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Nine grounds for losing belly

Nine grounds for losing belly

Meet reasons, beyond the aesthetics, to say goodbye to the fat that settles in t
he womb and the essential steps to eliminate it once and for all
by Diogo SPONCHIATO, with reporting by THEO RUPRECHT design EDER REDD
The abdomen topping became the symbol of what many scientists and health experts
believe is one of the most prominent evils of the 21st century: the metabolic s
yndrome, a combination of problems that lasts beyond the beer belly, includes hi
gh cholesterol, hypertension and diabetes. The famous belly, however, is only th
e tip of the iceberg. The fat belly stove and hides between organs such as liver
and intestine is able to sink the body. Called visceral, it's like to deposit i
t in the wrong place, says endocrinologist Maria Teresa Zanella, Federal Univers
ity of São Paulo, UNIFESP. Under those love handles, which insist on the trouser
s and escape that are not, attention, composed of visceral fat per se can hide t
his threat. Hence the association between the measures and gordureba among the v
iscera. But you can wipe the waist and cut off the danger. With the help of a te
am of specialists, HEALTH! explains why we must put an end to the belly and show
s the most compelling strategies to deflate it. See below.
1. HER CAUSE DIABETES Unlike many people lean to the paunchy bellies may be, rem
ember this, the cells that store fat in the abdominal region are not usually sed
entary. Are more active than you think. In this region, they live by manufacturi
ng substances that scatterbrained some bodily functions. In addition, its fat ha
s the ability to migrate and establish housing in places like the liver. There,
behind the changes that make it confusing gland, triggering an overproduction of
glucose. To meet the need of insulin, the hormone that lays all that sugar into
the cells, comes in the pancreas, which goes crazy trying to meet the huge dema
nd. But that fat stored in the womb also promotes the release of many free fatty
acids, explains endocrinologist Mark Tambasco, State University of Campinas in
São Paulo. And they, in turn, prevent the proper action of insulin, complete. He
nce, as the substance can not fulfill its mission, leftover sugar and open up th
e doors to type 2 diabetes. 2. HYPERTENSION FAVORS A body that displays a bulgin
g tummy is hostage to a real domino effect. To do away with much glucose running
through the veins result a number of large waist, strengthens the body more ins
ulin production, by not giving more to the task. Increased levels of this hormon
e causes an increased activity of the sympathetic nervous system, which commands
a greater contraction of blood vessels, explains Maria Teresa. Not to mention t
hat the kidneys begin to absorb more sodium. The result of this combination: the
pressure skyrockets. 3. INCREASES THE RISK OF INFARCTION AND STROKE The fat cel
ls located in the stomach produce inflammatory substances related to cardiovascu
lar disease, says cardiologist Lopes Heno, the Heart Institute in Sao Paulo. In
people with ample waist, there's usually too much fat in the circulation. In thi
s scenario, the predominant molecules in LDL, bad cholesterol. They may become l
odged in the wall of a vessel, triggering an inflammatory process. Amid this rea
ction, they form a plate that closes the Assago blood and this is the origin of
heart attacks and strokes.
4. The ALZHEIMER'S INFLUENCE The finding is novel and therefore not yet known fo
r sure the mechanism that connects visceral fat with the higher prevalence of th
e disease that erases the memory. A study by the Kaiser Permanente Research Cent
er, USA, suggests that individuals with stomach and another factor involved in t
he metabolic syndrome are at a threefold risk of developing Alzheimer's. The vil
lain may be a pure evil that is a result of excess fat in the abdomen, diabetes.
The increase in glucose levels damage neurons, the neurologist justifies Cicero
Galli Coimbra, UNIFESP. 5. Damages the liver fat which is beneath the abdominal
wall can stroll among the organs and, one day, settle in the liver. She can be
deposited within the cells of this gland, hepatocytes, tells the medical Edna St
rauss, University of São Paulo. When more than 10% of them are obese, so to spea
k, it settles to steatohepatitis, characterized by inflammation that, over time,
cause the death of such hepatocytes and may even lead to liver failure. 6. CONT
RIBUTES TO ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION News is to scare any man,€especially those over
40 years and grow a belly bounced. Visceral fat is associated with high levels o
f cholesterol and triglycerides, is sponsoring the erection and loss of sexual a
ppetite. Who has metabolic syndrome is more prone to low testosterone, alert the
doctor Carlos Da Ros, the Brazilian Society of Urology. No wonder. You see, thi
s staff, the testes start to produce a smaller amount of male hormone, which is
essential for erection. Prior to affect the performance of man during intercours
e, the fall in testosterone levels steals his own libido. The synthesis of the h
ormone tends to decline with age, but never stops completely. Minimal dosages, h
owever, flattened by belly fat, can cool sexual appetite. 7. Is linked to depres
sion and this goes beyond dissatisfaction with their bodies. The pressure change
s and rates of sugar accompanying depressive bellied favor. The mess in the gun
body and even certain measures to control it interfere with brain activity. When
you stir in cholesterol, it can be
impair the synthesis of neurotransmitters behind the feeling of well-being, exem
plifies Meleiro Alexandrina, the Institute of Psychiatry, Hospital das Clinicas
(HC) from Sao Paulo. That is, everything contributes to the sorrow without end.
BACK PAIN 8.PROVOCA That extra fat above the waist modifies the body center of g
ravity, forcing the spine to twist to avoid losing balance. So, come the constan
t pain, including muscle. Not to mention that the paunch and weighs every pound
more, no matter where you are, overwhelms the back. This may be a risk factor fo
r disc herniation, says orthopedist Arnaldo Jose Hernandez, president of the Bra
zilian Society of Exercise Medicine and Sports, in Sao Paulo. 9.DETONA knees pos
ture that the paunchy almost inevitably adopts to offset the weight concentrated
in the belly ends with these joints. The pelvis, located at the waist, live bad
ly seated. This causes the knee to wear to work double, describes Arnaldo José H
ernandez. Hence the predisposition to stress fractures, which occur when perform
ed wrong moves frequently. In fall, this type of overload can cause inflammation
in joints, arthritis, and destabilize a key to the knee moves, the tendon that
connects the kneecap, his bone, the tibia, the shin bone.
9 ways to get rid of it
by Diogo SPONCHIATO, with reporting by THEO RUPRECHT design EDER REDD
1.COMECE FOR THIS: RELAX! To Dr Maria Teresa Zanella, UNIFESP, if there is a cul
prit for the epidemic of visceral fat and metabolic syndrome is stress. Today pe
ople live in a hurry and under stress. Therefore, they are more sedentary, and a
nxious, eat fastfood, exemplifies. Stress, in fact, is more than one enemy of th
e lifestyle. It triggers hormonal changes that contribute to the maintenance of
the belly itself. Stress raises levels of cortisol and provides an increased rat
e of glucose in the blood, explains psychiatrist Meleiro Alexandrina, HC São Pau
lo. For biochemical questions, it takes the body to accumulate more and more fat
and ... guess where! The order, therefore, is to relax. Look comply with the ei
ght hours of sleep, eight and eight of work and leisure, advises Alexandrina. To
ease the stress, bet on meditation and mind off the routine for a few minutes b
reathing slowly and listening to soothing music. Take time out of your day to so
mething that gives pleasure, it gives the hint psychologist Marilda Lipp, Cathol
ic University of Campinas. 2. BET ON CERTAIN NUTRIENTS Calcium, flavonoids and u
nsaturated fats: foods rich in these substances are essential to the menu for th
ose who want to wither the waist. Calcium serves on glycemic control, decreasing
insulin resistance and facilitating the loss of visceral fat, says nutritionist
Mariana Del Bosco, the Brazilian Association for the Study of Obesity and Metab
olic Syndrome. The ideal is to eat sources of the mineral at least three times a
day. In other words, invest in
skim milk and its derivatives in thin, and vegetables like broccoli. Another key
measure: choose good fats from your diet. Reduce consumption of saturated that
are in meat and discard forever the cross, those of the fries. Try to replace th
em with monounsaturated olive oil, which improve insulin action, and the omega-3
salmon, which regulates inflammatory responses together, they help to refine th
e abdomen. Also worth way into fast-digesting carbohydrates such as sweets and p
astries that inflate the stomach faster. And do not forget the flavonoids in tea
and the berries: they do adipocytes,€Nicknamed science of fat cells, lose weigh
t. And the belly too. 3. CAPRICE IN FIBER They promote increased satiety. The fi
bers do not increase the peak blood sugar. So, avoid discharge of insulin in the
circulation, decreasing the feeling of hunger, says nutritionist Eliana Giuntin
i, Laboratory of Food Biochemistry, University of São Paulo. By passing more slo
wly for the entire digestive system, these substances retard the desire to eat a
nd enjoy the bowel. Are mainly found in fruits, whole grains and legumes such as
beans, says Eliana. 4. WATCH IN POSTURE Who is all bent seems to be more paunch
y. Keep your shoulders open and straight column always decreases this impression
. More than that, however, correct posture, according to certain currents of exp
erts, promotes circulation and, consequently, the burning of fat. When you're si
tting in front of the computer, lean back in his chair and let our feet and arms
positioned on their backs side. Avoid getting more than 45 minutes without gett
ing up. In just two minutes walk to relieve the burden on the spine, the therapi
st ensures Helder Montenegro, Institute for Spinal Care in Fortaleza. 5. Keep an
eye on HORMONES perform routine examinations, especially after age 40, is the m
ost effective way of catching hormonal imbalances that favor fat accumulation in
the abdomen over time. In women, the drop in estrogen at menopause disrupts the
distribution of fat, facilitating the formation of the belly, warns cardiologis
Otavio Gebara, HC São Paulo. For men, low levels of testosterone are associated
with both high cholesterol on the protruding navel. Finally, if necessary, must
be flushed to start hormone replacement therapy under medical supervision. Low t
estosterone results in discouragement and weakness. When indicated, the replacem
ent rebalances hormones, which gives even willing to lose the belly, says the ur
ologist Fernando Facio, Faculty of Medicine of Sao Jose do Rio Preto, São Paulo.
6. The abdominal MUSCLES enhanced some by themselves, do not shape the abdomen.
So why not require a large energy expenditure. Still are an indispensable part
of the recipe antibarriga. They develop the muscles of the region and, hence, le
ss fat will accumulate between the viscera. That's right. The strengthened muscl
e requires energy even at rest and go after the sources closer, ie the very visc
eral fat, explains Francisco Navarro, the Brazilian Institute for Research and T
raining in Exercise Physiology. That is, you must first win thanks to a flat bel
ly aerobic activity. From this, we have celebrated abdominal key to maintaining
it in shape. Plus, with a defined abdomen, you better posture. Moreover, to achi
eve this particular benefit, the message is working out to strengthen the should
ers, back and chest. By exercitálos, you also increase the body burns calories a
t rest. So he did not store as much fat per nonsense. Invest in push-ups, which
develop the pectoral time to lift the body and back during the descent. As for a
bs, never let go of the oblique exercises, which tone the belly side. That makes
a tremendous difference. Another tip is to lift weights in standing, which requ
ires the abdomen to contract. 7. DO Aerobic Sweat shirt is needed, whether in ra
cing, cycling, or swimming. Practiced regularly, these sports offer a caloric ab
le to deflate the stomach. They work with many muscle groups, says the physical
educator Camila Coelho, Universidade Estadual Paulista in Rio Claro. Hence, acce
lerate the metabolism, increasing the weight loss. And, while gaining fitness, y
ou can do more intense workouts, which
consume more energy in less time. 8. ALSO PRACTICE YOGA, PILATES OR DANCE These
complementary activities are important because they work posture and muscles. Th
e Pilates requires a lot of the abdomen and at the same time, corrects the posit
ion of the spine, says the physical educator Aline Haas, Catholic University of
Rio Grande do Sul For those who prefer to dance, worth trying the belly, which t
hins enough the waist. Already yoga, although fewer calories burn, soothes tempe
rs something fundamental to the success of these efforts antibarriga. 9. Willpow
er Despite being last, it is the very first ingredient in any formula you want t
o give out the belly. You should be convinced of the importance of losing this f
at located to make the necessary adjustments in diet, follow a varied routine of
exercises, correct posture and€to complete, keep the anxiety to see the measure
s to decrease under control. Is in your hands, finally win a lean belly. In a wo
rd, healthy.
Plastic Surgery ends with the belly?
Meet the fat target this type of intervention and know to what extent the scalpe
l helps tune the waist You probably noticed that among the strategies noted in o
ur cover story to extinguish once the belly, liposuction was not famous - nor an
y another kind of surgery. Well, both liposoluble as the plastic of the abdomen
did not serve to remove excess visceral fat. In fact, there is no intervention t
hat can purge the feat of the dangerous fat that accumulates between the organs.
"Therefore, in these cases is still the risk of metabolic syndrome, a set of pr
oblems, and waist circumference polled, carries high cholesterol, hypertension a
nd diabetes," says plastic surgeon Alexandre Munhoz, Syrian Lebanese Hospital in
Sao Paulo. Moreover, these operations do not have as main objective to eliminat
e one lot of pounds. "Let me be clear: liposuction
not for weight loss, but only to improve the contour of the waist, "explains Jos
é Yoshikazu Tariki, president of the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery. But u
ltimately, what the target of these interventions? However, the subcutaneous fat
. That which is deposited on Love Handles and that usually gives to certain regi
ons of sagging body ... including the very belly. In theory, this type does not
allow much danger. You could say that, unlike its relative visceral, he even liv
es there sure, ie adipocyte living under the skin. gordureba This, however, is a
persistent nuisance - because it is harder to be burned, even with exercise and
balanced diet. To appeal to plastic surgery, however, not think that simply mak
e an appointment with the specialist. "Ideally, to undergo the operation, the in
dividual is as close as possible to the appropriate weight for their height," sa
ys Munhoz. There are basically two interventions that lend themselves to aesthet
ic define the silhouette. The best known of them is liposuction, which allows su
gar to subcutaneous fat. Then there are the abdominoplasty, whose mission is to
correct the sagging skin or muscle of his own. In this case, doctors make an inc
ision that opens the way for the realignment of abdominal muscle or the removal
of fat and skin that are left over. They are described, for example, to patients
of stomach-reduction surgery. "But as far as the plastic liposuction of the abd
omen, unlike what most people think, require a full assessment as any other proc
edure. So who is out of the necessary conditions should not do neither one nor t
he other, "says Tariki. Source: http://saude.abril.com.br/edicoes/0301/medicina/
conteudo_293933.s html ------ ------------------------------
Suggested reading:
ns recipes and menu Fran Gare and Helen Monica The original American Dr. Atkins'
Diet Revolution Copyright © 1972 by Robert C Atkins, MD Copyright © 1977 Portug
uese edition Publisher Artenova SA
Book Excerpt: Page 9 of 13
(The book may even be a bit old - 1972 - but the content is more than that now .
.... and today, obesity has reached far greater proportions than when this book
was released. The most amazing thing is that the ideas presented by Dr. Atkins i
s still too .... combated by ignorance and ignorance of those who should care fo
r the health of the population!) Page 9 1 WHAT THIS BOOK tell you about this sub
ject that we deal with - obesity - various books have been written, much researc
h has been conducted and it seems that everyone knows everything about it. Just
do not know what its cause and how we can combat it. Ever surprises me the most
inappropriate way that doctors treat the real cause of obesity. No wonder she do
es not disappear. Revolutionize your ideas about the causes of obesity By now yo
u should be thinking that the cause of obesity is that if you eat too much. Thin
gs are not so well. This is one of those situations that we've taken blindly as
truth, we can say that
is one of many myths about obesity that it is time to destroy. The metabolic imb
alance causes most fats Since the first bestseller on diets appeared, fifty year
s ago, doctors and dieticians seeking to convince us that losing weight is just
a matter of controlling your calorie intake and make a balanced diet.€Page 10 Mo
st people - and that includes doctors and dieticians - completely ignores the me
tabolic imbalance, which is the primary cause of almost all the fats. The result
of fifty years of prescribing a so-called "balanced diet" for people who actual
ly suffered from metabolic imbalance was an obesity epidemic on a national level
. Long ago we needed a revolution in the way of analyzing the diets Obesity pose
s many problems. The biggest health problem today - cardiovascular disease - is
conveyed directly to obesity. Also events such as diabetes, hyperinsulinism, art
hritis, kidney disease, liver, gallbladder, and even a high number of accidents,
suicides and various surgical risks, are caused by obesity. Why this is a revol
ution in diet? Conceptualizing is revolution as a successful revolt against the
established order, then I can say that my last eight years of medical practice r
epresent a revolution. I will tell you how it all acont5eceu in the following ch
apters. To summarize: during this period, I tried ten thousand patients with obe
sity. They all lost weight without counting calories, no pills appetite moderati
ng and mostly without pain of hunger. They have not lost weight by eating small
amounts, such as prescribing a "balanced diet". For starters, my diet is not
balanced. She is deliberately unbalanced, to counteract the metabolic imbalance
that makes people fat. Everyone knows that the most balanced diets containing ab
out fifty percent carbohydrates, thirty percent protein and twenty percent fat.
Obese people often have disturbances in carbohydrate metabolism. Therefore, they
can not handle that amount of carbohydrates. This diet, originally cut carbohyd
rates completely. Then keep them in a permanently low level. P. 11 In this diet
never feels hungry One consequence of this most enjoyable deliberately unbalance
d diet therapy is the drastic change that it causes in their eating habits. My p
atients lose weight by eating very well and never feel hungry. However, most peo
ple go to eat less because they satisfy hunger completely with what has this die
t. Can no longer eat as much as they were eating before. But some have lost ten,
eighteen, forty-five or more pounds, while consuming two to three thousand calo
ries - or more - per day. Therefore, it should be quite clear: you eat what you
want in the quantity you want and can still lose weight. These people lost weigh
t with bacon and eggs for breakfast, greasy cream in coffee, mayonnaise salads,
lobster in butter sauce, with chops, roast pork, smoked meat, with my special re
cipe and delicious cheesecake (cheesecake ) for dessert (see recipe). And with t
his diet, the cholesterol rate is generally low. More importantly, the levels of
triglycerides (you will be informed about this in later chapters) also always f
all. People who do this diet gain years of life, as they lose weight. They gain
energy, mood, self-confidence. Become entirely new people. And do not count calo
ries ... The basic reason is that I do not believe that the act of losing weight
is a simple matter of counting calories and doing body work only in caloric def
The way of counting calories failed Orthodox medicine has failed to address the
problem of obesity. Still, it did not take and not motivated professionals in th
eir search for alternatives largely the way of counting calories. Instead, other
things happened. It created a huge industry of food and beverages, low in calor
ies. The pharmaceutical industry has flooded the market with a huge variety of m
ulticolored pills moderating appetite. And I ask the moderators pills appetite a
nd food and beverages low in calories, by chance, we became a nation in a nation
fat skis? You know the answer. Page 12 Every year that passes more we worry abo
ut the obesity problem, and still more our increasingly sedentary society, leads
us to the path of aging and premature death from diseases linked to bad diets a
nd excess weight. The attempt to count calories to solve the national problem of
obesity failed. (You will deepen about why this in later chapter). Consider tha
t there are two main reasons for this fact: one is that few people can endure hu
nger that accompanies a low calorie diet and the time needed to get slim enough,
and the other is one other reason,€even more serious, as I mentioned before, an
d delve in a later chapter. Many of our current diseases are a predisposing fact
or in common: the carbohydrate intolerance Through the years, a large number of
doctors and researchers observed that the obese person, the diabetic, hypoglycem
ic (a person suffering from low blood sugar) the prone to heart attacks, they al
l have one thing in common: something deeply wrong with the way the body deal wi
th sugar and other carbohydrates. These people have intolerance to carbohydrates
- due to a metabolic imbalance.
What we need now is a revolution in diet. A diet in which carbohydrate intake is
cut to fit those people intolerant to carbohydrates. Then - and only then - obe
sity and all its dangers, can be controlled. Why not medicine researched the rol
e of carbohydrates mortal? How is it that so many "experts" in nutrition have no
knowledge of the carbohydrate intolerance? Why the "authorities" so long ignore
d by medical rather than search, the logical way to treat obesity? What explanat
ion can there be for that has not been given due importance to the various medic
al reports on the role that carbohydrates play in obesity, since the publication
in 1864, the famous letter about obesity, William Banting? Could be partly rela
ted to large financial donations made by Pg 13 food manufacturers of refined car
bohydrates to various departments of nutrition education? We are victims of "poi
soning carbohydrates" The twentieth century diseases that cause most deaths aris
e from what I call "poisoning carbohydrates. What causes this? The major culprit
is sugar. In many cases, even sugar addiction. Dr. John Yudkin notes that "Curr
ently our consumption of sugar in two weeks, is greater than one year, two centu
ries ago." Several decades ago that Americans have suffered brainwashing of adve
rtisers, to start the day eating cereal and fill the hours with beverages that c
ontain no real nutritional value, only carbohydrates. From the caveman to today,
evolved on a diet of mainly meat. And that is what our bodies were and are made
up. Over fifty million years our organization has had to deal with only tiny am
ounts of carbohydrates - at that time, unrefined carbohydrates. About
seven thousand years before Christ, when man learned to cultivate the soil, cons
umption of carbohydrates was a sharp increase - but were still unrefined carbohy
drates. In other words, these carbohydrates were not concentrated artificially b
y a refining process. Only in the last century there was a radical change in wha
t the man eats and drinks, with the advent of a diet composed mainly of refined
carbohydrates. The mechanism designed to metabolize small amounts of carbohydrat
e original broke under violent and deadly attack on our culture: soft drinks, ca
kes, ketchup, crackers and sweets. The result: obesity. Just as some cardiovascu
lar diseases, which are responsible for most deaths nominal various causes. Plus
a full range of degenerative diseases, hitherto unknown to most people. -------

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