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Concept of education

It is the systematic presentation of facts, ideas, skills and techniques to stud

ents. education is free for all students. However, due to the scarcity of public
schools, there are also many private and parochial schools. It should help and
guide the learner to conserve and use our values, strengthening national identit
y. It refers to the orderly and voluntary influence exerted on a person to shape
or development, hence the action exerted by an adult on a young generation to t
ransmit and preserve their collective existence. It is a fundamental ingredient
in the life of man and society and appeared on the face of the earth since the e
mergence of human life. Is what gives life to the culture, which allows the spir
it of man to assimilate and make it flourish, opening many avenues for their imp
Etymologically, education has two meanings: educare which means "drive", bring a
man from one state to another and educere which means "pull" to get something f
rom inside the Man. This reveals two notes etymological notion of education: fir
st, a movement, a process and, on the other, takes into account an interiority f
rom which will spring up these habits or those forms of life that make it possib
le to determine or says a person is "educated." Education means, then, a modific
ation of Man, a development of the possibilities of being. This amendment would
be meaningless if not imply an improvement. In other words, all education is a p
erfection. However, perfection is not all education, as there is in man a perfec
tion that comes from a spontaneous evolution of being. Since education presuppos
es a foreign influence, direction, intention, is defined as "a deliberate enhanc
ement of the higher functions of man, of what it is specifically human." It is t
hrough further "immediate" human capabilities, achieved improvement "mediate" th
e human person. It is not the same education instruction, which involves the tra
nsmission of knowledge. Education contains the statement, but goes beyond academ
ic poses, think of the whole man and all men as individuals and as a community.
Development Concept Given the multiple uses of the concept of development, it is
difficult to find a consensus on it, as is often part of a concept taking into
account the purpose of the use thereof or the area in which we are working. Furt
hermore, the concept of development is used by actors ranging can be economists,
politicians, philosophers and environmentalists.
A widespread development concept is one that indicates that development is a soc
ial condition in which the real needs of its people are satisfied by the rationa
l and sustainable use of natural resources and systems. The use of resources wou
ld be based on technology that respects the cultural and human rights. All socia
l groups have access to organizations and services such as education, housing, h
ealth, nutrition, and that their cultures and traditions are respected.
I.1. Concept Development
There are two basic ways to understand the development, either from an economist
ic approach based on instrumental rationality Technologic, or from another more
humanistic approach to try to understand the development more in the field of be
ing that of having. However, traditionally accepted as the more general meaning
of development, it implies the transition from a traditional society to a modern
society, to provide welfare to its members. This concept of development of the
idea of progress which holds that mankind has advanced in the past from an initi
al situation of primitiveness, barbarism, or even nullified, and that continues
and will continue to move in the future. However, it is a controversial idea, be
cause the notion of progress has two trends:
â ¢
one is that progress is improving lasherramientas with which the human being fac
es the challenges of nature or human effort to live in society,
â ¢
the other criteria of progress has to do with the increasing refinement of human
nature, and their virtues to a higher spiritual and moral welfare.
The first, explains the progress in quantitative terms, growth or increase in pr
oducts, ideas or institutions, without necessarily include the human spiritual d
evelopment. This concept of development is linked to modern society and capitali
st industrial production system,€which have among its basic objectives the accu
mulation of wealth, contains within it the intention of maximizing gains in prod
uction which in turn is the foundation or stimulus for technological advancement
or progress. So that has been generally accepted that a developed country is on
e that has reached a level of growth in the economic, political, cultural and so
cial, managing to meet its internal needs and providing comprehensive welfare to
members of their community. The term development is understood as a social stat
us within a country in which the real needs of its people are satisfied by the r
ational and sustainable use of natural resources and systems. The use of resourc
es would be based on technology that respects the cultural and human rights. Thi
s general definition includes specification development of social groups and org
anizations have access to basic services such as education, housing, health, nut
rition, and especially their
cultures and traditions are respected within the social framework of a nation-st
ate in particular. In economic terms, the definition above indicates that the po
pulation of a country there are job opportunities, least satisfying basic needs,
and a positive rate of distribution and redistribution of national wealth. In a
political sense, this definition emphasizes that systems of government have leg
al legitimacy, but also in terms of providing social benefits for the majority o
f the population.

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