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62 Their participation in the evaluation aims to impro

ve our programs and performance of the Master Teacher: Subject: Date: INSTRUCTIO
NS: Answer with any accuracy the following questions by marking an X scale consi
dering 1 as very poor and 10 excellent
A 1 TIMELINESS 1.1 1.2 Start Finish 2 OBJECTIVES 2.1 Are the objectives clearly
established? 2.2 Are they achieved? 3 DEVELOPMENT item 3.1 item 3.2 Update Knowl
edge of the teacher in the sequence and order item 3.3 3.4 Clarity 3.5 uses the
concepts of information technologies (internet, mail, messenger, chat) 3.6 The t
eacher included four aspects pprácticos TEACHING TECHNIQUES 4.1 It used various
techniques (lectures, case studies, group, etc.) achieved participacón 4.2 4.3
group has drawn the interest of the group 4.4 The teacher's voice in tone, rhyt
hm and volume remained interested in the group 4.5 The teacher established a ple
asant climate 4.6 The non-verbal communication (gestures, movements, etc) suppor
ted the exposure 5 5.1 Always TEACHING MATERIALS 5.2 learning materials learning
materials including videos, CDs and encarta, internet, educational software, TV
6 What issues seen in any matter (s) not addressed in depth? 7 If for some reas
on you were upset with the teacher, what grade would lie in this questionnaire?
8 The teacher monitors and enforces discipline 9 The teacher cares for all and h
elps us when we have problems in his class 10 11 Trust us learn and our ability
to learn NOTE: A. - B. Definitely Disagree - C. Disagree - Neither agree nor dis
agree D - E. Agree - definitely agree 1 2 3 B 4 5 C 6 7 D E 10 August 9
12 If the teacher once you have drawn attention, in which grade you are aware th
at the teacher was right and justification for doing 13 The teacher encourages u
s to learn 14 The teacher ensures that we strive and work to pass 15 The teacher
is demanding, but also teaches very well 16 The teacher makes his classes inter
esting 17 We are encouraged to read and investigate 18 Make 19 out of the classr
oom activities The teacher distributes your time between explanations and work 2
0 Explains well, stressing the essential and avoids large rolls 21 to provide th
e beginning of the class or themes and ultimately highlights the importance of 2
2 fosters cooperation, collaboration and support between us with justice 23 We e
valuated 24 feature in the evaluation work in class 25 The matter relates knowle
dge of other matters 26 We take into account to evaluate tests as well, other wo
rk and shares 27 The teacher arrives on time to class 28 to class teacher is alw
ays with the teacher 29 has more qualities than 30 defects degree of seriousness
with which you answered the Questionnaire 31 If you have a suggestion, complain
t or compliment the teacher to do, write it on the back please

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