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IRMAAN - Sept/Oct 1

2 IRMAAN - Sept/Oct
IRMAAN - Sept/Oct 3
Business & Economics Club

4 IRMAAN - Sept/Oct
IRMAAN - Sept/Oct 5
Business & Economics Club

The Somali Millionaires

1. Dahabshiil communications company regis- both domestic and international
tered in the Republic of Djibouti requirements of Somaliland.
Hargeisa Somaliland. and Republic of Somaliland (East
Africa). Somcable is deploying a
terrestrial fiber optic network to al- 3.SBI (Somaliland Bev-
low Somaliland to interconnect to
submarine cable network.
erage Industry) Har-
They We are laying the submarine geisa, Somaliland
cable from Djibouti cable landing Owned by Osman Gelle family
station to Berbera, Somaliland, (two brothers) and is the largest
while a second fiber optic cable beverage company in Somalil-
would be routed overland for re- and with Coca Cola investing $17
dundancy along the coast. A third
million dollars.
link is currently being deployed in-
land, interconnecting major towns 4. Hass Petroleum
in the country. Kenya but also operating in So-

Photo: Mohamed Saeed Duale

It was founded in the late 1970s

by Mohamed Saeed Duale and to-
day it is the largest money transfer
company in the world operating
over 144 countries with over 1,400
branches. All the UN and Aid agen-
cies use it to transfer millions of
dollars from countries such as So-
malia/Somaliland where there are
no central banking or recognized
government (until recently).
It handles about 60% of $1.6 billion
Somalis abroad send home and all
the other billions from Ethiopians,
South Sudanese, and Arabs etc.
maliland, Tanzania, Uganda,
The terrestrial fiber optic backbone South Sudan, Rwanda, Burundi
2. SOMCABLE infrastructure covers a total dis- and the Democratic Republic of
Somcable is part of the MSG Group tance of 1200 Km from Loyada to Congo.
of Companies and has been formed Las Anod connecting the Ethiopi- Founded in 1997 by two Somali
to specifically focus on the Somalil- an border in the west, Puntland in brothers, the late Abdirizak Ali
Hassan and Abdinasir Ali Has-
san they took their family name
HASS (Hassan).
The company recently won ma-
jor agreement with the Kenyan
Hass placed a tender at the
Ministry of Energy to deliver
34,143mt of gasoil to the industry
and wholesale market initially. the South East and Djibouti on the through the open tender system
Somcable is an established tele- North West is designed to service
6 IRMAAN - Sept/Oct
Business & Economics Club

Kenyatta International Airport

6. Oasis Centre Mall in Nairobi.
It is owned by Captain Musa
Kampala, Uganda cost Bulhan, who is the most quali-
over $25 million and owned by fied pilot in Kenya.
Amina Mogeh Hersi, a Somalil-
and born in Kenya, whose father
made riches in the cement in- 8. Gateway Uganda
dustry. This is the owner below. The rise, fall and rise of Ugandas
She is whose in Uganda and has rich Hussein Shire
dinners with the elite of East Af- Hes one of the quiet tycoons.
He keeps out of sight and hates
(OTS) and emerged victorious
showing off his wealth. But
after a fierce contest with other
when he walks into a room, his
big names in the petroleum im-
very presence whiffs of wealth.
portation arena. Among those
Shire is the owner and CEO of
who placed their bids were Vivo,
Gateway, one of the largest bus
Ggapco, Galana, Kencor and
companies in the country with
Gulf who put their premiums at
more than 100 buses operating
34.78, 29.64, 37.2, 29.89, 34.46
all over Uganda.
and 30 US dollars per metric ton
rica including Somaliland Gov- Gateway is also the only Ugan-
respectively. Hass bid the lowest
ernment when they visit Ugan- dan company that operates a
with USD28.44 per ton thus sav-
ing the country millions of shil-
lings and as a result adding the Amina has launched several
name of the company among the multi-million dollar projects in
list of importers for bulk petro- Kampala, Uganda,[1] such as
leum into the country. the luxury mall the Oasis Centre
and the Laburnam Courts. She
http://w w w.hasspetroleum.
also runs Kingstone Enterprises
Limited, one of the largest dis-
tributors of cement and other
5. OMAAR International hardware materials in Kampala.
Company: In Uganda they call her Mama
Ominco is one of the largest
Trading House in the Horn of Af- 7. African Express Air- service to Kenya.
rica. Being active for more than
30 years in the trading of food
ways Somaliland/ Born in Tororo, Shire, a Soma-
Kenya li by origin started his career in
stuff, Ominco has 14 branches
the transport industry, ferrying
all over the horn of Africa with
passenger in a blue Peugeot 504
more than 300 employees.
car along the Tororo Malaba
Ugandan media says:
Being a resilient people, Soma-
lis have prospered because they
African Express Airways is the are willing to take risks and ac-
first Somaliland and second cept smaller profits. Yassin Mat-
fully Kenyan designated air- tan, Head of Business Affairs for
line to over 30 countries in four the Somali Community Associa-
continents. The airline is larg- tion in Uganda, explains that
est and oldest privately owned
in East Africa based at Jomo
IRMAAN - Sept/Oct 7
Business & Economics Club

when it comes to trade, every- in well programmed manner.

one wants to be very competitive Today the company has a net-
in terms of the pricing factor, so work of six exclusive sites across
its the margin that people are the country in purchasing a
looking for. good quality livestock in highly
While some people are looking competitive rates for export and
for a higher margin, these guys has the potential and ability to
[Somalis] are looking for a lower export any amount of livestock
margin. Theyre looking at the of any kind in a very short no- most exhilarating experiences you
turnover.Hassan Mohammed tice. have ever had in your life time - ei-
ther on land or at sea. So, why wait?
Hersi, for example, has been Indhadeero group is committed Take the opportunity to realize
Manager of Half East Forex Bu- in providing a high quality ser- your dream at Complexo ncora de
reau on Kampala Road, for 11 vices and products and excellent Vilankulo.
years. distribution
9. INDHADEERO Group capabilities enable us consisten-
cy to deliver quality services and 11. Continental Oil
of Companies products in time needed. Also Company Zambia
we are heavily invested in Soma- In an effort to expand operations
lia and the neighbouring coun- in Zambia, a local firm Continental
tries such as Ethiopia, Djibouti Oil Company has undertaken to in-
with expanding business perfor- vest K3.5 billion in the construction
mance. of a new filling station in Kasama to
- Retail
- Wholesale
- Shipping
- Real Estate
- Livestock
- Factories

INDHADEERO GROUP is a serve Northern Province.

group of companies established 10. Hotel ncora de Company representative Osman
1960. It started as a general trad- Vilankulo Mozam- Farah said in Kitwe. Continental
ing and the major focus was im- Oil Company is a Zambian regis-
portation of commodities such
bique. tered company owned by a Somali
Owned with its presence in Ndola, Kapiri
as rice, sugar, wheat flour, nat- a n d Mposhi and Mpika.
urally flavoured fruit juices, tea, m a n - Mr Farah said the proposed Conti-
and spaghetti, cooking oils. The aged by nental Oil Company modern filling
company also involved importa- Abdul- station is located at Plot Number
tion of all kinds building mate- lahi Nur Six, Mbala Road in the Kasama
rials. Takar, a Central Business District.
After ten successful years in Somali. The company has fuel depots with
business and in 1970 the com- T h e y the capacity of 2.5 million litres,
pany added its operation for w e r e while an additional 3.5 million li-
about tres would be included to expand
exporting livestock to middle
700 km capacity to six million litres.
east countries mainly to Saudi
from Maputo city and approximate-
Arabia, Yemen and Egypt and in ly 2 hours flight from Johannesburg.
very short period the company C o n t i n u e
Hotel ncora de Vilankulo they .
achieved complete freedom to wraps you in comfort, provides you
carry out its activities of export- with the best of culinary delights,
ing livestock systematically and and leaves you to have some of the
8 IRMAAN - Sept/Oct
Business & Economics Club


75% Ganacsiyada yar-yar ee cusub waa ay guul daraystaan. Waxa si cad loo tilmaamaa
in 25% ka guulaysta ay sabab tahay sifooyinka madaxa ama Hogaamiyaha ganacsiga.
Waxa aan halkan kugu soo bandhigi doonaa sifooyin madaxda ganacsiyada guulaystay
ay ka wada siman yihiin. Sifooyinkan ma ahan kuwo dhamaystiran laakiin waa kuwa ugu
caansan Waxana kamid ah kuwan.
1. KU FIICAN SHAQAALAYNTA IYO fiican iyo faaido dhalo. Ogow ganacsi- tiisa kasoo qaadaa macaamiil ka. waxa
SHAQO KA CAYDHINTA SHAQAALA- yada badani waxa ay burburaan Heerka uu raadiyaa ciladda ama tayo xumada
HA. 2aad oo ah hawl galka hore, sidaa dar- adeega ama badeeca shirkadiisa. Waxa
Waa hogaamiye yaqaan sida loo xusho teed hogaan ka wanaagsani waxa uu u uu ku fakaraa sababta ama faaidada
shaqaalaha faaido u keeni kara ganac- dhabar adaygaa khasaare iyo wareer qofka iibsada adeega ama badeecada uu
siga. Kuma xusho shaqaalaha aqoon kasta ee ka dhasha inta ganacsigu si fii- ka heli karo shirkadiisa.
shaqsiyeed, eex, qaraabo-kiil, nin-jeclay- can uu sal dhiganayo. 9. KU WANAAGSAN QANCINTA DAD
si iyo dano ka baxsan ganacsiga. Waxa KA.
uu eegaa shaqsi u qalma baahida shaqo 5. ARAGTI LEH: Qof ka shirkad madax u ahi waxa uu
ee jirta , kana soo bixi kara si hufan. Si- Ganagsi kasta waxa uu ku dhisan yahay la macaamilaa dad dano kala duwan
doo kale, waxa uu shaqada ka caydhi- aragti baahi dadweyne. Hadii aysan jirin leh. Sida macaamiisha oo raba waxa
yaa shaqaalaha liita, aqoonta yar, aan baahi dadweyne, ma jirayo ganacsigaas. Mulkiilayaashu aysan raali ka ahayn.
shaqadooda kasoo bixin, khaladaad xad- Adeeg ama Badeeco, ganacsigaagu waa Qaybaha kala duwan ee shirkada oo
dhaaf ah sameeya. Kama baqo in uu eryo in uu leeyahay aragti dheer ee baahida koox waliba fikrad kala duwan la imaan
qof aan shaqadiisa aan kasoo bixi karin dadka. karto, iwm. Hogaamiyaha wanaagsan
ama aan faaido u keenayn ganacsiga. waxa uu isku duba ridaa ujeedada iyo
6. HAWSHA KU DHEGID: fikirka dhamaan dad ka uu la macaami-
2. WAXA UU DHISAA DHAQAN HU- Marka ay jirto shaqo ama hawl markaa layo. Waxa uu ka iibiyaa aragti dheer ee
FAN. taagan, waa uu ku dhegaa ilaa laga dha- shirkada oo uu ku qanciyaa koox kasta.
Hogaamiya fiican ma dhiso ganacsi- meeyo hawshaas. Marna kama war-wa- Waxa uu isku hal meel u jiheeyaa shaqa-
ga oo kaliya laakiin waxa sidoo kale uu reego si kasto hawshaas u dhib iyo alaha shirkada oo dhan.
dhisaa dhaqan hufan oo ku dayasho haraad badan tahay. Sidoo kale waxa uu
mudan ama wado u noqda dadka ka jiheeyaa kooxda qabanaysaa hawshaas 10. SI FAAHFAAHSAN U SHAQEEYA.
hooseeya. Waxa uu dhisaa dhaqan nadiif ilaa ay ka dhameeyaan sida ugu hu- Hogaamiyahu waxa uu kormeeraa adee-
ah. Dhaqan ku salaysan daacadnimo, fan oo ugu dhakhsaha badan. Waxa uu ga ama badeecada bilow ilaa dhamaad.
karti, hufnaan, eex laaan, run sheeg,wa- wakhtigiisa iyo awoodiisa galiyaa si loo Dhanka kharash galinta, soo saarka,
da shaqayn, hami, iyo hiigsi fog. dhamaystiro hawshaas taagan. qaybinta , suuq gaynta iyo macaamilka
intaba, Hogaamiyaha wanaagsan waxa
3. DHAGAYSTA OO FICIL SAMEEYA. 7. SI CAD U HADLI KARA. uu u eegaa si faahfaahsan dhamaan
Hogaamiya wanaagsani waxa uu si Dadku waa ku kala fiican yahay hadal marxaladaha kala duwan ee ganacsiga
daacad ah u dhagaystaa shaqaalihiisa ka, laakiin hogaamiya wanaagsan wax- si uusan u soo galin mad madow.
dhamaan wixii talo ama dhaliil ah kadib- aa sife cad u ah in uu si cad u hadlo mar-
na waxa uu ku camal falaa talooyinkaa ka uu ka hadlayo shirkada , badeeco ama 11. XIRFAD U LEH LA QABSIGA IS-
iyo dhaliilahaas Biniaadam ku ma dha- adeega la qabanayo, ujeedada ganacsi- BADAL KA.
maystirna, sidaa darteed Hogaamiyaha ga, aragtida dheer , siyaasada la raacayo Hogaamiyaha ugu wanaagsan ee ga-
wanaagsani waxa uu og yahay wax ku isagoo weliba adeegsada waxyaabo dad- nacsi waxa uu awood u leeyahay in uu
oolka talooyin iyo dhagaysiga shaqaa- ku aad iyo aad u xusuustaan. la qabsado ama la jaan-qaado badeeca-
laha. da iyo adeega ganacsi ee si lama filaan
8. U HAGAR BAXA OO U DOODAA ah isbadal ugu yeesha suuqa iyo dalabka
4. HAL ADAG / AAN SI SAHLAN U MACAAMIISHA. macaamiisha. Aan noqon barti yaqaan,
QUUSAN. Ganacsi kasta waxa uu ku dhismaa heli- ee la socda awoodaha suuqa iyo isbadal
Hawl kasta ee bilow ahi waxa ay martaa da macaamiil jecel adeega iyo badeeca- ka.
sadex heer oo kala ah 1- bilow hore oo da ganacsiga. Hadii tayada adeega ma-
kharash un la galiyo ganacsiga 2- Dh- caamiishu hoos u dhaco ama badeecadu 12. SAMAYN KARA GOAAN SI DHAQSA
aqan gal: oo ah marka ugu horaysa ee xumaato waxa ka luma macaamiisha. AH.
ganacsigu hawl galo laakiin weli ma- Hogaamiya wanaagsan waxa uu mar Ganacsiga yar-yar waxa uu inta badan
caamil iyo suuq fiican uusan yeelan ama kasta u doodaa macaamilka iibsinaya u baahan yahay goaano dhakhso xaa-
aan si wanaagsan loo baran taa oo dhal- badeecada ama adeega shirkada. Waxa ladaha isbadal ka suuqa. Hogaamiyaha
isa inta badan khasaare hore. 3- faadio uu u hagar baxaa si macaamiishu u hes- wanaagsan waa kan sameeya Goaano
iyo Guul: Marka ganacsigu sal dhigto, ho adeega ama badeecada ugu wana- dhakhso ah oo sax ah.
yeesho macaamil balaadhan oo dakhli agsan suuqa dhan kasta. Waxa uu naf-
IRMAAN - Sept/Oct 9
Business & Economics Club

Somaliland:President Silanyo Attends

ADMAS University Graduation Ceremony.
By: Mubarak Maal

HE President Ahmed Mo- Comes To Employment, He
hamed Mahmoud (Silanyo) Also Urged Local Enterprises
Was The Guest Of Honor At To Invest In Local Talents.
A Graduation Ceremony Held For The Chancellor of ADMAS
More Than 415 Students, The Fifth University Mr. Ixsaan Omar
Batch To Graduate From The Vari- Ismael Speaking during the
ous Faculties Of ADMAS University Occacion Congratulated the
Which Was Held At Mansoor Ho- Graduates, reminded them
tel, Hargeisa. that they had come here with
President Silanyo Speaking During many Dreams and Goals
The Graduation Ceremony Lauded and They leave here with a Ethiopian high Learning institutions
Love for that offer Their services to Somalil-
Learning, and Students. Students and Officials
Extraor- Praised the Relationship between the
dinary two Horn of African Neighbours.
tials and The College has also Launched its
boundless distance learning Program which
opportu- is intended to cater the Somaliland
nities for Population with University Educa-
you shall tion level without Actually requir-
maximize ing them to Attend regular Classes
the knowl- of the University. This Program will
edge and enable the young Somali-Landers
skills you and Adults craving for university
pro c u re d level Education but lacking the Op-
at ADMAS portunity due to their Inability to
university. Actually attend the regular classes
The Graduating Students For The President Silanyo Presenting The because they are employed or tied
Hard Work And Diligence And That Awards up to Businesses in places Prohibi-
They Are Expected To Become Lead- The graduation Ceremony seen as tively far from the Operating sites of
ers In Their Cmmunities And Public one of the Largest ever to be held the University College.
Services And Capable Of Becom- in the Country by the Addis Ababa
ing Fully Competitive In All Sec- This is an Exceptional Opportu-
nity for High School Graduates in
Somaliland, as it has never being
Offered University Degree in any
Part of the Country by internation-
ally Recognized high learning in-
stitution. This University Project to
be known as the Admas University
College Hargeisa Main Campus is
the first of its kind in the area of Post
-Secondary Education. The Plan is
to Manage Hargeisa Main Campus
tors And That They Are The Future based University since first opening of the Admas University College as a
Of This Country Hence The Need its doors in Hargeisa in 2006. Private Higher Learning Institution.
For Them To Be Ingenious When It ADMAS university is one of Two Source: SP

10 IRMAAN - Sept/Oct
IRMAAN - Sept/Oct 11
Business & Economics Club

VAT concept in Somaliland is too

early to consider
n my opinion VAT concept in So- and corruption.
maliland is wrong and too early 9. The regulatory body for Public
to adopt, it is a burden to the So- finance are yet to be established
maliland citizens and the taxation le- to regulate the legal accounting
gal framework for the VAT is not yet framework and provide a sound
established, regulated and published. audit for external verification, to
There is already a Sales Tax in Somalil- satisfy the transparency and the
and and VAT is currently treated as a independence of audit opinion.
form of Sales Tax within Somaliland 10. The lack of comprehensive public
Budget, which is wrong, VAT must awareness of the importance of
have separate budget line. VAT.
Therefore the VAT has many important
To increase the revenue is a good idea, laws to consider eliminating the possi-
but I believe it is important to con- bility of failure, fraud and corruption.
centrate the collection of the existing As far as the current tax collection sys-
taxation and safeguarding those been sometimes the input can be great- tem concerns and how the recording
collected to make sure it reaches to the er than the output and many VAT systems are, there are many deliberate-
treasury instead of introducing to new collected are reclaimed. ly created loop holes and caused con-
tax. Many believe the current taxation 2. VAT has a lower limit on who can fusion. It is also inevitable to prevent
system is already unfair where poor are be registered for VAT collection a fraud and misuse on public money.
heavily taxed. This is the incubator of depends on their turnover. Where
the well-known illegal evading taxes in many of the businesses will have VAT is the only taxation system where
Somaliland. Tax collection varies de- the opportunity to opt out. the UK government has lost a billion
pends on who the collector is and who 3. VAT has some exempt products of pounds even though the most per-
are the tax payer, which gives the tax such food, children clothing, fect system is in place, which has be-
collector the full authority and control books and news papers, educa- come very challenging to prevent a
on who much tax is to be collected. tion, health related products and fraud. Therefore I would advise to de-
services. cision making team to reconsider the
Minister of Finance opened the doors 4. It is the only taxation which is di- VAT implementation and make sure
for VAT fraud and corruption by cre- rectly regulated by the Monarchy that there is a consultation to all stake-
ated a loop holes for tax evasion. How and any wrongdoer face the tough- holders, without this I can see a failure
the Ministry of Finance does know the est penalty, where the Income Tax waiting to strike.
VAT collected from a remote shop, ho- and national Insurance contribu-
tel or restaurant due to the lack of busi- tion are treated as a debt and nor- Recommendations
ness registrations. mally not been persecuted.
5. All commodities can not be sub- Somaliland Government must car-
What are the reasons of the VAT con- ject to VAT depends on the impor- ry out a comprehensive studies and
cept may never work in Somaliland tance of the product. knowledge building for VAT estab-
6. Any VAT collector has to be veri- lishment before implementation, this
The VAT concept has a root to mod- fied and registered within the Cor- should have been part of the Somalil-
ern and developed courtiers especially rect the department. and Public Financial Management Re-
the UK, where I have worked as taxa- 7. VAT should have a separate man- form Strategy (PFM) and I believe it is
tion and auditing expert in the past 15 agement and offices to safeguard one of the most importance of generat-
years. the Revenue generated and make ing income and revenue mobilisation.
And here are some of the reasons to fail sure that input VAT and output Musa Yusuf Noor
the VAT implementations in Somalil- VAT are property managed and to Musa Idigaa (Qunyar Abees)
and. recover the VAT where it is neces- Revenue, taxation and Auditing Ex-
sary. pert,
1. VAT has two concepts, the VAT 8. All VAT forms and documents are Somaliland PFM Reform Adviser
Input and the VAT output, the made available with comprehen- Civil Service Institute
seller has an input to claim back sive capacity building programme, Hargeisa, Somaliland
and the output to pay to the state, to stay one step ahead for fraud nooraccountants@gmail.com

12 IRMAAN - Sept/Oct
IRMAAN - Sept/Oct 13
Cover Story

one of the campaign prom-

ises has been an introduc-
tion of free primary and
intermediate education
and the government suc-
cessfully introduced free
primary/intermediate edu-
cation and 21, 639 students
benefit (Ministry of Edu-
cation, 2012). Having free
education means sending
thousands of both rich and
underprivileged children to
school which will help. De-
spite some critics criticiz-
ing the free primary educa-
tion basing their argument
on the quality; per with my
analysis quality of the edu-
cation is a question which
needs to be addresses in-
dependently. According
to the World Bank, public
education in third world
countries lacks account-
ability and it is a universal
phenomenon thus Somalil-
and is not exceptional. Per
with many people there
was no assessment for the
free education. Luckily So-
maliland has now free pri-
mary/intermediate educa-
tion and every child from
both rich and underprivi-
leged can go to school. Mo-
hamed Alia student in
History shows again and Somaliland to take on a if reality on the ground is Sh. Muhammad Warsame
again that behind every new encouraging trajecto- not twisted, the country is told me this on 18 May 2014:
successful nation, there is ry which of course guides heading to an imperative teachers used to chase on
a great man. Understand- to a promising future. economic milestone and 28th of every month for the
ing, that much of the world Having in mind that Pres- better living standard. In fee of the school but now I
relationships and supports ident Silanyo, the mid-wife any political campaign, am happy and do not worry
of the 1960s, 70s and 80s of far-reaching positive politicians make campaign about missing my educa-
were based more on ideol- reformsin education, promises which they dont tion
ogy mainly capitalism, so- Health, infrastructure, usually put into action lat-
cialism and Communism economy, security, social, er after they win the elec- Health: healthy society
but today relations are governance and others in tion; however, unlike that, generates dynamic and en-
based on interestsbusi- a long list, has shifted So- Silanyo has subsequently ergetic generations which
nesses, investments and maliland from econom- fulfilled most of his cam- are the cornerstone of hu-
other economic factors. In ic earthquake into a new paign promises in accor- man development and thus
2010 Somaliland elected an healthy economic order, dance with all indications taking into consideration
economics literate presi- structuring amicable re- at hand e.g. free education, that, the incumbent gov-
dent who has a master`s lations with the world. payment increases for all ernment of H.E president
degree in economics from Despite the current gov- army and civil servants, of- Silanyo focused increasing
Manchester Universityin ernment as per usual faces fering ranks for the nation- the accessibilities and pro-
UK. Following his victory, a myriad of challenges in- al army, infrastructure and visions of health care fa-
Silanyo has succeeded in cluding lack of Diplomatic the like. cilities. For example many
steering the country in a Recognition and a society hospitals have been con-
Lets closely look at each; structed in diverse cities
wise direction which helps of tribal characteristics,
14 IRMAAN - Sept/Oct
Cover Story

right across the Somaliland from 47,000,000 in 2010 to Governance: it is a widely destiny, is what all Somalil-
regions. During Silanyo`s 212,000,000 in 2014. Beyond accepted phenomenon that and citizens have witnessed
term in office, the Minis- reasonable doubt there is good governance makes for a couple of years now
try of Health received more an economic growth. From better human being as de- and down the road, I see a
projects than in the past. all indications there is eco- mocracy, transparency, light at the end of the tun-
nomic growth in business- rule of law and accountabil- nel. Most of the responsible
Infrastructure: historically,
es for example if you walk ity are engines of economic policies set by the current
no country ever moved to
around the capital city growth. There is a shift government are driven
what economists termed
Hargeysayou will see in terms of governance, for by the need of the under-
take-off stage without
dozens of small businesses proof reference is the es- privileged communities.
outstanding and ample
in every kilometer square tablishment of for example As for recommendation,
infrastructure e.g. roads,
which is a sign of economic Anti Corruption Commis- those policies must be im-
bridges, airports and ports.
growth. The other success- sion, Good governance and plemented and the presi-
And if facts are not twisted,
ful story is the application extremely successful audit dent must closely monitor
loads of long tarmac roads
of rich economic manage- which truthfully improves all the public institutions
have been constructed in a
ment for example putting the government perfor- accordingly, if not doing
very few years to connect
in place a good macroeco- manceleading to better so, public officials will be-
rural and village commu-
nomic management e.g. and broader future gover- tray the public interest, as
nities to urban cities these
inflation, money exchange, nance. many people are concerned
including the road between
stability in the overall mac- about. Beyond reasonable
Dilla and Borama, the road Lets us glimpse the prevail-
ro level. Also the wide use doubt Somaliland is expe-
between Kalabaydh and ing double standard in the
of Somaliland note in Bur- riencing economic growth
Wajale, the road between world politics, Saudi Ara-
co, kicked Giinbaar (So- despite of chronic unem-
Hargeisa and Berbera and bia is the least democratic
malia Note) out of Burco ployment in youth which
the road between Buroa country on earth however
as other previous govern- will no longer protract. As
and Ergavo has just been she is one of the closest
ments failed to do. To in- a final point, even if you are
commenced. And of course friends of the West i.e. USA
crease the nominal income the most democratic coun-
tens of tarmac roads have and Europe, thus, in 21st
of the citizens the current try in the world, if you do
been constructed inside century only democracy
government doubled the not structure a favorable
the regional capitals like is not the case. That does
salaries of civil servants, and conducive environment
Borama, Hargeisa, Gabi- not mean that Somaliland
national army and teachers for the businessesinvest-
ley, Buroa, Lasanod, Er- democracy is not working
from January 2011. ments and Interests of your
igavo, Bebera and the like. but means that Somalil-
economic and political al-
Also a number of airports I`ve had in-depth conversa- and wishes more than de-
lies, you are more likely
and bridges have been con- tions with some of the So- mocracy. And an excellent
to be their enemies. Thus,
structed and repaired e.g. maliland Diaspora in June case, Somaliland has been
who you elect matters and
Egal International Airport 2013in Hargeisa and they dancing according to the
you have elected the most
and Hargeysa 2nd Bridge. informed me that they are tune of the western coun-
economically literate pres-
Surprisingly very fine-look- very happy in seeing their tries for 23 years when it
identSiilaanyo, who has
ing buildings have been people growing in all walks comes to democracy but no
put in place good macro-
built and repaired for pub- of life. One of them told me single country recognizes.
economic management;
lic institutions including that in 1999 when he came And president Siilaanyo,
given that only democracy
the palace of the president. to Hargeysa, his watch and the beacon of hope, under-
is not the case in the 21st
bulk of his clothes were tak- stands the subject matter in
Economic development: century.
en by some of his relatives that way and with the help
with the help of the current
and friends and he returned of his will and ability So- I look forward to seeing an
Somaliland vision 2030
to UK with a lot of disap- maliland people can make optimistic paradigm shift
that intends on achieving
pointments. But luckily he Somaliland a kind of Afri- in the way we Somaliland
economic prosperity and
come back in 2010 and 2013, can Singapore. citizens evaluate the per-
social wellbeing by the year
and he told me that nobody formance of governments
2030 in establishing sus- In Conclusion, doubled the
asked for either clothes or which base on partiality,
tainable peace, stability, primary school attendance
shoes. In economic point of relations, nepotism, favor-
and democratic institu- in two years, good macro-
view, human improvement itism, bias and prejudice.
tions ( Ministry of planning economic management,
set in motion in increases
and Development, 2012). sound infrastructure, and
in real income as human
The overall economic sta- increasing living standard
income increases people Mohamed Ubo
tus of the Republic has are a few of the success
experience a better life in
been dramatically esca- stories of president Silan- Irmaan Contributor
education, health, social,
lating towards that vision. yo. Moving from a stop and
and alike. Ubo84@hotmail.com
National budget was moved start economy, darkness to

IRMAAN - Sept/Oct 15
16 IRMAAN - Sept/Oct
Social & Health Club

50 Famous Leadership Quotes

from Successful Entrepreneurs
Have you ever asked yourself how drop out billionaires such as Bill
Gates and Larry Ellison managed to build giant businesses and lead
thousands of employees, customers, business associates and inves-
tors? Even without a college degree, these great men rose to become
business leadership giants. How did they attain that status?

8. A real leader faces the music
even when he doesnt like the tune.
Arnold H. Glassgow
9. A little thing is a little thing but
faithfulness in a little thing is a
great thing. Hudson Taylor
10. Be as careful as to the books you

read as of the company you keep;
ou are going to find out in example. I have to do so for all the for your habits and character will be
this article.Today, we will be IKEA employees. Ingvar Kam- as much influenced by the former
sharing with you 50 Famous prad as the latter. Poxton Hood
Leadership Quotes from Successful
Entrepreneurs and Business Lead- 11. Beware of those who stand
ers of our time. This article is strict- 2. The speed of the leader deter- aloof and greet each venture with
ly for those that want to achieve mines the speed of the gang. reproof. The world would stop if
exceptional leadership in business. Mary Kay Ash things were run by men who say it
3. People problems must some- cant be done. Samuel Glover
We a lot of famous leadership
quotes to share with you but I will times be dealt with harshly. When 12. Be great in little things. St.
prefer you learn directly from the you make an example of someone, Francis Xavier
leadership titans of the business make sure everyone knows what 13. Be a life long student, read as
world. We are talking about busi- the lesson is. Punish one, teach a many books as possible. Nelson
ness leaders such as Aliko Dangote; hundred. The Mafia Manager Mandela
the richest black man in the world, 4. Sometimes, I think my most im- 14. Calamity is the test of integrity.
Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Larry Ellison, portant job as a CEO is to listen for Samuel Richardson
Warren Buffett, Ingvar Kamprad, bad news. If you dont act on it, your
people will eventually stop bringing 15. Your arrows do not carry, ob-
Li Ka Shing, John D. Rockefeller,
bad news to your attention and that served the master; because they do
Mukesh Ambani and Lakshmi Mit-
is the beginning of the end. Bill not reach far enough spiritually.
Gates Zen Master
Without wasting much of your
5. Kindness is more powerful than 16. Cowards die many times before
time, below are 50 Famous Leader-
compulsion. Charles Schwab their death. The valiant never taste
ship Quotes from Successful Entre-
death but once. William Shake-
preneurs and Business Leaders. 6. There are no working hours for speare
leaders. James Cardinal Gibbons
50 Famous Leadership 17. You are in a war. You must plan
7. Dont encourage overtime. Tell
Quotes from Successful your people that the best way to
to take the other guy down first and
do it. Winning is not the best thing;
Entrepreneurs impress you is to do a great job in its the only thing. If it were not, no
1. If there is such a thing as the time allotted for it and then go one would keep score. To win the
good leadership, it is to give a good home and relax. The Mafia Man- war, you must take charge. You must
IRMAAN - Sept/Oct 17
Cover Story

set the organizations objectives, es- 30. Fire is the test of gold, adversity your guts tell you to do. The Ma-
tablish a chain of control, delegate, of strong men. Seneca fia Manager
appraise performance, adjust and 31. Good leadership consists of 41. The people who are doing the
act. The Mafia Manager showing average people how to do work are the moving force behind
18. Courage is the first of human the work of superior people. John the Macintosh. My job is to create a
qualities because it is the quali- D. Rockefeller space for them, to clear out the rest
ty which guarantees all others. 32. Be prepared for betrayal from of the organization and keep it at
Winston Churchill anyone on your staff, but especially bay. Steve Jobs
19. When somebody challeng- from those you have the most trust 42. Inventories can be managed
es you, fight back. Be brutal, be in. Every betrayal must be repaid but people must be led. Henry
tough. Donald Trump as quickly and as publicly as possi- Ross Perot
20. To win one hundred battles ble. If you should let a betrayal go 43. It takes 20 years to build a rep-
in one hundred victories is not the unpunished, you are through as a utation and only five Minutes to
ACME of skills. To subdue the ene- leader. The Mafia Manager ruin it. If you think about that, you
my without fighting is the ACME of 33. When people are placed in po- will do things differently. Warren
skill. Sun Tzu sitions slightly above what they ex- Buffett
21. The ability to deal with people pect, they are apt to excel. Rich- 44. Outstanding leaders go out of
is as purchasable as a commodity as ard Branson their way to boost the self esteem of
sugar or coffee and I will pay more 34. Good judgment comes from their personnel. If people believe in
for that ability than for any oth- experience and experience comes themselves, its amazing what they
er thing under the sun. John D. from bad judgments. Dr Warne can accomplish. Sam Walton
Rockefeller W. Dyer 45. Dont be too familiar with your
22. Courage is what it takes to 35. He who establishes his argu- followers; it may at first inspire af-
stand up and speak. Courage is also ment by noise is weak and com- fection but eventually, like all fa-
what it takes to sit down and listen. mand shows that his reason is miliarity; it will breed contempt.
Winston Churchill weak. Montaigne The Mafia Manager
23. To lead people, walk behind 36. He who believes is strong; he 46. I hire people brighter than me
them. Lao Tzu who doubt is weak. Strong convic- and I get out of their way. Lee
24. If you see a snake, just kill tions precede great action. J. F. Iacocca
it. Dont appoint a committee on Clarke 47. Its alright to be Goliath but al-
snakes. Henry Ross Perot 37. At meetings, have someone else ways act like David. Philip Knight
25. The most important thing in float your newest ideas. Watch the 48. If you want to be great and
your business relationships is your reaction of the rest of your staff. successful, choose people who are
reputation for honesty. If you can Note who opposes, who supports, great and successful and walk side
genuinely and sincerely fake hon- who links up with whom. See who by side with them. Ralph Waldo
esty, you will be a success. Never responds with an open mind, whose Emerson
doubt it. The Mafia Manager mind is already made up, one way
or the other. If you are going to walk 49. If you hear a voice within you
26. Punishing honest mistakes sti- on water, you have to know where saying you are not a painter then
fles creativity. I want people mov- the rocks are. The Mafia Manager by all means paint and that voice
ing and shaking the earth and they will be silenced. Vincent Van
are going to make mistakes. Hen- 38. Giving people self confidence Gogh
ry Ross Perot is by far the most important thing
that I can do because then they will 50. There will be times when you
27. After loyalty come ability, skill act. Jack Welch will have to be abrasive, even bru-
and competence. Promote only tal to members of your staff. Dont
able people (and the occasional 39. It takes character and control worry that your people will say bad
humbler). You find able people by to be understanding and forgiving. things about you because of this.
testing them. The Mafia Manager Dale Carnegie They already have. But in general,
28. Do not fear when your enemies 40. Before making an important try to be pleasant and accommo-
criticize you. Beware when they ap- decision, get as much as you can of dating. Try to please the greatest
plaud. Ralph Waldo Emerson the best information available and number who work for you that you
review it carefully, analyze it and can; antagonize the fewest. Blow
29. Effort and courage are not draw up worst case scenarios. Add smoke. The Mafia Manager
enough without purpose and direc- up the plus or minus factors, dis-
tion. John F. Kennedy cuss it with your team and do what
18 IRMAAN - Sept/Oct
IRMAAN - Sept/Oct 19
Social & Health Club

The 12 Youngest Most Powerful

People Of 2013
Today, FORBES announces its 2012 Most Powerful People on the plan-
et, a ranking of 71 (representing the 7.1 billion people in the world)
that spans continents, industries, number of people they influence and
resources they controlincluding the dollars in their personal bank
accounts. One of the most interesting juxtapositions is the range of
ages. At 28, Facebook founder and billionaire Mark Zuckerberg (No.
25) is the the youngest on the list. King of Saudi Arabia Abdullah bin
Addulaziz al Saud (No. 7) is the oldest at 88.
Developing and owning power on this level is mostly a middle-aged
affair. The majority of people on the list are in their 50s (24) and 60s
(22), with an overall average age of 60.
Then again, there are certain elected 46-year-old president CEO, Facebook
industries that embrace youth Enrique Pena Nieto (No. 54).
and vice-versa. First and fore- Earlier this year Dmitry Med-
In May investors were giddy
most is tech. Zuckerberg is vedev (No. 61) castled positions
when the worlds biggest social
joined by Google founders Lar- with Vladimir Putin (No. 3), now
media site went public: How
ry Page and Sergey Brin, both the former is prime minister and
high will it go? That was then.
39 (both No. 20 on list) , as his mentor is back as president.
Facebooks IPO was a debacle,
well as Elon Musk (No. 66), the Finally, Rostam Ghasemi (No.
and its stock remains far below
41-year-old entrepreneur behind 57), 48, serves as both Irans oil
the original $38 a share. Zucks
PayPal and SpaceX; Robin Li(- minister and president of OPEC.
personal fortune declined from
No. 64), 44, the cofounder and
$17.5 billion to less than $14 bil-
CEO of Chinese search engine
lion. But the man still pulls in
giant Baidu;Reid Hoffman (No.
impressive numbers: Facebook
71), 45, the most connected VC
hit 1 billion monthly users in
in Silicon Valley and founder of
LinkedIn; and Jeff Bezos (No.
27), CEO of Amazon.com. Nota-
bly, all are billionaires.

Youth can also be a driver of po-

litical ambition, as seen by five
of the other youngest on the list.
Kim Jong-un (No. 44), 29, took
over as supreme leader of North
Korea after his fathers death in
2011. David Cameron (No. 10), 46,
is two years into office as prime Mark Zuckerberg,
minister of the U.K. Mexico just
20 IRMAAN - Sept/Oct
Social & Health Club

Kim Jong-Un, 29 One of Chinas richest, with a

net worth of $7 billion, Li is the
Supreme Leader, man behind his nations largest
search engine.
North Korea
The youngest son of Dear Lead-
er Kim Jong-Il took over lead-
ership of the Hermit Kingdom
after fathers December 2011
death, but some outside observ-
ers wonder if older uncle Jang
Song-thaek is pulling his strings.
In theory Brilliant Comrade
Kim Jong-Un has absolute con-
trol over the 24 million citizens
in his reclusive, rusting nuclear Elon Musk, 41 Reid Hoffman, 45
state; satellite photos reveal a
newly constructed, half-kilo- CEO, SpaceX, Tesla Venture capitalist
meter-long message of praise
carved into a hillside in Ryang-
The worlds most powerful ven-
gang Province.
The billionaire entrepreneur ture capitalist and the most-con-
behind PayPal and Tesla Mo- nected man in Silicon Valley can
tors is the most powerful man make or break a startup and
in space: His company SpaceX shapes the future of tech. Hoff-
is a leader in the private space man cofounded LinkedIn, and
industry. Cash-strapped NASA its IPO made him a billionaire;
has retired its Space Shuttle hes now a partner at VC firm
fleet and will use SpaceX vehi- Greylock Partners and a prom-
cles to haul cargo to and from inent angel investor in his own
the International Space Sta- right.
tion. With commercial busi-
Larry Page & Sergey ness in space ready to boom,
Musk stands to make out like a
Brin, 39 19th-century railway tycoon.
Cofounders, Goo-
Page, the CEO, runs the com-
pany; Brin, now the director of
special projects, says he spends
more than half his time on Goo- David Cameron, 46
gle Glass, the wearable com-
puter due to hit the market in British Prime Minis-
2014. Together theyve helped ter
build the worlds most visited Robin Li, 44
websitesurpassing 1 billion vis- Two years into office the Tory
itors each monthand one of the Cofounder and PM has gone from being called
worlds most valuable technol-
ogy companies. CEO, Baidu the second coming of Marga-
ret Thatcher to standing in the
IRMAAN - Sept/Oct 21
Social & Health Club

shadow of Europes new Iron HIGHLIGHT: Facebook CEO

Lady, Angela Merkel. Mark Zuckerberg put on a suit
for a 20-minute meeting in Mos-
cow with Medvedev in October.

Enrique Pena Nie-

to, 46
Rostam Ghasemi,
President of Mexico
Won election in July; just took Jeff Bezos, 48
office in December as leader of President, OPEC
one of Latin Americas dominant Amazon CEO
powers. Former commander in Irans
Founder and chief of the biggest Revolutionary Guard Corps
retailer on the Web, the big- serves as the countrys oil min-
gest mover in the rapidly evolv- ister and as president of OPEC.
ing publishing industry, and
the biggest threat to companies Source: African Leadership
like Netflix and Wal-Mart. Next Magazine
Bezos is looking to disrupt fea-
ture film production and the da-
tabase software business. 2012
HIGHLIGHT: In October the
Kindle Fire was the number 2
bestselling tablet in the world,
behind Apples iPad.

Dmitry Medvedev,
Russian Prime Minis-
The junior member of Russias
ruling duopoly swapped jobs
with Putin and returned to
the lower-profile PM gig. 2012

22 IRMAAN - Sept/Oct
Social & Health Club

Somaliland:President Silanyo Attends

ADMAS University Graduation Ceremony.
By: Mubarak Maal

HE President Ahmed Mo- Comes To Employment, He
hamed Mahmoud (Silanyo) Also Urged Local Enterprises
Was The Guest Of Honor At To Invest In Local Talents.
A Graduation Ceremony Held For The Chancellor of ADMAS
More Than 415 Students, The Fifth University Mr. Ixsaan Omar
Batch To Graduate From The Vari- Ismael Speaking during the
ous Faculties Of ADMAS University Occacion Congratulated the
Which Was Held At Mansoor Ho- Graduates, reminded them
tel, Hargeisa. that they had come here with
President Silanyo Speaking During many Dreams and Goals and ADMAS university is one of Two
They leave Ethiopian high Learning institutions
here with that offer Their services to Somalil-
a Love for and Students. Students and Officials
Learning, Praised the Relationship between the
Extraor- two Horn of African Neighbours.
creden- The College has also Launched its
tials and distance learning Program which
boundless is intended to cater the Somaliland
opportu- Population with University Educa-
nities for tion level without Actually requir-
you shall ing them to Attend regular Classes
maximize of the University. This Program will
the knowl- enable the young Somali-Landers
edge and and Adults craving for university
skills you level Education but lacking the Op-
pro c u re d portunity due to their Inability to
The Graduation Ceremony Lauded at ADMAS university. Actually attend the regular classes
The Graduating Students For The President Silanyo Presenting The because they are employed or tied
Hard Work And Diligence And That Awards up to Businesses in places Prohibi-
They Are Expected To Become Lead- The graduation Ceremony seen as tively far from the Operating sites of
ers In Their Cmmunities And Public one of the Largest ever to be held the University College.
Services And Capable Of Becom-
ing Fully Competitive In All Sec- This is an Exceptional Opportu-
nity for High School Graduates in
Somaliland, as it has never being
Offered University Degree in any
Part of the Country by internation-
ally Recognized high learning in-
stitution. This University Project to
be known as the Admas University
College Hargeisa Main Campus is
the first of its kind in the area of Post
-Secondary Education. The Plan is
tors And That They Are The Future in the Country by the Addis Ababa to Manage Hargeisa Main Campus
Of This Country Hence The Need based University since first opening of the Admas University College as a
For Them To Be Ingenious When It its doors in Hargeisa in 2006. Private Higher Learning Institution.
IRMAAN - Sept/Oct 23
24 IRMAAN - Sept/Oct
Social & Health Club

Warbixin: Waa Maxay

Masayr Amma Hinaase?
WQ: Cabdishakuur (Heersare)

ofka uu ku dhacaa wux- habeen-habeennada ka mid ah uu ga gaar u ahaa marka lala wadaago,
uu dareemaa culays xoog- arko iyadoo mindi la kor taagan wadaagaasi sharci ha ahaado amma
gan oo maskaxda ka fuula. (habeenkaa wuu ka badbaaday), sharci-darrabae. Qaadaan-waaga
Dadka qaar way waashaan, qaar dabadeetana gabadhii quraan ayaa noocaas oo kale ah waxa ka yimaada
kalena xanuuno kale ayuu u hors- la saari jiray oo way iska fiicnaan ji- samir-darro. Samir-darraasi qofka
eedaa, illaa heer dhimasho ayuu sa- rtay. Markii danbena waxa dhacday waxay ku keentaa ficillo caadada ka
babaa. Dadka aqoonta u lehi waxay inta ay qaadatay qori guriga yaallay baxsan amma qofka beniaadanka
ku sheegayaan inuu dadka siyaabo ayay isagii ku dishay. Anigu waxa dabeecaddiisii caadiga ahayd ayay
kala duwan ugu dhaco. Halka ay aan ku xaqiiqsaday inuu masayrku ka kaxaysaa, inta badan-na wax-
dad badani aaminsan yihiin inuu si aad ah u hayay mar kasta waxay ay qusaysaa arrimaha guurka iyo
ka dhasho jacayl xad-dhaaf ah oo ku celcelin jirtay inuu xaasaska kale guriga. Inta badan waxa aad arkay-
lab iyo dheddig dhex maray, haba ee iyada ka horreeyey ee uu la qabo saa xayawaanka ugu hinaasaha
ha ba ku-kala bato mid ka mid ah inuu furo, taasna isagu wuu ka dhe- badan waxa ka mid ah daayeerada
labada qof. Kuwo kale waxay aamis- ga-adaygay. Iyada lafteedu waxay iyo bahasha la yidhaahdo qoollay-
an yihiin inuu ka dhasho shaki iyo mararka qaar jeclaan jirtay in la da amma xamaamka, haddii aad u
wax yaabo uu qofku istusayo oo aan furo. Mararka qaar way isku dardar- fiirsato aad iyo aad ayay hinasahaa
jirin. sooni jirtay oo waxa aad arkaysaa u leeyihiin. Marka hinaasaha amma
iyada oo jidadka ka qaylinaysa oo masayrku waxa uu dhashaa uun
Waxa aynu ka hadlaynnaa waa ma- leh naagahan ha la furo. Dabeeta- qofka beniaadanka ah oo wax isa
sayrka amma hinaasaha oo inta na amar ilaahay ayaa dhacay oo is- siiyey keligii amma sharcigu ha sii-
badan lagu tiriyo arrimaha gund- agii ayay dishay. yo amma isagu ba ha qorshaysto in
higga u ah burburka qoysaska iyo waxani isaga keli u ahaadaan. Ayuu
qirista habka jiritaan ee jacaylka Marka aad hoos ugu dhaadhacdo yidhi Sheekh Maxamed Sheekh Is-
dhabta ah. Marka aad si weyn u waxa uu yahay masayrku waxa kuu maaciil.
dhex gasho arrimaha masayrka soo baxaya inuu ka dhasho jacayl
amma hinaasaha waxa ay dadku amma rabitaan xad-dhaaf oo ah oo Abwaan Maxamed Aw Cali Cartan
kuu sheegayaan qof masayr u waa- qof qof kale u qaado, kaas oo saa- Haldeeq wuxuu ku nool yahay
latay, mid ninkeedii masayr awaadii mayn ku yeeshay mid ka mid ah la- magaalada Hargeysa, wuxuu ka mid
u dishay, nin hinaase dartii xaaski- bada qof marka ay soo dhex galaan yahay dadka daraasadaynta ku sa-
isii u furay amma waxyeello xun arrimo carqalad ku noqday wixii ay meeyey arrimaha la xidhiidha ma-
gaadhsiiyay. labada qof ku heshiiyeen amma si- sayrka amma hinaasaha, mar aanu
dii ay isu rabeen. isagana arrimahaas wax ka way-
26kii bishii Febraayo ee sannad- diinnay wuxuu yidhi; Xanuunkani
kan 2014ka magaalada Muqdisho Sheekh Maxamed Sheekh Ismaaciil marka uu dumarka ku dhaco ayaa
waxa ka dhacday dhacdo dadkii wuxuu ka mid yahay culimada diin- la yidhaahdaa way masayrtay, rag-
maqlay ka nixisay taas oo ahayd ta dadka ku daweeya wuxuu aqoon gana la yidhaahdaa hinaase. Haddii
gabadh ninkeedii masayr dartii u xeel-dheer u leeyahay arrimaha la aan xog-guud kaa siiyo waxani waa
dishay oo xabbad ku dhufatay, sidii xidhiidha masayrka amma hinaas- xanuun amma duruuf qofka be-
wax u dhaceen waxa inoo sharxay- aha, wuxuu ku nool yahay magaa- niaadanka ah la soo kulanta. Had-
sa marxuumka walaashii oo naga lada Hargeysa, waa kan isaga oo dii lammaanaha wada nool uu mid
cudur-daaratay inaanu magacee- sharraxaad ka bixinaya arrimaha ka mid ah qalbigiisa ku dhaco waa
da sheegno, waxay hadalkeeda ku dhabta ah ee keena masayr amma wax aan sinnaba uga tirtirmi karin
bilawday oo ay tidhi; Horta anigu hinaasae; Arrinka masayr amma noloshiisa. Tusaale ahaan, gabadhu
waxa aan goob-joog u ahaa dhac- hinaase waa arrin dabiici ah oo xay- haddii ay mar ninkeeda ka hinaasi-
do hadda ka hor ku dhacday wa- awaanka iyo dadka ba wuu ku dha- siiso oo qofkaas wax u sanqadhaan
laalkay. Wuxuu qabay saddex xaas, caa oo uma gaar aha beniaadanka amma wax ay niyaddiisu diido ay
mid ka mid ah xaasaskiisa oo ahayd oo keliya. Beniaadankana rag iyo ku dhacaan, walaw ay si kasta isu-
tii ugu danbaysay ee uu guursa- dumar ba wuu ku dhacaa. Inta gu daydo in qofka dumarka ahi inay
do, ayaa waxay ahayd gabadh aad badan-na waxa keena qaadan-waa waxaas ka baabiiso ninkeeda waa
u masayr badan. Waxa dhacday in ah qofku wuxuu qorshaystay oo isa- dhaawac ku yaalla qalbiga ninkee-
IRMAAN - Sept/Oct 25
Social & Health Club

da. Sidaa daraadeed, lammaanaha tafe Cabdi Xasan oo ka hawlgala day maahae ma meel kale ayaad
kal-gacalka dhex yaalla ayuu marka cusbitaalka guud ee Hargeysa ayaa soo martay?. Markaas ayuu kitaab
hore ka curtaa waxa la yidhaahdo sharxaya sida ay u daweeyaan qofka la soo cararaa oo uu dhaar la soo
hinaasaha amma masayrku. Laba- masayrku haleelo ee xaaladdiisu ad- boodaa, naag aan adiga ahayn ma
da qof haddii aanay is-danaynayn kaato, wuxuuna yidhi; Waxa aanu rabo. waan dareensanahay naag
arrintu sidaa uma waynaato. Ninku ka eegnaa kolba qofku calaamada- aan aniga ahayn inaanu damacsan-
haddii aanu gabadha xoog u jeclayn ha uu leeyahay. Caalamadaha uu ayn, laakiin waxa aan raabaa culays-
masii indha-indheeyo. Gabadhuna leeyahay (xaaladda uu ku sugan ka masayrka ee saaran iyo heerka uu
haddii aanay ninkeeda kalsooni iyo yahay) ayaad ka ogaanaysaa waxa joogo inaan ka soo dejiyo illaa uu
kalgacal badan ku qabin sidaa uma aad siin lahayd amma aad u qaban nolosha la qabsado oo uu gaadho
sii eegto markeeda hore ba. Laakiin lahayd. Tusaale ahaan dumarku heer aanu masayrin. Wixii ka dan-
kalgacal wanaagsan oo labada qof naftooda ayay nacaan, caruurtooda baysay waxa gashay kalsooni aad
dhex yaallay ayuu bahalkani ka soo ayay nacaan oo ilmaha ayay marar- iyo aad ah oo wuxuu odhan jiray
dhex boodaa. ka qaar is-yidhaahdaan dab qabad- marka uu safar aado Waar anigu
sii. Markaa qofka waxa ku dhacaya gabadh kamaan tegin ee nin rag ah
Fikirka Abwaan Haldeeq mid la culays daran oo maskaxda fuulaya ayaan ka tegay. Wallaahi heerkaas
mid ah waxa qaba Macallin Bashiir oo waa tan rabshadda midhan no- ayuu gaadhay. Markaa qofka jaca-
Maxamuud Cabdi oo ka mid ah qonaysa ee ninka la dagaalamaysa, ylku wuu ka tan badan karaa, waxa
dadka arrimaha bulshada aqoon- ee haddii ay doonto minddida ka la jecel yahayna waa adiga. Adigu
ta u leh, wuxuu ku sugan yahay taagaysa. Ninka laftiisa waxa ku markaasi inaad dhulka is dhigto
magaalada Muqdisho, wuxuu qir- dhacaya wax isu sawiraya oo waa waadku qasbanaanasaa (si xal loo
san yahay in masayrku ka dasho kan odhanaya inta uu gurigiisa helo. Ayey tidhi Siraad Mustaf.
jacaylka dhab ah ee ka dhexeeya soo galo shuruf nin ayaa ka uraya.
lammaane: Anigu waxa aan leeya- wax aan jirin ayaa u uraya. Dawa- Sheekh Maxamed oo noo sheegay
hay Jacayl dhab ahi haddii uu jiro, da ugu fiicanina waxa weeyaan in in aan illaa hadda dawo dhab ah loo
waa in masayr na jiraa. Qofka aad qofku xaaladdaa uu joogo loo eego helin masayrka ayaa tibaaxay inay
jeceshay ayaad ka masayrtaa, laaki- oo marxaladdaa uu ku sugan yahay inta badan dadka ku daweeyaan
in qofka aanad jeclayn danba kama ayaa dawayntiisa loo eegayaa. diinta si nafta qofku u degto, isa-
lihid. Waxa keenaya waxa weeye ga oo aanu si toos ah u waydiinnay
waa kalsoonida oo qofkii ayaa iskaa Labada qof ee lammaanaha ah mar- maxaad odhan lahayd haddii uu
siinaya, kashka iyo laabta ayuu ka uu masayr amma hinaase soo ku maqlayo qof ka cabanaya mas-
kugu hayaa, meel kale oo uu kaaga kala dhex galo waxay u kala baxaan ayr amma hinaasae haleelay, wux-
leexanaya ma laha ninka ha ahaado kuwo ku guulaysta xallinta mush- uu sheekh Maxamed yidhi; Horta
amma naagta ba ha ahaatee. Marka kilada soo dhex gashay, kuwo kala hinaasaha dawo amma kiniinka
uu qofkii dareemo in meel kale loo- taga iyo qaar waxyeello isu gayska noocaa iyo noocaasa ayaa loo soo
ga leexday ayaa jacaylkii dhaawac- oo gacanta isu qaada. Siraad Mus- saaray oo baabiiyaa ma jiro. Dhirta
mayaa. Marka kolka uu jacaylku taf waxa ku nooshahay magaala- aynu isticmaalno ee dawooyinka ah
dhaawacmana waxa imanaya mas- da Afgooye, waxay muddo hore geed la yidhaahdo geedkaas ayaa
ayr. Markaa marasayrku waa cudur ku guulaysatay inay saygeeda ka hinaasaha daweeya ma jiro. Keli-
uu keeno jacaylku. Labada qofna dawayso hinaase haleelay: Wallaa- ya in qofka beniaadanka ahi dib u
dhibtaato ayuu ka dhex dhaliyaa oo hi aniga ayuu i qabaa in masayray xisaabtamo oo waxan uu raadinayo
waxa laga yaabaa haddii labada qof laakiin waxa aan isku dayay markii wax ka wacan uu heli karo, waxan
mid ba mid kale ka sii jeesto waxa aan arkay inuu taagan yahay heer xaqiiqadiisa sidan uu isagu arkayo
dhici karta in xaaladdu dagaal isu waalli ah, waxa aan sameeyey dh- inaanay ahayn inuu iska dhaadh-
beddesho oo gacan-qaad meeshii aqan aanan weligay samayn inaan iciyo oo dabadeedna uu ilaahay
yimaado. Ayuu yidhi Macallin ku dhaqmo si xaalka uu taagan ya- baryo. Sida uu Nebi Muxamed ba
Bashiir Maxamuud. hay aan uga soo dejin lahaa. Waxa (NNKH) u ummu Salama ilaa-
aan keenay inaan ku idhaahdo xa- hay ugu baryey inuu hinaasaha ka
Xanuunnada ugu badan ee bahda lay waxa aan ku riyooday adiga oo dul qaado. Dabcan waa xanuun ee
caafimaadku kuu sheegayaan in naago cad cad nolol la qaybsanaay- qofku inuu ilaahay waydiisto inuu
masayrka amma hinaasuhu kee- ee maxaa dhacay? markaasaa intuu ka dul qaado. Waa xanuunada aan
naan waxa ka mid ah xanuunka dhaar la soo boodo wuxuu yidhaah- weli dawada maadiga ah loo helin,
maskaxda ku dhaca ee dhimbirka daa xitaa haddii aad dhimato naag keliya waa xanuun qofka isaga iyo
amma waalidda, dhiig-karta iyo kale inaan guursado dooni maayo. ilaahay markay isku xidhmaan, ya-
macaanka oo fikir xad-dhaafka ahi Marka uu guriga soo galo waxa aan qiintiisuna kor u kacdo, alle barig-
keeno, qulubka oo ah culays amma ku odhan jiray cadarkan kaa urayaa ana uu badsado waa xanuunada ku
khalkhal maskaxda fuula. Dr Mus- muxuu ahaa kii aad saaka ku bax- dawooba weeye.
26 IRMAAN - Sept/Oct
IRMAAN - Sept/Oct 27
Social & Health Club

Xeer-Nidaamiyaha Shaqalaha
Dowladaha Hoose
WQ: Irmaan Magazine
Wasaarda arimaha gudaha jamhuuriyada Somaliland taageerto xaga farsamada iyo dhaqaalaha sida iyada
ayaa markii u horaysay soo saartay xeer-nidaamiye oo u qabatay la taliyaha sharciga ee wasaarada, iyo
shaqaalaha dawladaha hoose, xeerkan oo sumadiisu in ay ka qayb-qaadatay fududaynta kulandii la isu-
tahay 38(11), 54(1) 59 & 61aad ee xeerka ismaamulka go- gu yeedhay dhamaan daneeyayasha kor ku xusan
balada iyo degmooyinka Xr Lr 23/2007, xaarkan oo ka oo ay bixinaysay kharashaadka kulanadaasi hadana
kooban 62 qodob ( laba iyo lixdan qodob) ama 28 bog ay qorshaha ugu jirto sida uu noo sheegay agaasi-
( sided iyo labatan bog) xeerkan oo si faahfahsan uga maha guud jirto in ay ka daboosho kharashaafka
hadlaya qaab dhismeedka uu yeelan doono ama lagu daabacaada iyo ku tababarida shaqaalaha Dawla-
dhaqayo shaqaalaha dawladaha hoose ee dalka. Xe- daha hoose
er-nidaamiyahan waxa la bilaabay diyaarinti-
isa bishii September/2013, waxana si ras- 1. Ujeedooyinka loo sameyey xeerkan:
mi ah loo bilaabay in la qoro ama bishii
In la abuuro hab-raac iyo ni-
koowaad ee sanadkan 2014 iyada oo
daam maamul oo lagu dhaqo shaqa-
uu soo dhamaaday qabyo qoraalkisii
alaha dawladaha hoose
u horeyey bishii February/2014 iya-
da oo qabyo-qoraalkaasi koowaad In dawladaha hoose helaan
lagu soo bandhigay kulan ay isugu shaqaale xirfad, aqoon, karti iyo
yimadeen maamulada dhamaan khibrad u leh gudashada xilka iyo
degmooyinka darajada (A), qaarka waajibaadka shaqo iyo kor usoo qa-
mid aha degmooyinka derajooyin- adida hufnaanta, Hamada iyo xiisaha
ka (B) iyo (C), wasaaradaha dawlada (Motivation) shaqaalaha
dhexe iyo hayadaha sharciga iyada oo in-
tii ka dambaysayna la qabtay kulamo dhawr In la xaqiijiyo nidaam ku
ah oo lagu lafa gurayay dhammay- dhisan caddaalad iyo sinnaan oo
stirkiia lagu ilaalinayo xuquuqda shaqaalaha iyo nid
aamka shaqalaysiinta ee shaqaalaha Dawlada-
Waxana ka qayb-galay dhamaan cida kasta oo loo ha Hoose;
arkay in ay door ku yeelanayaan ha noqoto dhinaca
hirgalintiisa iyo talo bixintiisaba, waxana ka mid ahaa 2. Dabaqaada Xeer-nidaamiyaha
kuwan hoos ku qoran
Xeer-nidaamiyahani waxa lagu dabaqayaa ama
1. Wasaarada arimaha gudaha oo ay ugu horeeyaan lagu dhaqayaa shaqaalaha joogtada ah ee ka
xubnaha kala ah, la taliyaha sharciga ee xafiiska shaqeeya Dawladaha Hoose ee dalka
agaasimaha guud, madaxa waaxda horumarinta
degmooyinka iyo xubno shaqaale ah oo ka tirsan Xeer-nidaamiyahani laguma dabaqayo ama
wasaarada arimaha gudaha. xubnahaasi waa kuwa laguma dhaqayo:
ka gaystay diyaarin iyo talo bixin iyo waxa kale ooh
Xohgahayayaasha fulinta ee dawladaha hoose
awl weyn ka gaystay agaasimaha Guud ee wasaara-
da arimha gudaha bilawga diyaarintiisa iyo dha- Shaqaalaha wasaaradaha iyo hayadaha dawla-
maystirkiisaba da dhexe ee ka hawl-gala degmooyinka.
2. Maamulada degmooyinka darajada A, qaarka mid Lataliyaasha ama khabiirada heshiis hawl-qa-
ah degmooyinka B iyo C bad oo mudaysan Dawladaha hoose la galaan;
3. Xubno sharci yaqaano ah oo ka kala tirsanaa xafi- Shaqaalaha mudada cayiman ee shaqadoodu
isyada qareenada (SLO), Xeer-ilaaliyah Guud, tahay meel iyo muddo cayiman ee lagu sheegay
Garyaqaanka guud, wasaarada cadaalada, iyo qa- qodobka 22aad ee xeer-nidaamiyahani
ybta sharciga ee jaamacada Hargeisa

4. Hayada UNDP/JPLG oo iyana ku lahayd in ay ka

28 IRMAAN - Sept/Oct
History, Arts and Culture


with Dualleh Abdulrahman
By: Tommy Evans

elf-made fashionista Dualleh culture to them! But that didnt in shaping your outlook? Can sar-
Abdulrahman is both Afro- make me want to join the torial savviness be schooled?
pean in heritage and style. A crowd or fit in. Or has the University of
designer, photographer and styl- Youve previously Life taught you more
mentioned how pivot- about clothing and all that
al your father and un- accompanies it?
cle were in implanting School just teaches you
and cultivating your the basics of fashion,
passion for fashion which is good, but fashion is
My father, Al- not style. I always say you
lah bless his cant break the rules if
soul, was a you dont know what
stylish guy: the rules are. So I
he dressed learned the histo-
funky fresh ry of fashion and
with a big style but the rest
afro. My is just the Uni-
uncle, who versity of Life. I
was half love clothing but
I t a l - I will not pay
ian/half thousands
Somali, of Euros
dressed in for something I can
the dandy style. make myself so thrift-
ist, Dualleh talks to Tommy Evans I just loved it. I ing was the next thing.
about how he creates his signature used to hear my Most times, I dont even
look, how he remains dapper on a uncle tell his know what
thrift shop budget and what its like friends why the I will find.
to work for a mainstream brand pocket square But I will keep
when your own style is that much was invented. He my eye out for some-
more laudable. said it was not thing I saw in a shop and
Afropean has been defined as the only to finish the then find similar items.
social, cultural and aesthetic inter- outfit but it had Breaking the rules of
play of Black and European culture. a function too: mens fashion is what
As a Dubai-born, German-raised, when you were sets you apart. Some like
England-educated, Dutch-based leaving on a long trip, it, some dont and you
gentleman of Somali and Iraqi her- the wife would c r y only learn that in real
itage, would Afropean be an apt on your shoul- d e r life. Sometimes I found
description of your experiences, so you rest the poc k- things like braces that I
identity and ambience? et square on your had no clue about pre-
Afropean is a good description of shoulder so that y o u viously. So the thrift
what I am. Its always been hard to dont get make- up on store helped broaden
explain my background to people. your suit! That stuck my closet with unique
I lived in Germany before coming with me until t o d a y. items.
here [to Holland] and I was the first Everything in a mans What was the experi-
black guy they ever saw. To explain wardrobe has a func- ence of working with
black culture to my classmates, the tion. a mainstream global
teacher showed the movie The How influential we r e brand such as H&M
Gods Must Be Crazy [a 1980 South your institution- al ed- like?
African comedy] that was black ucational experi- ences Working in H&M was
IRMAAN - Sept/Oct 29
History, Arts and Culture

good but it had its downsides too. buy off-the-rack, ill-fitted clothing. the models time] and I never got
I worked in the mens section the Buying cheap and making a one of what I wanted so I picked up the
classic section with suits but I also a kind piece was the next thing, so camera myself. I majored in ana-
gave style advice by appointment. I quit my job and now I am thinking logue photography so I had to learn
For example, a customer would have of starting my own clothing line. digital myself; YouTube and Google
a private session for three hours in As a photographer and stylist, do are the best teachers! I had clients
which I would style and explain you adopt a different method to that I did the art directing and styl-
mens fashion, but since I always making over a client as you would ing for, some of them paid, some
wore my own stuff and not H&Ms, to designing and constructing an on TFPs, I just cant bring myself to
the customers tended to follow my outfit of your own? ask for money every time. My wife
cheap trend and I made no major Photography was not my thing but hates this! I say to her, First fame,
sales! When they asked me where I couldnt find a photographer who then money! I was just tired of put-
I got my clothes, I couldnt keep it had experience in male photogra- ting in one hundred per cent and
to myself. I love helping people out, phy. It was on TFPs [Time for Print getting back zero, so I use all that
just like the men or women who put meaning an arrangement whereby Allah gave me to maybe, inshallah,
free tutorials out there on the inter- the photographer provides a set reach my goal.
net. I just couldnt make customers number of prints in exchange for

30 IRMAAN - Sept/Oct
History, Arts and Culture

By Mohamed Abdilahi Duale

uring the last several weeks, tained peace amidst con- tan that would make it Americas
it has become clear that flicting states in the region of the military hub in the region. Equal-
the independence of Iraqi Horn of Africa and has been dem- ly, Professor William Waters, from
Kurdistan has been fervently debat- ocratic since 1993.Given their com- Indian University Maurer School
ed in the political circles of the in- mon experience of democracy, one of law has argued that,Kerry asked
ternational community. This came might argue that one of the reasons Kurds to be statesmen. Statesman-
after ISIS militants occupied many that motivated them to adopt the ship is a quality we associate with
strategic towns in Iraq and the Iraqi democratic system can be attribut- states. The Kurds have long wanted
military was not able to protect ed to their common biter, long one; perhaps now is the time. For
Iraqi citizens from the militants, struggle. that to happen requires statesman-
and collapsed eventually. And after ship from us.
Massoud Barzani, the president of Third, both Iraq and the erstwhile
Iraqis autonomous region of Kurd- Republic of Somalia are character- Furthermore, the Israelis are also
istan had officially announced that ized as the mothers of failed states supporting the independence of
there will be a referendum for inde- their state failure are character- Iraqi Kurdistan, and this came after
pendence in the coming months. ized by a disintegration of state the first tanker carrying crude oil
Iraqi Kurdistan and Somaliland structures, where their respective produced in Iraqi Kurdistan arrived
share many important underlying governments are in-capable of dis- at the Israeli Mediterranean port of
factors, and it is the thesis of this charging basic governmental duties Ashkelon. Prime Minister Netanya-
piece to explain. with respect to their populace and hu has publicly announced that
territories. They are caught in an he is backing the independence of
First, Iraqi Kurdistan is a part and apparently perpetual cycle of anar- Iraqi Kurdistan.
parcel of the large scattered Kurd- chy, terrorism and failed foreign in-
istan Ethnicity that has been parti- terventions. Both Iraq and Somalia Finally, there are indications that
tioned into four different countries: do not enjoy empirical sovereignty Iraqi Kurdistan is likely to become
Turkey, Iran, Syria and Iraq. Not to but rather judicial sovereignty. Not an independent state, given the cur-
mention the genocidal campaign to mention that the nationalism rent security and political situation
of Saddam Hussein in the 1980s factor is missing from their national of Iraq, as well as the stability, peace
against Iraqi Kurdistanis. The same troops, and this is clearly elucidat- and democratic governance that is
subjugations and suppressions that ed by the latest ISIS attack on many prevailing in Iraqi Kurdistan. It is
the people of Somaliland experi- Iraqi towns, where Iraqi national worth mentioning to note that the
enced during their 31 years rule un- troops simply collapsed. Similar- independence of Kurdistan would
der Italian Somalia. Nevertheless, ly, the so-called Somali national be game-changer for states aspiring
it is political fact of life that Iraqi troops have been overwhelmingly to be independent- this would spe-
Kurdistan has never been a na- defeated by Alshabaab Nihilists, cifically boost and increase Somalil-
tion-state as Somaliland was an in- whenever they fight each other. ands aspirations of de jure state. If
dependent nation-state on 26 June Iraqi Kurdistan is recognized as an
in 1960. With respect to the current develop- independent state, it would be very
ments of Iraqi Kurdistans indepen- difficult for the International Com-
Second, Iraqi Kurdistan has been dence, many scholars and journalist munity to thwart or withhold from
democratic and peaceful since its are arguing that it is the opportune Somaliland its fully-deserved inter-
first elections in 1992. Even though, time for Iraqi Kurdistans indepen- national recognition.
Iraqi Kurdistans democracy is not dence. Jonathan Foreman, former
analogous with the democracy in New York Post correspondent on Mohamed Abdilahi Duale is a po-
Somaliland, at least it is a growing Iraq war has succinctly contended, litical analyst and an independent
democracy where there are differ- The time has come for America researcher currently based in So-
ent political parties. Somaliland, and the west to support Kurdish maliland.
although yet to be fully recognized Independence and, simultaneously,
by any states, has experienced sus- to set up U.S bases in Iraqi Kurdis- Source: Kurdistantribune

IRMAAN - Sept/Oct 31
32 IRMAAN - Sept/Oct
History, Arts and Culture

Taran laaanta Af-Soomaaliga

iyo takooridda ereyada qalaad!
WQ: Mustafe M. Khayre

yadoo hore looga hadli jiray dhibaa- suaal, taariikh, buug, wakhti, fakhri, yaabaa in dadka qaar, gaar ahaan inta
tooyinka ka dhashay qabyada ka ji- isticmaal, kelmad, nooc... Sidoo kale aqoonta afku ku yar tahay sidayda, ay
rta qoraalka far- Soomaalida ayaa waxay ka dayriyaan ereyadan tiknoo- ku adkaato in ay mid kasta u helaan
beryahan dambena waxa ku soo biirtay lojiga ah telefoon, tiifii, iimayl iyagoo erey Soomaali ah oo u dhigma. Tusaale
qaylodhaan is taraysa oo la xidhiidha jecel in aynu ku bedelno fogaan-maqal, kale waxan u soo qaadan karaa ereya-
korodhka adeegsiga ereyada iyo weed- muuq-baahiye, bilig-dir. Waxa iyaguna da perception, attitude, opinion, view,
haha qalaad, kuwaas oo af-Soomaaliga jira ereyo aan caan ahayn oo ay adeeg- thought, concept kuwaas oo turju-
u ekaysiiyey mid aan lagu hagar bixi sadaan sida dhigane, suudal, xidhane maaddooda nin waliba dhinaca uu doo-
karayn. iyagoo ula jeeda buug, tahriib, max- no uu ula kaco.
In badan oo ka mid ah suugaanyah- buus. Waxan is weydiiyey sida ay af Si kastaba ha noqotee, waxa is weydiin
anka, dhaqanyahanka iyo qoreyaasha Soomaali ugu helaan ereyo badan oo ay mudan sidee baa xeegona xeego ku no-
Soomaalida ayaa walaac ka muujiy- ka mid yihiin muusig, addarees, mu- qon kartaa af- Soomaaligana loola jaan-
ey hadimooyinka sii biiraya ee ay afka tadawac, fadlan, dabcan qaadsiin karaa afafka kale ee ka dada
ku hayaan dad badan oo caadaystay Bal ila eeg meeriskan male-awaalka ah weyn welina koraya?
in ay hadalkooda ama qoraalkooda si ee aan u dhigay sida ay qoreyaasheena Xeel-dheereyaasha afafku waxay xusaan
qaab daran oo ismoog ama ku-talo-gal asal-raaca ahi innaga rabaan. in siyaabaha afku ku kobco ay ka mid
ah ugu dhex qasaan ereyo ama weed- Wiil Soomaaliyeed oo noloshu ka hor yihiin labadan siyood: 1- In ay jiraan
ho shisheeye oo u badan Ingiriisi iyo timid ayaa si xeerka ka baxsan ugu suu- xarumo khibrad leh khayraadna haysta
Carabi, meelaha qaarna Faransiis ama dalay dal shisheeye hase ahaatee waa oo u xilsaaran erey-bixin joogto ah, ku-
Amxaari. Aqoonyahannada qaar werw- la qabtay waxana laga dhigay xidhane. waas oo awood u leh fidinta iyo hirgelin-
erkoodu wuxu gaadhayba ilaa heer ay Kadibna ciidanka ilaallada xeebaha ta ereyada ay soo saaraan si carrabka
is weydiiyaan muddo intee leeg ayuu ayaa ka qaaday waraysi ay weydiimihii- dadku ula qabatimo. 2- Iyo in afafka kale
af-Soomaaligu sii jiri doonaa? sa ka mid ahaayeen in uu wax ka shee- laga soo amaahdo wixii laga maarmi
Si ay u badbaadiyaan afkeena hooyo, go dhiganeyaasha ugu caansan ee ay ku waayo.
waxay isku xilsaareen gudbinta farriimo kaydsan yihiin mahadhooyinka dalkiisu Mar haddii xarumihii erey-bixintu mee-
qofka Soomaaliga ah ku dhiirigeliya in iyo weliba jaadadka uu ka kooban ya- sha ka maqan yihiin, ama ay hadda uun
uu ku qanacsanaado afkiisa kana niy- hay calanka dalkiisu. Sidoo kale waxay yagleel yihiin sida kuwa ay Jabuuti isku
adjebinaya ku faanista af nin kale. Far- weydiiyeen goobta loogu hagaagi karo xilqaantay, miyaanay lagama-maar-
riimahaas waxa ka mid ah af-Soomaa- qoyskiisii iyo in ay leeyihiin bilig-dir maan ahayn in aynu laabta u sii dayno
ligu waa hodan afkaaga hooyo ayaad ama fogaan-maqal lagala xidhiidhi karo. qodobka labaad? Qof arradani ergiso
ku ciil bixi kartaa maxaa looga baahan Ammintii uu waraysigu dhammaaday ma diidi karaa? Haddii aynu afafka kale
yahay ergisada af kale af qalaad aqoon- oo goorsheegtu ku beegnayd 10.00kii milicsano boqolkiiba lixdan ereyada
tu miyaa! cawaysnimo waxay ku oodeen edeg Faransiisku waxay asalkoodii hore ka
Run ahaantii waa ay jirtaa in af-Soomaa- yar oo soolane ah waxayna u daareen yimaadeen Laatiini. Sidoo kale in ka
liga iyo far-Soomaaligaba ay ka jirto muuq-baahiye ku baxayey af qalaad. badan 80,000 oo erey ayuu Ingiriisigu
baylah aan xad lahayn oo u baahan Maxaad ka fahantay? Miyaanay khasab ka soo qaatay Faransiiska oo keliya, inta
gurmad, waanan la qabaa indheerga- kugu noqon in aad ereyada qaarkood uu afafka kale ee Giriiggu ka mid yahay
radka werwerkooda iyo dareenkooda macnahooda malayso? ka qaatayna lama koobi karo. Maxaa u
waddaninimo maadaama dhaqankeena diidaya af-Soomaaliga oo weliba ka fac
iyo taariikhdeena oo dhami ku kayd- Waxaynu ognahay in laga soo bilaabo yar kuwan?
san yihiin afkeena laaantiina aan la ina burburkii dawladdii Siyaad Barre iyo
ka horba uu korriinka af-Soomaaligu Gunaanadka dooddayda, waxan ayid-
garan karin cidda aynu nahay. Waa kii sanahay dhawrista, daryeelka iyo mu-
Abwaan Weedhsame inoo soo weriyey taagnaa. Fikrado badan oo dunida ku
soo kordhay soddonkii sanno ee u dam- uneynta af- Soomaaliga waanan ka soo
af-Soomaaliga oo ku dardaarmaya Inta horjeedaa adeegsiga afafka qalaad mar-
aan irmaanahay, adna waad ab leedahay; beeyey, tiknoolojiga oo xawaare sare
ku ordaya iyo jiritaan laaanta culimo ka aan baahi dhab ah loo qabin. Mana
mar haddaan abaadose, asal-guurku muuqato sabab qof Soomaali ah oo la
waa dhaxal. erey-bixinta qaabilsan ayaa shaki geliy-
ey hodannimadii af-Soomaaliga ee aynu hadlaya qof kale oo isna Soomaali ahi uu
Haseyeeshee, qoreyaasha qaarkood ku faani jirnay. Marar badanna waxa ti- u adeegsado af kale. Waxanse ka digayaa
ayaad moodaa in ay arrinta ku talax-ta- maad baahi aan la is-diidsiin karayn oo in la is-mahadiyo oo la arki waayo korri-
geen xalkana ka dooneen meel aan hab- loo qabo ergisashada kelmado shishe- in laaanta af- Soomaaliga lana faquuqo
boonayn. Waxay noqdeen asal-raac eye. Dadka afafka isku turjumaa waxay ereyada qalaad intooda Soomaaliyow-
qoraalkooda iyo hadalkoodaba ka sifeeya kuu sheegayaan in ay dhib kala kulmaan day. Taasi wax ay tarto daayoo afkeena
erey kasta oo asalkiisu ka soo jeedo af helitaanka kelmado la kala doorto oo u cidhib xun bay ku yeelan kartaa waxayna
kale, xataa ereygaasi haddii uu Soomaa- dhigma kuwa Ingiriisiga ama Carabiga. ka dhigi kartaa mid duugoobay oo xaaluf
liyoobay. Tusaale ahaan waxay ictiraaf- Tusaale ahaan, ereyadan Ingiriisiga ah ah; qoreyaasha qaarna waxayba ku kalli-
ka kala noqdeen oo ay isticmaalkooda work, job, task, duty, performance, as- fi kartaa in ay qalinkooda u wareejiyaan
ka soo horjeedaan ereyadan caanka ah signment, action, activity waxa laga afafka kale sida haatanba dhacda!

IRMAAN - Sept/Oct 33
34 IRMAAN - Sept/Oct
IRMAAN - Sept/Oct 35
36 IRMAAN - Sept/Oct

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