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COE Lesson Plan

Lesson Teacher: Devan Farrar Date: Mar/9/2016

Lesson Grade Level: 3rd Grade Timeframe: 12:00 to 12:40

Content Area: Science Grouping Strategy: Whole Group

Preparing for Lesson Development

1. What does your pre-assessment observation indicate about your
students needs and current performance and educational needs?
The students are learning about different animal classes and they have
already learned about mammals and fish. The students seem to learn better
when art is integrated into their lessons so they will make a bird using paper
and feathers.

2. How will you design the lesson to meet the needs of all learners in
your classroom? The students will e able to ask each other questions while
they are labeling their birds. The teacher will also be walking around to fix
any mistakes that the students might have made while labeling their bird.

Lesson Plan Development

Lesson Title: What is a bird?
Common Core and/or State Standard: SCS 3.3.5 create and use a classification
system to group a variety of plants and animals according to their similarities and
LA.R.2. Determine the main idea of a text; recount the key details and explain how they
support the main idea.
LA.3.SL.6. Speak in complete sentences when appropriate to task and situation in order to
provide requested detail or clarification.

Lesson Objective: Students will be Assessment of Learning: Students will

able to recognize the physical make a picture of a bird using the correct
charateristics of birds. materials and label the physical attributes.
Lesson Objective: Students will be Assessment of Learning: Students will be
able to tell their partner about where birds live
able to explain where a bird lives and
and why they live there while the teacher
listens to the students talk to one another.
Based on the lesson objectives, select an appropriate teaching model
Madeline Hunter
Indian Education For All (IEFA) No Yes. If yes, please describe
Lesson Procedures/Activities Materials Management
Anticipitory Set Computer The students will
Students will eatch the video about birds. Projector watch the video
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jF0Id-hH9y4 Video quietly at their
desk while
learning about

Teacher Input Eyewitness book The students will

The teacher will read the "Big Book of Birds" and about Birds listen while the
the Eyewitness book about birds to the students on "Big Book of teacher is reading
the Elmo so that the students can see the pictures Birds" and they will
and connect the word to the pictures. The teacher answer questions
will mainly focus on the physical attributes and when they are
nest of birds. The teacher will be asking the asked.
students questions about the books while it is
being read.
Check for Understanding Whiteboard The teacher will
The teacher will write 2 questions on the board: Markers walk about the
Where do birds make their homes? Why? colored paper room listening to
What are their homes made out of? Why? white paper the students'
The students will talk about these question with converstaions
their desk partner. When they are done answering about where birds
their questions the students will get a colored and live.
a white piece of paper and a handful of feathers.
Guided Practice Scissors The teacher will
The teacher will instruct the class to use their Glue place an example
colored paper and the feathers to make a picture Markers of a bird made of
of a bird. Then when they are done making their Elmo these materials
bird they will need to label the physical attributes porjector that is not labeled
of what make a bird a bird. on the Elmo.
Indepndent Practice Scissors The students will
The students will cut pieces of their colored paper Glue work on their own
to make the body of a bird and then glue the Markers bird and they can
feather to the picture. They will then label their Elmo ask their partner
picture with the physical charateristics of birds. porjector for help labeling
the parts of their
bird. The teacher
will walk around
the room to
asnwer any
questions and to
check for correct
Closure "Mama Built a The students will
When most of the students are done with their Little Nest" book listen quietly
birds, the teacher will begin to read "Mama Built a while the teacher
Little Nest" to the students. reads the book.

Evidence of Lesson Effectiveness/Student Learning:

Reflection and Recommendations for Next Time:

Attachments, if required.

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