nano materials.

Water inside the pyramid will remain liquid to minus 40 degrees Celsius but freeze instantly if jostled or bumped in
any way

It is interesting to note that results seem to show that increasing the height of the pyramid improves the quality of the results.

So, as you can see from this brief introduction, there is

much we have to learn about the natural forces around us.

The Egyptians [et al] knew some of this when they designed
the great pyramids at Giza.

However, with modern scientific research techniques it is

now becoming possible to gain even more insight and
benefit from Russian Pyramid Power!

I will, along with others, be conducting personal

experiments using scaled down models of these amazing

Small Russian pyramid complex

Related: The Russian Pyramids Revealed: A Builders Manual eBook is Now Available

Official Science: The Grand Illusion

January 16 2016 | From: JonRappoport

Since 1987, one of my goals as a reporter has been to educate the public about false science.
Between then and now, I have found that, with remarkably few exceptions, mainstream reporters are studiously
indifferent to false science.

They shy away from it. They pretend it couldnt be. They refuse to consider facts. They and their editors parrot the

Government science exists because it is a fine weapon to use, in order to force an agenda of control over the
population. We arent talking about knowledge here. Knowledge is irrelevant. What counts is: How can we
fabricate something that looks like the truth?

I keep pointing this out: were dealing with reality builders. In this case, they make their roads and fences out of
data, and they massage and invent the data out of thin air to suit their purposes. After all, they also invent money
out of thin air.

- The Underground, Jon Rappoport

Official science has a stranglehold on major media. It has the force of a State religion. When you stop and think about it,
official science is, in a significant sense, a holy church. Therefore, it is no surprise that the churchs spokespeople would
wield power over major information outlets.

These prelates invent, guard, and dispense what is known. That was precisely the role of the Roman Church in times past.
And those professionals within the modern Church of Science are severely punished when they leave the fold and accuse
their former masters of lies and crimes. They are blackballed, discredited, and stripped of their licenses. At the very least.
Totalitarian science lets you know youre living in a totalitarian society.

The government, the press, the mega-corporations, the prestigious foundations, the academic institutions, the
humanitarian organizations say:

This is the disease. This is its name. This is what causes it. This is the drug that treats it. This is the vaccine that
prevents it.

This is how accurate diagnosis is done. These are the tests. These are the possible results and what they mean.

Here are the genes. This is what they do. This is how they can be changed and substituted and manipulated.
These are the outcomes.

These are the data and the statistics. They are correct. There can be no argument about them.

This is life. These are the components of life. All change and improvement result from our management of the

This is the path. It is governed by truth which our science reveals. Walk the path. We will inform you when you
stray. We will report new improvements.

This is the end. You can go no farther. You must give up the ghost. We will remember you.

We are now witnessing the acceleration of Official Science. Of course, that term is an internal contradiction. But the State
shrugs and moves forward.

The notion that the State can put its seal on favored science, enforce it, and punish its competitors, is anathema to a free

For example: declaring that psychiatrists can appear in court as expert witnesses, when none of the so-called mental
disorders listed in the psychiatric literature are diagnosed by laboratory tests.
For example: stating that vaccination is mandatory, in order to protect the vaccinated (who are supposed to be immune)
from the unvaccinated. An absurdity on its face.

For example: announcing that the science of climate change is settled, when there are, in fact, huge numbers of
researchers who disagree. And then, drafting legislation and issuing executive orders based on the decidedly unsettled

For example: officially approving the release and sale of medical drugs (safe and effective) which go on to kill, at a
conservative estimate, 100,000 Americans every year. And then refusing to investigate or punish the purveyors of these
drug approvals (the FDA).
For example: permitting the widespread use of genetically modified food crops, based on no long-term studies of their
impact on human health. And then, arbitrarily announcing that the herbicide, Roundup, for which many of these crops are
specifically designed, is non-toxic.

For example: declaring and promoting the existence of various epidemics, when the viruses purportedly causing them are
not proven to exist and/or not proven to cause human illness (Ebola, SARS, West Nile, Swine Flu, etc.)
A few of you reading this have been with me since 1988, when I published my first book, AIDS INC., Scandal of the Century.
Among other conclusions, I pointed out that HIV had never been shown to cause human illness; the front-line drug given to
AIDS patients, AZT, was overwhelmingly toxic; and what was being called AIDS was actually a diverse number immune-
suppressing conditions.

Others of you have found my work more recently. I always return to the subject of false science, because it is the most
powerful long-term instrument for repression, political control, and destruction of human life.

As Ive stated on many occasions, medical science is ideal for mounting and launching covert ops aimed at populations
- because it appears to be politically neutral, without any allegiance to State interests.

Unfortunately, medical science, on many fronts, has been hijacked and taken over. The profit motive is one objective, but
beyond that, there is a more embracing goal:

Totalitarian control.

On the issue of vaccines, Ive written much about their dangers and ineffectiveness. But also consider this: the push for
mandatory vaccination goes a long way toward creating a herd effect - which is really a social construction.

In other words, parents are propagandized to think of themselves a kind of synthetic artificial community.

Here we are. We are the fathers and mothers. We must all protect our children against the outliers, the rebels, the
defectors, the crazy ones who refuse to vaccinate their own children. We are all in this together. They are the
threat. The enemy. We are good. We know the truth. They are evil.
This community of the willing are dedicated to what the government tells them. They are crusaders imbued with
group-think. They run around promoting safety and protection. This group consciousness is entirely an artifact,
propelled by official science.

The crusaders are, in effect, agents of the State.

They are created by the State. Androids.

They live in an absurd Twilight Zone where fear of germs (the tiny invisible terrorists) demands coercive action against the
individuals who see through the whole illusion.

This is what official science can achieve. This is how it can enlist obedient foot soldiers and spies who dont have the
faintest idea about how theyre being used.

This is a variant on Orwells 1984. The citizens are owned by the all-embracing State, but they arent even aware of it.

Thats quite a trick.

One of my favorite examples of double-think or reverse-think is the antibody test. It is given to diagnosis diseases.
Antibodies are immune-system scouts sent out to identify germ-intruders, which can then be wiped out by other immune-
system troops.

Prior to 1985, the prevailing view of a positive test was: the patient is doing well; his body detected the germ and dispensed
with it. After 1985, the view was suddenly: this is bad news; the patient is sick or he is on the verge of getting sick; he has
the germ in his body; it does harm.

Within the medical community, no one (with very few exceptions) raised hell over this massive switch. It was accepted. It
was actually good for business. Now, many more people could be labeled needs treatment, whereas before, they would
have been labeled healthy.

While I was writing my first book, AIDS INC., in 1987-8, I wrote the FDA asking about a possible AIDS vaccine. I was told
the following: every person given such a vaccine would, of course, produce antibodies against HIV. That is the whole
purpose of a vaccine: to produce antibodies.
However, I was informed, patients receiving this vaccine would be given a letter to carry with them, in case they were ever
tested for HIV and came up positive. The letter would explain that the antibodies causing the positive test were the result of
the vaccine, not the result of natural action inside the patients body.

In other words, the very same antibodies were either protective against AIDS (good) or indicative of deadly disease (bad).

This was the contradictory and ridiculous and extraordinary pronouncement of official science.

It carries over into every disease for which an antibody test is administered. If a vaccine against disease X is given, it
delivers immunity, because it produces antibodies. But if a diagnostic test for disease X reveals the presence of the same
antibodies, this is taken a sign of illness.

Extrapolated to a more general level, the Word is: synthetic medical treatment is good; the action of the body to
heal itself is incompetent.

This is a type of superstition that would astonish even the most primitive societies.

It no longer astonishes me. I see it everywhere in official science. From the medical establishments point of view, being
alive is a medical condition.

We are now living in a society where an incurable itch to meddle everywhere and at all times is the standard. A new
definition of Reality emerges: that which needs to be monitored and surveilled.

India Permits Free Energy Technology Despite Threats From UK, US, Saudi Arabia
October 1 2015 | From: BeforeItsNews / CollectiveEvolution
India considers its own free energy program a matter of national pride, and is very much willing to
risk antagonizing Petrodollar countries with its support on Reactionless AC Synchronous
Generator (RLG) invented by its own Paramahamsa Tewari, an electrical engineer and former
Executive Director of Nuclear Power Corporation of India.

Years ago, Tewari has also proven the theories inside Bruce de Palmas homopolar engine which first exposed this
writer to the world of free energy technologies.

Obviously, a country cannot implement its own free energy program without considering all possible consequence including a
military response from Petrodollar countries, e.g. Saudi Arabia, UK, US. Thats why India has been aligning its own military
program with that of Russia which at present is standing up, together with the BRICS countries, against the Nazionist cabal
imposing all sorts of sanctions to destroy it.

The BRICS alliance has in the past promised to release all suppressed technologies, e.g. free energy, for our responsible
utilization. It looks like they are keeping their word.

Breaking News: Over-Unity Reactionless Generator Invented in India

A Reactionless AC Synchronous Generator (RLG) has been invented by Paramahamsa Tewari,

electrical engineer and former Executive Director of Nuclear Power Corporation of India.
Paramahamsa Tewari

His background includes engineering project management for construction of nuclear power stations. The
efficiency of models he has built, which have also been independently built and tested, is as high as 250%.

In November 2014, I made one of many visits to the laboratory of Paramahamsa Tewari. I had seen the basis for the RLG
design in September of 2010. Mr. Tewari showed me a stiff conductor about a foot long which was allowed to rotate at the
center and connected at each end with small gauge wire.

"Ere many generations pass; our machinery will be driven by a power obtainable at any point in the

Nikola Tesla

A magnetic circuit was placed under the conductor. When a current was allowed to flow through the conductor it rotated, due
to a torque induced on the conductor according to Flemings Left Hand Rule and standard theory, verified by experiments at
the dawn of the electrical age.
With a simple rearrangement of the magnetic circuit, the same current produced no rotation the torque was cancelled. I
later duplicated the setup and experiment on my workbench. It is ingenious and lead to his breakthrough, the invention of a
reactionless generator with greatly improved efficiency.

This experiment has lead to the design and testing of generators with efficiencies far above any previous design. The design
uses the same types of materials used in current generators, but the magnetic circuit within the machine is configured to
cancel back torque while inducing current and producing power.

This might be compared to the rearrangement of materials by the Wright Brothers to build a surface with lift that resulted in
manned flight in a time when many, including scientists, said it was impossible. Indeed, physicists who cling to an outdated
model of the properties and structure of space have declared what has been done by Tewari to be impossible.


I believe, as do the engineers in India, that this is the biggest breakthrough in rotating electrical machine design since
Faradays invention of the electrical motor in 1832. The elimination of back torque allows all the energy generated to pass
through the machine.

Michael Faraday's electric magnetic rotation apparatus (motor)

The first surviving Faraday apparatus, dating from 1822, which demonstrates his work in magnetic rotation. Faraday used this mercury bath to
transform electrical energy into mechanical energy, creating the first electric motor.

Power output is determined by the strength of the excitation magnets and the synchronous reactance (resistance at 50/60
Hz) of the stator windings. Current models can be cascaded for higher output. Each machine can produce at least 2.38 times
the input and can be configured in a self-running mode. Due to concentration on efficiency and design improvements the
machine has not yet been configured in this manner.


The November 2013 issue of The Atlantic magazine features an article on The 50 Greatest Breakthroughs Since the Wheel.

The RLG is more than just a product or a technical

innovation. It is a fundamental change in the way that
energy can be generated. It overcomes the inherent
inefficiencies of AC generators.

Patents have been filed and the RLG is ready to be licensed

to companies that manufacture rotating electrical
machinery. In fact, discussions with companies on three
continents are underway.

We believe that the RLG is a fundamental discovery, not an


Mankinds first fundamental discovery was harnessing and

controlling fire. The second was the wheel. The third was
harnessing and controlling electricity. The fourth was
harnessing and controlling the atom.

The RLG can turn wheels without the use of fire (fossil
fuels) or the atom (nuclear plants). It is a 21st century

The first four of these innovations involved an

understanding of material elements. The RLG is based on
an understanding of the non-material properties of space.
Paramahamsa Tewaris search for the nature of reality has
led him from study of the ancient Vedas of India to the
formulation of Space Vortex Theory.

It is a new theory unifying the relationship between space, mass, inertia, light, and gravity. Starting with principles described
in the Vedic texts, Tewari was able to delineate a mathematical model that explains the words of Tesla when he said:
All perceptible matter comes from a primary substance, or tenuity beyond conception, filling all space,
the akasha or luminiferous ether, which is acted upon by the life giving Prana or creative force, calling into
existence, in never ending cycles all things and phenomena.

Nikola Tesla,Mans Greatest Achievement, 1907

In Tewaris words:

The universal matter is created out of prana since prana is aakaash in motion, and aakaash is the
primordial superfluid substratum of the universe.

The concept that efficiencies cannot be greater than 100% is due to an incomplete understanding of the properties of space.
The second law of thermodynamics must be modified to account for the fact that space is not empty, as has been taught for
the last 150 years.

The RLG operates at what has been called over unity. Many experienced electrical engineers engaged in the manufacture
of AC generators have independently tested the RLG and confirmed the efficiency ratings that I have observed. Its time for
the physicists to get out of the way and modify their theories while the engineers go about the business of design and
The theory and mathematical models can be found at: Tewari.org

Read more about Tewari, his history and associates here.

New Paper Suggests No Warming In New Zealand In Past 100 Years

July 21 2015 | From: Scoop

New Zealand may not have warmed at all in the past 100 years, according to a peer-reviewed paper
published in the international science journal, Environmental Modeling & Assessment.

The paper, A Reanalysis of Long-Term Surface Air Temperature Trends in New Zealand, by New Zealand authors,
Chris De Freitas, Bob Dedekind and Barry Brill, covering the period 1909-2009, shows an increase of 0.28 degrees
C, +/- 0.29 degrees/century; compared with the current official NIWA 7-station (7SS) series showing an increase of
nearly 1 degree C.

The government must take this new finding into account in future climate policy development, says Prof Robert M. Carter, a
graduate of Otago University and Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand.

Professor Carter explains:

To place a rate of warming of 0.28 deg. C in context, extensive geological data sets show that rates of
temperature change have varied naturally by up to plus and minus 2.5 deg. C/century during the last 10,000 years
(i.e., through the interglacial warm period that we currently live in). In other words, pre-historic rates of natural
change exceeded the warming in New Zealand over the last century by as much as 10 times."

Furthermore, the margin for error associated with de Freitas et al.s warming estimate is plus or minus 0.29 deg.
C/century. In other words, statistically, this is indistinguishable from no warming at all in New Zealand over the last
100 years."

The De Freitas et al. 2015 7SS New Zealand temperature record now being an established and peer-reviewed
result surely requires that the Government incorporates it into future climate policy development, said Professor

In 1980, Dr M.J. Salinger applied a new statistical technique of homogenisation to the period of New Zealand record
between 1853 and 1975, using data from seven geographically spread observing stations. This seven-station series (7SS)
showed a rate of warming of about 1 deg. C/century, which figure was subsequently widely factored into climate policy
determinations in New Zealand.

In this new paper, the authors have undertaken an updated reanalysis of the 7SS record. They say they have followed
strictly the statistical technique pioneered by Salinger (as published in a paper by Rhoades & Salinger in 1993), though
incorporating subsequent data corrections identified in the scientific literature, and provide a detailed schedule of the
adjustments that were made in their analysis.

The full paper here may be read here.

Navy Arctic UFO Photos Allegedly Leaked By Anonymous Source

July 21 2015 | From: NationalUFOCentre

Several impressive photos of alleged UFOs over the arctic captured on camera by the Navy in 1971
have been leaked to UFO researchers, and their discovery has been getting worldwide media
Alleged UFO photo taken from the USS Trepang in March 1971. [This could be one of the cigar shaped ships known to be flown by one of the secret
space programs].

The paper, A Reanalysis of Long-Term Surface Air Temperature Trends in New Zealand, by New Zealand authors,
Chris De Freitas, Bob Dedekind and Barry Brill, covering the period 1909-2009, shows an increase of 0.28 degrees
C, +/- 0.29 degrees/century; compared with the current official NIWA 7-station (7SS) series showing an increase of
nearly 1 degree C.

[This is a very interesting discovery actually may be further evidence of the secret space programs as described in
the following related articles:

Related: Secret Space Program Livestream

Related: Secret Space Program: Countdown To Exposure On All Illuminati Fronts ]

UFO researcher Alex Mistretta claims that the images were originally given to him by an anonymous source in Europe.
Later, he discovered that they were also published in a French paranormal magazine called Top Secret.
Two of the images from the French magazine Top Secret. The caption reads: (Top) On this photo, we identify without a doubt a triangular-shaped
UFO. It seems to be in trouble. (Bottom) If the order that we have chosen for these pictures is correct, the UFO here seems to now go sideways
before plunging into the ocean (Credit: Top Secret/TheBlackVault.com)

To further investigate, Mistretta enlisted the help of John Greenewald, who runs the website TheBlackVault.com. He asked
Greenewald to post the pictures in hopes that Greenewald and others may be able to find out more about the images.

After posting the story last week, it began getting international headlines. A Reddit user that goes by the name SqizCat was
also able to find higher resolution copies of the images.

The images are fantastic. They seem to be of large objects aloft over the ocean, some, if not all, taken from the periscope of
a submarine. The big question is are they real, and if so, what are they?

Alleged UFO photo taken from the USS Trepang in March 1971. [This could be one of the cigar shaped ships known to be flown by one of the secret
space programs].
Alleged UFO photo taken from the USS Trepang in March 1971. [This could be a TR3B or similar type of craft known to be flown by one of the secret
space programs].
Alleged UFO photo taken from the USS Trepang in March 1971.

Visit TheBlackVault.com to see more of the images.

The Investigation

In his email to The Black Vault, Mistretta listed what his anonymous source told him.

1. The photos were taken from a United State Navy submarine.

2. The location was between Iceland and Jan Mayen island in the Atlantic Ocean. (Jan Mayen belongs to Norway,
and is only inhabited by the Norwegian Meteorological Institute and the Norwegian military.)

3. They were taken in March of 1971.

4. The Submarine was the Navys USS Trepang (SSN 674) and the Admiral on board was Dean Reynolds Sackett.
Obviously, the next step is to try and locate this Admiral Dean Reynolds, if he exists.

5. The Submarine came upon the object by accident, as they were in the region on a routine joint military and
scientific expedition. Officer John Klika was the one who initially spotted the object with the periscope.

Greenewald looked into these claims and he says that he found that Admiral Sackett was onboard the USS Trepang at the
time listed. He also found that Officer Kilka was also aboard. Further, he found that the USS Trepang was in the area the
source claimed at the time the pictures were allegedly taken.
Map of the area the photos were alegedly taken.

Image of the USS Trepang

Mistretta wrote:

[Kilka] found the investigation interesting reading, and doesnt know what the pictures represent. I believe them. I
feel confident in saying the Trepang was not involved in the taking of the photographs.

Although Mistretta now believes his sources information to be inaccurate, Greenewald found clues that indicate the images
may still be real, albeit not extraterrestrial [but that the sources of such technologies are extraterrestrial] .

Greenewald says, When I first saw these, I noted there was something very Zeppelin-like about some of the photos, but,
unlike the actual Zeppelins, it did not have a carrier for the occupants.

By researching the USS Trepangs whereabouts, he also found this on the site Hullnumber.com:

From 22 February to 22 March [1971], the nuclear attack submarine operated beneath the northern ice cap,
conducting extensive tests to provide data for her weapons systems, as well as carrying out scientific experiments
concerning the movement, composition, and geological history of the cap itself.

This lead him to research test balloons. He searched the Library of Congress and found images of test balloons that look
very similar to what is in some of the images.
A view of the H.M.S Canning and its observation balloon.

Greenewalds discovery makes it possible, if not likely, that the images are from test balloons being fired upon by Navy
submarines. The images he found were from the early 1900s, so the question remains as to whether similar balloons were
still being used in the 70s, or are the images colorized version of much older pictures. Given the misinformation that
accompanied the images in the first place, it is also possible they are Photoshopped hoaxes.

Although the media has picked up on the story, few, if any, have mentioned the investigation work done by Mistretta,
Greenewald, and Murillo. By leaving out this part of the story, they leave out the fact that many UFO researchers are more
than just wild-eyed believers, as the media often portrays. Some are actually doing all they can to look for the truth.

Murillos UPARS organization will be hosting Mistretta to discuss this case on July 21, 2015 in Los Angeles. You can find
more information on the UPARS Meetup site.

Gripping New Adventure As Space Program Insider Tours Mars Colony

June 24 2015 | From: DivineCosmos

On June 20th, space program insider Corey Goode was brought to Mars for a tour of a colony that
is not supposed to exist. Fascinating new intel has come to light as a result of this trip - and it is a
very entertaining read!

A Remarkable Window into an Alternate Reality

Some people wonder if we are "alone in the universe." Others are open-minded about paranormal phenomena, believe that
ETs do exist and are visiting us, and wonder where "they" come from.

You may take it for granted that the Roswell crash did occur, that the US government reverse-engineered the technology
and developed space travel.

Roswell was seventy years ago.

Do you think maybe, just maybe the military-industrial complex would have gone out into space, taken a look around and
built some colonies since then?
If The "Government" Built Off-Planet Colonies, What Might They do in these Inaccessible

What if these colonies built even more of the reverse-engineered "weird stuff" - all completely off-planet? Would the security
of an off-planet location ensure that these exotic gadgets could never appear on Earth, no matter how valiant anyone's effort
might be? Might there be millions of people already working out in space in these colonies - doing extremely advanced high-
tech jobs?

And if so, could they have been lied to about what happened on Earth since they left - after some 60 million took off
in the "Brain Drain" of the 50s and 60s?

Could brilliantly complex lies have been designed to make them never want to return to their homeland - for generations
now? Might they have been told that they never could return?

Could a single, innocent word - 'Texas' - ultimately be the "shot heard round the solar system," triggering a revolutionary
awakening within the colonies?

It Will Come as a Great Shock

The true scope of what there is to know about our development of space will come as a great shock to the vast majority of
everyone here.

Over a hundred different off-planet colonies, each with at least tens of thousands of staff - if not hundreds of thousands -
now exist throughout our solar system. All of these facilities, and the technology that goes along with them, will be handed
over to humanity on earth - far sooner than we think. This is only fair, in the grander scheme of things.

We Paid for it

Our collective financial and industrial base - the value we built as a human race - provided the seed-money investment to
build this vast infrastructure. Investors are entitled to a return - at least within a fair and equitable system.
Yet, we are still driving hundred-year-old gasoline-burning technology on a crumbling infrastructure of paved gravel roads --
choking out nature wherever they roam. "Electric Vehicle Charging Stations" can still be seen scattered throughout Southern
California. I just passed one of them yesterday while walking in to LAX airport.

They are a pathetic reminder of another positive, planet-healing initiative that was crushed by Big Industry.

Once you understand "vertical integration," you realize that the same cabal owns Big Industry, Big Agriculture, Big Finance,
Big Media and Big Government. This is not a "conspiracy theory." The proof is absolutely irrefutable -- and is so widely
available that everyone is talking about it now.

Even Mainstream Media Like "The Telegraph"is Figuring it out

Last week, The Independent published an article that reluctantly admitted how many "conspiracy theories" are already
becoming irrefutable facts.

It should be very clear that if this much has already come to light, it is still only the tip of the iceberg:

Perhaps The Conspiracy Theorists Have Been Right All Along

June 15 2015 | TheTelegraph

Conspiracy theories used to be so easy.

Youd have your mate who, after a few beers, would tell you that the moon landings were faked or that the
Illuminati controlled everything or that the US government was holding alien autopsies in Area 51.

And youd be able to dismiss this because it was all rubbish.

Look, youd say, we have moon rock samples and pictures and we left laser reflectors on the surface and...
basically you still dont believe me but thats because youre mad and no proof on earth (or the moon) would satisfy


Its true that there was always the big one which wasnt quite so easily dismissed.

This was the Kennedy assassination -- but here you could be fairly sure that the whole thing was a terrible,
impenetrable murky morass.

You knew that some things never would be known (or would be released, partially redacted by the CIA, 200 years
in the future).

And you knew that whatever the truth was, it was probably a bit dull compared to your mates flights of fantasy
involving the KGB, the Mafia and the military-industrial complex.

Besides, it all made for a lot of very entertaining films and books.
This nice, cozy state of affairs lasted until the early 2000s. But then something changed.


These days conspiracy theories dont look so crazy and conspiracy theorists dont look like crackpots.

In fact, todays conspiracy theory is tomorrows news headlines.

Its tempting, I suppose, to say we live in a golden age of conspiracy theories, although its only really golden for
the architects of the conspiracies.

From the Iraq war to Fifa to the banking crisis, the truth is not only out there, but its more outlandish than
anything we could have made up.


Of course, our real-life conspiracies arent much like The X-Files theyre disappointingly short on aliens and the
supernatural. [DW: So far.]

Rather, theyre more like John Le Carre books. Shady dealings by powerful people who want nothing more than to
line their profits at the expense of others.

The abuse of power. Crazy ideologues who try and create their own facts for fun and profit.

Corporations supplanting governments via regulatory capture.

The US Dollar has Decreased in Value by 96%

Since the creation of the Federal Reserve System in 1913, just over 100 years ago now, the value of the dollar has
decreased by 96 percent. The Federal Reserve is a private corporation of multi-billionaires that the United States
government out-sourced the issuance of its currency to in 1913.

If you have done your homework, you know these billionaires are part of a multi-generational organized crime syndicate that
effectively seized power over much of the world. People are conditioned to laugh at labels like "The Illuminati" - but the
underlying fact that "secret earth governments" are running things cannot be denied.
All over the world right now, regardless of which country you live in, you are hearing "There is no money left. All the money
is gone."

Everyone is hurting - badly. It is amazing that the controlled media can still get away with calling this Greater Depression a
"recovery." Or the equally silly "Great Recession."

Where did all that Value go?

Money is just an indication of value. It moves from one place to another. The value of money is not destroyed once it has
been moved. If you have ten dollars in your savings account and you transfer it into your checking, you still have ten dollars.
Yes, you could say that your savings account is now bankrupt - but you still have ten dollars.

If you then spend it on something, someone else now has your ten dollars - but it's still there. Now imagine this on a much
grander scale.

All of the money earned by our parents, grandparents and great-grandparents - all the value they generated - had to go
somewhere. And wherever our money went, it's still there.

Our Money was Invested Very Wisely

If you give someone ten thousand dollars, and they go and invest it and turn it into a million dollars, you deserve some share
of the profits. That's why we invest. Providing "seed money" comes at a risk, but if the investment pays off, fair business
practices stipulate that the dividends must be shared.

This is the whole basis of why we put our money in stocks, bonds, commodities and other products. A wide variety of
fraudulent practices have siphoned off our wealth and used it as investment capital -- to develop industrial colonies out in

The business that was built by the military-industrial complex has boomed to epic proportions. Not one bit of its dividends
have been shared with humanity on earth.

The Ancient Builder Race

Furthermore, an "Ancient Builder Race" left extensive, highly-advanced ruins on Earth and all throughout our solar system.

Those advanced artifacts, abandoned cities and re-occupied ancient facilities are the rightful property of those now living
here on Earth. Thankfully, it now appears the walls of secrecy are tumbling down, and we will soon be able to claim our
cosmic inheritance.

All of us will be able to live like millionaires - with technology beyond our wildest dreams - once the truth is revealed.

Why Would the "Powers that were" Ever Hand Over their Secret Technology?

A vastly superior race of benevolent ETs have made themselves formally known to the Secret Space Program since 2012.

They demonstrated quite a show of force, arriving in 100-plus spheres ranging in size from the Moon to Jupiter. The "Sphere
Alliance" contacted a breakaway faction of the Secret Space Program known as Solar Warden. Together, they are now
pushing to peacefully, gradually and effectively relinquish the lies and secrecy.

The Cabal would never have handed over this technology and revealed any of these secrets unless they were forced to - by
a bigger kid on the playground.

We did not Know the Full Scope until this Morning

Though Earth humans are far from the most spiritually advanced race out there, we have become excellent builders of
hyper-exotic technology. The hard-earned cash from our blood, sweat and tears has directly helped finance an off-planet
industrial operation that is staggering in scope.
The true size of this industrial operation was not available to anyone in the public domain until Corey Goode published his
latest update this morning.

As impossible as this may sound, the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate, or ICC, just revealed they are in intense,
ongoing trade relations with.....

Nearly nine hundred different civilizations.

And there are many, many more who they are in contact with on a less-frequent basis.

Go Read it for Yourself

The Secret Space Program insider Corey Goode sent me a preliminary copy of what you are about to read, by email, last
night. It wasn't finished yet. He was on one side of the kitchen table and I was on the other. I read it, gave a few suggestions
and went to sleep.

While I was peacefully sacked out in my room, sleeping until 10AM, he went ahead and finished the whole thing. In my view
this is definitely the best, most engaging thing he has ever written.

And, as impossible as it may sound, it is all based on what really happened to him three nights ago.

Restoring Order and Exposing the Truth

The hyper-evolved beings within the Sphere Alliance are here to peacefully restore order to our solar system, and usher us
into the promised Golden Age. They do not want to show up in blazing chariots in the sky and rescue us. We have to do this
ourselves. And they are helping us create this new reality.
Corey and his commanding officer Gonzales just performed the Alliance equivalent of a UN weapons inspection on an ICC
colony from Mars. The goal was to gauge whether the people there were living in slavery-type conditions - and to gain
critical intelligence about a facility revealed by a recent new defector.

The adventure he went through - just prior to flying out for this trip - is truly worthy of a filmic treatment in and of itself.

Corey has felt like these journeys are often the equivalent of trips into hell. I have done my part to try to help him feel better
about what he is doing. I have told him how lucky he is to be brought into this world. If I ever get the chance to go myself, it
will be the fulfillment of a lifetime of unceasing effort. Countless dreams have indicated that this will indeed be happening.
And it won't be long before this is a reality that all of us will have access to.

We are finally here at Gaiam Studios to "do it right" - on a professional level - capturing and releasing this vast, epic
narrative in a series of episodes. This will be in addition to whatever I do with our original footage that we shot in my home
back in April - and which I am in the final stages of learning enough to be able to self-produce.

We are discussing how to make this content as readily accessible to everyone as possible. It will probably be featured in a
show we will call Disclosure: Special Edition.

Corey Goode has now met with the CEO, the president, the director, the head of production and several other key staff in
the Gaiam production crew. This is an important point. Corey just went through an entire day of being (excitedly)
interrogated by the highest-level staff in the company.

Every time we asked him a question, the answers tumbled out like a waterfall. No matter how specific and idiosyncratic the
question might be, his answers are remarkably detailed. Best of all, they all thread beautifully with what I have heard from so
many others. Corey and I were both very impressed with the degree of preparation that Gaiam had going in.

This included a centimeter-thick book of printouts of pictures of different types of ETs - to see which ones look the most like
what he saw, and how we can illustrate them correctly. Every word of Corey's online testimony - on his website and
Facebook page -- was thoroughly studied, analyzed and outlined, as well as the contents of our six-hour video interview.

Tomorrow we are going to attempt to create an overview that encompasses the main details and compresses it into a half-
hour. We had meetings all day on how to accomplish that. This overview will be just the icebreaker that opens up the doors
to a much larger series of discussions -- that could turn into many more episodes.
We are hoping to have a rapid turnaround speed on the release of the overview. The estimates may be overly exuberant,
but we are hoping for the best. Everyone was completely captivated by the story of Corey's meeting at the Mars colony --
and it is well worth your time to read it for yourself.

The more Corey writes, the better he gets. This article has already gone viral like nothing else he has ever written, for good
reason - so check it out!

Click here to read Corey's epic account of his trip to the Mars colony.

Investigation Needed Into Claims NZ Scientists Gagged

June 23 2015 | From: Scoop

Steven Joyce must launch an independent investigation into claims that scientists are being
gagged, says Labours Science and Innovation spokesperson David Cunliffe.

Regarding: David Cunliffe - Science and Innovation Spokesperson

When 40 percent of scientists say they are being gagged and cant speak out on issues of public importance, its
clear evidence something is wrong.

Its not good enough for the Minister just to shrug his shoulders, look the other way, and say he doesnt know if
there is really a problem.

He should immediately launch an independent investigation into what is happening at our universities and CRIs to
ensure there is no inappropriate pressure being placed on scientists to stifle public debate.
New Zealand spends less than half the OECD average on research and innovation. That leaves scientists
increasingly reliant on the private sector for funding.

The Minister has a responsibility to ensure that scientists can contribute to public debate in New Zealand without
fair of reprisal.

"Science is a public good. It is an essential part of building a high income, sustainable future economy and society.

When scientists feel gagged it threatens the public good. New Zealand needs free and open inquiry and
debate, says David Cunliffe.

Secret Space Program: Countdown To Exposure On All Illuminati Fronts

May 12 2015 | From: DivineCosmos

The truth is far, far stranger than fiction. We can barely even imagine the world we will have once
the Secret Space Program is exposed and the change is complete. Very tangible steps are now
being made in that direction. This article goes beyond the Secret Space Program [which is
comprised of a number of factions including one known as 'Solar Warden'] and provides an in-
depth look into the core principles, beliefs and objectives of the Illuminati by way of some of their
key projects.

It is difficult to imagine what disclosure will really be like. Are we surrounded by multiple different groups of
intelligent, humanlike ET's? Have they been interacting with our planet throughout our entire recorded history?
For some, the answer has become "Yes, of course."

Once this becomes common knowledge, the effect on our civilization will be undeniably vast, revolutionary and unstoppable.
The wait for an official disclosure -- for any type of formal acknowledgement of the truth -- has been agonizingly slow and

It is easy to lose hope; to feel beaten down and defeated by seeing the same old games playing themselves out over and
over again. However, the fact that "full disclosure" hasn't happened yet doesn't mean that it won't.

The forces preventing disclosure seem all-powerful to many who have studied this -- but bigger kids on the playground have
since arrived.

The Alliance is Absolutely Real

We have been fortunate enough to have direct contact with insiders who are working for a secret alliance that is actively
defeating the Powers That Were.

How did this happen? Part of it was the legacy: we have maintained an online platform since 1996, and launched this
website [divinecosmos.com] in February 1999. The Internet was so new when we started that there were hundreds of
paranormal subjects where we were the only site that came up on keyword searches.

I do feel very blessed to be where I am. Working 14+ hours a day, 7 days a week on this stuff since July 1998 has been a
labor of love and service.

By May 2001 I had already written three full-length books on cutting-edge alternative science entitled the Convergence
series, and published them here for free.

The cool part about gaining the trust of insiders is the longer you last and the more of them you know, the more likely you
are to have new people show up.

One of those insiders has now come forward in video testimony we taped here at Divine Cosmos headquarters, and will be
releasing for free on YouTube once the massive scope of the project is complete.

For those who are already clamoring for it, bear in mind that quality is much more important than speed with something this
significant. With that being said, the Alliance is urging us to finish it as soon as possible. :)

"Remember Back in the Old Days?"

The Cabal responsible for the cover-up is not going to stay secret much longer. We will soon have a surprise that dwarfs
any other event in recorded history.

Everyone's lives will be irreversibly altered once this event happens. All prior movies, TV shows and media discussions will
immediately become hopelessly outdated - like folksy black-and-white programs from "the old days."
Many aspects of our society, including popular movies and music, will be forever altered in the eyes of the public.

We will learn that the same group has been covertly manipulating our society and creating wars since at least the times of
the Roman Empire. There will be a tremendous amount of shock and surprise - but also relief that the torture finally came to
an end.

The people who risked their lives to tell others the truth will suddenly go from zeroes to heroes. The paparazzi will have a
whole new slew of public figures to start shoving their cameras and microphones at.

Additionally, once this process begins, it won't take long before we hear absolute proof that we are "not alone."

The ET's Must Follow a Prime Directive

There are innumerable, very strong reasons to believe that ETs do exist, and are following a "Prime Directive." They are not
allowed to interfere with our history and reveal themselves to us openly until we are ready for them to appear.

That time may be approaching much sooner than we think. Exposing and defeating the mind control of the "Bad Guys" is a
key part of this process.

In Part Two we will survey multiple, interlocking pieces of evidence in favor of near-term disclosure -- far more dramatic than
most people are expecting. The rewards of this happening are so huge that it is well worth the effort to track the astonishing
evidence we see as it gets closer and closer.

Disclosure Will Provide a Golden Age

Disclosure will bring many wonderful fruits - such as free energy, anti-gravity, stargate travel, healing technology and
materializer technology.

It will also pave the way for open interaction with benevolent human ETs - a dream that many cannot even imagine ever
actually happening.
This is not going to be some tear-jerking, sci-fi payoff ending that we revel in for a few precious minutes, only to "wake up"
and return to our normal, mundane lives. Worldwide ancient prophecies describing a "Golden Age" - remarkably different
than what we have right now - will soon be fulfilled.

Our planet will become the peaceful oasis that we always wanted it to be - without having to indulge in increasingly escapist
"wishful thinking" to imagine.

The universe is not built for intelligent civilizations to live in as much fear and pain as we have been doing here. That is a
very transient phase that usually passes by quickly - in the grand scheme of things.

Now it is almost time for us to leave the nest, and join a greater community of peaceful interstellar explorers helping others.

Only a Small Group Stands in the Way

A small group, dwindling in power by the day, is the only thing holding us back from a Star Trek-type society that could
literally be ours in a matter of months.

This group is in serious trouble. They are losing the war on every front. Mass defections have already started, and have
become much greater in recent weeks. Multiple "factions within factions" are forming as everyone turns on each other -
including the very highest levels betraying everyone below them.

Very high-level witnesses have already been taken to secure locations in advance of an epic series of events that will soon
unfold on earth. These epic, civilization-defining events may come to be called the Illuminati Tribunals.

The Illuminati Tribunals will be the greatest, most watched TV event in the history of broadcast media. They will be
extremely unexpected and revealing, and bursting with new information.
Some of the most famous faces on earth will be directly involved - and we will see a side of them no one ever would have
expected. Everything we thought we knew about our world - as well as almost all of recorded history - will have changed

Overnight. Information will start coming at us so quickly that the "learning curve" will be staggering - even for those who
thought they knew it all.

Absolute video proof that 9/11 was a staged, self-inflicted wound by the American leadership structure will only be the very
beginning of what we see.

No One Really Expects it Until it Happens

Much like any other political upheaval in history, most of the planning is done in the strictest of secrecy until the change
actually appears. This is even more necessary when standing up to a group that has access to almost universal surveillance
of all forms of communication.
The clues of an epic change are out there, and have become increasingly obvious - but for many, no level of proof will ever
convince them.

It will only be once the mega-event starts happening - probably every bit as jarring and unexpected as 9/11 in the early
stages - that most people will be forced to acknowledge it.

The trigger for these epic changes will apparently be a major economic upheaval, including Uncle Sam asking to steal your
wallet so he can pay for his Rolls-Royces.

"Bail-ins," where the government forcibly robs your bank account to pay off its own bad debts, will likely be the final spark
that leads to the Tribunals.

There are plans in place to restore and greatly improve the financial system, so this "all is lost" moment would be extremely
frustrating, but also temporary. No one within the Alliance is going to "flip the switch" on the final stage of this plan until the
public is angry enough that they want to see it happen.

Please bear in mind that we cannot solve this problem by ignoring it. This will be a very positive change. We will get our
money back, and much, much more. The rest of Part One is material the Alliance has specifically requested that we share
with you, as it is utterly essential that we all "wake up" and see the truth in order to heal.

You Are Part of the Solution

What if these epic prophecies don't just "come true" by some "universal law?" What if we have to create the future we want
to live in? How you think, how you feel and how you act matters far more than you may realize.

If so, that means you are part of the solution. How you think, how you feel and how you act matters far more than you may
realize. You are not just living in a bubble, watching some grand magic show that you are disconnected from.
We are active participants in a shared, co-creative reality. There is abundant scientific proof that this is how the universe
really works.

That data has been widely and ruthlessly suppressed.

Read the full story at: DivineCosmos

Unraveling Nikola Teslas Greatest Secret: Radiant Energy

May 5 2015 | From: In5D

If all the great inventions and discoveries of Nikola Tesla, nothing stood out with greater potential
benefit to the whole of humanity than his discovery of Radiant Energy in 1889

The series of observations that led to the discovery of Radiant energy initially grew out of experiments that Tesla had
conducted in an attempt to duplicate the results that Heinrich Hertz had claimed to achieve in affirming the existence
of electromagnetic waves, the discovery of which Hertz announced in 1887.

While replicating Hertzs experiments, Tesla experimented with violently abrupt DC electrical discharges and discovered a
new force in the process. Only after conducting exhaustive experimental trials for the next three years, did Tesla announce
this stupendous discovery in a paper published in December, 1892, entitled The Dissipation of Electricity.

Incredibly, most academicians of the day completely missed the mark in understanding the true significance of his paper.
Noted scientists such as Sir Oliver Lodge, mistakenly thought that Tesla was referring to high frequency AC electricity in the
operation of the Tesla Transformer, a huge blunder that remains to this day in the misnaming and misinterpretation of the
Tesla Coil.

The transformer that Tesla referred to in the 1892 paper did not operate on magnetic/electric field induction created by
alternating currents. It operated in an entirely new domain of physics based on abrupt discharges of electrostatic potentials
and the subsequent release of kinetic Radiant Energy from the omnipresent ether.

Tesla was now operating under entirely new rules which he referred to as dynamic electro-static forces and had, by now,
completely abandoned any further interest in the AC waveform.

The genesis of the Lodge misunderstanding, however, began a few years earlier with the publication of certainmathematical
formulas by a brilliant Scotsman named James Clerk Maxwell.

Maxwells Equations

Using mathematical models, James Clerk Maxwell had earlier suggested that two different types of electrical disturbances
could possibly exist in Nature. One type was a longitudinal electric wave which required alternating concentrations of
densified and rarefied pulsations of electrostatic fields that moved along a single vector (today, we refer to these as standing
waves or scalar waves).

Maxwell ultimately rejected this idea because he was

convinced that this type of wave propagation was
impossible to achieve, but his assumption was erroneous
and would later portend formidable consequences for Tesla
and the world at large.

Maxwells second wave postulation was that of

a transverse electromagnetic wave that exhibited a rapid
alternation of electric fields along a fixed axis that radiated
away from its point of origin at the speed of light and was
detectable at great distances.

Maxwell had more faith in the existence of this type of wave

and encouraged experimenters to look in this direction.

It was the discovery of this type of wave that Hertz had laid
claim to, but Tesla was meticulous and fastidious in
replicating Hertzs experimental parameters and he could
not obtain the results claimed by Hertz.

Tesla discovered a fundamental flaw in Hertzs experiment:

Hertz had failed to take into account he presence of air in
his experiments.

Hertz had mistakenly identified electrostatic inductions or

electrified shockwaves as true electromagnetic waves.
Tesla was saddened to bring this news to the distinguished
academician, but felt scientific honesty was paramount if
progress was to be achieved.
James Clark Maxwell

Tesla visited Hertz in Germany and personally demonstrated the experimental error to him. Hertz agreed with Tesla and had
planned to withdraw his claim, but reputations, political agendas, national pride, and above all, powerful financial interests,
intervened in that decision and set the stage for a major rift in the accepted theories that soon became transformed into the
fundamental laws of the electric sciences that have held sway in industry and the halls of academia to the present day.
Teslas introduction to the phenomena of Radiant Energy
began with early observations by linesmen working for
Thomas Edison, Teslas former employer.

DC Anomalies

Before Teslas invention of the Polyphase AC generator

became the industry standard and overtook Thomas
Edisons use of DC generators, the DC electrical system
was the only system available to deliver electricity to
Americas homes and factories.

Due to the resistance offered by long transmission lines,

Edison had to produce very high DC voltages from his
generators in order to deliver enough voltage and current to
its final destination.

He also had to provide additional pumping stations along

the way to boost the sagging voltage which dwindled from
line losses.

A curious anomaly occurred in the very first instant of

throwing the power switch at the generating station:

Purple/blue colored spikes radiated in all directions along

the axis of the power lines for just a moment. In addition, a
stinging, ray-like shocking sensation was felt by those who
stood near the transmission lines.

Heinrich Hertz

In some cases, when very large DC voltages surged from the generators, the stinging sensation was so great that
occasionally a blue spike jumped from the line and grounded itself through a workman, killing him in the process.

Tesla realized almost immediately that electrons were not responsible for such a phenomena because The blue spike
phenomena ceased as soon as the current stated flowing in the lines.

Something else was happening just before the electrons had a chance to move along the wire. At the time, no one seemed to
be very interested in discovering why these dramatic elevations in static electrical potential were taking place, but rather,
engineering design efforts were focused on eliminating and quenching this strange anomaly which was considered by
everyone to be a nuisance-except Tesla.

Tesla viewed it as a powerful, yet unknown form of energy which needed to be understood and harnessed if possible.

The phenomena only exhibited itself in the first moment of switch closure, before the electrons could begin moving. There
seemed to be a bunching or choking effect at play, but only briefly. Once the electrons began their movement within the
wire, all would return to normal. What was this strange energy that was trying to liberate itself so forcefully at the moment of
switch closure?

Tesla, Genius Out of Time

In the later quarter of the 19th century, Tesla was alone in his opposition to the fundamental views of the nature of electrical
forces as described by three of the biggest names in electric science: James Clerk Maxwell, Herman Von Helmholtz, and
Heinrich Hertz.

Tesla possessed a broader vision of the cosmos because his keen sense of awareness and especially his natural intuitive
insights gave him a deeper understanding of the role that the ether (or aether) played in the manifestations of all electrical
phenomena while his contemporaries focused their attention exclusively on the electromagnetic component (assuming that no
other component could be involved).
This lack of etheric insight by his contemporaries (with the
exception of Sir William Crookes) and the heated
controversy that the mere mention of the ether had
engendered was to cause Tesla ridicule and sarcasm from
men of inferior intellect for decades.

The ether controversy largely dissipated in the academic

arena after the publication of Eiensteins Theory of Relativity
(1905) and the Michaelson-Morley Experiment which
essentially declared that the ether theory was dead, but
Teslas insights and deductions concerning the role of the
ether were correct all along.

The ether existed then and it exists now, despite the lock
step denials by mainstream science, past or present. Rudolf
Steiner, another man of genius, affirmed that the ether was
composed of four fractions which he described as 1) the
Rudolf Steiner Light Ether, 2) the Warmth Ether, 3) the Chemical Ether,
and 4) the Life Ether, a combination of the first three.

Teslas New York and Colorado experiments confirmed for him that Radiant energy was bound up within the elusive ether, but
could be made manifest by the creation of an abrupt disruption in the equilibrium of the ether fractions using one way, high
magnitude pulses of short duration.

This was the key that unlocked Radiant Energy.

See the excitement coming!

These were the words that Tesla used at the end of his pivotal 1892 December lecture, The Dissipation of Electricity. He
was brimming over with buoyancy and optimism for the future In the 1890s, Tesla conducted a large number of experiments
which confirmed his theory and refined his understanding of the special conditions required for Radiant energy to express

He later expanded his New York work with the large scale experimental trials conducted at Colorado Springs, Colorado in
1899. Tesla, the humanitarian, wanted more than anything to share this enormous discovery with his fellow man. Tesla spoke
of practical applications of radiant energy that were so wide reaching that they could have created a profound and immense
leap into the future for all of mankind in practically every sector of daily life:

Unlimited electricity could be made available anywhere and at any time, by merely pushing a rod into the ground and turning
on the electrical appliance. Homes, farms, offices, factories, villages, libraries, museums, street lights, etc., could have all their
lighting needs met by merely hanging ordinary light bulbs or fluorescent tubes anywhere desired- without the need for wiring -
and produce brilliant white light 24 hours a day.

Motor energy for any imagined use such as industrial applications, transportation, tractors, trucks, trains, boats, automobiles,
air ships or planes could be powered freely-anywhere on the planet from a single Magnifying Transmitter.

This new form of energy even had the ability to elevate human consciousness to levels of vastly improved comprehension and
mental clarity. Undreamed of therapeutic applications to improve human health and to eliminate disease conditions could have
been achieved fully 100 years ago had Tesla been allowed to complete his commercial development of Radiant Energy.
It is not widely known that the famous cartoon banker of the 'Monopoly' board game was based upon John Peirpont "J.P." Morgan himself.

But powerful barons of industry, chiefly in the person of John Pierpont Morgan, colluded to deny him the financial backing he
needed and in doing so, effectively denied mankind one of Natures most abundant and inexhaustible gifts of free energy.

The Magnifying Transmitter

The closest Tesla came to a world wide industrial application of his Radiant Energy dream was the construction of his huge
Magnifying Transmitter at Shoreham, Long Island, a site which he named Wardenclyffe. Following his return to New York City
from Colorado Springs in 1899, Tesla was jubilant and full of enthusiasm to implement his plan for the commercial application
of Radiant energy.

He turned to JP Morgan for a substantial portion of the funding to finance the huge project at Wardenclyffe. Morgan was
chiefly concerned with turning a profit from overseas radio transmissions since Marconi was fast locking up the market and
Morgan, ever the aggressor, wanted a share of the market.

When Tesla told him that the transmitter could transmit intelligence to the world, Morgan assumed that he meant ordinary
radio communications, but Tesla was not referring to ordinary radio transmissions.

He was talking about something much bigger, but avoided revealing all to Morgan during this early phase of the Wardenclyffe
project. Some considerable time later, Tesla eventually felt compelled to tell Morgan the larger possibilities offered by the
Magnifying Transmitter when he needed more funding to complete the project.

Tesla thought that Morgan would be overwhelmed by his expanded explanation of the true capacities of the transmitter and
would be anxious to complete the work, but Teslas assumption had backfired and Morgan refused to lay out any more money
for the transmitter.

Sadly, the enormous benefits that could have been made available to society by Teslas Magnifying Transmitter project, died
then and there.

Morgan & Westinghouse

Morgan had already orchestrated circumstances in Teslas life in order to force Tesla to be dependent on him for financial
backing. During an earlier period, when Tesla himself had millions from his Polyphase AC generator royalty payments and
other earnings, Morgan wanted to woo Tesla with a deal that effectively gave Morgan majority control over his patent rights
and projects, but Tesla turned him down, telling Morgan that he had enough money of his own to fund his projects.

While returning to his hotel from that very meeting with Morgan, however, Tesla was told that his laboratory had been burned
to the ground.

It represented a tremendous loss to Tesla and it shook him deeply. Everyone, of course, felt convinced that Morgan was
behind the arson. In order to save face, Morgan was embarrassed by Tesla into putting up the money to pay for the rebuilding
of a new lab as an act of philanthropy. From that time forward, however, other financial backers were not to be found.

Morgan was powerful enough to black list Tesla among the Eastern Establishment elites that previously had hobnobbed and
feted with Tesla as if he was one of their own.

Black listing and ostracization by officialdom and financiers lifted somewhat after Morgans death, but generally
continued to haunt Tesla for the rest of his life.

Before the turn of the century, Tesla also willingly gave up millions, perhaps billions, in royalty earnings to George
Westinghouse in an unprecedented act of friendship. Westinghouse had believed in the superiority of Teslas AC system and
provided the money to build Teslas big AC generators at Niagra Falls, NY.

Tesla was paid millions up front for his patents, but was also due to receive royalty earnings for every kilowatt of power
produced. When Westinghouse ran into financial difficulties at a later date, Tesla tore up his royalty contract in order to save
Westinghouse from financial ruin. Had he not done that, Tesla would have had enough money from royalties to keep him
ensconced in great wealth for the rest of his life.

The story is frequently told that when Morgan found out from Tesla that the true purpose of the Wardenclyffe transmitter was
to provide free electricity to the world, he abruptly pulled the funding. Thats not completely accurate. The economic conditions
were recessionary at the time and the stock market had taken a considerable dip that year.

Morgan wasnt interested in risking any more capital in perilous times on a project he couldnt fully fathom and wasnt
completely convinced of. Tesla held land ownership of the Wardenclyffe site and tower, but no further work was done after
1910. In 1914, Tesla was deeply in debt and signed over the deed of Wardenclyffe Station to pay off years of back rent due to
the owners of the New Yorker Hotel where he was living (he occupied two penthouse suites in the hotel).

In 1917, the hotel owners had the tower demolished and its parts sold for salvage. Despite the loss of Wardenclyffe, Tesla
continued to refine his understanding of Radiant Energy and miniaturize the equipment needed to produce it. He eventually
was able to reduce the equipment down to the size of a suit case.

Secret Space Program Livestream

February 9 2015 | From: DivineCosmos

In the last four months, our knowledge about the secret space program has at least quadrupled,
thanks to the arrival of new insiders. Now, for the first time ever, you can see David's keynote
address at the Conscious Life Expo by livestream video
You can listen to David's excellent presentation at the bottom of this page.

Quite a Mind-Expanding Body of Information

Extraterrestrials have been visiting and settling on Earth for millions of years.

Functional portals have existed on earth, both natural and artificial, allowing ETs to visit earth humans at various times. These
legends have since become myths of phenomena like "fairy rings."

Our own people have had alliances with various ET groups for millennia -- but up until the 20th century it was only a one-way
street. They visited us but would not bring us home.

The Germans were the first to secretly develop space travel capability beginning in the 1930s, thanks in part to a newly-
minted alliance with certain ET groups that most would consider highly negative.

Once the Germans found out what kind of neighborhood it was, they wanted to side with the toughest kid on the block for

Five Million Years of History

It was through this early effort that humanity discovered, firsthand, an incredible secret: Our solar system has been repeatedly
colonized by ET groups for at least the last 5 million years.

The oldest groups were the most advanced -- and stood at an astonishing 70 feet in height.

This was not only something we were told, it was something we were able to go out and see -- with the technology we had
been given.
Our solar system is littered with ruins of these ancient peoples, called names such as The Progenitors.

They primarily built beneath the surface of moons and asteroids for their own protection -- both against enemies and natural
cosmic events as well.

There is an astonishing wealth of highly advanced ancient tech everywhere we look. This is one of the great secrets of our

The "Illuminati" Claim to be Descendants of One of these Groups

More and more people have come to realize that there is indeed a powerful, worldwide group that calls itself the Illuminati.

Arguably, the greatest secret of the Illuminati is that they consider themselves to be the descendants of certain ET human
groups that arrived in the fairly recent past.

Originally, their descendants were the giants -- and the knowledge and scholarship on this subject is growing exponentially
thanks to the Internet.

The amount of evidence for giant skeletons -- ranging from a 9-foot group to a 12-foot group to a 25-to-30-foot group -- is quite

Much of it has been suppressed in order for this secretive organization to hide its true nature from the public.

However, thanks to a variety of new leaks, we are learning much more.

We have been Very Busy

This has been a very exciting time. Years can go by with no new insiders of any real significance arriving.

I have always held onto a great deal of information that is not public in order to assess who is real and who is just compiling
what they have read online or heard from others.

Sadly, there are an ongoing number of people doing this, including in the present -- and some of them can be quite

However, when someone starts saying exactly the same things we've heard from as many as five other people,
independently, and have never published, that catches our attention.

Once new insiders show up who pass the vetting-out process this extensively, we always feel an urgency to get as much intel
out of them as possible, as quickly as possible.

So, between feverishly learning visual FX for our upcoming push into video work, and absorbing as much insider info as
possible, we have been very busy. Not a minute's time has been wasted.

Leaking it on Stage for Protection

So here's what is happening. I am going to leak some of the story in front of a large audience at the Conscious Life Expo for
my own protection -- and for your enjoyment.

Once this is done, it will be safe to talk about this as the genie will now be about of the bottle.

In the future this material will find its way onto this site, but for now this is how we have decided to release it -- at the keynote
address I am giving at the Conscious Life Expo.

You can order livestream tickets and watch the event -- either while it is happening or for the next 10 days after the fact.
If you can't afford this, remember that we have the number-one show on Gaiam TV, with well over 100 episodes now in the
can, and you can see any of them you want on a 10-day free trial at wisdomteachings.com.

I hope to get back to more regular posting and "long form" content creation in the near future!

A Brief Five-Million Year History of the Colonisation of Our Solar System

Dramatic new insider testimony, from the highest levels of the classified world, has finally shed light on the greatest mysteries
of who we are, where we came from and how we got here.

After 18 years as a public figure on the internet, David Wilcock has built an extraordinary connection of insiders, including
those who worked for many years off-planet in the "Secret Space Program."

Through combining multiple, interlinking testimonials, combined with the groundbreaking history revealed in the Law of One
series, it is now possible for the first time to reconstruct the settlement of our solar system.

Learn the epic and incredible story arc that ultimately led to Earth being colonized by extraterrestrial beings -- and the massive
wars that wiped out all but a small number of their descendants, who lived on as 12 to 13-foot giants until as recently as the

Scientific evidence will be presented as often as possible -- including remarkable NASA photographs suggesting where the
ruins of these lost civilizations may still be found.

Read the full story at: DivineCosmos

Salt Water Powered Car Gets European Approval

September 3 2014 | From: IntelligentLiving

A car which uses an electrolyte flow cell power system is now certified for use on European roads.
The car is called the Quant e-Sportlimousine, which made its debut at the 2014 Geneva Motor Show.
Not only can this car run on salt water, but it is claimed that the car has peak power of 920 horsepower (680 kW), 0-62 mph
(100 km/h) in 2.8 seconds and a top speed of 217.5 mph (350 km/h).

"We are delighted as pioneers to be able to present an automobile driven by flow cell technology on public roads,
and one which achieves not only fantastic performance values but also zero emissions, a projected top speed of
over 350 km/h (217.5 mph), acceleration from 0-100 in 2.8 seconds, a torque of four times 2,900 Nm (2,139 lb-ft)
and a range of more than 600 km (373 mi) said Nunzio La Vecchia, the visionary behind the development of the
sports car.

After an in-depth inspection of the car, the German TV Sd in Munich handed over the official registration plate,
now the company will be able to test the car on public roads in Germany and Europe as the company prepares for
series production.

The flow cell system powering the Quant e-Sportlimousines four electric motors develops electricity from the
electrochemical reaction created by two electrolyte solutions. This electricity is forwarded to super capacitors
where its stored and distributed.

In an interview, La Vecchia stated the benefits of the NanoFlowercell system; The power density of the
nanoFLOWCELL at 600 W per kilogram or per litre is greater than any comparable system; five times greater, to
be specific. That means you can drive five times further with our system than you can with a conventional battery
system, including the most state-of-the-art lithium-ion batteries. The system is also extremely safe to operate and
environmentally friendly. Most importantly, since there are almost no moving parts and it produces negligible waste
heat, it has an efficiency of more than 80%. There has never been anything like it.
Hopefully the company will take the NanoFlowcell technology beyond supercars, bringing it down to more affordable cars,
however the potential of this technology reaches far beyond the road.

"Weve got major plans, and not just within the automobile industry, says NanoFlowcell AG Chairman of the Board
Prof. Jens-Peter Ellermann. The potential of the NanoFlowcell is much greater, especially in terms of domestic
energy supplies as well as in maritime, rail and aviation technology. The NanoFlowcell offers a wide range of
applications as a sustainable, low cost and environmentally-friendly source of energy.

Top 10 Unexplained Ancient Artifacts

August 21 2014 | From: WorldMysteries

The Most Puzzling Ancient Artifacts

Over the last few hundred years, many perplexing artifacts have been unearthed that do not fit the currently accepted theories
of geology and the history of man

The Bible tells us that God created Adam and Eve just a few thousand years ago. According to Science man is a few million
years old, and the oldest civilizations existed just tens of thousands of years ago.

Could it be, that the bible and the science are both wrong? There is a great deal of archeological evidence that the history of
life on earth might be far different than what current geological and anthropological texts tell us. Consider these astonishing

1. The Grooved Spheres

Over the last few decades, miners in South Africa have been digging up mysterious metal spheres ( aka Klerksdorp spheres).
Origin unknown, these spheres measure approximately an inch or so in diameter, and some are etched with three parallel
grooves running around the equator. Two types of spheres have been found: one is composed of a solid bluish metal with
flecks of white; the other is hollowed out and filled with a spongy white substance.

The kicker is that the rock in which they where found is Precambrian and dated to 2.8 billion years old! Who made them and
for what purpose is unknown.
Criticism of Out of Place Claims

Klerksdorp spheres are small objects, often spherical to disc-shaped, that have been collected by miners and rockhounds
from 3-billion-year-old pyrophyllite deposits mined by Wonderstone Ltd., near Ottosdal, South Africa.

They have been cited by alternative researchers and reporters in books, popular articles, and many web pages, as
inexplicable out-of-place artifacts that could only have been manufactured by intelligent beings.

Geologists who have studied these objects argue that the objects are not manufactured, but are rather the result of
natural processes. - Source

2. Giant Stone Balls of Costa Rica

Workmen hacking and burning their way through the dense jungle of Costa Rica to clear an area for banana plantations in the
1930s stumbled upon some incredible objects: dozens of stone balls, many of which were perfectly spherical.

They varied in size from as small as a tennis ball to an astonishing 8 feet in diameter and weighing 16 tons! Although the great
stone balls are clearly man-made, it is unknown who made them, for what purpose and, most puzzling, how they achieved
such spherical precision.

Read More at: WorldMysteries

3. Impossible Fossils
Fossils, as we learned in grade school, appear in rocks that were formed many thousands of years ago.

Yet there are a number of fossils that just dont make geological or historical sense. A fossil of a human handprint, for
example, was found in limestone estimated to be 110 million years old.

What appears to be a fossilized human finger found in the Canadian Arctic also dates back 100 to 110 million years ago. And
what appears to be the fossil of a human footprint, possibly wearing a sandal, was found near Delta, Utah in a shale deposit
estimated to be 300 million to 600 million years old.

Another fossilized human hand discovered in Bogota (Columbia), belonging to Gutierrez collection. The rock which contains it
is 100-130 millions of years old.

4. Out-of-Place Metal Objects

Humans were [supposedly] not even around 65 million years ago, never mind people who could work metal.

So then how does science explain semi-ovoid metallic tubes dug out of 65-million-year-old Cretaceous chalk in France? In
1885, a block of coal was broken open to find a metal cube obviously worked by intelligent hands.
In 1912, employees at an electric plant broke apart a large chunk of coal out of which fell an iron pot! A nail was found
embedded in a sandstone block from the Mesozoic Era. And there are many, many more such anomalies.

5. The Dropa Stones

The Dropa stones, otherwise known as the Dzopa stones, Dropas stones or Drop-ka stones, are said by some ufologists and
pseudoarchaeologists to be a series of at least 716 circular stone discs, dating back 12,000 years, on which tiny hieroglyph-
like markings may be found.

Each disc is claimed to measure up to 1 foot (30 cm) in diameter and carry two grooves, originating from a hole in their center,
in the form of a double spiral. The hieroglyph-like markings are said to be found in these grooves. The few pictures we have
the Dropa Stones are identical to what are called Bi Discs, which are known artifacts that are part of the Chinese culture
(above right).

In 1938, an archeological expedition led by Dr. Chi Pu Tei into the Baian-Kara-Ula mountains of China made an astonishing
discovery in some caves that had apparently been occupied by some ancient culture. Buried in the dust of ages on the cave
floor were hundreds of stone disks.

Measuring about nine inches in diameter, each had a circle cut into the center and was etched with a spiral groove, making it
look for all the world like some ancient phonograph record some 10,000 to 12,000 years old. The spiral groove, it turns out, is
actually composed of tiny hieroglyphics that tell the incredible story of spaceships from some distant world that crash-landed
in the mountains.

The ships were piloted by people who called themselves the Dropa, and the remains of whose descendents, possibly, were
found in the cave.

6. The Ica Stones

Beginning in the 1930s, the father of Dr. Javier Cabrera, Cultural Anthropologist for Ica, Peru, discovered many hundreds of
ceremonial burial stones in the tombs of the ancient Incas.

Dr. Cabrera, carrying on his fathers work, has collected more than 1,100 of these andesite stones, which are estimated to be
between 500 and 1,500 years old and have become known collectively as the Ica Stones. The stones bear etchings, many of
which are sexually graphic (which was common to the culture), some picture idols and others depict such practices as open-
heart surgery and brain transplants.

The most astonishing etchings, however, clearly represent dinosaurs brontosaurs, triceratops (see photo), stegosaurus and
pterosaurs. While skeptics consider the Ica Stones a hoax, their authenticity has neither been proved or disproved.

7. The Coso Artifact

While mineral hunting in the mountains of California near Olancha during the winter of 1961, Wallace Lane, Virginia Maxey
and Mike Mikesell found a rock, among many others, that they thought was a geode a good addition for their gem shop.

Upon cutting it open, however, Mikesell found an object inside that seemed to be made of white porcelain. In the center was a
shaft of shiny metal. Experts estimated that it should have taken about 500,000 years for this fossil-encrusted nodule to form,
yet the object inside was obviously of sophisticated human manufacture.

Further investigation revealed that the porcelain was surround by a hexagonal casing, and an x-ray revealed a tiny spring at
one end. Some who have examined the evidence say it looks very much like a modern-day spark plug. How did it get inside a
500,000-year-old rock?

The location of the Coso artifact is unknown as of 2008. Of its discoverers, Lane has died, Maxey is alive but avoids public
comment, and the whereabouts of Mikesell are not known.

8. The Antikythera Mechanism

A perplexing artifact was recovered by sponge-divers from a shipwreck in 1900 off the coast of Antikythera, a small island that
lies northwest of Crete.

The divers brought up from the wreck a great many marble and and bronze statues that had apparently been the ships cargo.
Among the findings was a hunk of corroded bronze that contained some kind of mechanism composed of many gears and

Writing on the case indicated that it was made in 80 B.C., and many experts at first thought it was an astrolabe, an
astronomers tool. An x-ray of the mechanism, however, revealed it to be far more complex, containing a sophisticated system
of differential gears.

Gearing of this complexity was not known to exist until 1575! It is still unknown who constructed this amazing instrument 2,000
years ago or how the technology was lost.

Read More here and here.

9. The Baghdad Battery

Today batteries can be found in any grocery, drug, convenience and department store you come across. Well, heres a battery
thats 2,000 years old! Known as the Baghdad Battery, this curiosity was found in the ruins of a Parthian village believed to
date back to between 248 B.C. and 226 A.D.

The device consists of a 5-1/2-inch high clay vessel inside of which was a copper cylinder held in place by asphalt, and inside
of that was an oxidized iron rod. Experts who examined it concluded that the device needed only to be filled with an acid or
alkaline liquid to produce an electric charge.

It is believed that this ancient battery might have been used for electroplating objects with gold. If so, how was this technology
lost and the battery not rediscovered for another 1,800 years?

Read more here.

10. Ancient Model Aircraft

There are artifacts belonging to ancient Egyptian and Central American cultures that look amazingly like modern-day aircraft.

The Egyptian artifact, found in a tomb at Saqquara, Egypt in 1898, is a six-inch wooden object that strongly resembles a
model airplane, with fuselage, wings and tail. Experts believe the object is so aerodynamic that it is actually able to glide.

The small object discovered in Central America (shown at right), and estimated to be 1,000 years old, is made of gold and
could easily be mistaken for a model of a delta-wing aircraft - or even the Space Shuttle. It even features what looks like a
pilots seat.

Read more here.

What are we to make of these finds? There are several possibilities:

Intelligent humans date back much, much further than we realize

Other intelligent beings and civilizations existed on earth far beyond our recorded history
Our dating methods are completely inaccurate, and that stone, coal and fossils form much more rapidly than we now

In any case, these examples - and there are many more - should prompt any curious and open-minded scientist to reexamine
and rethink the true history of life on earth.

Read more about Strange Artifacts.

Russian TV Documentary On Positive Alliance Destruction Of Underground Bases

From: David Wilcock
August 8 2014 | From: DivineCosmos

21 million Russian-speaking people watched David Wilcock and Ben Fulford expose the secret war
to defeat the "New World Order" being waged by an international alliance - including the astonishing
destruction of at least 26 underground bases between August 2011 and January 2012.
Now you can see the show for yourself - complete with accurate English subtitles. It is amazing to see so much information
leaking out in a prime-time network television special!

The Times they are A Changin'

On September 16, 2011, we published the (ahem) groundbreaking Disclosure Imminent? Two Underground NWO Bases

This huge investigation was more like a mini-novel than an article. It currently has 23,587 Facebook Likes and over 845,000
unique views.

The contents of this investigation are so strange that it might all seem like a big joke to many people.

It may be far more comfortable for you to look at it that way.

It has all the makings of a sci-fi movie thriller - complete with extraterrestrials, underground cities and a vast, shadowy group
holding the earth in tyranny.

Nonetheless, our investigation was taken seriously enough to be turned into a major Russian television documentary - nearly
three years later.

Now, today, you can see it for yourself -- with accurate English subtitles - from mainstream Russian media.

In the fullness of time, information that was once thought to be "crazy" might start making a lot more sense.

Monday Night, August 22, 2011: It Begins

The first strange event in this saga occurred on Monday night, August 22nd, 2011 - in a southern Colorado town called
Trinidad, just before midnight.

The ground shook with a 5.3 earthquake at 11:46 pm - in a region that normally has hardly any seismic activity at all.
5.3 Earthquake in Trinidad, Colorado
Unnerves Local Residents

An unusual swarm of temblors in southern

Colorado accompanied the state's strongest
earthquake in more than 40 years, shaking
bricks and stones loose from buildings and
rattling some residents....

The 5.3-magnitude earthquake hit Monday

shortly before midnight, about 9 miles
southwest of Trinidad.

Throughout the night and into Tuesday

morning, aftershocks - several measuring at
a magnitude of 3 or above - continued to
unsettle residents. No injuries were

[A] longtime resident said she is familiar with

smaller earthquakes but has never been
through one as powerful as Monday night's.

"It's piqued a lot of curiosity as to what's

caused this," Mestas said....

While Colorado's quake is similar to one that

occurred Tuesday afternoon in Virginia,
there is nothing to indicate they were
connected, Hayes [a seismologist at the U.S.
Geological Survey's National Earthquake
Information Center in Golden, CO] said.

Insiders Reveal this was an Elaborate Strike Against an Underground Facility

I was present at the Disclosure Project event in May, 2001, in which 39 high-level whistleblowers came forward to reveal the
truth about UFOs.

Most of these people had worked in highly-classified government programs - and had firsthand knowledge that we were not

Additionally, other insiders approached me through my work

with Project Camelot - and also as an independent
freelance journalist covering these subjects.

I was lucky enough to have launched this website you are

now reading by February 1999, back when there was far
less of this information available online.

Over the ensuing 15 and a half years, I have had the good
fortune of being contacted by many different people -- and
helping them reveal classified secrets.

Once You Go Black, You Never Go Back

It is quite an experience to talk to real insiders -- particularly

the ones who work at a high-enough level that information is
no longer compartmentalized.

The more highly positioned someone is in the world of "black ops", the more fantastic and seemingly unbelievable their data

And yet, when you talk to three, four or even five different people who independently say the same things, that have never
been made public, you have to wonder.

Either they are all "in on it" and attempting to fool you - including by leaking information that later comes true in the news -- or
they are telling the truth. I did have to weed out people who were obviously lying -- but the real ones could be extensively
cross-examined and no holes appeared in their accounts.

Their testimonies began explaining many other data points -- including a wide variety of clues left behind by ancient
civilizations all over the world.

The Greatest Mystery on Earth

Together, this evidence arguably forms the greatest mystery

on Earth.

Nothing else has ever captured my interest the way this

investigation has.

The story that appears is vastly, vastly more complex and

fascinating than most people could ever imagine.

Instead of asking "I wonder if UFOs are real, and if so I

wonder where they come from," the truth begs much greater

One of many true signs of "higher intelligence" is how

effectively this greater reality has been kept hidden from us
-- by the ETs themselves.

There are plenty of available clues and provable pieces of

evidence for those who go looking for them -- but it is still
possible to doubt and deny everything.

However, that scenario may be changing a lot sooner than

we think.
Finding Out About the Earthquake

It was from this same insider level that I soon heard about what had happened in the Colorado earthquake - even though the
data was highly, highly classified. The ground had shaken because an entire underground city - large enough to comfortably
hold 65,000 people - had been completely wiped out.
Over time, as I revealed here at Divine Cosmos, we found
out that all the personnel and equipment in these bases had
been "portaled out" over the course of 12 hours.

Then, once it was completely empty inside, there was a

sudden, massive 20-fold increase in air pressure that
cracked the hull. The entire city then collapsed in.

This was what caused the ground to shake so violently. The

surrounding land made a sudden, thunderclap-like
movement to fill in the void that had been created.

Each base was deep enough underground that no visible

change occurred in the surface terrain -- such as a sinkhole
- after this happened.

The Bases Were no Longer Safe Havens for the "New

World Order"

Up until this occurred, these facilities were considered to be

save havens and places of refuge for the "New World
Order" crew.

However, on the night of August 22, 2011, that assumption

changed forever.

The first underground city to go was directly connected to

the infamous base many insiders insist was built under
Denver International Airport.

Every time I fly in to tape episodes of Wisdom Teachings at

the Gaiam headquarters in Boulder, I see the "suitcase
gargoyles" in baggage claim.

It's undoubtedly creepy -- and yet is just presented as a "fun

little joke" for people breezing through the airport.

Tuesday Afternoon, August 23rd, 2011: Strike Two

The next afternoon, just a few hours later, another very

strange earthquake took place -- again in the continental
United States.

The entire East Coast of the United States shook with a

massive 5.9 earthquake that was deemed "highly
unusual" for several reasons.

Reuters: Strong East Coast quake highly unusual: scientist: Strong East Coast Earthquake "Highly Unusual"
(Reuters) - The strong earthquake that
rattled the eastern United States on Tuesday
was highly unusual in its severity, though
it was centered in a part of Virginia known for
smaller quakes, seismologists said.

The initial earthquake, which registered a

magnitude of 5.9 just before 2 p.m. EDT,
was felt from the Carolinas to New England.

"One of this size is highly unusual," said

Karen Fisher, a professor of seismology at
Brown University and president-elect of the
seismology section at the American
Geophysical Union.

"This is the largest earthquake by far that

I am aware of occurring there in recent

Largest Colorado Quake Since 1967 Shakes


Monday night's magnitude-5.3 earthquake

[in Colorado] struck just hours before a
magnitude-5.8 temblor in Virginia also
rare for that area shook much
of Washington, D.C., and the East Coast.

The Washington DC Event Was no Ordinary Earthquake

According to multiple insiders with access to highly-classified information, the DC event again was no ordinary
earthquake. Instead of a normal, slow buildup, it was already at maximum intensity the very second it started -- as you can
see in the graph below.

This sudden jolt is normally what we see in

the case of an underground explosion -- and
is not at all typical of normal earthquake

This quake also occurred at a much

shallower depth -- much closer to the surface
-- than with most quakes.

The massive shaking was apparently caused

by the destruction of a huge underground
facility just south of Washington, DC -- at the
epicenter of the quake location.

Notice that the size of the red circle is almost

as large as Washington DC itself.

Six Strange Anomalies with the Virginia Earthquake

Some independent bloggers noticed how unusual this quake was -- such as Eric Blair on Activist Post.
Activist Post: Six Strange Anomalies with the Virginia Earthquake

My first thought upon hearing the news of

the rare 5.9 magnitude earthquake in
Virginia this week was that it was not a
natural occurrence.

After all, no one has ever felt or even heard

of such a powerful temblor happening in this
area in a lifetime.

As is usual for my cynical instincts, I hoped

that I was wrong. However, several
anomalies indicate that something is not
normal with the Virginia quake....

1. Unusual, seismically inactive location.

2. Extremely shallow depth -- later altered by

USGS to a more typical value.

3. Odd seismograph reading, beginning with

a sudden spike. (Air Force insider leaks that
it was an underground explosion.)

4. Shocks felt well over 500 miles from


5. "Remarkably low" number of aftershocks.

6. Hurricane Irene was instantly knocked off


What Was this Underground City Near Washington DC Intended to be Used For?

The DC facility was intended to be used by members of Congress and other insiders to flee to - after they deliberately caused
mass chaos and financial collapse in America.

As crazy and treasonous as that must sound, this plan had apparently been in place for many, many years.

To understand it, you have to move through some pretty ugly stuff - and that's what most of this Russian documentary you are
about to see is dedicated to.

The shadow government, as some call it, had been trying - and failing - to get a massive social collapse to happen for quite
some time.

9/11 was apparently well-known by this group in advance, and was hoped to create such a breakdown in our society.

Thankfully, our civilization held together despite these plans.

Which of the Two Camps are You in?

Already at this point you are probably quite

comfortable in one of two camps.

You are either:

A) fascinated and intrigued; or,

B) you are already laughing, thinking "this is

BS -- and I will enjoy picking it apart and
skewering this skinny MF. He probably sat
on a kitten to psych himself up to write this
piece of s--t."

Those in the "skeptic" category typically try

to find any tiny mistake or hole in the logic --
and then infer that this must mean the entire
concept is bogus.

"Look, look! He misspelled a werd! He got a

date wrong! One of his links doesn't work!
Seismograph of Virginia Earthquake in green. Normal quake in black. Washington and GOTCHA, F__KER!"
Lee University (85 miles from epicenter)

[Ah, where would we be without the all-you-can-drink special of YouTube and social media hatorade?]

It was therefore highly gratifying to have the Russians take this seriously enough to devote a major prime-time TV special to
covering it.

Fulford Was a Key Player

Our investigation into the missing underground bases included a fully transcribed
interview with Benjamin Fulford.

In case you do not know this already, Fulford was the former Asia-Pacific bureau
chief for the world's largest business magazine, Forbes.

This put him in contact with finance ministers and top insiders from most of the
countries in Asia -- including China, Japan and Southeast Asia.

By the time this interview took place, Fulford had been almost the sole voice on
the Internet describing an international alliance that had formed to bring down the
"New World Order" group.

A significant part of this alliance originated in Asia - and has since morphed into
what is now being called BRICS (Brazil, Russia, China, India, South Africa.)

Not All of Fulford's Leaks are Truthful

Fulford has certainly attracted a great deal of controversy - publishing a weekly newsletter where he leaks a wide variety of
inside information. Not all of this information is credible. A variety of claims are made that end up being untrue.

Fulford hears information and passes it along. Some of it comes from clearly compromised sources. He leaves it up to you to
decide what you want to believe.

Although there has been BS in his reports, many of his leaks have stood the test of time.

In my own case, I try to only reveal information that I feel is coming from the most reliable, impeccable sources.
If it's "second best" it doesn't make it here. If I catch an insider lying to me or spreading disinformation, they don't get a second

Finally Major Media is Catching on

Now, nearly three years later, a major Russian network has created a three-hour TV special, with high production value, to
explore what Ben and I discussed in our September 2011 interview.

Both Fulford and I were interviewed for this TV show -- which, I was told, used my original article as its primary blueprint.

It is a great honor to see another one of our investigations reach such a large audience -- and turn into a major TV special
seen by 21 million people.

Massive Funding of the Military-Industrial Complex

For those unfamiliar with the greatest rumors and secrets you hear from the inside, the "learning curve" can be quite

The shadow government -- or Cabal, as we have been calling it -- has been diverting countless trillions of dollars into the
military-industrial complex.

Since World War II, a variety of high-profile money-laundering operations have been conducted to pay for this vast,
multifaceted, highly secretive operation.

This includes the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Apollo moon missions, the Cold War nuclear buildup, the two billion-
dollar stealth fighter jets and much more.

The F-117 Nighthawk "Stealth" Fighter: Two BILLION dollars?

These are only a few examples of major operations that cost much, much less than what we have been told.

Classic cases of 700-dollar hammers and 1000-dollar toilet seats are another example.
Donald Rumsfeld announcing that the Defense Department
"could not track" where 2.3 TRILLION dollars went, on
September 10, 2001, is another example.

Each of these moves created vast supplies of cash.

It has gotten increasingly difficult for the Cabal to generate

"money out of nothing" - and thus our global economy has
now been squeezed to the breaking point.

The Most Important Question is "What are TheySpending All this Money on"?

It has now become obvious to most people that we have a "shadow government" that is conducting mass surveillance -- and
has nearly bankrupted our entire world.

Here is the big question that a lot more of us need to be asking:

What the heck are they spending all this money on?

That is a question that very few people know the answer to - even now - but will increasingly become common knowledge
over time.

Secret Preparations for a Massive Alien Invasion

Shortly after the end of World War II, the Roswell crash occurred -- putting the US military face-to-face with the reality of
extraterrestrial visitors to our planet.

This and a variety of other events were kept highly classified after initial leaks embarrassed the government.
The military felt it was absolutely necessary to adopt a defensive position. Elaborate schemes were devised to divert vast
sums of money into building a "breakaway civilization" that could be used to fight off any potential invasion.

This included the construction of what ultimately amounted to some 250 underground cities that could each hold 65,000

Many, many different ships have been built that use anti-gravity propulsion systems - and can very easily travel throughout our
solar system and beyond.

Any of the exotic fighter jets we've been allowed to see - including the Aurora - are kept mothballed. They look nice but were
only used for money laundering.

The 'real' stuff is seen from time to time -- and are one form of what people are calling "UFOs", i.e. unidentified flying objects.

Reverse-Engineered Craft are Most Definitely Being Used - All Over

These home-grown ships were built after the 'real' crashed UFOs were reverse - engineered.

The original designs were carefully taken apart and then rebuilt - transforming them into working craft that could be built here,
and used to travel off-planet.

Trillions of dollars of "missing" money have been used to build highly-classified colonies on the Moon and Mars, as well as
certain other satellites.
Additionally, we now have over 200 very large spacecraft throughout our solar system - and beyond.

The irony is that we have been told exactly what is going on, over and over again, through a wide variety of films and
television shows -- ever since Roswell.

The apparent wars happening on Earth served as a cover and source of cash for a much greater concern - defending us from
an invasion.

Much like the Roman Empire, the Cabal's expansion into non-local territories has strained the homeland to the breaking point
of looming financial collapse.

A Vast Community of Other People Out There

We will also find out, sooner than we think, that our "shadow government" already has extensive interaction with a wide
variety of off-planet human civilizations.

One of the greatest secrets, as we have said

all along on this website, is that there are
many, many different human civilizations
throughout our galaxy.

Almost every ancient culture on earth has

extensive records of contact and interaction
with these human-looking "Gods" - who had
seemingly superhuman abilities and

I am fortunate enough now to be in

approximately 20 different episodes of
Ancient Aliens on History Channel
discussing this bizarre and fascinating

I am in six episodes of Season Two and

almost every episode that has come out
since last October.
Don't Panic, it's Organic

Best of all, human life is a natural product of intelligently-guided evolution in our galaxy. We are only at the first stage in the
evolution of what it means to be a human being.

Those who insist this is "nonsense" probably haven't read

my first book, The Source Field Investigations, which has
over 1000 academic references that make the case.

As I discussed in last week's episode of Coast to Coast, the

'real' reason we are here is to learn love -- and eventually
evolve into a higher form of life.

Our transition into this higher form of human evolution has

been called Ascension. This is apparently what happened to
Jesus in the Resurrection.

160,000 similar events have been documented as occurring

in China and Tibet -- where people attain the state known
as "Rainbow Body."

In order to reach this state, it is necessary to achieve a level

of discipline where every thought you think is a loving

Thankfully, as a planet we are now moving through a

transition where the "entry requirements" are much less
intense than this.

If they Were Here, Then Where Did they All Go?

Prior to about 850 AD, contact and intermingling with these off-world humans was widespread - as you can see in many
Ancient Aliens episodes and in Wisdom Teachings - but then it tapered off.

This change allowed us to finalize our development into a "modern" species. Most importantly, it gave us the opportunity to
doubt the reality of extraterrestrial life.
Apparently this is an absolutely essential element to our spiritual growth. The ETs do follow a "Prime Directive" where we
have to be allowed to sort our affairs out as a planet.

However, this only occurs for a finite period of time. There comes a point where we must re-integrate into this much-greater
galactic family once more.

Certain Forces are Standing in the Way of This

As I have extensively documented in earlier episodes of my TV show Wisdom Teachings, ETs made strong efforts to welcome
us into this greater community as of the early 1950s.

As soon as we developed nuclear weapons that could destroy our planet entirely, the Prime Directive changed in our favor.

A plan was put forth in 1952 for a widespread, worldwide disclosure event to occur - including over 5,000 massive ships
appearing in our skies.

Not surprisingly, the plan was rejected. The benevolent ETs did not want to share any tech with us until we engaged in a
major spiritual education program.

This program would have demonstrated the underlying core of love that all world religious teachers had originally intended to
convey to us.

The Shadow Government Cut a Deal with the Bad Guys

Much, but not all, of our secret government unfortunately

cut a deal with the "bad guys" - ETs who promised
technology in exchange for a limited, monitored abduction

Our government was told the abductions would not hurt us

and no one would remember what had happened to them.

Although abduction experiences are non-threatening, some

people did remember them - and this has caused a great
deal of fear.
The Good Guys Struck Back in Various Ways

The shadow government believed, for some time, that they could do whatever they wanted - without repercussions.

It appeared that the benevolent ETs could only 'watch' what they did - but were not allowed to intervene directly in any way,
due to their Prime Directive.

However, certain lines were not allowed to be crossed. As the Disclosure Project and other events have documented, the ETs
will not allow us to have a nuclear war.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki were not interrupted, in order that we understand the horror of what could be - but many other efforts
have been thwarted.

It wasn't until August 22nd, 2011 that the benevolent ETs took a much more aggressive stance by portaling out a total of 26
underground facilities worldwide, that we know of.

Apparently they are doing this to guarantee that our planet's future will be a positive one - by removing the possibility of the
negative to succeed in its ultimate goals.

It Appears that a Treaty was Signed

Some of our top insiders have speculated that a treaty was signed with the benevolent ETs - and that was the only reason the
bases stopped being portaled out as of January 2012.

Others, such as Gordon Duff and Preston James of Veterans Today, have more recently revealed that such a treaty is, in fact,
in place.

The treaty apparently calls for an end to secrecy and cover-ups by the shadow government. If they refuse to comply, they will
literally be removed.

This does seem to parallel the "Harvest" metaphor in the Book of Matthew - in which it is said that the "tares" will be plucked
from the field, one by one, at the time of Harvest. The tares are weeds, "sowed by the Adversary," that would normally ruin the
taste of the wheat.

The plucking out of these underground facilities appears to be the beginning of the fulfillment of this prophecy.

To read the full story see: DivineCosmos

Volkswagens New 300 MPG Car Is Not Allowed In America Because Its Too Efficient
June 19 2014 | From: TheMindUnleashed

You wont find the 300 MPG Volkswagen XL1 in an American showroom, in fact it has even been denied a tour of
America because it is too efficient for the American public to be made widely aware of, and oil profits are too high in
America with the status quo in place.
No tour has been allowed for this car because the myth that 50 mpg is virtually impossible to obtain from even a stripped
down econobox is too profitable to let go of, and when it comes to corporate oil profits, ignorance is bliss.


Though the XL1 can be plugged in to deliver a 40 mile all electric drive, it does not need to be plugged in EVER to achieve
300 mpg. And it does not cheat in any way to achieve the rating, it weighs over 1,700 pounds, has normal tires, and delivers a
very good driving experience with a governed top speed of 99 mph.

The XL1 could reach a top speed in excess of 110 mph absent governor and turns in a 0-60 time of 11.5 seconds which is by
no means leisurly for a car designed for efficiency. The XL1 in no way cheats on performance to hit its rating. It is simply the
car we should have always had, and have had taken from us in the name of oil profits.

See the full story & video at: TheMindUnleashed

Russian Physicists Launch Campaign To Rebuild Tesla's Wardenclyffe Tower And

Power The World
June 15 2014 | From: Treehugger

Crowdfunded Tesla tower project seeks to recreate inventor's wireless energy transmission system.
By many accounts, the iconic inventor Nikola Tesla was years ahead of his time. His ideas for a worldwide wireless
communications system, and a wireless energy transmission technology, never got the traction they perhaps may have
deserved during his lifetime, and but now, over a century later, two scientists are retracing his steps and plan to build a
prototype of his Wardenclyffe tower using modern materials and advanced electronics.
The Planetary Energy Transmitter project seeks to crowdfund $800,000 in donations in order to build the Tesla Tower
prototype, and to continue Tesla's research into wireless energy transmission and reception, which is intended to demonstrate
the viability and efficiency of the technology.

If the prototype functions as intended, and further research into wireless power reception plays out as well, the Tesla tower
and wireless receivers could "allow transmission of large amounts of energy via ground to any kind of distances - instantly,
safely and without losses."
"Tesla was right and we are ready to prove it! Nikola Tesla had left us a very detailed description of the design of
his Magnifying Transmitter system and the physical principles of its operation. We are a group of modern-day
physicists, trained in many areas related to the operation of his Worldwide Energy System. Weve conducted a
thorough scientific expertise of his works and came to the conclusion that Tesla was on the right track."

- Planetary Energy Transmitter

At first glance, trying to raise almost a million dollars to underwrite the continuance of research and development of a century-
old technology might seem a little ambitious, but considering that an effort to crowdfund the money just for a museum for
Tesla (which might be a really great thing, but which won't produce any new work) ended up raising $1.3 million, it doesn't
seem that far out of reach.

If the calculations of the two scientists behind the Tesla tower project, Leonid Plekhanov and Sergey Plekhanov, are correct,
and the appropriate supporting infrastructure for reception of wireless energy transmissions is developed, we may be able to
effectively power the entire globe with renewable energy sources, such as solar, due to the possibility of transmitting it with
minimal losses. According to their website, "Now it is possible to instantly transmit electric energy to any distances via

The scientists, who are both graduates of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT), have spent over 5 years
conducting research and experiments related to their project, and were earlier able to raise $40,000 in a Russian
crowdfunding campaign based on their work.

A basic website, Global Energy Transmission, has an introduction to the principles behind this wireless energy transfer tower,
as well as documentation with the details and tech specifications of the team's work.

If you'd like to back this ambitious wireless energy project, the Indiegogo campaign is running through July 25th, or if you'd like
to work with the team as an inventor, an engineer, or an energy company, or even to critique it and tell them why it won't work,
contact emails are available at the bottom of that page.

For the original article including links visit: Treehugger

'Conspiracy Theorists' Vindicated: HAARP Confirmed Weather-Manipulation Tool

May 17 2014 | From: ActivistPost

The most damning aspersion that can be lobbed against any person, or the exposure of secret government activity,
overwhelmingly is Conspiracy Theorist. That pejorative handle is equated with imbecile mind-activity with aspersions often
suggested as tin hat wearers. Well, step aside all you doubters and listen up carefully to what took place in the halls of
Congress on May 14, 2014 regarding the weather modification system known as HAARP.

A classic HAARP facility

In the YouTube below Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) asks some pointed questions about HAARP. However, readers
may not be surprised at the answers, but the mainstream media ought to be wiping oodles of egg yolk from its collective face.

In the report Air Force Admits Weather Control via HAARP and New Tech, David Walker, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the
Air Force for Science, Technology and Engineering, very-matter-of-factly states that they took over from the Navy and will be
moving on:

"to managing the ionosphere, what the HAARP was really designed to do, to inject energy into the ionosphere to
be able to actually control it"

Furthermore, the U.S. Air Force intends to dismantle the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) in
Gakona, Alaska, by or during the summer of 2014!

"Built at a cost of more than $290 million, the site has 180 antennas on 30 acres that are used to direct energy into
the ionosphere, which is 55 miles to 370 miles above the Earth, and monitor changes in the flow of charged
particles. Stevens was the godfather of HAARP, which he helped start two decades ago with annual earmarks
slipped into the defense budget."

It seems that no research facility can be found to take over the HAARP Alaska facility. Could that be an indication that the
weather modification system is regarded unfavorably? I find that as a possibility and extremely interesting, especially in view
of all the technology that was invested and built into it. If no one wants to continue operating HAARP, will the State of Alaska
be interested in it for education research purposes? But then, maybe HAARP-at-sea-ships, i.e., the Tesla Weapon Platform
SBX-1, probably will be the most effective on-site HAARP facility rather than one remotely stationary on land.

However, there are numerous HAARP facilities in other countries around the globe that the Tesla Weapon Platform SBX-1
possibly could interact with. But then, we have to wonder what Assistant Secretary Walker was referring to when he stated
that they got out of HAARP Alaska what they wanted and were moving onmoving on to what?

May 2nd, 2014, I published Whats With the Weather and Chemtrails? Readers may want to review in light of the latest
bombshell acknowledgement by Walker at a Congressional hearing.

Conspiracy theories and theorists truly have been vindicated about HAARP.

Knowing the dogged research we, who are proclaimed tin hat theorists, perform and circulate, this writer feels extremely
confident that other information regarded as conspiracy theories about vaccines and other sacred cow secrets also will be
vindicated at some forthcoming datejust when, who knowssince it all depends upon who has the integrity to stand up and
tell the facts of whats been going on that the U.S. media, press, TV, and controllers wont permit be made public until its too
late to get objection going to stop the destruction of the planet and humankind.

Its graduation time, theorists. Throw your tin hats into the air and let them fall wherever they may land. Hopefully, they will
land on some mainstream media journalists heads so they can wear them and become empowered to tell the facts of whats
really going on.

For those still inclined to deny the facts, here are TV weather persons talking about, showing and admitting to weather
geoengineering, plus dramatic statements.
Free Energy Revealed: The Tesla-Derived Quantum Energy Generator (QEG)
March 28 2014 | From: HopeGirl

Following are the open source documents for a quantum energy generator. This has been made possible by the people and
for the people. It is freely given to the world.


An average modern household requires 5-10KW of power to operate. A conventional generator needs 15KW to produce
10KW of power.

To produce these 15KW of power we rely on

gas, diesel, propane, coal or other products
that can be metered creating profits for the
oil industry.

130 years ago Nikola Tesla invented and

patented an energy generator.

This is a resonance machine that only needs

1KW of input power to produce 10KW of
output power.

His patents are now in the public domain.

The Fix the World Organization has reproduced Teslas design with a few modern twists to generate the same results.
Our Quantum Energy Generator (QEG) provides 10KW of power output for less than 1KW input, which it supplies to itself.

We have freely given this technology to the people of the world. We've open sourced a full set of instructions, user manual,
schematics and parts list for any engineer to follow and reproduce the same results.

How the QEG works:

First we use a starting power source, such as an outlet or a crank to power the 1 horsepower motor. This motor spins the rotor
in the generator core. The unique oscillator circuitry configuration in the generator core causes resonance to occur. Once the
core achieves this resonance it can produce up to 10KW of power, which can then be run through an inverter to power the
motor that spins the rotor. You can then unplug the motor from the original power source and the generator will power itself.

Cottage Industry Community Units specifically for the production of QEG's are NOW developing in communities in 30+
countries. The People are making their own free energy devices.

The QEG belongs to humanity now. Many will make further improvements and we will all co-develop this practical bridge
technology together.

The QEG: For the People and By the People

Fix the World is currently traveling to Taiwan, London and Morocco for the month of April to help communities build QEG's.
Everything we have accomplished has been made possible by the donations of people like you. If you would like to help keep
us going, every little bit helps! Please consider giving back and making a donation of any amount to the Fix the World
You can read more about the QEG here

And download detailed plans how to create a working QEG unit here

It would be good that QEG open sourced manual goes viral and that as many QEG units are constructed independently as
soon as possible. So if you want to have an overunity device, do not wait for mass production to bring it to you, start building
your unit now.

Fix the World Team is searching for capable individuals or groups that can bring QEG units to the people worldwide on all
scales, from small mechanical workshops to large production facilities. People with such capabilities can contact the Fix the
World Team here

Boeing: Anti-Gravity Propulsion Comes 'Out Of The Closet'

March 3 2014 | From: DiscloseTV

Boeing, the worlds largest aircraft manufacturer, has admitted it is working on experimental anti-gravity projects that could
overturn a century of conventional aerospace propulsion technology if the science underpinning them can be engineered into

As part of the effort, which is being run out of Boeings Phantom Works advanced research and development facility in
Seattle, the company is trying to solicit the services of a Russian scientist who claims he has developed anti-gravity devices in
Russia and Finland. The approach, however, has been thwarted by Russian officialdom.
It is important to note that historical evidence shows that when fringe technology projects are publicly announced as being 'in the works' or 'under
investigation', that such technologies have in fact been in operational deployment for as often as decades.

The Boeing drive to develop a collaborative relationship with the scientist in question, Dr Evgeny Podkletnov, has its own
internal project name: GRASP Gravity Research for Advanced Space Propulsion.

A GRASP briefing document obtained by JDW sets out what Boeing believes to be at stake. "If gravity modification is real," it
says, "it will alter the entire aerospace business."

GRASPs objective is to explore propellentless propulsion (the aerospace worlds more formal term for anti-gravity), determine
the validity of Podkletnovs work and "examine possible uses for such a technology". Applications, the company says, could
include space launch systems, artificial gravity on spacecraft, aircraft propulsion and fuelless electricity generation so-
called free energy.

But it is also apparent that Podkletnovs work could be engineered into a radical new weapon. The GRASP paper focuses on
Podkletnovs claims that his high-power experiments, using a device called an impulse gravity generator, are capable of
producing a beam of gravity-like energy that can exert an instantaneous force of 1,000g on any object enough, in
principle, to vaporise it, especially if the object is moving at high speed.

Podkletnov maintains that a laboratory installation in Russia has already demonstrated the 4in (10cm) wide beams ability to
repel objects a kilometre away and that it exhibits negligible power loss at distances of up to 200km. Such a device, observers
say, could be adapted for use as an anti-satellite weapon or a ballistic missile shield. Podkletnov declared that any object
placed above his rapidly spinning superconducting apparatus lost up to 2% of its weight.

Although he was vilified by traditionalists who claimed that gravity-shielding was impossible under the known laws of physics,
the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) attempted to replicate his work in the mid-1990s. Because
NASA lacked Podkletnovs unique formula for the work, the attempt failed. NASAs Marshall Space Flight Center in Alabama
will shortly conduct a second set of experiments using apparatus built to Podkletnovs specifications.

Boeing recently approached Podkletnov directly, but promptly fell foul of Russian technology transfer controls (Moscow wants
to stem the exodus of Russian high technology to the West).

The GRASP briefing document reveals that BAE Systems and Lockheed Martin have also contacted Podkletnov "and have
some activity in this area".
It is also possible, Boeing admits, that "classified activities in gravity modification may exist". The paper points out that
Podkletnov is strongly anti-military and will only provide assistance if the research is carried out in the white world of open

To see the source story with links visit: DiscloseTV

Science & Technology

"It seems to me that the nature of the ultimate revolution with which we are now faced is precisely this: That we are in process
of developing a whole series of techniques which will enable the controlling oligarchy who have always existed and
presumably will always exist to get people to love their servitude."

- Aldous Huxley, Berkeley 1962 Speech

- Part 1 , Part 2


Today we have the best science money can buy. Most grants to scientists and other academics at the university level come
from the elite through their control of their foundations (see section on Philanthropy/NGOs). Because of this, the elite steer the
direction of research by giving money for certain projects while not funding other avenues of research. All scientists are
dependent on these grants and are thus controlled lackeys for the elite. Further, those projects yielding desirable results are
snapped up by the elite's private interests and used to extend their control and dominance and further particular aspects of
their agenda.

Technology Given to the Public vs. the Real State of Technology

Despite what we've been told by the government and media, namely that we are on the cutting edge of technology, the fact of
the matter is that real scientific and technical knowledge is in fact many decades ahead of what the public are given. When we
look into recent history we can see this fact demonstrated over and over again. In order to maintain power and control over
the masses, the elite tightly control the development and release of advanced technology to the public so that they can control
the outcome.


The internet, also known as the world wide web (www), has a completely different meaning to the controllers and that is the
"World Wide Wiretap". The reality is that the internet developed by the US Military via DARPA was given to the public not as a
method of efficient communication but rather as a method of controlling and tracking the public; training people to divulge
private information freely; and identifying and psychologically profiling each and every person's habits and behaviour. One of
the unintended consequences has been the free flow of knowledge about the controllers themselves. Consequently, the
internet itself is being targeted for transformation under Internet 2 into a government/corporate control medium (like TV) where
free flow of ideas is censored and prohibited and only approved information will be accessible and the concept of internet
neutrality is destroyed.

Technological Mechanisms of Control

While it is true that the technological advances have resulted in increased communication capabilities, it is also true that there
is an equally dark side to electronic communications and that is the ability to track, monitor and control. Intelligence agencies
now routinely monitor ALL email, cell phone and internet traffic . As the technology advances this control will only increase
using technologies such as RFID to track a person's every move and the products they own; the cashless society where all
financial transactions will be monitored and the government will know everything you purchase and own; virtual worlds such
as "Sentient World" will be used to duplicate in cyberspace every person living in the real world; and as has happened over
the past several years microchip implants will used to track and trace your every move.

Read more on Science and Technology at GlobalistAgenda.org

How To Convert A Car To Run On Water

This is a 10 min video for people who are tired of oil and energy corporation prices.

This video has plenty of description on how to get your own car running on HHO Hydrogen Oxygen mix simply created direct
from water.

If you have any green non toxic efficient energy devices you wish to expose to the world please email them to

Water Powered Cars & Archie H. Blue from Christchurch

From: HenryMakow

Water-powered cars have existed for years. Oil, with its attendant evils - pollution, oil wars, oil spills - are unnecessary.

Water-powered cars have been given scant media coverage. In some cases, the inventors were intimidated into ceasing their
work or assassinated.

The Illuminati quash free energy technology because it would transform society and breakdown the economic order. If you
control the energy, you control the people.

Archie Blue, from Christchurch, New Zealand, was both a professional athlete in his younger years and an avid inventor. In
the 1970s he patented and demonstrated publicly and before experts a device that fit in the motor compartment of a car which
converted water into combustible hydrogen and oxygen.

He proved his invention on many occasions, and is featured in the book "Suppressed Inventions & Other Discoveries". He
was offered big money for his invention, which he refused, and when he died of old age, his family discarded a "pile of junk"
that had belonged to him at the local dump.

As of the time of this writing, his invention has never been marketed Peter Lowrie, another New Zealander who actually met
Mr. Blue in the 70's, moderates a Yahoo chat group developing water fuel devices inspired by Mr. Blue's design. The group is
sharing information as they perfect their devices.

For more information on Mr Blues invention, along with patents click here.

To read about more water powered car inventions from all around the world, click here.

Secret New Zealand - Oil and Water Dont Mix - Hydrogen Powered Car

See this Secret New Zealand documentary (9 minutes) on archie Blue, Malcom Vincent and Dylan Whitford - three New
Zealanders who all invented water fueled engine.
Thomas J Brown Spectra of Alternative Knowledge
November 1 2013 | From: CollectiveEvolution

You would never think that a single plant could solve most of the worlds problems, well it can. Hemp has over 50, 000 uses,
why this plant remains illegal is causing confusion among many. Everything from clothes, medicine, fabrics, fuel and more,
hemp is definitely a large threat to a variety of corporations that control energy, health and a number of other industries. Many
corporations would see a decline in profit if hemp were to be legalized. One in particular this article will focus on is the
automobile industry.

It has a top speed of 90 km per hour and a range of approximately 100 miles before needing to be recharged. Its powered by
a motor made by TM4 Electrodynamic Systems, a Quebec based company.

Its weight is approximately 2,500 pounds, and has a very

affordable price given the fact that hemp is very easy to
grow and requires nothing but the sun.

It fits 4 passengers and the production version of it was

supposed to be available this year. Since the unveiling of it
a couple of years ago, everything all of a sudden has
become quiet.

You can contact the developers here for more information if

you are interested or would like to get your hands on one.

The body of the car is completely impact-resistant and made entirely out of hemp. When we think of cars we think of gasoline,
steel, pollution, etc. Even though we have had some innovative and visually pleasing cars on the road today, it is difficult to
ignore the sheer environmental impact that modern cars create.

This isnt the first time weve seen a hemp car making noise, did you know that Henry Ford spent more than a decade
researching and building his Model T car? This was in the 1940s, it was completely made from hemp. This car was 10 times
stronger than steel and was also designed to run off of hemp bio-fuel! Whatever happened to this idea? Read more about that

To think that even one of the founders of a major car manufacturer was trying to give the world a vehicle that was safe, strong
and clean for the environment is good to know. At the same time, his invention was so suppressed that it is somewhat
disheartening. How did we go from such an obvious and intelligent discovery, to using gasoline, steel and other non-
harmonious materials? Its important to keep in mind that not only do we need to look at the pollution factor of material while in
use, we should also be aware of the pollution caused from manufacturing and creating of cars from raw materials.

Looking at hemp, it complies with every Eco-standard that exists today; in fact, it blows them out of the water. The
suppression of this technology is largely due to the fact that hemp was outlawed in the US in 1937 due to the potential
damaging effect it would have on many powerful industries at that time. I highly recommend you check out the full story we
wrote on how hemp became illegal.

The Kestrels hemp composite body shell passed its crash test in strong form, unlike steel, the panels bounce back into shape
after impact. Hemp also has the same mechanical properties as glass. It is even lighter than glass and these properties help
boost fuel efficiency.

The oldest known records of hemp farming go back 5000 years in China. For thousands of years, 90% of all ships sails and
rope made from hemp. Hemp is an unlimited, forever lasting resource. For that reason alone it is a threat to our current
financial and economic systems. It seems the systems we have in place are used to justify why products like this cannot be
mass marketed and mass distributed. Its time for a change, and its time for us to implement new methods and technologies
that are more harmonious with the planet.
Shocking Discoveries Made: Studies Confirm The Reality Of Remote Viewing
August 8 2013 | From: CollectiveEvolution

Remote viewing can be defined in multiple ways. Its the ability of individuals to describe a remote geographical location up to
several hundred thousand kilometres away (even more) from their physical location. Although the concept has been proven,
its not clear to the mainstream scientific community how its achieved.

Its important to note that a lot of the research within these programs remains classified, and the majority of the information we
do have today was previously classified only to be approved for release years later. It makes you wonder, what information
with regards to the remote viewing phenomenon remains classified?

Our world is full of information, the only problem is we dont

always know where to look. Scientific discoveries that are
relevant to the human race are not always emphasized.

Many types of phenomena we still deem to be false have been

proven to be a true reality long ago.

These realities have far reaching implications, and shedding

light on them further confirms new concepts of reality that are
yet to receive the attention they deserve in our scientific

What happens when we come across information that goes beyond matter and into the realm of reality we cant sense with
our eyes, cant feel with our hands, cant hear with our ears or cant smell with our nose?

Does it cease to become scientific? Absolutely not, quantum physics has confirmed the non-physical reality in years past, and
the human race is beginning to acknowledge these realities in its continual examination of the make-up of our reality.

"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in a decade than in all the
previous centuries of its existence" Nikola Tesla

Science has studied non-physical phenomena before, unfortunately a majority of it remains classified. Many discoveries
associated with non-physical phenomena is unknown in the eyes of the masses, but known in the classified world. Its called
parapsychology, a term used to replace the previous term psychical research.

Studies concerning paranormal phenomena have long been associated with controversy for no good reason. With multiple
studies and research confirming the validity of paranormal phenomena, more people are becoming aware that these concepts
have been demonstrated and proven in multiple laboratories in years past.

The intelligence community is of no exception to this. Beginning in the 1970s, the department of defence has co-operated with
researchers from various universities by conducting multiple experiments and creating programs designed to investigate the
application of paranormal phenomena. One phenomenon that seems to receive the majority of their attention is remote

Lets examine some of the research available in the public domain. Some of these findings may shock you.

In 1995, the CIA declassified and approved the release of documents revealing its involvement in a remote viewing program
conducted at the Stanford Research Institute in Menlo Park, CA. The program was designed to determine if agencies like the
CIA could use such phenomena for intelligence collection.
An example of a remote viewing drawing

The research conducted by Stanford University and the CIA lasted for decades and confirmed the fact that the intelligence
community has a high interest and involvement in parapsychological phenomena. The study was compromised of department
of defence personnel and an individual named Ingo Swann -just to name one of the many. Research was conducted by
Russel Targ and Harold E. Puthoff, the Doctors who founded the 23 year long study at Stanford University alongside Defence
Intelligence Agencies and Army Intelligence.

Successful replication of this type of remote viewing in independent laboratories has yielded considerable scientific
evidence for the reality of the (remote viewing) phenomenon. Adding to the strength of these results was the
discovery that a growing number of individuals could be found to demonstrate high-quality remote viewing, often to
their own surprise. The CIA even participated as remote viewers themselves in order to critique the protocols. CIA
personnel generated successful target descriptions of sufficiently high quality to permit blind matching of
descriptions to targets by independent judges.

After confirming the reality using objects hidden in envelopes and identifying physical characteristics at locations a
few hundred kilometres away, a participant in the study at Stanford by the name of Ingo Swann suggested carrying
out an experiment to remote view the planet Jupiter.

It just so happens that the NASA pioneer 10 was about to make a flyby of the planet. Before the flyby, Ingo was able to view a
specific ring around Jupiter before NASA was able to take pictures of it. Mr. Swann was correct. As he had claimed, he
successfully remote viewed the ring around Jupiter. This result was published by Stanford university in advance of the rings
discovery. Many other anomalies of Jupiter were described before being given scientific substantiation.

The Jupiter experiment was not to be an official one. It was wrapped up in very stringent protocols. but the remote
viewing raw data had to be recored somehow, so that it oculd be established that it existed prior to the NASA
vehicles getting to the planet. The raw data were circulated far and wide, offered to and accepted by many
respected scientists in the Silicon Valley area, including two at Jet Propulsion Laboratories - Ingo Swann
The intelligence services are heavy players, they required an active picture of Psi potentials somewhat larger than
standard parapsychology could provide. Because of these unusual circumstances, I got dragged into realms of
often idiotic secrecy, into endless security checks conducive of paranoia, into all kinds of science fiction
dreamworks, into intelligence intrigues whos various formats were sometimes like toilet drains, and into quite
nervous military and political ramifications - Ingo Swann

Ingo was taken to mysterious underground places, transported and blindfolded. He encountered some very shady intelligence
officers and was subject to mistreatment and intimidation-like tactics. He was examined, tested and also used in an
experiment to remote view the moon. After all of his work within the intelligence community, Ingo was dumbfounded.

He successfully remote viewed objects, structures and bases on the dark side of the moon. Presumably, the intelligence
community was already aware of this phenomenon. Ingo gave reference to the fact that the intelligence community did not
need his input.

Its one thing to read about UFOs and stuff in the papers or in books. It is another to hear rumours about the
military or government having an interest in such matters, rumours which say they have captured extraterrestrials
and downed alien space craft. But its quite another matter to find oneself in a situation which confirms everything. I
found towers, machinery, lights buildings, humanoids busy at work on something I couldnt figure out.

Stanford University and the Intelligence community are not the only entities to confirm the remote viewing reality. An
evaluation of remote viewing and its research applications was prepared by the American Institute for Research.

They outline how remote viewing could serve as a tremendous potential utility for the intelligence community. A panel was
assembled of multiple professors from multiple universities. They examined approximately 80 separate publications and
determined that they provided very strong evidence for the remote viewing phenomenon.
A study published by the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research department also confirmed the reality of remote viewing

As the program expanded, in only a very few cases could the clients identi- ties and program tasking be revealed

Remote viewing programs have been validated on numerous occasions, yet there is a tremendous amount of secrecy
surrounding its findings. The department of defence loves to classify information. Fortunately, the intelligence gathered from
the practice of remote viewing has the potential to lift the lid of secrecy that continues to plague planet Earth. I wanted to
provide the necessary information and hopefully wake others up to the reality of this phenomenon.

"Fort Meade, Maryland - Remote Viewing Buildings"

What does remote viewing tell us? Is consciousness being projected to another area? Is it our soul travelling outside of the
body to view another? Everything in this universe is connected. Both actually and scientifically we are all pieces of something
larger. We are all connected. Accessing another point that seems to be physically in another place really isnt in another place
at all. These concepts have been demonstrated time and time again in our quantum world. Its just another part of you, all in
one place. Could this be one explanation of remote viewing?

What is the intelligence community trying to hide? Our world becomes more transparent day-by-day. Many are making
connections and starting to realize there is much more to our reality than meets the eye, you just have to know where to look.
For those interested and intrigued in this subject, I hope this article has provided a good framework for you to further
investigate. Please do not hesitate to e-mail me with any questions you might have.

For the original article with reference links see: CollectiveEvolution

Highly Relevant HAARP Update: New Zealand - Antarctica Connection

May 24 2012 | From TheContrail

This material was going to wait for my next major 'geo-terrorism' update but that has to wait until I finish my current major
article on the REAL global threats to the cetaceans, focusing on New Zealand and Australia. With Darrel's observations about
anomalous quake activity in Antarctica, I feel compelled to share this information now.
Here are the contents of a 'mini-update' on HAARP that I sent to my friend in Adelaide who publishes the quantum sniper
blog. Below is the link to his latest posting...it's good because a lot of his readers are influential yet more mainstream people.



"Good on you bro. Here is a mini-free-lance-HAARP-update for you. I'm putting together a LOT of new stuff, but this has to
wait because right now I'm busting ass to put together the state-of-the-art article about the REAL threats to whales and
dolphins. This article will be in the issue of Uncensored after the brand new one (which has my Generation F article in its
entirety!) Also we are making a 15 min. mini-film which is an intro or trailer for our larger 'beyond film' about the whales and
dolphins, first about the real threats to them, and then exploring who they are as fellow beings. HAARP and related military
RF technologies is high on the list of threats to them, and to us.

More Details on HAARP - The "High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program

Note that in Australia you've got the JORN facility at Jindalee and the Harold E. Holt vlf transmitter at Exmouth , which at 1
million watts is the most powerful transmitter in the southern hemisphere (Pine Gap would have who knows what, too)

Read my 'comment' on your new HAARP posting. You should have put in a link to my http://geo-
terrorism.blogspot.com blog, in particular, the first posting which is here:


Also THE best documentary on HAARP is called "Holes in Heaven" and can be watched on-line here:


I've been doing HEAPS OF RESEARCH lately into the more advanced uses of HAARP and related technologies. A big part
of it involves sending microwave energy along the magnetic field lines of the Earth, hence the necessity of polar latitudes to
inject energy. In terms of 'scalar interferometry' (which is also a technique used in radio astronomy) they need to have a
receiver at the 'magnetic conjugate point' from the transmitter, which is located diametrically opposite the transmiter directly
through the center of the Earth. The primary MCP for HAARP is located a few hundred kms south-east of NZ in the Pacific

Here are two articles that will tell you a GREAT DEAL about this. One involves the VLF research group at Stanford, who
basically work for the U.S. Navy (primer operator of HAARP). This project is called TIPER and has to do with the ability to
'bring down a shower of precipitated high-energy electrons' in regions where several beams cross.


"Some VLF waves are generated by natural phenomena, such as lightning, and these waves play a major role in controlling
the radiation belt populations, but the waves can also be generated by man-made transmitters. A large antenna is required to
efficiently radiate in the VLF range because the wavelengths are 10-100 km. Since longer wavelengths also penetrate greater
distances into sea water, a number of powerful VLF transmitters have already been constructed for the purpose of Naval
communication. These transmitters are located throughout the world and are almost always transmitting. Some of the VLF
waves from these transmitters will leak through the ionosphere, couple into the magnetosphere, and gyroresonate with
trapped particles leading to particle precipitation. This phenomenon is termed Transmitter-Induced Precipitation of Electron
Radiation (TIPER). Experiments with the Naval VLF transmitters help us better understand the phenomenon of induced
particle precipitation."

And this article is about how one of the head researcher of the Stanford VLF group wanted to install a phased-array antenna
on the U.S. Antarctic research vessel that travels back and forth between Christchurch (which was devastated by a man-made
quake) and McMurdo Sound regularly...because it passes right throught the magnetic conjugate point for HAARP. When the
boat is at the MCP, HAARP is to be deployed at maximum power, according to this team, to see what happens. Imagine what
could happen to any marine life who happened to be in the vicinity of a tremendous 'precipitation of high-energy electrons"?


John Gill (Principal Investigator)

Umran Inan (Former Principal Investigator)
Stanford University

The proposal seeks the logistical support to install and operate an ELF/VLF receiver system on the USAP's ship Nathaniel B.


For measuring whistler one-hop' signals injected in the Earth's magnetosphere by the High-frequency Active Auroral
Research Program (HAARP) ionospheric heater facility, funded by the Office of Naval Research and deployed in Gakona

During its annual austral summer traverses between Christchurch and McMurdo Station, Nathaniel B. Palmer passes
through a region that is geomagnetically conjugate to the HAARP location . During the ship's traverses through the ~300-km
long conjugate area (at ~1000 km south-east of New Zealand), the HAARP facility in Alaska will operate at full-power,
launching ELF/VLF waves into the magnetosphere, which then propagate along the geomagnetic field lines to the southern
hemisphere, being amplified along their wave due to cyclotron resonance interactions with energetic electrons of the
magnetospheric plasma.

The intellectual merit of the proposed program lies in the importance of understanding how the artificially-induced
magnetospheric waves might trigger particle emissions and loss processes from the Earth's radiation belts, both during quiet
and geomagnetically disturbed periods.

The broader impacts resulting from the proposed activity will include better understanding of energetic electron radiation in
near-Earth space, which is detrimental to electronics on orbiting satellites, and the possible mitigation of effects of high-energy
radiation via wave-particle interactions.

commander' for Hurricane Katrina and BP-Gulf, used to be dep. director of FEMA , is now Senior Analyst for RAND and
director of Booz-Allen-Hamilton [check artificial telepathy blog below, REALLY FREAKY STUFF, makes BAH out to be THE
mac-daddy of HAARP-related mind-control ops, as in MK-ULTRA today] , is on the NSF Antarctica 'blue ribbon' panel...it's got
several HAARP-related people



Radar becomes a weapon [radar was 'traditionally' used for detection but like its first cousin microwaves, generates a lot of


Eletromagnetic and informational weapons: http://globalresearch.ca/articles/BAB408B.html

A report derived from the testing program of the Microwave Research Department at the Walter Reed Army Institute of
Research states: "Microwave pulses appear to couple to the central nervous system and produce stimulation similar to electric
stimulation unrelated to heat".

In a many times replicated experiment, microwaves pulsed in an exact frequency caused the efflux of calcium ions from the
nerve cells (1,2). Calcium plays a key role in the firing of neurons and Ross Adey, member of the first scientific team which
published this experiment, publicly expressed his conviction that this effect of electromagnetic radiation would interfere with
concentration on complex tasks (7).

Robert Becker, who had share in the discovery of the effect of pulsed fields at the healing of broken bones, published the
excerpts from the report from Walter Reed Army Institute testing program. In the first part "prompt debilitation effects" should
have been tested (8). Were not those effects based on the experiment by Ross Adey and others with calcium efflux?



Johannes Plendl: http://www.enotes.com/topic/Johannes_Plendl

Shortly thereafter, Plendl began his career as a radio and beam engineer for Telefunken corporation. His early research into
meter-wave propagation and radar beams necessitated additional names for newly discovered levels of the Earth's
atmosphere, and Plendl is generally credited with coining the term ionosphere.

Plendl finished his military career working for the United States Air Force, at their Cambridge Research Laboratory. He
specialized in the field of solid-state physics. Together with the German solar physicist Karl-Otto Kiepenheuer (19101975),
Plendl founded a chain of solar observatories, to predict the changes in the Earth's atmosphere from the observed
characteristics of Solar Activity. Plendl and Kiepenheuer can thus be seen as the fathers of the science of space weather.


father of modern radar - Dresser Industries and USC transistors

Hollmann developed and built the first ultra short wave transmitte r and receiver for centimeter and decimeter waves in 1927.
This led to the development of the first microwave telecommunication system.

In 1930 Hollmann moved to the Heinrich-Hertz Institute for Oscillatory Research in Berlin. As well as studying microwaves and
cathode ray tubes he also worked on the i onosphere research and on radio astronomy. In 1933 Hollmann became a lecturer
at the Technical University in Berlin. He also became a consultant of Telefunken.

In 1928 Hollmann, Hans-Karl von Willisen and Paul-Gnther Erbslh started a company called Gesellschaft fr
Elektroakustische und Mechanische Apparate (GEMA). This firm built the first radar in the autumn of 1934 for naval use. It
used a 50cm wave-length and could find ships up to 10 km away. By 1935, they had developed the technology into two
applications. For naval use, the Seetakt system used a wavelength of 80 cm. A land based version at 120 cm wavelength was
also developed as Freya.

Telefunken set up a radar business in 1933 based on Hollmann's work.

From Immanuel Velikovsky: http://www.varchive.org/lec/valais/mankind.htm

"...we are as if deaf; we are not willing to listen; we are like patients of traumatic experiences who refuse to know what
happened to them. But if man's urge to repeat the experience should assert itselfand he now has all the necessary tools to
recreate the destruction witnessed by his ancestorshe may turn this planet into an uninhabitable place. Since we are acting,
as Freud said, in collective delusion, and if every one of us, and we together as a collective, are irrational, then it is not again a
celestial mishap, not a disaster that may come from the sky which endangers the future of life on this planet: it is man himself
with his collective unconscious. He does not know what is hidden in this unconscious, he does not wish to know it, and when
it comes to revelation, reacts as a neurotic patient, with violence, as the history of the reception of my work has shown; a
violence that has not a precedent in the history of science. Something was touched to which people reacted almost
instinctively, and themselves did not understand the reason."


Note that the MV Tangaroa , the 'research vessel' used by the Stanford VLF group, has been present in NZ waters in the
vicinity of several earth-quakes in the past year.

Note the last image of a region of anomalous heating over Turkey...this would be exactly like what HAARP could
do. Remember the Melbourne fire from Feb. of 2009...the temperatures that day got really hot but THEN KEPT ON
INCREASING UP TO well over 40 degrees...everyone was talking about how unusual this was. Exactly what HAARP can
do..and that very weekend in Melbourne a global 'extreme weather' conference was taking place.

I've been saying it for a year, but I realized long ago the whole idea of the Earth having a 'temperature' is not only scientifically
unsound, it's totally absurd. The Earth has MILLIONS of different temperatures at any given time and location. The whole
idea of an 'average' or 'mean' temperature is totally meaningless. I FINALLY found this article by top scientific people who are
saying this:

Essex Does a Global Temperature Exist?


And even if it WERE 'warming globally' which it isn't...but LOCALLY it can be made to appear as if it were...this is what
HAARP DOES...adds heat to the atmosphere..in big part it's caused by the tremendous amounts of microwave energy we are
constantly beaming


MORE dangerous than people realize and can even be 'weaponized' with frequencies and/or energy levels we are not aware

Another aspect of HAARP is that they think of it as 'simulating the Sun' in terms of both energy levels and neuro-biological

Documentary: HAARP - CBC News (COMPLETE) - US Military Weather Weapon

"It isn't just conspiracy theorists who are concerned about HAARP. In January of 1999, the European Union called the project
a global concern and passed a resolution calling for more information on its health and environmental risks. Despite those
concerns, officials at HAARP insist the project is nothing more sinister than a radio science research facility."

"Electromagnetic weapons ... pack an invisible wallop hundreds of times more powerful than the electrical current in a
lightning bolt. One can blast enemy missiles out of the sky, another could be used to blind soldiers on the battlefield, still
another to control an unruly crowd by burning the surface of their skin. If detonated over a large city, an electromagnetic
weapon could destroy all electronics in seconds. They all use directed energy to create a powerful electromagnetic pulse."

"Directed energy is such a powerful technology it could be used to heat the ionosphere to turn weather into a weapon of war.
Imagine using a flood to destroy a city or tornadoes to decimate an approaching army in the desert. The military has spent a
huge amount of time on weather modification as a concept for battle environments. If an electromagnetic pulse went off over a
city, basically all the electronic things in your home would wink and go out, and they would be permanently destroyed."

US Department of Defense References the Existence of Weather Control and Tectonic

Weaponry Technologies
This transcript on the US Defense Department's website quotes then Secretary of Defense William Cohen as publicly stating
in 1997 that:

Others are engaging even in an eco- type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes
remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves.

There is strong corroborated information from multiple sources that the major recent Christchurch earthquakes were purposely
triggered by such HAARP technology.

Ethnic-Targetted Bio-Weapons, Genetically Engineered Insects and Eco-Terrorism Technologies

For those of you who still have not done any research on this topic I suggest you start with the following quote from April 28th,
1997 by then Defense Secretary William Cohen:

Alvin Toeffler has written about this in terms of some scientists in their laboratories trying to devise certain types of pathogens
that would be ethnic specific so that they could just eliminate certain ethnic groups and races; and others are designing some
sort of engineering, some sort of insects that can destroy specific crops.

Others are engaging even in an eco- type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes
remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves.

Here is the link to the source on the Department of Defenses own home page:

DoD News Briefing: Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen

Thomas J Brown Spectra of Alternative Knowledge

A fascinating overview of supressed science and physics.
Twelve Things You Should Know About Scalar Weapons
By Christi Verismo




The following seems like science fiction, but scalar beam weapons were invented in 1904 by a American immigrant genius
called Nicola Tesla (1856 or 57 -1943) from Yugoslavia. Since he died in 1943, many nations have secretly developed his
beam weapons which now further refined are so powerful that just by satellite one can: make a nuclear like destruction;
earthquake; hurricane; tidal wave; cause instant freezing - killing every living thing instantly over many miles; cause intense
heat like a burning fireball over a wide area; induce hypnotic mind control over a whole population; or even read anyone on
the planet's mind by remote; affect anybody's REM dream sleep by sending in subliminal pictures to the visual cortex; cause
hallucinagon drug like effects or the symptoms of chemical or biological poisoning; make a disease epidemic by imprinting the
disease 'signature' right into the cellular structure; paralyze and or/kill everyone instantaneously in a 50 mile radius and lastly
remove something right out of its place in time and space faster than the speed of light, without any detectable warning by
crossing 2 or more beams with each other and any target can be aimed at even right through to the opposite side of the

If either of the major scalar weapon armed countries e.g. U.S. or Russia were to fire a nuclear missile to attack each other this
may possibly not even reach the target, because the missile could be destroyed with scalar technology before it even left its
place or origin. The knowledge via radio waves that it was about to be fired could be eavesdropped and the target could be
destroyed in the bunker, fired at from space by satellite.

Alternatively invisible moving barriers and globes made of plasma (produced by crossed scalar beams) could destroy any
nuclear missile easily while it moves towards the target and failing all these, it could be destroyed by entering the target's
territory by passing through a Tesla shield which would explode anything entering its airspace. To begin with, defense using
scalar technology could intercept it before it even landed. Secret eavesdropping of radio communications tapping into ordinary
military radio contact using undetectable 'scalar wave carriers' hacking in may have heard military personnel say it was about
to be fired.

The missile may be destroyed from above the site, using satellites equipped with scalar or particle beam weapons or a
cloaked UFO (American or Russian made anti-gravity disk originally made by back engineering crashed alien saucers) or
aircraft using scalar or particle beams which could invisibly (and undetectably with standard equipment) cause the target to
malfunction and drop down. By using a scalar wave (radar like) 'interference grid', which covers both country's entire military
activities in the air, underground or undersea, scalar transmitters send waves over large areas at 90 deg angles to each

These waves follow the earth-ionospheric wave guide and curve around the planet. It is called an 'interference grid' because
all solid moving objects show up as a spot of light moving through marked grid squares on an operator's video screen. Scalar
waves are a higher form of radar waves, but they go one step further by passing through anything solid too and are able to
detect and be able to be made into a focused beam to target anything through the earth or sea as well.

A scalar beam can be sent from a transmitter to the target, coupled with another sent from another transmitter and as they
cross an explosion can be made. This interference grid method could enable scalar beams to explode the missile before
launch, as well as en route with knowing the right coordinates. If the target does manage to launch, what are known as Tesla
globes or Tesla hemispheric shields can be sent to envelop a missile or aircraft. These are made of luminous plasma which
emanates physically from crossed scalar beams and can be created any size, even over 100 miles across. Initially detected
and tracked as it moves on the scalar interference grid, a continuous EMP (electromagnetic pulse) Tesla plasma globe could
kill the electronics of the target.

More intensely hot Tesla 'fireball' globes could vaporize the missile. Tesla globes could also activate a missile's nuclear
warhead en route by creating a violent low order nuclear explosion. Various parts of the flying debris can be subjected to
smaller more intense Tesla globes where the energy density to destroy is more powerful than the larger globe first
encountered. This can be done in pulse mode with any remaining debris given maximum continuous heating to vaporize
metals and materials. If anything still rains down on Russia or America, either could have already made a Tesla shield over
the targeted area to block it from entering the airspace.


Scalar wavelengths are finer than gamma rays or X rays and only one hundred millionth of a square centimeter in width. They
belong to the subtle gravitational field and are also known as gravitic waves. Uniquely, they flow in multiple directions at right
angles off electromagnetic waves, as an untapped energy source called 'potentials'. Potentials are particles which are
unorganized in hyperspace - pure etheric energy not manifest in the physical world. In comparison, electromagnetic waves
(measured by so many hertz or pulses per second, which we are familiar with e.g. radio waves) exist normally in the physical
world, but can only be measured up to levels determined by the sensitivity of the equipment being used as to how many
cycles per second they operate.

Scalar waves were originally detected by a Scottish mathematical genius called James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879) He linked
electricity and magnetism and laid the foundation for modern physics, but unfortunately the very fine scalar waves (which he
included in his research) were deliberately left out of his work by the 3 men, including Heinrich Hertz, who laid down the laws
taught for physics as a discipline at colleges. They dismissed Maxwell's scalar waves or potentials as "mystical" because they
were physically unmanifest and only existed in the "ethers" and so were determined to be too ineffectual for further study.

These enigmatic (but more powerful than even microwaves when harnessed and concentrated into a beam) scalar waves
may have been forgotten except that Nicola Tesla accidentally rediscovered them. He'd originally worked with Thomas Edison
who discovered direct current, but Tesla discovered alternating current. The two men disagreed and eventually parted ways
and Tesla later experimented using the research of the German Heinrich Hertz, who was proving the existence of
electromagnetic waves. Tesla found, while experimenting with violently abrupt direct current electrical charges, that a new
form of energy (scalar) came through.

By 1904, Tesla had developed transmitters to harness scalar energy from one transmitter to another, undetectably bypassing
time and space. He could just materialize it from one place to another through hyperspace, without the use of wires, it was just
sucked right out of the space-time/vacuum and into a transmitter and into a beam which could be targeted to another
transmitter. Unfortunately he got no financial support for replacing electricity, which used wires and therefore earned money,
and to this day, this is the reason why scalar energy is still not acknowledged in mainstream physics.

Tesla, even though he discovered more for mankind in science than many others, is still not credited in science books for his
discovery of scalar waves, a source of "free-energy" obtainable as a limitless source of power that costs nothing. Other
inventors have sporadically rediscovered "free-energy" but have come to harm or have been silenced by the sum of millions of
dollars hush money, a small sum compared to the sale of electricity, oil, gas and a myriad of other energy producers which
would then be rendered worthless. Money hungry big business has harshly crushed any opposition to their own riches,
generated by multiple obsolete earth polluting fossil fuels.


These finer scalar wave-forms also have been discovered periodically by other mathematicians, who have been able to
calculate new equations especially in harmonics (used in hyperdimensional physics) connecting the wavelengths of matter,
gravity and light to each other and how all these lock in and create our expression of time (as it manifests in space) - which
has been now discovered to be untapped 'potential' energy flowing in hyperspace. Time flows like a wave-form river in
hyperspace in a grid pattern.

This consists of interlocking great circles which circle the poles and include a lattice grid of lines that are 30 nautical miles or
55.5 km apart. When scalar beams charge through hyperspace these 'rivers of time' get blocked and redirected temporarily.
There is a covert plan underfoot to change the way time is expressed on this planet altogether using hyperdimensional
physics and Tesla technology, by splicing earth back onto a now defunct Atlantean timeline in which Lucifer hadn't fallen from
grace. (see my other work on this in the books The Universal Seduction Vols 2 and 3 at the end of this article)

Our present 'reality' is expressed in the way time runs around the corridors in hyperspace by the pattern it takes. Other
'timelines' exist in a different kind of grid pattern, creating alternative versions of our 'present'. Multiple versions of reality (or
for example 2 April 2004) can be manipulated given the right technology, and people can enter into parallel universes do all
sorts of things and then enter back into this one. One needs a Tesla Zero Time Reference Generator, which can lodge a
specific reality into the time at the center of the universe, in which it stays still, acting like an anchor. Both America and the UK
govt are able to manipulate and enter into different realities.

The various dimensions each comprise a complex pattern of interlocking wave-forms. Matter has been found to be only one
wave of a pulse comprising a positive cycle, while the negative cycle manifests as 'anti-matter'. The 'matter' pulse brings
something 'into' physical visibility, then it disappears momentarily and returns. But the pulses are so rapid we don't see
something as unmanifest while temporarily dematerializing.
Physical time is only measured by the visibility of something's aging process, or in other words its passage through a journey
starting at one measured time-reference point to another. Different wave-forms only appear to us to be solid because we are
comprised of the same matter. If the frequencies governing the time between a matter pulse and an anti-matter pulse are
shortened or lengthened with technology, time will go faster or slower in the surrounding space or what it effects.

Therefore scalar waves belong to space-time in which anti-matter or hyperspace exists. Time can be altered by harnessed
and directed scalar waves (including magnets which give off scalar waves which bend time) because they disrupt the pulse of
matter and anti-matter and therefore the rate at which something normally passes through time with its usual smoothness. An
experiment with scalar waves in USA once caused all the clocks and watches in the test neighborhood to go berserk for 4
days, until the flow of time resettled back to its normal flow and they returned as before. This was noted by Frank Golden.

Scalar 'potentials' can be created artificially and when focused into a weapon, can do major damage to an object's location in
space-time. That which determines the object's natural pulse of matter and anti-matter cycle can become stressed when
targeted by scalar waves made of artificial potentials, because they are almost always absorbed by the nucleus of an atom,
not the electrons in orbit.

Hyperspace can become warped temporarily, although space-time naturally curves around natural vortexes the earth has
which form 'chakras' to absorb and release universal energies. These are opened and closed in natural cycles according to
the positions of the sun and moon in relation to earth. Because scalar waves are finer than gamma waves they can pass
through any physical substance undetected. However the damage inflicted can be so powerful that they can dislodge an
object right out of time and space and cause it to temporarily disappear away from its normal movement in time.

All objects move in time, and they will also move in space if a physical external force activates the object's own natural internal
scalar waves to point in the direction it is sent to causing it to move from A to B depending on how much force is used. Or they
are trapped motionless in space by the internal scalar energy within swirling around interlocking into a deadlock, (making it
appear still) however the object still moves in time. A beam of scalar energy can cause the timeframe the object resides in to
get warped, making it disappear into another reality.


Particles which are unorganized in hyperspace (potentials) can be harnessed into recreating multiple frequencies of scalar
waves and these can now be manufactured artificially and can include frequencies between infrared and ultraviolet. If a
transmitter is at a higher reference 'potential' than the interference zone of 2 crossed scalar beams, energy emerges into the
plasma 'bottle' which materializes physically and this is called 'exothermic' mode. This can cause explosions and can be
'nuclear like' if set at a high frequency.

Even though no electromagnetic energy has flown through space between the transmitters and the target, and because it has
bypassed physical space, the energy can suddenly appear faster than the speed of light and destroy something without
warning. It is only as a locked in artificial potential that is a directed 'river of force' in hyperspace and it is entirely undetectable
with conventional scientific equipment, which is where the danger lies.

Nobody can ever know what the enemy is planning or who their enemies are and because it never gets any press normal
military personnel without this knowledge would never know what hit them, especially if it is scalar mind control. To extract
energy back to the transmitters from the energy bottle of 2 crossed scalar beams the potential must be set at a lower mode
and this is called 'endothermic' mode and as energy is extracted out of the 'bottle' area, a freezing will occur, possibly causing
a thunderous sound.

When 2 transmitters send timed pulses, which meet, an explosion will occur which either produces energy or extracts it. If 2
crossed beams are in 'continuous' mode the energy between beams is continuous and Tesla globes and hemispheres can be
made which act as a continuous shield to either destroy incoming weapons and aircraft entering it. If multiple frequencies are
transmitted on the beams, at the intersection a 3 dimensional globe appears. This can be manipulated to have very high
infolded energy with any desired light emission, shape, color or intensity. It can even cause metal to soften or melt. This
'bottle' of energy can be detonated inside the earth to create an earthquake or into a building to make a 'nuclear like'
explosion. This 'bottle' can be moved anywhere on the planet or through it and made any size.

The Russians in 1985 once threatened the earth itself by activating their scalar weapons with multiple scalar transmitters
turned on at once, endangering the survival of the entire planet. According to nuclear physicist Bearden, they conducted a
massive, 'full up' scalar weapon systems and communications strategic exercise. During this sudden exercise American Frank
Golden discovered the Russians activated 27 gigantic 'power taps', established by resonating the earth electrogravitationally
on 54 powerful scalar frequencies (27 pairs where the two are separated from each other by 12 kHz.) transmitted into the
earth and they utilized this to stimulate the earth into forced electrogravitational resonance on all 54 frequencies.

Each of the 27 power taps extracted enormous energy from the molten core of the earth itself, and turning it into ordinary
electrical power. Each giant tap is capable of powering 4 to 6 of the largest scalar EM howitzers possessed by Russia.
Bearden writes: "Apparently over 100 giant scalar EM weapons were activated and a large number of command and control
transmissions and it lasted several days. By alternating the potentials and loads of each of the two paired transmitters,
electrical energy in enormous amounts can be extracted from the earth itself, fed by the 'giant cathode' that is the earth's
molten core.

Scalar EM command and control systems, including high data rate communications with underwater submarines, were also
activated on a massive scale. The exercise went on for several days, as power taps were switched in and out, and command
and control systems went up and down. Bearden claims not one American intelligence lab, or scientist detected this as they
didn't have a detector for scalar EM radiation, and that not one officially believes that the exercise ever happened." However,
it was monitored on an advanced, proprietary detection system by Frank Golden for several days and by Bearden for several

This exercise proved Brezhnev's 1972 statement that by 1985 the Soviets would be prepared to do as they wish, anywhere in
the world. The Soviets are using unknown attributes of matter, phenomena and laws of nature by research covering the
equivalent of 7-8 U.S. atom bomb projects back to back already. However both America and Russia are doing through the
earth scalar beam transmissions and ever since then earth's internal dynamo has been affected. It suddenly experienced a
sudden unexpected slowdown in rotation 1984. It has become like an unbalanced washing machine, wobbling as it spins.
Scalar waves pass naturally between the center of the earth and the sun, and this coupled with multiple annual nuclear tests
(which have been proven to disturb the ionosphere and magnetic field) the balance of the earth with the moon, may even
cause the earth to flip, if the naturally produced scalar waves are diverted onto another course, which are keeping the earth
spinning harmoniously.


A Tesla shield protecting a military target could be made of three or more concentric shields, that would produce multiple
electromagnetic pulse energy and severe heating of anything which enters it. These concentric Tesla shields can also clean
up and sterilize any gamma radiation resulting from an explosion of a nuclear warhead. Nicola Tesla even in the 1920s could
create a protective 3 dimensional 'shield' or 'dome' formed by 2 or more transmitters sending widened scalar beams linked
together over a target in a hemisphere shape.

Instead of causing the target to explode which narrow more intense crossed beams would, a wider more encompassing beam
could form a large plasma shell outside something to be protected. This acted like an electrifying force field shaped like a
dome, which could cause anything which entered it to have its technology dudded, (inoperative) make incoming aircraft pilots
die by destroying their nervous system and/or make an incoming missile, aircraft or tank blow up.

Multiple layers could be nested made of different kinds of plasmas which would ensure nothing could penetrate a protected
target's groundspace or airspace. The Russians can make a Tesla shield up to 200 miles wide. These large luminous plasma
shields have been witnessed by sailors over the oceans from time to time, as various nations test their scalar weapons in

Tesla, as early as the 1920s created globes or bullets of plasma with crossed scalar beams sucking the energy out of the air
space in a 'cold explosion' causing it to freeze, or sending extreme heat into it to burn as a very powerful laser beam. These
powerful beams can also travel right through the earth and create an earthquake at the antipodes of the earth and Tesla also
experimented doing this.

Hyperspace flux energy (potentials) flows as waves in a sea of intense power in the next dimension unharnessed, however
when energy is manufactured artificially it can be made into different modes e.g pulse mode, energy extraction mode or
explosion mode. If 2 timed pulses meet, an explosion extraction makes a sharp cooling and all heated energy is extracted out
of the air back to the transmitter. This can make everything and everyone frozen. It preserves machines and buildings but not
people. If a burning energy is sent the target has a nuclear like 'detonation' because energy emerges to a target destroying
the nucleus of the atoms. Multiple scalar wave modes and frequencies can also be blended together into one beam as well.

Tesla globes can be manipulated to be small or large in manifold kinds of energy frequencies and directed to a target by 2 or
more far away scalar transmitters. Many intense frequency small globes can be directed towards multiple incoming targets,
like cannonballs causing major explosions. Alternatively a larger less intense globe sent can cause the electrics to dud in a
plane, helicopter or missile causing it to malfunction and crash land.

This technology has been used many times to crash planes or helicopters by using a portable scalar bazooka carried by a
hidden terrorist or soldier. The Vietnamese and Soviets used this technology in the Vietnam war against American aircraft.
Many planes crashes with inexplicable causes can be traced to this. These Russian made portable bazookas were also used
by the Serbs against American helicopters during the Bosnian war. The Soviets used scalar weapons against the
Afghanistans during their war. One may wonder if this explains current American helicopter crashes in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Scalar waves can be used for impenetrable communication inside an ordinary carrier wave. Artificial potentials can be used
for 2 way communication with submarines, aircraft and ships. Scalar waves can be used to tap into normal communications
even when encrypted. They can even destroy the enemies equipment if they wish using lock-in mode to locate the source or
just continue eavesdropping. radar invisibility can be done by putting multiple transmitters around something to make a
spherical interference shell in the bandwidth of the searching radar.

Nothing in the air is safe with scalar weapons or anything on the ground, because any building can be penetrated and the
inside contents destroyed from either narrow or wide crossed beams. There is nowhere to hide. Scalar beams can be sent by
aircraft or satellite or even from the government UFOs of Russia, Britain, Australia and America. They can be sent from the
UFOs the Nazis developed secretly in Germany during WW2, and which were relocated to their underground bases in
Antarctica and all over South America before the war ended.


To totally destroy a person's nervous system and kill them instantaneously, a scalar weapon can be set on 'high intensity
pulse mode'. This will destroy every living cell, bacteria and all germs so the body falls down like a limp rag, not even decaying
in even 30-45 days. There is no living aspect left to decay. Entire groups of people can be killed this way even in a 50 mile
radius on peak power.

Scalar beams set on a lower power can render a person unconscious to be revived at a later date for interrogation. Crossed
scalar beams can cover a whole range of targets from something right through the other side of the earth, to anything under
the sea or ground. Not even metal will suffice to protect, as a metal softening mode can be deployed. Scalar beams can be
put into X ray mode where a screen can show what is inside something, even under the sea and earth or inside buildings. This
is called a remote viewing radar.

Anything in the sky can be instantly destroyed even from one country to another. All one country needs to destroy anything
skybound in an enemy's country is to put 2 or more scalar transmitters forming a scalar wave-form interference grid whereby a
shield is locked over a country in high intensity mode and this will cause anything which enters it to be destroyed.

This can also destroy anything in the sea and detonate mines. The explosion shows up on the screen as a blossoming of the
moving light on the square. The Russians mainly use their interference grids over the USA to control the weather moving hot
or cold air where they can meet and create storms, hurricanes, torrential rain or droughts as they please. Earthquakes can be
created along with volcanoes erupting according to Tom Bearden. Moisture can be brought from the ocean and sent overland
and cold air from the north sent south. Violent thunderstorms can be created. He also claims since 1989 the Japanese Yazuka
and Aum sects lease scalar interferometers from the Russians to do weather engineering over the USA.

However America can fight back with their own scalar weapons. One can silently down passenger planes as need be by
sending low frequency scalar beam to make the engine fail, either from the interference grid squares or from even portable
shoulder scalar weapon bazookas which can be targeted at helicopters or any aircraft above. Surface naval vessels can be
attacked through their hulls as well as ocean bottom mines detonated. Any aircraft, or land vessels including tanks can be
fitted with portable scalar weapons. Though tanks can easily be destroyed with them.

Tom Bearden claims that the Soviets and Americans have been silently downing each other's aircraft since the 1980s. Soviet
made scalar weapons downed American aircraft in Vietnam. Right from when USA put up their first satellites the Russians
have been shooting them down in cloaked Russian made UFO's with scalar and particle beam weapons. Between 1977 and
1982 Russia shot down many US satellites. At that time they wanted complete control over the skies and had put up killer
satellites complete with beam weapons to target US satellites and even the space shuttles.

It has been claimed by Tom Bearden that all the early space shuttles were shot down by the Russians and duplicate shuttles
were landed from another base. There was a mad rush by the US govt to develop beam weapons to defend themselves
against the Russians and they did this eventually shooting down a couple of the Russian made UFOs containing beam
weapons. Revenge silently followed by passenger planes of each other's countries being targeted.


In the early 1970's Hundreds of inmates at the Gunniston Facility of the Utah State Prison were subjected to scalar wave mind
control. Inmates tried unsuccessfully to fight back in court. The University of Utah researched at that time how scalar waves
could induce the mind into hearing voices, overriding and implanting thoughts into the mind, as well as reading the thoughts.
They also developed eye implants. In 1998 scalar waves were used to test subliminal voices in the head in 2 Utah prisons. In
Draper Prison, Utah a man called David Fratus in 1988 claimed voices in his inner ears were induced in him as clear as if
listening to a set of stereo headphones.

The mind control victims of US govt implants are also subjected to artificial voices in the head which are sent on scalar beam
by satellite and and the HAARP transmitters and relayed to the GWEN Towers placed approximately every 200 miles across
USA. Many of the messages relayed into these American mind control victims are said to come from aliens, with a 'message
for mankind'. These 'alien messages' were first given to the prisoners in Utah and they all got the same messages.

The Russians, having a head start on decoding the brain can send subliminal messages by satellite over whole countries in
their own languages, in scalar waves so subtle that the victims think they are their own thoughts occurring. They could make
people think "God" is speaking to them and can also give a people suicidal thoughts. There is a suicide wavelength.

The Russians and Israelis have been said to do this on mind control data websites. As well, the Americans have been using
these subliminals to give 'voices in the head' messages (which includes to those with CIA or military controlled implants) that
are supposedly from 'aliens' or "The Holy Spirit" to say e.g. the Second Coming will be here soon or earth needs to be
evacuated and the person has been 'chosen'.

Only certain people can pick this up according to whether they have implants (which relay messages into the head) or if they
are natural telepathics. The mineral selenium when ingested beyond normal levels is said to increase the capacity to hear
voices in the head. Though certain races have a higher hearing threshold and are able to pick up synthetic telepathy sent
through the atmosphere more than others.

Russia's scalar transmitters are called "Woodpeckers" because of the woodpecker type tapping transmissions detected from
them on the radio band. They have the technology to send subliminals right into a person's subconscious, bypassing the brain
and could drastically influence the thoughts, vision, physical functioning, emotions and conscious state of a person by sending
in subliminal signals even from a great distance.

In the late 1960s the Soviets broke the genetic code of the human brain. It had 44 digits or less and employed 22 frequency
bands across nearly the whole EM spectrum. But only 11 of the frequency bands were independent. The Soviets found they
could make a person do something just by sending subliminals into the body, bypassing the ears.

Up to 16 of the Russian Woodpecker scalar transmitters have been observed to carry a common phase-locked 10 Hz
modulation. 10 Hz is used to put people into a hypnotic state. The Russians can manipulate the moods of everyone in a 75
mile radius, with a circularly polarized antenna, and people's bodies have been shown to pick up the "new" mode of
expression. Even "sleep" frequency will make everyone tired and fall asleep.


According to the book Project L.U.C.I.D by Texe Marrs, John St Clair Akwei claims that the US National Security Agency
(NSA) has had the most advanced computers in the world since the 1960's. The Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) mission of the
NSA uses scalar waves for blanket coverage of the USA and can wirelessly tap into any computer in the USA and read the
contents. As well as track people by the electrical currents in their bodies, which emanates a particular 'signature frequency'.

This is possible because everything in the environment gives off scalar waves at right angle rotations off the normal
electromagnetic wave. These can be searched for and tracked and are not subject to constraints of time and space. A
person's frequency can be stored on a supercomputer and this can be tracked anywhere. They can be sent subliminal words
sent in scalar waves which are so subtle that the person will think they are their own thoughts. Also NSA uses a secret
program (developed since the MKULTRA mind control program of the 1950s) what is called "Radiation Intelligence".

Scientific research from this is withheld from the public and there are international intelligence agreements to keep this
technology secret. Using this technology the NSA records and decodes individual brain maps of hundreds of thousands of
people for national security purposes. It is also used secretly by the military for a brain-to-computer link. Activity in the speech
center of the brain can be translated into the subject's verbal thoughts and can also show up activity from their visual cortex on
a video monitor. NSA operatives can see what the subject is seeing. Visual memory can also be seen and the NSA can place
images directly into the visual cortex, bypassing the eyes and the optic nerves.

When a target sleeps secretly images can be installed into the brain during REM sleep for brain-programming purposes.
Speech, 3D sound, and subliminal audio can also be sent to the auditory cortex of the brain, bypassing the ears. This
"Remote Neural Monitoring" (RNM) can completely alter a subjects perceptions, moods and motor control.

Different brainwave frequencies are connected with various parts of the body and when the right frequency to activate a
section of the body is sent a person is powerless to stop it. Pain can be induced in mind control victims this way by targeting a
section of the body. This has been spoken of by many mind control victims, accompanied by 'voices in the head' by the
operators cruelly asking if it hurt and all done remotely without any physical contact with the victim. There has been a SIGINT
wireless scalar wave brain monitoring network in the US since the 1940s according to John St Clair Akwei.

He tells us how it is done with digitally decoding the evoked 'potentials' (see first section for more on potentials) in the 30-
50Hz, 5 milliwatt electromagnetic emissions from the brain. In these emissions spikes and patterns show as evoked
potentials. "Every thought, reaction, motor command, auditory event and visual image in the brain has a corresponding
"evoked potential" or set of "evoked potentials". These can be decoded into the current thoughts, images and sounds going on
in a target's brain. When complexly coded signals are sent to a victim, bypassing the eyes, optic nerves and ears, the faint
images appear as floating 2D screens in the brain. Auditory hallucinations can be induced, creating paranoid schizophrenia.

The frequency the brain areas respond to are from 3 Hz to 50 Hz. For each brain area these are used: Brain Area: Bioelectric
Resonance Frequency: Information Induced Through Modulation. Motor control cortex: 10 Hz: Motor impulse coordination
Auditory cortex: 15 Hz: Sound which bypasses the ears Visual cortex: 25 Hz: Images in the brain, bypassing the eyes
Somasensory: 9 Hz: Phantom touch sense Thought center: 20Hz: Imposed subconscious thoughts Only the NSA modulates
this signal band into evoked potentials or scalar carriers.

There are about 100 people working 24 hrs a day for the NSA at Ft Meade on this "Remote Neural Monitoring" (RNM). John
St Clair Akwei, after being harassed by this NSA technology brought a lawsuit against the NSA. During the lawsuit process he
was harassed by 3D sound, and his associates were also harassed to keep him isolated. No action was taken against the
NSA in the 1991 lawsuit. In 1967 an "internationally renowned scientist" and Christopher Hills, a pendulum expert,
communicated with some ETs. (It is not known who the scientist was but at one time both Hills and Puharich were working
with the medium Eileen Garrett and Puharich was communicating with ETs called The Nine.The same ETs that the
Bilderberger group (comprised of world leaders and European royals) who control the affairs of the planet) This is what the
ETs told Christopher Hills via pendulum:

In short, ETs communicated with us via modulated radio-waves, between 10,000 and 20,000 cycles below the known
electromagnetic-spectrum. In the carrier-wave by amplitude modulation, mixed with frequency modulation. Single band
energy, transmission power less than 25 watts. A naturally present wave on earth the brain modulated - a wave that resonates
between the earth and the ionosphere. All humans influence the ionosphere in this manner. A reflecting technique involved.

The brain modulation consisted of pulses, akin to those known from neuro pulses. Two humans can use this. Related to
something akin to low frequency radar and to ultrasonic techniques but qualified. A mixed electro-acoustic wave function. The
electromagnetic-wave induced an ultrasonic transduction in human tissue. The brain radiation has a sonic component to it as
well as an electromagnetic component.

Electromagnetic-radiation has a sonic component and it's dependent on the medium through which it travels. The scientist cut
through months of work. Now HAARP is slicing up the ionosphere, the world-brain, like a microwave knife, producing long tear
incisions destroying the membrane which holds the reservoir of data accumulated by all earth's history. HAARP has already
punched 360 x 30 miles holes in the ionosphere.


Tom Bearden also writes that a more advanced form of scalar weapon is known as a 'quantum potential' weapon has been
developed by US, Russia, China, Israel and possibly Brazil . These weapons mimic the signature or frequency of a disease by
recreating them on scalar carriers. Also any disease can be imprinted onto our cellular system using frequencies ranging from
ultraviolet to infrared.

Whole populations can have new diseases and death induced as well as latent diseases being activated with quantum
potential diseases in targeted areas. Manufactured symptoms of radiation poisoning, chemical poisoning, bacterial infection
and even the effects of many kinds of drugs including hallucinogenic ones can be induced with these very subtle scalar waves
which flow in hyperspace or the sea of ether. They become imbedded right into the immune system or etheric counterpart of
the physical body.

On the www.freedomdomain.com site a man called Kaznacheyev found that the induction of diseases could be effected by the
Woodpecker scalar transmitters in the near ultraviolet range. Experiments at the University of Marburg in West Germany
duplicated these disease inducing scalar wave experiments in infrared. Dr Popp of West Germany, after analyzing the virtual
photon master control system of the cells found that scalar virtual particle flux which determines the genetic blueprint pattern
of the cells can be easily entered with scalar techniques to induce disease and cell disorder at will.


While the American government rejected Tesla's energy without wires and left him penniless, Russia and Germany asked
Tesla to work for them. He turned them down, but according to Preston Nichols he faked his death in 1943 and was spirited
away to the UK. From then on it was a frenzied battle between the Soviets and Germany to develop scalar technology. Russia
got a head start in learning how scalar waves can be drawn from hyperspace by sending an agent to seek out a man in Utah
who built a machine for doing this Utah. A Soviet agent destroyed the device after learning how the machine operated.

The man, T H Moray learned about Tesla's 'sea of ether' and had made a scalar interferometer. Germany had developed anti-
gravity technology in 1939 by back-engineering a crashed UFO. By WW2, they led the world in radar and infrared science as
well as radar absorbing materials and radar cross section. Some leading western experts think they developed radar cross
section beyond western levels today, but there is evidence of an alien alliance during the war so this may have been

The Germans were using time reversed waves, which caused a scalar wave to follow back and respond to the source of a
received ordinary electromagnetic wave. During WW2 many of the best Nazi scientists escaped to a base they'd developed
secretly in Antarctica, getting supplies from South Africa as well as to German communities in Argentina, Chile, Paraguay,
Peru, Uruguay, and other Latin America countries. After the war Americans moved the remainder of the best Nazi scientists to
US, with the Soviets, French and British taking the remainder to their countries.

However the Soviets became angry at the Americans for taking first choice of Nazi scientific brains, so in 1946 they just
cleaned out the majority of scientists and technicians back to the Soviet Union, about 275,000 men plus all their families from
Soviet occupied eastern Germany. By the 1950 the Soviets had developed time-reversed waves. They has also forced the
captured Germans to build them a fleet of anti-grav saucers complete with particle beam and scalar beam weapons.

In Antarctica the Nazis had Tesla's "Death Ray", capable of sending a lethal beam even to the moon to create an
incandescent spot, when aimed at it. Tesla devastated with his "Death Ray" - likened to a modern day particle beam weapon.
According to Al Bielek the Russians have particle beam weapons which can shoot 1000 miles into space, and they use these
to shoot down any UFO within 200 miles radius of their sky. The Americans also have many particle beam weapons and they
too shoot down UFOs. There is apparently a war going on in space, and the Russians and Americans have secretly got
together to fight it. It is unknown who the UFO occupants are, but the Nazi's in Antarctica are said to be invincible with their


Japan now has scalar weapons and has got together with Russia to develop them. In 1991, according to Harry Mason,
Russian President Gorbechev offered to lease the Japanese the super-secret intercontinental scalar weapons, capable of
producing earthquakes for $900 million, which they'd used in the Soviet Union since the 1960's.

Tom Bearden also claims they leased them in 1989. A Joint Russian-Japanese university was set up to develop new weapons
with Japanese microchips to overpower the US and jointly rule the world. After Tesla "died" in 1943, his papers were sent to a
Tesla Museum in Yugoslavia, where the Japanese obtained the knowledge of Tesla technology. The scalar weapons were
developed by a Japanese scientist an IQ higher than Einstein.

They too, like the Americans tested their scalar weapons in the outback of Western Australia, possibly using a base in
Antarctica in which to send scalar waves to their Australian transmitter to produce earthquakes and Tesla globes. The
Japanese scalar scientists are tied up with various cults and feel that the Japanese emperor should rule the planet, as well as
having a policy of exacting revenge on former enemies culminating in a "Final War" against the Christian west and Islamic

It is the Japanese Aum sect and Yakuza mafia who are still leasing the Russian scalar transmitters and have steadily used
them for weather engineering over America since the nineties for target practice. Bearden claims that the Japanese may be
allowed by the Russians to down planes now and then. The Japanese cult members in their govt are also tied up with North
Korean cult members. The Russians have been weather engineering over America since the 1960's using their interference
grid to target specific areas.


Unlike Western universities, Eastern Europe and Russia have always included Tesla's scalar wave research openly in their
curriculum and so they got a head start with multiple facilities built all over the Soviet Union to build scalar weapon
transmitters starting from the 1950's. This was further hastened by making captured East German scientists work for the
Soviets leading that country straight into the space age, giving them UFOs fitted with scalar and particle beam weapons.

The UFOs even had cloaking technology. America, even though they had Nazi scientists working for them after the war at
Area 51 on anti-gravity, didn't realize how advanced the Soviets had become with scalar technology until they found out they'd
been secretly attacked during the 1950's undetected. In 1960 the Soviet premier Kruschev announced to the world, that they
had "superweapons". In 1963 they deliberately destroyed a US atomic submarine undersea by Puerto Rico with scalar

They next day over the Puerto Rico Trench the Soviets used scalar weapons in a different mode to produce a giant
underwater explosion. US was defenseless against an unknown type of weapon. In 1965 the Great Sandy Desert in Western
Australia was mapped out and chosen by the US govt to begin scalar weapons testing. Even though 'officially' Tesla's papers
were kept by the FBI after he died and were labeled 'top secret', lest they get into the hands of the enemy, Tesla had passed
all his knowledge and research onto a young American physicist 2 weeks before he died in 1943.

The US military in Western Australia tested crossed scalar beams aimed into the ground to create earthquakes on a target
map of squares and also created Tesla globes from crossed scalar beams in the sky. Pine Gap the secret underground
American military base has 2 scalar transmitters and they also have at least another in Exmouth, N Western Australia. Other
American scalar transmitters besides various ones all over USA are at Alaska, Puerto Rico, Greenland, Norway and

Though many countries have scalar weapons now, other countries could easily be target of those with scalar weapons and
never know what the cause of their explosions, mind control or weather engineering. So of course more and more countries
are getting the scalar technology needing it to defend themselves as well and this keeps getting passed on especially by the

The other thing is one may know it is a scalar attack but have no idea who did it. The known countries which have scalar
weapons are: America, Russia, France, Australia, Germany, Japan, China, Taiwan, South Africa, Israel, Brazil, UK and
Argentina as well as various populations of Nazis still operating in Antarctica and all over South America.

It is unknown how Brazilians got scalar weapons and quantum potential weapons, but the Brazilians have had alien
technology for some time and also the Vatican has covert technology and has been said to have a base for this in Sth
America for their secret space program. There is extensive coverage of Brazil's space program in my 40 page article "Scalar
Weapons: Read it and Weep" in Vol 3 of the www.theuniversalseduction.com book series.

This covers China and Japan's weapons as well as extensive coverage of Russia's attacks on America, especially the space
shuttles and the technology of the Nazis in Antarctica. Others may have them such as Ukraine and Nth Korea but as yet no
proof exists for these countries. Even in the alternative press not enough has been said about scalar weapons to the extent
where normal conspiracy researchers and writers are as familiar with their dangers as they should be because even online
they hardly get a mention on conspiracy sites. Yet they are probably the most life threatening thing on the planet.



The Universal Seduction Vol 3: Scalar Weapons. Read It And Weep by Christi Verismo.

For more on America's use of Tesla technology and joint alien/US military underground bases in Australia, anti-gravity
technology and use of time portals.

The Universal Seduction Vol 2. Pine Gap, Australia's Area 51 by Christi Verismo.

The Lost Journals of Nicola Tesla by Tim Swartz and Mind Control by Tim Swartz in:

The Universal Seduction Vol 1

and The Lost Journals of Nicola Tesla - HAARP - Chemtrails and the Secret of Alternative 4

Secret Black Projects of the NWO by Tim Swartz. Abelard Productions.


About the Nazis in Antarctica:

Evil Agenda Of The Secret Government By Tim Swartz

Nikola Tesla: Journey to Mars - Are We Already There? By Sean Casteel


Nikola Tesla - Free Energy and the White Dove by Commander X


Incredible Technologies of the New World Order: UFOs-Tesla-Area 51 by Commander X


Tom Bearden's scalar weapon website, http://www.cheniere.org

The Historical Background of Scalar Weapons by Tom Bearden.


Tom Bearden on what the Russians have been doing since the late 1950's with scalar technology against the U.S. and
numerous more examples of scalar attacks can be found at:

Scalar Wars: The Brave New World of Scalar Electromagnetics

For the US and Japanese military testing of scalar weapons in Australia, see Harry Mason's 'Bright Skies':

For US scalar activity and joint alien underground bases in Australia: Fortress Australia:

For the true story of the Russians shooting down the space shuttles and the Russian UFO development:
Fire From The Sky: http://www.anomalous-images.com/text/files.html

For more on America's scalar technology:

HAARP. the Ultimate Weapon of the Conspiracy by Jerry E Smith.
Also The End of the World by Jerry E Smith The Universal Seduction Vol 3

Commentary on 'Day After Roswell' by Sean Casteel. (about reverse engineering crashed UFOs etc) The Universal Seduction
Vol 3

Also in Vol 3 of The Universal Seduction, 4 more chapters called:

US patents of Mind Control.

The Secrets of Mind Control.
Domestic Surveillance, Mind Control Technology and the NSA.
The Montauk Project and Physics Run Amok by Alexander Bruce.

For more on how time operates through the gridlines by Bruce Cathie:

For more on the Nazi's anti-gravity saucers: UFOs Nazi Secret Weapon? Mattern-Friedrich. Samisdat Publishers Toronto,
Canada. (About 1966.)

For more on the US anti-gravity program: The Hunt For Zero Point by Nick Cook.

For Brazil's contact with aliens: My Contact With UFOs (also known as flying saucers) by Dino Kraspedon.

My website for more data. http://www.angelfire.com/oz/cv/index.html


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