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DD of hemoglobinuria in Ruminants:

1- Babesiosis
2- Leptospirosis
3- Bacillary hemoglobinuria
4- Edematous skin disease in buffaloes
5- Postparurient Hemoglobinuria PPH
6- Acute or Chronic Copper poisoning
7- Plant poisoning (Onions, Cappage, Turnips)
8- Water intoxication
9- Drug induced
Affect all ages but common in mature cows (6-8 years and more) at the periods of stress and
immunosupression (late pregnancy or early lactation) especially when moved from babesia free
to babesia endemic areas
Signs: Fever, hemoglobinuria +- ticks in animal
L. pomona hemoglobinuria more common in calves (Redwater of calves) and rare in older ages
Lakes and mud contaminated with carriers, rodents and wildlife urine are source of infection so
buffalo calves more affected
Signs: High fever, hemoglobinuria, jaundce
Bacillary hemoglobinuria:
Endemic in some regions worldwide
Young animals 1-2 years with very good body condition are the most affected age (especially
late pregnant heifers)
Hypoxic foci caused by immature fasciola migration or liver abscess are the site of the bacterial
Signs: High fever, hemoglobinuria, ABDOMINAL PAIN, BROWNISH DIARRHEA that some
times contains blood
Highly fatal disease 90-95% of cases within 1-3 days
At PM: Effusion of yellowish serous fluid in body cavities (Abdominal and thoracic) and
presence of gray foci of infarction in the liver
Edematous skin disease in buffaloes
Corynbacterium pseudotuberculosis secrets extoxin (Phospholipase D) which cause hemolysis at
high concentrations
Some chronic cases of ESD in buffaloes if left without treatment for long periods (1-2 months)
may reach to the exotoxin concentration that enough to cause hemolysis
Sings: The case have chronic EDS, Off feed, Normal temp, Hemoglobiuria, Death within 24
hours or less
Postparurient Hemoglobinuria PPH
Occurs in DAIRY cattle and buffalo AT peak of milk production (Usually 1 month after
parturition) or in rare case at late pregnancy in buffaloes
Sings: Normal temp and appetite - Sharp decrease in milk production - Hemoglobinuria -
Narrowing anal opening
Acute or Chronic Copper poisoning
Accidental or by error administration of large doses of parental or oral copper contains medicines
Signs: Tremors, weakness, hemoglobiuria, death within 1 or 2 days
Plant poisoning (Onions, Cappage, Turnips)
- -
These plants contains sulfur containing oxidants which cause hemoglobin oxidation, Heinz body
formation then hemolysis
Signs: A history of recent access to large amounts of above mentioned plants, Hemoglobinuria
Water intoxication
Occurs in preruminant very young calves
History: Sudden drinking of large amount of water after prolonged period of after deprivation
(usually one day or more) in hot summer weather
Signs: Tremors cause by brain edema, hemoglobinuria, hypothermia
Drug induced
Very rare in large animals
May cause by IV oxytetracylcine or NSAID drugs or the tranquilizer chlorpromazine
This file contains some useful information

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