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TEACHING MATERIAL FOR TEENS INTRODUCTION Adolescence is a very important stage i
n the life of a person. It is a period that can not be considered a mere transit
ion between childhood and adulthood. It is a stage where there are many differen
t transformations physical, intellectual, emotional and social. Adolescence is a
dynamic process of metamorphosis that transforms the child into being an adult.
I. DEFINITION OF ADOLESCENCE Adolescence is a period of life that extends betwe
en the phase of childhood and adulthood. She is a dynamic process and not a stat
e. It is a stage where one period of radical transition that must be lived with
ease and intensity by the teenager and a special time where adults need to under
stand it in their concerns. Adolescence is considered a phenomenon of psychologi
cal and social with different characteristics that vary with the context in whic
h the adolescent is embedded. The term adolescence comes from the Latin ad (to,
for) and olescer (grow), characterizing, therefore, the dynamic process that the
person has in their ability to grow. The teen also has roots in the word adoles
cence, from which originates the word sick. We therefore have a dual etymology:
to grow both physically and mentally ill and those with mental and biological ch
anges that take place at this stage of life. II. STAGES OF ADOLESCENCE In addres
sing the theme of adolescence, the author Joseph O. Outeiral speaks of three sta
ges that does not begin and end precisely defined and where some features overla
p and sometimes not. 1. Adolescence This initial stage of adolescence has to sta
rt somewhere around 10 years extending up to 14 years or so. The main characteri
stics of this period is the transformation body with the necessary psychological
disorders. Typically, the maturation in girls occurs earlier than in boys. This
phase is also called adolescence puberty, to express the beginning of the chang
es of puberty with all the physical and psychological changes of adolescence. At
this stage of adolescence, a feature is the isolation and there is a change in
the way the teenager be affective: it becomes explosive, prone, sullen and sleep
s a lot. It opens in your room or even in the bathroom for an extensive period.
The teenager it becomes monosyllabic and disobedience becomes the main keynote.
Moreover, the disorder begins, the lack of cleanliness and the lack of self. 2.
Adolescence This step will average 14 to 16 or 17 years or so. Its main feature
everything related to sexuality. Also relevant at this stage, is the emerging im
portance of the group. The teen model focuses on his relationship he has with hi
s group of colleagues and friends. 3. Adolescence This final phase of adolescenc
e ranging from 16 to 17 or 20 years. This step are established
new links with parents and happen to adapt to a new body to the mental processes
of the adult world. It also happens to the disruption of group psychology and t
he adolescent quest for greater independence in which he seeks to enter into soc
iety where he lives. III. CRISES IN ADOLESCENCE The term "crisis" originates fro
m the Greek "krisis" and means the act or faculty of distinguishing, choose, dec
ide or resolve. The term is used because, as an integral and positive part in th
e process of adolescent development. Both the boy and the girl entering adolesce
nce starts walking slowly which gives the farewell to childhood. The toy, insepa
rable until then, began to be overlooked. Surge in memory a time that was passin
g by and not come back. Begins forth a feeling of loss that caused the crisis. 1
. The identity crisis of identity is the awareness that the person has of hersel
f as someone who integrates the real world exists. The identity crisis is center
ed on the need that the adolescent has to be himself in seeking a definition of
your self (the self is all that we know, feel, experience as part of ourselves.
It's everything that we conform and composed. It is the central object of the eg
o. "), thereby breaking with his childhood and to establish itself as a person.
The identity crisis is seen as a central point in adolescence. The word crisis i
s used because there is a change in boiling, a process of disruption, chaos, tha
t will determine the structure of the organization or individual. The identity d
uring adolescence is processed by a series of identifications: a first stage, th
ere is a strong identification with his mother after his father and other family
members and finally,€there is an identification with the teachers, idols, and f
riends. 2. Crisis of authority The authority crisis in adolescence, is quite str
ong and is characterized by confrontation. There is an attitude of rebellion and
often even disrespect for adults, especially to parents and other persons who h
ave authority or perform a particular function. The opposition seeks, first and
above the family environment: the teenager to prove himself to his independence,
always defends positions contrary to those of their parents and other adults. H
e also did not agree to be guided in their choice of friends, lectures, entertai
nment and positions. The claimant is an eternal adolescent. 3. Crisis Crisis sex
ual intercourse is considered the most complex crisis of adolescence. There are,
at this stage, a total reworking of sexual world that transforms the structure
of adult child in a structure. Amid this transition, the adolescent develops slo
wly, what happens in several stages. There is initially the maturity of the gona
ds and genital changes. The sexual crisis comes about from the transformations o
f the body, which requires an adjustment to the new reality. From time to time t
he body of the boy and the girl begins to transform into a body of man or woman.
All this makes them anxious and unhappy, because the image that the adolescent
has of itself does not match its
aesthetic ideal. The uncontrolled growth causes discomfort. Arms, legs, feet and
hands become large and long. Thin and sprit, exceeding many times the parents.
The nose seems little adolescent aesthetic. Spines arise, and the sweat starts t
o exhale a strong smell. The voice changes and is grounds for nasty jokes that a
nnoy teenagers. All this discontent led the teens to bouts of despair, which are
even stronger because, at this time, the teenager needs to please the opposite
sex. The teenager needs to accept her new body and live in peace with him to ach
ieve a good level of relations with others. IV. DIFFICULTIES WITH TEENS We saw i
n living up here is the complexity in which the teenager in your state of metamo
rphosis. The following will list some issues that, if not observed, will hinder
our relationship with them in this period of total transformation by which they
pass. 1. Do not Be empathetic understanding them means to understand and capture
the feelings of the adolescent, it is relying on its ability to go forward, is
to respect their freedom, to respect their privacy, do not judge it, accept it a
s it is, accept it as he wants to become, is to see how the other guy. The teena
ger needs to be understood and accepted on its way of being and acting. He needs
a warm atmosphere that protects you and show you the path to be followed. The a
dult is a haven for the teen needed, but at the same time the target of aggressi
on and destruction. It's tough, but beautiful and rewarding, that this rational
adult and mature for a teenager who is looking for parameters that serve as mode
ls for his claim as a person. 2. Lack of empathy in human relationships is essen
tial to seek the understanding of what the person is saying and feeling. It's ca
lled empathy. You feel what another feels, is to hear your story like mine. It i
s the ability to be aware of emotions and internal changes of the person with wh
om we interact. You put yourself in the shoes of the person. In communicating wi
th your teenager or even someone else, it is certain that we will receive what w
e offer. Where is our sense of indifference and apathy, it is natural we get som
ething similar in return. Empathy requires the unconditional acceptance of each
other: this means that accept him as he is looking to accept all aspects of his
person, his gestures, his manner of speaking, their way of life focus, his intel
ligence, his body and his actions . That makes me not look manipulate it, change
it and encourages others to express themselves freely and with confidence. 3. N
ot being a real presence in the teen understands when we are an unreal presence,
only the body or whether we are totally with him, being a presence of body, sou
l and mind. The well will give himself to the teenager, but perhaps the greatest
beneficiary is the adult who will enjoy being the best that can exist: sincerit
y and love for life. 4. Not understanding your feelings Like adults, adolescents
have the right to experience and express their feelings about the world and peo
ple. It is important that we respect, as it is and as expressed. The adolescent
has the right to think, feel and act as your
heart, since this non-violent forms of coexistence. 5.€Want to convince the teen
ager from our assumptions in our relationship with the teenager, he realizes it
is essential that we are open to hear him and not to impose our truths. We're to
gether so that there is an exchange of experience and knowledge that will enrich
our relationships. In a relationship nothing can be imposed. There may be a sha
ring of ideas that will enable a mutual exchange. The teenager will realize that
their assumptions have value, not just the adults. 6. Not being consistent Cons
istency is essential in any relationship. Being consistent is to have the courag
e to be what it is, without disguise. The teen is an expert in understanding if
we are consistent with what we say and do. The strip is not consistent in the cr
edibility to have a close relationship with the teenager. 7. Not listening Liste
ning is different from the teenager to hear. We heard sounds, noises or words. W
e still hear when someone accidentally or send them something. The hearing invol
ves an arrangement: you must want to listen. We want to hear without, however, w
ant to listen you must do it. The teen in touch with us, must realize that we're
hearing from the entire body and this implies, as Luiz Antônio Ryzewski, 3 skil
ls, called ACA, described below. a) "A" meet Attending is being connected, aware
, connected. You receive information and make sure we're getting exactly what yo
ur teenager wants us forward. You also understand the hidden meaning of words, g
estures and actions. b) "C" is the time to understand the interpretation of the
meaning of the message expressed by the adolescent. Not always a given word has
the same meaning for everyone. It should be clear what this means in the languag
e used by teenagers. The correct understanding happens if we put ourselves in th
eir place. c) "A" to assess is when we reflect on what we have been told and fro
m the evaluation will determine our reaction against a certain situation. We ass
ess not from our prejudices, but from the teenager. This does not mean always ag
reeing with him, but respect your opinion, giving us, putting arguments pro and
against. V. THE PROCESS OF EDUCATION • Law of Effect: Importance of the content
learned • Law of exercise: strengthening in activity for content • Law of attitu
des: provoke reaction and positioning on the student's selective activity • Law:
Law • Retention of significant analogy: Comparison with other situations and ex
periences VI. THE PROCESS OF LEARNING 1. Teaching objectives
• General • Specific 2. Teaching Plan • Knowing the reality • Developing the pla
n • Executing the plan • Evaluating and improving the plan. VII. HOW TO BE THE T
EACHER 1. As Jesus taught 2. Basic requirements for teacher preparation • Prepar
ation Emotional • Intellectual • Spiritual Preparation • Preparation Interperson
al BIBLIOGRAPHY LOPES, Jamiel de Oliveira, Learning to deal with adolescent: a p
ractical guide for leaders and teachers in Sunday school, Candela Editora, São P
aulo, 1997 . Burkhalter, Fank E. - Translation of Bretones Lauro, Board of Relig
ious Education and Publications, New York, 1996. Lambdin, S. Ina, The Art of Tea
ching Teens, Publisher Board and Religious Education and Publications, New York,
1986. FORD, Leroy, Dynamic and Creative Education, Board of Religious Education
and Publications, 1990. LACERDA, Catherine Augusta Pasin, Lacerda, Milton Paul'
s. In search of transcendence. In: Adolescence: Problem, Challenge or Myth? Petr
ópolis: Vozes, 1998. P. 113-125. OUTEIRAL José º Adolescer: Studies on Adolescen
ce. Porto Alegre: Artes Médicas, 1993. Pr Eliezer Mitchell www.escoladominical.c
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