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Applications are invited from maried/unmar

;;r,{L"ffi;i,,ffi"1'J',n r,,201r;iil;;; ilififi:,rHl5"?xi'iffin
(a) N?tionalitv: A candidate must either
be : (i) A citizen of lndia, or (ii) A subject of Bhutan,
Nepal' or (iv) a Tibetan refugee who came oV"r. tolnoi"1"iJil.tnu or (iii) A subject of
permanently settling in lndia or (v) a person 1st of January 1962 with the intention of
of lndian *igin ;[;h"s migrateo tror'prliri"n,
and East African countries of xenva, u-gry3, tn" Burma, sri Lanka
Ethopia and Vietnam with the inteniion oipermanently
u"it;i ieiuuic of-T#;;: zrroir, Malawi, zaire and
setfliniin lndia. provideJ tt"ir'lrroidate belonging
categories (ii)' (iii)' (iv) and (v) above shall be , pur.on to
in *-ho5"]"rour a certificate of eligibility has
or elisibilitv ,i'iir n"*"r"i ,ribe necessary in
been issued
B:l.ff:Til:l:'ii l,oJ;;,1"nfu*te tre casJor cinoioates who aie
g,"ffiffi" 2.0 to 27 years as on 01 Jul 2017. (Gandidates born between
02 Jut 90 and 01 Jut 97, both
NorE : The datf of birth entered in the Matriculation or
an equivalent examination certificate only is
relatins accepted by
to ase will ou acc"pt"J uno no rruu"qr;;t;;;ffi ror its chanse wiil be
(c) EducationalsalificFtion: candidates
should have passed the requisite Engineering Degree
the final year of EngineeringDegree cou.rse are etigibll course or be in
to appty. The candidit"; ; il; finat year of Degree
course should complete all their dxaminations retated-to
the dffi, like written, f;;"ii;;i;; viva voce, projects,
backloss etc prior to 01 Jul 2017 ror rcc-121;;;;.
r'r,Lilriirro.?9 ableto -
within 12 weeks from the date of commencemglt il;;;;#;
Ensineering Desree
.o{ training trr,tn. such
Additional Bond Basis for recovery of the cost ot trainingli "t notiReo candidates
itriRls fril
will be inducted on
til;t,, tirne as w1 as stipencr
and pav & allowances paid, in case ihev fail-to produce t'E
*qii[iti, Degree curtiti""i" *itnin tnu specified time.
;,::il'l#ATili'"1fl t"ill:',H:;:*i:iiiil:+rl.Hli[r:,;J#i,,,,,ri*il,i#i;
into TGG-125 course' candidateJstudyirig-in tinal yeai
including written, practicats, projects, ui"iiogs, viva-v'oce oi-"ngio""ring must comprete a, the formalities
etc rori:iaro of qualifying BE/B.Tech degree before
01 Jul2017 faiting which theiicandiaature iiliable
to oe canceilea.--''

Engg, Irlechanical (tr,techatroni6l

& Automation Enon
& Power), Power

Computer EnSg, Cornpu:er mputer Science Engg,

Science & Enoo
uectronics & Tetecomrnunication Eng gJAd6mht;[ation
elecommunication/Telecomm u nication/Electro
!ngg, Eleckonics & Communication Eiis-Et..tioni", a
ics & Comqrun ication/ Satellite Communication Eleckical Communication

& Materiatfeihnotogla
tvLateriat Engg, trtetailurgy
a engg & Materiar
& Instrumentition/lnililm entation Applied ftectront
lnstrumentation EngO, Eiectronics a fnstrlirentation
& Control
Engg, lnstrumentation & Control engg, instilr"nt"tion

NorE 1: These vacancies are tentative and,may

be changed depencln3 on availability of training
N0IE'3 : "Recommended candidites of roc'rzs whose ,"rii iJnJt within the number of aflotted vacancies,
may be offered to join ssc(T) course (oct zoiz)-srbj";ii;';;;ti" j'rrr etisibitity.,,
4. TYPE OF C.OM,ltllssloN probation in the
T"iSjffi,ln,l,ieri.l: Selected candidates Will be granted Short Service Commission on
rank of Lt from the date of commencement of the course-or the date of reporting ?t lMl, whichever is later and
to full pay and allowances admissiOte to Lt durir,S trcining period. Pay & allowances will be paid
will be entiued
after successful completion of training'
1o; permanerlt'-effilssio,n: On" successful completion
of training cadets will be granted Permanent
Commissioh in the Army in the rank of Lt'
(c) Rn$e Datg senlorlty., ante date seniority from the date of commission will be granted to
!1e .Vear
Engineeiing Graduates of TGC
5. TRAININ9: Duration of training is one ye.ar'.
according to their
(a) Selected *nOiOri"i *itt O" deiailed for training at lndian Military Academy, Dehradun
position in the final order of merit up to.the number of vacancies evailable in each stream.
he be allowed to live with
(b) Candidates wiit neittrer be allowed to marry during the perigd of training nor will
parents/Guardians. A candidate who marries d'uring tiaining shall be discharged and will be liable to refund all
cand'idate, who marries subsequent to the date of his
expenditure incuried on him by the governmenl.lA
application, though successful,.will not be selected for training'
1cy cqst ot Tra,iiinql ine
cost of Gining is at Goveinmer't cxpense. ln case the GC is withdrawn
i;;";;;";;1n"1t1"n or..the reasons not beyond his control' he will be
training acaoemffi u6oicatground
to time) for the period of his stay
liable to retuno JosG i13ining @ Rs. 8785/ per weeklor as notified from time
at lndian Military AcademY.
of stipend are insured
(6; lrrpv, qrque ii;;finie.t$ng.(aqrl :The Gentlemen.cadets of IMA when in receipt
75 wef 01 Oct 2016. Those who get medically boarded out of Academy on account of disability, the
for Rs lac
proportionally reduced up to Rs 5 lac for
disability cover provided for 100% disability iritt O" Rs 25 lac{vh'rch is
for less than 2O7o'disability, only an Ex-Gratia grant of Rs 50,000/- for first two years of
20% disability. However,
be paid..Disabiliiy due_ to alcoholism, drug addiction and
training and Rs llac during the last year of training'will
oipre'-unrotment origin will nit qualify for disability benefit and.Ex-Gratia grant. ln addition,
due to the oiseases
grounds, expelled as an undesirable or voluntarily leaving the-
Gentleman caouis *itnoia*n on discipinary
for diiability Senefr! and Lx-Gratia. subscription at the rate of Rs 5,000/- will
Academy witt atso noi uu
o-n monthly basisly the_Gentleman.Cadets to become member under the main AGI
have to be paid in period would also be
Scheme ,. ,ppii"uoi" "Jr"r""
to regular Ar:my officbrs. The subscri2tion for the relegated
recovered at the same rate.
passin3 out of gentleman cadets from IMA'
6. The final allocation of Arms/Services will be made prior to
15'6001ar; p.m. (Rs pay in Pay
7. pAy AND ALLOWFNCES: The c_andidates willbe given a stipencl.ef Rs.21,000/-
payai admissible tothe rank. The promotion from Lieutenant to Lieut
to fulflllment of requisite service conditions'
enant Colonel is on time scafe Uasij and thereafter on selection basis subject
t"t The Pay Scale and promotion criteria is as follows:-

Cn completion of 13 Yrs

On selection basis
subject to fulfillment
requisite service
*Admissible to 1/3'd of total

The rates of allowances to are as

To Whom APPlicabia Rates(Rs)
Officers Posted in Hard Area 6750/- PI\4 (25o/o of Basic PaY)
Hard Area Allowance
ftigh AltituUe/Uncongenial Climate bffiffi----Posteo in Hish 11ZOO|-
Attitude/Uncongenial Climate Crficers 14000/-PM
Posted in Siachen
Highly active Field Area Allowance Oificer Posted at Highly Active Field 6780/-PM
Field Area Allowance Area
Officer Posted at Field Area 42001-PM
Modified Field Area Allowance
Officer Posted at Modified Ete$-Alge- 1600/-PM
OfFrcers Posted as ArmY Aviaiors 9000/-PM
Flying Allowance
Parachute Allowance Officers Posted in Active Parachute 12001-PM
oualification Grant BNs/Reot


Snecial Forces Allowance Officers oosted in Special Forces 9000/- PM

I Transport Allowance

House Rent Allowance

Kit Maint Allowance


To Officers
All Officers
not Provided Govt.
Rs. 3200/-+DA PM in A1/A cities and
Rs 1600/-+DA PM at other Places
iO-gO"/, of Basic Pay (PaY Band +
Grade Pay + MSP)
400/- PM
lJ n-iforrnTiiowa n ce (O u tf it Al lowa n ce ) AllOfficers lnitial 14000/- and 30UU/- every lnree
Qualification PaylGrant for Service All Officers undergoing specified Rs. 60001 to 20000/-
C6irrses collrses
All Officers Posted as lnstructors 1800/-
i nEtrdCtionat Allowance
those that are
Slgr ln the case of Allowances specific to Defence Forces, the rates of these allowances except
pffint"g" based, have been furtheienhanced by-5!! as Dearness Allowances has gone up by 100%'
per month'
(c) Co"t to-Co.ro"n, iqiC,t. ftre CfC for a Lieutenant would be approximately Rs. 80000/"
Allowance. These ratei are not statutory and are subject to change.
(d) priyir+Isl'in i" ine bTc mentioned above, Army provides free Medical Facilitiers for self &
oep"no"iiffin-te"n facilities, Entifled Ration, Mess/club/sports Facilities, Furnished Govt. Accommodation,
Car/Housing Loan at subsidized rate.
(") U"EV. en$I!e!! . On Commission, officers are entitted to 60 days annual and 20 days casual leave
Lr"ry Vea. exigencies). They are also entitled.for 4Oo/o rail concession to any pletce ancl free
travet is p"r ruf"r) for seliand tamity. [eave during training period will be as per the Training Policy in
force. "rrt"ni
(0 Sports & Adventure. The Army provides facilities to pu.rsue any sport of your liking' ln addition, one
ano pffii[7t--adventure iports, such as river rafting, mountaineering, hot air ballooning'
can leam
gliding, Horse Riding etc.
eniiy ApplyiLogin; and tnen ctict< 'Registration', Fill the online registiation form after reading the instructions
-reiuffy. nri"r gEtting r"gistereO, click oi 'Apply onlile' under Dashboard. A page 'Officers Selection - Eligibility'
*iff op"ir. Thenllick
TApiri snown against t6c-hnicat Graduate Course. A page 'Application Form' will open. Read
the instructionr tty'and click lContinue' to fill details as required under various segments. Personal
information, Communica[ion details, Education details and details of previous SSB. 'Save & Continue'each time
a pagg 'Summary- of
before you go to the next segment. Rtter nUing Oelails on the last segment,you will Jnove.lo
entries already made. Then click on 'submit Now' only after
v"rii"rinriti"i *nLi"in you-can check ano
been filled in. After submitting, click on "PDF" and take two
L"iufuffv ascertaining'ihai6 correct
copies of tne applicalion form having Rol! flo and other details generated by the system' . -i
NOTE: Details onie submittea-wlu Nor be changed under any circumstance, and
No representation in
- regard shall be entertained.
iu) Fotuwing documents are to be carried to the.setection centre byih:,"?1,9iq:_t";:
of application duly signed and affixed with self attested photograph.
iil O-n" "opy of the print out Matiiculation
tiil ait6sted copy of
Seff or equivalent certificate issued by the Board .concerned
for proof of date of birth
i6e5Eisi"l"-eo"rd"iicse) in wtricn,oate of birth is reflected for
proof of date bf birth).
iaiOTfUarfsneetffransfer/Leaving Certificate etc. are not acceptable
(iii) Self attested copy of 12h Class Certificate & Marksheet'
(ir) Sef attested copy of Engineering Degree/Provisional Degree
(v) Self attested copy of Mark shEets of all Semesters. Revised mark sheets issued by a Board/
However, the sarne
University atter tast Ulte of receipt/application will not be accepted for this course.
will be accepted for the subsequent course'
lvly Certinca[e from the PrincipaUHead of
the lnstitution stating that the candidate.is in ftnal year and f;nal
exams in respect of the candidate will be over by 01 Jut.2017 (for final y_ear candidates)'
(vii) All cerliiicates in origina!. Originals wili be returned after verification at the Service Selection
Board itself.
(c) Any candidate who does not carry these entire documents for the SSB interview, his candidature
will be cancelled.
(d) The second copy of the printout of online applicatiolr is to be retained by the candidate for his
ieierence. No need to send any hard copy to DG Recruiting'
(e) Candidatei must suUmit onty ohi ontine application. Receipt of multiple applications from tlte
will be entertained in
same candidate wilt result in cancettation of candidature, and NO representation
this regard.
MoD(Arm'7) reserves the right to shoilist appliczrtions and to
{a} Short listino?f-A-pplications. lntegrated HQ of
will be interviewed at Selection
tire cutoff .percentage
iuf o"ry'snorflisGt "rigiui" candidates dEpendin! on(Karnataka) by Psychologist, Group. Testing officer and
Centres, Allahabal (Ui), enopat (MP) and Bangalore
rni"*L*ing omcer.'Caiiup iettei toi ssa intirview witt be issucd.by respective selection centres through
Allotment of
candidate'jregistered e-miit io and through sMS onLyr candidates vrill not be interviewed locally'
for changes are entertained
selection centre is at the discretion of od ntg, lHo MoD (Arnry.) anC NO request
in this regard.
(c) Shortlisted candidates will have to log in on the website yvww.ioinindianqrmv.nic.in using their username and
frassward and select the SSB dates as available on the website.
(d) lnterviews will be held from Jan/Feb 2017 onwards."
(ei Candidates will put through two stage setection procedure. Those who clear Stage ! will go to Stage ll.
Those' who fail in Stage I wi!! be returned on the same day. Duration of SSB interviews is five days
excluding day of anivil and details of the same are available at official website of Rtg Dte
www.ioi-nindiinarmv.nic.in. This will be followed by a medical examination for the candidates who get
recommended after Stage ll.
ir.'caffi{iEiffis belonging to the North East and
hilly areas like Gorkhas, Nepalese, Assamese and
Garhwalis, the height will bJrelaxed by 5 cms and weight commensurate with reduced height. ln case of
candidates from Lakshadweep, the minimum acceptable height can be reduced by 2 cms.
(b) Visual Qtand,?rds. Distance Vision (Corrected): Better Eye 6/6; Worse Eye 6/18. Myopia should not be more
irrin-ffi-indEpermetropia not more than +3.5D including Astigmation. lnternal examination of the eye will
be done *y m"ans of opthalmoscope to rule out any disease of the eye. A candidate must have good
binocular viiion. The colbur vision standard will be CP-lll (Defective Safe). Candidates should be able to
recognize white, signal red and signal green colours conectly as shown by lilartin's Lanlern at a distance of
1.5 metre or readthe requisite ptateot lshihara BooUTokyo Medical Oollege Book. Candidatesi who have
undergone or have evidence for having undergone Radial Karatotomy to lqOrove_ the visual acuity will be
perma-nenttyrejected. lnordertodetectPRKLAS|Kallthecandidates at SMB will be subjected to the
measurement bt Rxiat length by A-Scan biometer. Candidates who have undergone LASER Surgery for
correction of refractive error will be considered for commission in Army if they fulfill following criteria :- (i) Age
more than 20 years. (ii) Uncomplicated stable LASII(Excimer (PRK) laser procedure done for Myopia or
iypermetropia, witn stad,l6 refraction for a period of ,six months after the procedure. (iii) A healthy retina. (ir)
+1.50 in
CbirecteO vision should be 6/6 in better eye and 6/9 in worse eye, with maximum residual refraction of
any meridian for myopia or hypermetropia. (v) Axial length within permissible limits'
{ci permanent Bodv Tattooi: For deiailed Tattoos Policy visit website www.ioinindianafmv.nig.in'
idi TE pa-ss d[ffiaiaat"*,rrst be in good physical and mental.health, freephysically
from any disability.
fit, in order to avoid any
iei prolpective candidates are advised to exercise and keep themselves
injury Oue to the rigorous physical training at lndian Military Academy. ln order to be a.ble to adjust to the regime
th-ese candidates ire aOvisLO to achieve following standards before joining the lMA, if finally selected:-
Running 2.4Km in 15 minutes (b) Push ups - 13 Nos (c) Sit ups - 25 Nos (d) Chin ups - 6 Nos
(e) Rope
climbing - 34 metres.

11. MEDICAL EXAMINATION: A candidate recommended by the services selection Board will undergo a medical
;;;ffie fit uy tne Medical board. The proceedings of the Medical Board are confidential and will not be divulged to
;t;;. ioni"r"r, candidates declared unfit by thl speciat Medic,al Board (sMB) will be intimated by the President of
the Medical Board. The procedure for request ior Appeal Medical Board (AMB) will be intimated to the candidales.
Unfit candidates should report for AMB with a maximum period of 42 days. Candidates are advised to note that
is to
Ril"iti"g Directorate has no role to play in any Medical Boards and procedure advised by the medical authoritiesprocedure
Oe stiiiify adhered to. Candidates dectired unnt Oy AMB will be intimated by the Preside_{r |[vlB about to
finding of AMB. Candidates will also be intimated that Review Medical Board (RMB) will be granted at the
discreti6n of DGAFMS based on the merits of the case and that RMB is not a right. Candidates will be considered
medically fit only on receipt of the approved Medical documents from Directorate General Medical Services.
noia,- bandidites are advised in'tireir own interest to undergo a prelimlnary medical check up for wax in ears, DNS,
EEEtive colour vision, over weight/under weight, piles, tonsillitis and visicocle before reporting for the SSB interview.

pERFoRMANcEs, Ncc eldfcRoulto, ETc HAvE No RoLE To PLAY. TltosE lN THE MERtr LIST AND wHo coME wlrHlN

The merit list of the recommended candidates will be displayed at the reception of DG Recruiting and its Website
i.e. www.ioinindianarmy.nic.in. bv 1st week of Jun 2017, after completion of.all formalities related to the entry.

14. ENTELEMENT FOR TRAVELLING ALLOWAN9E:_Candidates for SSB interview for the first time for a
partic.lllTiertoandfroRailwayfareorBusfareincludingreservation will NoT be
Lum steep6i charges within the lndian limit. Candidates who apply again for the same type of commission
entifled to travelling allowance on any subsequent occasion.

i5. On joining the Army, some of personal restrictions in service will be imposed in accordance with Article
33 of the
Constitution of fndia as piomulgated in the Army Act and Army Rules from time to time'
detected in the certiflcates/dpctlments will
NOTE l: Any ambiguitylfalse information/conceatmenlof information
f,=il86 of the candidature at any stage of setection.
date of interview, merit list, joining instructions and any dher
NOTE 2: For all queries regarding allotment of cenbes,
r,vwwloiningianarm,v.li*in, or contact Tele No' (011126173215 (bohrcen
relevant information please visit our website
Block-lll, R.K.Puram, New Delhi-1 1 0066'


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