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Papaya for Cure

Posted by admin on Apr 14, 2008

Papaw or papaya is one of the most common plants grown in

tropical countries. It is an upright usually branchless, fast-growing tree. The trunk is soft,
grayish, marked with fallen leaf scars. The leaves are deeply lobed, with long stalks,
borne on the top of the tree. The male flowers are in long-stalked clusters, but the female
flowers are stalkless or sessile. The fruit is obovoid, yellow-orange when ripe, fleshy,
juicy, and often contains numerous black seeds although seedless varieties are also
available today. It is a common fruit which is found in the market during the fruiting

Herbal use

1. The root of the papaya is used as a tonic and as a medicine for excessive bleeding
of the kidneys.
2. The latex is used for corns and warts.
3. The leaves help in digestion.
4. Flowers are the remedy for hoarseness, cough, bronchitis, inflamed trachea and
5. The seeds are said to be an antidote for cancer.
6. The seeds are used to kill or expel worms from the body.
7. Fruit Helps in digestion.
8. It promotes flow of urine.


1. The decoction of the root is used as a tonic and as a medicine for unchecked
bleeding of the kidneys.
2. It also kills and expels worms from the body. A handful or foot boiled in 2 cups of
water is taken during the day.
3. The latex obtained from the fruit is also used to kill and expel worms from the
body and used also for throat infections. It is also used for warts and corns.
4. An infusion of the flowers and honey is good for influenza and cough. Use
teaspoonful every hour.
5. Ten of fifteen seeds chewed and swallowed is good for bile excretion and for
cleaning the stomach. The dry powder is good to remove worms from the body.
6. The ripe fruit helps in digestion, promotes flow of urine and softens inflamed
parts. It is recommended for all sick people. The ripe fruit, eaten with the seeds is
good for all stomach and bowel diseases and also diabetes, asthma, jaundice,
cough, chest problems, and duodenal ulcers.

Major parts used

The whole plant.

At that moment I thought to myself ...

"If I Don't Do Something Drastic, My Blood Pressure Is

Going To Kill Me!"

And then the solution came to me!

It was actually my interest in horses that lead me to this simple yet powerful
method, to naturally normalize even the most drastic cases of hypertension ...

... in less than a week!

The day this happened, I was on a two weeks vacation in Hawaii.

It was a normal relaxed day. Eating, shopping and enjoying life. No hurry in

In one of the stores we went to, we tested our blood pressure. My wife went
first and was fine, then it was my turn.

Guess what!

In this most relaxing place in the world, on a vacation, eating as

healthy as anybody could ... my blood pressure was sky
high. 185 over 129

What a shock.

It had been high before but never explosive like that!

Like that wasn't enough ...

The day after I learned about my serious hypertension, I had a small diving
accident, causing several veins in my eyes to break.

Both whites literally turned red.

You can imagine how horrifying I was. My wife didn't like my new look one

This Wouldn't Have Happened

If My Blood Pressure Had Been Normal

I was scared ...

I knew that if I didn't do something drastic, I would either get a heart attack, a
stroke , a kidney failure or even become blind. Many men also suffer erectile
dysfunction as a direct effect of high blood pressure.

My life was in serious danger.

I even wondered if I should start taking medications - and those of you who
know me, know how much I HATE medications.

Reliable studies have also proven that although medications can sometimes
lower blood pressure, they actually do not reduce the risk of hypertension
related diseases - such as stroke and heart attacks - at all.

... So Medication
Wasn't A Feasible Option

I had tried several herbal solutions before and my diet was very healthy but
that obviously wasn't enough.

I was also an expert in several relaxation techniques but even that didn't help
my blood pressure in the way I would have liked it to.

I was desperate ...

To distract my thoughts, I picked up a natural horse-training book. You see,
I'm an amateur horse-trainer and have trained quite a few youngsters in my

Guess what I stumbled on that exact day?

The author was describing a special horse training technique. This technique
resulted in several positive mental and physical outcomes for the horse.

The horse , for example, got more relaxed, his pulse rate lowered and ...



This immediately hooked my attention ...

• Could this technique be changed to suit the humans, instead of


• Could I use this technique - or something similar - to save my own


I started working on it right away.

At the end of the day, I began testing my first exercise.

For the next two weeks, I tested and changed the exercises. And in the end of
the trip ...

My blood pressure
had dropped 20%

It was a great beginning.

Since then, I've developed this technique into three simple exercises that in
almost all cases drop blood pressure below 120/80, within a week.

That's even better than traditional medications!

Plus, there are no side effects whatsoever.

Many of my clients had much higher blood pressure than I did and were on
medications for years before they tried my hypertension techniques.

... It works just

as well for them

It often amuses me when I'm using these exercises in the middle of a city, to
think that it's actually a horse training technique I'm using.

Nobody would ever think that.

But enough of the story.

You're probably wondering what these exercises are and if they really work
for YOU.

I'll get to that in a second. But first I have to explain ...

What Actually
Causes Hypertension?

It's probably not what you think.

You see, high blood pressure is almost always caused by stress and emotional
tension. It's a side effect of the ever changing modern world we live in.

Sure there are other factors like genetics and cholesterol, but they're minor
influences compared to stress.

Stress is monitored by a small part in your brain called Hypothalamus. The

Hypothalamus controls both your emotions as well as your automatic body

... such as your heart rate.

So you see how closely related hypertension and stress really are ? The same
small part of the brain monitors both.

... when one goes up,

the other follows!

Here is how it happens:

1. Stress causes your blood pressure to rise.

2. The tension from your high blood pressure then increases your stress

3. These two factors can go on and on affecting each other - like a dog
chasing its own tail - resulting in a vicious, long-term breakdown

So what's the solution?

It's actually quite simple ...

Giving your body and mind a few minutes of "focused break", is enough to
break the cycle and drastically lower your stress level and blood pressure at
the same time

...in only a few days.

You don't even have to change your diet or lifestyle if you practice the
pressure relief exercises in my program.

Because ...

They work when

nothing else does

It's a brand new approach unlike anything you've ever seen before.

The program is so dead simple that anybody can follow it, no matter what
kind of physical shape they are in.

All you need to do is to be lead by the step-by-step directions on my audios,

guiding you through these 3 easy exercises ...

Exercise 1

Most "relaxation exercises" require you to sit still and relax in a quiet
environment. The first exercise in my program actually requires the
opposite ...

To be on the move, while working it effectively.

This trains your body and mind to keep your blood pressure down, even in
the most stressfully active situations throughout the day.

Exercise 2

The old methods to remove emotional tension from the body and mind, don't
take into account the complex environment of the modern world.

I've corrected that in this program.

The second exercise releases all the emotions that are suppressed throughout
the day due to our social requirements, without any drama !!

This exercise is so simple, nobody will even notice that you're doing it. You
can even practice it on the subway or while driving home from work.

Exercise 3

Insomnia, sleeplessness and morning tiredness are very common symptoms

of high blood pressure.

This is usually "treated" with sleeping pills which makes the problem even

It's a proven fact that good quality sleep drops blood pressure.

Exercise 3 soothes your body and mind shortly before a good night sleep.
This provides you with the deepest, most satisfying rest possible.
You'll wake up relaxed and refreshed, ready to take on the tasks of the day.

To Put It Simple ...

The exercises ...

• Work Quickly - it takes less than a week to lower your blood

pressure below 120/80. You'll quickly prove to yourself that the
program works for YOU too.

• NOT Time Consuming - only takes few minutes a day and you can
pick a time that suits you. You don't waste any time and will be
motivated to actually use and benefit from the program. And you cure
your hypertension in less time than one doctor's visit would take.

• Easy - you're simply lead by the directions on the audio. There is

nothing to learn and you'll get them right the first time. You won't
even break a sweat. It doesn't matter what kind of physical shape
you're in, it's effortless.

• Permanent - once you're healed, you never have to worry about high
blood pressure ever again. You're not hooked on blood pressure
medications for the rest of your life and don't have to suffer the life-
threatening side-effects.

Extra Benefits

Many of my clients have reported more relaxation, focused mind and

increased energy throughout the day. They stay in the performing zone,
making it easy to handle tough situations and decisions.

Every single person working the program claims to be more happy and
satisfied with his or her life.

I think that's the biggest success of the program.

Okay, this all sounds great on paper ...

... RIGHT?
But if you're anything like my other clients,

You're Probably Hunted

By One Simple Question.

It's a question we who have natural health and self-help focus need to answer
pretty much every day.

The question, in essence, is ...

"Why waste time on natural blood pressure exercises when one pill, or
other "medical solutions", can do the same in less time."

So here is my answer

Number 1:

All traditional medications create serious side-effects and drain our energy.
Every single one.

Blood pressure medications may at first look harmless but read the potential
side effects. You're affected by all these side-effects to some degree.

Not mentioning the side-effects, the manufacturer sometimes hides and

doesn't list.

You waste much more time and energy dealing with these side-effects than if
you exercise for a few minutes a day.

Number 2:

What's your focus in life?

Everyone wants to be happy. That's just our human nature.

Many of us say - health and family are the only things that really matters.

We can't buy good health. And if we're sick, we can't take care of or spend
quality time with our family.

Most people waste many hours a day in front of the TV or other useless,
draining activities.

Yet, we're outraged when someone suggests, we invest a few minutes a day
focusing on our health.

Is health then really as

important to us as we claim?

30 minutes a day is about 2% of our waking hour.

But we're busy, right?

Most of us are not really busy, we're busy making.

We're not using our full potential. And we don't get things done as we should.

A drunk can't focus on his work. Neither can a person who is stressed out,
tired or drained from hypertension.

If you put your health and well-being in the first place, everything else
becomes easier. And

You'll find enormous an

amount of time open up for you.

It's like magical virtual-time-space. I promise.

Number 3:

Natural health and training doesn't really take much time. We tend to
exaggerate our tasks in our head.

Most people drastically lower their blood pressure in less than 3 1/2 hours

By exercising less than 30 minutes a day for only one week.

The basic fact is that this takes less time than one doctor's and pharmacy visit.

If you're stuck on blood pressure medications, you're doomed to waste time

on ...

• Repeated doctor's visits

• Several trips to the pharmacy
• Endless checkups

... not to mention, you'll most likely end up in a heart surgery or stroke

I'm not being negative

- That's just a fact.

These hypertension exercises may require a little focus and planning, but in
the end it will pay off in ...

• more energy
• better feelings/emotions
• more time

Instead of just treating the symptoms - like medications do - you'll be back to

your natural health

... that is worth a lot, isn't it?

Try it out yourself. You'll be amazed.

Look, I even offer money-back guarantee ...

Here is Your 100%

Money-Back Guarantee

If for any reason you aren't completely satisfied with the

program, simply ask for your money back within 8 weeks of
your purchase.

I guarantee 100% of your money back with no questions

asked. It's that simple.

Take your first step to cure your hypertension today, for only a one-time fee
of $49 to get you started with my program.

Why $49?

Because I make sure each of my client gets help and professional guidance
when they need it. I make sure they get everything they need to cure their
hypertension ... and I put in the hours to make sure you get your worth for
every penny you spend.

For half the price of 6 months of pills, for fraction of the cost of yearly
doctor's visits, I'm putting my program on the line for you to put to the test
for 2 whole months.

You get the three exercises on audio - so you can practice anywhere - plus my
personal guidance ... Basically, you get everything you need to cure your
hypertension ... So getting this one-time, hands-off deal shouldn't even be a
question for you.


Because you're really not getting

a "guide", program or a "good deal"

What you're really getting when you order my program is your health and

... through an easy, safe way that drops

your blood pressure without medications.

The next step is yours ...

You don't have to be dependent on blood pressure medication and suffer the
side effects for the rest of your life. All you need are these 3 simple exercises.

You know how serious hypertension is. It unavoidably leads to any of the
following - stroke, heart attack, kidney failure or even blindness. Many men
also suffer erectile dysfunction as a direct effect of high blood pressure.

Every day you wait is a Russian roulette. You never know when you're
going to "hit a live bullet". It could be today, it could be tomorrow.

I urge you to take action now.

Clicking the order link below can literally save your life today. It has worked
for others, it will work for you too.

Click here to order now... $49

. For your health,

Any questions? Contact me

PS: The price of $49 is temporary. I'll soon add two very powerful bonuses
and raise the program back to the actual price of $69. Act now and lock in
your $20 discount ... and remember that, if you ever have regrets, you can ask
your money back anytime within the next 8 weeks ... No questions asked.

So don't decide now - try it first, and cure your hypertension. If it doesn't
work, I'll click one button on my computer and you'll have your money back.

PPS: Finally, let me share with you what another customer recently wrote me
after trying the simple blood pressure exercises:

The Best Thing I Ever Did Health Wise

I am 62 years old and have had typical aging hypertension

for years.

I have been using your blood pressure exercises for over two
weeks now. My high blood pressure is back to normal and
even lower. My lifelong headaches are gone. And my
energy is up.

Thanks so much. This has helped me more than anything,

health wise, that I have ever tried.

- James Brook
Las Vegas

"I believe this is magic. I got your program yesterday and

already I feel better. I go back to my Doctor today. She will
be happy for me. I really hope to get off this medicine. T he
side effects will kill you. I slept all night after doing the
evening excerize. Thank you so much."

- Jeanie Mayer

Washington DC

"My wife is a nurse and she was skeptical about your

program. Now that my blood pressure is under control, she
has become a believer."

- Ron Baker

South Carolina
"I have felt a dramatic reduction in my level of anxiety
coupled with a tremendous increase in positive energy. My
blood pressure is down 20 points!"

- Robert Lee


"I cured my HBP in 5 days using your system. Nothing else

works. It is amazing no more meds."

- George O'Neill

New Jersay

"Nine years ago I began to experience problems with high

blood pressure. For eight years I took medicine prescribed
by a doctor. I was never happy about that as I knew the
problem was only suppressed, not fixed.Plus my blood
pressure was still too high.

I discovered your program about a few weeks ago and

luckily jumped on it right away.For the last 12 days, my
blood pressure has been stable at 74/118 without any diet
change. Thank you."

- Elise Gilligan


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