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Health Promotion International, Vol. 21 No. 4 The Author (2006). Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved.

doi:10.1093/heapro/dal024 For Permissions, please email: journals.permissions@oxfordjournals.org

Advance access publication 19 July 2006

Implementation of the Healthy Cities principles

and strategies: an evaluation of the Israel Healthy
Cities Network
Braun School of Public Health, Hadassah and the Hebrew University, Jerusalem and 2Department of
Planning Surveys and Evaluation, Ministry of Health, Jerusalem

The Israel network of Healthy Cities has been operating the management dimension (7.8 versus 4.4 where the coor-
since 1990, and the first evaluation of its performance dinator invests 20 h a week or less, P < 0.001). Previous
was carried out in 2004. The objectives were to evaluate work experience in either public health or community
the level of implementation of the Healthy Cities principles work was associated with higher scores of the community
and strategies in each network city and to assess the con- participation and intersectoral partnership dimensions
tribution of the network to its member cities. Coordinators (6.9 versus 5.2 and 8.5 versus 6.8, respectively, P < 0.05).
of 18 active healthy cities participated in the study by com- Political support was associated with the city equity policy
pleting a questionnaire with the aid of key informants in the dimension (8.1 versus 4.8 in cities with high versus low polit-
municipality. The survey covered six dimensions of Healthy ical support, P < 0.01). Coordinators participation in the
Cities principles and strategies, and each was analyzed as a networks activities is associated with better scores on all
sum of scores of separate components and measures, con- the dimensions except for environmental protection. It
verted to a 010 scale. Cities were found to differ in their appears that political commitment and support is a signifi-
performances. The dimension of intersectoral collaboration cant enabling condition, which, together with the capacity
received the highest mean score (8.0 1.6), while the envi- building of the coordinator, may lead to better implementa-
ronmental protection dimension received the lowest one tion of Healthy Cities policy. Environmental issues should
(4.5 2.2). Time investment by the coordinator of >20 h be incorporated into training sessions to enhance the
a week is significantly associated with a higher score on environmental protection dimension.

Key words: Healthy cities; evaluation of healthy cities network; health promotion


The Healthy Cities project of the World Health based on the Health for All and Agenda 21
Organization was established in Europe in 1987 principles of equity, community participation,
and is now a worldwide movement that includes intersectoral partnerships and sustainable devel-
thousands of municipalities and local authorities opment (Dooris, 1999; Raphael, 2001). Healthy
(De Leeuw, 2001). The core aim in Europe is to Cities act as a social change movement
improve health by addressing the determinants of (Curtice, 2001).
health and the principles of Health for All and The diversity of perspectives of Healthy Cities,
sustainable development. . .Promoting good gov- the multiple players involved and the variations
ernance and partnership-based planning for in implementation provide researchers with a
health (WHO, 2003). Its mode of action is variety of focuses and approaches for evaluation.

Implementation of the Healthy Cities principles and strategies 267
Several studies focus on the level of assimilation study; 18 coordinators complied and completed a
of the healthy cities model, taking projects for questionnaire with the aid of key informants in
developing personal skills as the lowest level the municipality. Coordinators were approached
while implementing healthy public policy as the in person or by phone to assure completion of the
highest one (Goumans, 1997; De Leeuw, questionnaire. The other 18 non-respondent
1999a). Some refer to the quality of outputs, pro- cities, which had minimal contact with the
cesses and achievements, which are expected by network, were contacted in order to verify their
the WHO project cities network, such as a city reasons for non-responding and their status in
health profile (Webster, 1999). Others evaluate the network. Eleven of them did not appoint a
processes, such as participation in a consultation coordinator and had no health promoting activit-
process or the preparation of a city health plan ies. In the other seven cities, which were active in
(Costongs, 1997; Strobl, 2000). the past, there was no political support in the last
In Israel, the Healthy Cities network has been 2 years; therefore, they suspended the Healthy
operating since 1990. Jerusalem is the only desig- City activities.
nated city in the European WHO project cities
network. As of 2005, the Israeli network includes The evaluation tool
37 cities and towns, a regional authority, 4 min- The evaluation tool was developed by a task
istries, 8 institutions and several individuals. group, in a participatory process. The task
There are specific membership requirements group included members of the Israeli Healthy
according to the category of membership. Cities Cities Network, researchers and statisticians
and towns make a political commitment to adopt from the Hebrew UniversityHadassah Braun
the principles of a Healthy City; i.e. to produce a School of Public Health in Jerusalem and the
city health profile and strategic health develop- Ministry of Health.
ment plan in line with the strategic aims of The questionnaire was designed based on the
Health for All and Agenda 21, implement MARIs (Monitoring Accountability Reporting
strategies of the Ottawa Charter for health Impact assessment) framework (De Leeuw,
promotion, nominate a city coordinator (with a 1999b). It was composed of both open-ended
well defined role) and a steering committee, and closed questions and covers six dimensions
and participate in the networks activities. Cities of the principles and strategies of the Healthy
vary widely in the implementation of all these Cities work:
commitments, in their activities, in their level (i) Equity policy and political support.
of assimilation of the Healthy Cities principles (ii) Management.
and strategies, and in their participation in the (iii) Health promotion programs and activities in
networks activities. the city.
This study aims at describing the level of (iv) Community participation.
implementation of the Healthy Cities principles (v) Intersectoral partnerships
and strategies by each city and pointing out (vi) Environmental protection activities
indicators of success. The results will: (i) Help
cities to identify strengths and weaknesses within Each dimension has several components and
their own system and will direct their future measures. Each measure was scaled as either a
activities. (ii) Serve as a baseline for monitoring yesno question or a rank-order question.
progress over time. (iii) Compare between cities Open-ended questions were categorized. The
and (iv) Enable the network to identify issues research group affixed a ranking score for each
and problem areas that need reinforcements by measure in a consensual process. For most
providing training and/or consultation. measures the highest score was given to the
ideal pattern or outcome. The sum of scores of
the measures generated a component score. For
METHODS each dimension, a sum of scores of the com-
ponents was compiled (different weights were
Subjects given for some components) (Table 1). Cronba-
All 36 coordinators or contact persons enrolled chs alpha was used to test internal reliability
in the Healthy Cities network during 2003 were of the components and dimensions. Measures
contacted both by mail and at the annual business or components not consistent with the scale
meeting and were encouraged to take part in the were excluded from the sum of scores. One
268 M Donchin et al.

Table 1: The ranking system: dimensions, components and measures

The dimension (scoring) Components (scoring) Measures (scoring)

(1) City equity policy (a) Policy for reducing a.1 Official policy on equity (03), a.23 municipal
and support inequalities. a = 0.68 (014) debates on inequalities (06), a.4 budget allocated
a* = 0.80 (035) (b) City bylaws for health for equity (03), a.5 annual reports (02)
promotion. a = 0.63 (09) b.1 City bylaws and their application (03),
(c) Political support. b.2 political discussions (03), b.3. Application of
a = 0.83 (012) smoking restrictions (03)
c. support by: c.1 the mayor (03), c.2 other political
representatives (03), c.3 council members in
steering committee (03), c.4 council members
participate in health promotion activities (03)
(2) Management (a) Organization and resources. a.1 A steering committee exists (03), b.2 is multi-
a = 0.78 (0-34) a = 0.84 (018) professional (03), b.3 has municipality and other
(b) Coordinator position and organizations (03), b.4 hierarchy level of the head of
assignments. a = 0.60 (016) the steering committee (03) b.5 number of annual
meetings (03), b.6 has a budget for activities, salary
or both (03)
b.1 The coordinators position in the organizational
hierarchy (03), c.2 position in the municipality
(full/part time) (03), c.3 time dedicated for
coordinating healthy citys activities (03), c.4
professional background (01), c.5 coordinators
assignments: initiate activities, planning, recruit
participants, coordination, fund raising, building
partnerships and community participation (03),
c.6 general background (03)
(3) Health promotion (a) A detailed description of up to (a) Percentage of programs that fulfill the expected
programs and activities 10 reported projects carried out best practice: project rationale, goals and objectives,
a = 0.68 (043) during 2003 a = 0.84 (033) indicators of success, target populations, partner-
(b) Number of activities reported ships, leadership, multi-strategies, sustainability and
(up to 10) (010) evaluation planned and/or performed Scoring: 0 = no
program fulfilling any of the criteria 3 = over 50% of
the programs and activities met the criteria. 1 and 2
were scored for intermediate performances
(4) Community According to the the wheel of (a) Providing information (03)
participation (015) participation (WHO, 2002) (b) Consultation (03)
(c) Empowerment (03)
(d) Participation in decision making (03)
(e) Citizens participation in the health profile
discussions (03)
(5) Intersectoral Refers to partnerships
partnerships a = 0.60 (012) (a) Within the municipality (03)
(b) Between the municipality and others (03)
(c) Type of partnership (03)
(d) Level of partnership (03)
(6) Environmental (a) Environmental impact assessment (03)
protection activities (b) A mechanism for detection of environmental
a = 0.69 (015) nuisances (03)
(c) Air pollution monitoring (03)
(d) Noise pollution monitoring (03)
(e) The priority of environmental issues in the
city (03)

*a = Cronbachs alpha.

component, producing a city health profile was was excluded from the sum of scores in this
excluded from the management dimension and dimension.
received separate consideration. One of the envi- In addition to city performance, there were also
ronmental protection measures (accessibility) questions referring to the impact of the network
Implementation of the Healthy Cities principles and strategies 269
and assessment of its contribution to the citys environmental protection
health-promotion activities, as well as a checklist 10
of participation in five network activities.
Associations of these additional measures with partnerships 5 policy
the six dimensions of the city performance
were analyzed. 0

activities management
Data analysis
A total score of each of the six dimensions was
calculated and converted to a 010 scale. This community participation
procedure enables a comparison between cities
Fig. 1: An example scoring of four cities.
and may serve as baseline for future evaluation.
It also enables a graphic presentation (Rifkin,
1988). The analysis was based on Donabedians was the weakest among the six dimensions that
model for the assessment of quality of health were examined, receiving a mean score of 4.5
care, referring to the associations between 2.2. A correlation was found between some of
structure and process measures or components the dimensions (Table 2). Community participa-
(Donabedian, 1980). Spearmans correlation tion is significantly correlated with four of the
coefficients were used to assess associations. five other dimensions: equity policy, management,
ANOVA was used to compare the mean dimen- intersectoral partnerships and activities. Equity
sion scores between groups of cities. policy is also correlated with management and
intersectoral partnership.
The association of each dimension with several
RESULTS structural and process measures (coordinators
profile, political support, organization and
Coordinators profile resources, and participation in network activities)
Two-thirds of the coordinators who responded to was tested. Differences between cities in dimen-
the questionnaire were female. The mean age of sions scores were associated with characteristics
the group was 50 with a range of 3960 years old. of the coordinators work (Table 3). Investing
Almost 90% of the coordinators are employed by over 20 working hours a week is significantly asso-
the municipality. In terms of hours dedicated to ciated with a better score on the management
Healthy City activities, four claim to work only dimension (7.8 versus 4.4, where the coordinator
an hour a week at this role, four dedicate up to invests 20 h a week or less, P < 0.001). The impact
20 h, five work 2139 weekly hours and four of investing more hours was noticed in the other
work 40 h or more in this role. Most of them dimensions too, though the differences were not
reported that they perform all the seven significant.
assignments listed. About 72% have previous Previous work experience of the coordinator in
experience in community work, public health either public health, health promotion or com-
or health promotion. Six coordinators have munity service was found to be associated with
ready access to the mayor and 12 have less central higher scores on the community participation
positions in the municipal hierarchy. and intersectoral partnership dimensions com-
pared with lack of experience in these areas
(6.9 versus 5.2 and 8.5 versus 6.8, respectively,
Dimensions P < 0.05).
The dimension system reflects differential strength The component of organization and resources
and weaknesses of cities (Figure 1). The dimension was significantly associated with the dimensions
of intersectoral partnerships received the highest of community participation and management.
total mean score (8.0 1.6, Table 3) and was The two categories (above and below median
the highest scoring dimension in 10 cities. Six cities score) for organization and resources have differ-
had their highest score in the health-promotion ent scores on the community participation dimen-
activities dimension and the remaining two in sion (7.5 versus 5.4 P < 0.01) and for the
equity policy or management. On the other management dimension (8.0 above median versus
hand, the dimension of environmental activities 4.3 below median, P < 0.001) (Table 3).
270 M Donchin et al.

Table 2: Spearmans Correlation between dimensions

Equity Management Community Activities Intersectoral Environmental
policy participation partnerships protection

Equity policy 0.55* 0.60* 0.08 0.52* 0.33

Management 0.61** 0.30 0.33 0.21
Community Participation 0.50* 0.74*** 0.29
Activities 0.38 0.21
Intersectoral partnerships 0.02

*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P< 0.001.

Table 3: Mean scores (and standard deviation) of the dimensions assessed by selected characteristics
n Equity Management Community Activities Intersectoral Environmental
policy participation partnerships protection

Total mean (SD) 6.5 (2.7) 6.1 (2.1) 6.4 (1.6) 7.2 (2.3) 8.0 (1.6) 4.5 (2.2)
Coordinator working hours
20/week 8 5.4 (3.4) 4.4*** (1.0) 5.5 (1.5) 6.8 (1.2) 7.6 (1.9) 4.0 (2.6)
>20/week 9 7.5 (1.6) 7.8 (1.3) 7.3 (1.5) 7.6 (1.3) 8.4 (1.0) 5.0 (1.9)
Previous experience
No 5 5.7 (3.1) 5.8 (2.1) 5.2* (2.0) 7.1 (1.5) 6.8* (2.1) 3.6 (2.5)
Yes 13 6.9 (2.6) 6.3 (2.1) 6.9 (1.1) 7.2 (2.6) 8.5 (1.0) 4.8 (2.1)
Organization and resources
Below median 9 5.3 (3.3) 4.3*** (0.8) 5.4** (1.2) 7.2 (1.5) 7.4 (1.8) 4.2 (2.7)
Above median 9 7.6 (1.5) 8.0 (2.1) 7.5 (0.9) 7.2 (2.9) 8.6 (1.0) 4.7 (1.8)
Political support
Lower scores 6 4.8** (2.4) 5.2 (1.8) 6.0 (1.6) 7.4 (1.0) 7.4 (1.6) 3.9 (3.0)
Higher scores 10 8.1 (1.3) 7.2 (1.8) 6.9 (1.7) 7.0 (3.0) 8.4 (1.6) 5.1 (1.4)
Participation in network activities
Low 8 4.9* (3.2) 5.0* (1.7) 5.2** (1.3) 5.8* (2.5) 7.1* (1.7) 3.5 (2.1)
High 10 7.7 (1.7) 7.0 (2.0) 7.4 (1.1) 8.3 (1.3) 8.8 (0.9) 5.3 (2.1)
Perceived impact of membership
Low 8 5.8 (2.9) 4.9* (1.3) 5.7 (1.7) 6.7 (1.2) 7.5 (2.0) 4.6 (2.5)
High 8 7.1 (2.8) 7.5 (2.0) 7.1 (1.4) 7.3 (3.2) 8.3 (1.1) 5.2 (1.5)

*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P< 0.001.

Political support was strongly associated with Coordinators scoring on the impact of network
the equity policy dimension. Among cities with membership on a citys performance was fair
high political support the mean score for the (mean of 3.6 1.0 with the range of 25 on a
equity policy dimension was 8.1 while it was 4.8 scale of 05) (Table 3). Six out of nine coordina-
in cities with low political support (P < 0.01) tors who participated in more activities (45)
(Table 3). Associations between political support gave a higher rating (45) to the impact of
and the other dimensions were also noted (with network membership (though this finding was
the exception of activities), though these were not statistically significant).
not statistically significant. The length of membership in the network was
Participation in the Healthy Cities network not associated with any of the dimensions nor was
activities was significantly associated with five the position of the coordinator in the municipal
of the six dimensions. In cities where the coordi- hierarchy.
nator participated in 45 network activities
during the last 2 years, a higher mean score
was found in all the dimensions except for the City health profile
environmental one, in comparison with those Only four cities produced a City Health Profile
who participated in fewer activities. Political sup- based on national and local secondary data as well
port was correlated with participation in the net- as a population survey. Two other cities used only
works activities (Spearmans r = 0.50, P = 0.043). secondary data. All six cities had discussions in
Implementation of the Healthy Cities principles and strategies 271
the steering committee about the profile findings implemented by Project Renewal that targeted
while only in one of them was it also presented distressed residential areas. Intersectoral partner-
to the public. ships and community participation were the main
strategies of this project (Carmon, 1994). This
might explain the correlation between intersec-
DISCUSSION toral partnerships and community participation
that was found in this study. Cities adopting
The current evaluation enabled the Israeli community participation as part of their regular
network of Healthy Cities to illustrate the level work patterns were more likely to have achieved
of implementation of the healthy cities principles higher scores in four of the other five dimensions.
and strategies, identify strengths and weaknesses It is worth mentioning that the best practice
of cities, assess the contribution of the network considered in the dimension of intersectoral part-
to the member cities and identify specific areas nership is a sustainable, formal one. De Leeuws
for intervention. This study demonstrates one (De Leeuw, 2005) current review supports this
possible way of utilitydriven evidence, as decision. However, the intersectoral partnerships
De Leeuw (De Leeuw, 2005) suggests, to be referred mainly to partnerships between the
developed. The evaluation process itself had a municipality and other organizations. Further
beneficial impact on the networks organization. research is needed to elaborate the intra-
As mentioned earlier, all non-responding coordi- municipal partnerships.
nators, or the mayors of their cities, were The lowest score on the environmental dimen-
approached. As a result, seven cities renewed sion might indicate less investment in environ-
their membership and activity in the network, mental issues within the cities of the network.
five cities decided to leave the network, admitting Attention to environmental issues and their effect
that they could not fulfill their commitments, and on population health have only begun in the last
the rest did not, yet, take action one way or the decade in Israel. Poor scoring on this dimension
other. These results, alone have provided an has been discussed by the networks board and
added value to the quality of work within the has recently been integrated into the networks
Israeli network. action plan. Several training activities were
The study is cross-sectional and mainly quanti- conducted in the past year, to enhance the knowl-
tative; however, the small number of cities and edge and raise the awareness of coordinators con-
the large variability between them in some cerning environmental issues and sustainable
cases did not allow for adequate power to detect development.
statistically significant differences. The quantita- The fact that the activities dimension received
tive nature of the study was also supplemented by a high mean score but has no correlation with four
individual discussion with each coordinator as of the other five dimensions is consistent with
well in a group meeting. This contributed to previous research (Goumans, 1997), which
the understanding of the processes in the cities addresses the level of assimilation of the Healthy
under study. Cities principles and strategies. Cities in the UK
The dimension system that was used in the cur- and the Netherlands, which were investigated in
rent study was an effective tool that demonstrated 199394, were still at the level of the implementa-
different achievements of cities in different areas tion of projects and programs while having no
under study. The heterogeneity of Healthy Cities apparent impact on the citys health policy per
performances was already demonstrated in the se. Cities may carry out health promoting activit-
Valencia network (Boonekamp, 1999). Standard- ies as projects or programs without assimilating
izing each dimension on a 010 scale enabled a the setting approach (Goumans, 1997). The
comparison between dimensions as well as present study seems to strengthen that assum-
between cities. ption by demonstrating that health-promoting
Each dimension refers to a principle or strategy activities could be performed even without
of Healthy Cities work and represents the main political support.
elements of that health-promoting setting. The most significant predictor of success of
The dimension of intersectoral partnership the Healthy Cities in Israel seems to be political
achieved the highest score in most of the cities. support and commitment. This was reflected
This might reflect the specific historical context directly by higher scores on four of the five
of some Israeli municipal patterns of work dimensions and indirectly by the number of
272 M Donchin et al.
working hours of the healthy city coordinator an agreement was signed recently with the
as well as the coordinators participation in the Central Bureau of Statistics which will assist
Network activities (as was mentioned by most with the population surveys.
of the participated coordinators). Political It was encouraging to find that in the cities
support enables coordinators to participate in where the coordinator participated in more
network activities, which helped to achieve better network activities (45), they achieved higher
scoring. All the 18 city coordinators who parti- scores in all the dimensions. This possibly could
cipated in this study noted that they act as social be related to the capacity building efforts of
entrepreneurs, which is expressed by the list of the networks activities.
their assignments. Though this in itself is a
prerequisite, it is not sufficient to bring about
change. As was already demonstrated by De CONCLUSION
Leeuw (De Leeuw, 1999a), institutionalization
of the entrepreneurial activities may lead to Two main factors are associated with better
better implementation of the healthy city policy. assimilation of the principles and performance
As expected, cities in which coordinators of a healthy city: first, a high level of political
invested more than 20 weekly hours in Healthy commitment and support is a significant enabling
City related activities received better scores in condition. Second, capacity building of the coor-
implementation of health promotion activities, dinators appears to have a major impact on the
community participation and management. The citys performance. It is, therefore, recommended
association with the management dimension that investment in capacity building be continued,
might be explained by the fact that this dimension as should the investment of efforts to institution-
includes the measure of the working hours of alize the role of the coordinator as a formal job
the coordinator. However, there are additional description in the local authority, with preference
measures and components in that dimension. to previous professional experience.
It is worth mentioning that the employment posi- Further research is needed relating to the
tion of Health Coordinator is not a compulsory whole setting approach and towards promoting
one within the local authorities in Israel and political will and support.
that such an appointment by itself reflects a polit-
ical commitment for working towards healthy
Previous experience in public health or com-
munity work on the part of the coordinator was The authors thank Prof. Jeremy Kark and
also associated with better scores in community Prof Eliot Barry for their reviewing comments
participation and intersectoral partnerships but and support. The authors also thank Dr Drora
is not a prerequisite for performing health Maluvitzki, Dr Vera Adler and Mr Eli Padeh
promoting activities. who were members of the task group. Thanks
Since one of the mandatory building blocks also to the city coordinators and their key infor-
of the Healthy City is to produce a city health mants for their cooperation and, especially, to
profile as well as a strategic health development Yulin Goldberg, Mazal Snir and Mohammad
plan that is based on its conclusions, we asked Naamna who were our pretest subjects.
specific questions related to this point. We Address for correspondence:
assumed that this component (a scale) is part Milka Donchin MD, MPH
of the management dimension; however, we Braun School of Public Health
found that it yielded a low reliability coefficient. Hadassah and the Hebrew University
As a result, we excluded this component from this Jerusalem
dimensions calculation. E-mail: milka@hadassah.org.il
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It seems that the lack of professional skills needed
for accomplishing this task is one of the obstacles
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