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Stand and bend the body from the waist until the trunk is parallel to the floor.
Let the painful arm hangs like a pendulum in front of you and swing slowly and
gently in small circles (Figure 2). As the muscle is warm, make larger and large
r circles. Practice it for a minute.
Stretching exercises.
1. Place the hand of the painful arm on the opposite shoulder. With the other ha
nd take the elbow from the bottom and gently push up as far as possible without
it will cause pain (Figure 3). Hold for a few seconds and then gently move the a
rm to the starting position. Repeat 10-15 times.
2. Stand with the painful shoulder about 60-90 cm from the wall. Extend your arm
, place the fingertips on the wall and upload gently as far as possible (Figure
4). Then, approach the wall and see if you can raise a little finger. The goal i
s to reach the point where the arm is extended upwards against the wall. When yo
u have gone as high as possible, hold for a few seconds and then lower the finge
rs down the wall. Repeat 5-10 times.
3. Stay upright and place the back of the hand on the affected side on his back.
With the other hand, throw the end of a bath towel over his shoulder healthy an
d take it with the hand that is behind your back. Take the towel gently with his
good hand, raising the arm pain (Figure 5). Do not take the towel with violence
, do so as far as possible without the move it without pain. Hold for a few seco
nds and slowly return to starting position. Repeat 10-15 times.
4. Place the hand of the painful arm behind her waist. With the palm facing towa
rd the back, try to raise his hand on her back as far as possible, as if the fin
gers walk up through the spine (Figure 6). Hold for a few seconds and then let t
he hand slide to the waist. Repeat 5-10 times.
5. Stand with your back against the wall. With your palms facing each other, int
erlock your fingers and place hands on the neck. Try moving your elbows back unt
il they touch the wall (Figure 7). Keep them there for a few seconds and then mo
ve them forward. Repeat 10-15 times.
Strengthening exercises
You will need a weight of 0.5 - 2.5 kg to execute these exercises, food cans are
useful, but is easier to hold the dumbbells.
1. Lie on your back with your elbow by the side and flexed to 90 degrees, so tha
t the forearm is directed outward. Slowly raise your hand holding the weight unt
il it points toward the ceiling, then return to the starting position (Figure 8)
Repeat 10 times. As the shoulder is stronger, repeat 20 times.
2. Lie on your side and keep the elbow close to your body and flexed at 90 degre
es, as in exercise 1. Slowly raise your hand holding the weight until it points
toward the ceiling, then lower (Figure 9). Repeat 10 times, up to 20 times as th
e shoulder is stronger.
3. While standing or sitting, hold the dumbbells in both hands and turn the hand
s until the thumbs point toward the floor. Extend your arms about 30 degrees for
ward, lift them gently until they are a little below shoulder level and then low
er them (Figure 10). (Do not lift above shoulder level because this can harm ten
dons, muscles and overexertion.) Repeat 10 times and increase the number of repe
titions gradually to reach 20.

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