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DESCRIPTION The client assumes the starting position by placing the instep of the feet in

vertical alignment with the outside of the shoulders. The feet should be in the sagittal plane
with no lateral outturn of the toes. The client rests the dowel on top of the head to adjust the
hand position resulting in the elbows at a 90-degree angle. Next, the client presses the dowel
overhead with the shoulders flexed and abducted and the elbows fully extended. Instruct the
client to descend slowly into the deepest possible squat position, heels on the floor, head and
chest facing forward and the dowel maximally pressed overhead. The knees should be aligned
over the feet with no valgus collapse.

As many as three repetitions may be performed, but if the initial movement falls within the
criteria for a score of three, there is no need to perform another test. If any of the criteria for a
score of three are not achieved, ask the client to perform the test with the board from the
earlier described FMS kit under the heels. If any of the criteria for the score of two are not
achieved while using the FMS board, the client receives a score of one.

TIPS FOR TESTING 1. Observe the client from the front and side. 2. All positions including the
foot position should remain unchanged when the heels are elevated, with either the FMS kit or
a similar size board. 3. Do not judge the pattern or interpret the cause of the score while
testing. 4. Do not coach the movement; simply repeat the instructions if needed. 5. Was there
pain? 6. When in doubt, score low.

PAIN CRITERIA CHECKLIST Familiar occurring on a regular or on a

consistent basis Produced by common movements noticed in daily activities and

exercises Signs of concern or stress the person notes pain, seems focused on pain or is
distracted or distressed by pain Discomfort a non- distressing or alarming physical
feeling that includes awkwardness, uneasiness, mild tightness or qualified soreness caused by
exercise or massage

DISCOMFORT CRITERIA CHECKLIST Unfamiliar not occurring on a regular or consistent basis

Only produced with awkward movements not noticed in daily activities and exercises No
sign of concern or stress discomfort is noted, but not distressing or distracting in any way
and will usually subside with repeated movements Risks of continuing a screen when pain
occurs before the end of the screen The situation causing the pain could be
aggravated The person might be fearful or apprehensive The painful episode may
alter movement and not give a clear picture of the clients current functional status

Benefits of continuing a screen when pain occurs before the end of the screen A
complete screen can provide a thorough representation of movement More than one
movement pattern can cause the same pain A different pain may be discovered if all
movement pattern tests are performed A complete movement screen can serve as a
baseline for future reference

Score discomfort the same as pain. No professional referral is necessary, but it is your
responsibility to monitor the finding. Let the zero score signify the discomfort noted within a
particular pattern, and recheck the discomfort after each exercise session. Do not center on a
correction strategy for this pattern. Instead, focus on the lowest non- zero score or the
greatest asymmetry, and after corrective efforts, recheck the discomfort. If the feeling is
persistent and remains unchanged, and the corrective strategy of the non- zero score has not
positively affected the target movement pattern, move on to the SFMA if you are qualified, or
provide a referral to a healthcare professional

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