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Candidates Declaration

I hereby declare that this project work is the results of my own original research and that no part

of it has been presented for another degree in this university or elsewhere.

Signature: Date:

Name: Gyabeng John

Supervisors Declaration

I, the undersigned, hereby declare that the preparation and presentation of the project work were
supervised by me in accordance with the guidelines on supervision of project work laid down by
the Faculty of Education, Catholic University College of Ghana.

Signature: Date:

Name: Mr. Isaac Henyo


Learning in excursions is in one way characterized by what Kolb (1984) defines as

assimilation; however in this case, precognitions are mixed with theoretical understandings. The

result of this is that the excursion is used as means for producing accommodation of knowledge.

As such, excursions in Geography involve the active engagement in real world perspectives

through the presentation in role playing (Livingstone, 1999). It could also be said to be a

practice that allows questions to be asked in between practical work and theory, and allow for the

transferring and putting theory into practice.

There is much variety of surprising knowledge to be gained by stepping from the

classroom into the real world. In order to see the different kinds of natural resources and to get a

view of the country from the hilltops, it is especially fitting for children, because of their delight

in these concrete realities to take a time out of the school environment to experience the real

natural environment.

The main objective of this study was to find out how going on excursions help build

interest of students studying Geography in Dormaa Municipal SHS.

From the findings and discussions of the survey, the study concluded that little or

perhaps no attention has been given to fieldtrips or excursions in the study of Geography in SHS

in the Dormaa Municipal.

The study therefore recommended among other things that fieldtrips should be included

in the curriculum and that the Ghana Education Service should also look for a way to motivate

female students to study Geography.


I am most grateful and indebted to God for the good health, wisdom and guidance I

enjoyed throughout the research period. I also express my heartfelt gratitude to my most

dedicated Supervisors, Mr. Isaac Henyo and Mr. Amoako Mensah Thomas for their patience and

precious time sacrificed to vigorously scrutinize this project work. I appreciate the constructive

criticisms they leveled against my work just to ensure that a good project work is produced. The

technical arrangement and the language that follows throughout the work is the manifestation of

their supervision. To them, I say me da mo ase,

I express my sincere heartfelt gratitude to the students of The Salvation Army Senior

High School and Dormaa Senior High School for their cooperation. Geography Teachers of both

schools, Heads of Geography department of both schools, The Headmistress of Dormaa Senior

High and Headmaster of The Salvation Army Senior High I appreciate the support offered me

during the research period. I also acknowledge and say ayekoo Mr. K.B.Baiden (Headmaster

of The Salvation Army Senior High) for his guidance.

Finally, I cannot bring this acknowledgement to an end without mentioning my parents,

friends and benefactors who supported me financially and morally. May the blessing of the Lord

be their portion.

I wish however, to emphasize that I am solely responsible for any shortcomings whether

substantial or marginal which may be encountered or found in this project work.


I dedicate this project work to the memory of my mother, Matilda Adoma, my father Martin
Kwame Manu, my son Jeffery Gyabeng and all my benefactors.



Chapter One 1

1.0 Introduction 1

1.1 Background to the Study 1

1.2 Problem Statement 3

1.3 Research Objectives 3

1.3.1 Main Research Objectives 3

1.3.2 Sub- Research Objectives 4

1.4 Research Questions 4

1.4.1 Major Research Question 4

1.4.2 Sub- Research Question 4

1.5 Significance of the Study 5

1.6 Scope of the Study 5

Chapter Two 6

2.0 Literature Review 6

2.1 History and Development of Fieldwork 6

2.2 Links between Project-based Fieldwork and Main Project or Dissertation 7

2.3 Importance of Fieldwork as a Learning Tool 8

2.4 Gender Issues in Fieldwork Planning and Operation 9

2.5 A theory of the imaginary non-cognitive geographies 10

2.6 Exploratory phase 10

2.7 Understanding of the Affective as an Outcome for Learning 11

2.8 The Principle of Observation and Perception 12

Chapter Three 15

3.0 Research Methodology 15

3.1 Introduction 15

3.2 Research Design 15

3.3 Primary Data Collection Tools 16

3.3.1 Survey 16

3.3.2 Interview 17

3.4 Study Area 18

3.5 Sampling Details 18

3.5.1 Sampling Techniques 18

3.5.2 Sampling Units 19

3.5.3 Sample size 19

3.6 Data Analysis Procedure 20

Chapter Four 21

4.0 Results and Discussion 21

4.1 Respondents Profile 21

Personal Details 22

4.1.2 Sex of Respondents 22

4.2 The Benefits of Learning Geography with Practical Experience 23

4.2.1 Students Were Asked Whether They Find the Subject of Geography 23

Interesting In Their Respective Classes

4.2.2 Respondents Were Asked Whether Their Classes Have Ever Been 24

On A Field Trip to Study Geography.

4.2.3 Respondents Were Asked To Suggest Whether Their Geography 25

Classes Should Go On Field Trips.

4.3 Examining Whether Learning Geography in Abstract Help SHS Students 26

4.3.1 Do You Think That Learning Geography without Going on A 26

Field Trip Is The Best Way For Studying The Subject?

4.4 Assessing The Best Method For Teaching Geography In SHS 28

4.4.1 Respondents Were Asked To Suggest the Best Way for Teaching and 28
Learning Geography in SHS
4.4.2 Respondents Were Asked About How Observing Something On A Fieldtrip 29
Which They Have Been Taught In Class Can Affect Their Rate of Understanding

Chapter Five 31

5.0 Conclusion and Recommendation 31

5.1 Conclusion 31

5.2 Recommendation 32

Reference 34

Appendices 36


Table Page

Table 1 (Breakdown of Respondents) 21


Figure Page

Figure 1 Sex of Respondents 22

Figure 2 Comparing the Responses between the Two SHS 23

Figure 3 Total Responses on Whether Students Find Geography Interesting 24

Figure 4 Responses on Whether Class Has Ever Been on Fieldtrips 25

Figure 5 Response on Whether Geography classes should go on field trips 26

Figure 6 Reponse on Whether Going on Field Trip is the Best Way to Study Geography 27

Figure 7 The Best Way for Teaching and Learning Geography in SHS 28

Figure 8 Response on The Rate of Understanding Through Fieldwork 30


Abbreviation Word

SHS Senior High School

SPSS Statistical Package for Service Solution


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