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How does the Body Mass Index (BMI)
of a person affect the resting heart rate
after 5 minutes of exercise?
By: Pablo Ruiz Martn 3ESO A

How does the Body Mass Index (BMI) of a person affect the resting heart
rate after 5 minutes of exercise?

When you exercise, your muscles use more energy, that is why your
heart beats faster to supply them with the oxygen they need to produce that
The normal heart beat of an adult at rest is between 60 and 100 but in
some people may vary because of especial conditions, the heart beat under
physical effort goes between 140 and 190.
The BMI is an index for assessing overweight and underweight,
obtained by dividing body weight in kilograms by height in meters squared: a
measure of 25 or more is considered overweight. (Collins English Dictionary)

If the BMI is higher, then the heart will pump blood faster after 5 minutes
of exercise, because the body needs more energy to be distributed due to the
bigger mass than in a body with less BMI.


- Independent variable: BMI of a person.

- Dependent variable: Heart rate after 5 minutes of exercise.
- Constant variables:
- The weather.
- Amount of time exercising.
- Type of exercise.
- Physic conditions.

The individuals from whom the information is going to be gathered are

41, 10 and 8 years, there are 2 people with each age, one of each gender. At
the time of the exercise there were 12 degrees Celsius and a 78% humidity,
because it rained before. In this practical the individual is running for 5 minutes
and then the heart rate will be measured.
Also another factor that alters this practical is the physic condition, that is, if
someone does more or less exercise in his/her daily basis.
Equipment needed:
Pulsometer It measures the Beat per minute
(BPM) of the individual.
Stethoscope It makes easier to hear the heart.
Chronometer It makes possible to calculate the
time precisely.
Individuals They make the exercise and then
their BPM is measured.
BMI calculator To calculate the BMI of each

1. Find materials and prepare them.
2. Make the individual relax for about 5 minutes.
3. Measure his heart rate.
4. The individual runs for 5 minutes.
5. Measure his heart rate know that he has exercised.
6. Repeat steps 2 to 5 various times to get more reliable data.
7. Make the average BPM of each person that has come from the different
times that the steps are made.

BMI At rest After 5 minutes of

14.20 kg/m2 88 BMP 176 BPM

15.15 kg/m2 78 BMP 180 BPM

16.36 kg/m2 92 BPM 197 BPM

16.46 kg/m2 85 BPM 167 BPM

23.60 kg/m2 92 BPM 165 BPM

29.91 kg/m2 75 BPM 155 BPM

Heart rate of people with different BMIs


rest After 5 minutes of exercise
Heart rate (BPM)


The process was repeated 3 times with each individual, for the collection
of more accurate data, this is important because in every time the results were
slightly different, maybe because the individuals were more exhausted in the
third time than in the first, but this can also be caused by the amount of sleep
that the individual had that day, what he has been doing throughout the day, or
even the amount of food that he consumed. Also is very difficult to measure the
effort that the different individuals are putting into their runs, the heart rate may
vary a lot between someone who is giving his full to someone who is giving just
a 50 %.

There occurred a problem during the experiment, this is, that the
youngest children couldnt have their BPM measured by the Pulsometer, maybe
because they were to slim for the band, however their data was also measured,
but with a less precise way of measuring, this was with a stethoscope hearing
the heart beat for 10 seconds (measured with a chronometer) and then
multiplying by 10 the count.

The results obtained after this practical were not the expected ones, the
BMI had nothing to do with the BPM after a 5-minute run, maybe it has, but the
result in this practical didnt support that, maybe because the individuals were 3
boys and 3 girls, or maybe because of the difference in age, there were many
different variables that changed between each individual.

What we do appreciate is that every individual had a big difference

between the BPM at rest and after the run, so it has confirmed the fact that the
BPM may vary between the two states in 50 BPMs more or less.
I think the practical was well down, despite the fact that the data was not
the one expected, I measured everything with reliable instruments (chronometer
and Pulsometer) unless the heartbeat of the youngest children, that was
probably the worst part of the practical, not having reliable data for those two
individuals, but instead of that little inconvenient, the practical went very well
from my point of view.
Also I have to say that things can always be better, it would have been good
that there were more individuals, the more different data that you collect de
more reliable, and also consider the many different variables that affect the
information taken, for example any kind of disease, physical activity in the daily
basis, how much active the individuals were in the weeks before the

In conclusion, my data does not support my hypothesis, probably
because for proving it we would need to make many more different tests and we
would need to check many more different variables that affect the change of
heart rate when someone makes any kind of sport.
I think that I could have chosen easier variables, because my hypothesis is very
difficult to prove, in fact during the practical I was about to quit and start with
different variables, but I dont like quitting from what I start and I dont regret it, I
found that in this particular case there are many different variables that affect
the result and for proving the hypothesis it would be needed a bigger practical
with many more individuals, time and also taking into account the things that
affect the pulse.

Collins English Dictionary. (n.d.). http://dictionary.reference.com. Retrieved
November 21, 2015, from http://dictionary.reference.com:
American Heart Association. (2015, August 5). http://www.heart.org. Retrieved
November 21, 2015, from http://www.heart.org:
Gholipur, B. (2015, January 7). http://www.livescience.com. Retrieved
November 21, 2015, from http://www.livescience.com:
Mercola, D. (2013, September 13). http://fitness.mercola.com. Retrieved
November 21, 2015, from http://fitness.mercola.com:

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