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1. What should be the bank's target segment?.

Depending on the target market seg

ment should be: a. Market People

Socio-economic group: The approach should focus on the C2 segment and appeal to
the aspirational C3 and D segments, attracting them with a proposal inclusive wh
ich means that if a client C3 or D segment is a branch of the BECH, it does not
feel uncomfortable or discriminated against. Educational status: Alumni of techn
ical and university programs in low and middle income. Revenue: Between $ 350,00
0 and $ 900,000. Age: 25-40 years.

To capture them should build an intensive campaign to attract students in recent

years of technical careers and university students focusing on the segment C2 a
nd C3. It should offer new and refurbished products that meet the needs of these
groups by:

Opening of Current Accounts Youth. Credit University with a focus on retention a

nd increased LFT (Life Time Value) of the client. Auto loans with amounts not ex
ceeding $ 5,000,000. Mortgage loans of amounts less than or equal to 2,000 UF.

b. Business Market For companies should focus depending on the size of them, dif
fering in the type of customer service and service channel.

Large Companies: personalized service and centralized in the Headquarters divide

d into RM and regions and / or by category. Medium Enterprises: modules for spec
ial attention in those branches that are located in districts having the largest
number of these businesses. SMEs and Micro-enterprise: those customers to focus
on higher quality or low risk and maintaining a social focus but economically p
rofitable. The focus should be on all

branches in the country through executive in charge generic portfolio.

2. What will "customer focus" in the State Bank?, How it evolved over time?. Cus
tomer orientation means leaving aside the approach associated with the products,
BECH was divided until 2000 in the mortgage business, savings, current accounts
, debt, among others. To achieve directed to this new approach should be segment
ed into the types of customers can be met, the natural division of individuals a
nd companies, and the latter in turn can be divided into Large Enterprises, Medi
um Enterprises, SMEs and microenterprises. The evolution over time has been as f
ollows: • From 1973 to 1990, BECH had large gaps and no approach to customers be
cause the main source of income was the Single Tax Account (CUF) (1991 reached 4
0%) and savings accounts. Until 1990 he was offered various products and split t
he mortgage business, economy, few current indebtedness, among others). Since 19
90 the BECH started its modernization process focusing on the following four pil
lars: 1. Standardization of the loan portfolio and focus on Big Business. 2. For
mation of teams. 3. Restructuring processes. 4. Incorporation of technologies. •
In 2000, Bank had a relatively orderly and in the process of cultural change. W
ell positioned in Large Companies, and SMEs and people were in a very good start
given the growth to 300 branches. Although there was no area of Marketing, the
marketing concept did not exist and was still product-oriented. 2000 onwards, al
ready had a very competitive environment and concentrated (because of mega-merge
rs), and had to decide whether BECH was great, efficient and multi-services or n
iche focused and reduced in size.

3. Why was not a brand change in the early 90?. In early 1991 he attempted to ch
ange the corporate image and logo BECH traditional, but the project was rejected
for two reasons: • • The staff saw privatization attempts. Executive Committee
Chairman, Andrew Sanfuentes, BECH argued that he was not prepared to promise imp
rovements to the customer.
4. What should be the position for people of the State Bank?. People in the BECH
market should be positioned in the proposed target segment in terms of image, s
ervice and access as follows:

Innovative vs. aspirational attributes - Axis aspirational: Be aspirational for
segments C3 and D. - Axis Innovation: Innovation is not very important in this i
ndustry because the products offered (current account, card, line of credit, mor
tgage, etc.) are perceived as very similar to banks. In short, the BECH should b
e positioned in these attributes INNOVATIVE + as follows:
NO aspirational
Final position
Start position

Technological Attributes vs. Efficient - Axis Technology: Implement technology s
olutions that will print a stamp art and according to the level that delivers th
e industry. Constant renewal, always take the lead. - Efficient Priority: Improv
ing quality of service aspects such as: prompt attention, courtesy, efficiency o
f executives, knowledge of its customers, among others. In short, the BECH shoul
d be positioned in such attributes as follows:
Final position
Start position
5. What can the State Bank if you want to win the allegiance of all consumers wh
o represent different segments?. To build loyalty BECH must generate the lock-in
's by improving and strengthening the attributes associated with quality of serv
ice, since they are important when choosing a bank. Where the focus must be son1
: • • • • • Attribute ranked in position # 1: Quick attention. Attribute ranked
in position # 4: Kindness. Attribute ranked in position No. 5: Effective Executi
ve. Attribute ranked in position # 9: Know your customers. Attribute ranked in p
osition No. 11: Presentation of branches.
For the past five chosen attributes should be improved net satisfaction, from le
vels ranging between 20% and 30% to levels approaching 60%. After obtaining the
required levels to be reported to be present when a bank's choice among potentia
l customers (to influence the preferences), then and through the use of the serv
ices to achieve the internalization of these attributes by customer loyalty and
generate desired.
Graphic N º 5: Association of attributes with the State Bank.

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