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Forever Living Products

The company Forever Living Products is a world leader in planting, processing an

d product distribution of Aloe Vera as well as world-leading products of the hiv
e for nourishment. The story of Forever Living starts with a man and an ambitiou
s dream. Rex Maughan had been searching for years for an idea of business that c
ould combine the two biggest goals of his life: better health and total financia
l freedom. In 1978 he found what he sought and invited 43 people to attend the f
irst meeting of Forever Living in Tempe, Arizona (USA). Then began a journey tha
t would provide a successful business unthinkable. Forever Living the dream quic
kly passed from one person to the dream of millions of people. The quality of ou
r products and the simplicity of our business allows anyone, if you really want
to improve their quality of life. Forever Living has developed a wide range of p
roducts of unparalleled quality: Aloe Vera juices, products of the hive, nutriti
on, personal hygiene, skin care, beauty and cosmetics. Forever Living has expand
ed globally and is now represented in over 120 countries, with annual sales exce
eding $ 2 billion, becoming one of the largest network marketing companies in th
e world and has its products distributed through of over 8.5 million independent
distributors on five continents. In Brazil, the company operates since 1996. Th
e wide acceptance of its products, the excellent model of your Marketing Plan an
d dedication of its distributors have made Forever Living reached Brazil in 2006
, the 5th place in 2007 and the 3rd in sales worldwide FLP. The Brazilian headqu
arters of the FLP is located in Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro. The company serves its
distributors around the country and already has established branches in São Pau
lo, Ribeirão Preto, Belo Horizonte, Porto Alegre, Joinville, Curitiba, Recife an
d Belém
Products For nearly thirty years, Forever Living Products has dedicated itself t
o finding the best sources of health and beauty in nature to share them with the
world. Its line of aloe juice, cosmetics and skin care offers the benefits of A
loe Vera to the entire body. Added to that its line of nutritional supplements a
nd bee products, and you have a complete system to achieve better health and bea
uty so completely natural. The following products are proof of the incredible na
ture's capacity to offer ways of making our lives healthier and also represent t
he tireless commitment of Forever Living with the quality and purity of everythi
ng it produces. What is Aloe Vera? Aloe Vera - The famous Barbadensis Miller Alo
e Vera or Aloe Vera is a plant of the lily family that owned numerous regenerati
ve properties, healing, moisturizing, lubricating and nourishing. Called "the pl
ant's health and beauty," its use has been documented since the days of ancient
Egypt, with passages in the Bible and ancient documents Phoenicians. There are a
lso reports that Alexander the Great used Aloe Vera as the only palliative for t
he wounds of war. And numerous renowned scientific institutions and scholars, as
the Office of Science and Medicine Linus Pauling, Palo Alto, California; Weisma
n Institute of Israel, University of Oklahoma and others, have made formal studi
es on Aloe Vera. Testimony of Mahatmãn Gandhi "You ask me what were the secret f
orces which sustained me during my long journey. Well, it was my unshakable fait
h in God, my simple and modest lifestyle, and Aloe, whose benefits I discovered
when I arrived in Africa in the late nineteenth century. " Properties Supported
by laboratory tests such as the Institute of Medical Sciences Linus Pauling, Pal
o Alto, California, the International Aloe Science Committee (IASC) and the Univ
ersity of Oklahoma working in official studies on Aloe Vera. Okay, and what are
these properties that make this plant an "Empress"? Dr. Greg Henderson, director
of a clinic naturalist, in California, supported by laboratory tests, mentions
the following properties of aloe vera:
1) Anesthetic Action: The Aloe Vera reduces pain when applied in place of injury
due to its high penetration ability, caused by the presence of lignin, an advan
tage that is not found in most other products. 2) Anti-inflammatory Action: The
Aloe Vera has an action similar to steroids such as cortisone, but without the h
armful effects it causes. For this reason, it can be used in all inflammatory di
sorders such as bursitis, arthritis, or insect stings. 3) Coagulant Action: How
the Aloe Vera contains high content of calcium and potassium, it causes the form
ation of a network of fibers that trap the red corpuscles of the blood,€helping
to clotting and healing needed. Calcium is a very important element for the prop
er functioning of the nervous system and muscular action, being a major catalyst
in the process of healing. 4) keratolitic action: This action allows the damage
d skin or wound is detached, with a renewal of tissue with new cells. There also
allows greater blood flow through veins and arteries, livrandoas small clots. 5
) Antibiotic Action: It was shown that Aloe vera inhibits the destructive action
of many bacteria such as Salmonella and Staphylococcus that produce pus, etc..
It is an excellent product to eliminate bacteria and to prevent them. 6) Action
Detox: Detoxification = disposal + regeneration + uptake due to potassium that c
ontains Aloe Vera, it improves and stimulates the liver and kidneys, which are t
he main organs of detoxification. Aloe contains uronic acid, which eliminates th
e toxins at the cellular level. 7) Action Nutritious: Aloe contains 18 of the 23
amino acids (components of proteins) that the body needs to form cells and tiss
ues. It also contains enzymes needed to process carbohydrates, fats and proteins
in the stomach and intestine. 8) Action Digestive: Aloe contains a large amount
of enzymes. Some enzymes are produced by the body (eg the pancreas), but others
are not, and these need to be acquired externally. During the digestive process
, enzymes transform proteins, converting them into amino acids, carbohydrates in
to sugar (glucose) and fats into fatty acids. And so these elements are absorbed
by the intestine processed and brought to flow.
9) Action Energizing: The Aloe Vera helps in proper functioning of cellular meta
bolism, ie help in producing the energy that the body needs. Furthermore, due to
their vitamin C content, it produces an action that improves and stimulates cir
culation and proper functioning of the cardiovascular system. Vitamin C is not p
roduced by the body, so we have to seek it externally. This vitamin is very impo
rtant for strengthening the immune system, circulatory, digestive, intervening i
n the prevention of most diseases. 10) Action Rehydration Skin: Aloe Vera penetr
ates deep into the skin and restores lost fluids, and restore the damaged tissue
from the inside out, as in the case of burns, both caused by fire, radiation or
the sun. 11) Carrier Action: The Aloe Vera is a perfect vehicle to carry deep i
nto the skin or other substances to which elements are combined. This is why the
re are thousands of cosmetic and medicinal mixed with Aloe. 12) Action Regenerat
ing Cell: Aloe Vera has the hormone that accelerates the growth of new cells and
also removes old cells. Thanks to the presence of calcium in Aloe Vera, the cel
ls can maintain their internal and external balance, thus providing better cellu
lar health to all body tissues, as calcium regulates the passage of liquids in t
hese cells. This ancient plant is the most important tool against cancer in the
future, but since 1939 has been proved that Aloe Vera prevent, combat and cure c
ancer. Dr. Faith Strickland, Anderson Cancer Center, University of Texas, Aloe V
era ensures that prevents the immune system of skin damage. An important feature
is that Aloe Vera contains 18 amino acids that the human body needs to form pro
teins. Properties and Activities of stabilized Aloe Vera Gel has been observed a
nd reported as properties or activities of Aloe Vera when used internally (like
drink) or applied externally to the skin or hair: 1) It is a natural cleanser du
e to the presence of saponins. 2) It penetrates tissue due to its lignin content
. 3) Anesthesia tissue in the area over which it is applied, relieving pain deep
beneath the surface, including pain associated with joints and sore muscles. 4)
It is bactericidal at high concentration for several hours in direct contact wi
th the bacteria, whereas antibiotics kill bacteria when highly diluted. 5) It ca
n reduce bleeding.
6) It is virucidal and fungicidal when in direct contact with a high concentrati
on for a Iong time. 7) It is anti-pyretic - fever reducing heat caused by ulcers
. 8) It is anti-inflammatory. Acts as a steroid but without side effects. 9) Fin
ish with itching and burning. 10) It is a natural moisturizer bringing moisture
to all skin layers. 11) stimulates cell division.€12) The proteolytic enzymes br
eak down dead tissue, cleaning the wound. 13) Helps to increase blood flow to th
e skin through dilation of capillaries. 14) provides health care to the skin and
body, providing a wide variety of vitamins, minerals, sugars, enzymes and amino
acids, essential and secondary. 15) Security - each of the above can be achieve
d with one or more types of drugs. Usually they are expensive and have numerous
side effects. 16) The Aloe Vera in high concentrations can produce these effects
, but without side effects. Vitamins and their fields of work most important: •
A (Beta Carotene) vision, skin, bones and against anemia. • B1 (Thiamine) Growth
of tissues and energy. • B2 (Riboflavin) Vitamin B6 Associate participates in t
he production of blood cells. • B3 (Niacin) participates in the regulation of me
tabolism. • B6 (Pyridoxine) Vitamin B12 Linked to participate in the production
of blood cells. • B12 (Cyanocobalamin) Against the anemia and neuro-pathological
. • C (ascorbic acid) fight infections by stimulating the immune system. • E (To
copherol) Together with vitamin C fight infections. • Folic acid (B Complex) hel
ps build the blood. Minerals and their field more important: Aloe Barbadensis co
ntain over 20 minerals essential to health. We will identify a few: • Calcium Ph
osphate Growth of teeth and bones, food nervous system. • Potassium regulates fl
uid from the blood and muscles, the heart beats. • Iron absorbs oxygen into the
blood cells and increases resistance to infection. • Sodium along with potassium
regulates the body fluids and carries the amino acids and glucose into the cell
• Hill One of the compounds of lecithin, essential to metabolism. • Magnesium an
d Manganese: Preserve the nervous system and muscles. • Copper participates in t
he formation of blood. • Chrome Collaborates in controlling blood sugar levels,
metabolism, glucose and circulation. The mono and poly saccharide and its most i
mportant fields of activity: The long-chain polysaccharides seem to be really re
sponsible for the miraculous effects generated by the use of Aloe Vera. They are
diametrically opposed to mucoploysaccharide (simple sugars) that can not be des
troyed by water. They are: • • Cellulose Glucose Mannose • • • aldopentose Uroni
c Acid Lipase • • • L-alliinase raminose • Aceman recently discovered and has be
come the major focus of most research on Aloe Vera, has been appointed as the mo
st responsible action "miracle" of aloe as an agent against autoimmune diseases
like cancer, AIDS, rheumatism, arthritis, allergies. Essential amino acids and t
heir fields of work most important: Amino acids are the elements that make up pr
oteins. ESSENTIAL AMINO ACIDS: Are those the body can not produce. Fundamental t
o brain functions, they also exert a direct action on emotional reactions. Among
the eight amino acids classified as essential, seven are present in Aloe Vera.
AMINO SIDE: Of the 14 side, ie that the body can produce from the eight core, 11
are present in the Barbadensis Miller: • aspartic and glutamic acid, alanine an
d arginine •, • Cystine and Glycine, and Hydroxyproline • Histidine; • Proline a
nd Serine; • Tyrosine. Enzymes and their fields of work most important: Brandiqu
inase Analgesic, anti-inflammatory and immune system stimulant. • Catalase: prev
ents the accumulation of fluid in the body • Cellulase: help digest cellulose •
Creatine phosphokinase: muscle enzyme • Proteolitiase: liquefies proteins inside
• Fosfotase, Amylase and nucleotidase. Other substances, not less important than
others previously presented, are: • Acids: Acids are essential to health in pla
ce. Among these, Caprylic acid is used to treat fungal infections. • Lignin: rap
id penetration to the third layer of the skin. • Saponins: are both purgative an
d antiseptic. • Anthraquinones: analgesic and laxative. • Aloin: antibiotic and
cartática. • Isobarbaloin: analgesic and antibiotic. • Acid alloethic: antibioti
c. • Aloe emodin: bactericidal and laxative. • Cinnamic acid: germicide and fung
icide. • Ethereal Oil: soothing. • Acid Crisofânico: fungicide for the skin. • R
esearch and Resistannol anthraline bioeletrography consumption of Aloe Vera The
bioeletrography it is a method of obtaining a photograph of a light that surroun
ds the living and nonliving, such as minerals, plants, animals and humans.€The t
aking of these photographs is through a specific high-voltage generator, capable
of generating an electrical current suitable for impregnating the "human energy
" in a scene when a body part is in contact with the film, in this case, the fin
ger of the right hand ... Testimonial "After using the juice of Aloe Vera have i
mproved more and more welfare ... Through my experiences with bioeletrography on
ly became more clear how important taking care of physical, vital, mental and em
otional." Loelmo Coelho Gonçalves (businessman) Brazil - Sao Paulo - SP Final Co
nclusions According to Dr. Peter Atherton, Aloe Vera is not a panacea for all il
ls and there is no magic in it. "I believe that it works primarily in two areas
already mentioned epithelial tissue and immune system. This is largely backed up
by anecdotal evidence, thousands of people through the centuries have reported
benefit for various skin problems like eczema, psoriasis, ulcers, burns, acne an
d insect bites. They found relief for bowel disorders such as colitis, diverticu
litis and irritable bowel syndrome. Other conditions resulting from an immune sy
stem disorder like arthritis, asthma, post viral fatigue syndrome and lupus eryt
hematosus have improved after the regular intake of Aloe Vera Gel. Aloe Vera the
refore has a complementary role to play in treating various conditions.
It is important however that people should always seek your doctors when the dia
gnosis is uncertain or when they do not find improvements in their health condit
ions. Self diagnosis can be very dangerous since a serious illness may seem unim
portant at times. "About the Author Dr. Peter Atherton MB ChB. D. Obst. RCOG. MR
CGP. Graduated in 1968 at Leeds University and after six years in the Royal Army
Medical Corps, became a general practitioner. He is currently Senior Partner of
a practical training with special interests in dermatology. He worked three yea
rs in the department of dermatology of a regional hospital. These interests comb
ined with a great knowledge of the qualities of medicinal plants acquired while
serving in the East and India that led to his fascination with Aloe Vera. She gi
ves lectures on various aspects of medicinal aloe and is the author of "Essentia
l Aloe Vera," his final work on the subject. He is a researcher the GIFTS of Hea
lth is also often a temporary researcher at the University of Oxford and Green.
Bibliography • The Healing Power of Aloe Vera - Aloe Vera, Niels Stevens, Ed Mad
ras Magazine • Herbs & Plants, Ed Minuano, Year I, No. 1 • Herbs & Plants magazi
ne, Ed Minuano, Year II, No. 10 • The capillaries determine our fate, Michael Pe
user, Ed leart • Health & Beauty Forever - Your Guide to Contemporary Nutrition
and Hygiene, Copyright Monica Lacombe Camargo, 2003, RJ . • The Essential Aloe v
era: The Actions And The Evidence (1997) • http://www.aloevera.co.uk/athrtnbk.ht
m • Aloe vera: Magic or Medicine? (1998) Ed, Nursing Standard. The line of Forev
er Living Products offers health, beauty, personal hygiene, make-up line, the co
ntrol program of weight reduction measures, facial rejuvenation, the highest qua
lity. Please contact us for more information about our products and how to becom
e a distributor PLF:
(11) 6421-7033 - Talk with Humberto. You can also access my personal page on PLF
for the link: http://www.flpbr.com.br/distribuidores/114/183/HMP15407/
On the next page you will find information about our Marketing Plan.
FLP Marketing Plan The Marketing Plan of Forever Living has been successful thro
ughout the world for being too simple. It is one of the easiest ways to start yo
ur own business. And what's better, you start your business with proven products
approved and in a market segment established and growing. Our plan also keeps y
ou safe at any level of success you achieve. So, once you reach any position in
our Marketing Plan, you never lose this position. You'll also enjoy the success
of your whole group of distributors, because the plan does not allow a distribut
or reaches a certain level unless you also reach. Everything that is related to
the business model of FLP is designed to help you build a solid and stable busin
ess. We offer training meetings and regular recognition, minimize your effort wi
th accounting, inventory and paperwork so you can spend more time on what really
matters: your customers and Distributors. With his dedication and a group of mo
tivated and well trained distributors, their business will grow steadily,€genera
ting higher incomes and approaching you from your dreams and life goals. Differe
nt ways to gain achievements in all FLP Marketing Plan are measured in terms of
"cash-credit" (cc). All start your business as distributors and have their earni
ngs from sales at retail own personal bonuses on personal sales + retail + bonus
on sales of any group formed by members Distributors added by the distributor.
Marketing Team
Now see how much you profit in each position of the marketing plan:
Distributor: In this position you have a profit of 43% in retail. Not be allowed
to develop marketing until you're in the position of Assistant Supervisor. NOTE
: You can directly join the company as Assistant Supervisor, simply purchase two
DC's (2 cases credit) directly. Assistant Supervisor: In this position you will
have 43% profit on retail, 5% bonus of volumes in direct purchases, 5% bonus fo
r new distributors enrolled by you in that month. When it reaches 25 CC's in a s
ingle month, or two months in a row, you move on to the next level, which is the
Supervisor. Supervisor: In this position you will have 43% profit on retail, 8%
bonus volumes in direct purchases, 8% bonus for new distributors enrolled by yo
u in that month, and 3% of all Wizards of Supervisors of his group. When you hit
75 CC's in a single month or 2 consecutive months, you go to the next level, wh
ich is to Assistant Manager. Assistant Manager: In this position you will have 4
3% profit on retail, 13% bonus of volumes in their direct purchases, 13% bonus f
or new distributors enrolled by you purchases this month, 5% of all supervisors
in your organization; 8% of all Assistant Supervisors and Distributors in your g
roup. When it reaches 120 CC's in a single month or 2 consecutive months, you go
to the next level, which is the Manager. Manager: In this position you will hav
e 43% profit on retail, 18% bonus of volumes in their direct purchases, 18% bonu
s for new distributors enrolled by you in that month, 5% of all Assistant Manage
rs your organization; 10 % of all supervisors of their group, 13% of all Assista
nts and Supervisors Distributors. Take this opportunity, please contact us:
(11) 6421-7033 - Talk with Humberto. You can also access my personal page on PLF
for the link: http://www.flpbr.com.br/distribuidores/114/183/HMP15407/

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