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Pathogenesis and diagnosis of P.T. King1

E. Daviskas2

bronchiectasis 1
Dept of Respiratory and Sleep
Medicine/Dept of Medicine,
Monash Medical Centre, Mel-
bourne, and 2Dept of Respiratory
and Sleep Medicine, Royal Prince

Educational aims Alfred Hospital, Sydney, Australia.

To describe the important factors involved in the pathogenesis of bronchiectasis.

To define how a diagnosis of bronchiectasis is made. Correspondence
P.T. King
Dept of Respiratory and Sleep
Summary Medicine
Monash Medical Centre
246 Clayton Road
Bronchiectasis is an important cause of respiratory morbidity but one that has gener- Clayton
ally had a low profile. The prevalence of this condition varies but is common in certain Melbourne
indigenous populations and, anecdotally, in developing nations. It also has been recently Australia
recognised to be an ongoing problem in developed countries. As bronchiectasis is het- Paul.king@med.monash.
erogeneous with a large number of predisposing factors and, generally, a long clinical edu.au
history, the pathogenesis has not been well defined. The combination of a microbial
insult and a defect in host defence allow the establishment of persistent bronchial
infection and inflammation leading to progressive lung damage. Lung function testing
Commissioned article, peer
usually demonstrates a mild to moderate obstructive pattern, which arises from inflam- reviewed.
mation in the small airways. There are a number of risk factors associated with this condi-
tion, which is commonly idiopathic. The microbiology of bronchiectasis is complex and Competing interests
changes as the disease progresses. The diagnosis is made by a combination of clinical E. Daviskas is an employee of
symptoms and high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) demonstrating abnormal the South West Sydney Area
airway dilatation. Health Service that owns the
patent relating to the use of
mannitol for enhancing clear-

ance of secretions and may

Bronchiectasis is defined as permanent and
abnormal dilatation of the bronchi and is a Pathogenesis benefit from royalties in the
future. E. Daviskas owns self-
radiological/pathological diagnosis [1, 2]. It funded shares in Pharmaxis
Bronchiectasis is a heterogeneous condition
arises from chronic airway infection that causes Ltd and, in her capacity as
with a large number of potential aetiological
airway inflammation and bronchial damage. an employee of the SSWAHS,
factors and, generally, a very long clinical his-
The dominant symptom is a chronic productive consults for Pharmaxis Ltd.
tory. The pathogenesis is not well understood
cough. It is currently nearly always diagnosed
but can be considered in different areas,
using computed tomography scanning.
which will be discussed below. In studies of
Bronchiectasis is a condition that has had
adults, bronchiectasis is commonly idiopathic.
a relatively low profile. With the readily avail-
ability of computed tomography scanning,
it has recently been recognised that it is a Epidemiology
common and important cause of respiratory The prevalence of bronchiectasis has not been
disease. This review will discuss the pathogen- defined. It was thought that the introduction
esis of non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis and of antibiotics would effectively mean that
patients no longer developed bronchiectasis HERMES syllabus link: modules
the diagnosis of this condition

DOI: 10.1183/18106838.0604.342 Breathe June 2010 Volume 6 No 4 343

Pathogenesis and diagnosis of bronchiectasis

Figure 1 a) Pathology
Classification of bronchiectasis by
Most studies of bronchiectasis pathology were
REID [11]. a) Tubular (or cylindri-
cal) bronchiectasis. This is char-
performed between 1920 and 1960, when there
acterised by smooth dilatation of was readily available access to surgical and post
the affected bronchus. Computed mortem tissue. Bronchiectasis was character-
tomography demonstrates this ised by dilatation of the subsegmental airways,
with non-tapering of the bronchus. which were tortuous, inflamed and obstructed by
This is the dominant form currently
secretions. There was generally damage to the
seen. b) Varicose bronchiectasis. bronchioles, often with associated fibrosis and
This is characterised by areas of parenchymal destruction. The vascular supply to
focal narrowing along a dilated the affected areas was derived mainly from hyper-
bronchus. c) Cystic bronchiectasis.
trophy of the bronchial arteries and their anasto-
This is characterised by progressive
dilatation of the bronchi which ter-
moses with the pulmonary arteries.
minate in cysts or saccules. REID [11] classified bronchiectasis into three
different types, based on the macroscopic appear-
c) ance of pathology specimens: 1) tubular (or cylin-
drical), in which there was smooth dilatation of
the bronchus; 2) varicose, in which there were
focal narrowings along a dilated bronchus; and
3) cystic, in which there was progressive dilata-
tion of a bronchus, which terminated in cysts or
saccules. The main form currently seen on HRCT
is the tubular or cylindrical form. The classification
and, as a consequence, there has been a low that REID [11] demonstrated is illustrated in figure 1.
index of suspicion and underdiagnosis. The Perhaps the most definitive pathology study
advent of HRCT scanning has made the diagno- was performed by WHITWELL [12]. He studied
sis of bronchiectasis much easier and led to an 200 operative lung samples from patients with
increased awareness. EASTHAM et al. [3] reported a bronchiectasis. He described the bronchial wall
10-fold increase in the rate of diagnosis of bron- to be infiltrated with inflammatory cells. Ciliated
chiectasis with the use of HRCT. epithelium was often replaced with squamous or
A high prevalence has been described in cer- columnar epithelium. The elastin layer was defi-
tain indigenous populations, including Alaskan cient or absent and, in more severe cases, there
natives [4], New Zealand Maoris [5] and Austral- was destruction of muscle and cartilage; these
ian aborigines [6]. These populations have a high changes were responsible for bronchodilatation.
level of social disadvantage and, in the aboriginal He described three main forms of bronchiectasis:
population, poor nutrition and access to health- 1) follicular, 2) saccular and 3) atelectatic.
care. Follicular bronchiectasis was the most com-
Bronchiectasis is described as common in mon form, and this corresponds to tubular or
developing nations but there is a lack of data on cylindrical bronchiectasis. The term follicular was
the actual prevalence. TSANG and TIPOE [7] reported used as this form was characterised by the pres-
an incidence of 16.4 per 100,000 population in ence of lymphoid follicles in the small airways
Hong Kong. and bronchioles. The major changes in this form
WEYCKER et al. [8] estimated that there were at of bronchiectasis occurred in the small airways, in
least 110,000 adults in the USA with bronchiecta- which extensive mural inflammation and follicles
sis. Recently, bronchiectasis has been reported to caused obstruction. As the severity of bronchiecta-
be very common in chronic obstructive pulmo- sis progressed there was loss of elastic tissue,
nary disease (COPD) patients. Screening of COPD muscle and cartilage. Interstitial pneumonia was
populations with HRCT reported that 29% [9] present in all cases in the parenchyma adjacent
and 50% [10] of COPD patients have co-existent to the affected bronchi.
bronchiectasis. Saccular bronchiectasis was uncommon and
Sex may also have a role. Generally, bron- corresponded to cystic bronchiectasis. Atelectatic
chiectasis appears to be more common in females, bronchiectasis generally involved a localised area of
with approximately two-thirds of patients in stud- lung and appeared to arise from localised obstruc-
ies being female. The reason for this discrepancy tion, often in the context of lymph node enlarge-
is not known. ment, as may occur with mycobacterial infection.

344 Breathe June 2010 Volume 6 No 4

Pathogenesis and diagnosis of bronchiectasis

The dominant feature of bronchiectasis is air-
way inflammation in association with bacterial
infection. It has generally been thought that the
inflammation is secondary to non-clearing infec-
tion. There may be a disproportionate or exag-
1) Microbial insults
gerated immune response to infection [13, 14], Respiratory Bronchial
although this is hard to prove definitively. 2) Defect in host tract infection inflammation
The vicious cycle hypothesis was proposed defence
by COLE [15] to explain the development of bron-
chiectasis. This model proposed that an initial
event occurred, which compromised mucociliary Respiratory
clearance, allowing infection and colonisation tract damage
of the respiratory tract. Bacteria caused inflam-
mation, which damaged the respiratory tract,
leading to more bacterial proliferation and more Progressive
inflammation/damage. Thus an ongoing cycle lung disease
developed which caused progressive destruction
of the lung. The opinion of COLE [15] was that the products, such as neutrophil elastase, or to bacte- Figure 2
primary event in this cycle was impairment of the rial products, especially in those colonised with Cycle of infection and inflamma-
mucociliary system; this mechanism is discussed Pseudomonas [17, 18]. Defects in the ultrastruc- tion. Based on the vicious cycle
in detail in the next section. ture of cilia have been found in patients with hypothesis described by COLE [15],
The current view is that a combination of bronchiectasis unrelated to immotile cilia syn- a combination of a microbial insult
and a defect in host defence allows
a microbial insult and a defect in host defence drome, but these may not be of clinical impor-
the establishment of bronchial
allow establishment of persistent bronchial infec- tance [16, 19, 20]. infection. This causes inflamma-
tion The vicious cycle model is shown in figure 2. Mucus in bronchiectasis can be highly vis- tion, which damages the respiratory
coelastic and adhesive [21, 22]. These physical tract further, compromising host
Mucociliary system properties of mucus are greatly influenced by defence and resulting in increased
The mucociliary system is part of the innate the hydration at the airway surface. When the burden of infection. This results in
defence mechanism that clears unwanted mate- secreted mucus volume is excessive, as in bron- an ongoing cycle of infection and
rial from the airways. It consists of the cilia, the chiectasis, there is an imbalance between mucins inflammation, causing progressive
periciliary fluid layer and the mucus layer. Mucus and available water [23]. Dehydration of airway lung disease.
is normally cleared by successful interaction of mucus in bronchiectasis is evident when the per-
the cilia with the mucus, and this depends on the centage of solids in sputum is greater than the
beat frequency of the cilia, the mucus load and its normal 23% [22, 23]. The increase in the per-
physical properties, and the depth of the periciliary centage of solids in the mucus of bronchiectasis
fluid layer. Abnormalities in any component of the patients, in addition to causing impairment to
mucociliary system can result in abnormal muco- its transport, can potentially inhibit the motility
ciliary clearance. The mucociliary system is demon- of neutrophils within the mucus and, thus, their
strated in figure 3. ability to kill bacteria [24]. When the solids were
In hypersecretory diseases, such as bron- increased from 2.5% (a normal value) to 6.5%,
chiectasis, chronic inflammation in the airways neutrophils failed to kill bacteria [24]. Impor-
results in an increase in the size and number of tantly, this evidence demonstrates the conse-
the mucous secretory cells, i.e. in hypertrophy of quences of hypersecretion of mucus and the need
the submucosal glands, and in hyperplasia and for optimal hydration of mucus.
metaplasia of the goblet cells extending to the The increased production of mucus in bron-
bronchioles that are normally free of mucous chiectasis, together with the impairment of the
secretory cells. Therefore, in bronchiectasis, there mucociliary system, leads to accumulation of
is excessive mucus secretion throughout the con- mucus, chronic cough, mucus plug formation,
ducting airways, including the bronchioles, where airway obstruction, bacterial colonisation and
mucus does not exist in the healthy state. The infections that fail to resolve completely. In bron-
cilia cannot transport excessive loads of mucus. chiectasis, the failure of the mucociliary system to
In addition, the cilia have been found to beat transport mucus most likely relates to the abnor-
more slowly in bronchiectasis that is not related mal load of mucus and the abnormal physical
to genetic ciliary defects than in healthy subjects properties of the mucus, rather than to the cilia
[16], a feature that could relate to inflammatory or their movement being abnormal, except in

Breathe June 2010 Volume 6 No 4 345

Pathogenesis and diagnosis of bronchiectasis

the respiratory tract and the response of immune

Mucus cells to these bacteria.
Bacteria have a number of effects on the
respiratory tract, of which the best described is
Periciliary inhibition of mucociliary clearance [32]. Haemo-
Cilia fluid layer philus influenzae, Streptococcus pneumoniae and
Pseudomonas aeruginosa produce mediators
that inhibit ciliary function, damage ciliary epithe-
lium and inhibit mucus transport. Bacteria may
also destroy the epithelium, release chemotactic
Ciliated cell Goblet cell Ciliated cell Ciliated cell factors to attract large numbers of neutrophils
[33, 34] and produce biofilms. Biofilms are best
described in the context of P. aeruginosa infection
[35], in which an impenetrable matrix is formed
around the bacteria with severe damage to the
underlying lung.
Neutrophils are found in large numbers in
bronchiectasis [3638]. One study found that fol-
lowing injection with radio-labelled white cells,
50% of the circulating neutrophils pass into the
bronchi [39]. These neutrophils are most prevalent
in the airway lumen and release mediators, such as
Submucosal glands
protease and elastase, which destroy the bronchial
Figure 3 patients with genetic ciliary defects, such a pri- wall elastin and epithelium. The bronchial cell wall
Components of the mucociliary sys- mary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD). When the mucocili- is infiltrated predominantly by a mononuclear infil-
tem: the cilia (hair type projections ary system fails, cough becomes a very important trate of T-lymphocytes and macrophages, which
of the epithelia cells), the pericili- appear to be the cells predominantly causing small
mechanism for clearing mucus. Cough, however,
ary fluid layer and the mucus. The
can be also compromised in patients with bron- airway obstruction [37, 40, 41].
mucus is secreted from the goblet
cells and the submucosal glands. chiectasis, because mucus is highly viscoelastic
Mucociliary clearance is the primary and sticky. Furthermore, for cough to be effec- Lung function
mechanism of clearance of mucus. tive, a high expiratory flow is required and this is
Patients with bronchiectasis generally have mild
Under normal conditions, the cilia impossible for those patients with bronchiectasis
to moderate airflow obstruction. Both adults and
beat in a coordinated fashion in the who have severe airflow limitation [25].
children have been shown to develop progres-
periciliary fluid layer propelling the The impairment of the mucociliary system
mucus towards the mouth. When
sively worsening airflow obstruction [4244].
and the abnormal properties of mucus in bron-
mucociliary clearance fails, cough As bronchodilation is the key diagnostic feature,
chiectasis have been well documented by many
(high expiratory airflow) becomes bronchiectasis is often not considered to be an
studies using a radioaerosol technique and imag-
the secondary mechanism for clear- obstructive lung disease. The explanation for this
ing with a gamma camera [22, 2631]. Whatever
ance of mucus. seeming paradox is that while the large airways
the cause of the bronchiectasis, the mucociliary
are dilated the small airways are obstructed, and
system is greatly affected by the disease and,
as most of the pulmonary tree is composed of
because of this, patients have common symp-
small airways the net effect is obstruction. This
toms, such as chronic cough, sputum production
effect has been best demonstrated in pathology
and recurrent infections. The failure of the muco-
studies such as those performed by WHITWELL [12].
cilary system in bronchiectasis contributes greatly
More recently, a computed tomography study
to the vicious cycle of the disease progression.
has highlighted this mechanism [45]. This effect
More recently, the scope of this cycle has
been more broadly interpreted as including other is demonstrated in figure 4.
forms of immune dysfunction in addition to the HOGG et al. [46] have studied small airways
mucociliary apparatus. Currently, a commonly obstruction in COPD and found the factor most
held view is that bronchiectasis occurs due to a associated with obstruction was the presence of
combination of a defect in host immunity with lymphoid follicles, which were similar to those
persistent bronchial infection. described by WHITWELL [12] 50 years previously.
The volume of sputum [42], colonisation with
Specific effects of bacteria and pathogens P. aeruginosa, frequency of exacerbations and sys-
The pathophysiology of bronchiectasis can also temic inflammation [43] have been shown to be
be considered in terms of the effect of bacteria on correlated with decline in lung function.

346 Breathe June 2010 Volume 6 No 4

Pathogenesis and diagnosis of bronchiectasis

Airway reversibility may also be common in

bronchiectasis. MURPHY et al. [47] found signifi-
cant airway reversibility in 40% of subjects and
two other studies found a 30% [48] and 69%
[49] prevalence of positive result to histamine
challenge. Whether these findings indicate co-
existent asthma has not been established. How-
ever, a recent study in a relatively large cohort of
patients with bronchiectasis (n=95) showed that
the prevalence of bronchoconstriction in response
to inhaled mannitol was low: 19.4% in patients Small
on inhaled corticosteroids and 27.1% in patients Large
not on inhaled corticosteroids [50]. Allergic bron- airway
chopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA) is a classical
cause of bronchiectasis. However, studies of the
inflammatory profile of bronchiectasis generally
do not demonstrate the typical cells and media-
tors of atopy or asthma. It is possible that infec-
tion by itself may cause bronchoreactivity.

Aetiology Normal Bronchiectasis

There are a large number of causes that have
been proposed to cause bronchiectasis. As bron- Finally, patients with an immune deficiency are Figure 4
more likely to have significant lung infections. Dilatation and obstruction to air-
chiectasis is a heterogeneous condition with a
Mycobacterial infections, both tuberculous ways in bronchiectasis. The inflam-
long clinical history before the diagnosis is made, matory process in bronchiectasis
the exact role of potential causative factors is and non-tuberculous, have a well recognised asso-
predominantly involves the small
often not clear. It may be more appropriate to ciation with bronchiectasis. An important mecha- airways. This inflammatory proc-
consider many of these causes as being risk fac- nism is probably lymph node obstruction and ess causes the release of mediators,
tors (as occurs with risk factors in ischaemic heart atelectatic disease, as described by WHITWELL [12]. such as proteases, which damage
disease) rather than the sole aetiological agent. the large airways, causing the
Mucociliary defects dilatation. In contrast, the effect
Post-infectious bronchiectasis It is important to distinguish between primary on the small airways is to cause
The most common cause of bronchiectasis and secondary mucociliary defects in causing obstruction. The net effect on lung
described in the literature is childhood infection, function is usually a mild to moder-
abnormal mucociliary clearance that result in
particularly with pneumonia, whooping cough and ate obstructive pattern.
measles [5156]. This appears to be particularly Primary. Bronchiectasis can develop as a result of
important in indigenous populations with poor abnormal mucociliary clearance caused primarily
health and recurrent infection, such as Australian by a genetic ciliary defect, as in the PCD syn-
aborigines [6]. The mechanism of post-infectious drome. This is a rare inherited condition in which
bronchiectasis has not been well defined. To the the ciliary defect is the absence or shortening of
authors knowledge, it has not been demonstrated the dynein arms that are necessary for the nor-
in a study that one acute episode of infection mal coordinated ciliary beat [59]. Approximately
results in immediate bronchiectasis. It may be 50% of patients with PCD have Kartageners syn-
that infection causes structural damage to the air- drome, characterised by bronchiectasis, sinusitis
ways, allowing persistent infection that results in and situs inversus [59].
bronchiectasis. At some stage all patients become Another rare condition is Youngs syndrome,
colonised with bacteria, but this appears to be a characterised by azoospermia and bronchiectasis
different entity from the descriptions in the litera- that is primarily due to highly tenacious secre-
ture of post-infectious bronchiectasis. tions that are poorly cleared. A degree of ciliary
Several factors complicate the role of post- disorientation has been found in patients with
infectious disease [57]. The studies that describe Youngs syndrome but this may be due to the
this entity generally use long-term retrospec- highly viscous and sticky secretions [60].
tive recall. The main causative infections are Measurement of the ciliary beat frequency
extremely common, with the seroprevalence of and pattern and identification of the ultrastruc-
measles in unvaccinated populations more than tural ciliary defects, together with the family
90% and whooping cough more than 50% [58]. history and presence of infertility can help to

Breathe June 2010 Volume 6 No 4 347

Pathogenesis and diagnosis of bronchiectasis

diagnose the cause of mucociliary dysfunction role in precipitating immune dysfunction and be
resulting in bronchiectasis. a risk factor for bronchiectasis.

Secondary. Abnormal loads of mucus can slow Extremes of age

down ciliary beat frequency. In addition, slow- There is a higher incidence of infection in early
ing of the ciliary beat can be caused by inflam- childhood and old age, as the immune system is
matory products, such as neutrophil elastase, or less effective [62, 63]. Studies of bronchiectasis
by bacterial products, especially in those colo- have generally described the onset of a chronic
nised with Pseudomonas [17, 18]. Defects in the productive cough and respiratory symptoms in
ultrastructure of cilia have been found in patients the first 5 years of life. FIELD [64] performed a
with bronchiectasis unrelated to immotile cilia long-term prospective study on a cohort of chil-
syndrome, but these may not be of clinical impor- dren with bronchiectasis, and found these sub-
tance [16, 19, 20]. jects generally improved regardless of treatment
Mucus, once secreted, can become highly vis- when they reached adolescence. In our patients
coelastic and adhesive as a result of imbalance with childhood disease we have found that
between the mucins and water available at the these subjects improved as adolescents and then
airway lumen, as described previously. These became worse in their 50s and 60s, when they
secondary problems develop after the initial tended to re-present for medical review [42, 65].
infection early on in the disease and certainly We have also described a cohort of healthy
contribute to the progression of the disease. adults with no previous symptoms or risk factors
for respiratory disease who developed persistent
Obstruction productive cough over the age of 50 years and
Mechanical obstruction is an important cause of were found to have bronchiectasis [66]. WEYCKER
bronchiectasis and will generally result in local- et al. [8] reported a prevalence of bronchiecta-
ised disease. It is important to diagnose obstruc- sis as being 4.2 per 100,000 population aged
tive disease early, as removal of the obstruction 1834 years and 272 per 100,000 in those aged
has great benefit. Causes of obstruction include over 75 years [8].
an inhaled foreign body, slow-growing tumour
and twisting of an airway after lobar resection. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Retained sputum can contribute to obstruc- Two recent studies have described a high preva-
tion as well and COLE [57] felt that this had an lence (29% and 50%) of bronchiectasis in cohorts
important role in bronchiectasis. of patients with COPD [9, 10]. PATEL et al. [10]
found that the presence of co-existent bronchiecta-
Immune dysfunction sis was associated with worse airway inflamma-
A key factor in the pathogenesis of bronchiectasis tion and exacerbations. These studies suggest that
is failure of the immune response to clear infec- the chronic bronchitis that is a defining feature of
tion, and this has a number of causes, including COPD may frequently cause bronchiectasis.
mucociliary disorders and obstruction. There is also considerable overlap in the
In this review we use the term immune dys- pathology of the two conditions in that: 1) the
function to describe a specific disorder associated predominant inflammatory cells are the neu-
with abnormal immunity. There are an increasing trophil, macrophage and T-lymphocytes; 2) pro-
number of conditions associated with bronchiecta- teases and elastases cause pulmonary damage;
sis, including HIV, hypogammaglobulinaemia, and 3) lymphoid follicles are associated with air-
type 1 major histocompatibility complex defi- flow obstruction.
ciency and TAP-1 deficiency [2]. The role of immu-
noglobulin subclass deficiency is controversial. Other causes
ABPA is a classical cause of bronchiectasis and Rheumatoid arthritis is strongly associated with
is usually manifest by central disease. Bronchiolitis bronchiectasis. The prevalence of associated
obliterans that occurs in lung transplantation may bronchiectasis on HRCT is up to 30% [67, 68].
have bronchiectasis in its late stage [61]. Bronchiectasis may occur in other inflammatory
Perhaps the most common factor associ- conditions, such as Sjgrens syndrome [69],
ated with immune dysfunction is malnutrition or ChurgStrauss syndrome [70] and inflammatory
socioeconomic disadvantage. As described in the bowel disease [71].
epidemiology section, bronchiectasis is a major 1-Antitrypsin (AAT) deficiency is strongly
problem in indigenous populations and also associated with airway diseases, including COPD
probably in developing countries. Therefore, mal- and bronchiectasis. PARR et al. [72] found, in a
nutrition and socioeconomic factors may have a cohort of 74 subjects with AAT deficiency, that

348 Breathe June 2010 Volume 6 No 4

Pathogenesis and diagnosis of bronchiectasis

70 subjects had evidence of radiological bron- the presence of crackles, which are most commonly Educational questions
chiectasis and 20 had the syndrome of clinical found in the bilateral lower zones [65].
1. What is the most common
bronchiectasis (with productive cough, etc.).
Recurrent aspiration may be associated with Radiology finding on physical examina-
bronchiectasis, although its role is still not well Plain chest radiography is relatively insensitive tion?
defined. Aspiration of chemicals or heroin overdose for diagnosing bronchiectasis, and will usually a) Clubbing
may cause bronchiectasis. One study reported that only show interstitial markings. Computed tom- b) Wheeze
infection with Helicobacter pylori was significantly ography scanning with high resolution should be c) Cyanosis
associated with bronchiectasis, while another used to diagnose bronchiectasis as this technique d) Basal crackles
study found no such association [2]. demonstrates the airways in higher detail than e) Upper zone crackles
standard computed tomography scanning. 2. What bacterium is most
Microbiology NAIDICH et al. [78] and MCGUINESS et al. [79] have
commonly found in severe
The microbiology of bronchiectasis is complex, established the use of standard criteria for the diag-
with multiple potential pathogens. The pattern nosis of bronchiectasis. The most specific features disease?
of isolates varies between different institutions. are: 1) internal diameter of a bronchus is wider than a) Streptococcus pneumo-
Previous studies have shown that the two major its adjacent pulmonary artery; 2) failure of the bron- niae
pathogens found are H. influenzae, which is chi to taper; and 3) visualisation of the bronchi in b) Pseudomonas aeruginosa
nearly always nontypeable, and P. aeruginosa. the outer 12 cm of the lung fields. Less specific fea- c) Staphylococcus aureus
Other important pathogens include Moxarella tures include mucosal wall thickening, crowding of d) Haemophilus influenzae
catarrhalis, S. pneumoniae, non-tuberculous the bronchi and mucous impaction. Mucosal wall e) No growth
mycobacteria and Aspergillus species. A consist- thickening is associated with inflammation and
3. What are the predomi-
ent finding is that, despite the presence of puru- increased decline in lung function [80].
lent sputum, 3040% of specimens will fail to The lobes most commonly involved in bron- nant inflammatory cells
grow any pathogens (even using bronchoscopy chiectasis are the lower lobes and usually mul- present in the bronchial
and protected brush) [7376]. tiple lobes are involved. Localised disease may wall?
The bronchi demonstrate a significant turnover suggest obstruction. A mosaic pattern on expira- a) Lymphocytes and macro-
of pathogens and this has been best demonstrated tion is consistent with small airway bronchiolitis. phages
with Moxarella (formerly Branhamella), in which a b) Neutrophils and macro-
new strain was acquired every 2 months [77]. Other tests phages
As bronchiectasis progresses there appears to At the time of diagnosis, other tests looking for c) Eosinophils
be a change in bacterial flora [76]. Subjects with aetiological factors, sputum analysis and lung d) Mast cells
the mildest disease usually have no pathogens iso- function should be performed. These will be dis- e) Neutrophils
lated, while subjects with moderate disease most cussed in more detail in the accompanying article
commonly have H. influenzae. In subjects with on the management of bronchiectasis [81]. 4. Excessive mucus produc-
the most severe disease, P. aeruginosa is the domi- tion and impaired mucocili-
nant pathogen. Biofilm-producing P. aeruginosa Syndrome of chronic suppurative ary clearance lead to:
is reported by microbiology laboratories as being lung disease and chronic bronchitis a) Mucus accumulation
mucoid in phenotype and may be untreatable. CHANG et al. [82] have used the term chronic sup- b) Airway obstruction
purative lung disease to describe children who c) Bacterial colonisation
Diagnosis have the clinical entity of bronchiectasis but are d) Recurrent infections that
fail to resolve
not able to undergo HRCT. The opinion is that
The diagnosis of bronchiectasis is made when these subjects should be considered to have a e) All of the above
patients have the clinical syndrome of bron- diagnosis of bronchiectasis and should be man-
chiectasis and specific radiological features on aged as such.
HRCT scanning. Many adults have severe bronchitis with puru-
lent sputum production but a HRCT scan which
Clinical features is negative for bronchiectasis. The suspicion is
The clinical syndrome can be considered to be a form that many of these subjects will go on to develop
of severe bronchitis. Virtually all subjects will have a radiological bronchiectasis but this has not been
cough productive of purulent sputum, most com- proven. Such subjects may benefit from a bron-
monly every day. Other important symptoms include chiectasis management plan, but this also has
dyspnoea, haemoptysis and fatigue. Most subjects not been assessed in any clinical trials.
will have at least one exacerbation per year. Upper Finally, some subjects have a computed tom-
airway involvement with rhinosinusitis is a promi- ography scan that demonstrates bronchiectasis
nent feature, particularly in those with childhood but have no clinical features of bronchitis. Patients
onset disease. The main feature on examination is in this category can probably just be observed.

Breathe June 2010 Volume 6 No 4 349

Pathogenesis and diagnosis of bronchiectasis

Acknowledgements 1. Barker AF. Bronchiectasis. N Engl J Med 2002; 346: 13831393.
The authors would like to 2. King P, Holdsworth S, Freezer N, et al. Bronchiectasis. Intern Med J 2006; 36: 729737.
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