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Graph., Grat., Ign., Uatroph., Kali m., I I with convulsions, IBell., ICham., ISpig.; with
IMagn. c, I Mar. IIMerc. (in alternation
v., IChim.m.
with Sul.), I IMillef.,INuxv., IRatan.,ISabad., Worms, with headache: ICalc
ISep., HSil., ISpig., IStann., IStram., IISul., I Worms, heart: palpitation, HSpig.
IBTereb., Val., IVer.; with bloated, drumlike Worms, mouth: fetid breath, IBai\ m., Euphor.,
abdomen, Sumb.; with itching at anus, even-
I I HSpig., IStann., ITereb.
ing till midnight, Calc a.; with creeping and Worms, nervous disorder: HCina, ISabad.,
itching and nightly restlessness, worse from HSpig.
warmth of bed, IMar. v.; in angina pectoris, Worms, nose: bleeding, at night, I Merc; itch-
I lOxal. ac; catarrh of chest, IKali c; with ing, HSpig.; picking, HCina, INatr. p.; I

constipation, ICalc, Sumb.; fits of spasmodic 1 1 sneezing, Apoc.

coughing at night, IMagn. c; with whoop- Worms, oxyuris (pin, seat, or threadworms)
ing cough, ISpong.; with diarrhoea, Magn.s.,
I IIAcon., IA11. sat., lArg. nit., Bar. c, ICalc,
I ISpong. with prosopalgia, llgn.; in infantile
; HCina, Citrus, IICup. m., IDolich., I IFerr.,
catarrh, Kali c. in intestinal catarrh, IChel.;
I I ; IHep., Indig., IKali m., Mar. v., I Med., I I

with bleeding hemorrhoids, IFerr. m.; in IINatr. m., IRatan., Ruta, ISabad., IStram., I

marasmus, jAbrot.; cause nymphomania, IISul., Tell., 1 1 Thuya, I lUrt. ur.

ISabad.; with pruritus, of young girls, llgn.; Bg^* Anus crawling, itching.
with great rectal irritation, ITJrt. ur. Worms, cause paralysis ICina, IStann. :

Worms, cause catalepsy ISabad. : Worms, after scarlatina IBar. m. :

Worms, in children: Cic, HCina, llgn., INux Worms, taenia (tapeworm): IIAilant., Amb.,
m;, IIRuta, HSpig. in dentition, with con- ; lArg. nit., Ars., HCalc, ICarbo a., llCarbo
stipation, IDolich.; in difficult dentition, v., ICina, ICinnab., Cinch., Cop., ICup. ac,

HSil. ICup. m., IFerr., IFerr. s., I IFilix, IForm., I

Worms, with chorea ICalc, ICina convulsive : ; Graph., Ign., Kali c, IMagn. c, IMagn. m.,
trembling or twitching, ISabad. IMar. v., IIMerc; in alternation with Sul.,
Worms, with colic Aeon., ICalc, Chen., : INatr. c, Nux v., IPetrol., IPhos., IPlat., '

HCina, ICinch., Coloc,Indig., IRuta,Sabad., I IPuls., ISabad., iSal.ac, Sep., HSil., IStann., I I

ISil., HSpig., IVal. IISul., ITereb., IVer.; with severe burning


Worms, with constipation ICalc, IFilix, : boring in abdomen, accumulation of saliva in

I mouth, chilliness, and sensitiveness to cold,
Worms, with convulsions: Art., Bar. m., ISabad.; with convulsions, llgn.; with hemi-

I Bell., ICham., ICic, HCina, IIHyos., Ign., crania, ISabad.

Indig., IStann., Strain., ITereb.; in children, Worms, throat inflamed, IBell., ICina; in-

ICina, I llgn.; with epilepsy, during denti- flamed, pale redness, swelling, swallows often,
tion, IStann. HSpig.
Worms, with cough: ICina, ISpig., I ITereb. Worms, cause incontinence of urine at night
Worms, with itching in ears Sabad. : I ICina, IXJran. n.
Worms, eyes preceded by cataract, : ISil.; di- Worms, with vomiting Apoc, Arg. nit., Bar. :

lated pupils, HSpig.; strabismus, IBell., m., ICina, ISpig.; vomiting of round worms,
HCina, HSpig. ISabad.

Worms, fever lAcon., IBell., Cic, HCina;


Bladder. Kidneys. Ureters. Urethra. Urination. Before

Urination. During Urination. After Urination. Urine.

BLADDER, aching: in cystitis, Berb., lEup. Bladder, bleeding : Erig., IHam., IFerr. ph.,
pur.; deep, dull, lEup. pur.; distress, Erig.; I ITJrt. ur.; thick,
black blood, ISec; pure
during menses (chronic cystitis and irritabil- blood, with burning (purpura hemorrhagica),,
ity of bladder), ISep.; in region of, IHell., I I ITereb. jg^T Urine bloody.
Pallad.; after and before urinating, IFluor.ac; Bladder, burning HCanth., Sep.; in cystitis,,

followed by frequent desire to urinate much lAcon., lArs., ICanth.; biting, with efforts to
at a time, worse when lying, INux v. pass urine, tormenting him foranhour,Prun.;:
g^ soreness. in dysentery and gonorrhcea,IICaps.; in even-
Bladder, atony jgg^ weakness. : ing, Lyss. in fundus, Ind. Thuya in hema-
; , ;

Bladder, feeling as of a ball rolling about, turia, lArs.; during menses (chronic cystitis-
when turning over (uterine displacement, and irritability of bladder), ISep.; in morn- I

cystitis): HLach. ing, before urinating first time, IBerb.; in

Bladder, bearing down : jg^- pressure, ten- neck, Aeon., ICop., IPuls.; in neck, during I

esmus. urination, ICham., INux v., Petrol.; in neck,


during urination (hay fever), IRan. b.; in lent, ISil.;from taking cold in damp weather
region of neck, in bed, INux v.; morning (pemphigus), IDulc; mostly in old persons,
from neck to fossa navicularis, IBCanth.; in Alum. particularly in old debauchees, Coff.

sphincter, Prun.; could not stand, lEup.pur.; t. particularly in old persons of sedentary

alternates with burning in umbilicus, worse habits, ITereb.; with pain and irritation,
at rest, better walking in open air (hematu- I Erig.I with pustules and boils on body,

ria), IITereb.; burning, with urging to urin- Indig.; with sexual excitement, Chel.; with
ate, Prun.; before and during urination, strangury, six weeks later incontinence of
Rheum after urination, Berb., ILyc.
urine, IDulc; subacute, ISeneg.; especially in
B@Q heat, inflammation.
women, Mitch, rep. gg^ inflammation,

Bladder, bursting feeling but not energy : irritability also Urination difficult.

enough to pass a good stream, Zinc; painful, Bladder,congestion I ITereb. ;passive,IHam.; :

during cough, Caps. $gj^ distended, ful- congested feeling, in evening, Lyss.
ness; also Urine retention. gggT heat, inflammation.
Bladder, calculi (gravel, stone): Ant. c, 1 1 Bladder, constriction of neck, Cact.; in neck, :

1 1 Apoc,lArg. nit.,
I Are., lAspar., Bell., 1 1 I I I during urination, Colch. painful, IBerb., ;

IBenz. ac, IIBerb., Cact., HCalc, ICannab., Sars.; with urinary tenesmus and involuntary
HCanth., ICarbo v., Card, m., ICinch., Coc-
I 1 1 emission of a little urine, IPuls.; in prostatic
cus, ;Cochl.,Coff.t., IColch., IColoc.,1 Cup. I I I affection, Cact.; spasmodic, Phos. ac; feeling
m., Dig., Equis., Eup. pur. Graph., Kreo.,
I I , I I I I of strangulation at neck, during urination,
ILach., ILith., I ILyc, Mez., Naja, Natr. m., lasting a long while, Polyg. $^T contrac- I I

Natr. s., INitr. ac, INux m., INux v., Pallad., tion, cramp, pressure, spasm, spasmodic
IPareira, IPetrol., IPhos., IPuls., IRuta, pain, tenesmus also Urination strangury, ;

USars., llSep., ISil., Thuya, lUva ; cause I I I urging.

colic, jTereb.; concretions of urate of ammo- Bladder, contraction: empty, Colch.; painful,
nia,IBenz. ac. disposition to, in cystitis,! I Lye;
; Berb.; painful during micturition, Dig.; when
in gout, IIBenz. ac. gravel, -Anag., Benz. ;
pressed upon, Berb. violent, in region of, ;

ac, -Chim. umb., Cinch., ICoccus, ICochl., Petrol. S@f constriction, cramp, press-
Coff.t, Con., Eup. pur., IHydras., ILith., I ILyc, ing, spasm, spasmodic pain, tenesmus;
I IMagn. p., IXatr. s., IPhos., IRaph., Ruta, also Urination strangury, urging.
ISars., ISil., Urt. ur., Uva, Zinc; gravel, with
1 1 Bladder, a cooling feeling in region of, in even-
chronic bronchitis, ICoccus ; gravel, in chil- I ing Lyss. :

dren, I ISars.; gravel, with hematuria, ILyc; Bladder, cramp: Carb. s., INux v.; colic, ICar-
gravel, with pain in back, llpom.; gravel, bo v.; feeling, preceded by colic, Zinc; caused
periodical discharge, ILyc; gravel, in sub- by flatulency, he is obliged to double up,
acute pleuritis, lArg. nit.; passes small quan- I Prun.; in desquamative nephritis,
I Plumb.; I I

tities of fine red sand, ILyc; gravel, in small painful, Berb.; crampy pain, followed by he-
quantities, when urinating, lAspar. pain and ;
maturia, IMez. painful in neck, Carb. s.;

spasm during passage, INux v.; one pris- pain during pregnancy (strangury), ILyc;
matic crystal of triple phosphate (Bright's sharp pains, caused by urging to urinate, if
disease), IKalm.; discharge of a porous stone, not attended to immediately, Prun.; in sphinc-
as large as half a bean, with much sand and ter, Cinch, bol.; in sphincter, urine com-
sediment (renal colic), ILyc. stone, pain from, ; mences to flow after waiting a long time,
INux m.; after operation for stone, lArn., IOp.; sympathetic, from uterus, Caulo., IVib.;
Bell., ICalend., Cham., Cinch., Cup. m., Dig., particularly with urging and burning, Sars.
Laur., Nux m., Nux v., IStaph., Ver.; stone, jggg^ constriction, contraction, pressing,
with retention of urine, IMillef.; periodical I spasm, spasmodic pain, tenesmus; also
discharge of small, ILyc; passes frequently Urination strangury, urging.
small crystals of uric acid, IPareira passed ;
Bladder, crawling: after urination, ILyc
several times (nephritic colic), IPareira; I Bladder, cutting iEthus., IBerb., Coccus, Eup.

small, pass away, IDolich.; small, round and pur., IKali c; constant, at fundus (acute ca-
rough, with hematuria, ILyc; causing ulcera- tarrh), IColoc; in left side, IBerb.; in left
tion of bladder, All. sat. side, into urethra, IBerb.; in neck, IKali c;
fig^ Kidneys, calculi, colic. from neck to fossa navicularis, HCanth.; at
Bladder, cancer: with hematuria, Crotal. neck, during urination, lasting a long while,
jg^" ulceration. Polyg.; tearing, IKali c; alternates with

Bladder, catarrh: Ant. c, Ant. t., I Apis, Apoc, cutting in umbilicus, worse at rest, better
IIBenz. ac.,ICalc, ICanth., ICarbo v., ICaust,, walking in open air (hematuria), IITereb.;
IChim. umb., ICinnab., Clem., Collin., IICo- I I before urinating, Calc p.; with urging to uri-
loc, ICon., ICop., Cub., IIDulc, Equiset., nate, caused by motion of child (pregnancy),
Erig., IIEucal., IGels., IIHam., Hydras., Thuya; with frequent urging to urinate,

Kali c, IKali m., Kali ph., ILach., HLvc, I I but only a few drops are discharged, continues
I INux v.,Phos.,IPuls., Sal. ac, Sen eg., ISin- 1 1 after urination, ISul. I

ap., Sticta, ITereb., HUva ursi from atony, ; g^T shooting, sticking, stitches.
I IMillef.; with bleeding,IHam.,Millef. chron- ; Bladder, disagreeable sensation: 1 1 Apis.
ic, lAnt.c, ICalc ICarbo v., ICop., IFerr.,
, Bladder, distended IIApis, Arm, IHell.,Sars.; :

Indig., IIKali m., I ILyc, IPareira, IPhos., I with chilliness, IMed., IOp.; in cystitis, I

ISars., ISeneg., ISul., Trill., lUva ursi; 1 1 ICalad.; in chronic cystitis, lArs.; in delirium
chronic, with cartilaginous condition of inner tremens, MStram.; in diphtheria, Lac c; I I

coat, which felt very hard to the sound, IPa- I although emptied every half hour during day,
reira blennorrhea, *IIUva ursi blennorrhea,
; ; Eup. pur.; feels distended when empty, Lye
of old people, ICarbo v.; blennorrhea, puru- vir. feeling of enlargement (chronic cystitis
and irritability of bladder), Sep.; hard, in 1 1 brought on by catheterization and introduc-
cystitis, Tarant.; in locomotor ataxia, lArg. tion of bacteride germs, Plumb,; second 1 1

nit. ; overcomes resistance of sphincter and stage, when swelling has set in, IKali m.;
dribbles, Sarrac; pain, as from distension, with soreness all over, Eup. pur. traumatic, ;

IIEquiset. paralysis, in pregnancy, ICaust.;

Arm; urging, urine passes in drops, ad-
could bear no pressure, All. sat.; with urging mixed with blood, IIAcon.; with light colored
to urinate, Abrot.; urine does not flow, absence urine, filled with mucus, Med.
of urging, great debility as after typhus, IPhos. fgH^ burning, catarrh, congestion, heat,
)$i^ paralysis also Urine retention.
irritability, sensitive, ulceration.
Bladder, dragging: painful, ICheL; pressing, Bladder, injuries: affections after mechanical
Lactu. v. $^ drawing. injuries, IIArn.; after lithotomy, UStaph.;
Bladder, drawing Coccus: in neck, Cop.; ; after lithotomy, pus-like discharge, Millef 1 1

pain, while sitting, Card, m.; in one or other gil^ calculi.

side, extending into female urethra, BBerb.; Bladder, irritability: lAct. rac, lApis, IBell.,
spasmodic, towards penis, Calad.; upwards, Benz. ac, Brach., Chim. umb., Chlorof.,
in female, during urination, Calc. p.; with Cop., Cub., IIErig., ILept., IPlant., IPod.,
frequent urging to urinate, Rhod. Puts., Seneg., HSep., IISuL, IVespa ; from
B dragging. calculi, children, preceded by
IIErig.; in
Bladder, dull feeling: Eup. pur., Pallad., headache and heat in head, MSenecio;
IPuls.; in cystitis, v.; even when just
INux chronic, ISul.; chronic, mucous secretion,

emptied, Gnaphal.; as if contents would fall 1 Eup. pur.; gouty diathesis, IColch., ISa-

out, over pubes, with constant desire to push bina in gout or alcoholism, INux v.; pre-

them back, Sep.; moving up and down at cedes leucorrhcea, ISenecio; excessive, with
every step, after urination, Ruta pressing, ;
large deposits of lithates, lEup. pur.; in newly
in nephritis or cystitis, IChim. umb.; with married people, especially the women, IStaph.;
desire to urinate every ten or fifteen minutes, in neck, I Apis, ICanth.; of neck, threatening
Cub. without desire to urinate, Calad.
; inflammation Hell. of neck, in old women,
, I I ;

f$^ heaviness. Cop.; of neck, cervix uteri engorged, dark red

Bladder, dull pain: MLach., IPhos.; severe, I and swollen, Mitch, rep.; from nephritis,
1 1

not better after urinating, IBEquis. irritation, IZinc; better at night in bed, IBar.
Bladder, fistula after gonorrhoea, edges indur-
: c; sphincter, causing frequent urination day
ated, discharge of pus and urine, ISul. I and night, IPlant.; swollen condition of neck,
Bladder, fungoid: of trigone vesicae, ICalc. I Mitch, rep.; with tenesmus, depending upon

Bladder, gangrene: Canth. gouty diathesis, IColch.; in women, lEup. pur.

Bladder, gravel fl@ calculi.
: fg^* catarrh, inflammation, sensitive.

Bladder, heat: ICepa constant, at neck, pain-

; Bladder, itching in region of, with urging to :

ful micturition, even convulsions, Elat.; with urinate, especially at night, ISep.; in region
ischuria or retention of urine, IPuls. of neck, in morning in bed, INux v.
jgg^* burning, inflammation. gg^* irritation.
Bladder, heaviness: Astac, ICanth., ILyc; Bladder, neuralgia after use of catheter, sen- :

after catching cold (renal colic), ILyc. leaden, ; sation as if muscles did not contract, IMagn.
across, with sensation of pressure from navel p.; in neck, IKali br.; especially if vesical

downward, worse during motion and com- symptoms are preceded by nephralgia, Zinc;
pelling patient to bend forward when seated, urethra or seminal cord affected, 8Clem.
INatr. m. fl^"* full feeling. Bladder, pain (undefined): Agnus, Ant. t,
Bladder, hemorrhoids: ICanth., Carbo v., Arn., Aurant., Benz. ac, IBerb., Calad., Cann.
Euphor., IHam.; bleeding, hematuria, Ars., i., I Canth., I Carbo v., ICaust., ICepa, Equiset., I

I ICalc, 8Ham., Lye, Merc, Nitr. ac, Nux v.; Ferr.,Indig., Jalap., Phyt., Polyg., ITarant.; I

profuse bleeding, IFerr. Jg^" congestion ;

on awaking, Chrom. ac; after coitus, in male,
also Urine bloody. Cepa; after taking cold (cystitis), ISars.;
Bladder, inflammation: IIAcon., Amm. c, worse from drinking,ICanth.; after acrid drugs,
IArn.,IArs., Aspar., IBar.m.,
I I Ant. t. ,11 Apis, Camph.; after injecting nitrate of silver for
IBerb., Cact., I Calad., Calc, Camph.,
1 1 Bell., gonorrhoea, ITarant.; in evening, after exer-

ICann. i., ICann. s., llCanth., ICaps., ICaust., tion, Pallad.; towards evening (hematuria),
Chim. umb., Colch., Coloc, ICon., ICop., Ipec;flashes, more toward right, before pass-
Cub., IDig., IDulc, Elat., lEquiset., Erig., ing water,! Lith.; fleeting (catarrh), IBenz.ac; I

Eryng., lEup. pur., IGels., Guarsea, Hell., with fever, I Cact.; with headache, intermittent,
Hydras., IHyos., Kali bi. Kalic, Kali ph.,
, I I during paroxysms, IPtel.; in liver com- I

ILach., Lil. tig., Lith., IILyc, IMerc, plaint, ICheL; in morning sickness, ICon.; I

Nitr. ac, INux v., Pareira, Phos. ac, Polyg., when moving, IBerb.; in neck, IBerb.,
Prun. IIPuls., USars., Seneg., HSep., ISul.,
, ICann. s., IFerr. ph.; about neck, in even-
Tarant., I ITereb.; catarrhal, IPuls.; in neck, ing, Lyss. in neck, like that when having

catarrhal, INux v. with fever. I Ver. v.; with

; stream suddenly stopped, ICalc p.; in neck,
violent fever, Ferr. ph., Kali m.; in- I I on attempting urination after catching
creases slowly to greatest violence with con- cold, Cop.; in neck, before urinating,
stant desire to urinate, causing spasms, INux v.; in neck, after urinating, Apis,
Hell.; after suppression of menses or of I Sars. in neighboring parts with weak
; ,

hemorrhoidal flow, INux v.; discharge of streams of water, ICalc. p.; with painful draw-
thick white mucus, IKali m.; in neck, Apis, ing up of testes, Thuya with painful retraction ;

Caps., Dig.; in neck, with difficult urination, of left testicle (chronic catarrh of bladder),
Hyos.; necrotic, caused by a decomposition of I Pareira on turning over in bed, as if blad-

urine and formation of carbonate of ammonia der would fall towards side on which he is


lying, IPuls.; with frequent urging, HCanth.; ful, Cepa, IDulc, Eup. pur.; painful on right
before and during urination, IPbyt. during ; side, Calc p.; painful (enuresis nocturna),
urination, Brach.; during urination, after ty- MSquilla; passing little (megrim), ~Calc;
phoid nervous disease, IManc; after urina- when pressed upon, Berb.; with enlarged
tion, Brach. ; after a few drops pass (prostatic prostate, I Apis constant, with retention of

affection), ICaust. if call to urinate is post- ; urine, IHyos.; in retroversion, ILil. tig.;sharp,
poned, Sul. ac, momentarily better as soon as as with a cutting instrument, with contractive
urine descends into urethra, Prun.; on walk- pain between acts of urination and discharge
ing, better from pressure of hand, IPuls. of mucus, IINux v.; sharp, Con.; sharp, al-
Bladder, paralysis: Aeon., Agar., Alumin., I I most cutting, while walking in open air, as
IIArs., ICact. , ICamph., ICarboa. ICaust., I , from flatulence, IPuls.; sharp heavy, down- I

ICic, ICup.m., IIDulc, Form., 1 1 Gels,, Hell., ward, Petrol.

I Icompels to sit cross-legged

Helon., IHyos., I I Merc, Mur. ac, IINux v., and trembling, Zinc; while sitting, going in

IOp., IPlumb., lEhus, ISec, ISec, IPuls., streaks to other kidney, better from ex ercise,
ISil., Tabac, Thuya, Zinc; with anxiety, Tereb.; before stool, ICarbo v., INatr. m.;
ICic; in children, with affection of head, IHy- with strangury, Sars.; sudden, passing off on
os.; diminution of contractile power, Ipom. emission of flatus, IColoc; with difficult uri-
in daytime, IThuya after diphtheria,IGels.;
; nation (paresis of detrusor), INux v.; causing I

distended to navel, IGels.; distended, during dribbling of urine after unavailing urging to
pregnancy, Hell.; of detrusor,
I I INux v.; I stool, ICard. m.; frequent urging to urina-
constant dribbling, Tabac; expulsive power tion, Coccus, Gymn., IINux v., IPuls.; with
weakened, IPlumb.; feels paralyzed, has no
I frequent urination, and tension in lower ab-
power to expel urine, IThuya causes inconti- ; domen, I ISep. as if urine could not be re-

nence, IKali ph.; after labor, lArs., IChlorof., tained, Brach., Con., Zinc; but not to urinate,
IHyos.; of neck, Bell., Canth., IPuls.; felt I Zinc; small quantity causes urging, 1 1 Canth.;
as if he had not power to close but is able to before urination, Arn., IKali c, INux v.,
contain urine, Stram.; particularly old people, IPuls.; during urination, A sar., Berb., Lachn.,
Cann. s., IGels., IKali ph.; chronic inconti- I Sil. during and after urination, ICamph.;

nence in old, flabby people, IThuya no pain, ; after urination, Asar., Berb., Brach.; after
not even on pressure, IGels.; partial, requiring urination, in female, Calc. p. f$gg~ contrac-
use of catheter, 7rAtrop. s.; semi-paralysis, tion, cramps, full feeling, heaviness, spasm;
Cod.; paretic condition, with frequent mictu- also Urination strangury, urging.
rition of pale, yellow urine, Zinc. with pru- I I ; Bladder, pricking: Arund.
ritus, MZincjfrom every retention, ICaust.; Bladder, rheumatic affections: Clem., Merc
urine retained, IOp.; of sensation, with affec- per.
tions of urinary organs, Cub. loss of energy ; Bladder, scraping in neck of, especially when :

in sphincter, causing frequent urine, IPhos. walking, llgn. I

laxity of sphincter, copious nocturnal enu- Bladder, sensitive lEquiset., Lye vir., Sars.; :

resis, IPlant. from spinal degeneration,

; in catarrh lUva ursi child screams if hand

I IPlumb.; with tendency to twitching (mye- is placed there, ICepa in dysuria, IChim. ;

litis), IMerc in typhus, ; IPsor. causes weak I ; uuib. painful, Squilla; in enlargement of

slow stream of urine, I Sul. prostate, IBenz. ac; pressure, lEquiset.; to

$3^ Urination inability, insufficient, in- pressure (catarrh), ICanth.; to pressure (cys-
voluntary, slow also Urine retention. ; titis), ICalad.; to pressure or jar, Bell.; slight-
Bladder, polypus HCalc : est pressure produces convulsions, ICanth.;
Bladder, pressing sensation: IIAcon., lAph. I sphincter, hyperesthesia of some nervous
ch., Astac,IAur. met., ICamph., Caps., ICarbo branch, lAtrop. s.; to touch, Calad., IPuls.,
v., MCepa, Cinch, bob, Coff., Cop., Cycl., IMerc. ia^ inflammation, irritability.
Eup. pur., Jalap., ILach., IILil. tig., Med., I Bladder, shooting: ICalc p.; better lying on
Natr. c, IINux v., IPhos. ac, IPuls., ISep., I face, Chel.; in diabetes, IOp.; when moving,
Staph., ISul.; anxious, with sudden desire to Bell.
urinate, but scanty emission, Graph.; bearing Bladder, smarting from neck, whole length of :

down, I Apis, Cop., IDulc; bearing down,

I urethra to meatus, IChim. umb.; could not
worse lying down, especially at night, better stand, lEup. pur. Jgi^ burning.
from horseback riding, ILyc; painful bearing Bladder, soreness: Cannab. s., ILith.; con-
down, with frequent strong urging to urinate, stant, in chronic cystitis and irritability of
in morning, ISep.; burning, ICepa; with bladder, ISep.; on motion, ICanth.; inneck,

burning, after urination, in evening, Sep.; Brach., Carbo v.; on either side, Diad.;
with colic, IOp. caused convulsions, ITereb.;
; I stretched feeling, Lact. ac; worse during
with cough, llpec; in whooping cough, urination, Natr. a. w orse after urinating,Calc ;

ICepa; in diarrhoea, Bell.; in cystitis, dull, p. $^spasm:

I ILyc; dull, in diabetes, IPhos. ac. dull, I ; Bladder, IBell., ICanth., IGels., Gua-
at night, IBell.; as if filled, Pallad.; as if rana, Hell.; with colic, ICaps. with alternate ;

it were too full, continuing after inclina- dysuria and enuresis, IGels. with hematuria, ;

tion, IDig., Euta flatulent, Mlgn.; labor- ; llpec!; hypochondriacal, ICalc; in hysteria,
like colic, ICarbo v.; after meals, Bar. c; ICalc, IPuls.; of neck, IIArn., IKali br., I

in morning, Sep.; in neck, Brach.; in neck, IIMagn. p., Ruta; in pneumonia, I Ant. t.; of
with stitches, worse when walking, better neck, with difficult urination, Hyos.; in neck,
sitting, Con.; in neck, especially when walk- causes painful urination (hydrothorax),
ing, llgn.; as if it would be pressed out, bet-
I IColch.; especially if caused by sexual excess
ter standing or sitting with legs crossed, or or stimulants, INux v.; disturbing sleep, Prun.;
lying down (irritable bladder), ISep.; pain- I spasmodic stricture, I IMagn. p.; sympathetic,
in uterine disturbance, Caulo., BVib.; in Colch. during urination, Cinch, box. Coccus
; ,

women, often combined with uterine spasm, after urination, Cub., Squilla during and after ;

Gels.; frequent and continued, before urinat- urination, lApis, Colch. with bloody unne ;

ing (cysto-blennorrhcea), I.Uva ursi during I ; in drops, after falling downstairs, Rhus; 1 1

urination, Asaf. after urination, Asaf.

; with retention of urine, IPuls.; with scanty
jg^T* constriction, contraction, cramp, urine, IColoc; from prolapsus or retroversion
pressing, spasmodic pain, tenesmus also ; of uterus, BChim. umb. with increase of gran- ;

Urination strangury, urging, and Urine ulations and continual narrowing of channel
retention. (after gonorrhoea), Mar. v. /ggf constric- I I

Bladder, spasmodic pain ICaulo.; with cox- : tion, contraction, cramp, pressing, spasm,
algia, BCanth.; every morning nearly same spasmodic pain also Urination strangury, ;

hour (bronchial and vesical catarrh), ICop.; urging.

in neck, after urination, extending to pelvis Bladder, tension with difficult urination (pa-

and thighs, IPuls. $1^ spasm, tenesmus. resis of detrusor vesicas), INux v.; painful in I

Bladder, sticking Coccus from kidneys into

: ; left side, IBerb.; over pubes, heat, tenderness
urethra, Berb.; in one or the other side, ex- (inflammation of bladder), 1 1 Aeon.
tending into female urethra, IBerb.; in neck, gigr constriction, cramp, pressure.

Puis.; in neck, when not urinating, Cham.; Bladder, throbbing: painful, during straining
sharp, in neck, on right side, with soreness, efforts to pass water, IDig.
BLith. Jgilf cutting, stitches. Bladder, tickling constant chronic, cystitis

Bladder, stitches Carb. s., IChel., BCon., Coc-

: and irritability of bladder, Sep. 1 1

cus, Kali c, BLyc, INatr. m., Pallad.; during Bladder, tumors ICalc. :

cough,Caps.; in neck, Carb. s., ILyc; in neck, Bladder, twitching Agar. :

for many hours after urinating, Con.; in Bladder, ulceration: Pan. b., >Eup. pur., Hy-
neck, after ineffectual pressure to urinate, dras., Merc. iod. rub.; caused by calculi, All. j

Guaiac; in neck, within outward, during and sat.; of whole internal coat, (Hydras.
after cough, ICaps.; alternating with darting g^ inflammation.
in rectum, Coloc before and at beginning of
; Bladder, uneasiness: during a cold, became
urination, Mane. during urination, INatr. m.
; chronic inflammation, BEup. pur.
J$j>^cutting, shooting, sticking.
Bladder, strangury j|^ tenesmus
Bladder, urging:
Urination strangury, U^
: ; also
Urination strangury, urging. Bladder, weakness (atony) BCepa, Cham., :

Bladder, suppuration Tereb. :

Hep., BHyos., IKali ph., BMagn. m.JBMur. I

g^ inflammation. ac, INatr. p., Phos. ac. lUran.; contraction


Bladder, swollen in cystitis, Tarant.; feels

: less powerful, Camph.; in evening, with feel-
swollen, BKali iod. Jgigh distended. ing as if he would wet bed, BAlum.; as if it
Bladder, tearing pain IKali c. in neck, during : ; had lost expulsive force, Eucal.; in girls and
urination,INux v. women, w ith frequent desire to urinate,

Bladder, tenesmus Arm, lAur. mur., Bell.,

: I Rhus; in old persons, BArs.; painful, Pallad.;
Canth., Clem., Cop., Gels., Hyper., IJamb., I after parturition, HArs.; from retention of
Merc.cor., IMez., Nuxm.,HPlumb., IPod., I urine, ICanth.; in fundus, causing retained
Puis., Rhus, Sarrac, Sep., BSil., IITereb.; 1 1 urine, Tereb.; urging to urinate wanting, as

with abdominal venous congestion, IPod. with ; if there were no sensation in bladder, only
intense burning in urethra, Merc, cor.; after sensation of fulness indicates necessity to uri-
taking cold (acute cystitis), Lye. in chronic ; nate, Stann.; must press hard to urinate,
diarrhoea), ICup. ars.;in dysmenorrhcea,BBTa- Rheum. JSiih paralysis also Urination in- ;

rant.; in dysentery, Alum., I ICaps., IMerc. I I ability, insufficient, involuntary, slow.

cor. ; in dysuria, BChim. umb.; frequent, with Bladder, worm sensation of turning as from

scanty emissions, BGels.; in gonorrhoea, BTe- a large worm, Bell.; something seems to move
reb.; with heat and urging, ISenecio in in- I
; like a worm, causing tickling (chronic cys-
termittent fever, ISul. ac. with spasmodic
I ; titis, and irritability of bladder), Sep. 1 1

pain in kidneys, Coccus with micturition, in ; KIDNEYS, abscess (suppuration): lArs.,

evening while walking, Lith.; constant, worse ! Cetrar., BHep. Hippoz., BMerc. BSil.
, Tereb. , ,

4 a.m., Amm. m. of neck, Aeon., NArn., ; Kidneys, aching Med.; constant, with extreme

Camph., Ferr. iod.; in inflammation of neck, tenderness, BHelon.; constant, in region of,
Senecio painful, during urination,
Med. I I worse in right, where pain shoots through to
with paralysis of arms, Rhus every other 1 1
; bowels, Kali bi.; almost constant, dull, in
quarter of an hour for eight hours, BPrun.; region of (amblyopia potatorum), IITereb.;
with discharge of white acrid pus and mucus, dull, Natr. a., BTereb.; dull, in region of,
Sars.; in bladder and rectum, at same time Hydras., Mitch, rep. deep, dull, in cystitis,
1 1 ;

(proctitis), Alum.; severe and constant, with

I I Eup. pur.; dull, with frequent desire to uri-
urination of a few drops of burning urine, nate, Zing.; keeping awake at night, Cann.

after much exertion and pain, worse at night, i. ;when riding, ICalc; in right (headache),
Merc. rousing from sleep at night, Ant. c.,
; Crotal.; worse before and better after urinat-
Lith.; robs him of sleep (cysto-blennorrhcea), ing (diabetes mellitus) , I ILyc.
IlUva ursi from spasmodic action, debilitat-
; jg@r" bruised pain, soreness.
ing patient, who passes only by drops a dark Kidneys, Addison's disease Ant. c, Arg. nit., :

red, brown, fetid urine, with gravel-like sedi- Ars., Bell., HCalc, Carbo v.,*Caust., Cinch.,
ment (cystitis), Tarant.; spasmodic urging Ferr., Ferr. iod., Iod., IKalijc, -Mang.,
while sitting, going up in streaks to either Natr. m.JNitr. ac.,1 101. jec! BBPhos., Pic
kidney, better from exercise, Tereb.; during ac, Sec, Sep., BSil., BSpig., Sutj-ansemia and
stool, (Staph.; strangury, with hemorrhage, asthenia, BFerr.; dull, pinching pain in region
; ;


of suprarenal capsule, at 11 a.m., cold fingers down, ILacdef.; passing through left ileum
at same time, Med.; throbbing and thumping I I to pubis, Arund.; in left, IBenz. ac; in
in region of suprarenal capsule, seeming to nephritis, INux v.; in nephritis, with hse-
come from abscess or sore spot just below fifth maturia, IITereb.; can trace their outline by
rib, right side (abscess of liver), Med. ; with I I the burning, IHelon.; in a small spot near,
vertigo, I ICalc". worse pressing hard, moves downward and
Kidneys, affections (undefined): %@T disease. forward, Berb. extending down ureters, Te-

Kidneys, albuminuria: j^^Bright's disease; reb. before urination, Rheum during urina-
; ;

also Urine albuminous. Jg^p" heat, inflammation.

tion, Rheum.
Kidneys, Bright's disease (albuminous neph- Kidneys, calculi: Act. sp., Apoc, Arn., Chin,
ritis) Amm. ben., Ant. t., I Apis, Apoc, Arg.
: s., I Eup. pur., Ilpom., IILyc, II Sars., I Sep.,,

nit., IIArs., Ars. h., Ars.

Atrop., IIAur. i., ISil., ITabac, ITereb., Uva ursi; with renal
mur., lAur. mur. nat., Berb IBrach., Bry., , colic, during passage, IChlorof.; congestive
ICalc.,1 ICalc. a.,
ICalc. p., ICalc. s.,ICann.s., I I and inflammatory symptoms, with purulent,
ICanth.,ICarbol.ac.,Caulo.,IChel., Chim.umb., chalky, or sandy sediment, IPhos.; caused
ICinch., ICoccus, IColch., Coloc, Con.,ICop., nephritis, INux v. passage, with writhing,

ICrotal., ICup. m. IDig., , Eup. pur., IFerr., twitching, crampy pain, IDiosc.
IFerr. ph., IIGlon., Hell., IHep., I IHelon., Jggg" colic also Bladder calculi.

IKali bi., IKali c, IKali iod., IIKalim., Kidneys, cirrhosis: g^" contracted.
I Kali ph., IKalm., Kreo. ILach., IILyc,
I , Kidneys, affected by a cold IPolyg. :

ILyc. vir., IIMerc. cor., IMerc cy., IMerc. Kidneys, colic: I Apis, I Arg. nit., I Arn., BArs.,
iod. rub., Mez. Myr. cer.JINatr. c, INatr. m., , Aspar., IIBell., Benz. ac, I IBerb., ICann. s.,
INitr. ac, 101. jec, Op., IPhos., UPhos.ac.,'
1 ICanth., HCarbo a., IChlorof., Coccus, Colch.,
IPhyt,, UPlumb., IIRhus, Sars., ISec, ISul., IDiosc, Erig., Equiset., Eup. pur. Indig. , IKali ,

IITereb., Uran. n.; from abuse of alcohol, c, IILvc,Med. INuxm., Nux v., IOp., I IPa-

I Ars., IBerb., ICarbo v., ICrotal., ILach., reira, USars., Sil., ITabac, HVer., Zinc;
INatr. c, INux v. with anaesthesia, I IPhos. ;
after anodynes, INux v.; during passage of
atheromatous degeneration of arteries, ICalc, calculi, MChloral., IChlorof., ISars.; with
ILith., IPhos. ac, UPlumb., ISil.; especially spasmodic difficulties of chest^Coccus.; chron-
from blows on loins, ICanth.; during child- ic, often years' duration, IPareira with hem- ;

bed, Phos. ac; diptheria, I Apis, IMerc orrhage of ureters, provoked by passage of
cor., IPhyt.; with ursemic convulsions, I ICup.
I stones, IPareira; pain from crest of right ileum,
m., IDig., I IKali br. with dropsy, I Apis, ; right leg and testicle, renal region, IDiosc; in
Ars., ICalc. a., ICup. m., IDig., IHell.,
I left lumbar region, IPareira inability to lie on ;

I IHelon., Jab., ILach.; far advanced with right side, INux v.; with or without nausea,
dropsy, IILac def. followed by renal dropsy, ; I ISenecio attack every three months, lasting

jjab., ITereb.; from exposure to cold and longer, and more severe each time, Pareira 1 1

damp, Calc, Colch., IDulc, Kalic, Merc. cor., pain radiates from left to groin, following
Nuxv., IRhus, Sep.; protrusion of eyeball, course of ureter, IPareira pain, especially in

ILyc vir.; with amaurosis, I Apis, I Ars., right kidney, extending into genitals and
MCann. i., Colch., IGels., IHep., IKalm., I right leg, better lying on back, worse rising
IMerc cor., IPhos. ac, Plumb. with am- I 1 1 ; and walking about, INux v. pain concentra- ;

blyopia, Ant. t., IPhos.; with gout and mer- ted on right side near hip, not extending be-
curio-syphilis, IKali iod. heart complication, ; yond median line, after catching cold, ILyc;
lArs., lAur. mur., IColch., ICrotal., ICup. I in right ureter to bladder, IILyc. with itch- ;

m., IDig., Kali bi., Kali ph., IKalm., ILach., ing, IDiosc; witlisweat, INux v.; skin bathed
ITereb. Uran. n.; in a man exposed to heat,
, I I in cold, clammy sweat, moaning loud, trem-
IIRhus; with hemorrhages, IPhos.; with I ulous, with writhing about in bed, IDiosc;
cedema pulmonum secondary to it, I IKali iod. with copious urine and dull pain in urethra,
nervous exhaustion, IPhos.; preceded or ac- Coccus constant urging to urinate, INux v.;

companied by disease of pancreas, IPhos.; crampy pains, Curar.; cramp in left, Agar.; I

retinitis, ICrotal.; after scarlatina, I Apis, cramplike pain towards bladder, INitr. ac; I

I Ars., Ascl. s., Bell., Bry., Colch., IHell., Kali cramplike pain, worse from pressure or mo-
c, ILach., IILyc, IMerc cor., Rhus, ISec, tion, Coccus. JS^ calculi.
Seneg.; with great weakness, I Ars., Ars. i., Kidneys, congestion: Aeon., Atrop., Bell.,.
Ferr. s., Helon., IMerc. cor., IPhos., IPhos. Bry., ICanth., Chel., IColch., INux v., Pic
ac. difficulty in standing and walking, IKalm.
; ac.JPuls.,1 ISenecio,! ITereb.; with albuminu-
B^f- congested, contracted, inflammation; ria from amenorrhcea, IHelon.; causing dropsy,.
also Urine albuminous. ITereb.; engorged,Anthrac;hypergemic state,
Kidneys, bruised pain IPareira as of a great : ; in organic disease of heart, lApis; hyperseniic,.
blow, making her cry out, ICact.; in region of after cardiac hypertrophy, pressure around
left, while standing and walking, Zinc; weak- waist and increase of urine Aur met. hyper-
, I I . ;

ness, Mane Jg^" aching, soreness.

I I emia, in heart disease and morbus Brightii,
Kidneys, sensation of three bubbles in right, I Aur. mur. injected, worse in tubular sub-

moving like bubbles in water, causing faint- stances, Ars. h.; passive, Ham:; passive, when
ness: 1 1 Med. from embarrassed circulation, as from ob-
Kidneys, burning I Ars. h., Cann. i., I ICanth., : structed heart disease, asthma, chronic bron-
I Coloc, IKali iod. into bladder, Bell.; with ; chitis, etc. particularly during a course, or as

oppressed breathing and faintness, Bufo.; sequela of zymotic disease, Crotal.; with ex-
constant, passing around each side above hips tensive effusion of serum in abdominal cavity
to region of bladder, also from sacral region and tissues of legs, IHell.; uneasiness, as if

to gluteal and back of thighs, worse lying congested, Cochl. Jggg* heat, inflammation.
Kidneys, contracted (cirrhosis) : lAur. mur., stances granulated, Ars. h.; granular degen-
IDig.,IGlon.,INitr. ae.JPhos., UPlumb.; atro- eration, Eucal., IKali iod., IPlumb.; granu-

phy, in Bellinian tubes, Bright' s disease, lar, with general dropsy, ITereb.; especially
IIArs.; atrophy of capsules of Miiller, in if associated with similar pathological condi-
Bright' s disease, IIArs.; with gastric disturb- tions of liver and of right heart, I Phos.
ances, Uran. n.; lobulated in outline, Vespa ;
Kidneys, full feeling: in hematuria, INux v.
pelves shrunk irregularly to one-third of their Kidneys, gnawing: Brach. in a small spot ;

usual capacity, Vespa. near, worse pressing hard, moves downward

Kidneys, crushing pains Ananth. : and forward, Berb.
Kidneys, cutting: HCanth., Daph., I lEup. Kidneys, gouty: with gastric disturbances,
pur.; in yellow fever, ICadm. s.; from left into Uran. n.
bladder, Berb.; downward pressure before Kidneys, griping Cadm. s. :

urinating, Graph. $^* darting, stitches. Kidneys, heat: I Ars. h.; in nephritis, INux v.;
Kidneys, constant darting in region of left, : hot sensation, with frequent desire to urinate,
worse in cold, lying in cold bed, better by I Zing.
J^3* burning, inflammation.
heat, when becoming warm in bed, IStaph.; Kidneys, heaviness IHelon., ITereb. :

in nephritis, I Kali iod. Kidneys, hemorrhage Coccus, IFerr. mur., : I I

jg@T cutting, stitches. ISenecio; chronic hgematuria, Petrol.; I I

Kidneys, deathly feeling with great depres- : brought on by every exertion, walking, lift-
sion of spirits, similar to effects of cold settling ing, riding, or mental emotions, Petrol.; I I

in renal region (abscess of liver), Med. I I small,Anthrac; thick blood, after scarlatina,
Kidneys, digging: Curar.; sticking, as if sup- ISec I** Urine bloody also Bladder ;

purating, worse on deep pressure, IBerb. bleeding, and hemorrhoids.

Kidneys, disease (undefined), IBerb., Calc. a.,
: Kidneys, inactive: Aeon.; atony (nephritis
ICanth., IChel., IChim. umb., Coccus, IHep. albuminosa), ICochl. especially in children, ;

ILact. ac, IMerc. cor., BPolyg., ISecale, ITJrt. I IStram.; peculiar torpid action, Apoc; with
ur.; in chlorosis, IPuls.; kindred to Bright's scanty, smoky urine, brain possessed by un-
disease, Uran. n.; worse from living in damp excreted urea, ITereb. complete cessation of ;

dwellings, ITereb.; functional derangement, function up to fifty hours duration, in recon-

Dig.; left affected (hsematuria), ILyc. valescence from typhus, IZing.
Kidneys, distress great, during paroxysm of
: g^* Urine scanty, suppressed.
chills, 1Med.; and pain, Lact. ac.
I Kidneys, inflammation: I Aeon., Alum.,
Kidneys, drawing: in Addison's disease,IIod.; Anag., Arg. nit., 1 1 Am., lAscl. s., Aspar., :

in left, when stooping, IBenz. ac; transient, IBell.,IIBenz. ac, IBerb., IBry., ICann. s.,
in right, extending to right hip, Tereb.; vio- ICanth., ICaps., Caust., ICepa, IChel., IChim.
lent, in nephritis, with hsematuria, I ITereb. umb., Coccus, Colch., Collin., Cop., Erig.,
Kidneys, affections with dropsy: 1 1 Apis, Eryng., Eup. pur., Gels., Hep., Indig., IKali
I Apoc., lArs., lAscl. s., lAur. mur., IBry., c, IKali iod., IKali m., ILyc, IMerc, INux
iCalc. p., Chim. umb., IICoccus, IColch., v., IPhos., IPhyt., IPolyg., Samb., ISars.,
IDulc, ILyc, INatr. m., IPrun., ISenecio, ISenecio, IITereb., Thuya, Trill.; albuminuria,
IITereb.; anasarca, especially in albuminu- ICochl.; with albuminaria, when occurring
ria, after scarlatina, Cop.; in broken-down in the course of toxaemia, or in pregnancy,
constitutions and intemperate subjects, ICrotal.; after a blow on left side and remain-
IChim. umb.; and dysuria, Coloc after ; ing for hours in wet clothes, IKali c; catar-
nephritis, IHell.; with prostration, ITereb.; rhal, Kali m.; chronic, Calc s., iChim.

after scarlatina, lApis, Apoc, lArs., lAscl. I umb., Collin., lEup. pur., ISars., ISenecio;

s., Bell., ICanth., IColch., IHell., Helon., chronic parenchymatous, with pregnancy,
Hep., Jab., Kali c, IILvc, Phos. ac, IRhus, approaching convulsions, IHelon.; croupous,
Seneg., IITereb. I Kali m.; croupous, passing into suppura-
jjg^ Bright's disease dropsy. tive stage, IHep.; acute desquamative, I Coccus,
Kidneys, dull pain: Amb., IBenz. ac, I lEup. I IPlumb.; chronic desquamative, -Eucal.;
pur., Ham., Phos., Stilling.; aching, Apoc;
1 1 causing dropsical symptoms (syphilis infan-
with renal calculus, ICanth.; late in even- tum), IHell.; after passage of gravel, ISenecio

ing, ICanth.; in left (entero-colitis), INuph.; after suppression of hemorrhoidal flow, abuse
on pressure (diabetes), INatr. s.; worse from of liquors, or when caused by a calculus,
pressure or motion, Coccus most on right ; INux v.; with pain in lumbar region, parti-
side, with heat, IPhyt.; in region of right,
I cularly in left kidney, worse by motion, ISe- I

with urgent desire to urinate, lEquiset.; necio parenchymatous, IKali m.; parenchy-

down uterus, Tereb. matous, in scarlatina, Con., IStram.; with

Kidneys, enlarged: Anthrac, Ars. h., IRhus, pericarditis, Coccus from stagnation of
1 1

Vespa; distension of region (hematuria), portal circulation caused by suppression of an

INux v.; dull percussion sound (acute Bright's habitual sanguineous discharge, INux v.;
disease), I Apis ; hypertrophied, medullary pyelonephritis, -Eucal.; particularly right
part deep red, cortical part pale, Vespa. kidney, intense pain, ISenecio; after scarla- I

Kidney troubles, after exanthema: IHell.; tina, ICanth., IColch., IINatr. s.; after scarla-
with skin diseases, Cub. B^" scarlatina tina, with anasarca and oedema of lungs, IDig.;
Kidneys, eyes: nephritic retinitis, with pain with discharge of urine by drops, with burn-
in back, as if it would break, IKalm. ing, ISabina with retention of urine,

Kidneys, fatty degeneration: UPhos.; in ISabina. gi^ congestion, burning, heat,

Bright's disease, ITereb.; of Bellinian tubes,
I Bright's disease.
in morbus Brightii, IIArs.; of tufts of Miiller, Kidneys, lameness: in left, sore to touch,
in Bright's disease, IIArs.; cells of both sub- Agar.


Kidneys, lancinating : sudden, acute, pro- Lyss.; drawing, in right, Zinc; with haematu-
longed, extending from left along ureter into ria, INux v. as if produced by blunt instru-

bladder, Coccus. ment as large as end of thumb, IGels.; in left,.

Kidneys, neuralgia: Op. jTereb. I I Zinc; in nephritis, INux v.; painful, in left,,
jg^g^ colic, tearing. as from retaining urine too long, worse when
Kidneys, oppressive pain worse from press- : sitting, disappearing from pressure, but more
ure or motion, Coccus. prominent afterwards, felt somewhat while
Kidneys, pain (undefined) iEthus., Arund.m., : sitting, Pallad.; worse from pressure or motion,
Aurant., IBerb., Bry., ICann. s., HCanth., Coccus ; over right, as if* something were
Ced. IChen. a., IChim, umb.,Codein., I IColch.,
, pressed hard against, better pressure, leaving
IDulc, Erig., IHelon., IHep., llpec, llpom., pulling sensation, Amm. br.; extends to
IKalim., Oxal. ac, Senecio, ISep., ITereb., I shoulder blades (yellow fever), Ars. h.; when
I lUran. n., Zinc; with albuminuria, IHelon.; sitting, better in motion, Tereb. I I

in albuminuria, during pregnancy, I Aur. mar.; Kidneys, sensitiveness: left, to touch, Zinc;
on awaking, Bry.; with bilious attacks, IINux left, to touch, in entero-colitis, INuph.; in af-
v.; worse when inhaling, Astac; in Bright' fection of sympathetic nervous system,,
disease, I Apis with or without calculi (neph-
I IPhos.; to pressure, ISelen., Tabac; to>

ritis), ICaps. with spasmodic difficulties of

; pressure, in albuminuria, ICalc. a.; on deep
chest, Coccus penetrate chest, on taking a
pressure, Vespa; right, IHelon. on pressure, ;

deep breath (nephritis), IBenz. ac; alternat- leaning against cushioned carriage, Amm.
ing with cloudiness and drunken feeling, ben.; right, worse from touch, INux v. to ;

I Alum. in diabetes,
; IPhos. ac; in rheu^ I slightest touch (kidney disease), IHep.
matic iritis, ITereb.; in apyrexia of inter- $^ Chap. 31, Back sensitive.
mittent, INatr. m. in chronic passive ; Kidneys, sharp pain: IIKali bi.; in right, in
hemorrhage from kidneys, ITereb.; when I afternoon, Badiag. in right, near spine, down

laughing, Cann. i.; in left, Chlorof., ILyc; to bladder, "Berb.; down ureters to bladder,
particularly in Ferr. iod.; in left, with
left, worse touch or motion, deep inspiration,,
chilliness, IMillef. in left, followed by pro-
I ; Arg. nit.
fuse hematuria, lasting from five to eight Kidneys, shooting: in left, ^Esc. h., Bapt.;
days, IMillef.; in left, on sitting down morn- down left ureter (nephritic colic), IPareira ; I

ings, Cinch, bol.; in left, with paroxysms of in sixth week of pregnancy, llpec from ;

pain running along ureter and in back (renal right, down thigh to knee, like cramp, llpec
calculus), llpom.; leftside, ICepa.; when lift- gigp* cutting, stitches.
ing, or blowing nose, ICalc p.; at beginning Kidneys, renal affections cause sleeplessness :

of menses, or during, Berb.; in dysmenor- IHyos.

rhcea, IVer.; in morning, cannot change posi- Kidneys, smarting : IKali c fi&* burning.
tion, Cain.; in nephritis, I Am.; all night, Ars. Kidneys, soreness : Brach., Cann. s. T
h.; paroxysms, in nephritis, IChel.; alternat- Mane; constant, from right into back and
ing with pain in tip of penis, HCanth.; in around into liver, sometimes extending down
phlebitis, worse from motion, IHam.; worse to legs, like rheumatism, after typhoid fever
from pressure and motion (parotitis), Dory.; (nervous affection), IManc; in diabetes, lEa- I

with frequent slight pains in prostate gland, tan.; extends downward like a weight, mostly
Gnaphal.; in pruritus vulvae, ITarant.; as I to right and in sacrum, worse in morning,
from riding over a rough road, worse from making her irritable, Tell.; with ischuria
dancing, Alum.; in right, ILith.; in right, (paralysis), IIGraph.; in left, Zinc; most on
worse on inspiration (prostatitis and atony of right side and connected with heat, IPhyt. I

sexual organs), llSelen.; in right, could only ftf^* aching, bruised pain.
lie on back, worse from pressure and motion Kidneys, spasmodic pain Coccus in right, : ;

(nephritis), IColch.; intense, over right, severe worse 4 to 9 p.m., IChel.; with vesical tenes-
during urination, ISenecio in scarlatina, ; mus and frequent emission of deep colored
ILyc; in septic disease, ITarant. worse on ; urine, Coccus.
sneezing, deep breathing and lying down, Kidneys, sticking: IMez.; extends straight
iEthus.; especially near spine, ILyc; starts forward into abdomen, IBerb.; in left, while
from lumbar vertebrae, Ferr. iod.; after stoop- standing and walking, Zinc; pressure, Zinc;
ing a long time, Sul.; extending to right thigh worse from pressure or motion, Coccus.
Nux v. when tired, ITereb.; worse from
; I
g^*" stinging, stitches.
touch, Arg.nit,; seemingly traversing ureters, Kidneys, stinging into bladder, Bell., IIKali

but instead passing into bladder, followed bi.; in left, Erig. at night, worse when inhal-

spermatic cord down groins into testes, agon- ing, Astac; in a small spot, worse pressing
izing, chiefly in cord, ISyph.; with desire to I hard, moves downward and forward, Berb.
urinate, I Ferr.; with desire to urinate, in yel- Jgggf* sticking, stitches.
low fever, I Ars. h.; also on urinating, Puis.; I I Kidneys, stitches: Ananth., Cann. i., IColoc,
if urine is restrained, Con.; better by profuse IKali c, IKan. sc; in moving arms, Ant. t.;

urination, Med. 1 1 to bladder and urethra, Berb.; arresting

Kidneys, pinching pain : Zinc breathing, Crot. t.; on breathing or sneezing
Kidneys, renal plexus : irritable condition, (morbus Brightii), lArs.; deep, penetrating,
Uran. n. dull in right, worse during inhalation, Cycf.;
Kidneys, pressing sensation: Kali c; in 1 1 downward, apparently through ureters (cysti-
Addison's disease, ICalc, Hod., INitr. ac; tis), ILach.; dull, in right, Zinc; itching,
extends over back to between shoulders, worse needlelike, Staph.; as from knives, I Arm; in
night, Ars. h.; distensive pain (renal calcu- left, Gamb.; in left, at intervals, Zinc; in left,
lus), ICanth.; dull pain, ICanth.; dull, in left, worse rising from seat and motion, not from
touch, cannot lie long in one position, INux ICalc.jICrotal., IFerr.mur., IFerr. ph., IMerc,
v.; in right, Agar., Astac, Bapt. in right, to- ; ISul.; during coition, ICaust.; follows cutting
wards chest, Zinc; stabbing, Ananth. and burning, Uva ursi ; dark colored, with
jg^ sticking, stinging. suppressed gonorrhoea, IIPuls.; in bilious
Kidneys, complications with syphilis Crotal. : fever, IChel.; with muco-purulent discharge
Kidney, tearing pains: IMezer.,IEhus; cutting, and burning, IKali iod.; painless, two ounces,
in right, Zinc; digging, as if suppurating, Ars. h.;pure blood, ICanth.; during stool,
worse on deep pressure, IBerb.; in left, sharp ILyc; four tablespoonfuls, Ars. h.; after pain-
intermittent, Zinc; soon after rising in morn- ful urination, Zinc; vicarious, IPhos.; vicari-
ing, extends to whole back, between pelvis ous, in consequence of suppressed menses,
and thorax, Berb.; in right, Astac, IBerb.; in with pain in bowels, diarrhoea, and night
right, at times, sticking, Zinc sticking, worse ; cough, with expectoration of mucus, NZinc
one side, Berb. fjg^T' colic, neuralgia. g^ Bladder hemorrhage. ^igfUrine bloody.
Kidney, tension: in hsematuria, INux v.; in Urethra, blennorrhoea Ji^ catarrh. :

nephritisJColch. painful, in left, in nephritis,

Urethra, burning Agnus, Ammoniac, Aspar.,

IKali c. Aur. mur., Berb., Bov., IBry., ICann. s.,

Kidneys, throbbing: Act. sp.; pulsating, in I ICanth., Ced., ICepa, Chim. umb., ICop.,
right, IBerb. Cup. ars., Ferr. iod., Graph., Hep., Kob., I I

Kidneys, tubercles Hippoz. : Laur., ILith., Lyss., Mane, I IMerc, Paris,

Kidneys, twisting: Ananth. Petrol., IPhos., Prun., IPuls.,
I Rhus, Rhus I I

Kidneys, ulceration $^~ abscess. : v.; biting, Cann. s. biting, on beginning to ;

Kidneys, uneasiness : IHelon.; as if congested, urinate, I IMerc sol.*, biting pains, with ef-
Cochl. forts to pass urine, tormenting him for an
Kidneys, Jg" Back, sensations of all kinds re- hour, Prun.; in acute catarrh of bladder,
ferred to region of kidneys. Coloc up near neck of bladder, during and

TJRETERS, burning: Ced. after urinating, Apis; followed by discharge

Ureters, colic: $gif Kidneys, calculi, colic. of blood, Uva ursi in bulbus, during urina- ;

Ureters, contracting pain to penis, ICanth. : tion, IKali bi. after coition, ISep.; with erec-

Ureters, cutting toward kidneys, Apis along

: ; tions, ICanth., Carb. s., INitr. ac; before and

left to bladder, Berb.; to penis, ICanth. during erection, ceases during coition, Anag.
g^^shooting. in female, IBerb. ; in female, especially if
Ureters,drawing: Astac; compels bending caused by pessaries, IHyper.; in forepart,
double, after urination, ISul.; in left, Calad. I Sep.; in forepart, after emission, ISep.; in
Ureters, hemorrhage provoked by passage of
: fossa, fossa, during urination, IKali
Cub.; in
stones, with nephritic colic, IPareira. bi. Petrosel.
, in glans, after difficult urina-

Ureters, inflammation: after passage of gravel, tion, Cain.; in glandular part, continuing
ISenecio. long after urination, IKali bi.; in gonorrhoea,
Ureters, laborlike pains in course of, extend- : Cochl., ilMerc cor.; in gonorrhoea,, along
ing to upper part of thighs (acute catarrh of entire, day and night, Ars. s. f.; in rheumatic
bladder), IColoc; dragging, with frequent iritis, ITereb. with muco-purulent discharge,

urging to urinate, I Cham. and sometimes discharge of blood, IKali iod.;

Ureters,mucous membrane thickened,loaded : with great nervous excitability, Mosch.; sud-
with mucus, t. Vespa. denly, at night, Caust.; at orifice, Lactu. v.,
Ureters, pain (undefined) frequent, sudden : Merc, cor., IPuls.; orifice, after climaxis,

attacks, in albuminuria, lApis with sensa- ; IBerb.; in orifice, after coition, ICalc; in ori-
tion as of passage of calculus, Med.; in direc- fice, momentary, during night, Agar. at ori- ;

tion of, before turbid urination, IChel.; with fice, especially painful from rubbing of clothes,
severe pain in left kidney (renal calculus), ICinch.; in orifice, before urination, ICaps.;
Ipom.;in left, ILyc; down left, in hysteria), in orifice, during urination, Anthrok.,
1 Aloe; unusual, into bladder (chronic pas-
1 I Aph. ch., Arum d. , ICalc, IDulc,
sive hemorrhage from kidneys), IITereb. INux v., IPhos.
I ac,. IPuls., ISul.; in
from without inward and toward penis, orifice, during urination, at night, I Agar.;
ICanth.; violent, in renal colic, ITabac. in orifice, with involuntary dropping of
Ureters, shooting: towards kidneys, Apis; from urine, ISpig.; from orifice backward, Cann.
below upward, in left, JEsc. h. g|P cutting. s.; in orifice, after urination, Case; near
Ureters, spasmodic affection: from passage of orifice, after urination, Lyss.; as if raw,
calculi, IGels.; straining, during passage of during urination, IColch.; in scarlatina, ILyc;
calculus (nephritic colic), IBell. with involuntary discharge of semen, HSul.;
J^^ Kidneys colic. while sitting, Paris; soreness, during urina-
1 1

Ureters, stinging in left, Calad.

: tion, ICarbo a.; stinging, in orifice. Zing.;
Ureters, uneasiness Phyt. : I I stinging, behind glans, during urination,
URETHRA, aching Lobel. i.; causing desire
: Eryng.; during stool, IColoc; after stool,
to urinate, Cain. in orifice, between acts of
; INatr. c; as of swelling of neighboring parts,
micturition, Coccul. JUg^* soreness. must rise, ICard. m.; with tenesmus vesicse,
Urethra, acrid sensation: Aph. ch. IMerc. cor.; as if urethra were very warm
Urethra, biting: Prun.; in back part, ICamph., during and after urination, Colch. urine passes ;

IPetrosel.;in forepart, Zinc; in fossa navicula- in drops, I INux v.; with acid urine, lUran. n.;
ris, after urination, I Petrol. in orifice, after ; with desire to urinate, Phos. during urina- I I ;

urination, Zinc; during urination, Cham., tion, as from acid drops, Oxal. ac; when ef-
lEquiset., I Graph. after urination, ICaps.,
; fort is made to pass urine, so that one must
IClem., lEquiset. bend double without being able to urinate,
Urethra, bleeding (hemorrhage) Arum m., : Prun.; at commencement of urination, Cann.
; ;


s.j violent, on beginning to urinate, with ment, in forepart, with contractive pain be-
urination every hour, day and night, HMerc. tween acts of urination and discharge of
sol.; continued desire to urinate, Cain.; with mucus, INux
during stool (dysentery),
I v.;
great desire to urinate, Sul.; burning and Sul.; worse when not urinating, frequently
desire to urinate, with hope of relieving burn- more on one side, Berb.; before urination,
ing, which however is increased, INitr. ac. Calc p.; during urination, Ant. c, Bry.,
with frequent urging to urinate, but discharge IChel., Con., IGuaiac, Iris, INatr. m., INux

of only a few drops, pain continues after, m., IPsor., IPuls., Thuya; after urination,
IISuL; with scanty urine nearly every half Berb., Calc p., IChel./ Cub., ILyc, I INatr.

hour, MPsor.; before urination, Cann. i., m.; after urination, in fossa, Petrosel. be- ;

IPuls., Zinc; during, lAcon., Alum., lAnt. c, tween urination, Mangan.

Ars., Arum d., Ascl. s., Bar. c, IBerb., Calc. jg^ darting, lancinating.
p., ICaps., Cann. i., Carb. s., ICaust., ICham., Urethra, darting when emitting flatus,' Mang.

Chin, s., IClem., Coccus, Con., Crot. t., lEqui- ggijir cutting, lancinating, shooting
set., lEup. pur., Ferr., IGels., Grat., Ilpec, stitches.
IKali c, IKali n., IINatr. c, INatr. m., Natr. Urethra, disagreeable sensation in forepart :

p., INux v., Petrosel., MPhos., Phos. ac, of penis, has to squeeze penis, Agar.
IPsor., IPuls., Raph., Ratan., Seneg., Sil., Urethra, discharge: bloody, ICaps.; copious,
Staph., IITereb., IThuya, Zinc. during uri- ; painful (catarrh of urethra), Hydras.; chronic,
nation, like fire, penis erect, Cain.; during painless, leaving yellow stains, IPsor.; chronic,
urination, in gonorrhoea, Sabad.; during due to hypertrophy of prostate, IPhos.; cream-
urination, in hematuria, ISul.; during urina- like, ICaps.; frequent, night and day, of thin,
tion, in morning, Anag.; during urination, in slimy colorless fluid, MPhos.; gleety, aggluti-
ovaritis, lAmb.; during urination, if pressing nating orifice, Gamb gluey, sticky, blocking ;

to increase flow, burns like hot water, Calad.; up meatus (gleet), I Graph. glutinous mucus, ;

after urination, Aspar., Berb., Calc. p., Agar.; gonorrhoea-like, lasting three days,
Cann. i., ICann. s., Canth., ICaps., BCard. Ced. greenish yellowish, thick and profuse,

ju., IClem., Coccus, Coloc, ICon.,Grat.,ILed., alternating with hsematuria, Lith.; milky
Iris, Kali c, ILyc, IMagn. m., IINatr. c, fluid or mucus agglutinating orifice, IPetrosel.;
Natr. m., Nitr. ac, IPuls., Seneg., IStaph., mucous, ICop., ICub., IHep., Nitr. ac, Pa-
Thuya, Zinc; after urination, in back part, reira, BSul.; bloody mucus, HNitr. ac; bright
with^sensation as if one drop had remained mucous, in an old. man, Magn. p. mucus I I ;

hehind with unsuccessful effort to void it, after a cold, Ferr. copious mucous, painless,

Kali bi.; last drops cause violent burning, remaining after gonorrhoea, IFerr.; mucous, in
Clem. worse when not urinating, frequently
; gonorrhoea, IMez.; mucous, in phthisis,
more on one side, Berb. Elaps clear transparent watery mucus,

flgi"* biting, smarting; also During urina- Cann. s.; mucous, tough, viscid, Agar.; viscid I I

tion burning also Urine hot.; mucus, Agar.; painless, (Merc; purulent,
Urethra, catarrh Cub., Hydras., ITereb.; with
: Caps., ICop., Led.,MNitr. ac muco-purulent, ;

disease of prostate gland, I Ham.; blennorrhoea, with burning, sometimes bloody, IKali iod.;
Alum., Amm. m., i
Calc. s., ICarbo v., Merc; sero-purulent, after squeezing a thickish,
blennorrhoea, chronic, Petrol.; blennorrhoea, greenish matter oozes from urethra, ITereb.; I

chronic, from atony of mucous membrane, purulent, thick fetid (prostatitis), ISil. puru- ;

with pain, IMillef.; blennorrhoea, with swell-

I lent, during urination (after a fall on peri-
ing and induration of testicles, IIRhod.; re- neum), lArn. purulent, light, yellow, Alum.;

laxation of mucous membrane, IHydras. purulent, white, Cup. ars.; dark reddish, Cub.;
jggg^ discharge, inflammation, irritation ;
scanty, thin, after cohabiting with wife with
also Chap. 22, Gonorrhoea gleet. fluoralbus, IIRhod..; suppressed, "Aur. mur.;
Urethra, chancre :
ulcers also Chap. 22, ; thin, liquid, causes itching and burning,
Syphilis, flgp^ chancre. Natr. m.; almost w atery (catarrh of urethra),

"Urethra, constriction: long lasting, IClem.; Hydras.; yellow, Agnus, ICop.; yellow,
during urination, I Apis, Bry.; after urina- I nightly, Zing. yellow, purulent making spots

tion, Cub. feels drawn into knots, Cann. s.

; on linen, like gonorrhoea, INatr. m.; light
XT rethra, contraction: ICop., |Amm. m., Pe- yellow, scanty (gleet) Sul. slight, painless, , 1 1 ;

trol.; with suppressed gonorrhoea, IBPuls.; after re vaccination, Thuya. I I

long lasting, IClem.; contractive pain, ICanth., $3T catarrh, drops, inflammation also ;

Cinch.; contractive pain, after urination, Chap. 22, Gonorrhoea, discharge, urethra.
Nux v.; before stool and urination, INatr. m.; Urethra, drawing: Bry.; very acute, in fore-
violent, Indig. fg^* stricture. part, IZinc; in fossa, IPetrosel. as far as
I ;

Urethra, crawling: in orifice, Agar.; to I I glans, obliging one to urinate, ICic; causing
sphincter, Cinch, bob; creeping, Phos. ac; I I desire to urinate, Cain.; during urination,
itching behind fossa causes frequent desire to Con.
urinate, nearly every half hour, IPetrosel.; Urethra, drops as if a biting drop were forc-

tickling, Ferr. iod.; after urination, ILyc ing its way out at tip,Selen. constant dropping, ;

g^g~ tickling, tingling. Ced.; a feeling as of drops of urine came out,

"Urethra, cutting: Aspar., Berb., BCalc p., Sep.; feeling, as if a drop in urethra, Ced.;
Caps., lEquiset., IKali c, BOp., Nitr. ac; 1 1 a feeling as if last drops remained, BArg. nit.
followed by discharge of blood, Uvaursi with ; it seems as if a single drop at a time were
hematuria, Ilpec; "in forepart, ILach.; in I running along urethra, IThuya it feels as if I ;

orifice, Nitr. sp. d.; in orifice, in evening while a drop w ere running down, after urination,

sitting, Zinc. in orifice, at end of urination,

; Thuya feeling as if something would run

A.rn. sharp pressure as with a cutting instru-

; out, Garb, s.; a feeling in fossa as though
water remained and could not be forced out Colch., Syph. from orifice to neck of bladder

any further, in morning, Ferr. iod. sensation ; (urinary difficulty), IChim. umb. at orifice,, ;

of moisture running forward, IThuya in ; violent pruritus Coccus; in orifice, with de- ,

night, colors shirt red, Lachn.; a drop or so sire for urinating, Coloc; at orifice, during
discharges during night, staining linen yellow- urination, Anthrok.; with constant desire to
ish, ISep. as if a few drops passed through,
; urinate, worse in morning in bed, better when
Amb.; as though a few drops remained, which sitting or standing, chronic cases, old persons,
could not be expelled, Alum.; a drop sticks IPetrosel.; during urination Lye, INux v.;. 1 1

at mouth, Tell.; a drop of watery, sticky sub- during urination (ovaritis), I Amb.; during
stance passes before stool and just after it, urination, excited or aggravated by pressure,
Selen. yellow, in morning, IFluor. ac.
IMez. after urinating, Arund.,
; Lye I I

Urethra, feeling of dryness: Cop. Urethra, jerking: ISars.; after urination, ILyc;:
Urethra, dull pain with nephritic colic, Coccus.
: voluptuous formication, in forepart, Thuya.
Urethra, gas air passes out of female urethra
: Urethra, knots : jg@p constriction, indura-
during urination, ISars. tion, stricture.
Urethra, heat Aur. mur., ICepa while uri-
: ; Urethra, lancinating: in and near orifice,
nating, Ast. r., IKali bi. j^iT burning, in- Badiag. thrusts in anterior portion after

flammation also Urine hot. ; urination, at night, forces him to groan and
Urethra, induration: lArg. nit.; in female, cry out, last a minute and a half, Coccus.
especially if caused by pessaries, IHyper. g^g?" cutting, shooting, stitches.
hard node, Bov.; knotty, lArg. male, nit.; Urethra, numbness IMagn. m. :

during urination, Calc. p. Jgigp" stricture ;

Urethra, obstructed: clogged up by pieces of
also Chap. 22, Gonorrhoea chordee, stricture. coagulated mucus, ISep.; clogged up with
Urethra, serous infiltration: forming submu- membranous particles producing excruciating
cous callus, I Clem. pain until discharged with some blood (cysto-
Urethra, inflammation (urethritis) lAur. : blennorrhoea),l lUvaursi; almost closed, ILed,;
met., ICann. s., Cop., ICub., IPetrosel; feeling as if stuffed up or clogged about an
chronic, after gonorrhoea, eight years ago, inch from orifice on going to urinate, "Syph.;
1 Mar. v.; chronic, with secretion, IKali iod.;
1 orifice agglutinated, urine escapes in a divided
chronic, with stricture, IPetrol.; with acrid stream, Anag. orifice closed by mucus, Cann.

discharge, ISul.; feels inflamed, Cann. s.; as s. orifice closed by a slimy or serous fluid, or

in first stages of gonorrhoea, Cochl.; after ces- by a lump of mucus, IThuya orifice sticking ;

sation of regular and copious hemorrhoidal together (gonorrhoea), ICup. m.; part of it as
discharge, INux v. of meatus, in a woman,
I ; if filled by a hard, round body, Cann. i. as if ;

I lEup. perf.; transparent mucus, pain, IHam.; a cylindrical body were being pushed through,
of orifice, ICalc, IHep., ISul.; orifice feels better after drinking, with retention of Urine,
glued up, Bov.; of orifice, looks like two in- Stram. JS^sT* constriction, contraction,
named lips, itching on being touched, Jacar. stricture.
of orifice, with suppurating ulcers, with flat Urethra, pain (undefined) lArg. nit., Cann. :

edges, looking like chancres, with sticking, i., awakens, ICard. m.; fear-
IILith., IPuls.;
tearing, especially worse towards evening, ful, from glans backward, Diad. after wet ;

lasting through night, and preventing sleep, feet, Calc; as in beginning of gonorrhoea,
still worse by violent erections towards morn- Sul.; in meatus, while urinating, HCanth.;
ing, INitr. ac; with prostatic disorders, Pa- in meatus, in women, ISars.; from orifice back-
reira with purulent or profuse mucous dis-
; ward, Cann. s. causes sweat, Stilling.; during

charge, IChim. umb.; traumatic or chronic, urination, Zing. during urination, in cystitis,

in intermittent fever, IPetrosel.; with vesical Med.; during urination, after a few drops
irritability, of females, especially married (prostatic affection), ICaust.; during urination,
women, Cub. $i^ burning, catarrh, heat, with vertigo, ICon.; after urination, Canst.;
redness, sensitive, swelling; also Chap. violent, caused by urine, which is hurriedly
22, Gonorrhoea discharge, urethra. impelled to pass, seems, however, to pass for-
Urethra, irritation: IKali br., Stilling.; as I ward into glans and then return, IPrun.
from acridity, Aph. ch.; followed by discharge Urethra, peculiar sensation during urination :

and ardor urinse, IHam.; in impotence from (after injury), I I Zinc.

sexual excess, IStaph.; in newly married peo- Urethra, pinching Cinnab. :

ple, especially women, IStaph. in old women, ; Urethra, sensation of pressure Agnus, Aph. :

Cop.; in orchitis, IClem.; from end of penis ch., Bry. bearing down, IDulc; in fossa,

to neck of bladder (urinary difficulty), IChim. I IPetrosel.; after urination, IPuls.; painful be-
umb.; insupportable, as if he should pass tween acts of micturition, with shuddering,
water constantly, ICact. I Nux v.
jfta^ catarrh, redness, sensitive. Urethra, pricking Carbol. ac; inclining to :

Urethra, itching: Apis, Bov., Con., Cop., coition, Anag.; at end, while urinating, Cycl.;
Indig., IKali m., ILed., 01. an., IISul.,
I itching, especially in forepart, frequent urging
IThuya, Zinc; with burning, during urina- to urinate, little flow, Ferr. iod.; sharp, like
tion, Pareira deep in, IPetrosel.; in forepart,
needles, causes thrill to cheeks and hands,
I llgn., Laur.; in fossa, Cub.; in fossa, volup- Cann. i. to sphincter, Cinch, bob; during

tuous, IPetrosel.; near fossa, Coccul.; intense, urination, Iris.

worse by presence of urine remaining on parts Urethra, redness: ILed.; of orifice, IHep.,
after urinating, has to be washed offJIMerc; ISul.;painful, Gels.; painful, in secondary
in female meatus, daring urination, preceded gonorrhoea, IGels. with pinching pains, I Cin- ;

by urgent desire to urinate, Petrol.; in orifice, nab.; in spinal curvature, after vaccination,
Agar., Alum., Arum t., HCaust., Coccus,
I IIThuya. fi* inflammation, irritation.


Urethra, scalding before urination, lApis,

: IClem., Cycl., Jacea, Hep., Sep., IThuya,
Cann. i. during urination, liEscl. h., Cann.
; Zinc. ; with apprehension and discomfort after
i.; after urinating, Cann. i.; especially near urination, Sul.; in back part, Con.; in back
neck of bladder, during and after urination, part, while urinating, Cann. s.; extending
Apis. Jg^" biting, burning, heat; also back (gonorrhoea), IIMerc cor.; into bladder,
During urination urethra also Urine hot. ; Berb.;, burning, Agar.; cutting, with inef-
Urethra, sensitive in catarrh of bladder, : fectual desire to urinate, I Calc. wdth erec- ;

lUvaursi; diminution of sensibility, I Kali

I tions, Cann.s., INitr. ac; in evenings, ICalad.;
br. introduction of catheter difficult (cysti-
; in female, Calc, Sep.; several fine, woree in
1 1

tis), IHelL; in female, especially if caused by orifice, I Agar.; in forepart,

I Paris, ISuL; I I

pessaries, IHyper.; fossa, INux v.; pain in I in forepart, as with needles, ICaps.; in fossa,
fossa, when pressing it, and when beginning ICic; through to glans, Pallad.; like from a
to urinate, IBar. c; near orifice, I Arg. nit.; red hot iron, Agar.; itching, in external por-
at orifice (coition), I Arg. nit.; painful to press- tion, between acts of urination, Euphor.; jerk-
ure, IClem., IDulc, INatr. m.; painful to ing, in posterior portion, when standing,
touch, ICaps.; painful to touch, worse at night Cann.s.; from within outward, in left side,
and from heat of bed, Clem.; sore to touch, female, Berb.; in orifice, Nitr. sp. d., Zinc;
Cann.s.; tenderness, Arum d., IChim. umb.; needlelike, in orifice, Nitr. ac; in chronic 1 1

dared not take hold on account of pain, as ovaritis, Pallad.; outward,

I I A spar.; twing- I I

from suppuration or ulceration, IPrun. ing, like lightning from before backward,
Urethra, sharp pain in and near orifice, Badi- : Zinc; when not urinating, Cann. s.; with de-
ag. excruciating, into bladder and testicle,
; sire to urinate, then sudden discharge of dark
IBerb. red yellow urine, Cycl. with frequent urging ;

Urethra, shooting dull, behind glans between

: to urinate, with profuse flow more towards and
actsof urination, especially during movement, in evening, Thuya; during urination, I Kali
Bell.; from left side of urethra, in a spot half- bi., I Graph.; during urination (heematuria),
way between sternum and shoulder, on a level ISuL; after urination, Berb. JggT cutting,
with second rib of left side, after urination, darting, lancinating, sticking, stinging.
sore pain, remains sensitive to touch or press- Urethra, stricture: Aeon., Agar., jAmm.m.,
ure (irritable bladder), Sep.; in orifice, after I I Ant. t., lArg. nit., IBerb., ICalc c, ICann. s.,
climaxis, IBerb.; pains in orifice, after urina- ICanth., IChim. umb., Chlorof., Cinch.,
tion, Pareira; with rigor, Sul.; on passing IClem., ICon., Dig., Ilndig., Hod., IKali iod.,
water, in morning, Sul. 1 Med., IMerc, INatr. m., INitr.ac, IPetrol.,

^"cutting, darting, lancinating, stitches. I IPuls., ISil., ISul.; in albuminuria, I Apis;

Urethra, smarting: Cann. s.. Cop., Senecio, incipient, IHydras.; formed by infiltration of
Sep., IThuya; With bearing down as if
I corpus spongiosum by coagulable lymph,
everything would fall out through vagina, formation of submucous callosity, Clem.; in-
ILac c; burning, through entire length,
flammatory, Clem.; after inflammation, INux I

Stilling.; in fossa, before urination, Senecio ;

v.; in intermittent fever, IPetrosel.; spasmodic,
in gonorrhoea, ICochl., ITereb.; during IBell., Camph., Cic, lEucal, IGels., CNitr.I

menses, INatr. m.; at orifice, especially dur- ac, INux v., IPlumb., Sec, Stram.; sudden
ing urination, Arum d., Kob.; in tenesmus, arrest of flow, then oozing of snuff colored
IILil. tig.; during urination, Alum., Arum d., mucus in long thread, IGraph.; spasmodic,
Calc fl., ICham., Cub., IPtel., ISep.; during after drinking poorly fermented liquor, also in
urination, in cystitis, lEup. pur.; during drunkards, lOp. spasmodic, with pain about

urination, in ovaritis, I Arab.; after urination, umbilicus, better by pressure, IDiosc; spas-
Apis, Bor., Lil. tig. Jgg^ biting, burning ;
modic, caused by sticking in glans, with tenes-
also During urination, urethra. mus recti, after urination, IPrun. as if urine ;

Urethra, soreness: ICanth.,Cop.,IFerr.,l Hep.; I could not be passed on account of narrowness

constant, in chronic cystitis and irritability (retention of urine), Stram. figi~ contrac-
of bladder, ISep.; in female, especially if
I tion, constriction, obstructed also Chap. ;

caused by pessaries, IHyper.; in forepart, 22, Gonorrhoea sequelae.

I ILach.; in forepart, when not urinating, Urethra, swelling: Alum., lArg. nit., Cop.,
Zinc; in orifice, after urinating, IBor., Case; I I Mitch, rep.; feels as if swollen, I Arg. nit.;
in orifice, better bathing in cold water, Puis.; I I of female, especially if caused by pessaries,
so that he cannot touch it, Prun.; at begin- IHyper. of forepart, with suppuration be-

ning of urination, Daph.; during urination, tween glans and prepuce, IMerc sol. pouting ;

lApis, Brach., ICinnab., IFerr. ILyc, Sil.; , of meatus, Alum.

during urination, worse by pressure, IMez. $z^> inflammation, stricture.
" aching. Urethra, tearing sensation Bry., IKali c; burn- :

Urethra, spasm g^* stricture. : ing, Zinc; during chill, Calend.; cutting, in
Urethra, sticking: Aspar.; inforepart, ILach., I middle, extending forward, Zinc; cutting,
MChel.; inforepart, during urination, INux when urinating, IHelon.; deep in, Ars.; in
v.; in fossa, IPetrosel.; obliquely, in female, forepart, Zinc; urine passes in drops, I INux
as if in orifice, IBerb.; during urination, v.; while urinating, last drops like mucus,
Cann. stinging, stitches.
s. JgaP ICarbo v.; during urination, Euta ; as if in
Urethra, stinging: Apis, Bov., ICaps., Brach., fibres, in form of zigzag, Cann. s.
IMerc, Paris near fossa, Coccul. in orifice,
; ; Urethra, tenesmus: Coccus, Lyss.; after
1 1

I I Aspar.; before urination, Cann. i.; during urinating, IMur. ac.

urination, Cann. i., Mygale, IPuls., Seneg.; jgg^ pressing also Bladder tenesmus.

after urination, Cann. i., Seneg. Urethra, tensive pain in orifice between acts

Urethra, stitches: lApis, Ascl. t., ICinch., of micturition, Coccul.; as if put on stretch
(coition), lArg. nit. Jg^ Chap. 22, Gonor- neuralgia, HCon. improved, Tarant. cured;
rhoea chordee. constant, in prolapsus uteri, ILil. tig. ; with
Urethra, thrill: during urination, Jalap.; when erections, Mosch.; with erections at night,
urine passes, in vaginitis, IMerc. viv. I Rhus frequent, Arum d., IBenz. ac, Bor.,

Urethra, tickling: Anag.,Aur. mur.; inclining Bo v., Canth., iCarbo a., IChini. umb., IClem.,
to coition, Anag.; after dinner, Carb.s.; in fore- ICub., IHelon., Ind., ILyc, Mtr. sp. d.,
part, Carb. s.; in fossa, during urination, Colch.; IPuls., ITrill., Verbas.; frequent, with bear-
in fossa, frequent, voluptuous, IPetrosel.; in ing down as if everything would come
orifice, Agar., Brom.; at orifice, during uri-
1 1 through at vagina, ILac c; frequent, with I

nation, Anthrok.; near orifice, after urination, drawing in abdomen, particularly in pregnant
Lyss. with constant desire to urinate, worse
; women, IPuls.; frequent, during afternoon,
in morning in bed, better sitting or standing lEquiset.; frequent, after taking cold (acute
chronic cases, old persons, IPetrosel.; during cystitis), ILyc; frequent, with convulsions,
urination (ovaritis), lAmb.; after urination, Calend. frequent, in cystitis, I Apis frequent,
; ;

Colch. fi^* crawling, irritation, tingling. day and night (dropsy), ISenecio frequent, I

Urethra, tingling: Cup. ars.; from perineum day and night, in affection of prostate gland,
through whole, during urination, Petrosel.; Apis frequent, in dysentery, ILil. tig.; fre-

followed by pressure in region of Cowper's quent, in evening, IGuarsea frequent, she ;

gland, early in morning, better sitting or cannot hold urine for a moment, Merc iod.
standing, Petrosel.; culminating at frsenum, rub.; frequent, recurring nearly every half
IClem. i^^ crawling, tickling. hour, caused by crawling stitch behind navi-
Urethra, twinging pain from behind forward, : cular fossa, IPetrosel.; every hour, Arum d.,
with sensation as if drops were passing out, IChim. umb., Erig. frequent, ineffectual, Cact.; ;

Selen. frequent, in rheumatic iritis, ITereb.; frequent,

Urethra, twitching IPhos. : with dull aching and hot sensation in kid-
Urethra, ulcerative pain in middle, as from : neys, Zing. frequent, with bland yellow
I I ;

splinter, Arg. nit.; as from subcutaneous ulcer- leucorrhoea, before each urination, IKreo.;
ation, IRhod. frequent, with leucorrhoea, during pregnancy,
Urethra, ulcers: IINitr. ac; chancre, lArg. I Coccul. frequent, every ten or fifteen minutes,

nit.; sores like chancres, Ananth.; small sore with feeling of fulness in bladder, Cub.; fre-
at entrance, Lace; around orifice, in female,
1 1 quent, especially in morning, from weakness
IIEucal.; blisters on orifice forming chancre- of spinal nerves and spine, IPhos. ac; fre-
like ulcers (gonorrhoea), IINitr. ac. quent, in nervous disorders, ICham.; fre-
11* Chap. 22, Syphilis chancre. quent, with neuralgia in head, ICup. m.;
URINATION, ardor urinae Jg^1 stran- :
frequent, in renal colic, IDiosc. frequent, with ;

gury, urging Urine, hot scalding. : scalding and burning (metritis), INux v.; I

Urination, burning j^ During and After : frequent, with scanty discharge, ICoccul.,
urination burning also Urine hot. ; Euphor., IMagn. m., IMenyanth.; frequent,
Urination, cough jj^** involuntary. : scanty, burning, Sars.; frequent, scanty, scald-
Urination, desire: awakens, IKali bi., INatr. ing, IJEsc h.; frequent, even if only a few
m.; with burning in urethra, IPhos.; if not I drops had accumulated, I Bell.; frequent, with
attended to, feeling of congestion of chest, forcible passage of large, clear stream, Daph.
IILil. tig.; with chilliness, Meph.; constant, frequent, with urging, IHelon. frequent, with ;

Absin., Agar., Anac, Asar., Brom., Cain.,

1 1 vomiting, Calend.; great, with burning in
IIEquiset., Hod., IKali c, ILac c, Millef.,
I urethra, ISul.; great, but none passes, lArs.;
I Petrol., Phos. ac, ISil., ISul.,. Sumb.; con-
I great, although secretion is suppressed,
, stant, felt deep in abdomen (cystitis), IDulc.; IStram.; great, but only a small quantity
constant, cannot accomplish much (colic), passed, lEquiset.; great, with scanty discharge
IDiosc. constant, with bearing down towards
; (chronic catarrh of bladder), MPareira; in-
vesical region and urethra, IDulc; constant, creased, Cochl., Ham., I INatr. m.; increased,
1 1

as if bladder were not empty, Brach.; con- after a few drops have passed must walk about
stant, with chilliness, Ind. constant, with ; in distress, although motion increased desire,
cutting pain in bladder, Eup. pur. constant, ; Dig.; at first ineffectual (prostatic affection),
in cystitis, Eup. pur.; constant, during day, Cact.; irresistible, but no flow except with
IKali bi.; constant, in diabetes, I'Uran. n. I urging and difficulty, IKali br.; irresistible,
relieved constant, flows slowly and causes
; on seeing water running from hydrant (irrit-
burning, with internal chilliness, IKali c; ability of bladder), ISul.; with itching at I

constant, in hysteria, Polyg.; constant, inef- orifice of urethra, Coloc; before menses,
fectual, I Cop. constant, must often rise at
; IPuls.; with abundant flow, during night,
night, IMerc; constant, with intense pain, I Cact. none, in atony of bladder, II Ars.; none,

(urethral chancre), ILac c; with pain in I in diphtheria, ILac c; with shudderings over
liver, chest and kidneys, IFerr.; constant, in whole body, Hyper.; with scanty emission,
affection of prostate, Apis, Cact.; constant, 1 1 Phos. ac. accompanied by desire to defecate,

with scanty discharge, I Dig., IILil. tig. con- ; I Dig.; after stool, ICic; sudden, irresistible,
stant, passing little and of dark color (during llgn.; sudden, if not gratified urine passes in-
pregnancy), Hell.; constant, with irritation
1 1 voluntarily, ISul.; with tearing in genitals,
in upper part of throat, causing cough, worse Hyper.; uncontrollable, then colic pain in
lying at night, after eating and drinking, and whole abdomen, Eup. pur.; urgent, Brach.,
after talking, ILac c; constant, with itching
I Cinch.; violent, Canth., INatr. m.
and tickling in urethra, worse in morning in B- urging.
bed, better sitting or standing, chronic cases, Urination, difficult (dysuria) lApis, lApoc, :

old persons, IPetrosel.; constant, in uterine I I Arg. nit., Arm, Ars., Ascl., Aur. mur.,
1 1 1 1
; ;


IBell., MCact., Calc, ICamph., HCann. s., during pregnancy and after confinement,
ICanth., Caulo., ICepa, IChim. umb., I Equiset.; in women, frequent urging, with

Coccus, Cochl., Colch., Con., ICop., Cornus, pain, especially immediately after urination,
Dig., Dory., IDulc, Equiset., Erig., lEup. Equiset. Jig^ ineffectual, strangury, stric-
pur., Ham., Hell., IHydras., IHyos., Kali c, ture, urging.
IILyc, Meph., IMerc, I I Mitch, rep., INitr. Urination, dribbling jg@p in drops, involun- :

ac, INuxm., INux v., IPareira, Phos., tary.

UPlunib., IPolyg., IIPuls., Sars., Senecio, Urination, drinking immediately after (dia- :

Staph., Stilling., ISul., Sumb., ITereb., lUva betes}, IPod.; pressing, after coffee, Sign.
nrsi ;can only be passed by bearing down Urination, in drops: Amm. m.,Ananth.,Arn.,
with abdominal muscles, IIMagn. m.j after Bell., Bov., ICamph., ICann. s., I ICanth.,
abortion, Rheum in anasarca; INux v.;
; MCaps., ICaust., Cic, Clem., Coff., Colch.,
in catarrhal angina, in women and chil- Con., Cop., IDulc, Eryng., IHyos., Lac I I

dren, ISenecio; in ascites, lApoc; as from def., Laur., Magn. m., Merc, Natr. m., INux
atony, lOp. from spasmodic or inflammatory
; m., I INux v.,Petrol., Plumb., IPuls., Rhus, I I I I

condition of neck of bladder, Hyos.; with Sars.,Spig., Stann., Staph., Stram., ISul.,Ver.,
brown discharge, IColoc; with burning sting- Zinc; burning, Cact.; with burning at ori 1
ing, IDory. in chronic catarrh of bladder,
; fice, IIGamb.; with burning in uterine neu-
I IPareira; in children, IIAcon., lApis, ralgia,! Con. improved, Tarant. cured with

Puis.; in children, during dentition, Erig., I I burning and tearing (cystitis), INux v.; de-
Rheum; worse by taking cold, IIPuls.; in sire constant,IDig.,HLil. tig.; with great pain,
cysto-blennorrhcea, Uva ursi in diabetes, 1 1 ; Merc cor., Plumb. with pressure on blad- I I ;

Op. in diphtheria, Canth.,

; Lac c. in dys- I I ; der, Cop.; in induration of prostate, ICop.
menorrhcea, ISenecio; in enteritis, nPvhus; with spasms in rectum, ICaust.; without sen-
alternating with enuresis, IGels.; in ty- sation, during motion, IBry.; when sitting, or
phoid fever, ICanth.; caused by flying pains walking, IPuls.; after straining, Clem.; in
in urinary organs, Lyss.; in gonorrhoea, stricture, IChim. umb.; as in spasmodic stric-

f Cochl.; only discharged after great effort, ture, IClem.; with tearing, burning pains at
stream thinner than usual, causing pain point of penis, IPareira with tenesmus, nau- ;

under fourchette, when reaching glans penis sea and vomiting of bilious fluids (nephritic
(dysuria after gonorrhoea), MCop. after ; colic), I IPareira; with constant, painful urg-
gonorrhoea, MCop.; with hsematuria, Cop.; ing, Strain. $5^ interrupted, involuntary
with hemorrhage, bright red, Mitch, rep. 1 1 dribbling also Urine decreased. ;

in hemorrhoids, ISep.; with pains in hips and Urination, enuresis: $g*' involuntary.
loins, IBerb. in impotence, ICamph.; forc-
; Urination, frequent: I Aeon., Act. rac, Alum.,
ing induces lachrymation, worse before 6 a.m., Amm. m., Ang., lAnt. c, Ant. t., Aph. ch.,
Clem.; in measles, ICamph.; in metritis, Apis, Arm,
I Arum t., Ascl. t., Aspar., Ast.
I 1 1

IINux v.; especially in morning, (Sep.; in r., Bapt., TrBar. m., IBell., IBism., Brom.JBry.,
morning, in old men, Cornus; in nephritic Calend., ICamph. ,HCanth.,l ICaps.,ICarbol.ac,
colic, I in nephritis, lArn.; in old
IPareira; Carbo vT,l ICaust., ICepa, Chel., IChim. umb.,
people, when the
gravel is trifling, IBenz. Chloral., ICic, ICinch., Cinch, bol., Cinnab.,
sic.) lUva ursi; painful, in anteversion,
painful, Clem., Coccul., Coccus, Cochl., Coff., Colch.,
Lil. tig.; with palpitation and gasping for IColoc, Cup. m., Curar., ICycl., IDaph., IDig.,
rjreath, in spells, ILaur. during pregnancy, ; Dulc, Equiset,, lEup. pur., lEuph., (Graph., I

Aeon., INatr. m. during pregnancy, cutting

; Guaiac, Hell., Hippom., Hyos., Ign., Hod.,
pain, Phos. ac: has to press to promote
1 1 Jacea, Jatroph., IKali c, Kali f.. Kali iod.,
flow, Agar.; has to press so that anus pro- Lac def., ILach., IILact. ac, ILed., IILil.
trudes, IIMur. ac; the more pressure, the tig.,ILith., IILyc, Med., IMerc, I IMerc. 1 1

less it flows (gastricism), I Kali c. when ; cor., Mur. ac, Natr. a., INatr. c, Natr. p.,
delayed feels constant pressure downward Nux v., lOleand., IOp., Oxal. ac, Pallad.,
(after injury to testicle), Zinc; with press- I I
I IPareira, Petrol., I Phos., IPhos. ac,l Plant., I

ure and tenseness (paresis of detrusor ve- Polyg., IPsor., I IPuls., IRhus, Ruta, Sabad.,
sicas), Nux v. in affection of prostate gland,
1 1 ; Sabina, IBSars., Seneg., ISep., Sinap., ISpig.,
Apis; in prostatitis, IChim. umb.; remittent Spong., ISquilla, IStaph., ISul., Thlaspi,BUva
with backache, Vespa; after riding, during ursi, Val., Verbas., Yespa; with burning,
pregnancy, lEup. pur. scanty discharge,
; Paris; with burning, in evening, Cann. i.;
Gels.; after much exertion and pain passes with bearing down in genitals, during and
a few drops of burning urine accompanied by after walking, Coff.; in cardialgia, IPhos.; I

severe and constant tenesmus, worse night, with clear urine, Meph.; as clear as water,
Merc; in scarlatina, IHep.; in septic dis- Hyos.; day and night, from irritable condi-
eases, ITarant.; in sciatica, ITereb.; spas- tion of bladder and sphincter, Plant. with ;

modic in hysterical subjects, IVib. with ; chilliness at night, B IMerc; with ch'ill, Meph.;
straining, Alum., IIArs.,Carbol. ac, Coccus, after sensation of chilliness, Med.; in colic, 1 1

Gels. straining, painful, small discharge

; ICepa during day, lUran. n.; all day, still
; I

(catarrh of bladder), ICanth. in stricture, ; oftener evening, with shuddering and chilli-
I IChim. umb.; in secondary syphilis, ISyph.; I ness, ICepa day and night, attempt to retain

with frequent urging, IGels.; as though there it causes pain, ILact, ac; with sudden desire
were almost no urine in bladder and yet great (syphilitic neuralgia), ISyph.; in diabetes, I

urging to urinate, IDig. as if urethra were ; Cop., IPod.; in diabetes insipidus, Squilla;
constricted, Dig. with uterine displace-
; in diabetes, foamy, strong smelling, dark,
ment, Senecio; with uterine tumor, IKalic; Lact. ac;in diarrhoea, BBor., IIThuya; in
impulse weak, Cain.; especially in women, diphtheria, ILac c after drinking sugar wa- ;
Ant. t.; in scarlatinal dropsy, IDig.; after
ter, of rectum, IIRuta; with rheumatic pain r
exertion, iEthus. with heat and brown red- ; Meph.; scanty, IBelL, Cann. i., Colch., lber.,
ness of face, IKreo.; during fever, Med.; 1 1 Kob., IMur. ac; scanty, brown, fetid, Petrol.;, I I

with cold state, in intermittent fever, lArs.; scanty ,burning (prolapsus), ILil.tig.; scanty, in
in gonorrhoea, ICaps.; in hematuria, llpec; convulsions, ICup. m. scanty, light colored,, ;

with headache, IBelL, IVer.; in frontal head- Alum.; scanty, with scalding, IGels. scanty, ;

ache, Vib.; in sick headache, I Lac. def.; when becoming warm from working, cannot
every half hour, I Apis every half hour, dur- ; empty bladder (paresis of detrusor vesicae),
ing day, Psor. every half hour, at night,
1 1 ; I I Nux v. sediment red, Lac c with slow flow,,
; ;

disturbs sleep (irritable bladder),' Sep.; I I Plat.; with smarting at meatus, IGels.; with,
every hour, in albuminuria, ICalc. a. once an ; pain in course of spermatic vessels, I Cam ph.;,
hour, during whole day, Eup. pur.; every sphincter having lost its energy, IPhos.; with
hour, INatr. m., Puis.; every hour or two, I I hard stool, ISars.; in stomatitis, INatr. c
Vib.; every hour or two, night and day, causing great suffering, ICup. ars.; with violent
I Alum.; every hour, day and night, abun- thirst, Ver.; with great urgency (sympathetic
dant, dark, Cain. every hour, day and night, ; aphonia), ICollin.; in- prolapsus uteri, I Alum.,.
with violent burning in urethra on beginning Aur. met.; with worms, ICina.
to urinate, I IMerc. sol.; eight or ten times a jgii^ desire, in drops, urging also Urine ;

day, Cochl. thirty to forty efforts in twenty-

; clear, decreased.
four hours, ISul.; with violent hunger, Ver.;
I Urination, inability (ineffectual urging, ischu-
in hysteria, lllgn.; involuntary, with tinea ria) I Aeon., Anthrok., lApis, IIApoc, IIArn.,,

capitis, IJacea with spasmodic pain in kid- ; I I Ars., Aur. mur., IBelL, Bor., Camph.,
neys, Coccus in leucorrhoea, IIGraph., INatr.
; I ICanth., ICaust., ICimex, IClem., Cochl.,,
c; in inflammation of liver, IMerc. in ; Con., ICycL, IDig., IIEup. pur., Ferr. iod.,
marasmus, I ISul.; after midnight, Zinc; every Gels., I IHell. Hep., IHyos., llpec,, IJamb., I

few minutes, all day, I Apis every three or ; ILach., Laur., ILyc, Myr. cer., IINitr. ac,
five minutes child passes a large quantity, IINux v., IOp., MPlumb., Pod., IIPuls.,
IMagn. p.; almost every five minutes, Camph., Rhus, Ruta, Senecio, SiL, Strain., SuL, Ver.;.
lEryng.; ten times in one hour, Inul. every ; with redness and heat over region of bladder,,
ten or twelve minutes (infant), Bor.; every IPuls.; with anxiety, ICham.; child, desires
ten minutes, painful (gonorrhoea), ITereb.; to urinate, none flows, at another time could
every ten minutes, without pain, ^Atrop. s. not retain it, ICalc; in infants, ICamph.;,
every ten to fifteen minutes between 10 and 1 child, two weeks old, lEup. pur.; in cholera,
o'clock at night, ^"Atrop. s. every fifteen ; I I Aeon.; prevented by clots (hsematuria),
minutes (acute catarrh of bladder), IColoc; Cact.; with convulsions, llpec; in chronic-
with drawing in molars when lying down, cystitis, lArs.j with diarrhoea, in pregnancy,
Oleand.; in morning, after coffee, Kob.; at ICup. m.; in intermittent fever, ISamb.; day
night, Alum., Amm. c. particularly at night,
after attack of quartan ague, IPhelL: with or
IGraph., ILyc, Petrol.; every hour for rest 1 1 without gravel, Dolich.; with sick headache,
of night, if he urinates after getting warm llCon.; with heat, Ratan.; impeded by pain 1 1

in bed, Med. at night and in morn-

1 1 ; in hypogastrium (fundus vesicas), IPhos.; I

ing after rising, Arab.; especially at night, worse during menses (prolapsus uteri), lAur.
ISul.; after injection of nitrate of silver for met.; in metritis, INux v.; with great pain, I

gonorrhoea, ITarant.; in old age (apoplexy),

I I Apis; with excruciating pains in cystitis,.

Bar. c; painful, after pain in glans, ICanth.; Tarant.; ischuria paralytica, Sec; pressure on
in puerperal eclampsia, IPhos.; in puerperal loins, groins and thighs, ICarbo a.; cathether
mania, INuxv.; painful (chronic diarrhoea), had to be used four to six times in twenty -four
Cup. ars.; with pain, and burning during hours (enlargement of prostate), MPareira;,
and after urinating (catarrh of bladder), feels as if a tape prevented, Thuya wanted ;

I I Uva ursi ; with pressure on bladder, to urinate but suppressed it, when finally
Sep.; with pressure on bladder and rec- wished to could not pass any, ISul.; is hur- I

tum, Cycl.; from pressure in genitals, riedly impelled to pass urine, which however
IMerc. sol.; profuse, IDros., Euph., I seems to pass forward into glans penis, and
ILactu. v., IMur. ac; profuse, in anti-des-
I then seems to return and cause violent pain
in urethra, IPrun. g^ ineffectual, stran-
quamative stages of Bright's disease, IHell.; *

profuse, limpid, better dulness and

clear, gury, urging also Bladder paralysis also
; ;

heaviness of head, IIGels.; profuse, in co- Urine retention.

ryza, ICalc. profuse, passes more than he
Urination, infrequent (seldom) Arn., ICycL, :

drinks, loses strength, emaciates, ICamph.; - INux v., IOp.; in a boy set. four months,
profuse, more towards and in evening, with I Psor.; during day, ILyc; at long interval,

stitches in urethra, Thuya profuse, light ;

in dysentery, Zinc. not oftener than once
1 1 ;

colored, with thirst, Fluo'r.ac; profuse, worse 1 1 in twenty-four hours, ISyph.; once in twenty-
when lying, preceded by aching pain in four hours and then copiously, with difficulty
bladder, INux v.; profuse, pale, ILyc; pro- and slight irritation (diphtheria), I I Lac c
fuse, pale, with congestive headache, IGlon.; Urination, insufficient (incomplete, unsatis-
profuse, pale, in morning and forenoon, factory): Bry., ICalc, IClem., IGels., 1 1 Hep.,
Mez.; profuse, saccharine (diabetes), ILact. Kali c, Lac'h.,Natr.c, Petrol., Rhod., ISelen.,
ac; profuse, disturbing sleep, ILith.; profuse, SiL, Staph., Thuya feeling as if bladder could ;

containing sugar (impotence), TTMosch.; pro- not be emptied thoroughly, Cub., IHep.; sen-
fuse, whitish, Cycl.; profuse, yellow, IKalm.; sation as if not yet empty after dribbling of
profuse, light yellow, with sweetish smell and urine, has to force out last drops with
slight milky sediment, Ferr. iod.; in prolapsus


Cann. i. B^IT in drops, ineffectual, slow ;

ure of urine is taken off by recumbent post-
also Urine decreased. ure, IFerr. ph.; desire sudden, impossible to
Urination, flow interrupted intermittent, flows : retain it an instant, without grasping penis,
and stops, lAgar., ICarbo a., ICaust., IClem., I IThuya if desire is not complied with (irri-

HCon., Dulc, IGels., Kali c, ILed., ILyc, table bladder), Sep.; dribbling, I Agar., I I

Med.,Meph., IPhos. ac, ISul., Thuya, Zinc; IIArn., Ars., Bell., Brom.,ICamph.,IICanth.,
after coitus, in spermatorrhoea, IPhos. ac;in I llCaust., Cic, HClem., ICoccus, Dulc,IHyos.,
catarrhal croup, Ant. t.; commences to flow
I I I I Kali br., I INux v., I IPlant., 1 1 Plumb.,
after waiting a long time, on account of a Staph., IStram., ISul., Thuya, Ver., Zinc;
cramp in sphincter vesicae, BOp.; with cutting dribbling, constant,in boys, IRhus; dribbling,
after urination, HCon.; in chronic dysentery, burning, like fire, lEryng.; dribbling, in cere-
ICon.; in evening, ICaust.; in chronic ovaritis, brospinal meningitis, Canth. dribbling, after ;

Hod.; during sixth month of pregnancy, suppressed gonorrhoea, I Coca dribbling, after ;

1 Rhus; spasmodic,
1 Graph.; in urethritis, 1 1 labor, I Arn. in locomotor ataxia, lArg. nit.;

ICannab. g^ in drops. dribbling, with nocturnal and diurnal enure-

Urination, involuntary (enuresis, incontin- sis, INux v.; dribbling, in old people, ICepa

ence): Aeon., I Alum., Amm. m., Anac, An- dribbling,in enlarged prostate, Dig.; dribbles I I

anth., Ant. c, 1 1 Apis, IIArg. nit., I Arm, when sitting, passes freely when standing,
IIArs., Atrop. s., IBar. c, ^Bar. m., IBell., Sars.; dribbling, while sitting or walking, IPuls.;
IBenz.ac,Cact., ICamph.,Capnab. s., ICanth., dribbling, during stool, IKali br.; dribbling,af-
Carbo a., ICarbo v., Case, I ICaust., HCic, terstool,ISelen.; dribbling,after stream ceases,
ICimex in scarlatina, ICina, Con., Dulc,
; Cann. L, ISelen., IStaph.; dribbling, without
lEquiset., I lEucal., lEup. pur., IGels., IGua- being aware of it(concussionof spine), IHyper.;
IHep., IHydras., IHyos., llgn.,
raea, IHell., I dribbling,while walking, ISelen.; indyspepsia,
Hod., I Kali br., IKali ph., IKreo., ILach., I Vib.; during epileptic attack, IBufo., ICaust.,
Lac def., ILaur., ILed., IILyc, Magn. c, I Cup. m., Coccul., I IHyos. from excitement, ;

Magn. m., IMerc, IMur. ac, IIMillef., IGels.; during exertion, IBry.; in fevers, I

IMosch., INatr. m., Natr. p., INitr. ac, INux ILach.; in typhoid fever, IHell. ,IIris, IMosch.,
m., INux v., CEnan., Oleand., 101. jec, IOp.,
I I IMur ac, IVer., IVer. v. in typhus, lArg. nit., ;

I Petrol.,
I Pic. ac, Plant., Plumb., IPod.,
I I 1 Chin, s., IColch., IPhos.,
1 IPsor.; from I

IPuls., Ratan., Rheum, IIRhus, Ruta, Sang., fright, during coition, ILyc; after repeated
ISec, USep., Sil., Spig., UStaph., Stilling., attacks of gonorrhoea, INux v.; with gravel, I

IStram., ISul., Tabac, IThuya, Vespa, Vib., I IDolich.; hot, Cham., IHep., IPsor. gushes I

1 Zinc; acrid discharge, IHep.; in apoplexy,

I out, with sensation of hot water passing over
1 Aeon., I Arn. awakes with urging, IKreo. in
I ; ; parts, Lac def.; in hydrocephalus, IDig.,

bed, in delirium, after being accused of theft, IGrat., IHell., IMerc. viv.; in insanity, Ta- I I

IHyos.; after bladder seemed to be emptied, rant.; because the amount is too large, Squilla ;

IHelon.; in brain affection, IHell.; in cerebro- when laughing, coughing or sneezing, INux
spinal meningitis, IHydr. ac; in bronchitis, v.; in meningitis, IIRhus; during menses,
ICaust. in bronchitis, after intermittent fever,
; IHyos.; every fifteen minutes, IGels.; on
ICina; with burning in orifice of urethra, motion, coughing or sneezing, IPhos. ac; at
ISpig.; in cataract, ICaust. before chill (in- ; night (nocturnal emissions, wetting the bed),
termittent), IGels.; especially in children, Aeon., ^Ethus., I Amm. c, Ananth., 1 1 Apis,
lEup. pur.; in children, with acidity of lApoc, IIArg. nit., IIArn., lArs., I IBell.,
stomach, Natr. p. in children who grow
I I ; IIBenz. ac, Bry., ICalc, Carb. s., ICarbo v.,
too rapidly, IPhos.; in children, where llCaust., ICham., Chen, v., IChloral., ICina, I I

urine is scanty, acrid, and loaded with uric Cinch., Coca, Con., ICub., lEquiset., lEup.

acid and its deposits, IPlant.; in weakly ' pur., IIFerr., Fluor, ac, IGraph., IHep., I I

children, ICinch. in chorea, ICed., ISec;

; I I Kali br., IIKreo., IILac def., Magn. s.,

chronic, IKali ph. IKreo. in convulsion after

, ; , I Med., IMerc, INatr. c, INatr. m., IOp.,

fright, ICup. m.; on getting cold, Med.; I I MOxal. ac, Petrol., Plant., I IPuls., Rhus,
1 1

with constrictive pain in region of bladder, Ruta, Sars., Seneg., HSep., ISil.,
I I I ISquilla,
IPuls.; in convulsion, Art. v., IZinc; when Strain., I ISul., ITereb., IThuya, I I lUran. n.,
coughing, I Alum., Ant. c, 1 1 Apis, Caps., IVerbas.; at night, worse in autumn, IPuls.;
llCaust., IKreo., ILach., INatr. m., IPhos. ac, at night, in boys of light complexion, ISep.;
I IPsor., IPuls., Rhod., IRumex, llSquilla, I at night, fat children, red face, sweat easily,
IThuya, IVer., Vib., IZinc; with cough, in and catch cold, ICalc; at night, children, in
facial neuralgia, Sep. at end of every fit
I I ; latter part of night, even if they have urin-
of cough, ISquilla with coughing, laughing,; ated during night and drank no water,
or making any effort, Tarant.; with cough, Chloral.; at night, in nervous children, IGels.;
worse from least movement (jaundice), IPhos.; at night, in children of phosphorous build,
spurting, with mucous cough, ISquilla with ; IPhos.; at night, pale, lean children with
ough, at night, IColch.; with cough, in pneu- large abdomen, who love sugar and highly
monia, INux v.; with cough, during preg-
I seasoned food, and abhor to be washed, ISul.;
nancy, IFerr. ph.; when coughing, or sneez- at night, in scrofulous and syphilitic children,
ing (hydrometra), Sep.; while coughing, or I I IKali iod.; at night, floods bed five or six
passing wind, IPuls. during cough,in women, ; times, IFerr.; especially at night after great
Puis.; a few drops, with every fit of cough- fright two years ago, JPhos.: at night, parti- I

ing, in women, IRumex in whooping cough, ;

cularly in little girls, IPuls.; at night, from
IBry., ISpong.; with general debility, ICalc infancy, in a girl aet. 16, INux v.; at night, I

p.; diurnal, depending on an irritability of after blow upon head, Sil. when there is 1 1 ;

trigone and cervix vesicae, better when press- no tangible cause except a habit, I lEquiset.;
after measles, IPuls.; from midnight to morn- ing about pain (vaginitis), IMerc viv. ; no
ing, Plant.; at night, during full moon, ob-
I I will to urinate, in childbed, IHyos. I
stinate cases, IPsor.; at night, from nervous Urination, navel : oozes through open umbili-
irritation, IIMagn. p.; at night, old man, after cus, IHyos. I

dropsy, lAur. mur.; at night, in onanists, Urination, night: Alum., Amm. c, Arm, Ars.,
ISep.; at night, and while at rest, IRhus at ; Bar. c, IIBell., Bry., ICalc, ICaust., ina, I (

night, especially during first sleep, ICaust., Coca, ICup. m., IDros., Graph., Hell., Hep.,

ICina, IPhos. ac, I ISep.; at night, in first i Hod., Jamb., ILith., Merc, Natr.m., INux v.,
sleep, fairly floods the bed, IPhos. ac; at Op., IPuls., IRhus, Ruta, ISep., ISil., Squilla,
night, during first deep sleep from which child Stram., IISul.; desire awakes, IHep., IKali I I

is roused with difficulty (enuresis nocturna), c; in diabetes, ICup. m., INatr. s.; a few
IKreo.; at night, spasmodic form, lArg. met.; drops, red, bloody, burning, INux v.; four or
at night, from weakness of sphincter, Ferr. five times, not much during day, Therid.; fre-
ph., IGels., IPlant.; at night, from worms, quent, Amm. m., ICalc, Calend., Cinnab.,
lUran. n.; at night, in children with worms, IDaph., IGlon., IHyos., IJamb., IILac c,
and in chorea, ISil.; at night, for two years; ILith.; frequent, in apoplexy, lAnac; fre-
IISul.; on- blowing nose, llCaust., IZinc; quent, intense burning and pain in small of
spurting, in old people, ICepa in old men, ; back, IITereb.; frequent, in dyspepsia, I Lye;
ICic; in an old man with enlarged prostate, frequent, with gravel, ILj^c; frequent, in
I Aloe in old persons, Hod.,
; Kali p., ISec; 1 1 mental derangement, I Con.; frequent, scanty
in incipient paralysis, ICund.; in paralysis of or profuse, pale, Squilla; frequent, with much
bladder, llCaust., IIDulc; in paralysis, not a pressure and scanty emission, IKali c; fre-
drop flows on making greatest effort, IGels.; quent, no rest (diabetes mellitus), lArg. met.;
from paralysis of sphincter, IKali p., Tabac; in chronic gleet, cannot retain for more than
chronic, from paralysis of sphincter, in old, an hour after 5 or 6 p.m., Med.; large quan- I I

flabby constitutions, IThuya in paralysis, ; tities, colorless, IPhos. ac; like mealy water,
must satisfy desire promptly, especially at ICanth.; between 12 and 3 o'clock, ICon.
night, IPhos.; in paralysis, from irritation of each night, between 12 and 3 a.m. (in preg-
lower part of spine, IINuxv.; during preg- nancy), I Aeon.; only night and morning,
nancy, INatr. m., ISep,; especially after par- Seneg.; sediment white, I Bry.; several times,
turition, IIArs.; with seizures of prostration, Bor. Thuya ; several times, in ante-desquama-

Vespa difficult of retention, IPtel. cannot

; ; tive stage of Bright's disease, IHelon.; several
retain after desire, ILach.; when riding, or times, in chronic irritability of bladder, ISul.; I

on long walks (subparalysis of sphincter vesi- in chronic stricture, Med.; sudden, drives 1 1

cae), I IThuya; when running, I Arm; unable out of bed before stool in morning, IRumex;
to retain without extreme pain, amounting twice, Chim. m. two or three times, ISars.;
; I

almost to spasms (weakness of bladder), two or three times, with cirrhotic kidney,
I lUran. n.; leaving red sand on sheets (ty- I Plumb.; three times, a pint each time (dia-

phoid fever), IHyos.; in scabies, IHep.; in betes), ICarbol. ac; three times (gastricism),
scarlatina, IIAilant.; in malignant scarlatina, IKali c; with uterine tumor, IKali e.
or diphtheria, IMur. ac; in septic diseases, g^ 3*
involuntary night.
Tarant.; while sitting, ICaust.; whenever he Urination, flows as easily as if it were oil Apoc :

sat down, day and night, INatr. m.; during Urination, painful: jg^~ During urination,
deep sleep in daytime, I Bell.; while sneez- pain.
ing, llCaust., IINatr. m.; when standing, Urination, position almost touches floor with :

Bell.; follows dry stool with difficult defeca- forehead in order to be able to urinate, Pa-
tion, IZinc; after each dysenteric stool, reira. Jg^* knees, lying, sitting, standing.
Alum.; in tetanus, I Cup. m.; with thirst, Urination, quick INux v. : I

I Aeon.; unconsciously, Amyg.,ICinch.,ICycl., Urination, seldom j^gg" infrequent. :

IIVer.;with vomiting and diarrhoea, Dig. ;

Urination, sitting can only pass urine while

while walking, Ananth., ICaust., IIFerr., siting bent backward, Zinc. cannot pass 1 1

IINatr. m., Ruta, IZinc; while walking or while standing, only when sitting down,
rising from a seat, IMagn. c; in walking and brought on or worse by worry, I IZinc
sitting, Stram. while walking or standing (fa-
; Urination, slow: in passing, Alum., Apis,
cial neuralgia) Sep. when walking, in tumor
, I I ; I I Arm, ICamph., Cann. i., IClem., Hep.,
of vulva, ICalc; must rush from work during ILaur., Lye, IMur. ac, Natr. m., IPetrol.,
day at risk of wetting his clothes if he did Raph., IRhus, Sec, Sep., SiL, Strain., Zinc;
not yield (irritability of bladder), ISul.; with I in coming, must press along time, Apis,Cact.,
ascarides, IFerr. fi^T" in drops, night also ; Cannab., Coccus, Hep., Prum, Raph., Sec,
Bladder paralysis, weakness. Stram.; after long attempt water passes
Urination, knees: passed only by going down abundantly, Cact.; is obliged to wait awhile
1 1

on knees since confinement two weeks previ- before urine flows and then it flows slowly,
ously (dysuria), IPareira; must get down on I IHep.; sometimes it takes half an hour to-
all fours to urinate, I IPareira. empty bladder, leaving him in a weak condi-
Urination, lying down: urine more easily re- tion, IIMed.; no energy, Diad., Stram.; in
tained, Dig.; discharge while lying down, with typhoid fever, IBell. but frequent, Plat.; hesi- ;

sensation as if movement of bowels would fol- tation, in hysteralgia, ISec; a small quantity
low (paralysis of sphincter), IPuls. takes ten minutes to pass-(cysticblennorrhcea),
Urination, mental condition: has to wait long Uva ursi lasts ten or fifteen minutes, in
I ;

for urine to pass, especially if others are near spinal disease, I Apis from paresis of sphincter ;

by, INatr. m.; thinking of urination causes vesicae, ISul.; in rheumatism of knee, IBerb.;
necessity, lOxal. ac desire caused by think-; with soreness and burning, IKali c; in spinal
; ;


disease, lApis while at stool (prostatitis and

; ing retarded it, Hippom.; small, as a thread
atony of sexual organs), ISelen.; in a small I (stricture), IChim. umb.; thin, ICamph.,

stream, or in drops, Agar.; in secondary Spong., ISul., Zinc; thin, feeble, ISars.; thin,
syphilis, ISyph. J^^" difficult, insufficient,
I or only drop by drop (gonorrhceal cystitis),
stream, straining: urging; also Bladder IMerc; thin, as if urethra were constricted,
paralysis; also Urine retention. IClem., IGraph., INitr. ac; thin, in stricture,
Urination, spasmodic $gg*- interrupted : ICanth.; twdsted (after suppressed gonor-
Urination, standing could pass urine only : rhoea), I Coca weak, Cham.; weak, drops

when standing, I I Sars. ; inability to pass vertically down, I IHep. fl* interrupted
without standing with feet wide apart and also Chap. 21, Urethra stricture.
body inclined forward, Chim. umb. Urination, urging (pressing) Amm. m., Asim., :

Urination, strangury (urinary tenesmus) Aspar., Bar. c, Bry., ICard. m., Chen, v.,
IIApis, lApoc, IIArs., Aspar., IBell., ICact., Clem., IIHydras., Ictod., IKali c, ILyc,
ICamph., I ICanth., Card, m., IChel., IChim. I I Mitch, rep., Prun.,
I IVib. with tension in I ;

umb., Cinch, bol., IClem., Cochl., ICon., Cop., abdomen, during pregnancy, IPuls.; with
Elaps, Euphor., IHelon., ILyc., I INux v.,
I cutting and pinching in abdomen, worse
UPareira, MPlumb., IPolyg., Prun., Pan. 1 1 night (dysuria), IMerc; anxious, day and
sc, Sars., Sil., lUran. n., lUrt. ur., Uva ursi; I night, Carbo v.; awakens, Sil.; awakes 3 a.m.,
as from atony, Plumb.; in a child, I Art. v.;
I I Sarrac; as if bladder were constantly full,
from cold or cold drinks, IDulc.; after getting little passed, followed by dragging as if
feet and bowels cold, ICepa; chronic, from much should be passed, Ruta with pressing ;

standing on a cold pavement, ICalc; with, in bladder, Coccus worse from obstruction of;

colic, Arn. constant, 1 1 Arm, Aur. met., IBar.

; bowels (asthma), IIArg. nit.; with burning-
c, "Bar. m., Cann. s., UPareira, Sul., Thuya, biting in bladder and urethra, Prun.; catarrh
Uva ursi, Ver. constant, all day, twice as
; of bladder, IColoc, MSeneg.; ineffectual, in
much passed as usual, Eup. pur.; constant, children, cry impatiently and grasp abdomen,
passing a few drops, All. sat.; constant, with ILyc; follows chilliness, Senecio with colic, ;

heat during urination, Con.; constant, in I IStaph.; with obstinate constipation, ISars.;
hydrothorax, IColch. constant, in kidney ; in w hooping cough, IBry.; and crying, lErig.

disease, IHep.; constant, in urinary sickness, with cutting in bladder, caused by motion of
I ICon.; constant, at night, IDig.; constant, child (pregnancy), IThuya after cutting in I

with profuse light clear discharge like water umbilicus, Camph. chiefly during day, worse ;

(polyuria), IMur. ac; constant, painful, with the more he stands, IFerr. ph.; in diabetes
frequent discharge of a few drops with in- insipidus, Squilla after dreaming of urinat-

crease of pain, ISul:; constant, can hardly

I ing, I Lac c; with dribbling, after usual dis-
retain it, could not pass any if she forcibly charge, IGraph.; in dysentery, IColch.; with
retained it, and suffered severe pains, IRuta I dysmenorrhcea, disappearing with onset of
constant, with scanty discharge, IDig., ISil.; flow, worse cold milk, IKali tod.; especially
constant, passes little at a time (dysmenor- in evening, Sabad.; frequent, Act. sp.,iEthus.,
rhea, scarlatina, ovaritis), I Apis; constant, Alum., lAloe, Amm. m., IIArn., IBerb.,
without sufficient discharge, worse sitting ICalc. p., ICann. s., ICham., I IChel., Chlor.,
(walks about), IChim. umb.; strong contrac- ICina, IClem., Cornus, TrFluor. ac, IMang., I

tion, during spasm, IHyos.; with discharge Pallad., Plumb., Thuya; frequent, with
1 1

of blood and slime, Uva'ursi after drinking ; acrid smarting, after every discharge, urging,
beer, INux m., INux v.; in dysentery, I ICaps. worse towards morning, ILil. tig.; frequent,
in gonorrhoea, ICaps., IPetrosel., IITereb.; w ith drawing in region of bladder, Rhod.;

with headache, Lil. tig.; with hemorrhage frequent, from pressure on bladder, IPuls. fre- ;

from bladder, IColch.; in hysteria, I INux quent, with painful bearing down in neck of
m.; from mechanical injury, Apis; precedes bladder, in morning, ISep. frequent, with ;

menstrual colic, I Ver. v. in orchitis after ; bruised sore sensation low down in abdomen
mismanaged gonorrhoea, IClem.; painful, (phlegmasia alba dolens), INux v.; frequent, I

IDulc, Pareira ILach.

; inin peritonitis, ; severe, with burning in glans, when urine pas-
prosopalgia, llgn. from stricture following ; ses guttatim (cysto-blennorrhcea), Uva ursi; 1 1

gonorrhoea, ICamph.; from excessive use of frequently, especially after coffee, Oleand.;
tobacco, IOp urine only reaches glans penis
; frequent, day and night, in catarrh of blad-

and causes violent pain and spasms, also with der, and leucorrhcea, ICaust.; frequent,
tenesmus in rectum, Prun.; urine diminished day and night, with incessant secretion,
red, Sabina urine scanty, in scarlatina, ILyc;
; IRhus frequent, with dribbling, ICaust.;

due to uterine displacement, lEup. pur.

_ frequent, in epilepsy, ICaust.; frequent, with
vomiting, purging and urination simultane- hsematuria, in typhus, IMerc; frequent,
ously, caused by spasmodic contraction, almost ineffectual, with cutting, IPuls.;
ICrotal. $$T in drops, urging also Bladder ; frequent, ineffectual, ICanth., ISpong.; fre-
pressing, tenesmus. quent, ineffectual in diarrhoea, ICaps.; fre-
Urination, stream: divided, forked, Arg. nit., quent, ineffectual, with diminished secretion,
ICann. s., ICanth., IChim. umb., Clem., Cinch, I ISars.; frequent, large quantities of red urine,
bol., IMerc, IRhus divided, in gonorrhoea, ; IHelon.; frequent, with copious pale dis-
I IThuya cannot feel passing through urethra,
; charge, cannot get out of bed quick enough
(cataract), ICaust. feeble, in gonorrhoea, ; at night, IIKreo.; frequent, with copious dis-
I IMerc. cor. propelled with great force,
; charge in toothache, ISpig.; frequent, with
ICic; not sensible of stream, I ICaust.; small, profuse discharge, Sabina, Samb.; frequent,
Eup. pur., Gymn.; small, curved to left, Cinch, in newly married people, especially the wo-
bol.; small, with straining, feels as if a swell- men, IStaph.; frequent, before menses, I IKali
iod. ; frequent, in emansio mensium, IDig.; Mang.; causing spasm, IHell.; with partial
frequent, every few minutes, followed by dis- loss of power in sphincter (neuralgic head-
charge of a few drops of slimy, burning urine ache after cerebrospinal meningitis), I Gels.;
(dysuria), IMerc.; frequent, mostly at night, worse standing and walking, better sitting,
ISpig. frequent, all night, at least from 5 or
; ICanth.; with much straining, cannot pass a
7 p.m. until 5 a.m., Syph.; frequent, at night, drop, Cann. i. during stool, ICic sudden,
; ;

with scanty discharge. Zinc; frequent, pain- IPhos., Rumex, Thuya sudden, with gonor- ;

ful, passing small quantities, I Alum.; frequent, rhceal affections, IPetrosel.; sudden, irresist-
with pain in neck of bladder on attempting ible, Phos. ac; with tickling in urethra to
it, after catching cold, ICop.; frequent, with neck of bladder, IFerr.; urine passes only
pain in neck of bladder and end of penis, after waiting several minutes, Sep.; must
IFerr. ph.; frequent, during pregnancy, IINux wait long before urine will pass, or inability
v. ; frequent, with sensation as if urine could with constant bearing down, I ILyc; with
not be long retained, Rumex frequent, ; great quantity of clear watery urine, IColoc;
scanty, ICycl., IIHell., ISpong.; frequent, after urination (nephritis, etc.), Chim. umb.;
scanty, in anasarca, IHell.; frequent, scanty, cervix uteri engorged, dark red, swollen,
frequently only drops, IDros.; frequent, at
I I Mitch, rep. with vomiting at night, I Hyper.
I ;

first only a few drops, then usual stream, BEFORE URINATION, abdomen pain in :

Kali n.; frequent, only a few drops are dis- bowels, Brach.; colicky pain, IPuls.
charged, with severe cutting pains in vesical Before urination, back: aching in kidneys
region, and burning sensation in urethra, worse (diabetes mellitus), I ILyc; burning in
I ISul.; frequent, with scanty green urine, kidneys, Rheum; pain, ILyc; pain in coc-
Ruta frequent, with scanty, high-colored
; cyx extending into urethra, IKali bi.; pain in
urine, Msc. h.; frequent, scanty, must hurry, small of, on retaining, INatr. s.; pain in direc-
HMerc. sol.; frequent, scanty, particularly tion of ureters,, urine turbid, IChel.
at night, cutting in abdomen, INitr. ac. fre- ; Before urination, bladder: burning, Rheum;
quent, with scanty discharge in a thin stream, burning, with aching, IFluor. ac; cutting,
IStaph.; frequent, slow discharge, IKali c. Calc p.; pain worse, IJCanth.; pain in neck,
can scarcely hold, IAloe, Bor., ICalc, IMerc.
I INux v.; pressure, Arm, Calc p., INux v.,
sol., IPuls.; steadily increasing, ICanth.; in- IPhyt., IPuls.; frequent and continued spasm
effectual, Ced., Sec; ineffectual, in catarrh of (cysto-blennorrhoea), Mane, IXJva ursi. I

bladder, ICaust. ineffectual, colic, involving

; Before urination, burning lApis, Bor., Bry., :

bladder, I Aeon. ineffectual, finally a small

; Calc, Cann. i., Colch., IPuls. in glans, Anac, ;

quantity of hot urine is passed, with drawing ICochl.; in orifice, ICaps.

in upper abdomen, extending to small of back, Before urination, head if bladder is not re-

and pressing towards lumbar region, IKreo.; lieved, pressing pain on vertex and temples,
ineffectual, except at long intervals, ILach.; TrFluor. ac
ineffectual, during pregnancy (strangury), Before urination, heart: pains, ILith.
ILyc; ineffectual, before stool, I Rheum in- ; Before urination, leucorrhoea bland yellow, :

effectual, after stool, Lyss.; with itching, in with frequent desire to urinate, IKreo.
region of bladder, especially at night, ISep.; Before urination, prostatic fluid discharged:
in chronic keratitis,after vaccination, Thuya I I Psor.
eaused by spasmodic labor pains, INux v.; Before urination, in rectum contraction, :

from heavy lifting (dyspnoea), IBry.; pre- INatr. m.

cedes too late and scanty menses, ISars.; with Before urination, stool IBor. :

mucous discharge, Daph.; with pinching Before urination, sweat: IPareira.

around navel while sitting, going into groin, Before urination, urethra contraction, INatr.:

IINatr. s.; in acute desquamative nephritis, m.; cutting, Bry., Calc p., HCanth.; cutting
ICoccus worse at night (albuminuria), lAur.
in glans, ICochl.; yellowish gleet, Bar. c;
mur.; painful, IPhyt.; painful, anxious,! I Aeon.; scalding, Cann. i.; scalding, in catarrh of blad-
painful, in diarrhoea, Ant. t.; painful, every
I I der, MSeneg.; smarting, in fossa, Senecio ;

two hours, in old man, ICanth.; painful, in- stinging,' Cann. i. JS^" burning.
effectual, IINux v.; painful, disappears when Before urination, urging . :
B@* Urination,
menses come, IKali iod.; increases pains, strangury, urging.
urine passes in drops, Plumb.; painful, in
I I DURING URINATION, abdomen : buboes
peritonitis, ILyc; painful, with scant dis- burn, ICarbo a.; colic, I Cham.;
constriction, in
charge and burning (cystitis), INux v.; from left groin, Ars. cramp or colic worse, principal-

pressure on bladder, ISep.; with pressure on ly right side, accompanied by constant eructa-
bladder, IINux v.; with pressive pain, Cann. tion, better from external warmth, Pallad.;
s.; quick, Arg. nit. with rheumatic wan-
; cutting, ILyc; drawing in right side, Card,
dering pains in limbs, Meph. scanty dis- ; m.; spasmodic drawing in left groin, Agar.;
charge, I Graph.; scanty, after a slight accumu- lancinating to chest worse, IClem.; pain,
lation, Lyss., 01. an.; scanty, burning dis- Bry., Coloc; pain in left groin, Bell.; pain in
charge, ILyc; scanty, burning after, Ph ell.; lower, Agnus pressing in lower, INatr. m.;

scanty, a few drops, ICanth.; a few burning supports with hands. I ILyc.
drops, Erig.; scanty, at night, Nuxm.; scanty, During urination, back: aching, I Ant. c, IKali
in paralysis of sphincter vesicae, IPuls.; from bi.;burning, in kidneys, Rheum pain,IIpec; ;

a small quantity of urine in bladder, I ICanth. pain in os coccygis, IGraph.; in kidneys, Ag-
scanty inability to void usual quantity, late in
, nus pain severe over right kidney, ISenecio;

afternoon, Merc, sul.; scanty, with sensation shuddering along spine, INitr. ac.
of weight and bearing down in pelvis, better During urination, bladder burning, Rheum :

lying, down,. IPallad.; with sexual weakness, burning in neck, ICham., Petrol.; burning
I ;


and tearing in neck, INux v.; constriction in during night, INux v.; in enlargement of
neck, Colch.; cutting and feeling of stran- prostate gland, Pareira as if raw, IColch.,
1 1

gulation at neck, Polyg.; drawing in fe- IMerc sol.; in rheumatism, IDulc; soreness,
male, upward, C'alc. p., IPhyt; pain, after ICarbo a.; with strangury, 1 1 Ars., Canth., I I

typhoid fever, I Mane; unable to locate pain Plumb.; in syphilis, INitr. ac; in angina

or to determine whether it was worse in blad- syphilitica, ILach.; and tenesmus, with fever,
der or in bowels (after injection of nitrate of lEucal.; with thirst, IStram.; with increased
silver for gonorrhoea), ITarant. pressure, I
urine, Niccol.; in vaginitis, IMerc viv.
Asar., Berb., ICamph., Hyos., Sil.; painful During urination, chill rigor, IStram. :

pressing, ILach.; sore feeling worse, Natr. a.; During urination, chilliness ISep. :

spasm, Asaf.; pain from spasm in neck of, During urination, sensation as if a cold drop of
(hydrothorax), IColch.; stitches,Manc, INatr. urine were passing Agar. :

m.; tenesmus, I Apis, Coccus, Plat., Val.; I I During urination, discharge blood and mucus, :

painful tenesmus, Med. I I Calc, I IMerc. cor.; of offensive mucus (ca-

During urination, bleeding: ggg^Urine bloody. tarrh of bladder), ILach.; filaments of ropy
During urination, burning I Aloe, Alum. I Ant. : , mucus escape with last drops, Cub.; polypous
-c, lArg. nit., lArs., Ascl. s., Asim., Astac, masses, ICalc.
IIAur. mur., Bapt., Bar. c, Bell., IBerb., During urination, epigastrium pains, Ilpec. :

Cact.,Calad., Calc.,Calc.p., ICamph., ICann. I During urination, faint feeling: Aeon.

i., HCann. s., HCanth., ICaps., MCarbo a., During urination, female sexual organs: stringy
IjCarbo v., Castor., ICaust., ICepa, ICham., black blood, from vagina, Cochl.; burning, in
Chin, s., IClem., Coccus, Colch., Con., I I pudenda, IIKreo.; burning and warmth in
ICoral., Crot. t., Cup. ars., IDig., IDulc, vagina, Cop. cutting between labia, Con.;
I ;

EMg. Eup. pur., Ferr., Gels., Grat., Hell.,

, distress in region of uterus worse, ICalc. p.;
IHelon., IHep., Ilgn., Ilpec, Iris, Jamb., hemorrhage from uterus, large clots, ICoccus;
IKali c, IKalin., ILach., ILyc, IMagn. c, irritation and tenderness of extreme lower
IIMagn. p.,IMerc, I IMerc. cor., IMez., IMur. part of vagina worse (vaginitis), ICoccus itch- ;

ac, IINatr. c, INatr. m., Natr. p., INatr. s., ing of vulva, Sil. lancinating worse, IClem.;

INitr. ac, Nitrum, INuxm., INux v., Oleand., leucorrhcea, I ICalc, ICoff., HSil.; intense
01. an., IPhos., IPhos. ac, Plat., IPsor., 1 1 pain in vulva, I Lac c; vagina pains as if sore,
IPuls., Raph., Ratan., USars., Seneg., ISep., IIKreo.; vulva and anus painful, Amm. c;
Sil.,IStaph., ISul., IITereb., Thlaspi, IThuya, pimples on vagina burn, Aug.; prolapsus uteri
Ver., Yerbas.; air passes out of female urethra, worse, ICalc. p. smarting in pudenda, IIKreo.,

ISars.; in ascites, Rheum especially near

; INatr. m.; soreness in vulva, INatr. m.
neck of bladder, Apis with painful bearing ; During urination, head: heat, ISep.
down, Psor. in bulbus, IKali hi.; in catarrh,
; During urination, heart: pains, ILith.; particu-
I Ran. sc; in cerebrospinal meningitis, Canth.;
I larly last drops, rheumatic constricting pain,
especially after coitus, ICaust.; after catching forcing him to cry out, turns blue in face
cold (renal colic), ILyc; especially at com- (dropsy of chest), lAspar.
mencement of cystitis, I Ars.; with frequent During urination, hemorrhoids discharge :

desire (metritis), INux v.; last drops, IClem.;

I blood, IKali c; protrude, Bar. c
dysuria, IMerc; in female, IBerb.; like fire, During urination, hips pain, Berb. :

penis being erect, Cain.; with discharge of During urination, pain in right leg as if veins
elongated flakes, ISars.; in forepart, INux
I were bruised INatr. c :

v. in forepart, when passing last drops (gon-

; During urination, pain (undefined): JEsc. h.,
orrhoea), IMerc; in fossa, IKali bi., IPetrol.; Act. sp., Amvg.,IApis,Bell.,ICalad., ICamph.,
in glans, ICochl., ILyc; in glans, continuing UCannab., NCanth., Clem., IColoc, Colch.,
long after, IKali bi.; in glans (intervals of at- Con., Dulc, Elat., lErig., lEucal. Gels., ,

tacks of epilepsy), lArs. in gleet, ISul.; like ; I IHep., Indig., Ind., Iris, I ILyc, I IMerc.,
incipient gonorrhoea, Med.; in gonorrhoea, INatr. m., INitr. ac, INux v., Phos., IPhos.
IChel., I ICochl., IMerc, I IMerc. cor., I INux
I ac, IPuls., Rob., ISars., Senecio, Sep., ISul.,
v., Sabad.; in hematuria, ISul.; in incar- IThuya, Ver.; in affection of prostate, lApis;
cerated hernia, ICepa as if red hot iron were ; with albuminous urine, lEquiset., IL ran. n.; I I

passed along urethra, llCanth.; obstinate in ardor urinse, IClem. in catarrh of bladder, ;

vesical irritability, IChim. umb.; with itch- ICanth.; dysuria, ILith.; after dinner and
ing, Pareira with enlarged liver, ICon.; in
; supper, INux m.; discharge of a few drops of
inflammation of liver, IMerc; worse at be- bloody urine, llCanth.; with milky, acrid,
ginning or during interruptions, IClem. dur- ; sore-making discharge, Cop.; doubles up and
ing menses, Zinc; in morning, Anag.; in screams, llCanth.; in intermittent fever,
nephritis, ISabina; worse at night, with in- I ISul. ac; in typhoid fever, IBell., ILyc;
creased flow, INatr. s.; in orifice, IIAph.
I fiery, Bapt. in gastric derangement, I Dory.; in

ch., ICalc, ICaps., IDulc, MGamb., IPuls., renal inflammation, Senecio in desquama- I I

ISul.; in orifice, in gonorrhoea, Med.; in I I tive nephritis, Plumb.; in affections of liver


orifice, at night, lAgar.; at orifice, in sperm- with dropsy, IFluor. ac; pain lasting several
atorrhoea, IPhos. ac.
I in ovaritis, lAmb.; ; minutes, IPuls.; at night (catarrh of bladder),

in ovarian dropsy, I Apis in glans, lasting ; ICanth.; in parts over which urine passes,
several days, then disappearing and re- I ISul.; in prolapsus, Rhus causes him to I I

appearing regularly every month (rheum- shiver and dance around room in agony,
atism), ILyc; with paralysis of arms, Rhus; I I IPetrosel.; causes screaming and moaning,
from perineum through whole urethra, Petro- llCanth.; slight, in metrorrhagia, lElaps
along perineum (after a fall, on perineum),
sel.; spasmodic, Pareira terrible, from gonorrhoea,

lArn.; in pregnancy, I ICamph.; with pressure, I Lac c; after vaccination, IThuya. I

During urination, perineum jammed feeling, : irritability, IChim. umb.; scalding, Cann-
BLyc. pressing near anus (enlarged prostate),
i. scalding, especially near neck of bladder,

Lye. Apis scalding, with gonorrhoea, ICub.; scald-


During urination, rectum prolapsus, IMur. ac,

: ing, at point of penis (chronic catarrh of blad-
Val.; involuntary mucous discharge, ICarbol. der), IPareira; scalding, Jg" Urine hot;.

ac; pressure (bladder complaint in old man), shooting, IMagn. p.; flying, shoots in morn-

ICanth.; painful tenesmus, Med. tearing, 1 1 ; ing, Sul.; smarting, ICham., Cub., Hgn.,.
Ruta. IMagri. c, INatr. m., IPtel., ISep.; smarting,,
During urination, male sexual organs burn- : in dentition, I Rheum smarting, in gonor- ;

ing in inflamed foreskin, Calc; discharge of rhoea, I Cap.s, IIMerc. cor., ITereb.; smarting,,
.prostatic fluid, INatr. c; pain in prostate in intermittent, ICoccul.; smarting, at meatus,,
gland, Cop. discharge of liquor seminis,
; Calc. fl., IGels., Kob.; smarting, in ovaritis,.
I Gels.; involuntary seminal losses, with ab- lAmb.; smarting, in ovarian dropsy, ILil.
sence of erections, INuph.; drawing in sper- tig.; smarting, in prolapsus uteri, I Alum.,
matic cord, Bell., Canth.; uneasy feeling in I Apis; smarting, in syphilis, INitr. ac; sore-
cords, I Apis. ness, I Apis, Brach., Calc, ICarbo v., Eup..
During urination, shoulder sensation in right,
: pur., Hep.,IIgn.,ILyc,Magn. e,Mez.,Natr.c y
as if something were running or creeping, Nitr. ac, Nuxv., IPhos., Senecio, ISep., Sil.;
IHep. soreness in glans I Lye soreness,during gonor-
, ;

During urination, stomach pain in region of,

: rhoea, ICinnab., Med. sore pain, Calc; sore-
1 1 ;

Laur. ness, worse by pressure, IMez.; sticking,.

During urination, stool acrid mucus, with sen-
: ICamph.; sticking,in forepart, INux v.; stick-
sation of weakness in loins, IPuls. diarrhceic, ; ing, in gonorrhoea, ICaps.; stinging, Cann. i. r
I I Alum.; involuntary, IHyos., Ind., IMur. Hell., Mygale, IPuls., Seneg.; stinging, behind
ac, INatr. s., ISquilla purging and vomiting
glans, Eryng.; stitching, Arm, ICannab.,
simultaneously, caused by spasmodic contrac- Clem., ILyc, INitr. ac, INux v., Phos., Sene-
tion, with tenesmus and strangury, ICrotal. cio stitching, in hematuria, ISul.; stitches

slight, Ind.; small, IMur. ac. passage of soft ;

and smarting, IGraph.; suffering, IBenz. ac;
(bladder complaint in old man), ICanth.; as tearing, ICarbo v., Ruta contact with chancre ;

if thin stool would escape, I Aloe; urging, causes tearing affecting whole organism (syph-
I Aloe, Alum., ICanth.; urging, compelling ilis), Uacar. tickling and burning at orifice,
I ;

him to cease, lest a fecal discharge occur, Anthrok.; tingling, from perineum through
IMur. ac; urging, after vaccination, Thuya I I
whole urethra, Petrosel. titillation, in ovar- ;

passage of urine during stool, Bell.; can only itis, lAmb.; tenesmus and burning in urethra,,
urinate while at stool, Alum., Amm. m., Laur., as if urine were very warm, Colch.; thrilling,,
Natr. p. , Sil. Jalap.; thrill, in vaginitis, IMerc viv. pain- ;

During urination, pain down thighs: IPareira. ful urging, I Agar. jg@* burning.
During urination, urethra: acridity, ICaust. AFTER URINATION , abdomen: spasmodic
biting, Cham., lEquiset., I Graph.; biting, in contraction, INatr. in.; pains better, ICarbo a.;
gonorrhoea, IIMerc. cor.; burning, ftf^ burn- weakness in upper part, Ars.
ing; constriction, lApis, Ant. c, Arm, Bry., After urination, back: aching better, IILyc.
I Calc, Cann., HCanth., Carbo v., IChel., I After urination, bladder: sore aching, worse,
Con., Dig., Guaiac, Hep., Iris, ILach., IMerc, Calc. p.; symptoms better, Zinc; burning,
Merc, sol., IMur. ac, INatr. m., Nitr. ac, Berb., ILyc; burning, with aching, I Fluor,
INux m., Petrol., Phos. ac, IPsor., IPuls., ac; crawling, ILyc; cutting, in female, deep
Sep., Sil., Staph., Thuya, Uva ursi cutting ; into left, Calc. p.; cutting and feeling of
pain in cerebrospinal meningitis, Canth.; strangulation at neck, Polyg.; feeling of ful- 1 1

cutting, at glans, ICochl. cutting in glans

; ness, IDig.; as if full and moving up and down
and abdomen (gravel), I Lye; cutting, in gon- at every step, Ruta pain in neck, Apis pain ; ;

orrhoea, I ICochl.; cutting, in affection of sym- worse, HCanth.; pain in front, near neck,
pathetic nervous system, Phos.; cutting, at
I I I ISars.; pressure, Asar.,Berb., ICamph., IDig.;
root of penis, pains come on just as last drops pressing, in female, Calc. p.; pressing pain,
are voided, Med. cutting in stricture,
; China, I I Asar., Berb., Canth., Cinch., Eup. pur., Lace,
umb.; discharge of pus (after a fall on per- Lith. Natr. m., Ruta pressure and acute pain,

ineum), I Arm; drawing, Con.; hardness, in Brach.; spasm, Asaf.; spasmodic pain in neck,,
male urethra, Calc. p.; heat, Ast. r., Castor., extending to pelvis and thighs, IPuls.; pain-
Con., I Kali bi.; itching, Lye, INux v.; I I ful spasmodic closing of sphincter, ICann. s.;
itching at meatus, Anthrok.; itching, in sharp stitches in neck for many hours, Con.;
meatus (female), preceded by an urgent de- tenesmus, I Apis, Colch., Cub., Squilla as if ;

sire, Petrol.; itching, in ovaritis, lAmb. urine remained behind, IBerb., Cub.; weight,
itching, worse by pressure, IMez.; lacerating Arund.
at point of penis (chronic catarrh of bladder), After urination, bleeding a few drops of blood, :

I IPareira; pain, in cystitis, Med.; pain, with IMez., IPuls., Sul.; hemorrhage, IMerc
last drops, Cub.; pain in fossa, on beginning, J8@* Bladder bleeding, hemorrhoids;
Bar. c; pain, in glans, Oxal. ac; pain, dur- Urethra bleeding ; Urine bloody.
ing gonorrhoea, ICinnab, IINitr. ac; in mem- After urination, burning: Arund., Aspar. r
branous portion, HCanth.; pain acute, in ori- Astac, Berb., Brom., Calc, Calc. p., Cann. i.,
fice, Zing.; pain, as from a sore, wakes him Cann. s.,IICaps.,IClem., Coccus, Colch. ,Coloc,
at night, ICinnab.; violent pains, causing him Cup. ars., Grat.,Iris, IKali c, ILyc, IMagn. m. r
to tremble and cry (gonorrhoea) Polyg. pain, ,
IINatr. c, INatr. m., INatr. s., INitr. ac,
with vertigo, ICon.; pricking, Iris ; pricking, Ph ell., IPuls., Seneg., I Staph., IThuya; back
at end, Cycl.; pricking, in obstinate vesical part, with sensation as if one drop had re-


rnained behind, with unsuccessful effort to (after contusion), ITarax.; smarting in outer

void it, I Kali bi.; in evening, with pressure edge of prepuce worse, Bell. stinging in ;

on bladder, Sep.; burning in female urethra, penis, Brach.

IBerb.; burning in glans, Anac, ICochl.; After urination, shoulder cutting pain, worse, :

burning from glans to root, ISars. for half ; changes to throbbing, Brach.
hour, IDig.; in morning, ICon.; especially After urination, stool involuntary, Arg. nit. :

near neck of bladder, Apis in orifice, ICaps., ; After urination, ureters drawing along, com- :

ICard. m., Case, Lyss., IPuls.; in strangury, pels bending double, ISul. I

I Plumb.; scanty, with urine full of sediment,

I After urination, urethra: acridity, ICaust.;
ICop. biting, IClem. lEquiset.; biting in fossa,

After urination, chilliness: ISep.; better, IPetrosel.; biting pain, ICaps.; constriction,
I Med. commencing at region of neck of
I ; Cub.; constriction behind glans, worse from
bladder, spreads upward over whole upper motion, better from absolute rest (strangury),
part of body, ISars.; shivering, Jamb., Med.;
I IPlumb.; contractive pain,INux v.; painful con-
shuddering, Iodof. spinal, IMed. ; I traction from front backwards,! Camph. craw- ;

After urination, coldness: Med. ling, ILyc; cutting, Berb., Calc p., HCanth.,
After urination, desire: not relieved, Con.; I ICon., I INatr. m.; cutting in fossa, IPetrosel.;

renewed, Bow, IXitr. ac, Calc. J^g"" urging. cutting in glans, ICochl., Cub., ILyc, INatr.
After urination, dribbling Agar., Ammoniac; : m.; cutting in gonorrhoea, I Natr. m.; feels as if a
Apoc, Arg. nit., Bar. c, Brom., Calc, ICan- drop were running down, IThuya itching, ;

nab., Colch., ICon., Graph., Helon., Kali c, Bell., ILyc; itching, from glans to root, ISars.;

ILach., Natr. m., I Petrol., Pic. ac, ISelen., I I jerking, ILyc; lancinating thrust, at night in
SiL, Sinap., I Staph., Thuya, Verbas., Zing.; bed, force him to cry out and groan, last a
in chronic gonorrhoea, IPetrosel. in second- ; minute and a half, Coccus pain, Caust., ;

ary syphilis, Rhus. J&gT* Bladder paralysis

I I Equiset., ITereb.; pain, almost unbearable,

Urination in drops, involuntary. I ISars.; severe pain, ISars.; pressure, Laur.; I

After urination, elastic feeling in urinary : pressure and acute pain, Brach.; pressing in
organs with subsequent pleasurable sensa- glans, IPuls.; pressing in meatus, IPuls.; feel-
tion, Fluor, ac. ing as if something hard remained, in gonor-
After urination, eyes suddenly brightness be-
: rhoea, IMed.; scalding, Cann. i.; scalding, in

fore, Jamb. catarrh of bladder, MSeneg.; scalding, espe-

After urination, fainting Med. : cially near neck of bladder,Apis sharp shoot- ;

After urination, head: heat, ISep.; pain on ing passes from left side of urethra to a spot
vertex, Caust. half way between sternum and shoulder, on a
After urination, aching in kidneys better in : level with second rib of left side, sore pain
diabetes mellitus, I ILyc. remains, sensitive to touch or pressure (irrit-
After urination, leucorrhcea Niccol. ceases, : ; able bladder), ISep.; smarting, Apis, Bor.,

INatr. c.j worse in morning, IMagn. m.; thin, I I Caps., ILil. tig., IPtel.; soreness in ori-
Niccol. fice, IBor., Case; sticking in glans causes
After urination, mental condition things ; spasm of urethra, with tenesmus recti, IPrun.;
seem more but become gloomy
beautiful, stinging, Cann. i., Seneg.; stitches, Arn.,
again after a quarter of an hour, Jamb. Berb., IKali bi.; stitching, with apprehension
After urination, mucus discharge, Apis and :
; and discomfort, Sul. straining, IMur. ac; ;

blood, 1 1 Merc. cor. tearing, from glans to root, ISars.; tickling,

After urination, nausea Castor. : Colch.; tickling, in fossa, Colch.; tickling,
After urination, pain (undefined) Apis, Asaf., : near orifice, Lyss. tormenting feeling, with ;

Asar., Aspar., Berb., Canth., Con., Cub., Dig., shooting pains in orifice, Pareira sensation ;

Equiset.; Eup. pur., Helon., Kali bi., Kreo'., as if urine continued to flow, Aspar., Yib.
Lace, Laur., Lith., Natr. m., Sars., Staph., JS^g^ burning.
Thuya. After urination, urging: Aug., INitr. ac; in
After urination, perineum pains, following : catarrh of bladder, MSeneg.; continued,
checked gonorrhoea, ICoca; pinching pain, Stann.; continued, profuse, fetid, IGuaiac ;

pressing in region of neck of bladder, some- every evening, on lying down, but only three
what to left side, extending throughout whole or four drops pass, without pain, Zinc; vio-
lower pelvis and into thighs (inflammation of lent, particularly in morning, Berb. violent, ;

prostate), IPuls.; pressing, near anus (en-

in affection of sympathetic nervous system,
larged prostate), ILyc I IPhos. without passing a drop, Lyss.; strain-

After urination, rectum: burning, IINitr. ac. ing renewed, Bar. c; sudden, peremptory,
After urination, sexual organs (female) burn- : near glans or seems to run back, when costive,
ing, IIKreo., INatr. m.; clitoris erect, Calc. p.; I Graph. J|ggf desire.
smarting, IIKreo.; smarting, as from salt, After urination, "weakness: Pic. ac; pro- I I

Caust.; soreness, INatr. m. longed or complete debility, Med.; in morn-

After urination, sexual organs (male) dis- : ing, had to lie down, I IPhos.; prostration, in
charge of thin, glutinous substance, INatr. abscess of liver, IMed.; relaxation and pros-

m.; erections, Aloe long-lasting erections in

; tration, making him nervous, IFerr.; as if he
morning, Form.; erection at night, Lith.; had passed his strength away, Lyss.
itching in glans, Calc; pain into spermatic URINE, acid: Ailant., Alum", lAmyl., Ant. t.,
cord, ILith.; prostatic discharge, Anac, I I Arn., Astac, IIBenz. ac, Brach., ICalc,
IHep., Hipp., IKali c, Lyss., IISul.; relaxa- ICaixlm., Colch., ICup. m., ICycl., I Graph.,
tion, weakness, Calc. p. violent shooting in ; Lye vir., Mitch, rep., Sinap., Tell.; with burn-
hard swelling in left epididymis running up- ing, lUran. n. in vesical catarrh, IIBenz. ac;

ward and spreading over whole pubic region in cirrhotic kidney, IPlumb.; in consump- I
tion, IKali bi. ; in diabetes, INatr. s.; in ty- retinitis, lApis, lArs., Colch., Gels., Kalm.,
phus, IChel.; contains hippuric acid, IIBenz. IMerc. cor., Phos., Zinc; rheumatic diathesis,
ac; in intercostal neuralgia, IStann.; in par- I Sal. ac; after scarlatina, IPhyt.; in scarla- I

alysis, IPhos.; in acute rheumatism, IChel.; I tina, during desquamation, IIApis with ;

after scarlatina, IBell. with increased sweat, ; sciatica, IIColoc; especially in those who
Acet. ac. JH^T* odor. have had syphilis and have taken much mer-
Urine, acrid (corroding, excoriating): Anthrok., cury, INitr. ac. with painful urination, lEqui-

Am., Bor., TrCain., ICalc, Cann., Canth., set.; following variola, ICalc; five per cent.,
ICaust., Clem., ICoccus, IDig., Fluor, ac, in Bright's disease, IKalm.; one-eleventh,
IGraph., IIHep., Ign., Hod., Kalm., Laur., Plumb. seven-eighths (syphilis), Sul. ac;
I I ; 1 1

IIMerc, INatr. m., Paris, IPhos., IKhus, half, lApis four-fifths and much mucus

IThuya, IXJran.
ISars., Seneg., IStaph., IISul., (diphtheria), ILac c B^T" foaming; also
n.; in enuresis nocturna, IMerc, I Plant.; in Kidneys, Bright's disease.
jaundice, Hod.; during menses, Alum.; in Urine, alkaline: Anthrok., IBenz. ac, Chlor.,
pemphigus, IDulc; with prostatitis, ISep.; in IFerr., IFluor. ac, IKali bi., Kreo., IXan.; I

renal inflammation, Senecio in prolapsus 1 1

; in catarrh of bladder, ICanth.; in typhus,
uteri, I Alum. j^g- hot also Urination ; IIBapt. with red sediment, INatr. m.

burning, urethra. Urine, contains rarely carbonate of ammonia :

Urine, albuminous : All. sat., lAmm. ben., in morbus Brightii, Phos. ac. I I

Ant. t., 1 1 Apis, lArg. nit., IIArs., Astac, Urine, contains bile Card, m., IMyr. cer., :

lAtrop. s., lAur. met., ICalc, I ICalc. a., INatr. ac; in biliary obstruction,
s., INitr.
ICanth., ICepa, MChim. umb., ICochl., Cro- Sul.; in cephalalgia, IMagn.m.; in enlarged

tal., Cub., IDulc, lEup. pur., IFerr., IFerr. I liver, I Con.

iod., Gels., IIGlon., I IHell., IHelon., Hippoz., Urine, black: Ang., lArs., ICarbol. ac, Colch.,
Hod., IKali m., Kob., IILac def., ILach., Dig., Erig., IHell., ILach., INatr. m., IPa-
ILyc., Med., IMerc, IIMerc. cor., I INatr. c,
I I reira with coffee-grounds sediment, in liver

INitr. ac,INux v., Petrol., IPhos., IPhos. ac,

I I complaint, I ITereb.; foams on shaking (neph-
Phyt.,Pic.ac,IPlumb.,l Polyg.,Sabina, ISars., I I ritis), IKali c; greenish in ague, 7rChim.- umb.; ,

Sec, IStann., ITereb., lUran. n.,

I Zinc; I 1 1 almost, in hepatic disorder, IChion. v.; inky,
acute, early stages, particularly if caused Colch.; inklike, in dropsy, after scarlatina,
by abuse of alcohol, from cold or portal stasis, IColch. ink, in nephritis, after scarlet fever,

Merc cor.; with ascites, lAur. met.; contains I I Colch.; with oedema, after scarlatina,
blood, but few if any casts (after scarlatina), I ILach.; reddish, I Ars. h.; in scarlatinal
I ITereb.; fragments offcasts (poisoning), Aeon.; dropsy, IDig.; almost, in acute mania, ICanth.
fibrin casts, after scarlet fever, Hell.; in Urine, has bleaching properties Chlor. :

cerebral oedema, IPhos.; chronic, IIAtrop.

I Urine, bloody (heematuria) Aeon., Act. rac, :

s., Glon., IHelon.; with cirrhotic kidney, Ant. t., IIApis, lArn., lArs., Ars. h., Ascl. t.,
I Plumb. with puerperal convulsions, IChin.
; Aspar., lAur. met., Bell., Benz. ac, IBerb.,
s.; convulsions, in fifth week of scarlet fever, llCact., HCalc, ICamph., ICann. s., llCanth.,
IMosch.; copious, in eclampsia, IGlon.; in ICaps., Carbo v., ICaust., IChin. s., Cochl., I

diphtheria, IHep., IKali m., ILach., IMerc. I Colch. Con., ICop., Crotal., Cub., ICup.m.,Cupr.

cor., IIPhyt.; in a hard drinker, after taking s., Dulc, IIHam., Hell., IHep., Hyp., Ilpec,

cold, next day fever, headache, nausea, ver- IKreo., ILyc, IMerc, Mez., IMillef., INatr. I

tigo, oppression of chest and oedema of feet, m., INit.ac, IIMerc. cor., INux v., IOp., IPa-
Ferr. iod.; in dropsy, lEup. pur., Seneg. in ; reira, IPhos., IPhos. ac, IPlumb., IIPuls., Sa-
acute dropsy, following parturition, ICinch.; bina, ISars., ISec, ISenecio, ISep., ISul., ISul.
in dropsy, after scarlet fever, IHep., IPhos., ac, IITabac, IITereb., IThlaspi, Thuya,
I Tereb.; with chronic fatty degeneration,
I I Trill., Uva ursi, Zinc; with cutting in ab-
1 1

anaemia, prostration, anasarca, IFerr.; with I domen, Ilpec; in albuminuria, Ferr.s. IMerc. 1 1 ,

puerperal fever or convulsions, septic or cor., Rhus; after abuse of alcoholic stimu-

zymotic influences, or in hemorrhagic or lants, or drugs, INux v.; black, ropy blood,
broken down constitutions, Crotal.; in ty- constituted about three-fourths of its entire
phoid, Crotal., UPhos.ac; full of albumen, in quantity (purpura heemorrhagica) Tereb. in , I I ;

Bright' s disease, Rhus; consecutive to 1 1 bleeders,IPhos., ITereb.; after a blow in right

Tieart disease, lAur. met.; with hydrothorax, iliac region, IHam. bright red, INitr. ac. ;

Crotal.; with hydrothorax and dropsical en- blood, bright red (traumatic), IHam.; with
largement of left side and leg, ILach.; in par- vesical calculi, small, round and rough, ILyc;
enchymatous iritis, ISil. a form of insanity, I ; in catarrh, ILyc, Uva ursi; in catarrh, 1 1

I IPhyt. with pain in kidneys, IHelon. with

; ; bronchial and vesical, ICop.; with cancer
oedema of lower limbs better, IFerr. iod.; with of bladder, or prostate, Crotal.; in child-
pain in lower limbs, IKalm.; in atrophy of bed, IBufo.;a thick coagulum of pure blood
liver, IPhos. slightly, in enlargement and con-
; forms, Ars. h.; forms a cake in vessel,
gestion of liver, IMagn.m.; in acute mania, IIMillef.; clots, lAlum., Ars. h., IChim.
ICanth.; in meningitis, ICarbol. ac; in des- umb., Ilpec, ILyc, IPhos. ac, IPlat.; clots
quamative nephritis, Plumb.; during preg- I I putrid, Colch.; traces of coagulated blood,
nancy, IIApis, Apoc, lArs., Ars. iod., lAur. Kali f.; blood corpuscles, IPlumb., ITereb., I I

mur., Bell., Benz. ac, Berb., Bry., Cact., Vespa; blood corpuscles, in acute Bright's
Canth., ICinch., Cinnab., Colon., Dig., Dulc, disease, I Apis blood corpuscles, in nephritis

Ferr., Hell., IHelon., IGels., Kalibr., Kalic, 1 1 Am.; blood corpuscles, in rings, in ascites,
IKali m., Kalm., Lach., Led., ILyc, IIMerc I Apis; small, red corpuscles after standing,
cor., INatr. m., Phos., Phyt., Pic. ac, Rhus, I Ant. c preceded by crampy pain in bladder,

Senecio, Sep., Sul., ITereb., Uran. n.; with IMez.; in cystitis, IHell.; in diarrhoea, Ant.t.; 1 1
I ;;
; ;


in diphtheria, Kali m. discharged drop by 1 1 ; MCarbol. ac; greenish, in jaundice, lAur..

drop with straining, IRhus last drops mixed, ; met.; in jaundice, IDig.; in enlarged liver,
I Hep.; in dropsy after scarlatina, IColch.; ICon. mahogany, in intermittent fever,.

after irritating drugs, especially Cantharides, lEup. perf. in pregnancy, Stann. red,.
; I I ;

ICamph.; in dysentery, ICop., IMerc. cor.; face IVer. with red sandy sediment, IPhos.;

pale (traumatic), IHam.; in exanthematic reddish, Plumb., Sep., IVer.; reddish


fevers, ICamph. ; in typhoid fever, IMerc; in coagulum, resembling that obtained from
yellow fever, I Ars. h. ; as if mixed with white boiling blood, on boiling with Nitric acid,
flakes, IMerc; in gonorrhoea, IMez. in gonor- ; Ars. h.; reddish, with brick-colored sediment,.
rhoea and cystitis, IMerc; from long-lasting Puis.; reddish, in vesical catarrh, I IBenz. ac;
gonorrhoea, I Chim. umb.; from gravel or chron- in scarlatina, IZinc; with sediment, ICimex I

iccatarrh, ILyc; in hemorrhoids of bladder, with whitish sediment, Oleand. stains linen, ;

I Ars.; with hemorrhoids of bladder, I Aeon., INitr. ac; soon turbid after sweat (inter-
ICalc,Carbo v.; highly charged, passing in very mittent), IIArs. with difficult urination, ;

small quantities (albuminuria), I Tereb.; in in- IColoc; with frequent urination, Petrol. I I

flammation of neck of bladder, I Sen.; from yellowish, IDig.; stains napkin yellow, in
mechanical injuries, 1 1 Arm; with suppressed cholera infantum, I Arm; yellowish sediment,,
itch, llpec; with metrorrhagia, Erig. mucus, ; in dropsy after scarlatina, lAmb.; yellowish,
I Puis.; with suppuration of glands of neck
I Card, m.; yellowish, in morning and evening,
after scarlet fever, Sec; in desquamative I I Lyss. J^ dark.
nephritis, Plumb.; worse night, ICaust.; in
I I Urine, burning: g^f acrid, hot; also During
sacculated ovarian disease, ILach.; with pain- and After urination burning.
ful desire, requiring great effort, ISul.; in Urine, casts cylindrical, ICanth.; cylindrical,

pneumonia, lElaps with polypus, HCalc. ; coagula (albuminuria), ITereb.; fatty, IPhos.;;
pulse feeble (traumatic), IHam.; in renal fibrinous, in Bright's disease, IKalm.; fibrin-
colic,! Arg. nit., INux v.; chronic, due to renal ous, and epithelial cells (morbus Brightii),
hemorrhage, Petrol.; in scarlatina, ISec,
1 1 I IPhos. ac; hyaline, in desquamative neph-
IZinc; smoky, in scarlatina, I ITereb.; after ritis, Plumb. fine granular and hyaline of
I I ;

scarlatina, small pieces of black blood pass, small diameter, no renal epithelium (cirrhotic
Apis with scorbutic affection, ITereb.; in
; kidney), Plumb.; one cast, Natr. a.; of tubes,

scrofula, ICalc; from scurvy, INatr. m. sedi- ; in post-scarlatinal dropsy, Tereb.; cylindrical I I

ment, Sul. ac. sediment consisting of a number

; tubuli (sequelae of scarlatina), IHep. granu- ;

of red blood corpuscles and a large number of lar fatty tubuli in large numbers, showing on
short, rather thick turbid cylinders, studded their surface epithelial cells of tubuli uriniferi,,
with blood corpuscles, Plumb. with red 1 1 ; also in state of granular fatty degeneration,
sediment, Squilla from debility after sexual ; I IMerc. cor.; uriniferous tubuli, 1 1 Apis;,
excesses, IPhos.; deposits red filaments on shreds of uriniferous tubuli (diphtheria),
standing, Ant. t.; partial shock (traumatic), Canth.; waxy casts, IPhos.; transparent waxy,,
IHam.; with vesical spasm, llpec; in stran- Brach. JE^aT* epithelium, fibrine.
gury, IPlumb. streaked with blood, Kali iod.
I ; Urine, changeable in color: IBenz. ac; in in-
in vesical tenesmus, after falling down stairs, cipient phthisis following amenorrhcea,.
I Rhus blood from urethra or kidneys,
; I Sang.

IFerr. mur.; with cutting in urethra, llpec Urine, clear (limpid, no sediment): Agar.,,
with violent and frequent urging, in typhus, I Alum., lAmyl., Anac, Ang., lAnthrok.,,
etc., IMerc; with pressure to urination at Apoc, I Arg. nit., I Arm, Arum d., Ascl. t.,
night, INux v.; with urinary difficulties, Cop.; Asim., Ast. r., Bapt., Bar. c, Berb., Cain.,
in uterine complaints, IHell.; like blood mixed Camph., Cepa, IChel., Chim., Chlor., Cinch,
with water, with colicky pains in abdomen, bol., Cochl., Colch., Curar., IFerr., IHam., I

Pallad.; in women, ICop. IHell., IHelom, IHep., IHyos., Igm, Iris,

f$^T Bladder bleeding, hemorrhoids. IILact. ac, ILactu. v., ILyc, ILyc. vir. r I

Urine, brown: IIArn., Ars. h., IBenz. ac, IMosch., Natr. a., Nitr. sp. d., 01. an., OxaL 1 1

Bufo., ICard. m., Colch., Coloc, IManc, ac, IPhos. ac, Polyg., IPtel., Sarrac, ISars.,
I IMerc. cor., Prun., IPuls., Sal. ac, ISul., I Sum., ITereb., Yal.; in amemia, IFerr.; in.
Sul. ac; like beer, Bry., IColoc, IISul. like ; chorea, ICina in colic, IMagn. p.; in epilepti- ;

beer, in traumatic meningitis, IHyper. like ; form convulsions, ICed.; copious, at night,,
thick beer (typhus), lArs. like beer without ; ISang.; in cough, IChel.; in diabetes, IPhos.. I

sediment, lAspar.; like beer with yellowish ac. in diabetes insipidus, IKali m, Squilla
; ;.

froth, IMyr. cer.; blackish (jaundice), IPhos.; in dropsy, lAur. met.; as crystal, in chronic
chestnut, IKreo.; with a suspended cloud, dysentery, ICon.; in headache, IVib.; as I

Ars. h.; in cystitis, Tarant. in cysto-blen- ; headache passes off, ISang.; in intermittent, I

norrhoea, lUva ursi; dark, I All. sat., lArn.,

I ICoccul.; after four or five hours covered with
lArs., Camph., ICaust., IDig., IGraph., iridescent film, IGraph.; nervous, Igm, Spig.;-
ILach., IOp., Osm., IPod., Zing.; dark ad- pale (albuminuria during pregnancy), lAur..
mixture, USep.; dark, frothy or yellow, in mur.; with palpitation, IHyos. in paralysis ;

jaundice, I Aeon.; very dark, in deranged agitans, I IRhus ;

pale, IDig.; pungent, fetid,,
liver, ILept. with reddish sediment, IPsor.;
; in cholera infantum, ICalc; in rheumatism,
in tonsillitis, IBar. c; dark, with white sedi- Ars. in acute rheumatism,
; Chel.; in chronic- I I

ment, ICalc; saturated dark, mixed with rheumatism of left hip joint, IPhyt.; at first,
blood, with dirty white sediment (nephritis), after a time lead-colored flaky sediment ad-
IMerc; dark with whitish sediment, visible hering to vessel, IHelom; then flourlike sedi-
when urinating upon snow, Lyss.; stains ment, Ant. t.; with urging, IColoc; with
clothes dirty, Med.; dark greenish color, I I frequent urination, Meph.; not an atom of
urea, Plumb. like water (lumbago), Coloc;
1 1 ; 1 1 heat preponderating, IKali iod.; inky, Ars.
watery, profuse, especially when heart is most h. in jaundice, BAur. mur. nat., IBerb., Hod.;

irritable, ILyc. vir. with spasmodic pain in kidneys, Coccus in ;

fgg^* increased, pale, watery. liver trouble, IPod.; in subacute inflamma-


Urine, cloudy: Bell., IBenz. ac, ICanth., tion of liver, BHydras.; in melancholia,
ICaust., Chim. m., Chel.,ICinch., IKreo., Lye. Lach.; muddy, passed with much pain,
v., Lyss., IManc., INatr. m., IOp., Ratan., iEsc h.; in myelitis, BDulc; in affection of
'Sep., ITereb., Zing.; in catarrh of bladder, sympathetic nervous system, IPhos.; with I

ICanth.; in dropsy, after scarlatina, lAmb., cadaverous odor, Coccus; afterwards pale,
Apis; nebulous flocks, Cinch, bob; cloud double in quantity, Erig.; in perityphlitis,
suspended with little granules like frog spawn, Merc; in peritonitis, HApis like porter, ;

.Sinap.; in liver complaint, ICheL; from mucus, Ars. h., Hod.; resembles port wine, in morn-
Sarrac. with cadaverous odor, Coccus nubec-
; ; ing, looks clear in a spoon, almost black on
ula, Anthrok.; light cloud of oxalates,! Amyl.; looking down upon it in a chamber vessel,
cloud scarcely perceptible, Ant. c. with phos- ; coagulates strongly from heat (hematuria
phatic deposits, Acet. ac. in pneumonia, ; from kidneys), ITereb.; prune colored, Sec;

lArs.; sediment, IIElaps, 01. an., Seneg., with red sandy deposit, Pallad.; sediment
Sumb. flocculent sediment, collects in one
; cloudy (rheumatism), Thuya; with white
spot, like a sponge (after checked gonorrhoea), sediment, an indh deep, over which was a
Coca sediment, in yellow fever, Ars. h.
; granular layer, half an inch thick, deeply
slight dark cloud,settles on standing, Plumb.; I I reddened with blood (acute desquamative
smoky, with inaction of kidneys, ITereb.; nephritis), SCoccus with dryness of skin ;

smoky, in albuminuria, lAmm. b. soon be- ; (dysentery), IColch.; small quantity, sweet
comes, Bar. c. f$^3' phosphates, turbid. smelling/ turbid, with sediment like coffee
Urine, like coffee in diphtheria, ILac c; : grounds (after scarlatina), I ITereb.; of strong
stains clothes yellow, IPhyt.; like coffee- smell, IDros.; in stomatitis, INatr. c; feeble

grounds, IIHell. like coffee-grounds, in as- ; stream, Hell.; resembles infusion of black
cites, 1 1 Apis. S^" bloody, brown, turbid. tea, or water with dark molasses (dropsy after
Urine, cold when it passes, IMtr. ac.
: scarlatina), IIApis like dark tea, with green-

Urine, cuticle (pellicle) ICalc, Paris, Petrol., : ish sediment (jaundice), Sep.; turbid, I I

IPhos., Phos. ac, IPsor., Pals., Sul. ac; iri- ILyc; becoming turbid, with a scum on it,

descent, Agar., Alum., ICepa, ICycl., IHep.; I Merc. sul. B^ black, brown, coffee, high-
iridescent, oily film, in phthisis pulmonalis, colored, red, turbid, yellow.
ICoca oily, BDulc, Sumb. greasy pellicle,
; ;
Urine, decomposes rapidly,IAur. met., IPhos.

Crot. t., IHep., ILyc, Med., ISul. varie- I I ; ac; in typhoid, IBPhos. ac
gated, Bapt., Hod. Urine, decreased (scanty) (Aeon., Act. rac, :

Urine, dark: lAcon., All. sat., Alum., Anag., Ailant., All. sat., Aloe, Ang., HApis, JArs.,
Ant. c, Ant. t., lApis, Arn., Ascl. t., IBell., Ars. h.,Aur. met., Arum d., II Arum t., 1 1Ascl.
I IBenz. ac, Brach., Brom., IBry., ICalc, s., Aspar.JAstac, Atrop. s., IBell., Benz. ac,
ICalc p., ICanth., Carbo v., ICarbol. ac, IBerb., Brom., IBry.,Cact., Calc fl.,HCanth.,
'IChel., IChim. umb., ICinch., Colch., HCro- Carbo v., ICard. m., Castor., ICaust., Cham.,
tal., Crot. t., Cub., Diad., IDig., IIHell., IHep., I IChel., IChim. umb., Cimex, Cinch., IClem.,
Ictod., Ign., Hod., Ilpec, IJab., ILac def., Coca, Coccus, Cochl., IColch., Coloc, ICornus,
IILach., ILyc, Lyss., Med., IMerc, Merc, I I Crotal., ICup. m., Cupr. s., Cycl., IDig.,
iod. rub., IMyr. cer., INatr. c, INatr. m., Dulc, IIEquiset., Eup. perf., lEup. pur.,
I INatr. p., 1 1 Plumb. > IPod., IPtel., Puis., Ferr., Ferr. mur., I Graph., IGrat., IHam.,
IRhusJISelen., Seneg., HSep., Sinap., ISpig., I Hell., IHep., IHyos., Hyper., Ign., Indig.,
Staph., Sal., Thuya, Ustil., IVar., Ver., I Ipec, Iris, Jab., HKali br., IKali c, IKali n.,
Zinc; acrid, Lith.; in albuminuria, IMerc Kob., ILach., BLac def., IILact. ac,Laur.,ILil.
cor.; like ale, IMyr. cer.; amber color, Chloral.; tig., ILith., ILyc, ILyc vir., Lyss., Med.,

in amblyopia potatorum, ITereb.; during I Merc, HMerc cor., IMerc d.,IMez.,IMosch.,

apyrexia, BElat. in bilious disorders, Eup. ; Natr. c, INatr. p., IINitr. ac, INux m.,

perf. brown, Eup. perf. like brown beer,

; ; IINuxv.,HOp.,Osm.JPhos., IPhyt., Plumb., I I

I Pals.; almost black,

I Ver.; almost black, 1 1 Pod., Polyp., MPrun., IPsor., IPtel.JPuls.,
in scarlatina, ILach.; almost black, when first Rhus, Rob., Ruta, Sal. ac, Sang., Sarrac,
-emitted deposits sediment to nearlyone-twelfth HSars., HSelen., HSep., Seneg., Staph.,
of its quantity, and black as coal (a chronic Stront., I ISul., Sul.ac,ISyph.,Tabac, ITereb.,
passive hemorrhage from kidneys, ITereb.; I Therid., Thuya, Ustil., IVer., Ver. v., Vinca, I I

olor of brandy, Benz. ac; on standing a lit- Xan., Zinc; in abortion, HApis in albumi- ;

nuria, lAmm.ben., IMerc cor.; in anasarca,

tle while is like buttermilk (chronic diarrhoea),
I IPhos. ac; clear, lEup. perf.; but clear, in Aur. mur.; with anasarcous legs, after scar-
typhoid fever, IIMur.ac; like coffee, INatr. let fever, IRhus ; during apyrexia, Cinch.
m. like coffee (hydrothorax), lApis
; in ; in arthritic affections, Alum in ascites,! I Apis, ;

coryza, after mercury, IIKali iod.; in denti- lApoc, IChel., Med., Rheum in ascites,

tion, Rheum discharged in drops, Staph.; ; not more than eight ounces a day, Senecio; 1 1

in dropsy, Senecio in dropsy after scarla-

1 1
in brain affection, ICup. m., Squilla; in
tina, lArs.; in diphtheria, ILac c, Merc cy.; Bright' s disease, IKalm.; brown, in cold, after
in erysipelas, Rhus with fever, after diu- 1 1
scarlet fever,111611.; with burning, Calc a.,
resis,lUran. n.; in intermittent fever, Diad.;
I Colch.; with burning, after urination, ICop.,
typhoid fever, IVer. v.; in yellow fever, BArs. burning, scalding (low fever), ICact.;
h.; frequent, scanty, in anasarca, Hell.; in nearly every half hour, with burning in
gonagra, ICalc; in heart disease, IOp.; with I urethra and condylomata, IPsor.; in cerebral I


'disturbances, I Croc. in cerebrospinal menin- ; ac; red, in strangury, Sabina; in rheumatism,

gitis, ICalab. in cholera infantum, lArn. ; in
; 1 1 Aeon., I Agar.; in chronic rheumatism of
cholera morbus, IHyper.; in colic, I Alum., left hip joint, IPhyt. in scalding, but clear, ;

Jamb.; in convulsions, Amyg.; alternating Merc. Bui.; in scarlatina, ICarbol. ac, IZinc;
with copious watery secretion, Dig.; a cupful in scarlatinal dropsy, IDig.; after scarlet fever,
at a time after much exertion, causing trem- lApoc.; sediment red, ILyc; scarcely a spoon-
bling with a creeping chill, Petrol.; in 1 1 ful, dark yellowish red color, in a thin stream,
cystitis, IHell.; dark, Bry.; dark, in asthma, Staph.; with dryness of skin (dysentery),
1 1 Aeon.; dark and painful in passing (dropsy), IColch.; slow, Pallad.; in cardialgia, IGrat.;
IFluor. ac; during day, iEsc h., ILyc; in in strangury, IIArs.; with strangury in
delirium tremens, llStram.; with frequent scarlatina, ILyc; in a feeble stream, I IMerc.
desire, ICoccuL; with great desire to pass it sol.; in summer complaint, IFerr. ph.; ap-
(nephritis), IMerc.; in diabetes, IIRatan.; in proaching suppression, Zinc; witxi frequent
diarrhoea, Ant. t.; in chronic diarrhoea, ISul.;
1 1 I tenesmus vesicae, I Coloc; with thirst, ICaust.;
in chronic camp diarrhoea, ILyss.; in diph- in typhus, IBapt.; urging frequent, Anac;
theria, ILac c, ILach., ILyc, IMerc. cy., painful urging, I Alum.; with urging and

IMerc. iod. flav.; less than a gill in twenty- burning pain (quartan ague), IPhell. felt ;

four hours, in chronic camp diarrhoea, as though he had not urinated for hours,
ILyss.; in diphtheria, ILac c; though drink- lEquiset. with frequent urination,
; Petrol.; I I

ing much, IKreo., IRhus in drops, in pro- ;

in urticaria, ICop. in prolapsus uteri, ILil. ;

lapsus uteri, lArg. nit., Inul.; in drops, tig.; with white film and whitish deposit,
with difficult, Atrop. s.; a few drops at a time, IKali bi. dark yellow, l/Esc h.

obliged to make effort very often (cystitis), JS^* Urination in drops, insufficient.
lEup. pur.; a few drops at a time, Cub.; a few Urine, diabetes: IIAcet. ac, All. sat., iAmm.
drops with mucous sediment, IDulc; in drops, c, iAspar., ICalc, Carbo v. ICarbol. ac,
some always seem to remain, IMagn. m.; only Chim. umb., Chin, s., ICinch., IColoc,
a few drops at a time, with morning sickness, ICon., Cop., ICup. m., ICurar., Ferr., IFerr. I

I Con.; in dropsy, I Apis, lEup. pur., ILyc,

I iod., IFerr. ph., IHelon., IHydras., Kali 1 1

I ISenecio; in cardiac dropsy, IDig.; in dropsy, br., IKali m., IKali n., IKali ph., IILact. I

with emission of a few drops at a time, ac, ILyc. vir., IMagn. s., IMed., INatr. m., I

I IGamb.; in ovarian dropsy, I Apis in dys- ; IPlumb., IPhos. ac, IIRatan., Sec, ISul.,

entery, IMerc. cor.; in dysuria, IChim. umb.; Sul. ac, Tarant., Tarax., I ITereb., Thuya,
in enuresis of children, IPlant; in erysipelas, I Trill., lUran. n.; acute cases, Curar.; after

I IRhus; in evening, in impotence, ICalad.; chill and rheumatic fever, from getting wet,
in evening and morning, Lyss.; fetid, between year previous, INatr. s. hepatic form, ;

paroxysms, with headache, Coloc; with fever, . especially when there is a succession of boils,
after diuresis, Uran.n.; in intermittent fever,
I I INatr. p.; in high livers with sedentary habits,
ICoccul.,IEup. perf.; in typhoid fever, ICanth.; INux v. in a man suffering from myelitis,

in gonagra, ICalc. gradually less in cystitis, ;

after latter disease had been cured former still
IHell.; green, with frequent pressure to uri- remained, IPhos. ac; with great pain, with

nate, Ruta with headache, Ascl. s.; in nerv-

; swelling and suppuration of left parotid gland,
ous headache, INaja before and during sick ; Con.; from spinal lesions, INux v.; insipidus,
headache, ISang.; in heart disease, ILyc. vir.,
I lAcet. ac, Ananth., Arm, Ars., IBell., Calc,
I Op.; catheter used daily, in organic disease Calc p., Cann. i. ICanth., ICaust. Coloc. Eup.
, , ,

of heart, I Apis high-colored, IHam.; high- ; pur., IHelon., Iod., -Jab., Kali iod., Kali n.,
colored, with copious whitish sediment and ILac def., Lact. ac, ILyc, Merc, per., Murex,
pain in back, IKalibi. in acute hydroceph- ; INatr. in., IPhos. ac, IPod., IRhus, ISpig.,
alus, after erysipelatous eruption, lApis in ; Squilla, Tarax., Uran. n.; insipidus, first stage,
hydrothorax, lApoc, IColch., ISquilla; in in women with congestion of lower third
jaundice, I Aur. met., IDig.; in chronic jaundice, of medulla spinalis, mellitus, lAcet. ac,
Hod.; with inaction of kidneys, ITereb.; les- lArg. met., I Ars., IBenz. ac, Berb., IIBov.,
sened until secretion ceased, Tarant.; in func- I I I Alum., Calc. p., Camph., Carbol. ac, IChel.,

tional derangement of liver, Sep. in enlarged I I ; Chloral., ICodein., Coff. t., Colch., Cup. m.,
liver, ICon., IMagn. m. in melancholia, ILach.; ; Curar., IFerr. m., IIHelon., IHep., IKali br., I

in menses irregular, IDig. in mental derange- ; IKali m., IKali ph., IKreo., ILach., ILact.ac,
ment, Op. in morning, Ars. h.; in myelitis,
I ; ILac def., Lith., I ILyc, ILyc. vir., Lyss.,
IDulc; in nephritis, I Am., IKali iod.; in Magn. s., Mosch., Natr. s., INitr. ac, Nux v.,
nephritic colic, lArg. nit., I IPareira; in des- I Op., IPhos., I IPhos. ac, IPicac, MPlumb.,

quamative nephritis, Plumb.; in affection I I IPod., Ratan., Sal. ac, Sec, ISil., ISul. ac,
of sympathetic nervous system, IPhos.; in I Tarant., IITereb., Thuya, HUran. n.; mellitus,
neuralgia, Nux v. with oedema after scar-
1 1 ; with cheesy degeneration of lungs, IPhos.; mel-
latina, IILach., in old people, IIArs. with ; litus, with gouty diathesis, IPhos.; mellitus, in
great pain, Canth.; with paralysis of arms, impotence, Mosch.; mellitus, lungs implicated,
I Rhus; with greasy pellicle, Kob. in sub-
I ; ICalc. p.; mellitus, after mental shocks or
acute pericarditis, I Ascl. t. in peritonitis, ; injuries, Op.; mellitus, preceded or accom-

ILach.; in phlegmasia alba dolens, INatr. s.; panied by disease of pancreas, IPhos.; mel-
in subacute pleuritis, lArg. nit.; in pneu- litus, in phthisis, IPhos.; mellitus, urine con-
monia, I Ant. t., Puis. in potter's colic, I I ; tains large amount of salt in morning, large
Alum., in pregnancy, IStann. in puerperal I ; excess of sugar in evening, ILact. ac; sugar
eclampsia, IPhos.; after purpura, IHell.; red, traces, lAmyl.; sugar, 2 per cent., Amyl.;
during apyrexia (tertian ague), llpec. dark ; sugar, 5 i per cent., INatr. s.; sugar, 85 grains
red (affection of liver with dropsy), IFluor. per litre, 1 1 Uran. n.
Urine, dribbling jg^" Bladder paralysis
: dropsy, >Dig.; in dysentery, lColch., Zinc;: I I

Urination in drops, involuntary also After ; in dyspepsia, IKali bi.; in dysuria, Chim.
urination dribbling. umb.; in eczema, IBrom.; in erysipelas .

Urine, epithelium: IIApis, IPtel. in albumi- ; erratica, IHydras.; in bilious fever, BEup.
nuria, lArg. nit.; casts, Arg. nit., Ars., IMerc. perf.; frequent, Lac c; in gastralgia, probably
cor., IPhos., Plumb., Sul. ac. cells, Lye. vir.; ; due to metallic poisoning, Sul. ac. in head- I I ;

exudative cells, IPhos.; a mass of cells, adher- ache, ILac clef.; in heart disease, ILyc vir.;
ing to each other, Brach.; cells, in desquama- in enlargement and congestion of liver,
tive nephritis, Plumb.; renal epithelia, I I Magn. m.; in ciliary neuralgia with acute
Ars., Canth., Cop., Phos., Puis., Sul. ac, Te- conjunctivitis, ITereb.; in subacute pericar- I

reb.; large scales, in Bright's disease, IKalm.; ditis, lAscl. t.; in subacute pleuritis, BArg-nit.;
a few scales, Natr. a.; vesical and renal, and in pneumonia, I Ars.; in eighth month of
mucous sediment, IPhos.; white, IBell. pregnancy, Rheum in pruritus vulvae,
1 1 ;

$gg^ casts. IITarant. in rheumatism, ILyc; scanty,


Urine, fatty I Chin. s. containing fat globules,

: ; Lil. tig.; scanty, in dysentery, ILept.; scanty,.
I IMerc. cor., Natr. a.; contains fat globules, in retroversion, IFerr. iod.; in scarlatina,.
in morbus Brightii, IPhos. ac. fl@* cuticle. I Lach.; deposits a cloudy sediment, Hydras.;
Urine, containing fibrine I IMerc. cor.; slen- : with mealy sediment (mania), IINux v.; in
der, cylindrical pieces, these little coagula typhus, BBapt. dark, red. $^
being whitish in color, looking like maggots Urine, hot: BAcon., Act. rac, BiEsc h., Agar.,
or small worms, Petrol.; full of fibres,Cann.
I I Aloe,HApis,BArs.,BIAsaf.,l Aur. mur., IBell.,. I

s.; in nephritis, Chel. Benz. ac, Berb.,iCalcp.,Calend., ICamph., I

g@T casts, epithelium. Canth., ICaps., ICham., IColch., IDig.,,

Urine,flaky (flocculent) Cann.,ICanth.,Cham., : Ferr., IHep., IKali c, ILyc, IMerc,
Crot. t., IMez., HSars., Zinc; dark brown Merc cor., Phos. ac, Rheum, IRhus, 1 1

flakes, IPetrol.; in nephritis, IChel. flaky ; Squilla, Vespa with after-pains, Ferr. in ;
1 1 ;

sediment, Agar., ICham., Grat., Plumb., I I angina faucium, Lach.; ardor urinae,
Zinc; shiny flocks, Chin, s.; in stricture, IIAnanth., HCanth., ICub.; ardor urinae, in
IClem.; white, IPhos. intermittent, Sul. ac; ardor urinae, in wo- 1 1

Urine, foaming (frothy) Aph. ch., HCepa, : men, Ham.; ardor urinae, in rheumatic sub-
Chel., Cop., Cub., Jatroph., IILach., Laur., jects, JSabina; with constipation, I Ferr.; in
ILyc, IPareira, Seneg., ISpong., Thuya; in coryza after mercury, I IKali iod.; dark,
diabetes, on being passed, INatr. s.; with Aeon.; dark, in rheumatic attack, Bry.;
diarrhoea, IILach.; in post-scarlatinal dropsy, dysentery, Colch., ICop., IMerc cor.; in
I Apis ; in morning, Ars. h. ; during night, enuresis nocturna, IMerc; in evening, Ars.
I I Aph. ch., Crot. t. S^" albuminous. met.; during fever, Cimex after fever, BCi- ;

Urine, looks like and has consistency of thin mex; fiery, Crot. t., BKali c, BSars.; in gas-
glue Coloc J^~ viscid.
: tric catarrh, IMez.; with heat, BKali iod.;
Urine, gravel jg^ Bladder calculi, gravel
: in heart disease, Op.; in hemorrhoids, from I I

alsoKidneys calculi. uterus, Ferr. in infants, IBor. like boiling

; ;

Urine, dirty gray in diphtheria, : after scarla- oil, Lil. tig.; in enlargement of prostate gland,
tina, I Con. I IPareira; red, Bry.,- in renal inflammation,
Urine, greenish: Ars., Aur met., Berb., Bov., MSenecio; scalding, iEsc h., BBenz. ac,.
ICamph., Carbol. ac, IChel., Cinch., Colch., Berb., BCann. s., Canth., ICop., I Ferr. iod.,
Cop., Iod., IKalic, IMagn. c, Mang., INitr. Helon., Hep., IKali c, Mygale, Pic. ac, 1 1

ac, 01. an., Rheum, Rhod., Ruta, Seneg., Ptel., MSars., Syph., Thuya scalding, in 1 1 ;

Sul., Uran. n., IVer.; almost greenish, Phell.; amenorrhoea, IIApis scalding, with frequent ;

changed from brick dust, IChim. umb.; clear, desire (metritis), IINux v.; scalding, during
Magn. s.; like grass, ICarbol. ac; three hours dysuria, IChim. umb.; scalding, after dysu-
after passage, Sal. ac. in hydrothorax, Apis, ; I I ria, IChim. umb.; scalding, towards evening
light, Bapt.; olive, ICarbol. ac; blackish olive, (haematuria), llpec; scalding, in gonorrhoea,
ICarbol. ac; after scarlatina, ICarbol. ac; Caps.; scalding, followed by itching, Ves- 1 1

yellowish, Bov.; dark yellowish, Hod. pa scalding, as from raw surfaces,

; Merc
Jggr* bile. sol.; scalding, in stricture, IChim. umb.; I

Urine, high colored: Aeon., I Apis, Arum d., I formerly sediment, in cystitis, ILyc; with
Badiag., IBell., Calc n\, ICornus, ICrotal. reddish sediment, IMez.; in septic diseases,
Ced., IIEquiset., Iris, Kali bi., IILact. ac, ITarant. in uterine disorder, ICon.

Lye, IMed., Mitch, rep., IMyr. cer., JNux

1 1
JS^i^ Urination burning During and
acrid ; ;

m., INux v., IPhos., Plumb., IPolyg., IPo- 1 1 After urination burning.
lyp., IPtel., IRhus, Sang., IStram., Tabac, I Urine, increased (copious, diuresis, polyuria,
Tell., Ther-id., Thuya, IVer. v., Xan.; in
1 1 I profuse) HAcet. ac, Aeon., Act. rac, Agar.,
: 1 1

amenorrhoea, I Apis in ascites, IMed., ISe- ; I I Agnus, All. sat., Alum., Amyl., Anac, Ang.,
necio in ascites, after scarlet fever, Apoc;
; Ant. c, Ant. sul. aur., Ant. t., lAnthrok.,
in bilious attacks, IINux v.; like brandy, Apis, Apoc, HArg. met., lArg. nit., (Ars. h.,
Var.; in Bright's disease, IKalm.; burning, Arum d., Arum m., Ascl. s., lAspar., Ast. r.,. 1 1

IGlon.; in inflammation of caecum, ILach. TrAtrop. s., Bar. c, Bell., Berb.JBism., Brach.,
in catarrh (bronchial and vesical catarrh), Cact.,Cain., Camph.,Cann.i.,iCanth., ICarbo
Cop.; clear, Lact. ac; congestive headache, a. Carbo v.,
, Carbol. ac, Caulo., Caust.,ICed.,
1 1

Glon.; copious red sediment (cardialgia), Cepa, Cham., Chel., Chen, v., Chim. umb.,
Lobel. i.; in chronic diarrhoea, Sul.; in 1 1 Chlor., Cinch., Coca, ICochl., Codein.,
chronic camp diarrhoea, ILyss.; in diphtheria, Coff., Colch., Collin., 100100., ICon., Cop.,
Lach., Merc iod. flav.; in post-scarlatinal Crotal., Crot. t., Cub., Cycl., Daph., IDig.,,
; I ;


Equiset., lEucal., ""Form., Gamb., Gels.,

I rax, ISquilla; in hysterical complaint, IPuls.;
IGlon., Guaiac, IIHam., Helon., Hydras., followed by acute inflammation, Senecio in- ;

Hydr. ac, Iber., Ilgn., Indig., Hod., Uab., odorous (hysteria), ICed.; in intestinal
Jacea, Kali br., Kali f., Kali iod., IILact. ac, spasm, Op.; with irritation of genito-urinary

Led., Lobel. i., Lyss., IMagn. c, Magn. s., tract, |Oxal. ac. with vesical irritation, Eup.

Mang., IMed., Merc, IIMerc. cor., Merc.iod.

I pur.; in cirrhotic kidney, Plumb. after pain I I ;

flav., IMerc IIMerc. sol., Mitch,

iod. rub., in knee, Brach.; with leucorrhcea, INatr. c;
rep., IMosch., Mur. ac, IMurex, Mygale, with violent pains in lumbar region (diabetes),
Natr.a., INatr. c, Natr. m., INatr. p., INatr. I Tarant. worse lying down, Ham.; in mania

s., Nitr. sp. d., Nitruin, 01. an., Oxal. ac, puerperalis, INux v.; in marasmus, ISul.; I

IPhos., UPhos. ac, Phyt., Plant., IPod., 1 1 in melancholy after mortification Ilgn.; in
Polyg., IPsor., IRhod., Rhus, Rob., Samb.,
I meningitis, Arn. during menses, IPhyt.; at ;

Sarrac, ISars., Seneg., Spig., Spong., Squilla, midnight, Coff.; after midnight (enuresis),
Staph., Tabac, Tarax., Tell., ITereb., Therid., Sul. of months' duration, ICain.; in morn-

lUran. n., Ustil., Val., IVariol., Ver., Ver. v.,I ing, continual urging, no pain, Cain.; in in-
Verbas., Viol, t., Zinc, Zing. in affections ; flammation of mouth and fauces, ICinnab.;
of brain, Squilla in Bright's disease, lAur.
; muddy, in syphilitic neuralgia, ISyph.; re- I

mur.; in bronchitis, ICina burning, Stram.; ;

lieves pain in navel (affection of sympathetic
with burning during urination, Niccol.; nervous system), IPhos.; in neuralgia, Hris; I

with burning during urination, worse at in nervous disease. Alum., ICham. in affec- ;

night, INatr. s.; after cardiac hypertrophy,

i tions of sympathetic nervous system, IPhos.; I

I lAur. met.; in cardialgia,l IPhos.; in catarrh, in nervous women, Xan.; during night, Amm.
ICepa during chill, Ars.; after chill, passed
; m., Bapt., Calc fl., ILac c, ILed., IPhyt., I

nearly a chamberful during night, llSyph.; I Plant.,

I Sang.; at night, with burning and

with transient chilliness, IGels.; in chorea, scalding, llUran. n.; at night, in diabetes,
Agar.; clear, liEthus., Eup. pur., IFerr., lArg. met.; in night, dropsy, I Apis during ;

IHelon.; clear, with carbuncles, in scorbutic night, preceded by violent erection, Sinap.
individual, Mur. ac; clear, watery, during high colored, strong smelling, in bed every
or after spell (epilepsy), ICup. in.; clear, after night, thinks it is in afterpart of night, as he
epileptic attack, Cup. m.; clear as water, sud- is always wet in morning, overwork and
denly at night, after delirium, Stram.; clear, too much heat or being in cold aggravates,
light, without relief, IIEquiset.; after coffee, I Med.; of strong odor, lErig.; pale, Acet. ac, I

ICain.; especially after drinking coffee, Brach. IBry., Calc. fl., Cain., IDulc, Elat.;

Oleand.; with nephritic colic, Coccus; color- Eup. perf., Kob.; pale, in diabetes, IRatan.; I

less, ICham.; colorless, after hysteria, ISul.; pale, after headache, Hris pale, in nervous ;

colorless, with hysterical headache, IMosch.; headache, Ilgn.; pale, during pregnancy,
colorless, in afternoon, Rumex in coryza, ; ICham.; pale, with urging, Staph.; pale,
ICepa; dark, ILil. tig.; in dentition, lApis ;
watery, 7rHell.; pale, watery, from 8 a.m. to
in diabetes, Cop., IILact. ac, INatr. m., INatr. 3 p.m., Calc. fl.; in paralysis, ICepa; with
s., IPod., Sec, Tarax.; in diabetes insipidus, paralysis of legs (diabetes), Tarant.; in preg-
IKali n., ILyc.; in diabetes mellitus, Kali I I nancy, MStann.; in prosopalgia, ICoccul.,
br.; at first increased, afterward diminished, Ilgn.; pale, watery, repeated regularly every
IKali c; in diphtheria, IKali m.; three I hour, during afternoon and evening during
times as much as drink, especially morning, menses, MVib.; quantity, 30 to 35 ounces
Amb.; in dropsy, lAur. mur. nat.; more than in twenty -four hours "(Bright's disease),
quantity of water drunk, Aur. met., IMerc. I ITereb.; 43 ounces in twenty -four hours,
sol., IRaph.; three times larger than quantity Brach.; 48 ounces in twenty-four hours,
of fluid drank in twenty-four hours, IPhos. ac. Brach. 56 ounces in twenty-four hours,Brach.;

greater than quantity of water drunk, in dia- five pints daily, Codein.; four or six pints in
betes, IColoc; with dysmenorrhea, Ascl. s.; one night (diabetes mellitus), lArg. met.;
in dyspepsia, lUran. n. after eating, Puis.; ; I I nearly three quarts a day, IHelon.; four to
in epilepsy, TrArt. v.; in evening, Ars. h.; fol- six pounds daily, worse out doors exercising,
lowing slight pain over left eye, with con- Apis four or five times normal amount,

tracted feeling in throat, with eructation, Arum d.; a gallon or more daily, ILyc vir.;
lUran. n.; stinging over left eye when walk- eight to twelve pints in twenty-four hours
ing in sun, or from strong odors, Selen.; fol- (diabetes), IPhos.ac; sixteen pints in twenty-

lowed by fainting, Cepa fetid, IGuaiac; ; four hours (diabetes), lUran. n. relieved; I

during fever, IMed.; with fever (ascites),

I eight to ten quarts in twenty -four hours (dia-
lAur. mur. nat.; in typhus, ITereb.; frequent, betes), lUran. n.; ten to eighteen pounds

Cain.; frequent, in diabetes, Tarax.; frequent, daily (diabetes), INatr. s.; eleven quarts a
eight or ten times a day, ICochl.; frequent, day'(diabetes), ILyc vir.; eighteen to twenty
every half hour (headache), ILac def. gastric ;
pounds in twenty -four hours (diabetes), ILact.
neurosis, IPhos.; pale, with gout, Eup. perf.;
I ac passes chamberful of clear, five or six times

with headache, Chin, s., ICinnab., BGlon., during night (blue boils after glander poison-
ILac def., Sep., I Ver.; after headache, Ascl.
1 1 ing), 7rAnthrac.; several gallons a day,
s.; in frontal headache, MVib.; in nervous Apoc. relieves pain in renal region, IMed.;
; I

headache, Iris after nervous headache, Ascl.

; with recklessness, Mane; saccharine, ICar-
s.; relieves headache, IKalm., Sil.; with head- bol. ac; followed by scanty dark -colored urine,
ache and profuse sweat, Aeon.; in heart 1 1 with fever, lUran. n.; in scarlatina, I Arum,

disease, I Aur. mur.; with heat, ILyc; in inter- t.; with brick-dust sediment, INatr. s.; with I

mittent fever, IBry.; in typhus, IColch.; Math fiocculent sediment, Calc. p.; with shuddering,
heat, particularly in face, Ind.; in hydrotho Stram. during stool, Amm. m., Colch.; with

liquid stool, Cain. after stool, Aloe ;straw ; more than one-third its quantity, sediment
color, Cact. sweat on head, hands and feet,
; shows alkaline reaction, produces flakes on
IPhos.; with clammy sweat on head and palms boiling, nitric acid gives it pink color (cysto-
of hands, IPhos.; with thirst, IKali br.
I blennorrhcea), Uva ursi ; sediment,in excess, I I

throat dry, UStram.; with enormous increase indicating inflammation, Eup. pur.; sedi-
of urea, Eucal.; with urging, ICic, IColoc; ment, in liver complaint, IChel.; sediment,
with frequent urging, BiKreo.; with uric acid muco-purulent, IChim. umb., Hyos.; sedi-
deposit, ILith.; in prolapsus uteri, I Apis; in ment quickly deposits (acute catarrh of
seirrhus uteri, lArg. met.; with waterbrash bladder), IColoc; sediment tenacious, ISul; I

and emaciation, INatr. m.; watery, in dropsy, sediment thick, IBerb.; sediment thick,
I ISenecio watery, in evening, Lyss. watery,
; ; muddy (vesical catarrh), ITereb.; sediment,
during headache, Coloc watery, with nervous ; white, Kali m.; sediment, yellowish (sperma-
palpitation of heart, IMosch.; makes her torrhoea), ITereb.; shreds, in catarrh of I

weak, Act. rac; weakening, Benz. ac; with bladder, Seneg. on standing, great excess,
1 1 ;

weakness, ICalc.p.; golden yellow color, Card, I Equiset.; shreds and strings of blood on
m. j^Sf diabetes. diaper, Rheum tenacious, INux v.; thick,

Urine, iridescent g@^ cuticle. : HChim. umb., IHam., UPareira; thick,

Urine, jelly-like Cina, ICrotal.; when poured
: occasionally bloody (gravel), ILyc; thick,
out glides in a compact body from the vessel, brown, tenacious (dysentery), ICop.; sediment
IColoc. j^ST" thick. thick, reddish (nephritis), IKali c; thick, whit-
Urine, contains leucin Hippoz. : ish-yellow, MSep.; loaded with thick, tena-
Urine, membranous: lAlum. J^^ mucus; cious (chronic catarrh), IPareira; long I

Bladder catarrh. threads, floating, Brach.; urine exhibiting

Urine, microscopic constituents E^* casts, : mucus at bottom of vessel, which is drawn
epithelium. into threads by shaking, Crot.t. toughjelly- ;

Urine, milky: liApis, lAur. mur., Carbo v., like, white or red, mixed with blood, IDulc;
ICina, Con., IDulc., IHep., Hod., ILil. tig., sediment tough, can be drawn out into
ILyc, Merc, IMur. ac, INitr. ac, IPhos., strings, Cbloc tough, in threads, Berb.; de- ;

UPhos. ac. , ISul.; with prominent abdomen, tached tissue, in bronchial and vesical ca-
ICalc; in afternoon, 1 1 Agar.; in albuminuria, tarrh, ICop.; viscid, UPareira; viscid, in
MUran. n.; buttermilk,
like lAur. met.; bronchial and vesical catarrh, ICop.; sedi-
curdled, cheesy masses, IPhos. ac; in diabetes, ment, like well water, INatr. c; white,
IColoc; after erysipelatous eruption, I Apis UPareira. JUg" Bladder catarrh.
in acute hydrocephalus, lApis in hydro- ; Urine, muddy: ILyc. vir., IRhus in cardial- I

cephalus, or meningitis infantum, I Apis ;

gia and headache, IKali c; during climaxis,
usually shortly before menses, IPhos. ac; Zinc in cysto-blennorrhoea,
I ; Uva ursi 1 1

after menses, INatr. white, ICalc; white, m ; in intermittent, INatr. m.; in traumatic men-
in pregnancy, IStann.; on standing, IPhos.
I ingitis, I Hyper.; like muddy water, Sabad.
ac; on standing, in chorea, ICina. @~ turbid.
fl@* white. Urine, odor: acrid, IRhod.; alkaline, Coccus I

Urine, full of motes: A spar. ammoniacal, lAmm. m., Ant. t., IIAsaf., I

Urine, mucus: IAnt.c,Berb.,Camph.,ICanth., lAur. met., IBor., Cain., Calc, Carbo a., I

Con., Dulc, Equiset., lEucal., Indig., Lye ICarbo v., Chel., Coccus, Dig., Graph., Hod.,
vir.,IMerc, IINatr. m., INatr. s., INitr. ac, Kreo., I IMosch., INitr. ac, Petrol., IPhos.,
IINux v., IPareira, IIPuls., USars., MSep., Rhod., Stront., Viol, t.; ammoniacal, in al-

ISul., Ver.
I bloody, HChim. umb.: in ca-
; buminuria, lUran. n.; ammoniacal, in chronic I

tarrh of bladder, Sal. ac, lUva ursi in I

; catarrh of bladder, IPareira; ammoniacal, in I

acute catarrh of bladder, IColoc; cells, Brach.; inflammation of brain,IMercviv.; ammoniacal,

discharge periodical, not at each micturition, in gastric nervous fever, ILach.; ammoniacal,
ISep.; in dysuria, lUva ursi; after exposure after checked gonorrhoea, ICoca ammoniacal, ;

to damp cold, Cann. L; filaments under mi- in parenchymatous iritis, ISil.: ammoniacal, I

croscope, corpuscles, and epithelium, Brach.; in myelitis, IDulc; ammoniacal, in smallpox,

filaments, clouds and flocks, Coccus; mixed IIVar.; ammoniacal, stains sheets very
with filaments, afterwards thick and cloudy, dark, IFerr.; aromatic, Benz. ac; like burnt
Seneg. ; filaments, flocks, or fleshlike pieces, horn, Arum m.; cadaverous, Benz. ac; ca-
IMerc. cor.; large flakes of white, like jelly,
fi daverous, when dark colored and cloudy,
Brom.; fleshlike lumps, IMerc; in gonorrhoea, Coccus camphor, Cam ph.;' of cat urine, Aspar.,

with cystitis, IMerc; mixed with phosphates Jacea, Viol. t.; coffee, Berb.; as if decomposed,
in sediment (vesical catarrh), IIBenz. ac; Hydras.; sweetish, in diabetes, lArg. met,;
muddy, reddish yellow, IGlon.; in enlarge- rotten eggs, IDaph.; fetid, Agar., IIAmb., 1 1

ment of prostate, IBenz. ac; purulent, IDulc; I I Apis, lArs., IIBapt., Bar. m., Bor., ICalc,
ropy, HChim. umb., IKali bi.; sediment, Camph., ICarbo a., ICarbo v., IChim. umb.,
Aloe, lAlum., Ascl. t., lAur. met., Berb., IIColoc, MCupr., Bros., IIDulc, Fluor, ac,
IDulc, IFerr., IKali bi., IKali c, IPuls.; sedi- Graph., IGuaiac, IKali c, IKreo., IMerc, I I I

ment, adhering firmly to vessel, IIPuls.; be- Murex, INatr. c, INitr. ac, INux v., Petrol., 1 1

fore menses, ILach.; sediment browm, Thuya ;

Phos., IPhos. ac, Plumb., IPuls., IRhod., 1 1 I

sediment, in catarrh of bladder, ICanth.; Sec, USep., Stann., ISul., ITereb., MUran. I

sediment, clear, IBerb.; sediment, in cysti- n., IViol. t.; fetid, in asthma, IMeph.; fetid,
tis, nephritis, dropsy, etc., IChim.umb.; sedi- in cystitis, Tarant.; fetid, in cysto-blennor-
ment, in dysentery, ICop., ISenecio; sediment rhoea, lUvaursi fetid, in dysentery, lArs.;
I ;

copious, in dysuria, IChim. umb. sediment, ; fetid, in fever, pulse 130 (diphtheria), iCarbol.
in typhoid fever, I IPhos.; sediment grayish, ac; fetid, in typhoid, ITereb., I Ver. v.; fetid,


in typhus, IIBapt., I IXitr. ac; fetid, with def., IILaur., ILyc, IMagn. c, Magn. m.,
frequent urination, Petrol.; fishy, Astac, I I Mar. v., Merc, I IMerc. cor., Mez., Mosch.,

01. an., Uran. n.; fragrant, in eighth month I I Mur. ac, Natr. c, INatr. ni., I IXatr. p.,
of pregnancy, IRheuin garlic, Cup. ars.; like
IXitr. ac, INux Op., Paris, Phell.,
v., 01. an.,
horse urine, INatr. c, IXitr. ac; highly inten- IPhos., UPhos. ac, Phyt., IPlant., Plat., I I

sified, IIBenz. ac, Fluor, ac, Ind.; offensive, Plumb., Polyg., IPuls.," Rheum, IKhod., I

Anthrok., Arn., I A spar., IIBenz. ac, Bufo., IRhus, Rumex, Samb., Sang., Sarrac, ISars.,
Oalad., ICalc, Carbo a., Chen, v., I Cup. m., See, Sep., Spig., Spong., ISquilla, Staph., I I

IXitr. ac, IPhos.,1 IPhos. ac, Puis., IKhod., 1 I I IStram., IStront., ISul., Sul. ac, Thuya, Ver.

IBSep., ISul., Var. offensive, in catarrh of

; v., MVib., MZinc, Zing.; in albuminuria,
bladder, Sal. ac; offensive, in vesical catarrh, I ILTran. n. in cardialgia and headache, IKali

IIBenz. ac; offensive, scrofulous, glandular c; in cerebral disturbance, I Croc; clear,

swelling, IBar. m.; offensive, horribly, after relieves headache, Ilgn.; becoming cloudy,
standing a short time, 1 1 Ind.; offensive, in ICinch.; in diabetes, Camph., INatr. s.,
intermittent, lEup. perf.; offensive, during Tarax.; in diabetes insipidus, ILyc, Squilla
menses, INitr. ac. offensive, in myelitis,
; (Jg@~ diabetes) excessive, frequent, ILyc;

IDulc. offensive, in pemphigus, IDulc.; of-

; during bilious headache, Pod. in sick I I ;

fensive, in scarlet fever, IDulc; offensive headache, ILac def. in mania puerperalis, ;

sediment, ICaust.; offensive, with sediment IXux v.; in nervous diseases, Alum., ICharn.;
(impotence, gleet), ICalad. offensive, in ty- ; at night, Crot, t.; especially during night,
phoid), ISul.; like raw meat, IPhos. ac; ILyc; in phlegmasia alba dolens, IXatr. s.;
mouldy, lAmm. m.; musty, IIAmm. m.,
I in pregnancy, MStann. followed by thick, ;

Camph.; like onions, Gamb.; like otorrhcea, whitish purulent matter with burning (cys-
lAur. met.; peculiar, Aspar., lAur. mur., titis), IXux v.; in rheumatism, lArs.; in
Hyper.; penetrating, Calc p.; pungent, scarlatina, I Arum t,, ISec; in stricture,
lAsaf., IIBor., Calc. fl., Fluor, ac, Kob., IClem. with white sediment, IRhus after
; ;

Merc; pungent, dribbling, afternoon and sugar water, Ant. t. with frequent urging, ;

evening, ILyc; pungent, in dysuria, lUva IIKreo.; in scirrhus uteri, lArg. met.; color-
ursi putrid, IBenz. ac; putrid, in meningi-
less, I Apoc, TrAtrop. s., Arum m., Bell.,
tis, ISep.; resinous, IChel. rotten, in typhus,
I ; Calend., Camph., Cann. i., ICham., Codein.,
I Ars.; like saffron tea, Iodof.; sour, *Amb., ICoff., IKreo., Lyss., Med., HXatr.
Eenz.ac, ICalc, Chel.,Colch., Graph., I Merc, I I m., IXux IPlant., Sarrac, ISars., ISil.,
v., I

INatr. c, Petrol., I ISep. sour, in whooping ; Ustil., Zing.; colorless, in chorea, lAgar.;
<:ough, lAinb. sour, in enuresis nocturna,
; colorless, during dentition (diarrhoea), Apis I I

IMerc. like sour milk (catarrh of stomach),

; colorless, in facial neuralgia, ISep.; color- I

IISep.; sour, in stomatitis, IXatr. c stale, ; less, in gastric neurosis, IPhos. colorless, in I ;

ICarbo v.; strong, I Ant. t. Aspar., Carbol. ac, , headache, ILac def., ISep.; colorless, in I

Cup. a.,Kob.,IMed.,IMerc,Thlaspi,l IThuya, hysterical complaints, IPuls.; in leucorrhcea,

Zing.; strong, in cholera infantum, ICalc; ICaust,; filled with mucus, in cystitis, Med.;
strong, in diarrhoea of children, IIBenz. ac; in neuralgia, IXux v.; in nervous women,

strong, in diphtheria, ILach.; strong, in diph- Xan.; in acute rheumatism, IChel.; straw I

theria, scarlatina, ILach. strong, in dyspep- ; colored, Anag., Apoc, I Aspar., Caulo., ICup.
sia, I INitr. ac; strong, in chronic passive m., Oxal. ac, Polyg., Sinap., Uran. n.; 1 1

hemorrhage from kidneys, Tereb. strong, I I ; straw colored, in diarrhoea and typhus, I A pis.
in a few hours, Cinch, bol.; strong, on being J8" albumen, clear, copious, diabetes,
voided (syphilis), IXitr. ac; sweet, Nux m., watery.
Tereb.; in prolapsus uteri, IBenz. ac; in Urine, pellicle gg^ cuticle. :

scirrhus uteri, lArg. met.; like valerian, with Urine, phosphates: Brach., Chin, s., Colch.,
white sediment and discharge of mucus, after IFerr. in., IKali br., Xatr. a., IPhos., IPhos.
urination, IIMurex; violets, Cop., Cub., Eu- ac, Picac, IPtel., Stann.; ammonium mag-
cal.,Inul., ITereb.; violets, in evening, Osm. nesium phosphate in excess, IRaph.; in
JSsgp^ odorless. Bright's disease, IPhos. ac; in catarrh of I

Urine, odorless: Bell., Chloral., Dros.; acrid bladder, ICanth.; deficiency, or excess,
deposits, dirty white sediment, with frequent IMagn. p.; loaded with earthy, in typhoid,
urging, ISpong.; in diabetes, Camph.; in epi- I IPhos. ac; loaded with acid, in amblyopia
leptiform convulsions, ICed.; with fetid mu- potatorum, ITereb.; responds to tests for

cous stool, Dros. phosphates, earthy phosphate, and chloride

Urine, oily gg^ cuticle. : of sodium, Sarrac; trifle, Brach.; in cystitis,
Urine, contains oxalate of lime: Brach., ICaust., Med. J|^ sediment.
Lye vir.; in albuminuria, ITereb.; in desqua- Urine, contains pus: ICann. s., HCanth.,
mative nephritis, Plumb. J^g^ sediment.
I I HClem., Con., IDaph., Lye, IMerc, INatr. s.,
Urine, pale: Act, rac, I Agar., I Alum., Amb., IXitr. ac, IXux v., IPuls., Sabad., Sep., Sil., I

lAmm. c, IIAnac, lAng., Anthrok., Ant. c, Sul.; with blood and mucous epithelium
Ant. t., Apis, Apoc, lArn., Ars., BArs. h., (catarrh of bladder), Sal. ac; with blood, in
I lAsaf., Ascl. s., Astac, Aur. met., IBell., cystitis, I Ars.; in catarrh of bladder, HUva
IIBism., Brach., Bry., Calc, Cann., Canth., ursi; in cystitis, BArs.; in gonorrhceal cysti-
ICarbo v., Caulo., Caust., Cham., IChel., I tis, IMerc; in nephritis, 1 1 Arn.; in kidney
I Cinch., IICoccul., Cochl., IColch., IColoc,
I disease, with painful urging, IHep.; in enlarge-
HCon., IIDig., Dros., IDulc, Erig., Euph., I ment of prostate, IBenz. ac. 35
sediment g^
Eup. pur., Gels., Hell., Helon., IHep., Hyos., also Bladder and Kidneys inflammation.
Ilgn., Hod., Jatroph., IKali br., Kali c,
I Urine, reaction neutral, Hydras. :

Kali iod., I IKali nit., IKreo., ILach., ILac I I
j^g acid, alkaline.
Urine, red: Ascl. t., iEthus., Agar., Ant. c, I I Variol.; in induration of uterus, Carbo a.;;
Apis, Ars. h., Arund., Badiag., IBerb., ICact., with white clouds, Plat.; yellowish, SPtel.,.
ICamph., Cann. s., HCanth., Caps., Carbov., Sumb.; yellowish, upper stratum yellow and
ICepa, IChel.,Colch.,IIElaps, IDulc, IGrat., flocculent (catarrh of bladder, Seneg. yel- 1 1

Hod., Iris, ILyc, Merc. iod. rub., BMur. ac, lowish, in peritonitis, Aeon. 1 1

IOp., Puis., IRhus, ISars., ISul.,

1 1 ITuberc, I $g^* dark, high-colored, sediment.
Thuya, Vespa, Zinc. in angina faucium, ; Urine, retention: lAcon., IIApis, Apoc,
ILach.j in articular rheumatism, ITereb.; in Arn., lArs., Atrop. s., Aur. met., Hell.,
ascites, Rheum like blood, Bell., ICham.,
1 1 ; Bism., ICamph., HCanth., Caps., Caust.,
BCrotal., Crot. t., IHep., Kali iod., Pic. ac; iChim. umb., Cic, Cinnam., Cinch., Culoc,
like blood, plentifully charged with corpus- Con., Cop., Cupr., Dig., Dory., IDulc, Graph.,
cles, IFerr.; like blood, after scarlatina,
I Ham., IHep., IHyos., Hyper., Illic, Kali I I

IHell.; contains blood corpuscles, Ars. h.; iod., ILaur., IILyc, INux v., IIOp., Plumb.,
bluish, in erysipelas, IRhus; brick color, I Puis., IRhus, Ruta, Sec, IStram., ISul., Ver.;
Chim.umb.; bright, Bov. ; bright, like arterial in albuminuria, lApis from atony, Hell.; ;

blood, Apis; brownish, IIAph. ch., lAnt. c, from atony of fundus, Tereb.; bladder full,
Bell., IChel., BHep.; in cardialgia, IGrat.; and Op.; after a blow in ovarian region, IHam.j.
clear, BAcon.; in colic, Alum., Ant. c; red in cerebrospinal meningitis, IHydr. ac,
(potter's colic), lAlum.; dark, Ant. sul. aur., Tarant.; almost complete, Ferr. mur.; in

lArg. nit., Ars. h., Bapt., Benz. ac, ICup. m., little children, with fever, Ferr. ph.; in nurs-
IFerr., IHep., Ipec, ILyc, Merc. iod. flav., ing children, after passion of nurse, IOp.; in
IINatr. s., IPareira, BPolyg., HSep.; dark young children, (Caust.; in cholera Asiatica,
with arthritis, IINatr. p.; dark, like blood, Ver.; after catching cold, ICop.; from cold,
Tereb.; dark, with blood, Crotal.; dark, or especially in children with crying and rest-
bloody, containing much albumen (scarla- lessness, BIAcon.; with spasmodic cough day
tina), ILyc; dark brownish, I Ant. t. dark ; and night (nervous affection), IMagn. p.; in
brownish, with much reddish sediment, chronic cystitis, lArs in evening, Bor.; from
ILact. ac; dark, but clear, in pneumonia, exertion, " ;

Arn.; after exposure to rain and

IIStram. dark, in cystitis, Tarant.; dark, in
; sitting in a cold room, urine when drawn by
diarrhoea of children, IIBenz. ac; dark, in catheter was quite bloody, Puis. after fall- 1 1 ;

bilious fever, ICrotal.; dark, contains floccu- ing down stairs, IRhus.; with fever, Ferr. ph.;

lent matter, ICycl.; dark, in hydrothorax, in fever, or acute illness, IOp.; from fright,
ISquilla; dark, in morning, Thuya; dark, at Op.; in suppressed gout, Cochl.; with heat in
night, offensive, depositing mucous sediment, region of bladder and uneasy pain in abdomen,
IMosch. dark, strong odor, during day, vEsc.
; accompanied by urinary tenesmus, IPuls.; for
h.; dark, after standing, small points rise to thirty -six hours, IMerc in infants, Benz. ac. ;

surface, Ascl. t. dark, with copious sediment,

; in locomotor ataxia, lArg. nit.; chiefly, caused
Lobel.i.; dark, with sediment, greasy-looking by blunting of lining of membrane of neck of
pellicles, Paris dark, stains vessels, hard to
; bladder so that fulness is not recognized by
remove, Phyt.;dark, soon turbid and fetid, patient, IOp.; in nephritis, ISabina; in des-
Merc, sol.; dark, with urging, Ant. t. dark, ; quamative nephritis, 1 1 Plumb. obstinate,

in urticaria, ICop.; in delirium tremens, I Hod.; in chronic ovaritis, llod.; painful,

HStram.; like blood, a few drops, IRhus; in Crotal., BSars.; painful, brought on by slight-
dropsy of uterus, ICamph.; in dysentery, est exposure to cold (catarrh in bladder),
ICop. in evening, HSelen. with white feces,
; ; Caust.; painful, in suppressed gonorrhoea,
Aeon. fiery, IMerc a thick, red, fleshy sub-
; ; Canth.; painful, in prolapsus uteri, Aur.
stance, Paris fiery, in desquamative nephri-
; met.; painless, Nitr. ac; after pains go from
tis, Plumb.; in gastricism, IKali c with
1 1 ; limbs to bowels, Act. rac; from paralysis,
hectic, Calc s. in hepatitis, IMerc dark, in
; ; Cic, ILaur., ILyc, IRhus, IStaph.; causes
hydrocephalus, Art. v.; inflammatory, IBerb.; paralysis of bladder, ICaust. paretic condi- ;

in intermittent, INatr. m.; in tertian inter- tion, IOp.; in parotitis, Dory.; post-partum,

mittent, INux v.; in laryngitis, BCheL; in

I Ars., IBell., IOp., IPuls.; with constant,

liver complaint, BArn.; in liver complaint and Hyos.; with enlargement of prostate, Pareira;
nephritis, BChel.; in lung affections, IKali n.; from swelling of prostate, BChim. umb.; in
in metrorrhagia, by admixture of blood, pruritus vulvae, BBTarant.; in scarlatina, Sec
MSabina; in nephritis, IISenecio;in des- almost complete, in scarlatina, BKali m.; with
quamative nephritis, Plumb.; or orange, 1 1 spasm of bladder (cystitis), BCaps. spasmodic, ;

with dull aching in lumbar region, ILept. BGels., BNux

spasmodic, with dysentery,
with pain across back, DKali bi.; pinkish, BMagn. p. spasmodic, in gonorrhoea, B BTereb.

IBry.; in pneumonia, lAnt. t., IPuls.; with I spasmodic, after suppressed gonorrhoea, BNux
pressure to urinate, at night, INux v.; stains, v.; spasmodic, better by application of hot
with prostatitis, ISep.; in rheumatism, IColch., cloths to chest, which however is followed by
IDulc; in acute rheumatism, IChel.; hot, in I syncope(occipito-intercostal neuralgia), B Chin,
rheumatism, or peritonitis, 1 1 Aeon.; to satu- a.; from contraction of sphincter or paralysis
ration, Ascl. t.; scanty, in phlebitis, IHam. of fundus, BOp.; with stone in bladder, IMil- I

dirty, in scarlatina, I Apis, ICarbol. ac; with lef.; with involuntary stool, after miscarriage,
sediment, IKreo., INux v.; with sediment, in IISul.; after straining awhile a few drops are
nephritic colic, Pareira sediment, urine 1 1 ; passed, no stream being formed, Stram.; with
covered with a shining pellicle, IPetrol. like ; retraction of testicles, Coloc; from tobacco,
blood, with white sediment^ and cuticle on BOp.; in typhus and after parturition, B Ars.;
surface, HSep.; in spinal diseases, I Alum. with constant urgency, Puis. with frequent1 1 ;

stains a rose tea-color, difficult to remove, urging, few drops dribble, BBCaust.; with sen-
; ;; ;


sation as if urine could not be passed on ac- loaded with lithates (cerebrospinal menin-
count of narrowness of urethra, Strain.; in gitis), ILyc; lithates, in dyspepsia, Ver.; I I

displacement of uterus, Tarant. S^" Bladder, lithates, in liver trouble, IPod.; lithates, in I

paralysis, spasm Urination, in drops, in- ; supraorbital neuralgia, Chin, s.; lithic acid, I

ability, insufficient, slow. Aspar.; lithic acid, Chirn. umb.; lithic,


Urine, scalding Jl^g"3 hot also During urina-

: ; I ISep.; lithic, with gout, INatr. s.; loamy, in

tion,burning. gravel, ILyc; loose, ICinch.; mealy, IBerb.;

Urine, scanty: jg^" decreased. in morning, Ars. h.; entangled with mucus,
Urine, scum gig" cuticle. : Coccus; muddy, IHep.; peculiar, I Aur. mur.;
Urine, sediment: Card, m.; adhesive, red, in a cloud of phosphates, when heated, Bell.
intercostal neuralgia, I IStann. ; black, in pink, IBerb.; pink, in ascites, Rheum; I I

chronic passive hemorrhage from kidneys, pink, in functional derangement of liver,

I ITereb. bloody, IPuls.; bluish red, Ars/h.;
; I ISep.; pinkish, ICinch.; red, powdery, Agar.,
branlike, Ced.; brick dust, Act. rac, Apis, I Amm. c, Ars. m., Aur. mur., Bapt., Camph.,

BIArn., Aur. mur.,1 IBenz. at, IBry., IChin. I Carbo v., Chim. m., Cimex, IGlon., Ipec,
s., ICinch., IDig., IILobel. i., IIMerc. cor., IKali c, Kob., IMez., INatr. s., Pallad.,
INatr. m., IOp., IPareira, Pic. ac, USep., IPhos., IPsor., USelen., HSep., Tereb., Val.;
Thuya brick dust, adhesive, Coccus brick
; ; red, adhesive, Brom., ICimex, IDaph.; red,
dust, adhesive (irritable bladder), Sep.; I I in arthritic affections, Alum.; blood red,
brick dust, in asthma, IMeph.; brick dustbin IISep.; red crystals, lArg. nit.; dark red, ad-
bronchitis, ICaust.; brick dust, during cli- hesive, Coca; dark red, dirty with pain,
maxis, Zinc; brick dust, in conjunctivitis,
I i Dory.; red, in gastralgia, probably due to me-
I Sep.; brick dust, in acute cystitis, ILyc;
I tallic poisoning, ISul. ac; red, gelatinous,

brick dust, with copious urination, INatr. s.; I Ars. h.; red, granular, ILyc; light red, Apis ;

brick dust, in enuresis of children, IPlant. red, in paralysis, lArn.; red, heavily loaded,
brick dust, often with gout, INatr. s.; brick pinkish, half floating, and a substance like
dust, in hydrothorax acutus, lArs.; brick dust, brick dust (intermittent), Lye: red, in pruri-
in quotidian intermittent, Ver. brick dust, I I ; tus vulva ITarant.; red sand, Cact., IBLyc,
, I

in paralysis agitans, IITarant.; brick dust, in INux v., IPhos., I IPareira, ISil. red sand", in ;

renal inflammation, ISenecio brick dust, I

; renal colic, 1 1 Lye red, sandy, 1 1 Ars., Arund.,

in rheumatism,! Act. sp., I Ant. t.; brick dust,

I Hyos.;red, intyphilitis, ILach.; yellowish, red
in urticaria, I Cop.; brick dust, in prolapsus in quotidian intermittent, llpec; reddish, Apis,
uteri, lArn.; bright red, IBerb.; brown, Lobel. Astac, Bell., Lyss., INux v., IPuls., Sang.,
i ; IL'Esc. h.; dark brown, copi-
dark brown, I ISep., Ver. v.; reddish, adhesive, Aspar.;
ous, brown, dark, in pericarditis,
I All. sat.; reddish, abundant, in bronchial and vesical
MSpig.; brown, gravelly, ILach.; brown, catarrh, ICop.; dark, reddish brown deposit,
thick, in nephritis, I Arm; with calculous ILith.; thick reddish or mahogany colored,
diathesis, IBenz. ac. chalklike, MPhyt.; ; with floating jellylike flocks, Laur.; after
chalky, Ananth.,Chel.; clay colored, Amm. m., kidney complaints, IBerb.; reddish, in liver
IBerb., Chin, s., Sep.; clay colored, adhe-
I I complaint, IChel.; reddish, in peritonitis,
sive, in meningitis, ISep. depositing whitish ; ILach.; reddish, thick, adhesive, in different
claylike sediment, Eup.perf.; coarse, USelen.; colored circles, ILac c; reddish, thin, adhe-
like coffee grounds, 1 1 Apis, IIHell.; like cof- sive, ICup. m.; reddish, sandy, in typhoid,
fee grounds, top part clear, I Hell.; like coffee ILyc; reddish white, Tereb.; rose colored,
grounds, in dropsy, after scarlatina, lAmb. ;
Ars. h. feathery oblong, sixsided, silvery

like coffee grounds, in scarlatina, ILach. con- ; white crystals of salicyluric acid, Sal. ac.
cretions of urate of ammonia, IBenz. ac; sandy, Amm. c, Ars. m., Arund., Cepa, INatr.
copious, IChim. umb., Coloc; copious, in s., USars., USelen., ITuberc, Zinc; sandy,
I 1 1

anasarca, lArs.; copious, burning, after urina- in intermittent fever, INatr. m.; sandy, in
tion, ICop.; copious, when cold, IColoc; co- nephritis, IChelid.; yellow or reddish sand,
pious, in flatulent dyspepsia, Sal. ac; copi- I I ILyc; sticking to vessel, IPuls.; thick,
ous, in jaundice, IBerb.; copious, in septic I Camph., ISpong.; thick, in dysentery, ICop.
diseases, ITarant.; hard crust, difficult to tough, I Alum.; white, thick, Alum.; slight,
scrape from vessel, ISep.; crystals, as if I transparent, IBerb.; urates, llpec; violet,
mingled with brick dust, ILyc; brownish Bo v., Mang.; earthy, I Ant. t.; vis-
crystals formed about at spot where cloud was cid, Coloc; white, Act. sp., JEthus., IBerb.,
seen, and were deposited on walls of vessel, -Bar. in., Bry., Camph., ICanth., ICinch.,
after standing twenty-four hours, Crot. t.; Colch., Con., Euphor., IHep., IKreo., IMagn.
bright red crystals, Ferr. m.; small, hard, c, 1Mitch, rep., IPlant., ISars., HSep., Val.;
1 I

reddish crystals, adhesive, Coloc; dark, in white, adhesive film, I ISep. snow white, ur- ;

bilious fever, ICrotal.; with dysenteric diar- ate of ammonia, lEhus like white cheese, ;

rhoea, IColoc; dingy, ICinch.; earthy, Sec; white, in coxalgia, IPhos.; white floc- I

Mang.; fibrous, dirty, I Alum.; flesh colored, culent, Aspar.; white, flocculent, composed of
Coloc; flocculent IBerb., IHep.; furfura- phosphate and carbonate of lime, Benz. ac;
ceous, Berb. gelatinous, IBerb., Coloc;
; grayish white granular, ICanth.; white, phos-
with gouty diathesis, IBenz. ac; gravel- phate of magnesia, Agar.; white, mealy, ICal.;
like, in cystitis, Tarant.; gray, Con.; gray white, in morning, IXatr. s.; white, urine
sand, IPhos.; gray, sandy (dropsy after scar- covered with a shining pellicle, IPetrol. white, ;

let fever), IPhos.; gray, in typhoid, IPuls.; I thick, as if flour had been stirred in, IMerc
greasy, Chin, s.; greasy, adhesive, Aspar.; white, thick, in pruritus vulvae, ITarant.; I

gritty, Sec; in nervous headache, INaja ;

white, thick, urine dark, IFerr. iod.; whitish,
jellvlike, Berb., Coloc, IPuls.; light, Bell.; Amm. c, ICalc, Spig.; wdiitish, adhesive,
Brom. whitish gray,
; IBerb.; sediment whitish Calend.; for twelve hours, Cup. s.; for tWenty-
or purple, ac; like yeast, ICaust. like
I Fluor, ; four hours, Puis.; for twenty -four hours, in

yeast, with yellow turbid urine, IRaph.; yel- erysipelas erratica, I Hydras.; for forty-seven
low, ICham., I Cinch., INatr. s.; yellow dirty, and three quarter hours,in diphtheria, Lac c; 1 1

in nephritis, IKaliiod., I Kali m.; yellow floc- for forty-eight hours, in acute mania, ICanth.;
culent, Kob. yellow red crystals, Berb. sandy
; in hydrocephaloid, 1 1 Apis; in infants, new-
yellow, ISil.; straw yellow, IChin. s. yellow, ;
born, HCamph.; in meningitis, IStram.; in
in syphilitic headache, Thuya; whitish yel- 1 1 meningitis infantum, lApoc; in metritis and
low, Lyss.; whitish yellow, copious (indurated puerperal fever, ILach.; in myelitis, Aeon.;, I I

pancreas), ICarbo a. yellowish, ICup.m.; yel- ;

during night, in puerperal fever, Puis.; with 1 1

lowish, like bran, Aloe; yellowish, clay colored, pains in bladder, during fever when sweat
adhesive, IFerr. yellowish, in parenchy- ;
fails (intermittent), ICact.; in phlebitis, I Ham.;,
matous iritis, ISil.; yellowish pasty, I ISep.;
I in pneumonia, IKaliiod.; with pain in renal
yellowish red, in bilious fever, ICrotal. yel- ;
region. Kali bi.; in scarlatina, lAilant., ILach.
lowish thick, IIAph. ch.; yellowish white, 1 Phyt.; in scarlet fever, IDulc; in stupor,,

gelatinous adhesive (phthisis), ICoca. ISul.; in typhus, I Apis, IColch., Crotal.; in

jgg^ mucus, oxalate of lime, phosphates. sore throat, I Lac c j^^ diminished, re-
Urine, contains serum: IJacea; spermatozoa, tention, uraemia, Kidneys inactive.
Lye. vir. Urine, thick: Ast. r., Benz. ac, ICarbo v.,
Urine, smoky Crotal., IITereb.; from admix-
: ICaust., IChim., Con., IDaph., IDig., IHep.,,
ture of fluid blood, ICrotal.; deep, opalescent Hod., ILac vir., Merc. iod. rub.,
def., I ILyc
color (Bright's disease), I ITereb. INux v., IPhos.,
IPsor., Rhus, I ISep., 1 1

gg^" cloudy. I ISpong., ISul., IVer., Zing.; acid, B I Merc,

1 1

Urine, specific gravity: 1.002, I I Plumb. ;1. 004, cor.; in inflammation of brain, IMerc. viv.;
Brach.; 1.005,1.019,1.020,Act.rac.;1.008,Brach.; in bronchial and vesical catarrh, ICop.; from
1.012, Amyl.; 1.012 to 1.021, Lye. vir.; 1.014, catheter (angina pectoris), lApis cloudy on ;

Amyl.; 1.016, Amyl., Merc, cor., Plumb.; 1 1 I I cooling (catarrh of bladder), ISeneg. coag- I ;

1.018, 1.020, 1.024, 1.025, 1.030, Sarrac; 1.017, ulates, on cooling, IColoc; coagulates, on
1 Plumb.; 1.018, in Bright's disease, ITereb.;
1 I standing (diabetes), IColoc; in chronic- vom-
1.019 ,Vib.; 1.020,1 Amyl.,Brach.; 1.021, IVib.; 1 iting, llpec; in dysuria, lUva ursi; flow in-
1.023,Brach.;1.024,Brach.;1.025,Sinap.,l IXan., terrupted, IPhos. ac; in gastralgia probably
1.028, in amblyopia potatorum, ITereb. 1.030, I ; due to metallic poisoning, ISul. ac; in I

in diabetes, IPhos. ac; 1.034, Brach.; 1.040,

I hydrocephalus, Art. v. in jaundice, IPhos. ;

Codein., Mitch, rep.; 1.044, MUran. nit.; de- like jelly, on standing, Cochl.; like milk
creased, in two cases in one, from 1.042 to (chyluria) or lime water with whitish curds,
1.030,in another,from 1.039 to 1.031 (diabetes), with stringy bloody lumps (diabetes), IPhos.. I

lUran. n.; 1.103, in diabetes, INatr. s.; high, ac; in traumatic meningitis, IHyper. like- ;

I Arm, Ascl. s., Benz. ac, Dig., Eup. pur., muddy water, Sabad. in nephritis, IIArn.;. ;

Helon., ILyc. vir., Phyt., Pic. ac, Puis., Sar- like oil, Coccus; in articular rheumatism,
rac, Senecio low, Ascl. s., Eryng., Eup.
; ITereb.; scanty, with mucus and disinteg-
pur., Puis., Ver. v., Vib. rated blood corpuscles (typhoid), ITereb.;
Urine, floating dark specks: Hell. I I in septic diseases, ITarant.; with red sedi-
Urine, staining diaper: IMerc; in jaundice of ment, Elaps; semi-solid, on standing (inter-
infants, lElat. Bgr* sediment. mittent fever), ICina; on standing, ICham.
Urine, straw-colored: g^gf* light. IMerc. sol., Tereb.; on standing as if mixed
Urine, sugar fl@- diabetes.
: with clay, I Alum.; on standing a short time,
Urine, poor in sulphates Pic ac. : Bry.; stiffening linen, IHam., IHelon.; like'
Urine, suppressed: II Aeon., Ars. h., lArum yeast, IMosch.
t., Aur. met., ^Aur. mur. nat., Bell., Bism., Urine, contains torulae Ammoniac. :

Bufo., ICamph., ICarbo v., ICic, Colch., Urine, turbid: Agar., Amb. lAnt. c, lAnt. t. ;

Crotal., ICup. ac, ICup. m., Diad., Elaps, I I Apis, I Arm, Aspar., I Aur. met., Aur. mur.,
lElat., lErig., lEucal., lEup. pur., IHelL,
I Bell., Berb., Bov., Brom., IIBry., ICact., Calc
Hydras., Hyosc, IKali bi., ILyc, IMerc cor., fl., Camph., Cann. s., ICanth., Carbo v.,
Merc. cy.. IOp., Osm., IPhos., Plumb., IPod., I I Card, m., ICaust., I ICham., IChel., Chin, s.,
IRob., UStram., ITarax., Tereb., I Ver.; in I Cina, ICinch., ICoccus, Colch., IColoc, Con.,
ascitis, I Apis in cholera, Crotal., ICup. ac,
; Cop., Crot. t., ICup.m., IDaph., IDig., IDulc,
Uatroph., ILaur.; in second stage of cholera, IIGraph., IGrat., IHep., Hyos., Hyper.,,
ICup. m.; after cholera, IKali bi.; in cholera I llgn., Indig., Ipec, Jacea, IKali c, Kali n.,,
Asiatica, IIArs., ICarbo v.; in Asiatic cholera, ILyc, IMerc, IMez., IMvr. cer., INatr. m.,

first stage, IKali br. in cholera infantum,

I ; INitr. ac, Pallad., Petrol., IPhos., HPhos. I I

ILaur., ISul.; in cholerine, liEthus.; with ac, MPlat., Plumb., IPsor., Puis., Ratam,

cramps and neuralgic pains, lElat.; two days, Rhus, Robin., ISabad., Seneg., USep., ISil.,
Diad.; for twelve days, Urt. ur.; for fifteen ISul., Sul. ac, Val., Var., Zinc; with asthma,
days, IITarant.; in diarrhoea, IPod., ISil., I ICoccus like turbid beer, ILyc; as if mixed

HSec; with mu co-purulent diarrhoea, IKali I with black dust (after scarlatina), IBell.; in
br.; in diphtheria, llgn.; in dropsy, IIDig., catarrh of bladder, lUva ursi in acute ca- I ;

IHelL; left ear runs matter, Calend.; left ear tarrh of bladder, IColoc; lookinglike remains
painful (otorrhcea), Calend.; in erysipelas in a cider barrel, INitr. ac; like clay water,.
facies et capitis, IStram. in fever, ICact. in I ; ; ISars.; when cold, IColoc; in convulsions,
yellow fever, HCanth.; after gonorrhoea, with ICup. m.; in coxalgia, IPhos.; in cystitis,. I

restlessness, ICamph.; congestive headache, I Ars. ;in diphtheria, after scarlatina, ICon.;
Ascl. s.; with splitting headache (otorrhcea), in diabetes, BArg. met.; dirty color, in diph-

theria, ILach.; in dropsy, lAur. mur.,IRhus; Urine, viscid: Arg. nit., Ast. r., Canth., Coloc,
as if mixed with dust, I Kali c. in enteritis, ; ICup. m., Dulc, Kreo., Phos. ac; in diabetes,
Aeon.; in typhoid fever, IVer. v.; as if INatr. s. viscous, fetid, in gouty patients,


mixed with flour (hydrocephalus), ISul.; as 7rForm. mucus, thick.

if mixed with flour, containing stringy, jelly- Urine, watery: Act. rac, Arum m., Bell.,
like masses, IPhos. ac; in gravel, ILyc; in IBism., Cinnab., ICoccul., Colch., Cycl.,Dros.,
hydrocephalus, Art. v. in intermittent fever, ; Hippom., Hydr. ac, Hgn., Kali f., Kali iod.,
Cina lEup. perf, ISamb.; in jaundice,
; Magn. car., Med., I INatr. m., INatr. s.,
IBerb.; in chronic jaundice, Hod.; fermenting, Phell., IPhos., Plat., Samb., ITereb., Zinc; in
in typhoid fever, IPhos.; with leucorrhcea, I diabetes, ISec; in diabetes insipidus, ILyc;
I Graph.; like lime water, ICalc; in affection
in evening, Carbol. ac. with pain, mostly in ;

of liver, IMagn. m.; like loam water, Bov., evening and morning, in hemicrania, IPhos.;
Sul. ac; in lung affections, IKali n.; milky, in forenoon, Agar.; in headache, IVib.; in I

with offensive purulent sediment (cystitis), nervous headache, Iris in hysteria, lllgn., ;

I ILyc; in morning, Zinc; in morning, after IPuls.; in intermittent fever, Eup. perf.; in
evening fever, Meph.; in morning and even- mania puerperalis, INux v.; large quantity,
ing, Lyss.; frpm admixture of mucus, IPuls.; in intercostal neuralgia, IStann. of strong I ;

with mucus deposit, ILith.; in nephritis, smell, awakes at night, IKali bi.; with urging
IChel., IKali m.; in nephritis and gout, to urinate, IColoc J^* clear, diabetes
IColch.; painful to discharge, in cardialgia, insipidus, pale.
IGrat.; in pemphigus, IDulc. in peritonitis, ; Urine, like whey Agar., Card, m.; in diabetes,

ILach.; more profuse, Aur. mur. nat.; red, INatr. s.; in diabetes mellitus, I Arg. met.;
Agnus; in acute rheumatism, IChel.; in I usually shortly before menses, IPhos. ac.
scarlet fever, IDulc:; deposits a dirty sedi- ggg^ milky, -white.
ment, Anac; with red sediment, Plat.; after Urine, white Cann. s., ICaust., Cina, IColoc,

two hours, with reddish sediment, I Graph.; Con., IRhus as if stirred up with chalk after

with white sediment, IDulc, IIGraph.; with every emotion, IPhos. ac; like chalk and
sediment like yeast, IRaph.; on standing, water or buttermilk (spermatorrhoea), IPhos. I

Coca; on standing a few minutes (asthma), ac; grayish, ISpong. like milk on cooling, ;

IMeph.; streaked,' after scarlatina, IBell.; Coloc; like curdled milk, with brick dust
with clammy sweat on head and palms of sediment and variegated cuticle, IPhos.; tur-
hands, IPhos.; with sour sweat, Hpec;
I bid, Bry.; yellowish, ICann. s. whitish, All. ;

thick, milky, depositing a thick purulent sedi- sat., I Am., IChel., IManc, INux v., IPsor.
ment of a" nauseating smell, ILyc; white, jgg^ milky, pale, phosphates, sediment,

ICinch. j^sT" cloudy, milky, muddy, sedi- watery, whey.

ment, thick. Urine, yellow: lAgar., Aph. ch., ICham.,
Urine, contains tyrosin Hippoz. : Cochl., IDaph., Iodof., Jatroph., IMerQ.,
Urine, uraemia IIArs., lAscl. s., Aur. mur.,
: I IPlumb., ISpong.; in ascites, IChel.; bright,
Cann. i., Carbol. ac, Iod., IPhos.; with anae- I Agar., Bell., IBerb.; bright, in catarrh of

mia and paralytic symptoms, Ars., Camph., bladder, ICanth.; bright, slow, forming cloud,
Chin, a., Cinch., Phos., Phos. ac, ITereb.; Bov.; bright, in cough, IChel.; clay colored,
asphyctic form, IHydr. ac. with acute atrophy ; Guaraea USep. clay colored, soon after
; ;

of brain and medulla oblongata, IPhos.; passing, ICham.; clay colored, when shaken,
convulsions, ICup. m., IHydr. ac, IMosch., I Anac; clear, Sinap. dark, Agar., I Arg. nit., ;

ITereb.; tendency to convulsions, IPlumb.; lArs., ICed., IChel., IHep., IKali c, INatr.
with dropsy, 1 1 Apis; with cerebral hyperae- c; in diphtheria after scarlatina. ICom; dark,
mia, Amm. c, IBell., Con., ICup. m., iGels., with icterus, ISang.; dark, during prevailing
Glon., Merc cor., IStram., Tabac, Tereb., intermittent, ISang.; deep orange, strong
Ver. v.; with drowsiness, insensibility, and horselike smell, Absin.; deep reddish, IPtel.;
frightful convulsions (contracted kidney), in epilepsy, hydrocephalus, ^Art. v. in scrof- ;

Dig.; especially in drunkards, I Ars.; in ulous glandular swelling, IBar. m.; golden,
emphysema, with heart disease, I Ars.; hydro- Ant. c, Bell., ICarbol. ac, ICard. m., Sinap.,
pericardium, IIArs.; narcosis, Aur. met.; in ISyph.; golden, in dropsy, lAur. met.; gold-
senile hypertrophy, and induration of pros- en, in typhus, IChel.; greenish, Camph.;
tate, stricture of urethra, and ammoniaemia. greenish, ICinch. greenish, from bile,Crotal.;

Hod.; puerperal, Benz. ac; at beginning of greenish, in jaundice, Hod.; in cardialgia and
scarlatina, lArs. impending, in scarlatina,
; headache, IKali c; in hepatitis, IMerc.;
lAilant., lArum t. senile, Iod., Lye; with ; honey colored, Anthrok.; in epidemic influ-
sopor, Agar., Anac, IBell. ,Hydr.ac, IKali br., enza, ISabad.; intense Med.; in jaundice,
IIOp.; threatened, ICanth. I ISep.; as in jaundice, hypertrophied liver,
gig^ retention, suppression. IChion. v.; lemon, Agar., IChel., Ign., Zinc;
Urine, urates diminished, Pic. ac; increased,
: lemon, scanty, ISyph.; lemon, with sediment,

Anthrok., Aph. ch., lAscl. s., Chim. umb., I I Op.; light, Carbo^v., IKali c, Thuya loam ;

Eucal., IPtel., IPuls., IStaph.; lactate of urea

I colored, in intermittent ague, ISamb. loam ;

increased, Ammoniac; in functional derange- colored, w ith similar sediment, ICoral.; loaded

ment Of liver, Sep with prostatitis, ISep.;

; with mucus, INaja orange, Ars. h., Crot. t.,

urate of ammonia, showing a wasted hectic INitr. ac; orange (after checked gonorrhoea),
condition, IPuls. ICoca.; orange, in hepatitis, IMerc; leaves an
g^f clear, sediment, turbid. orange colored ring in vessel (nephritis, gout\
Urine, uroxanthine increased, Cub. : IColch.; pale, IBerb., Colch., Laur., IMagn.
Urine, violet color: IMur. ac; after albuminu- m., Sarrac, Yinca white, flaky sediment on ;

ria, Apis.
1 1 standing, Zinc; pale, sp. gr., 1.013, reaction
faintly acid (ante-desquamative stage of with sediment like yeast, IRaph.; sherry col-
Bright's disease), IHelon.; reddish, Calc. p. ored, Apoc; stains diaper, in icterus neona-
Cepa reddish, in dry asthma, ISquilla; saff-
; I torum, lElat. strong smelling, stains diaper ;

ron, Ars. s. r.; saffron, becoming cloudy, Aloe ;

white (dentition), IMerc sol.; color of sulphur,
with sediment, IPod. mealy sediment, Zinc;
; ISul.; white flakes on standing, Zinc.

with thick white mucous sediment, liEsc. h.; jgis^ sediment.


Coition. Erections, er penis. Genitals. Glans. Gonorrhoea.
Masturbation, ^ Seminal Emissions. Penis, Prostate Gland.
Scrotum. Semen. Seminal Emissions. Sexual Excess.
Sexual Excitement. Sexual Power. Spermatic Cords.
Sycosis. Syphilis. Testicles.

COITION, after : pain in upper portion of ab- Coition, desire :

E^* Sexual excitement, in-
domen to inguinal region, Caust.; loss of ap- creased.
petite, I Agar.; burning pain in back, IMagn. Coition, during: ILyc; burning, falls asleep, I
m. ; pain in bladder, Cepa bruised feeling,
1 1
; in gleet, painful cramps in calves,
I ISul.;
SiL; emissions, I Natr. in., IPhos. discontented, ; Graph.; convulsions, IBufo.; convulsive ac-
angry, ICalc; emissions, IPhos.; with difficult tion, Polyg. emission and orgasm absent, ;

and tardy emission, sensation of emptiness and Calad.; emission bloody, ICaust.; emission,
discomfort in parts,lasting all of next day,Lyss. burning stinging, ICalc; emission before
emissions nightly for eight or twelve nights, .erection is complete, ISul.; emission insuffi-
IDig.; painful erection, Calad.; mechanical cient, Aloe, Bar. c, Berb.; emission insuffi-
excoriation of mucous surface of prepuce, cient or very late, I Agar.; emission lasting
ICalad.; ticlike pain over left eye, ICed.; eyes longer, Osm.; emission too late or absent,
weak, IlKali c; glans sensitive a long time, ILyss. emission too rapid, with long-con-

Jamb.; gonorrhoea renewed, IThuya sensa- ; tinued thrill, ISelen.; emission scanty, with
tion as if paralyzed in right side of head, with incomplete erection, I Form.; emission too
sore limbs, ISil.; burning itching of skin, with soon, Aloe, Berb., ICalc, IGels., Pic. ac, I I

sweat on upper chest and shoulders, afterwards ISul.; emission too soon, then roaring in head,
on abdomen and arms, Agar. heat of body, ; ICarbo v.; emission too soon (posterior spinal
IGraph.; ill humored, ISelen.; knees give sclerosis), Pic. ac; emission too soon, with-
1 1

away, I ICalc; lassitude, I Agar., IZiz.; legs, I out pleasurable sensation, with cramps or
coldness, IGraph. burning in meatus, ICalc;
; heaviness in limbs, Bufo.; emission tardy,
burning and itching of meatus, Natr. p. I ICalc; emission absent, Bufo., IGraph.,
memory weak, ISec; nervous depression ,Ced.; Jamb., IMillef.,IPsor.; emission absent, occurs

nervous excitability,! Calc; sore corrosive pain, afterwards during sleep, Lyss. excessive enjoy- ;

Calad.; pain in prostate gland, I Cepa pre- ;

ment, Fluor, ac; want of enjoyment, Anac;

puce retracted with pain and swelling, Calad.; erection incomplete, semen emits too soon,
great relaxation for several days, Agar. I I Calad.; erection insufficient, ISep.; erection
reeling and confusion in head, Bov. burning ; weak, Therid. fright, causing impotence, ;

in seminal vesicles, Canth.; stammering, in I Sinap. burning in genitals, IKreo. pain, in

I ;

women (chronic attack), ICed. sweat,IGraph., ; groins, Therid.; interfered with by weakness in
Jamb.; night sweats, Agar. thirst, Jamb.;
I I ; hips, Cepa; sexual indifference with erections,
urethra burning, ISep.; urethra burning, after Lyss.; excitement diminished at its height,
urination, ICaust.; long-lasting incontinence emission absent, Lyss. pain, urethra as if ;

of urine, from fright, ILyc; urine flows in stretched, lArg. nit.; sudden laxness of penis,
a broken stream (spermatorrhoea), IPhos. ac; I ICamph.; sudden relaxation of penis pre-
weak, Berb. I ICalc, IGraph., INatr. m., ISelen.,
, venting emission, IPhos. ac; pressure in per-
Sep., IZiz.; weak, especially eyes,
I Kali c; 1 1 ineum, I Alum.; want of proper sensation,
in knees, ISep.; weak in sexual parts, Berb.; IGraph.; thrill absent, I Agar.; thrill deficient,
weak, for severaldays, ICalc, IPhos.; worse the
I Berb.,Ind., ISep.; burning in urethra, Canth.;
dayafter,INuph. jg^'Sexual excess, coition. burning in urethra ceases, Anag. burning in ;

Coition, aversion: Astac, Bor., Chlor., urethra, mostpainful with ejaculation, lAgar.
I IGraph., I ILyc, IPsor., Rhod.; with im- g^" Penis, erection.
potence, IGraph.; with dreams of intense Coition, excessive g^* Seminal emissions, :

lasciviousness terminating in an emission of excesses also Sexual excess, coition.


profuse sticky fluid (melancholia), Plat. I I GENITALS, aching: could not sit still, Syph.
Sexual excitement absent, decreased. Genitals, bruised feeling: 1 1 Arm; burning,

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