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Discovering My Ministry Class 301

Commitment to Maturity
C.L.A.S.E. 201: Discovering Spiritual Maturity
C.L.A.S.E. 301: Discovering My Ministry
Commitment to Ministry
Commitment to
C.L.A.S.E. 101: Discovering Church Membership
C.L.A.S.E. 401: Discovering My Mission
Commitment to Missions
Rick Warren, Pastor
Saddleback Valley Community Church
"Discovering My Ministry"
CLASS "301" This class is one of the four basic kinds of SVCC since these classe
s are in sequence, you need first to attend classes, "Discovering My Membership"
101 "Discovering My Maturity 201 before taking this class. We are convinced tha
t you must first be undertaken with practices to achieve spiritual maturity befo
re you are ready for ministry. The Membership and Spiritual Maturity are the fou
ndation for the Ministry.
The purpose of this class:
"... God has given pastors and teachers, to prepare God's people for works of mi
nistry, for building up the body of Christ." Ephesians 4: 11-12
The Bible teaches us:
• • Pastors are ADMINISTRATORS. People are MINISTERS.
The principle behind this class:
My ministry is determined by my personality.
What God made me to BE determines what He wants me to do. Better understand the
purpose for which I created (a) better understand what kind of person I am. This
is the secret to knowing God's will for your life! God is consistent in his pla
n for each of our lives. He did not give us innate talents and temperaments, spi
ritual gifts and all sorts of life experiences and then not using them. In revie
wing and studying these factors, you will discover the ministry God has for you
... the only way that God has planned that helps.
The two results of discovering the ministry for which I was made are: Fruiting A
The focus of this class:
In the Church of Saddleback Valley Community stress in an individual approach to
ministry, and not institutional approach. Focus on the five personal factors th
at have combined to form the real you "real." By identifying the specific traits
you possess in each of these areas, the ministry that God has designed for you
will be crystal clear.
CLASS OUTLINE: SESSION ONE: Facts for the ministry. • • • • What the Bible says
about ministry. How God made me? The process to discover the ministry. Identifyi
ng my unique way.
SESSION TWO: S. Serving through V. C. C. • • • • The version of the ministry of
S. V. C. C. Examining the opportunities. (Menu of the ministry) Developing a hea
rt to serve. Where do I continue from here?
THREE STEPS TO COMPLETE THIS CLASS: 1. Attend classes. (2 sessions) 2. Complete
their assignments. (Tasks) 3. Meet with a Guide to the ministry. (Interview)
The goals of this class:
DEVELOPMENT AND USE of my "gifts" and abilities given by God to serve God and ot
hers through my church.
2 - I will choose and start SERVING IN THE MINISTRY OF
BETTER THAN MY CHURCH express what God made me.
• My primary ministry. • My ministry secondary.
What the Bible Says About The Ministry
What is Ministry?
DEFINITION: (Greek "diakonos" means: "Serve")
Ministry is:
Use what God has given me to serve Him and the needs of others.
We minister in three directorates: • MR. • For other believers. • For non - beli
Acts 13: 2 Hebrews 6: 10 Matthew 5: 13
We minister in three areas of need: • A PHYSICAL NEEDS OF THE PEOPLE.
"(God says) ... because I was hungry and you gave me food, I was being, and you
gave me drink: I was a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, I
was in prison and you came to me ... as you did for one of these my brethren, y
ou did it to me. "Mat. 25: 35-36 "Whoever gives one of these little ones a cup o
f cold water only, a disciple, verily I say you will not lose his reward." Mat.
10: 42
"Brothers also urge you to admonish the disorderly, to alentéis the feebleminded
, support you give to the weak, and to be patient toward all." I Thess. 5: 14
"... And all this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and g
ave us the ministry of reconciliation." II Cor. 5: 18 "... to Him we proclaim,€a
dmonishing every man and teaching every man with all wisdom, so that we may pres
ent every man perfect in Christ Jesus. "Col 1: 28-29
The purpose of the ministry
There are different kinds of service to God, but the same Lord. The Holy Spirit
manifests His power through each of us to benefit the body of Christ. All of you
together are Christ's body, and each is a separate and necessary part of this.
"God wants to use me to build his body.
Why Should I be interested?
"For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God p
repared beforehand that we should walk in them." Ephesians 2: 10 2 - I HAVE BEEN
SAVED FOR THE MINISTRY. "It was he who saved us and called us with a holy calli
ng, not according to our works but according to his own purpose and grace which
was given us in Christ
Jesus before the beginning of time. "9
I Tim. 1:
We are Saved to Serve!
3 - I HAVE BEEN CALLED TO THE MINISTRY. "... ... I beg you to walk worthy of the
vocation wherewith ye are called." Eph. 4: 1 b "But ye are a chosen generation,
a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people, to proclaim the praises of him who
called you out of darkness into his wonderful light." I Peter 2: 9 "Come to Him
, living stone, which was certainly rejected by men but to God's chosen and prec
ious. "I Peter 2:4
I'm not who I am. I'm not who you think I am. I really am who God says I am! A t
ruth that transforms lives! My primary identity: I am a minister of Jesus Christ
4 - HE
Been gifted for ministry.
"As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another as good stewards of
the manifold grace of God." I Peter 4: 9 5 - I HAVE BEEN AUTHORIZED FOR THE MIN
ISTRY. "Jesus approached them and said unto them, 'All authority has been given
me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples ... "Matt. 28: 18-19
"So we are ambassadors for Christ." II Cor. 5: 20
6 - HE BEEN MANDATED TO THE MINISTRY. "Your attitude should be like mine, becaus
e I, the Messiah, came not to be served but to serve." Mat. 20: 27-28 "... and t
ell Archippus: Care for the ministry has received from the Lord, that you may fu
lfill." Col 4: 17 7 - I prepare for the ministry. "And he gave ... pastors and t
eachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for the edification of Ch
rist." Eph. 4: 11-12
8 - THE BODY OF CHRIST MINISTRIES NEEDS. "All of you together form the body of C
hrist, and each is a separate and necessary member of it." I Cor. 12: 27
The ministry always work within the context of the family - church.
"And living the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were distressed a
nd downcast like sheep without a shepherd. He said to his disciples: "The harves
t is plentiful but the laborers are few." Mat. 9:36-37
9 - I AM RESPONSIBLE FOR MY MINISTRY. "So each one of us shall give account to G
od himself." Rom 14: 12 * The "Parable of the Talents." Matthew 25: 14-30.
10 - SERE
"And what you do, work at heart, as working for the Lord and not men, knowing th
at the reward comes from the Lord." Col 3: 23-24 "The Lord said, 'Well, and fait
hful servant in what little you have followed, with a few things: enter thou int
o the joy of thy Lord. "Matthew 25: 23
Procedure: How Discovering My Ministry!
ROMANS 12: 1-8
"... I beseech you ... that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acc
eptable unto God, which is your reasonable service." Vs. STEP 1: Remove the COMP
ETENCE OF LEISURE. "And be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the
renewing of your mind." Vs. STEP 2: Assess my potential (Fortaleza "... anyone
think higher of yourself that knows what to think but to think wisely, according
to the measure of faith God has distributed to each." Vs. 3 FOUR STEP: Cooperat
e with other believers. ... as well as one body with many members, but not all m
embers have the same function, so we who are many are one body in Christ and ind
ividually members one of another. " vs. 4-5
Involvement of the lesson of "Anatomy" of Paul:
(See also • • I Cor. 12: 1-31)
Each member is a minister in the body of Christ. Each member has a different fun
• •
The ministry of every member is important. Each member belongs to others.
"... By one Spirit we were all baptized into one body ... the eye can not say to
the hand, do not need you;€nor again the head to the feet do not need you. On t
he contrary, the truth is that members of the body that seem weaker are the most
necessary ... but God has so composed the body, giving greater honor to the par
t that lacked it. "I Cor. 12 "13, 21-22, 24b
STEP FIVE: On my spiritual gifts. "Having gifts that differ according to the gra
ce that was given to us ... the prophecy .. education service ... .. of exhortat
ion ... to give ... to lead ... mercy ... "vs. 6-8
Discovering How God Has Made Me To The Ministry
"Your hands made me and formed me; ..." Job 10: 9
God has been molded and shaped for ministry since you were born. In fact, God st
arted uniquely formed you even before birth. "I will praise you, I am fearfully
and wonderfully made; ... Your eyes saw my unformed ... all those things that we
re fashioned ... without missing one." Psalm 139: 14-16 •
• •
I was created with a purpose. I am unique. I'm Wonderful complex.
"... Oh man, who are you, that answers back to God? He will say to the molder, w
ho trained him: 'Why hast thou done so? The potter has power over the clay. "Rom
. 9: 20-21
"In the ministry. . . Function follows form!
"There are varieties of gifts, but the Spirit himself. There are different minis
tries but the same Lord. And there are diversities of operations, but God is the
same. To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit to profit withal. "I Cor
. 12: 4-7
My F.O.R.M.A. determines my ministry!
"Every man has his proper gift of God, one to the truth of one kind and another
after that." I Cor. 7:7 "With what I've been gifted?
A loving heart. Apoc. 17:17
"God has placed in your heart to reach their divine purpose."
"It is God who works in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure." Fil. 2
:13 What do you enjoy doing?
"There are different skills to perform the service." "I (God) ... I have given s
kill, ability, and knowledge in all kinds of arts. "(Exodus 31:3)" Our competenc
e comes from God. "(2 Cor. 3:5) What natural talents God has given me?
"Nobody really knows what another is thinking or how it really is, except the pe
rson himself."
Where, my personality, fits better?

SPIRITUAL What experiences have you had?
"It has been long enough for them to be teachers, but still need to be taught, n
o experience in the matter of good and evil." Hebrews 5: 12-13

What I have had painful experiences?
"Sometimes it takes a painful experience to change our ways." Prov 20: 30 "God c
omforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to console ..." II Cor. 1
: 4

What educational experiences have you had?
"Hold the board, do not leave, your education is your life, cherish it." VP Prov
April 13:

What ministry experiences have you had?
"Those who receive support not only be glad for the generous gift, but praise Go
d for this show of obeying the message of Christ." II Cor. 9: 13 VP
Your ministry will be more effective and satisfying when you're using your "gift
s and abilities" in the area of the "desires of your heart" in a way that best e
xpresses your personality and experience. Success is: Do that for which God crea
ted me.
What Took Shape the Ministry of Paul?
PAUL'S SPIRITUAL GIFTS. "It apostle God appointed me his, with the task of preac
hing and teaching that message to the Gentiles." II Tim. 1:11 Paul's heart. "It
has always been my ambition to preach, not where others have already begun churc
hes, but where the name of Christ has never been preached." Rom. 15:20 "(God) ap
peared in Peter to the apostleship of the circumcision performed on me to the Ge
ntiles." Gal. 2:8 "Life would be worthless if not employed to complete the task
with joy that I said the Lord Jesus." Acts 20, 34 THE ABILITIES OF PAUL: "... As
they were tentmakers like Paul, this is was to live and work with them .... The
re was no surprise Saturday that Paul trying to convince Jews and Gentiles "Acts
18: 1-4
THE PERSONALITY OF PAUL. "... They are aware of what was my behavior. Persecuted
the church with fanatical zeal, I tried to destroy them. He was ahead of most o
f my contemporaries in the Jewish religion and had a boundless enthusiasm "Gal.
1: 13-14 VP
THE EXPERIENCES OF PAUL.€Their spiritual experiences! • • • • saw when they ston
ed Stephen. His conversion on the road to Damascus. Three years maturing in Arab
ia. Special vision of God. Acts 8: 1 Acts 9: 1-20 Gal 1: 18 II Cor. 12: 2-7
Painful experiences. "... I have been incarcerated, have struck me ... I have be
en in danger of death. Five times the Jews have given me horrible 39 lashes. Thr
ee times with sticks. Once I was stoned ... I wrecked three times ... I spent a
night and a day at sea. Many times in danger of overflowing rivers, or at the ha
nds of thieves ... ... Jews angry. I have had to face hardened mob ... danger of
death in the desert. I suffer from fatigue, pain, insomnia, hunger, thirst, fas
ting, cold. "II Cor 11: 23-27" And for the greatness of the revelations I exalte
d above measure, I was given a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan to tormen
t me ... "II Cor. 12:7 PAUL'S EDUCATIONAL EXPERIENCES. "I studied at the feet of
Gamaliel, at whose feet I learned to carefully observe the Jewish customs and l
aws ..." Acts 22: 3 PAUL'S EXPERIENCES IN THE MINISTRY Read the book of Acts!
The Process to Discover
The Ministry of Saddleback
Keep Discovering My Ministry "301 As God has shaped me for ministry!
with Spiritual Gifts
Loving Heart
Motivated Fitness
- Experience
Complete your-PERSONAL DATA
Identify 3 or 4 possible Ministries Ministries Guide Try a careful information a
bout the ministry that interests you
Start your ministry and attends monthly meetings of SALT
We have developed and adapted various materials ... ... to help you discover and
think about the five factors that shape who you are. Complete these before meet
ing with a Ministerial Advisor. * DISCOVERING YOUR GIFT will give an overview of
spiritual gifts, and help you identify or those gifts God has given you. * MONI
TORING THE PULSE OF YOUR HEART will help you clarify what you really love or lik
e to do.
* Apply your skills will help you appreciate the talents
natural and vocational skills with which God has favored.
* Connect your staff will help you see how the
temperament that God has given can be used up in the ministry.
* Examine your experiences will help you review your story
discover how God has prepared for a unique ministry that only you can make.
1 - Enjoy! These are not "tests." There is no right or wrong answers. The purpos
e is to teach you as you are a unique mixture and special. 2 - Each test is self
-evaluated. Nobody scored. We are interested in your success. However, we sugges
t relationships that help you verify or compare your answers.
3 - The value of each of these materials will vary depending on your age, how lo
ng have you been a Christian, your transfondo, your honesty, and seriousness and
how long you've invested in this. 4 - While complete each material, transfer th
e results to the form called "My Profile Ministry." This information must be del
ivered to a Ministry Guide.
What the Bible Says About Spiritual Gifts!
"About the spiritual gifts, I do not want you to be in ignorance." I Cor. 12:1 a
spiritual gift: A special ability given by the Holy Spirit to every believer in
his conversion to minister to others and build up the Body of Christ.
1 - only believers have spiritual gifts. 2 - Every Christian has at least one gi
ft. 3 - No one gets all spiritual gifts. 4 - No gift is given for personal use.
I Cor 2: 14 I Cor 7: 7 I Cor 12: 27 I Cor. 12: 29
5 - Can not make merit TO WIN. a spiritual gift. Ephesians 4: 7 6 - The Holy Spi
rit decides what gifts I receive. 7 - The gifts that I have given are permanent.
I Cor. 12: 11 Rom. 11: 29
8 - I develop the gifts God has given me. I Tim. 4: 14 9 - It is a sin NOT use t
he gifts God has given me. I Corinthians 4: 1-2 .. Mat 25: 14 to 30 October - Us
ing my gifts to glorify God and helps me grow. John 15: 8
of others the gift he has received, faithfully administering God's grace in its
various forms." I Peter 4: 10 "To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit
for the good of the church . "I Cor. 12: 7 B-TO PRODUCE MATURITY AND STABILITY
IN OUR FAMILY - CHURCH.€"And He Himself has given everyone different gifts ... f
or building up the body of Christ ... the unity of faith ... the mature ... to n
o longer be children tossed and carried to and fro with every wind of doctrine .
.." Ephesians 4: 11, 13-14
1 - Do not confuse gifts with natural talents. 2 - DO NOT CONFUSE THE GIFTS WITH
23 * The "fruits" demonstrate my maturity. "* The" gifts "show my ministry." 3
- DO NOT CONFUSE THE CHRISTIAN ROLE WITH GIFTS. 4 - Be aware of the tendency to
(Do not expect others to serve just like you and have similar results.) 5 - DO N
OUR GIFTS LOVE to no avail. "... If you could speak any language in heaven or on
earth .. if you have the gift of prophecy .. if he knew absolutely everything .
.. and if I had such faith that moves mountains, would be useless without love.
"I Cor. 13: 1-2 7 - acknowledge that they are primary and a secondary MINISTRY I
N THE CHURCH: * My dedication to my primary ministry should be: in the area wher
e WHERE I'M HUNG. * My child ministry includes serving in any other area as need
1 - STUDY * See the list of spiritual gifts in Scripture. 2 - EXPERIENCE * Exper
ience in different service areas. 3 - ANALYSE * Use materials Discovering my spi
ritual gift. " 4 - ASK * Ask others to donate can see you. 5 - LEARN (Training)
* Benefit Study Guides.
Three ways in which God wants to use my gifts:
A-Through a ministry Active / ongoing. B-Through Short-term projects. C-Through
spontaneous situations.
It is easier to discover your gift through the ministry to discover your ministr
y through your gift.
"Discovering my gifts"
The Bible is not limited in the number of spiritual gifts, or even their definit
ions. The four seniors are lists in Romans 12: 3-8; I Cor. 12: 1-11, 27: 31, Eph
esians 4: 11-12, and I Peter 4: 9-11, but there are other passages that mention
or illustrate gifts are not included in these lists. All gifts are given to help
the church to fulfill its purpose. We categorized this list of gifts according
to the purposes of Saddleback ... While reading this list, look at your initial
reaction regarding yourself. Remember that you can have more than one gift.
Gifts to communicate the Word of God!
(Both PREACHING. To believers and non-believers) I Cor. 14: 3.
The ability to communicate the Word of God publicly in a way inspired, which con
vinces non-believers, challenge and comfort the believers. It is the ability to
persuasively declare God's purpose. ____ I am sure I have this gift. ____ Maybe
I have this gift. ____ I do not think I have this gift.
Acts 8: 26-40.
The ability to communicate the Good News of Jesus Christ to unbelievers in a pos
itive and non-threatening. The ability to create opportunities to share Christ a
nd lead people to respond with faith. ____ I am sure I have this gift. ____ Mayb
e I have this gift. ____ I do not think I have this gift. MISSIONS. I Cor. 9: 19
-23. Acts 13: 2.
The ability to adapt to different cultures in order to reach unbelievers and hel
p believers of those cultures. ____ I am sure I have this gift. ____ Maybe I hav
e this gift. ____ I do not think I have this gift. APOSTOL. It is the ability to
Romans 15: 20. start new churches and oversee its development.
____ I am sure I have this gift. ____ Maybe I have this gift. ____ I do not thin
k I have this gift.
EDUCATION. Ephesians 4: 12-13.
It is the ability to educate the people of God clearly explaining the Bible, enc
ouraging them to learn it. The ability to equip and train other believers for mi
nistry. ____ I am sure I have this gift. ____ Maybe I have this gift. ____ I do
not think I have this gift.
Exhortation. (To encourage, stimulate)
Acts 14: 22.
The ability to motivate God's people to apply Biblical principles and act on the
m, especially when they are discouraged or wavering in faith. It is the ability
to stimulate the best in others and challenge them to develop their potential. _
___ I am sure I have this gift. ____ Maybe I have this gift. ____ I do not think
I have this gift.
I Cor. 2: 1.6 to 16.
The ability to understand God's perspective on life situations and share these v
iews in a simple and understandable. It is the ability to explain how to do thin
gs. ____ I am sure I have this gift.€____ Maybe I have this gift. ____ I do not
think I have this gift.
I John 4: 1-6.
The ability to distinguish right and wrong, truth from falsehood, and make an im
mediate assessment based on the Word of God. The ability to discern whether the
source of an experience is Satan, the Ego, or the Holy Spirit. ____ I am sure I
have this gift. ____ Maybe I have this gift. ____ I do not think I have this gif
Daniel 1: 17.
The ability to discover, collect, analyze, and organize information that is vita
l for believers or for the whole church family. The ability to understand a grea
t deal of information and provide it when necessary to make effective decisions.
____ I am sure I have this gift.
____ Maybe I have this gift. ____ I do not think I have this gift.
SERVICE. Acts 6: 1-7.
The ability to recognize unmet needs in the church family, and take the initiati
ve to provide practical assistance quickly, cheerfully and without recognition.
____ I am sure I have this gift. ____ Maybe I have this gift. ____ I do not thin
k I have this gift. MERCY. Luke 10: 30-37.
The ability to detect pain and "empathize" with those who suffer in the church f
amily. The ability to provide compassionate support and encourage those who expe
rience misfortune, crisis or pain. ____ I am sure I have this gift. ____ Maybe I
have this gift. ____ I do not think I have this gift. HOSPITALITY. I Peter 4: 9
It is the ability to make others, especially strangers, feel welcome, accepted a
nd comfortable in the church family. The ability to coordinate activities that p
romote fellowship. ____ I am sure I have this gift. ____ Maybe I have this gift.
____ I do not think I have this gift.
Pastor (Pastor).
I Peter 5: 2-4.
It is the ability to care for the spiritual needs of a group of believers, and e
quip them for ministry. It is the ability to "nurture" a small group in spiritua
l growth and take responsibility for their welfare. ____ I am sure I have this g
ift. ____ Maybe I have this gift. ____ I do not think you have this gift. DAR. (
Gifts) II Cor. 8: 1-7.
The ability to contribute material resources generally and / or money that excee
ds the classical 10% tithe, so that the body of Christ can grow and be strengthe
ned. It is the ability to earn and manage money so it can be given to support th
e ministry of others. ____ I am sure I have this gift. ____ Maybe I have this gi
ft. ____ I do not think I have this gift.
(Related to worship or prayer) MUSIC. Psalm 150.
It is the ability to celebrate God's presence through music, either vocal or ins
trumental, and lead the church family to worship God. ____ I am sure I have this
gift. ____ Maybe I have this gift. ____ I do not think I have this gift.
Arts and crafts.
Exodus 31: 3-11.
The ability to build, maintain or improve the place of worship for the glory of
God. The ability to express worship through various forms of art. ____ I am sure
I have this gift. ____ Maybe I have this gift. ____ I do not think I have this
Col. 1: 9-12.
The ability to pray for the needs of the church family for long periods of time
on a regular basis. The ability to persist in prayer and not be discouraged unti
l the response arrives. ____ I am sure I have this gift. ____ Maybe I have this
gift. ____ I do not think I have this gift. HEALTH. James 5: 14-16
The ability to pray with faith, specifically people who need physical healing, e
motional or spiritual and beg God to respond. It is the ability to sense when Go
d is leading in this kind of prayer. ____ I am sure I have this gift. ____ Maybe
I have this gift. ____ I do not think I have this gift. MIRACLES. Mark 11: 23-2
The ability to pray with faith, asking specific supernatural intervention of God
in an impossible situation and expect God's answer. It is the ability to sense
when God is leading me to do this kind of prayer. ____ I am sure I have this gif
t. ____ Maybe I have this gift. ____ I do not think I have this gift.
PRAY IN THE SPIRIT. (Languages / Interpreting)
I Cor 14: 13-15.
It is the ability to pray in a language understandable only by God, or one I pla
yed in that time. ____ I am sure I have this gift. ____ Maybe I have this gift.
____ I do not think I have this gift.
This gift caused such a problem in the church at Corinth, Paul wrote an entire c
hapter as a guide. I Cor. 14.€1 - This gift is for edification, not for the chur
ch. "He who speaks in tongues, builds himself, but the preacher builds up the ch
urch." V-4. 2 - We focus on building up others, not ourselves. "... If you do no
t speak intelligible words well ... you'll be talking to air ... seeks to excel
in the building of the church." V-9 and March 12 - Confuse non - believers in se
rvice. (Meeting) "... if outsiders or unbelievers enter, will they not say they'
re crazy?" V-23. 4 - It is not really to be used in the worship service. "In the
church I rather speak five words to instruct ... than ten thousand words in one
language. Brothers, are not boys in your thinking. "V-19-20.
"The gift of expressing the message of God must be under the control of the spea
ker, because God does not want disorder, but harmony and peace." V-1932-1933
LEADERSHIP. Hebrews 13: 7,17.
It is the ability to clarify and communicate the purpose and direction (vision)
of a ministry in a way that attracts others to be included. The ability to motiv
ate others by his own example, to work together to achieve the goal of a ministr
y. ____ I am sure I have this gift. ____ Maybe I have this gift. ____ I do not t
hink I have this gift.
I Cor. 14: 40.
The ability to recognize the gifts of others and recruit them for ministry. The
ability to organize and manage people, resources and time for more effective min
istry. The ability to coordinate many details and execute plans of leadership. _
___ I am sure I have this gift. ____ Maybe I have this gift. ____ I do not think
I have this gift.
Romans 4: 18-21. It is the ability to trust God for what can not be seen and
act based on God's promises, despite what the circumstances indicate. It is the
willingness to risk failure in pursuit of a vision given by God, expecting God t
o handle the obstacles. ____ I am sure I have this gift. ____ Maybe I have this
gift. ____ I do not think I have this gift.
(Pulse) Definition:. . . . . . . . . "Heart." A-The organ that pumps blood. B "Y
our constitution or emotional disposition. C-The vital force or impulse motivati
ng. The Bible uses the term "heart" to represent the center of your motivation,
desire and inclination. "Take delight in the Lord. He will give you what your he
art desires. "Psalm 37:4
My Heart Determines ... ... .. * Why I say the things I say.
Mat. 12: 34 "From the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks."
* Why do I feel like I feel.
"The word of God ... discerning the thoughts and intents of the heart. "Hebrews
4: 12
* Why act as we do.
"Guard your heart, it is the wellspring of life." Prov. 4: 23
Physiologically, each of us has a single pulse. Each person has a slightly diffe
rent pace. Likewise, God has given us each a "pulse" only works when you are emo
tional activities, topics or conditions that interest us. Instinctively we have
different feelings. This system of reasoning given by God, serves as an internal
guide for our lives. This determines our interests, and that is what brings us
greater satisfaction and fulfillment. It also motivates us to accomplish certain
activities, objectives and environment. Why God has given each person a "pulse"
only? "For God hath put in their hearts to accomplish his purpose." Apoc. 17: 1
7 God had a purpose to give you innate interests. In fact, your emotional pulse
reveals a very important key to understanding the design and intention of God fo
r your life. The Bible makes it clear that your heart was designed by God, but y
ou choose the use for better or for worse, for selfish purposes or to serve and
glorify the Lord. * You can be: "... at the bottom envious and selfish ..." * Or
you ... ... "... serves the Lord with all your heart." "By the will of God from
the heart." Sant. 3:13 par. I Sam. 12:20 Ephesians 6: 6
How I can do the will of God, and serve its purpose? Leaving my "pulse" motivate
me for the ministry!
"It has been said that the man who aspires to lead a church, is a noble aspirati
on." Timothy 3: 1.
Taking an electrocardiogram "EKG" Spiritual!
If you're like most people who have never taken time to probe and identify the t
hings they do well and are motivated to achieve them. As a result you may not us
e these gifts as fully and effectively. The key to understanding your "pulse" is
to look at your past accomplishments.
This exercise is adapted from the book "Finding a job You Can Love" (Finding a j
ob that Ames) By: Ralph Mattson and Arthur Miller. (Nelson, 1982) We recommend y
ou read it.
E j e m p l o s:
• Submit dramas for neighborhood children, with costumes, scenery, etc. Transfor
med the backyard of my house into a fantasy land, light effects, decorations, pr
incess, etc. I started selling lemonade in my neighborhood when I was in 4th gra
de, then I had more "jobs." I made money. I had a job as a press assistant and d
eveloped a method to cut faster and more effective. I ran for "President" was at
school. any position (sometimes won) when
• • • • • •
I've always liked building things. Before marrying completely reconstructed apar
tment where he lived. I led protests against toxic waste in my town and even app
eared on T. V ... I was assigned a goal of reading 15 books during the summer, a
nd I did.
I n c l u i r:
• • • • •
Achievements in the home, school, work, etc. Things you enjoy doing. Things to t
hink you did well. Specific details about your accomplishments. Forget the "what
people say."
1 - Remember, you are remembering things he enjoyed doing well, (achievements) i
s not just nice. * BAD EXAMPLE: "I had a tremendous holiday in Canada.
* GOOD EXAMPLE: "I took some photos worthy of publication during my trip to Cana
da. 5 - do not have to cover every year of his life. Just what he feels was the
best of things.
The main things I did well and enjoyed during my Elementary school:
1 - ___________________________________________________________________ ________
___________________________________________________________. 2 - _______________
____________________________________________________ ___________________________
As a Teenager:. . . . .
1 - __________________________________________________________________ _________
_________________________________________________________. 2 - _________________
_________________________________________________ ______________________________
In the College or the early 20s:. . . . . .
1 - __________________________________________________________________ _________
_________________________________________________________. 2 - _________________
_________________________________________________ ______________________________
In my thirty years. . . . . .
1 - __________________________________________________________________ _________
_________________________________________________________. 2 - _________________
_________________________________________________ ______________________________
Complete up to the present. . . . .
1 - __________________________________________________________________ _________
_________________________________________________________. 2 - _________________
ON OF YOUR HEART. Examine your accomplishments and try to find a pattern of comm
on motivation. You may find a key phrase to be repeated. See if you can identify
with some "Pulse" mentioned below, as examples. Remember that all these motivat
ions are given by God. They are sinful when used selfishly. Each of these can be
used effectively for ministry. Do not be ashamed to identify some "press" does
not seem spiritual core. Almost all of these can be identified in the ministry o
f the twelve apostles.
Me Gusta:
1 - DESIGN / BUILD: I like building where there was nothing. Make good use of le
ftovers. 2 - PIONEER: I like to lead and test new concepts. I have no fear of fa
ilure. 3 - ORGANIZE: I like to bring order where there is chaos. Organize what w
as begun by others. 4 - Operations / Maintenance: I like to efficiently maintain
something that is already organized.
5 - SERVE / HELP: I enjoy helping others with their responsibilities to achieve
success. 6 - PURCHASE / POSSESS: I like to buy, collect, get stuff. Buy quality
with less quantity. 7 - EXCEL: To be the best and seek the best for my team. I l
8 - Influence: I like people to convert. change the attitude and behavior of oth
9 - ACTOR: I like to appear on the "Forum" in front of people. Receive the atten
tion of others. 10 - PROGRESS / IMPROVE: I like to do things better. I like to c
hange what is old for a new design. 11 - SERVICE: I like to fix things that are
broken or what is out of date.€12 - LEADER / TO BE CHARGED: I like directing, su
pervising. I like to determine how they should be things. 13 - Persevere: I am g
lad to see that things are completed. I like to persist until they are completed
. 14 - MEET REQUIREMENTS: I like to follow regulations. I like to meet the requi
rements of an organization or supervisor. 15 - PREVAIL: I like to fight for what
is good, I oppose what is wrong. I like to overcome injustice.
NOW: Make your "choice"
examples of their own achievements.
E j e m p l o s:
I feel that the basic motivation that God has placed in my heart is "Acquire / O
wn": My story shows that: • I bought my first car at age 16.
• • •
I made a rare stamp collection. I have money saved. I have shares in three compa
Do you find the motivational basic direction of your heart here?
Write it here:
Apply my skills!
"(God) I gave her wisdom, ability and skill in construction." Ex.31: 3 One of th
e most common excuses people give for not engaging in the ministry is: "I have n
o skills." Nothing is further from the truth. key is to identify your skills and
apply them to ministry.
1 - MYTH: People are not born with skills. All skills must be acquired by experi
ence. This is simply not true. There are many skills that seem to be innate, or
that develop early in childhood. When people say: "You seem to have a very natur
al talent." Probably true. 2 - MYTH: Those skills must be learned, they usually
learn in the classroom. The fact is that most of your basic skills you learned i
n your
home, or in the street or somewhere else that was not the classroom. 3 - MYTH: I
f you have certain skills, you are well aware that you have. Probably you are us
ing a number of skills and talents without realizing it. You need an identificat
ion process. 4 - MYTH: The skills you use at work can not be used in ministry. I
hope to finish this class you realize the falsity of this idea. Be creative! 5
- MYTH: Most people have very few skills. The truth is, that has been tested by
national studies that the average person possesses from five to seven hundred sk
Analyze your list of accomplishments. Draw a circle all verbs that denote action
s carried out while the achievements. Compare these verbs with the following lis
t and check those skills you have.
Specialized Skills 26:
1 - AMUSE: Speaker, actor, master of ceremonies. 2 - Recruit: Enlist and motivat
e people.
3 - INTERVIEW: Discovering reality in people. 4 - Investigate: Read, gather info
rmation and data.
5 - ART: Drawing, painting, photograph etc. 6 - GRAPHICS: Design, plan, create v
7 - Test: Analyze data and draw conclusions. 8 - PLAN: To design and organize pr
ograms and events.
9 - ADMINISTRATOR: Supervisor, coordinator of detail, director of personnel, etc
. 10 - DIRECTOR: Listen, encourage, guide, sensitivity. 11 - TEACHING: Explain,
train, demonstrate. tutor. 12 - WRITE: Write articles, letters, books. 13 - EDIT
OR: Reader tests, re-write.
14 - PROMOTER: Promote activities and special events, announcements. 15 - REPAIR
OF THINGS: Renew, maintenance. Fixing things. 16 - Food: Cooking for small and
large groups. 17 - REMEMBER: Being able to remember names and dates. 18 - MECHAN
ICAL OPERATOR: Operate equipment and machinery. 19 - INGENIAR: Ensure low-priced
materials or resources. 20 - METER: Working with dates, numbers and money. 21 -
RANKINGS: to systematize files, files, books and materials that can easily be f
ound. 22 - PUBLIC RELATIONS: Try to deal with complaints from people with courte
sy and attention. 23 - USHER / RECEPTION: Displays fervor, can converse with eas
e and make people feel comfortable. 24 - COMPOSER: Write music or lyrics. 25 - G
ARDEN ORNAMENT: Expert in plants and gardens. 26 - Scenery: Beautiful places for
special events.
Make a list of your specialized skills of your "own profile"
In the box below, type your name:
Now write your name with your other hand:
What happened?
When he tried to do something that is not "natural" ... ... ... 1. She felt unco
2. It took time and effort. 3. Even so he had no right. The same happens when I
try to minister in areas that "do not go" with your personality. God has granted
a unique temperament.€This factor is very important to identify your appropriat
e ministry. It is obvious that God has used the same template for everyone. God
loves variety, just look around! . No temperament "Good" or "bad", "Correct" or
"wrong." We need to balance the opposing temperaments "church."
In order to help you in your own "Ministerial Profile" considers the following a
How do I see myself?
Average End Average End Poco Poco
Extrovert. 3 January 2 January 2
Introvert. 3
Thinker. 3 January 2 January 2
Intuitive. 3
Routine. 3 January 2 January 2
Variety. 3
Self-control. 3 January 2 January 2
3 Self-Expressive
Cooperative. 3 January 2 January 2
Competitive. 3
Transfer your answer to your "MINISTERIAL PROFILE (Outline ministerial) MY EXPER
"We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who ha
ve been called to his purpose." Rom. 8: 28 "Please know, dear brethren, as has h
appened to me contruibuído to spread the Good News of Christ." Fil. 1: 12 One of
the most overlooked factors in determining the ministry God has for us is: "Our
past experience" and particularly "Punishment and Problem" that we have overcom
e with the help of God. Since the great messages for our lives come from our wea
kness and our strengths, we must pay particular attention to what we have learne
d in the "school of hard knocks."
God never wastes a shame! God wants you to minister to the people who "are going
through what you went through."
"God so wonderfully consolations offered to us in our difficulties and trials. W
hy we are consoled? So when we meet someone in trouble, lacking comfort and enco
uragement, we can impart the same help and comfort God himself lavished us. "II
Cor. 1: 3-4
WRITE YOUR EXPERIENCES IN THE FOLLOWING: "My Ministry Profile" • • • • Your spir
itual experience. - Decisions and meaningful time with God. Your painful experie
nce. - Problems, penalties, evidence that you've learned. Your educational exper
ience. - What were your favorite subjects in school? Your experiences in the min
istry. How have you served in the past? WRITE THESE IN YOUR PERSONAL PROFILE
Serves through Saddleback
Rick Warren, Saddleback Valley Community Church Pastor
Our philosophy of ministry!
THAT C E M O R E S . . . . About the Ministry: ... ... ....
• Salvation in Jesus Christ automatically includes a call to ministry. Every bel
iever is created, saved, called, gifted, authorized and directed to minister. Th
e Ministry is the heart of Christian life. Mat. 20:28
• •
THE ROLE follows form in the ministry. Because God created me He determines what
to do. God has made a particular individual for a specific ministry.
• God has given each of their children gifts that can be used and developed in t
he ministry. Anyone can be a "10" in a given area. Everyone has something to off
er. To develop and use their talents is an act of good stewardship and worship.
• We discover our gifts through the ministry, not our ministry through our gifts

The evidence that is me and my ministry are combined correctly is fruiting and s
atisfaction (full) membership and maturity are prerequisites for the ministry. T
herefore, we require attendance at classes and commitments in these two areas be
fore they can serve at Saddleback

About the Body of Christ: ... ... ... ... ... ..
• • God wants the ministry to be developed through the church, which membership
includes a commitment to ministry. The Holy Spirit comes to our church with peop
le spiritually equipped to do their job. Our task is to discover, recruit, train
and support them in ministry. The church operates on the spiritual gifts and no
t elected persons. Not Eligible persons for the ministries. "The gift of widenin
g the road man ..." Prov 18: 16 The church is one body, not a business, an organ
ism not an organization. Therefore, we structure things so that the ministry to
increase and decrease the cost of maintaining it. Do not bury ministries procedu
res. The mobilization of every member and ministry is the key to balanced growth
of the church. The welfare of the body always takes precedence over the needs o
f any particular ministry. No room for choice in the Family of God.

• •
About Pastors: ... ... ... ... ....
• The equip members for ministry is priority number one for pastors. The people
are the ministers and pastors "administrators." Ephesians 4: 11-12

The purpose of Saddleback for Ministry Development is to mobilize an army of min
isters who are already using to maximize their skills, gifts, personality, heart
and experiences in a meaningful place of service, through the church. Each memb
er deserves support "staff" to find a place of service in ministry. We value the
individual more than the ministry. Those involved in the ministry have a right
to competent leadership of the directors. Therefore, each ministry is assigned a
supervisor who is committed to the success of that particular ministry. Each mi
nistry supervisor must provide training, direction, encouragement, background an
d resources to the ministers in their care.

About Responsibility: ... ... ... ....
• • • • We become what it is our commitment. For this reason, we encourage growt
h to the commitment of Christ and His church. Everything rises or falls accordin
g to the Leadership. No ministry can exceed the commitment of those that guide.
The mark of a mature church is that the rules for leadership are raised every ye
ar. There should be periodic review of all ministries. We do what is inspected,
not what is expected. The best intentions are not enough.
About The Training: ... ... ... ....
• Each leader is a learner. The moment you stop learning, then it ceases to be a

We emphasize "training in action" rather than "training of pre - service." We le
arn best by doing. Delegate to develop members of our church.
About the diversity of the Ministry: ... ... ... ... ..
• We have unity without uniformity. We believe that the diversity of ministries
merely illustrates the particularity of individual gifts. Any member who has com
pleted the class # 301 can begin a new ministry with the help of Saddleback for
Ministerial Development. Each ministry must meet one or more of the purposes of
our church or not we will. The ministries have life cycles. If a ministry does n
ot meet the need, it removes decently.
• • •

Most departments require a year commitment, it allows people to change their min
istry. . Not locked up permanently. Your commitment to your primary ministry sho
uld be in an area for which you have been endowed. Your secondary ministry which
"needs." Not ready for ministry until you're ready to serve anywhere.

On compliance: ... ... ... ....
• We expect excellence in ministry, not perfection. Excellence is to do the best
you can. God deserves the best!

Encourage creativity and innovation in the ministry .. We know that there will b
e mistakes. If no errors means you are not growing or you're not trying anything
new. We have no "failures" in our church, but "experiments" that did not work.
A failed project does not mean a person failed ... There is no wrong people ...
... ... only people "correct" in the wrong ministry.

(Ministerial Opportunities Saddleback)
1 - ADOPT A GRANNY: Retirees serving the Lord. (Advisors, animate, etc.).
2 - TECHNICAL AUDIO / VIDEO: People who operate visual equipment. 3 - CAMP COUNS
ELORS: Instructors, teachers. etc. 4 - VISITORS: People who visit sick or in nee
d. 5 - pious women: Ladies to help other women in times of crisis. 6 - evangelis
tic outreach: People in the neighborhood evangelize
the church immediately. 7 - CLUBS / AGAPE: Young people interested in teaching a
nd leadership studies. 8 - CUNA: Women who seek to assist other women to birth b
abies. 9 - COMMUNICATIONS: Persons eligible to enter, use of overhead projector.
etc. 10 - Reset divorced persons: Persons who seek to specifically help others
going through the crisis of separation. 11 - LADIES 'SILVER THREADS ": A group o
f retired ladies who help in hospitals or visits to the sick children. 12 - Ladi
es "White Legion": A group of ladies who try to milk for newborn babies and infa
nts. 13 - LABOR MEN: Men are willing to work on repairs and improve the local ch
urch and missions. 14 - Altruistic MEN: Men who seek help fix things in the home
s of people who can not pay for repairs. 15 - TEACHERS OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION: •
Nursery. • Infants primary. • Infants side. • Adolescents. • Youth. • Young adu
lts.ۥ Adults. 16 - MUSIC: "People who play instruments 17 - Chorus:" People who
sing in a group. 18 - soloist: "Persons who wish to praise the Lord, vocalists.
19 - MINISTRY OF IMPRISONMENT: "Group of believers who are willing
or composers.
to pray for the problems and needs of other siblings in the family church. 20 -
LEADERS OF RECREATION: camping trips, campfires, etc.
21 - motivating, encouraging: "Believers with a positive attitude to lead the ne
w believers. 22 - Orphanage: Helping orphans. People who are willing to visit th
e orphanage on Saturday to make repairs and assist children in their tasks. 23 -
MISSION: mature believers who feel called by God to start a new work in a parti
cular place or city. 24 - SCOPE OF SINGLE PARENTS: "People willing to provide sp
iritual, academic, social for single parents and their children. 25 - TEEN MOTHE
RS: "Ladies who wish to help young mothers who are pregnant or family crisis.
"And now where am I going?
1 - COMMITTED TO THE COVENANT OF THE MINISTRY. Submit your pledge form. The past
or will sign it and tell you to take the next step. 2 - YOUR COMPLETE AUTO EVALU
ATION OF YOUR F.O.R.M.A. Then transfer the results to your resume "Outline (Prof
to your pastor and bring your sheet "Outline of my ministry." Together you can d
etermine two or three opportunities of ministry that are in line with its FORM u
nique. 4 - MAKE CONTACT SUPERVISORS Ministries
RIOS you have selected, so they could wrap. It is your responsibility to make co
ntact with them. They will be available to you. Do this within two weeks after h
is meeting with the pastor, while his ideas still fresh in his mind. 5 - start s
6 - ATTEND MEETING OF LEADERS. Watch for the meetings of leaders who are regular
ly in the church, and attend. In these meetings will receive enough information
needed to perform work in the various ministries of the church and for personal
CLASS. Simply complete one more class, "Discovering My Mission 401" and then he
is a disciple winner!. You will be given a certificate and a pin for having comp
leted 16 hours of basic training. Now choose elective courses that you like!.
Habiéndome committed to membership and the habits essential for spiritual maturi
ty, and agreeing with the principles of the Saddleback Valley Community Church.
"I shall: • • Discovering my" form "only for the ministry and serve in the area
expressing better that for which God made me. Prepared for the Ministry to parti
cipate in the "Ministerial Classes"
• •
Show a "heart" humble ministries serving side as I need. Cooperate with other mi
nistries and ensure the general welfare of the "Body of Christ."
This certifies that "____________________________________" has been commissioned
as a minister of Christ through the Saddleback Valley Community Church and entr
usted the responsibilities and privileges related.
Rick Warren, Pastor
Now What?
S. program V. C. C. seminars to help them grow in life and Christian service.
Fellowship to Maturity
C.L.A.S.E. 201: Discovering Spiritual Maturity
C.L.A.S.E. 301: Discovering My Ministry
Fellowship Ministry
Fellowship to Membership
C.L.A.S.E. 101: Discovering Church Membership
C.L.A.S.E. 401: Discovering My Mission
Missions Fellowship
Level Seminar 100: Guide the people of Christ and membership in CFCBN Seminar Le
vel 200: Helping people achieve spiritual maturity. Seminar Level 300: Equipping
people with skills they need for ministry. 400-level seminar: Enrolling people
for the global mission of sharing Christ.

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