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Vocal Performance of Group Fitness Instructors

Before and After Instruction: Changes in Acoustic

Measures and Self-Ratings
Katherine Dallaston and Anna F. Rumbach, Brisbane, Australia

Summary: Objectives. (1) To quantify acute changes in acoustic parameters of the voices of group fitness instruc-
tors (GFIs) before and after exercise instruction. (2) To determine whether these changes are discernible perceptually by
the instructor.
Study Design. This is a pilot prospective cohort study.
Methods. Participants were six female GFIs, based in Brisbane, Australia. Participants performed a series of vocal
tasks before and after instruction of a 60-minute exercise class. Data were obtained pertaining to fundamental frequency
(pitch), intensity (volume), jitter, shimmer, harmonic-to-noise ratio (HNR), maximum duration of sustained phonation
(MDSP), and pitch range. Additionally, self-ratings of voice quality were obtained before and after instruction. Data
were analyzed using the Wilcoxon signed rank test.
Results. Significant increases (P  0.05) were found in fundamental frequency and intensity after instruction. No sig-
nificant changes in jitter, shimmer, HNR, or MDSP were found before and after instruction. For the group, no significant
change in self-ratings of voice quality occurred before and after instruction.
Conclusions. Statistically significant changes in pitch and volume were found on acoustic analysis. However, these
subtle changes remained within the limits of what is considered normal and representative of the participants age and
gender. Further research into the effects of exercise instruction on the voice is needed.
Key Words: Professional voice useAerobics instructorGroup fitness instructorVocal loadingVoice disorder

INTRODUCTION and an equal number with complaints of intermittent hoarse-

Group fitness instructors (GFIs) use the voice to engage, moti- ness, complete or partial voice loss, vocal fatigue, and strain.
vate, and cue participants safely through an exercise routine. The study failed to elucidate any significant difference in acous-
However, voice problems such as hoarseness, pitch changes, tic parameters or EGG before and after instruction. However,
and vocal tract dryness are commonly reported by GFIs.14 significant differences were found in vocal behavior and func-
One recent study reported over 78% of GFIs experience acute tion between the two groups. During the simulation, instructors
voice symptoms during or immediately after instructing.4 who reported voice problems used a louder voice and phonated
This may not be surprising considering the GFIs need to for a higher percentage of time, compared with instructors
perform vigorous exercise and speak simultaneously. Addition- without voice problems. This is consistent with the hypothesis
ally, the need to compete vocally with loud background music that vocal loading (ie, prolonged phonation at a higher than
and environmental noise presents a combination of environ- usual effort level) contributes to a GFIs risk of voice problems.
mental and physiological stressors that may contribute to the Significantly, more jitter, lower harmonic-to-noise ratio (HNR),
development of voice problems. Despite a number of studies and less periodicity of vocal fold vibration were found in in-
exploring GFIs self-perception of voice difficulties,14 there structors with vocal problems. This finding suggests that self-
has been limited objective exploration of occupational voice report of vocal problems in GFIs will likely correlate with
changes in this population. objective acoustic and instrumental measures, and that further
To date, only one study has reported objective data relating to investigation using these objective measures is appropriate.
acute voice changes during and immediately after instruction. The generalizability of Wolfe et als5 results is limited by the
The study, conducted by Wolfe et al,5 assessed the vocal func- study design, which used a simulated 30-minute period of exer-
tion of six female GFIs using measures of acoustic perturbation cise instruction, rather than a real exercise class environment.
and electroglottography (EGG) before and after a 30-minute Subjects were asked to perform as they would in a typical ses-
period of simulated exercise instruction. The subjects were sion, although were confined to a 4-ft area, asked to always face
randomly selected from the results of a previous study2 to a freestanding microphone, and were without an audience or
include three GFIs with few or no reported voice problems authentic background noise. Although one of the authors, a
certified GFI, confirmed that each participant carried out the in-
Accepted for publication February 12, 2015. struction in a realistic fashion, the degree to which the instruc-
From the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, The University of Queensland,
Brisbane, Australia.
tion was typical of each individuals usual performance was not
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Anna F. Rumbach, School of Health and reported. To obtain results that can be reliably extrapolated to
Rehabilitation Sciences, The University of Queensland, St Lucia, Brisbane 4072, Australia.
E-mail: a.rumbach@uq.edu.au
the profession at large, objective measurements of vocal func-
Journal of Voice, Vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 127.e1-127.e8 tion of GFIs are required using a study scenario of an authentic
2016 The Voice Foundation
group fitness class, rather than a simulation of one. Further-
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jvoice.2015.02.007 more, developing methodology that can feasibly be used to
127.e2 Journal of Voice, Vol. 30, No. 1, 2016

elucidate changes in vocal performance across a large cohort, voice symptomatology4 and (2) the Voice Handicap Index
whose gender distribution reflects the profession, is important. (VHI)6 to determine the impact of voice difficulties on the par-
Therefore, the present study acted to pilot methodology that ticipants daily functioning and quality of life.
was able to (1) quantify any acute changes in acoustic parame- Voice self-rating. Participants were asked to rate their voice
ters in the voices of GFIs before and after a period of authentic quality before and after instruction using a scale of 1 to 10, with
exercise instruction and (2) to determine whether these changes 1 representing worst or most abnormal voice and 10 represent-
are discernible perceptually by the GFIs. In view of the high ing best or most normal voice. After instruction, participants
vocal demands of the profession and the high prevalence of were also asked to comment on any voice changes that occurred
self-reported acute vocal symptomatology, it was hypothesized during the period of instruction and, if any were experienced, to
that some degree of measurable vocal change at the acoustic elaborate on exactly which sensory and/or perceptual changes
level would be detected. Furthermore, understanding whether they perceived.
GFIs could perceptually discriminate acute voice changes
was considered important as it has been hypothesized that Voice assessment. Each participants vocal function was
self-awareness of subtle voice change may reflect their capacity assessed twice, once before and once after a 60-minute period
to self-manage ongoing vocal health. of exercise instruction by a qualified speech-language patholo-
gist. Recordings were obtained within 30 minutes before and af-
ter instruction and not before the participants respiratory rate,
as perceived by the GFI, had returned to resting rate. Assess-
Procedure ments were conducted face-to-face in a small room with low
A total of six female GFIs aged between 21 and 46 years (me- ambient noise (<50 dB), as measured by a sound pressure level
dian 40 years) participated in this study. All participants were meter,7 and each session took approximately 20 minutes to
certified and registered GFIs and were currently earning income complete.
from teaching at least one type of group fitness class per week at Participants were seated for the duration of the assessment
a university-based fitness center located within Brisbane, and asked to perform a series of vocal tasks. Audio recordings
Australia. Recruitment of participants was conducted in coop- were captured using a head-mounted condenser microphone
eration with the fitness centers manager, who distributed invi- (AKG C544L), positioned 5 cm from the lips to the side of
tations to participate to all staff via e-mail and/or verbal the mouth, to minimize air burst noise.8 A Micro Mic Phantom
discussion. Recruitment was conducted over a 1-month period Adapter (AKG MPA VL) was used to connect the microphone
(August 2014) that aligned with the commencement of the uni- to a Korg MR-1000 Professional 1-Bit Digital Audio Recorder,
versity semestera time that typically offers consistency in re- which digitized the microphone signals at a sampling rate of
gards to size and number of classes taught by GFIs each week. 48 000 Hz. To obtain accurate measures of vocal intensity, cali-
On recruitment, participants provided informed consent and bration of the microphone was conducted before data collection
were assigned a de-identified participant number to ensure using a comparison method.9
participant confidentiality. Vocal tasks included maximum duration of sustained phona-
Each participant underwent a voice evaluation before and af- tion (MDSP), maximal pitch range, oral passage reading, and
ter instruction of a 60-minute group exercise class that was part conversational speech. The order in which vocal tasks were per-
of their regular teaching schedule at this facility. For this reason, formed and the use of standardized verbal instructions (and
the study was not able to control for the time of the scheduled demonstrations when applicable) were consistent across both
class. All classes were conducted in a purpose-built, air-condi- data collection time points for all participants.
tioned, group fitness studio that was able to accommodate up to MDSP on the vowel /a/ was performed under two conditions:
50 exercise class participants. All GFIs had access to a surround comfortable (ie, modal) intensity and minimal intensity (MI).
sound stereo system and a headset microphone. However, Participants were required to perform five trials of the task in
microphone use was not mandatory in this facility. As the aim each condition to optimize the reliability of the data.10 To deter-
of the study was to examine GFIs voice use in an authentic mine maximal pitch range, participants were instructed to glide
setting, the researchers did not control variables surrounding or step from one end of their pitch range to the other, following a
vocal hygiene and teaching practices that would alter their usual model from the assessor. Participants performed the task in both
teaching behaviors (eg, classes taught per day or week, level of ascending and descending directions (sustaining the highest and
hydration before and during exercise instruction). Vocal use the lowest pitch for 5 seconds if able). A total of five trials in
before the voice assessments was reported to be consistent each direction were performed to allow participants opportunity
with normal daily vocal use for each individual. to demonstrate the true limits of their phonation range.11
Ethical approval to conduct this research was obtained from As prior research has shown vocal behavior to vary depend-
the University of Queenslands Behavioural and Social Sci- ing on elicitation method,12 more than one task was used to
ences Ethics Committee. obtain recordings of connected speech. First, an oral passage
Questionnaires. Before voice assessment, participants were reading task was conducted using a passage of text containing
asked to complete two questionnaires: (1) a previously pub- a representative phonetic sample (the Grandfather passage13).
lished questionnaire that gathered information regarding GFI Participants were instructed to familiarize themselves with
demographics, lifestyle, teaching practices, and experience of the text before reading the passage aloud using a comfortable,
Katherine Dallaston and Anna F. Rumbach Vocal Performance of Group Fitness Instructors 127.e3

conversational voice.8 Second, a 3-minute conversational sam- participants reported sometimes experiencing voice changes
ple was obtained by asking participants to Tell me a happy either during or immediately after instructing; however, no par-
story or Tell me about a happy experience regarding group ticipants reported a history of diagnosed voice disorders. They
fitness classes. Participants were prompted to continue talking reported no cigarette smoking, no regular medication use, min-
until a full 3-minute sample had been obtained for analysis.8,14 imal alcohol consumption, and few allergies.
The impact of voice difficulties on daily functioning and
Data analysis quality of life varied considerably for the group (Figure 1).
Analysis of voice recordings was conducted using Praat free- VHI scores ranged from 8 to 42 (median 14). For the group,
ware.15 MDSP was computed using the average of five sus- nearly half (48.2%, n 54) of VHI scores related to the phys-
tained vowels at comfortable intensity levels.10 Maximal ical subscale, 38.4% (n 43) related to the functional subscale,
pitch range was computed by calculating the average of the and 13.4% (n 15) related to the emotional subscale. The two
five highest fundamental frequency (F0) values and the average highest scoring statements for the groupThe sound of my
of the five lowest F0 values produced during any maximal pitch voice varies throughout the day and People have difficulty
range trials. Recordings of continuous phonation (MDSP) were understanding me in a noisy roomwere also the only two
analyzed using the following measures: F0 (Hz); average inten- statements reported to occur more often than never by all par-
sity (dB); frequency perturbationjitter (%); amplitude pertur- ticipants. The impact of voice on emotional aspects varied, with
bationshimmer (dB); and average HNR. To optimize the half of participants reporting no emotional impact of any kind.
reliability of perturbation and HNR measures, recordings
were truncated, leaving 1.5 seconds on each side of the tempo- RESULTS
ral midpoint for analysis.16 Recordings of connected speech The voices of six GFIs were evaluated before and after instruc-
tasks (oral passage reading and conversational speech) were tion of a 60-minute exercise class. Data pertaining to self-
analyzed using measures of F0 and average intensity. perception and acoustic parameters (F0, intensity, jitter,
Statistical analysis was performed with Stata software shimmer, HNR, MDSP, and pitch range) of vocal quality are
(Version 10.0). Relationships between preinstruction and post- presented. Details of these analyses are as follows.
instruction data were analyzed using the Wilcoxon signed rank
test for analysis. A nonparametric test was used because of the Self-perception of vocal quality
small number of participants and because not all parameters There was considerable variation in the group in regards to self-
were normally distributed. The significance level was set at P reported acute voice changes immediately after instruction. Half
 0.05, and P values between 0.05 and 0.07 were considered of the group (n 3; GFI2, GFI5, and GFI6) reported no acute
a trend toward significance. voice changes. The remaining participants reported acute onset
of auditory-perceptual changes (GFI1), sensory changes (GFI4),
Participant demographics or a combination of both (GFI3). Perceptual self-ratings before
Participants (n 6) had been teaching group fitness classes for and after instruction are presented in Figure 2. Preinstruction
127 years (median 5 years) and were teaching on average self-ratings (with 1 representing worst or most abnormal voice
between 2 and 20 classes (median 5 classes) per week, 2 and 10 representing best or most normal voice) were found to
6 days (median 4.75 days) per week. Four of the six roughly reflect VHI scores; participants with high VHI scores

FIGURE 1. Voice Handicap Index (VHI) scores for six female GFIs. Items are grouped into three domains that represent physical (P), functional
(F), and emotional (E) aspects of the impact of voice disorders on quality of life. Total VHI scores are the combined total of each subscale. Total
possible score is 120.
127.e4 Journal of Voice, Vol. 30, No. 1, 2016

FIGURE 2. Self-ratings of sensory perceptual voice quality of six GFIs before and after instruction, where 1 worst or most abnormal voice and
10 best or most normal voice.

reported low preinstruction self-ratings, and vice versa. For the (GFI3). Significantly higher F0 was found after instruction dur-
group, self-ratings did not change significantly before and after ing sustained vowels at comfortable (P  0.001) and minimal (P
instruction (P 0.83). Three participants reported an improve-  0.001) intensity and during oral passage reading (P 0.02).
ment in voice quality after instruction, one reported no change, F0 during conversation for the group also increased after instruc-
and two reported a decline in voice quality. Those who reported tion; however, the difference was not significant (P 0.11).
an improvement in voice quality after instruction described a Intensity. For the group, higher values of intensity were found
reduction in croakiness and the sensation of a warmed-up after instruction across all tasks (Table 2). Results showed sig-
voice that was easier to control. Those who reported a decline nificant increase in intensity after instruction during sustained
in voice quality after instruction described the sensations of a vowels, both at comfortable intensity (P  0.001) and MI (P
lump in the throat, slight soreness, tightness, or discomfort.  0.004). Although higher after instruction, the increases in in-
tensity values during oral passage reading and conversation
Acoustic parameters were not significant for the group.
Fundamental frequency. Measures of F0 across all tasks Maximum duration sustained phonation. To allow for
were generally within the range expected of normal female appropriate comparison to previous studies, MDSP measures are
adults17 (Table 1), with the exception of one participant presented for sustained vowels at comfortable volume. Results

Fundamental Frequency (Hz) of Six GFIs Before and After Vocal Intensity (dB) of Six GFIs Before and After
Instruction Instruction
Vocal Vocal
Task Median SD Range z P Task Median SD Range z P
Sustained vowels CI Sustained vowels CI
Pre 208.97 26.32 151.97231.69 3.733 <0.001* Pre 81.67 5.07 72.0389.20 4.720 <0.001*
Post 227.52 24.40 165.21250.71 Post 84.72 3.85 78.2392.37
Sustained vowels MI Sustained vowels MI
Pre 195.47 26.29 148.01231.34 4.535 <0.001* Pre 75.95 2.62 70.9679.41 2.952 <0.004*
Post 228.27 29.64 164.12262.23 Post 78.01 4.69 71.2087.92
Oral passage reading Oral passage reading
Pre 207.90 22.06 159.05209.05 2.201 0.02* Pre 80.68 5.44 71.9687.59 0.314 0.75
Post 214.50 27.64 161.61230.30 Post 80.26 4.74 75.6189.97
Conversation Conversation
Pre 181.30 28.09 157.89221.13 1.572 0.11 Pre 81.11 3.89 76.5186.86 0.524 0.60
Post 190.56 27.18 160.80235.15 Post 80.53 3.64 79.0788.55
Abbreviations: SD, standard deviation; CI, comfortable intensity; MI, min- Abbreviations: SD, standard deviation; CI, comfortable intensity; MI, min-
imal intensity. imal intensity.
*P value significant at 0.05. *P value significant at 0.05.
Katherine Dallaston and Anna F. Rumbach Vocal Performance of Group Fitness Instructors 127.e5

FIGURE 3. MDSP for six GFIs before and after instruction. *Estimated expected MDSP for women aged 1365 years (Baken and Orlikoff17).
MDSP, maximum duration of sustained phonation.

varied considerably between participants (Figure 3), with only one fold edema.20 Edema (or swelling) is the natural reaction of tis-
participant (GFI2) achieving an MDSP within the normal range sue to physical trauma or misuse, which is experienced during
for adult women.17 Preinstruction and postinstruction comparison vocal loading through repetitive, forceful glottal collisions.11
revealed no significant differences for the group (P 0.68). After a period of prolonged or excessive vocalization, some
Perturbation. As phonatory stability is more difficult to studies have observed edema,21,22 whereas others have not.23
maintain at MI,18,19 perturbation results are presented for Currently, there are no videostroboscopic studies of GFIs after
sustained vowels at MI only (Table 3). Preinstruction and post- a period of instruction, although it is likely GFIs are at
instruction comparison showed no significant differences in the
jitter values for the group (P 0.42). A trend toward increased TABLE 3.
shimmer after instruction (P 0.07) was observed; however, Vocal Function of Six GFIs Before and After Instruction
this finding was not statistically significant.
Variable Median SD Range z P
Harmonic-to-noise ratio. Comparison of preinstruction Jitter (%)
and postinstruction HNR values revealed no significant differ- Pre 0.43 0.45 0.162.23 0.792 0.42
ence on this measure (Table 3). Post 0.45 0.37 0.221.86
Pitch range. Maximal pitch ranges differed considerably be- Shimmer (dB)
tween participants (Figure 4). Maximum (highest) pitch did not Pre 0.23 0.09 0.140.57 1.790 0.07
significantly change for the group before and after instruction Post 0.26 0.19 0.140.92
HNR (dB)
(P 0.11); however, participants minimum (lowest) pitch
significantly increased (P 0.02) after instruction. Pre 26.14 2.94 21.0432.20 1.532 0.12
Post 28.46 4.35 16.7932.54
DISCUSSION Pre 24.14 3.96 17.5332.17 0.689 0.49
A statistically significant degree of voice change for funda- Post 24.38 3.40 18.9830.31
mental frequency and intensity measures were found in this MDSP (s)
study. These results support previous research findings, which Pre 13.81 4.80 4.4924.19 0.401 0.68
reported 42.679% of GFIs experienced some degree of voice Post 13.13 5.14 5.1428.15
change during or immediately after exercise instruction.1,2,4 Pitch range (Hz)
However, changes after a single, one-hour period of exercise in- Minimum
struction did not cause changes significant enough to alter Pre 163.05 30.63 90.02172.14 2.201 0.02*
Post 171.62 11.40 153.00182.81
acoustic parameters so that they deviate from age and gender
norms. Although this study recruited only a small participant Pre 384.29 127.95 265.78686.13 1.572 0.11
cohort, the findings contribute to the limited evidence base of Post 406.73 187.54 319.07839.61
the effects of authentic exercise instruction on the voice.
Notes: Jitter and shimmer values are presented for vowels sustained at
A major finding of the study was significantly higher F0 after minimal intensity only.
instruction during sustained vowels and oral reading. This Abbreviations: SD, standard deviation; CI, comfortable intensity; MI, min-
imal intensity; MDSP, maximum duration of sustained phonation.
result was unexpected in light of one of the physiological
*P value significant at 0.05.
changes known to occur after a period of vocal loading: vocal
127.e6 Journal of Voice, Vol. 30, No. 1, 2016

considerable risk for vocal fold edema; in addition to vocalizing longitudinal tension of the vocal folds to the degree that was
to large groups over background noise, the force of glottal col- achieved before instruction.
lisions during group fitness instruction may be amplified by Another major finding of the study was significantly higher
suboptimal postures,24 reduced breath support,25 and concur- vocal intensity after instruction for sustained vowels across
rent strenuous exercise.26 Edematous vocal folds are thicker both comfortable intensity and MI conditions. During the MI
than nonedematous folds.11 The mass of the vocal folds has condition, participants were instructed to produce the vowel
an inverse relationship with the F0 of phonation; as the mass using your quietest voice, just above a whisper, so it can be
of the vocal folds increases, the F0 of phonation decreases.11,27 assumed that attempts were representative of true ability to
In the present study, a degree of vocal fold edema was expected, phonate as quietly as possible. The reason for increased inten-
and therefore, so too was a decrease in F0 after instruction. One sity of MI phonation after instruction may be related to the
possible explanation why this was not found is that a 60-minute development of increased laryngeal tension secondary to vocal
exercise instruction was not of sufficient duration to cause loading, as discussed previously. The tension of the vocal folds
edema to the degree that it can be detected acoustically. Studies creates resistance to vibration.11 Consequently, in conditions of
that have observed vocal fold edema after prolonged or exces- increased vocal fold tension, higher subglottal air pressure
sive vocalization21,22 have done so following vocal loading levels are needed to initiate vocal fold vibration and higher in-
tasks that were longer than 60 minutes in duration using tensity levels are produced as a result.30 Importantly, however,
videostroboscopic measures. the minimum subglottal air pressure needed to initiate vocal
It is also possible that the acoustic signs of edema were fold vibration is known to be dependent on frequency.30 The
masked by a second physiological change that occurs during fact that participants produced postinstruction sustained vowels
vocal loading: excessive laryngeal tension.20 During vocal at higher F0 than at preinstruction therefore confounds the find-
loading, speakers may develop hyperfunctional behavior in ings. Future studies would therefore benefit from controlling for
the form of excessive tension of the laryngeal muscles.20,28 F0 of sustained vowels.
Excessive tension of the cricothyroid muscles results in MDSP is conventionally thought to measure laryngeal effi-
higher than normal longitudinal tension of the vocal folds.29 ciency and respiratory support11; most participants MDSP fell
The relationship between tension of the vocal folds and F0 of below the expected range for adult women.17 This was surprising
phonation can be likened to the tension of a string and the pitch as it was expected that GFIs would have relatively good cardio-
at which it vibrates; as tension increases, so too does F0.11 vascular and respiratory endurance because of their regular prac-
Wolfe et al5 observed a significant increase in F0 during a 30- tice of phonating while simultaneously exercising. However,
minute period of simulated instruction and suggested that this research has shown there are a number of additional influencing
finding may be an acoustic indication of increased laryngeal variables, including age, sex, number of trials, and elicitation
tension. Similarly, in the present study, the increase in F0 after technique10 that affect performance on this task. The present
instruction may be indicative of increased laryngeal tension that study design does not allow inference on which of these factors
continued after exercise instruction had ceased. This was contributed toward the findings of below-average MDSP for the
further evidenced acoustically by the finding that during postin- group. The only discernible finding was that no significant
struction pitch glides, no participant was able to match their change in MDSP before and after instruction could be found.
preinstruction minimal (lowest) pitch. As participants were Changes in laryngeal efficiency were further explored using
asked to demonstrate their full pitch range, this finding suggests measures of perturbation (jitter/shimmer7). No significant
that participants were unable to voluntarily relax the changes were found in acoustic perturbation measures before

FIGURE 4. Minimal (lowest) and maximal (highest) pitch of six GFIs before and after instruction. Min, minimum; Max, maximum.
Katherine Dallaston and Anna F. Rumbach Vocal Performance of Group Fitness Instructors 127.e7

and after instruction. Similarly, Wolfe et al5 found no signifi- rating scale was flawed. The design of the self-rating scale
cant changes in perturbation measures of six GFIs before and was such that it asked participants to judge their voice in rela-
after a 30-minute exercise instruction simulation. This finding tion to quality on a scale from the worst to the best voice. How-
is contrary to the expectation of vocal deterioration after vocal ever, the only two acoustic parameters for which there were
loading.20 Prolonged or excessive vocalization is thought to in- significant changes were F0 and intensity, which correlate
crease the risk of tissue damage that impairs the efficiency of with the perceptual qualities of pitch and volume, respec-
phonation.11 Changes to perturbation levels reflect minute tively.11 Importantly, an increase in pitch or volume does not
changes in phonatory stability,7 caused by changes in vocal necessarily constitute a better or worse voice. The issue
fold mass, tension, and biomechanics.11 Experimentally, vocal of whether acoustic changes were discernible by the instructors
loading has been shown to cause significant increases in edema, was therefore not something that this study was able to deter-
edge irregularity, and erythema.21 However, identification of mine. A design consideration for future studies is the potential
changes in phonatory stability using acoustic measures has use of multiple self-ratings scales, such as volume, pitch, effort,
been inconsistent.21,22,31 In the present study, the higher and quality of voice.
frequency and increased intensity of postinstruction vowels
may be a confounding factor, as there is evidence that F0 and Limitations and future directions
intensity of phonation affect measures of phonatory This is the first study to objectively quantify changes in the voi-
stability.18,32 Future studies would also therefore benefit from ces of GFIs before and after a period of authentic instruction.
controlling for intensity of sustained vowels. The results provide pilot data toward the consideration of a
Similarly, there were no changes found in HNR before and larger, more controlled study. Given the pilot nature of the
after instruction. A possible reason for no significant increase study, a number of limitations around the design of the study
in HNR in the present study may again be that a single 60- are evident. First, the studys small sample size with strong fe-
minute period of exercise instruction is not of sufficient dura- male bias limits the generalizability of the results. The sample
tion to cause change in the adequacy of glottal closure. After was also heterogeneous in regards to self-report of voice prob-
a period of vocal loading, an increase in glottal air leakage lems, length of time in the industry, teaching frequency, type of
may be predicted because of suboptimal closure of fatigued exercise class taught, vocal behavior, and vocal hygiene. Con-
folds.28 There is no universally accepted mathematical defini- trolling for these factors in future studies may provide valuable
tion of HNR, and so it is unclear whether the current partici- information about their influence. The objective of this study
pants present with HNR within normal limits.33 was to gain an authentic view of change in before and after
There was no apparent trend in the groups self-perceptions vocal performance after a 1-hour period of exercise. Although
of vocal quality before and after instruction; after instruction, control of extraneous variables is scientifically desirable, this
three participants perceived an improvement in voice quality, would interfere with the authenticity of the participants
one perceived no change, and two perceived a decline. Has- behavior, shifting the study to examine simulated teaching ex-
kell34 described a conceptual model for vocal self-perception periences. Future studies may seek to incorporate rigorous
in which a speakers perception of voice production is informed monitoring of vocal behavior and vocal hygiene variables to
by both auditory feedback (how the voice sounds) and tactile- further inform their relationship with acoustic findings. Addi-
proprioceptive feedback (how the voice feels). Interestingly, tionally, controlling for level of vocal training may be informa-
when asked to comment on self-ratings, participants who tive.22,32 Another consideration is the use of physiological
perceived an improvement in voice quality after instruction monitoring before and after exercise instruction to ensure
offered comments relating to both auditory and tactile- that all postassessments are carried out only once the
proprioceptive aspects of voice production; however, those participants heart and respiratory rates had returned to
who perceived a decline in voice quality commented only on resting rate.
tactile-proprioceptive aspects. This finding may indicate that Future studies that use laryngoscopic examination to com-
changes in laryngeal sensation are more salient to GFIs than plement acoustic measures are required. Comparison of the
changes in sound quality. If this is the case, efforts to increase appearance of the larynx before and after a period of exercise
vocal health awareness in this population would be wise to instruction may provide a rationale for any changes detected
exploit this saliency by targeting education toward the implica- in acoustic and perceptual parameters. However, exploration
tions of laryngeal discomfort. Future studies may benefit from of acute voice change in an authentic exercise setting requires
using more than one self-rating scale to investigate GFIs vocal a quick transition from conclusion of the period of exercise in-
self-perception to delineate the auditory aspects and tactile- struction to the completion of the postexercise voice assess-
proprioceptive aspects of self-perception. ment. Failure to transport the necessary equipment to the
By comparing perceptual self-ratings with acoustic mea- fitness center may allow a period of voice recovery which could
sures, the study aimed to determine whether acoustic changes alter results. Therefore, use of laryngoscopy may be better
were discernible by GFIs. To date, studies that have compared suited for experimental designs that incorporate simulated
self-ratings and acoustic measures have not been successful in group fitness exercise tasks.
demonstrating a strong correlation between these parame- A better understanding of acute voice changes in GFIs
ters.3537 In the present study, post hoc analysis of the would be gained by supplementing preinstruction and post-
acoustic findings showed their comparison with the self- instruction data with data relating to vocal function during
127.e8 Journal of Voice, Vol. 30, No. 1, 2016

instruction. Wolfe et al5 found significant differences in the 13. Darly FL, Aronson AE, Brown JR. Motor Speech Disorders. Philadelphia:
vocal behavior during instruction of GFIs with reported W.B. Saunders; 1975.
14. Zraick RI, Birdwell KY, Smith-Olinde L. The effect of speaking sample
vocal problems compared with those without. Vocal
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